Angelo Stagnaro - Conspiracy

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Angelo Stagnaro
(and that was just during rehearsals!!)
First Edition

© Copyright 2004 by Angelo Stagnaro

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American
Copyright Conventions.

ISBN: 0-9727938-2-8

For Seth Joseph Weine:
for his inspiration, direction,
patience and friendship

In magic, .~implicit)• mahe.\· the masterpiece

- Edmund Spn·er
Table of Contents
List of Effects -page 7
List of Codes -page 9
Preface -page 11
Foreword -page 13

Chapter 1 -SOOTHSAYER- page 17

Chapter 2 - ORACLE- page 27

Chapter 3 - AUGUR- page 41

Chapter 4 - PSIONICIST- page 53

Chapter 5 - PROGNOSTICATOR- page 59

Chapter 6 - CLAIRVOYANT- page 81

Chapter 7 - SEER- page 91

Chapter 8 - PSYCHIC- page 97

Chapter 9 - MEDIUM- page 103

Chapter 10 - MINDREADER- page 111

Chapter 11- VATICINATOR- page 117

Chapter 12- TELEPATH- page 123

About the Author-page 133

Magic Societies- page 135
Glossary- page 137
Bibliography- page 143
Appendices- page 149
Credits -page 155
List of Effects

Precognitive Dream .................................................................................................................................................... 31

