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Observation 10/18

Starting out:
● Students are listening right away
● Brams hat–no fight, he just took it off
● I see students who have their site up without you asking, putting in their bell ringer
● Students are clearly comfortable with you (asking questions)
● Battery and SD card is up for them to get.
● While some are getting set at the beginning, you could let those kids go, then help the
others while the rest are working?
● You know all names, and use them often
● Asked which one, hallway or outside: Told them the time (5 min)
● Talking to students about clubs like sports photography, etc.
● Warm-up: “How do we turn it in?” Maybe be clear about if they are submitting it or not.
● Organized canvas by week–things are easy to find
● Great recall–you waited until students weren’t talking, and addressed it if needed.
● When I look around at screens, only one is off task. That is much higher than our 85%
goal! 25/26 students consistently on task. Later in class, you chatted with him to get his
timeline in and to get off his phone. He did put his phone away.
● You are getting students who have struggled in Mark’s drawing totally on task. WELL
● I like that the assignment gives them a chance to look through a bunch of different
options and be inspired to take their own photos
● Orange form: I like that there is a system of holding students accountable and having
them go out of the room with a plan in mind.

Main Themes:
1. Built a culture of respect and hard work
2. Relationships are evident
3. Planning is evident–canvas organized, systems in place like uploading photos, having a
portfolio, orange sheet check out, etc.

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