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T Goal Planning Form

Specific: Expand my expertise in two different areas

(photography and drawing) in order to use that experience to
help with lesson planning to specifically try out some new
projects with my students. For photo I’m thinking about trying
out some product photography and experimenting with light
boxes to help teach my students about lighting. For drawing
I’m thinking about trying some charcoal and introducing that
to my students earlier in the year (usually doesn’t happen till
drawing 2 or higher).

Measurable: I’ll measure my own personal progress by

tracking the classes and tutorials that I watch, practice, and
learn from. And for measuring success with lesson planning
and implementation, I’ll do a reflection at the end of my units
and go over what went well and what struggled so I can make
changes for the next semester.

Achievable: This is achievable because I have plenty of

resources available. I’ll be relying on my art department to help
me find the classes that can benefit me the most. We’ll also
discuss this during department meetings and find ways to help
not just me but the other teachers as we prepare to help our

Relevant: Definitely relevant. As a photographer I feel very

confident with my photo skills and classes. But drawing is a
little challenging for me and I know that if I can focus on that it
will help build my confidence as well as my student’s
confidence in me.

Timely: I’m going to try to accomplish this goal during quarter

2 of this semester.

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