Statistical Impossibility ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Dicey Chances ............................................................................................................................................................. 34
Lady Luck ...................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Magnetic Sense ........................................................................................................................................................... 35
Instant Identification .................................................................................................................................................. 36
Astral Projection .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Braggadocio ................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Room Service"- Revisited ........................................................................................................................................ 42
Unbeknownst ............................................................................................................................................................... 53
Telephonic Telepathy ................................................................................................................................................. 55
Preternatural ................................................................................................................................................................. 55
Electronic Psychometry ............................................................................................................................................ 56
Telepathic Images ....................................................................................................................................................... 57
Uncanny ......................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Horoscope Reading .................................................................................................................................................... 62
Name the Name ............................................................................................................................................................ 65
ESP Symbols ................................................................................................................................................................ 67
Symbology .................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Mass Hypnosis ............................................................................................................................................................ 68
What's My Line? .......................................................................................................................................................... 75
Tarot Reading ............................................................................................................................................................... 76
Second Sight 11 ............................................................................................................................................................. 76
Color ESP ...................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Clue ................................................................................................................................................................................. 78
Beyond Here Be Dragons ......................................................................................................................................... 78
Mass Mind ..................................................................................................................................................................... 79
X-ray Vision .................................................................................................................................................................. 81
Clairaudience I ............................................................................................................................................................. 81
Clairaudience II ............................................................................................................................................................ 82
The Garden of Good & Evil.. ..................................................................................................................................... 82
Clairaudience Ill ........................................................................................................................................................... 83
All-purpose Physical Code ....................................................................................................................................... 84
Ultimate Scrying .......................................................................................................................................................... 85

~~~~~~~h.~::~~~~ ~:
~g~g~~~e ~lvl~~tlon jl
Fakir Control ................................................................................................................................................................. 98

Photokinesis ............................................................................................................................................................... 101
Stasis 1.......................................................................................................................................................................... 101
Borrowed Change ..................................................................................................................................................... I 03
Tibetan Prayer Tube ................................................................................................................................................. I 03
Levitation ..................................................................................................................................................................... I 04
A Complete Mindreading Act ................................................................................................................................. 105
Danger Sense ............................................................................................................................................................. I 06
Neverfail ....................................................................................................................................................................... I 06
Chronokinesis ............................................................................................................................................................ I 07
Mysterio ....................................................................................................................................................................... I 07
Come Hither ................................................................................................................................................................ I 08
Comic Interlude ......................................................................................................................................................... 108
Pure Magic .................................................................................................................................................................. Ill
Classic ESP ................................................................................................................................................................ 113
Unearthly Premonition ............................................................................................................................................. 113
Newspaper Prognostication ................................................................................................................................... 114
Impossible Card Apportation ................................................................................................................................. 114
Personal Reading/Telephone Number Revelation ........................................................................................... 117
Transmogrification ................................................................................................................................................... 118
Personal Magnetism ................................................................................................................................................. 119
Levitating Table ......................................................................................................................................................... 119
I Spy·············································································································································································· 120
Dowsing ....................................................................................................................................................................... 120
Mot Juste ..................................................................................................................................................................... 121
Cryokinesis ................................................................................................................................................................. 123
Cool Thoughts ........................................................................................................................................................... 123
Fahrenheit 451 ........................................................................................................................................................... 124

ran male Apportation ........... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ..... ...... ... ........... ... ... .. ....
: 128
Any Drawing, Anytime ..........................................................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 129

List of Codes
Pure Magic



Classic ESP
Latent Psionics

Telepathic Images
A Complete Mindreading Act
Mot Juste
Any Drawing, Anytime

Danger Sense
Pure Magic

White Magic
Telephonic Telepathy

All-purpose Physical Code

Electronic Psychometry
X-ray Vision
Handy Psychometry
Tibetan Prayer Tube
men•tal•ism n 1 : of or relating to the magic of the mind
2 : a form of stage and close-up magic that simulates
telepathy, ESP, telekinesis, precognition and other extra-
sensory or psychic paranormal skills or experiences
3 : a really neat form of magic - men•tal•ist n

part•ner n 1 :ASSOCIATE, COLLEAGUE 2: either of two

persons who perform together 3 : one of two or more
persons associated as joint performers - part•ner•ship n

Ralph Kramden: "What is this object? Does it ring a bell?"

Ed Norton: "It is a bell!"
Ralph Kramden: "That is correct! What is this object? Watch out!"
Ed Norton: "It i.~ a watch!!"
Ralph Kramden: "That is correct! What is it that I have in my hand? It might be over your head!"
Ed Norton: "Is it algebra?!"
-from the "Honeymooners."

"Card tricks? It's a gimmicked deck!"

"Coin tricks? You're using a fake coin!"
"Stage illusions? Trap doors, sets of twins and camera tricks!"
"Escapes? He's got a key!"
"Close-up? He has it up his sleeve!"
"Mentalism? ...... Ah! ... Ummm! I don't know ... "

Many who perform even a single feat of mental prestidigitation will agree with me that no matter how well-executed your pass is,
or how undetectable your gimmicked coins are, your audience will smile and approve and then wait for the next effect. A good
mentalist will be able to leave his audience gasping for breath on the floor, shocked, eyes and jaws wide-open, bewildered at the
possibility that anyone can know their most secret thoughts; that they actually possess ESP, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, precognition.
telepathy and other psychic abilities. How much more can you ask for in a magic effect? This is as close to "real magic" as one
can get. .. at least in the minds of your audience.

I intended this book to be a resource for magicians and mentalists interested in expanding their acts into what I consider a very
challenging and immensely gratifying field of magical entertainment. But ... as my ancient Roman ancestors use to say: "De
gustibus et coloribus non disputandem est!" A figurative translation would be: "Intelligent people shouldn't argue about tastes."
That is, mentalism isn't everyone's "cup of chai'' but being in the presence of an excellent mentalist who performs without
pretense and egotistic delusions is a wonder to behold. I praise the work of good close-up magicians. stage illusionists and
escapes acts will always hold a fascination for me but mentalism is my preferred form of artistic expression.

All of the codes I came across in preparing my act were unnecessarily complicated. So complex, in fact, that I went through hair
a dozen assistants before I could find one with the intelligence and perseverance to memorize them. But the opposite was
similarly undesirable. Obviously, the "Honeymooner" mentalist skit that I quote above was meant to be humorous but I have seen
mentalist acts that were actually that transparent. Let's presume for the duration of your career that EVERY audience you will
EVER encounter, other than the unforgivably gullible, will always presume that you and your partner are using a code or some
predetermined agreement. Keeping that in mind, I have created these innocent-looking, commercial. information-transmitting
codes and other partner-style mentalist effects designed to help you create a truly magical reputation for yourself.

Mentally yours,

mag•ic n 1: the use of means (as charms or spells)
believed to have supernatural power over natural
forces 2: an extraordinary power or influence
seemingly from a supernatural force 3 : SLEIGHT OF
HAND - magic adj- mag•i•cal - mag•i•cal•ly adv

Prior to August 2003 I only knew Angelo Stagnaro through his outstanding monthly e-zine,
Smoke and Mirrors. Imagine my surprise when Angelo honored me with a request to write
the foreword to his new book, Conspiracy. Shortly thereafter, I received a rough copy to
peruse. Truthfully, like many of my peers I had only occasionally utilized the primary
subject of the book, the use of confederates, stooges, and similar artifices to perpetuate our
beloved art of entertaining deception known as mentalism. Like others, I disdained the
practice for many years primarily because it afforded audiences a very logical explanation
for the miraculous happenings they witnessed: the use of a confederate who is acting in
collusion with the performer. As time went by and my knowledge of mentalism increased, I
realized that once the possibility ofcollusion was erased by a seemingly indiscriminate
selection of an audience member, a secret collaborator could be used to great advantage.

For those ofyou who have seen me perform over the past 62 years, where and when I took
advantage of this secret weapon shall also remain a secret. The only effect that I published
that employed the principle was entitled, Thumb Fun. It was created to enable my lovely
wife April, to emulate my seemingly psychic abilities without having to possess any skills
other than her innate ability to act. Amazingly the effect did not appear in any of my books,
it was published as How to Read Minds in a book edited by friend, Jerry Dunn, entitled
Tricks of the Trade for Kids. This 218-page paperback purported to reveal the secrets
behind the success of 50 renowned personalities. My humble contribution appears on page

Before I studied the contents ofAngelo's Conspiracy, 1 asked him to e-mail me a brief
history of his background. What I received was voluminous to say the least. Before 1
reached his magic resume I discovered that my newfound friend had an extensive and
outstanding inventory of academic achievements. To put things in perspective. comparing
Angelo's scholastic record with mine would be like comparing Socrates to Daffy Duck.
Surprisingly to me, his accomplishments in magic and mentalism were hardly less
impressive. Angelo has performed magic and mentalism for nearly twenty years. He has
also performed extensively around the world, appearing on television in the United States
and Spain. In fact, the deeper I penetrated his list of credits, the more impressed 1 was with
Angelo Stagnaro. Especially after 1finished absorbing his extensive treatise which in
Angelo's word'i consists of "codes and illusions for the modern stage mentalist and secret
assistants, confederates, associates, allies, shills, collaborators. cohorts, plants.
accomplices, coadjutors, spies, accessories, stooges, pawns, co-conspirators. assistants,
colleagues and other partners in magic" ... intentional or not.

Had I been familiar with the contents of this encyclopedic work on mentalism's version
of the confederacy, I would have utilized this devastating tool considerably more over
the years. What_surprised me even more, notwithstanding how many years I have been
a performer and creator of mentalism, is the inspiration I derived from Angelo's
material. My mind has been buzzing ever since I put it down. In fact, I'll make a
prediction. Angelo's creativity in mentalism will soon assure him a respected position
among mentalism 's elite thinkers, especially after the publication of this volume and the
remaining two volumes of a mentalism encyclopedic trilogy.

I sincerely hope that you derive as much enjoyment and material as I have from a
Conspiracy that I'm privileged to have had a preview of I'm sure that you, like me, will
be eagerly looking forward to more of the same from a very bright and talented thinker,
Angelo Stagnaro.

Larry Becker
September 2003

() Transmits information
~ Previously agreed upon behavior
.E Verbal Code
t Physical Code
& Written Code

* Requires specialized equipment

II Requires electronic equipment
~ Requires hand-made item
~ Requires Internet connection
~ Variation of an effect already on the market
4- Card effect
$ Money effect
~ Close-up effect
+ Platform effect
• Parlor effect
~ Stage effect
~ Home/Established setting
• Can be performed on the telephone
5;1 Involves animals
ntt Labor Intensive
/}) Escape
- Requires Costume
w Street Magic
re1 Restaurant Magic
CD Timing: Critical

sooth•say•er n : one who foretells events
- sooth•say•ing
If the British went out by water, to show two lanterns in the North
Church steeple; and if by land, one as a signal, for we were apprehensive
it would be difficult to cross the Charles River or get over Boston Neck.
- Paul Revere, (Signal code arranged with Colonel Conant of the Charlestown
Committee of Safety (April16, 1775), Letter to Dr. Jeremy Belknap)

Cryptology is the science of communicating in secure and secret forms. The term cryptology is derived from the
Greek krypt6s, meaning "hidden," and logos, meaning "word." Secrecy is maintained between the transmitter and
the receiver by virtue of a key (i.e., a piece of information known only to them.) The need to pass on specific
information only to specific audiences is an ability that has proven to be very useful throughout history. We know,
for example, that Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar used them. Napoleon used the semaphore code specifically
so that information would not fall into the wrong hands while travelling openly across long distances. The Enigma
Code was used by the Germans during World War II with great success until the British correctly deciphered it.
Spies throughout the years and in every country have developed ways of passing on information in nonchalant,
secretive ways. This book explores examples of such codes between mentalists and their confederates.

The term "extrasensory perception" (ESP) was coined in 1870 by Sir Richard Burton. A French researcher, Dr. Paul
Joire, in 1892 used the term "ESP" to describe the ability of people who had been hypnotized to sense things
externally without using their ordinary senses. The first systematic study of ESP was conducted in 1882, when the
Society for Psychical Research, founded in London. J. B. Rhine (1895-1980) researched paranormal topics including
telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance and telekinesis. In 1927, Rhine and his wife Louisa began a full-time
investigation of ESP at Duke University, North Carolina. Rhine's work continued until his death in 1980.

The psychiatrist Carl G. Jung proposed a similar theory that the conscious mind has subliminal psychic access to the
collective unconscious, a vast repository of accumulative wisdom and experience of the human race. Louisa E.
Rhine explored this possibility when she proposed the theory that ESP starts in the unconscious, a veritable
storehouse of memories, hopes and fears. At this point a contact is made between the objective world and the mind.
The person remains unaware of this contact until or unless the information is brought to the conscious level.

It was found in a survey published in 1987 by the University ofChicago's National Opinion Research Council that
67% of American adults believed they had experienced ESP. Eleven-years earlier the figure was 58% and more than
75% of people report continual feelings of deja vu. 17% of Americans have consulted fortunetellers, which
translates to 50 million people. No matter the scientific explanation for these phenomena, they are certainly common
to the human experience. If they are common then they must be natural and not "supernatural."

1 have gathered together a number of codes from dozens of sources and several of my own invent1on !or th1s book. I
su est examining each of the code systems described herein so that both you and your partner can d1sc~ss. the
~;r~ts and problems inherent in each. 1 would also suggest memorizing several of them so that you aren t t1ed to a
specific routine.
The problem with the coded systems of yore is that they required countless months of practice •. the slighte~t mistake
caused irrevocable mistakes, they could not be made to fit unexpected situ.ations and they reqUired mentahsts to
speak convolutedly and in unnatural grammar, syntax and vocabulary ch01ces. I have use~ all of th~ ef!ects that I
have included in this book in my performances throughout the years. Each can be used Without hes1tatJon as they are
all audience-tested and mentalist-approved.

Have you ever experienced one or more of the following situations:

• Deja vu
• Know who's calling on the telephone before you answer it
• Kismet/Fate
• Flashes of intuition
• Realize someone's passing at the very moment that it happened
• Psychic or spiritual connection to a place, an object or a person
• Realize a close friend or family member was in trouble and needed your assistance
• Those times when you were certain you knew what someone was thinking
• Those times when you were certain what numbers to chose on a lottery ticket
• Premonition of good or unfortunate results

So have I. We've all heard the stories of people changing their travel plans at the very last moment only later to
learn that they avoided an unfortunate accident. How often have any of us said, "I was just thinking about you!"
when bumping into someone we did not expect to meet? A humorous example of paranormal phenomenon is the
scene in the Oscar-winning movie "Life is Beautiful." Benigni's character "psychically" compels a woman he was
interested in to look toward him simply by waving his hands hypnotically and saying, "Tum toward me! Tum
toward me!"

I'm not qualified to suggest an explanation for these phenomena but I do use these common experiences as an
introduction to my mentalism act to draw my audience into the performance. I would rather steer away from a
preternatural explanation because it's dishonest. Personally I would never let an audience believe that I'm "gifted"
in some way or that I have access to supernatural powers. I think that is simply nonsense and most modem
audiences are not willing to suspend disbelief that much. It does a disservice to the world and to the community of
magicians when a "fakir" sets up impossible standards that most other mentalists and mental magicians will not be
able to attain.

Personally, I don't believe in ESP and the other allied psychic skills. Others might disagree but if you truly exhibit
any of these abilities I would say that you are wasting your time on the stage; you would best be served working on
Wall Street or for the National Weather Service. Furthermore, I find it reprehensible and unprofessional to bilk
?eopl~ of money just for the.sake of one's career; one would have to be a true misanthrope to deceive people
mtent10nally for personal gam. The appeal of mentalism is that humans don't have these abilities and mentalists
strive to "reproduce" them through artifice and guile. Stage and close-up magicians no longer claim "mastery over
th~ el.ements" or of " helpers" to explain their effects. These days, they clearly and honestly attribute their
abll1t1es to cleverness, 11lus10n and dexterity. They are quick to point out the difference between illusion and what
some. people mig~t thin.k is "real" m~gic. I believe one can perform mentalism without resorting to deceptive
practices. So, as I ve la1d out the eth1cs that performers should keep in mind as they go about their acts you'll see
that there is a fine line that needs to be treaded ... but treaded it will be.

This manuscript contains several types of effects:

I) Codes for mentalist teams designed to transmit secret information between them; and
2) Mentalist effects performed with the previously agreed upon cooperation of a secret partner.

The legend in the beginning of this book will help you determine which effects are best for your performance.
Each effect is described in detail and, where necessary, performance tips, photos and diagrams are included. Patter
~uggestions are listed at ~he end of every effect. A glossary of mentalism and psychic and paranormal terms is
mcluded at the end ofth1s book to help you develop your patter. Appendices contain further useful information.

Magicians practice the art of illusion; the science of the unreal. In order to be successful, mentalists need to give the
impression that they do in fact "alter" reality. Mentalism portrays some truly bizarre effects including the creation of
flames, reading minds, knowing the future and moving objects telepathically. Since these "phenomena" are
obviously unreal, we have to present ourselves as being comfortable with them but not present ourselves as some
type of "mystic." You are more of a leader in this regard than a performer. Like any good magician, you must
facilitate your audience's suspension of belief. A well-executed knowing smile, for instance, will be generally
enough to waylay suspicion. Not putting on airs is another; people can see through this.

No matter what persona you wish to project on stage or how you want to present your performance, you will need to
create an environment of complete believability for your sake and that of your audience. The mentalist bas to be able
to manipulate his audience's credulity successfully; his performance and reputation demands it. If you are not
convinced of your own verisimilitude, then no one else will be.

I've performed with magicians who, though completely familiar with the principles of misdirection when it comes to
coin and card work, are fish-out-of-water when it comes to mentalism. It's a different style of magic than the others.
You must appear extremely confident and yet inviting and warm to your audience; a boisterous or rude mentalist
quickly looses the respect of his audience ... and then his audience as well.

Be sure to couch your pronouncements with "outs." Don't be specific unless you feel you have a reasonable chance
of success. Other forms of misdirection include Docc Hi! ford's examples on his videotape How to Turn Ordinary
Tricks into Mind-Shaking Miracles. Most of them deal with telling people what you want them to believe and telling
them what to remember after the fact. All of cold reading is based on the ploy of telling people what they want to
hear. An example of this type ofpsychological misdirection is Paul Harris' use of exaggeration in his performance
of the Balducci Method of Levitation. He suggests to magicians that after "levitating" a few inches off the ground.
they should tum to their audiences and spread their hands several feet apart and excitedly ask them if they saw you
levitate "that much." The shock of seeing someone levitate and the excited manner of the person levitating should be
enough to "scare" people into believing you. Larry Becker also uses misquoting and prevarication to misdirect his


veri•si•mil•i•tude- n : the quality or state of appearing to be true

I've always loved the word "verisimilitude." As you'll note the definition I quote above refers not to something that
is true but something that seems to be true. It is this very concept that needs to be exploited for the success of
mentalist acts. Consider the following ways in which you can "randomly" choose a "volunteer:"

Clear Forcing Bag Method
A mentalist shows a large clear plastic envelope full of folded strips of paper. A volunteer is called up to examine
several of the strips. Each one contains the name of a different person in the audience. The strips are returned to the
envelope and the volunteer is then asked to select one. The secret to this bag is that it has two compartments. One
contains authentic billets, each with a different name. The other compartment has an equal number of billets, each
containing the same name; the name of your confederate. The second time you ask your volunteer to select a single
name, you maneuver the bag so that her hand goes into the secret gimmicked compartment.

Mesh Forcing Bag Method

Assemble together three pieces of fabric: I) a wide-mesh cloth, 2) a gauze-like fabric and 3) a second piece of wide-
mesh cloth. All of these pieces should be approximately 9" x II" (23 em x 28 em.) Sew along three-sides to from a
bag. You may hem the remaining open end. This bag is essentially the same as the Clear Forcing Bag mentioned
above. The handling is the same.

Ping-Pong Ball Method

This method allows for an absolutely "free" choice in volunteers. The mentalist stands before his audience with a
bowl of Ping-Pong balls, one of which is marked with a red X. He announces that whoever catches the marked ball
will be his assistant. In actuality, none of the Ping-Pong balls thrown out to the audience are marked. Your stooge
sitting in the audience already has a ball marked with a red X palmed in his hand. He feigns catching a ball as the
others fly past him and produces the palmed one. In the flurry ofmotion from having 10-12 Ping-Pong balls flying
into an audience with everyone present scrambling for a ball, no on will notice your confederate "retrieving" a single


Be secret and exult,

Because of all things known
That is most difficult
-William Butler Yeats

Collab.orat.ors can found everywhere. The level of helpfulness and acting ability will vary from person to person
but, With time, pat1ence and a good sense judgment on your part, you can find those sympathetic to helping you.
Look for possible impromptu collaborators among:

• Family and friends of the person you hope to read

• Their colleagues and business associates
• Secretaries


The secret is the thing ..Don't appr~ach people. wh.o are "above reproach;" they rarely have a well-developed sense of
humor necessary to be 1~ on the tr1ck. Be spann~ m those you take into your confidence; they might be too eager to
expose you. Afte~ards 1mpress upon them the Importance of secrecy and for their continued support even AFTER
the performance IS over. Don't be demanding but do strive to be personable. Your personal warmth should be
enough to compel them. St. John Don Bosco, the Catholic patron saint of magicians, once said "If you wish to b
loved, you must first be lovable." ' e


~ith the. proliferation of Yellow a~d White Pages search engines throughout the Web, a great deal of ersonal
mforrnatJOn can be legally and ethlcall~ found o~t about your audience members. One mentalist su ri~ed me for a
~ew ~econ~s when he t~l~ me where I hved prev10usly, that is, until I realized that he had gotten it ;;ffan old
ata ~e. t was a surpnsmg effect nonetheless. See the description of an Internet-related effect called Ultimate
Scrymg on page 85.

WARNING: If you want to be convincing, DO NOT divine the spectator's e-mail address!!! DO NOT even
use th~ words "We~" or "Internet" or anything that could remotely suggest that the information you're
revealing could easily be retrieved by half the planet! It won't do well for your career.


My past cold reading successes include "divining" some spectators as being Maltese, Tyrolian, Ibo, Vietnamese and
Romanian using the following clues:

• Maltese -a volunteer wore a ring inscribed with a Maltese Cross, a rather uncommon sigil;
• Tyrolian- a volunteer was clearly Germanic-looking but spoke Italian perfectly;
• lbo - a volunteer had a scar on her cheek reminiscent of wards against evil, as is the custom among the Ibo of
Nigeria. Her accent cinched the idea;
• Vietnamese- an Asian woman I met spoke English with a French accent. Vietnam was a former French colony;
• Romanian- the volunteer spoke a language very reminiscent of Italian and Spanish and yet I could barely
understand it even though I spoke both of those languages; Romanian was the only other option left.

In the movie "Leap of Faith," Steve Martin's character reasons that a police officer is a violin virtuoso simply
because he had a mark on his chin; the mark was from excessive violin practice. It would be impossible for me to
list everything you could use as a sign or clue about everything else that humans do in the world but if you remain
open to the learning process and earnestly seek out experiences you will greatly improve your performance skills.


• Ethnic names are excellent clues to religion and ethnicity;
• Look for crucifixes, Stars of David, Orthodox crosses, yarmulkes, Sikh bracelets, Moslem skullcaps, Hindu "Om"
pendants. They provide valuable information as to the religious predilections of your audience members;
• DAMAGE CONTROL: Should you make a mistake and miscall someone's religion you might try something
humorous like: "Yes, but you only recently converted .... "

It's important to be a "people person." Misanthropes are best directed to other forms ofmagic ... ifany exist that
could better accommodate them. Mentalism is for personable, charismatic performers; people who are frequently
complemented for being intuitive, helpful, sympathetic, compassionate and gentle of spirit. Why? So that you can
better understand motives, predict behavior and gain insight into people's lives both past and present, and possible

A stage illusionist misdirects his audience with scantily clad women, sudden loud sounds, flashes of light and the
sheer size of his stage. Card & coin workers misdirect with their eyes and hands. A mentalist might resort to these
tricks of the trade, but largely he depends upon his presence, his speech, his charisma and his mystique. It can be
argued that mentalism requires more of a sense of mystery to be convincing then do other forms of magic. One can
also be humorous in presentation; it can help the performer to "lighten up." Being too serious might work against

It's important to develop an eidetic memory; it would be highly beneficial to take a course in memory development.
Acting, choreography and stagecraft classes are also helpful and can only add to your performance. It's an
unfortunate aspect of modem magic and mentalism that performers forget that we are stage performers no less
important than singers, dancers and other entertainers.

Read any book on Tarot. You'll be amazed at how general the "readings" and "interpretations" are for each of the
cards. Here's an example:

"'You have been lied to in the past and it caused you a great deal of
pain. The person was someone you respected and trusted very much."

(fa single person who reads this manuscript can tell me that the above st~tement ~?ES NOT describe him or her, I
would say that he or she isn't telling the truth. Everyone has had a trust vwlat~d; _It IS part and ~arcel o~ the human
experience, unfortunate though it might be. Cold Readi~g offers such generahzatwns couched m seemmgly
"specific" language.

Here's another great example:

"You have a scar that hasn't completely healed."

Now, in the event that a spectator actually manages to escape the regular scrapes and near misses of a normal
childhood, the above "reading" can be interpreted to mean a "psychological or emotional scar." The cold reader
wins either way. This type of equivocation is imperative for the success of a mentalist.

• HAM IT UP! Instead of the answer "a house" say instead: "I see a beautiful, smallish house. Full of love and
light. There are friends and family all around. There are beautiful moments shared there ... "
• Best to use a combination of signals throughout one's show. Don't rely on any one particular system no matter
how well it works for you;
• Don't restrict your performance only to confederate-style effects. Use other mentalist effects in conjunction with

• Gimmicked Blindfolds:
Several of the codes in this book will require the use of a blindfold. There are many good books on how to construct
one yourself. Sam Dalal of India produces several types of inexpensive and examinable blindfolds; your local dealer
will be certain to carry them.

• Aluminum Blindfold:
Exactly what you must think: a blindfold made of aluminum. This is an older item that isn't made any more but with
some patience and some metal cutting tools you can have a thoroughly examinable blindfold. The Osterlind original
version of this blindfold was completely ungimmicked. It allowed its wearer to see by looking straight down the
sides of his nose. It was effective because it was a single piece of relatively thick aluminum without any aperture.

• Peek/No Peek Hood Method

A cleverly designed hood fits completely over the mentalist's head. It can be placed over a spectator's head but they
will not be able to engage the gimmick that would allow complete visibility. For more information on this unique
piece, contact me directly at

• Crystal Ball
A real crystal ball made from rock crystal of any size suitable for stage presentation will cost an unimaginable and
unwarranted amount of money. A synthetic crystal ball, on the other hand, will not only be flawless but also
affordable to most performers.

• Swami Gimmick
Available at any well-stocked magic store.

• Clear Plastic Force Bag

Read the instructions on its construction and use on page 20.

• PK-style magnet
Available at any well-stocked magic store.

• Rare-earth magnets
Available at any well-stocked hardware or educational toy store.

• Thumb tip
Available at any well-stocked magic store.

• Palmtop or laptop with Internet connection

Palmtops oUaptops with Internet access are now ~ommonly found on the market. A laser printer with a very small
footprint is also useful.

• Pick someone with whom you don't mind spending a great deal of time. This first and foremost means someone
who either lives near you or at least someone with whom you will have daily or nearly daily contact. Ingraining
the codes into your respective memories is the hardest aspect of this type of partner mentalism work. The more
time you spend together the better for you both. A pre-existing friendship may not be a requisite to learning these
codes but it would certainly help; a mentalist team needs to be able to read each other well;

• Two- and three-persons telepathy team: Don't disregard the possibility of having a third or even a fourth partner.
People who would suspect a hidden assistant might want to have a particular person removed from the room but
they would be less likely to think that you had multiple assistants. If a confederate is asked to leave the room
during a performance, a third accomplice will be completely overlooked;

• I've been asked many times whether I prefer a male or female confederate. I'd have to say that I've had more
success with males. This is most probably for several reasons. Most of my stooges were magicians themselves
with a great deal of experience with misdirection and keeping secrets. Second, I think the presence of a man at a
magic or mentalist performance draws less attention than would a woman. But, this is not meant as a hard and fast
rule; you should choose your hidden partner as best fits your purposes;

• Don't stare directly at the source of secret information ... this is only common sense and yet it is the number one
mistake of new mentalists;

• A confederate has to be able to manipulate his audience successfully. He has to be completely believable despite
the radical and clearly unreal nature of the goings-on of which he is a part.

There is a condition that is generally classified as a "learning disability"

known as "directionally-confused." People with this disability
continually confuse right and left. Some of the codes in this book are
right/left-specific and might cause a problem with those who have
difficulty distinguishing the two. Generally it is not fatal. .. unless of
course the medium and the assistant get into an argument!



498 fooled people out of a possible 500-audience members is good enough ... it's outstandin_g actually. The fact that
you didn't fool two people is approximately the same success rate as any other type ofmagtc performance. ~n a
normal performance, no matter what your specialty in magic is, you'll find som~ ~eopl_e refuse to be entertamed;
they are so bitter towards magic and magicians that they can not have an entertammg ttme.

1 remember several incidences when, after doing a card trick for a large crowd, one person will speak out saying:
"Hey! That's not real magic!" I would generally respond to them "What was your first clue~ When I took the car~s
out of the box?" That usually solicits enough laughter for the heckler to sulk away. There w1ll be people who cant
and won't appreciate your performance in the way it is meant to be enjoyed. Disregard them.

• Use humor;
• Try to appear as if you are receiving a shadow of incomplete thoughts ("receive as an impression"). If you are
successful, your audience will respond accordingly. If you are a little off or completely off the mark, you have an
• Build it up- explain yourself;
• Use a few tangents;
• Keep talking ... like any good magician;
• Speak a lot, say nothing- speak in generalities.

The gent who wakes up and finds himself a success hasn't been asleep.
- Wilson Mizner

• Much to his annoyance, I frequently call my partner on the telephone and instead of introducing myself I will
simply say "Eight of Hearts." To which he will need to give me the correct coded response. It's important to keep
everyone on their toes.

• One can never have too much practice. Set aside time everyday or at least several times a week to devote to the
study of these codes.

• It's also important to learn how to give and to receive codes. Some situations will be completely unexpected and
you will need to deal with them.


Because mentalism is such a distinct and complex aspect of magic, very frequently, its specialists refuse to be called
"magicians" but "mentalists" instead. The best definition I have come across about what a mentalist does comes
from Marc Salem:

An illusionist tries to fool the eye.

A ventriloquist tries to fool the ear.
And a mentalist tries to fool the mind.

I highly sug~est watching Steve Ma~in'~ "Leap of Faith." It is a must-see for mentalism partners to see what teams
can ~ccomphsh toge~er. A lot ofthe1r tnckery wa~ el_ectr~nic but many "effects" were accomplished with sheer
chansma, braggadociO, common sense and a keen ms1ght mto humanity.

What we should see when w~ witness a performer and his confederate at work is "nothing ... nothing at all." You and
ydofiur p~ner would be the epitome of, the very flower of, the quintessence of, nonchalance Consider the following
e m1t10ns: ·

non•cha•lant- f!dj IF, fr. OF, fr. prp. of nonchaloir to disregard, fr. non- not+ chaloir to
concern fr. L ca/Ere to be wannJ · oi • f1i r ·
• · ... vmg an e ect o unconcern or mdifference syn collected,

composed, cool, imperturbable, unOappable, unruffied - non•cba•lance n - non•cha•lant•ly

im•per-turb•able- adj : marked by extreme calm, impassivity and steadiness : SERENE

sang•froid- n [F sang-froid, lit., cold blood[ : self-possession or an imperturbable state esp.

under strain

a•plomb- n [F, lit., perpendicularity, fr. MF, fr. aplomb, lit., according to the plummet[ :
complete composure or self-assurance

• Be clever, clear-minded and quick-witted. If you plan to cold read a volunteer you'll want to pay attention to her
body language and outward appearance. Be astute, discerning, wily, crafty, penetrating and clever. Be ingenious,
artful, canny, cunning, shrewd and resourceful. You have to be able to understand your audience better than they
understand themselves;

• The only way to make an audience believe you are "aboveboard" is to appear self-confident. I can't stress this
enough. Lack of self-confidence might conceivably work with a self-working card trick or with a coin effect but 1
assure you it will not in a mentalist act;

• Don't overdue it. Three tries with the same code is plenty. Even the most undetectable code system can be
figured out with close examination;

• The mentalist and confederate have to be consummate actors, liars and frauds ... anything less and you're opening
yourself up for failure;

• Subtly ONLY ... nothing obvious! No winks, nods or elbows, yelling or hooting, St. Vitus Dance attacks,
dancing, capering or other nonsense. This is mentalism: the pretense of psychic ability. If you pretend to be a
psychic then you should act mysteriously and professional not clownishly. This is mentalism NOT charades;


When a situation comes up where the mentalist has to decide on two possibilities, consider using a pause to indicate
the WRONG choice. Using a pause for the correct choice would be too obvious. Consider the following examples:

"Is the source ofthis letter .. .local or international?"- This would indicate
that the mentalist should choose "international" as the correct response.

"Is the source of this letter local or ... international?"- This would indicate
that the mentalist should choose "local" as the correct response.

If your medium makes a mistake, remain silent. Your silence will signal to her that she is mistaken. She can then
reconsider whether to respond or take further clues from you.

In the case where you have misinterpreted a signal from your confederate you'll need some damage control.
Endeavor to be humble as that sells best but try to be proactive. Raise your hand to your forehead or shake your head
as iftrying to understand a misunderstood image or thought. Say: "I don't know ... it's something weird!! You're
very conflicted by this ... as if you were embarrassed somehow."


A good mentalist act requires very few props ... try to keep it that way. Artifice raises suspicion and gives the
audience reason to doubt you and equate you with being a "magician." Don't combine "Run Rabbit, Run" with a
mentalist effect. .. it simply won't work.

Other than securing important information for you for an effect of your own design, your confederate can be useful
in other ways also. You can create your own mentalist confederate-style effect by simply adjusting an established
effect in the following ways:

I. Perform any card effect with a prior agreement with your confederate when you give him a "free choice;"
2. Imagine the ease at which an effect that requires a stacked deck can be performed if you ask your confederate to
give the deck a few false shuffles;
3. A fairly and openly examined normal deck of cards can be switched for a gaffed one at the last minute by your
4. A coin effect that requires a gimmicked coin can be enhanced if is it borrowed from a confederate. Alternatively,
a normal coin from a volunteer can be palmed off for a gimmicked coin before it is handed to the mentalist;
5. If you use a gimmicked deck (or any other gimmicked prop) your confederate could demand to examine it. His
vehemence should be enough to waylay any suspicion from the remainder of the audience;
6. Billet and envelope switches are more easily facilitated through the use of a confederate;
7. You can also ask a confederate to "volunteer" a prearranged response. For example: "You are thinking of the
color red ... "

What I have written here is not to be taken as Gospel. Recreate, reinvent and redevelop these ideas with your
partner. The problem with too many other code systems on the market is that they are tied up in a certain manner
and performance philosophy. I've tried to make the codes in this book flexible enough so that they can evolve into
something better suited for you and your partner. If you two decide that a different sign is more appropriate for you
and your partner, go for it.

Chapter or•a•cle n 1 : one held to give divinely
inspired answers or revelations 2 : an

2 authoritative or wise utterance; also : a

person of great authority or wisdom -
orac•u•lar adj

Kirlian Photo raph

In magic, the mind is led ingeniously,

step by step, to defeat its own logic.
- Dai Vernon

EFFECT: The mentalist allows a spectator to freely select a card and keep it to herself. He then asks yet another
spectator to merely think of a card and to write it down on a pad of paper. The mentalist then explains the concept of
Kirlian photography. The mentalist introduces an instant camera and takes a photo of the spectator who selected the
card. When the photo develops, a spiritual presence revealing the card's identity is clearly displayed.
METHOD: Penn & Teller's book How to Play in
Traffic contains a more detailed explanation of this
effect but the transparencies that are included in that
book aren't very interesting. Furthermore, using a
confederate makes this effect stronger. Photocopy this
page and transfer the image onto an acetate
transparency. Cut out the square and simply place the
cut-out on top of the standard Poloroid 600/0ne-Step
camera film pack. Fit it into metal tray so that it doesn't
slip out.
Before loading the film pack into your camera,
remember that you will not be able to remove the
unused film without exposing it. You will need to use all
of the photos before retrieving the acetate transparency.
When you expose the film, the image of Elvis will
appear in the upper left-hand comer of the photo holding
the force card .
A problem with the original effect is that it seems
suspicious; spectators will naturally start to wonder
about the camera. I find that the use of a confederate
will increase the emotional effect on one's audience.
After you force the appropriate card (in this case, the
Three of Spades) on your legitimate spectator, ask a second spectator, your confederate, to join you on stage. Ask
him merely to think of a card. Prior to your performance, arrange with your confederate to write down Three of
Spades when he is asked to "select" a card. When the image appears on the photo. your audience might suspect the
camera is gimmicked. Having your second spectator mentally select a card will deflect attention from the camera
and will add to the mystery of the effect.
TIP: Make sure you position the camera in such a way as to ensure your spectator is on the right side of the
view tinder. Have the volunteer stand in front of a light-colored surface. Also, it's important to explain the concept of
Kirlian photography AFTER you take the picture to give time for the photo to develop. The patter about Kirlian
Photography will till this the time.
PAlTER: Kirlian Photography

Oui"a Board

The mistake you make is trying to figure it out.

-Tennessee Williams

EFFECT: A volunteer selects a card but doesn't look at it. Instead she places it face down on a Ouija Board in front
of the mentalist. The mentalist then explains the function historically ascribed to the board and explains that though
spirits are not responsible for messages that are portrayed on them, it is possible that the collective unconscious of
the group can manifest itself. Everyone lightly places his or her fingertips onto the planchette. Through some
mysterious movements, the card's identity is revealed.

METHOD: The planchette found in a Ouija Board game can easily be gaffed with high-ferrous nails or iron filings.
Your confederate controls the movement of the planchette with slight movements with a magnet hidden at the tip of
his shoe.

TIP: Secure rare earth magnets as they are the most powerful. Use magician's wax to adhere it in place.

PATTER: Hypnotism, Mass Hypnotism, Precognition, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Intuition, Thought Planting

Telepathic S nchronicit

They say to the seers, "See no more visions!"

and to the prophets, "Give u.~ no more visions of
what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions."
- Isaiah 30:10

EFFECT: A me_ntalist writes down a number on a Post-It Note Pad" and holds it to his chest. Two random spectators
are chosen to su~nlarly wnte a smgle number on their own respective pads. After some by-play, the three numbers
are shown to be Identical.

METHOD: This effect works just as a normal Swami gimmick-type effect would. The only difference is that the
second volunteer, your confederate, is the one using the Swami gimmick. He simultaneously writes down the
number g1ven by the first legitimate spectator as he announces it.

TIP: ,After you ask the legitimate vol~nteer to reveal her selected number, ask her to repeat the answer as if you
hadn t heard her. The advantage to th1s method is that it will give both you and your confederate more tim t
wnte out the announced number. e 0 c 1ear 1Y

PATTER: Group Mind, Mass Hypnosis. Subliminal Suggestion, Telepathy

Ps chic Interlude

~· Mundus vult decipi, decipiatur ergo.

(The world wants to be deceived, so deceive it.)

E~FECT: The mentalist's assistant walks into the audience and quietly points to five different objects. The
blindfolded mentalist standing on stage identifies each of them correctly.

METHOD: This_quick effect is meant as a light interlude or transition between two other more complex mentalist
effects. The assistant touches five items in an agreed upon order:

I. Chair
2. Collar
3. Tie
4. Purse
5. Button

You may, of course, change the five objects. You may also add to the list to better fit your situation.

PATTER: Telepathy, Second Sight, ESP

Jan le

Every age is fed on illusions, lest men should renounce

life early and the human race come to an end.
- Joseph Conrad, Victory

EFFECT: A mentalist asks his audience for any electrical device and a flashlight is produced. It is placed in the
middle of the performance table. The mentalist concentrates and "activates" it using only his mind.

METHOD: Your confederate, who supplied the (gaffed) flashlight, has a strong PK-style magnet strapped to his
knee, ankle or secreted in his shoe. It is an excellent effect but slightly suspicious without the use of a confederate.

TIP: It's best to perform this trick after the CHRONOKINESIS effect described on pg. I 07 to keep to a single theme.

ALTERNATIVE VERSION: Any electric or electronic device can be easily augmented with a mercury switch. You arc
limited only to those items that have a plausible explanation for why an audience member would bring them to your
performance. Suitable electrical devices other than flashlights that can be thusly retrofitted arc:

I. battery-powered toothbrush
2. car door remote
3. keyfinder
4. calculator
5. camera
6. radio/personal stereo
7. electronic games
8. ltty-bitty Book Light"

PATTER: EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse,) Electrokinesis, Psychic manipulation or disruption or electrical devices
All that we see or seem i.'> but a dream within a dream
- Edgar Allen Poe

EFFECT: A pen is borrowed from a volunteer who is asked to lay it atop of a clear drinking gla~s in plain sight of the
audience. Slowly, after a bit of concentration on the part of the mentalist, the pen topples from Its place.

METHOD: The principal flaw with this common magic store-bought effect is that the mentalist. needs to p.l~ce the
pen precariously atop of a glass in order for the trick to work. This ma~es ~he aud~ence su.s~JCJous as
the mentalist seeks out the ideal position for the pen. Most lay people w1tnessmg this tnck realize that It IS
gimmicked in some way. Having a confederate lend you the pen is by far more convincing. Further:more, he is asked
to balance the pen himself atop the glass, which completely disassociates you from any possible chicanery.

TIP: You can also make your own "telekinetic pen" if you cannot procure one. Simply conceal two ferrous BBs into
the body of the pen. Set up your confederate up with a strong magnet in his shoe and position him so that he can
unobtrusively manipulate the pen as it rests on the glass' rim.

PATTER: Telekinesis

Go in , Go in , Gone ...

Was it a vision, or a waking dream?

-John Keats

EFFECT: The mentalist asks a volunteer for a quarter. It is placed on the table and the volunteer is directed to loosely
cup both of his hands over it. The mentalist, in tum, places his hands slightly above them. After some by-play, the
mentalist removes his hands as does the volunteer to reveal that the quarter is in fact gone.

METHOD: This miracle is accomplished through the use of a Raven~~:. Your volunteer is a confederate trained in how
to manipulate that particular gimmick. I find that the Ravenx produces great magic but when you can misdirect
people further by putting the magic in another person's hands, it produces an even stronger effect. As the confederate
closes his hands over the steel quarter, he should activate the device thus getting rid of the coin. He should do so
only under cover of the mentalists' hands.

TIP: When you place your hands over your confederate's cupped hands, make sure that your hands are fairly spread
open to give the impression that you are concealing nothing.

PATTER: Apportation, Astral or Psychic Plane

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand

rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
- Albert Einstein

EFFECT: The mentalist asks a volunteer for a coin as part of an experiment in teleportation H · t k· d
1 ·t · h · . e IS o mar It an
pace 1 man ot erw1se empty. trouser po~ket. The mentalist rolls up his sleeves and shows his hands empty. He
lowers h1s cupped hands to mid-chest height and opens it to show that he now has the signed coin in his hands.

METHOD: This is an old effect that I originally learned from one of Meir y d'd' 1 tu h d
St rt' "N uc I N U e 1 s ec res as e emonstrated Jeff
ewa s, ow- - - t, ow- -Don't." He looped a short length of invisible thread to a small, thin, transparent

plastic disk. He then a~fixed the assemblage to a previously signed coin using magician's wax. The loop is then
passed over your dommant hand's index finger. The coin is then made to rest on the back of your hand. Face your
open palm toward the audience. Swing the coin gently toward you. As you do so, tum your hand completely so that
your pa_Im faces you. Swing the coin towards you again and tum your palm toward the audience again. This gives
the audtence an opportunity to see that you are evidently concealing nothing on either side of your hand. When you
are ready to ma_ke the coin app~ar ~n your hand, twist your hand again and close your hand slightly. Open your hand
and pass the com out for exammat10n. Your confederate should then immediately check his pocket. Using the empty
sp_ace at the top of most trouser pockets to hide the coin, your confederate can safely pull the pocket inside-out
wtthout fear of the coin falling out.

NB: I suggest procuring Jeff Stewart's marketed effect, "Now- U-C-lt, Now-U-Don 't." His instructions are far more
detailed and he offers other tricks including an excellent "Miser's Dream" with this gimmick.

TIP: You might consider using a FISM Flashoc to "announce" the appearance of the coin.

PATTER: Apportation, Teleportation, Astral/Psychic Plane, "Poltergeist" the Movie

Preco nitive Dream

Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.
-Joel, 2:28

EFFECT: The mentalist shows a sealed manila envelope and suspends it from the ceiling with a string or a ribbon. A
volunteer is then guided through a dream sequence and is asked to give her own responses as the story progresses.
All of her answers are written on a nearby flip chart resting on an easel within plain view. Once finished, the
mentalist retrieves the envelope that has been in plain sight all along and opens it to show that the prediction
matches the spectator's dream sequence exactly.

METHOD: This effect is accomplished with a backstage assistant who is a quick and accurate typist, a laptop
computer, a laser printer, a chair, two envelopes and not a little bravado. Your confederate has listened carefully to
the volunteer's responses and quickly types them into an already created word-processed file.

After the "prediction" is printed out, an assistant places it into a white business envelope and affixes it to the back of
a chair. She then brings the chair to the mentalist who uses it to retrieve the suspended manila envelope. Once it is
taken down, the magician artfully grabs the back of the chair to move it aside and surreptitiously takes away the
business envelop hidden there by the assistant. The size of the manila envelope should mask the subterfuge. The
mentalist casually opens the manila envelope and seemingly fishes out the smaller envelope. In actually, he is
simply placing his hand behind the large envelope and appears to remove the smaller one. This envelope is handed
to a legitimate volunteer who, in tum, reads it aloud.

You may use the following dream sequence or develop your own.

Last night I dreamt I was in . It was a beautiful day and all around me were and
. I saw there. We started a conversation. We spoke about and
- - - - - - . Then we both went to the and then to a restaurant where we ate and
. When 1 realized it was o'clock, I decided to go home. I stopped at the
in order to and then I woke up.

TIP: Feel free to augment the dream sequence to fit your performance or your personality. To give the confederate
more time to prepare the printout, the mentalist should review the entire "dream'' as described ?ythc volunteer ..
Place an blank sheet of paper into the sealed manila envelope to give the impression that there ts mdced somcthmg
inside of it.

PAlTER: Precognition, Premonition, Precognitive Dreams, Dreams Visualization, MadLibs'k

Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune.
Walt Whitman

EFFECT: The mentalist asks for four volunteers to assist him. He hands one of the volunteer an unopened deck of
cards with the instructions to shuffle them continuously. During this, the mentalist discusses the Laws of Probability
as they relate to a closed set of 52 objects like a deck of cards. When ready, he asks the volunteer with the cards to
deal a hand of poker to each of the three other spectators. He explains that some people have the ability to influence
the Laws of Probability; they are called "charms" or "jinxes," depending on the situation. As the cards are being
dealt face down, the mentalist stands behind the third seated spectator from the dealer's left. The dealer does not deal
himself a hand. When the cards are exposed, the spectator nearest the mentalist turns his cards over to reveal a Royal
Flush. The cards are collected, shuffled and dealt a second time. This time, the mentalist stands behind the first
spectator from the dealer's left. When the cards are examined, this spectator is now the winner. The cards are
collected, shuffled and dealt a third time as the mentalist stands behind the second spectator. When the cards are
examined, this spectator is now the winner. The mentalist turns to the audience and asks them what they think is the
next card. Several guesses are offered. The mentalist then stands next to one of the seated audience members
explaining that hopefully he will be able to bring him luck. The mentalist then asks the dealer to tum over the next
card. It matches the audience member's completely free choice.

METHOD: Gently open the bottom of the cellophane wrapper of a deck of cards and stack the deck using the system
below. Replace the cellophane and you are ready for the effect. This stacking will produce Royal Flushes for each of
your spectators in the following order: third (spades), first (diamonds) and second (hearts.) Just make certain that the
dealer, your confederate, does not deal himself in and that he starts dealing to the person on his left. At the end of
each deal, the dealer collects the dealt cards and places them on the bottom of the deck in is hand. As you step
behind each spectator in tum, explain how you are a "magnet for luck."

The piece de resistance is when you ask the crowd to name any card. The next card on the top of the deck should be
the 9 +(as long as the dealer has conscientiously placed all of the spent cards to the bottom of the deck.) A second
confederate is instructed before your performance to ask for that specific card. Stand behind him and then ask the
dealer to tum over the next card and voila! A statistical impossibility. You are a mentalist with an incredible


6+ J'l 9• K+ 9+
6. 8+ J+ 3• J•
K. 6+ 9+
3+ 10. 7+
4+ s•
Q+ Q•
s+ A+ K+ 7+ 4+
A. 3. 6• St 9'1
IO• 2+
7• 10+
s• 10+ A•
3+ 4•
Q• 2'1 A+ s.
K• 2+ 4.
7. 5'1 8+

NB: The 6 +should be face-down at the top of the deck the 6 • is next etc The A • h ld b f: d
bottom of the deck. ' ' .. s ou e ace- own at the

TIP: It's important to discuss the odds of getting each Ro al Fl h h

trick and somehow misdirects people so that they do t y 'dus hast revealed. I find that this reinforces the
no cons1 er t e possibility that you are using a staked deck.



ROYAL FLUSH 4 0.000154%
STRAIGHT FLUSH 36 0.00139%
FOUR OF A KIND 624 0.0240%
FULL HOUSE 3,744 0.144%
FLUSH 5,108 0.197%
STRAIGHT 10,200 0.392%
THREE OF A KIND 54,912 2.11%
TWO PAIRS 123,552 4.75%
PAIR 1,098,240 42.3%
NOTHING 1,302,540 50.1%

ADDITIONAL STATS: There are 2.598,960 different ways to deal five-cards in a 52-card deck.


#of Royal Odds Probability

Flushes in a
1 649,740 :1 .000154%
2 422 ,162,067 ,600:1 .00000000024%
3 27 4,295,581 ,802,424,000:1 .00000000000000036%
4 178,220 ,811 ,320 ,306,969 ,760 ,000 :1 .00000000000000000000056°~
5* 115,797 ,189,947 ,256 ,250,531 ,862,400 ,000:1 .0 0000000000000000000000000086°~

• According to Prof. Howsner of New York Uni versity's Math Department, it would less risky to bel thai a coin tossed 96 times in a row would
wind up on heads each time than to bet on the possibility of winning live Royal Flushes in a row .


Occurrence Probability
Givinq birth to Fraternal Twins t 90:1
GivinQ birth to Identical Twins t 285:1
DvinQ on your own Birthday 365.25:1
HittinQ the Jackpot on a Slot Machine 889 :1
Giving Birth to Triplets t 8,1 00:1
HavinQ the Same Birthday & Year as Any Other Random Person 29,293.05:1
Getting a Hole-in-One on any Given Hole 33,000 :1
Giving Birth to Quadruplets t 729,000:1
Getting Hit by LighteninQ 2,000,000 :1
Dying from Falling out of Bed 2,000 ,000:1
Being Killed bv a Snake 3,000,000:1
Making 27 Straight Passes (wins) with Dice at Craps t 12,467,890:1
Giving Birth to Quintuplets t 65,610,000:1
WinninQ a State Lottery * 83 MILLION :1
BeinQ Killed by a Meteor ** 10 TRILLION :1

t Hellin's Law stales thai before the advent of fertility methods. the natural occurrence of multiple births arc as listed above .

tIn 1950, at the Las Vegas Desert Inn, an anonymous sailor made 27 Straight Passes (wins) with dice al Craps. The odds against su~h" feat arc
12,467,89() to I. The dice today are enshrined in the hotel on a velvet pillow under glass.

• New York Stale L.uttcry

•• Although a> mu<:h as 150 Ions or it, primarily from meteorites. slams into our pland ea<:h year. apparently only seven people have ever been
hil by the sluiT. (Sour<:e: Isaac Aslmov's Book or Facts)

TIP: 1 got the idea for this etTecl from the Star Trek: Next Generation episode "Cause and Effect" in which a
poker game is played repeatedly. You might consider reviewing this episode and incorporating it into your patter.

PATTER: Luck, Laws of Probability, Psychic Influences, Deja vu, Jinx, Lucky Charm

Dice Chances

Our concern be peace of mind: some old crone let us seek,

To spit on us for luck and keep unlovely things afar.
- Theocritus

EFFECT: The mentalist hands a volunteer a pair of dice and asks him to roll them several times to make sure they
are ungimmicked. He then gives his audience a short lecture on the Laws of Probability as they relate to dice. He
plainly shows his hands empty and takes the dice back. He rolls them and they produce a lucky roll. He repeats it
two more times to the same effect. The dice can be examined.

METHOD: The dice are faked and the volunteer is a confederate. Surprised? He switches the legitimate dice for the
gimmicked ones. Drill holes in the ·'three" face of one die and the "four" face of another die. Fill the hole with lead
solder and then top off the holes with wood putty or epoxy. You 'II most probably need to grind down all of the spots
on both dice to waylay suspicion.

Ttr: You might consider buying a professionally gimmicked set of dice. They are costly but worth it if you want to
be completely above suspicion.

PATTER: Luck. Jinx, Laws of Probability, Psychic Influences

Lad Luck

As good luck would have it
-William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor

EFFECT: The mentalist discusses the Laws of Probability especially as they relate to coin tosses. It is explained that
some people can affect those seemmgly Immutable laws. He asks for a quarter but does not handle it himself. The
volunteer is asked to ~ip the coin _five times. Prior to each flip, the mentalist announces the odds of a coin landing
heads up. The mentalist then predicts the outcome of the toss tive times and is found to be correct each time. The
quarter can be exammed.

METHOD: A two-headed quarter is used. The confederate simply tosses the coin and announces the result. Your
c?nfe~erate w~ll need to kno':"' h~w to execute a flawless Bobo's Utility Pass or a Shuttle Pass in order to switch the
gimmicked com before handmg It out for examination.

ALTERNATIVEVERSION:_ ~ legitim~te qu~rter is used and the confederate simply misinforms the audience of the
result of the com toss. This IS only viable 1f the coin is not in full view of the audience.

PATTER: Luck, Jinx, Laws of Probability, Psychic Influences, Deja vu

Ma netic Sense

~· While this magnetic, peripatetic

Lover he lived to learn,
By no endeavor,
Can magnet ever attract a silver churn!
- Sir William Schwenck Gilbert

EFFECT: The mentalist explains that not all species have the traditional five senses humans normally do. Some
animals, like honeybees, can sense geomagnetic lines that help them navigate. It helps explain why they don't get
lost even though they may not be able to "see" their hive or a new source of pollen. He offers an experiment to
demonstrate this magnetic sense. A powerful magnet is handed out to an audience as a blindfold is placed over the
mentalist's eyes. The volunteer and the mentalist stand about ten-feet (three-meters) apart. The volunteer is then
directed to move the large magnet slowly about randomly. The mentalist, though he clearly cannot see the
movements of the magnet, is able to follow it's movements without difficulty.

METHOD: The volunteer is your confederate. Although the mentalist cannot see the confederate or his magnet, the
two have agreed before hand as to how the confederate will move the magnet. The movements match the general
movements one would make when one is writing large-scale individual letters. Agree upon a word between the two
of you, possibly one of your names. If you agreed upon the name "Jerry," the confederate would simply trace out
those letters using the simplified codes below. The mentalist, in tum, already knowing that the confederate is
spelling out the name "Jerry," moves his outstretched hand mirroring him. Since the mentalist cannot see the actual
movements of the magnet, the confederate has to time his movements so that the mentalist and he are coordinated.
Remember that since you and your confederate are facing each other, one of you will have to trace the respective
letters in reverse. If either of you are uncomfortable with this, simply have the confederate face away from you as he
traces the pre-agreed upon letters. In this way you will both be in sync.

TIP: Try having your partner move the magnet quickly. At that, say, "Not so fast, please ... this isn't easy." This
should cast off some doubts from your audience.

ALTERNATIVE VERSION: If you use a gimmicked hood, a confederate isn't necessary. Consider the gimmicked
blindfolds available though Sam Dalal or the Peek/No Peek Hood produced by Kismet Illusions.

PATTER: Electrokinesis, Human and Non-human Senses

1\ 8CO [
rc;: Ll lG G H J

K s L M N 0 P Q R T

u vw 1:1 z
u v w X y z

Instant Identification

The bizarre world of cards ... a world ofpure power politics where rew~rd.~
and punishments were meted out immediately. A deck of cards was b_utlt
like the pure.~t of hierarchies, with every card a master to those ~elow 11 ~nd
a lackey to those above it. And there were "masses" -long ~utts- whtch
always asserted themselves in the end, triumphing over the kmg.'> and aces.
- Ely Culbertson

EFFECT: The mentalist hands a volunteer an unopened deck of cards with the instructions to shuffle them
continually. When the mentalist is finished with his patter, he asks the volunteer to cut the deck ~nee more and to
deal cards face down onto the table one at a time. As the spectator handles each card, the mentalist correctly.
identities each one. The mentalist then directs the spectator to put aside the dealt cards and to cut t~e remam~ng
cards once again. The spectator cuts the deck anywhere he wishes and starts to deal cards one at a t1me. Agam, as
the spectator handles each card. the mentalist correctly identities each one.

METHOD: The cards are in either a Si Stebbins or "Eight-Kings" stack order. The volunteer is your confederate and
each time he false shuffles and cuts the deck, he manages to flash the bottom card. This in tum, gives you the
identity of the top card and subsequently the next several cards. W~en the dealt cards ar~ placed aside, the remaining
cards are still in their correct stacked order. The effect can then easily be performed agam.

PATTER: Precognition. ESP, Second Sight

Astral Pro·ection

Nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest.

- The Gospel According to Saint Luke, 8:17

EFFECT: The mentalist introduces the concept of"Astral Projection." He allows the audience to select a number
between I and I 00, and to write it secretly on a piece of paper. Someone else supplies a random item from his
pocket. Another volunteer selects any name in a local telephone directory. The mentalist announces that he will
astrally project himself to that address despite the fact that he had never been there before. The mentalist then slips
into a trance and after a few seconds awakens. He announces that he has just visited the place in question and
describes it in great detail. He also tells the group that he had left a note that can be retrieved by the occupant of the
house. He asks a volunteer to call the selected number and to talk to whoever answers. The mentalist guides the
volunteer to direct the house owner to the exact place where he left the note while he astrally visited the house. The
owner of the house locates the paper and announces the selected number and correctly identities the randomly
selected pocket item.

METHOD: With a clever use of a center tear, a good confederate waiting next to the phone and equal bits of bravado
and memorization you can produce yet another mentalist miracle. Docc Hilford, in his mentalism video How to Turn
Ordinaty Tricks into Mind-Shaking Miracles, uses a positional code that I find interesting but too complex to be
reliable. I've decided to use a letter code connected to normal architectural features commonly found in a house
rather than the tortuous one offered by Docc Hilford. It would be too obvious if a mentalist uses the first letter of the
selected item; the alliteration would be transparent. Instead, this code uses a simple one-ahead system (i.e., A=B,
B=C, C=D). Whatever room or architectural feature is mentioned, the confederate should consider the next letter in
the alphabet. For example, if the code word "foyer" is used the medium should then consider the letter "G" since it
follows in alphabetical order. The "G'' would then be used as a clue as to what information is being transmitted.

In order to select a "ra~dom" person from the phone book do the following. Make a small dot on the name of a
~1end m a telephone ?Irectory. Locate a dry pen o.fthe same ink color. Flip randomly through the telephone
directory. Open the directory to the page upon wh1ch your friend's name appears. Have the volunteer hold the dry
pen upside do~n and make a smgle dot someplace on the open page. Since the pen is dry, when the book is righted,
only one dot will be seen ... convemently next to your confederate's name.

Your confederate will need a copy of the code near his telephone so that he can quickly decrypt your messages.

Ask a male s~ectator what ~ersonal item he has in his pocket. Docc Hilford suggests asking for a "personal item" in
order to restnct the type of Items from which he can choose. If you select a woman with a pocketbook the choices
m1ght very well be endless. '

Where possible I give several architectural features so that you wouldn't necessarily need to repeat yourself.

As there is no appropriate architectural feature that begins with the letter Q, I used the sound of the word scullen· to
represent the letter.

Please note that G could either mean gum or gold dollar coin. Since gum is a more common item you should keep it
as the default. Similarly the K can either mean key or knife. Since keys are a more common item you should keep it
as the default. Should your ungrateful spectator choose either the dollar coin or knife make sure you describe the
room in which the note resides as being "blue." That will be the code for the second item in either list.

Since the V isn't assigned a value I've assigned "wallet" to it for no other logical reason other than it was easy to
remember. Similarly, the Z is assigned "handheld computer." X is assigned cigarettes and R has been assigned to

The following chart can be used to transmit numerical information. For example, if the number chosen by the
audience is 15 you should say the following:

There is a tah/e in the northwest part ofthe room. There's a note in the middle of it.

For the number '0' f(,JJow the location of the item with the word "exactly"

Upper Left/ Upper Upper right/
Northwest Middle Northeast

1 2 3
Left of Middle/ Right of
Middle Center Middle

4 5 6
Lower left/ Lower Lower right/
Southwest Middle Southeast

7 8 9

I offer this additional table of color code words just in case you want to transmit more information than can be
handled with the above table:

TIP: In Docc Hilford's version of this effect he stops his pulse using the Fakir's Control described on pg. 98. I
think this is a nice dramatic touch but not necessary.

TIP: You'll find it much more credible to make subtle mistakes. For example, if the mentalist announces that the
homeowner has a sewing room, the confederate on the other side of the telephone should say, "Well ... it's not really
a sewing room ... it's just a comer of the room ... but my wife does sew there because the light is good." This minor
"error" will go a long way in gaining credibility for you.

TIP: The following page has a pattern for four center tears. Photocopy it onto a sheet of paper and have a printer cut
it out and produce four glued pads. Make certain that he centers the symbols perfectly otherwise the center tear part
for this effect will not work.

PATTER: Trance, Astral Projection, Psychic Plane

PATTERN: - Four Center Tears

Chapter au•gur n 1 : one who foretells the future
especially through omens.: DIVINER,


Bra adocio

Omni ignotum pro magnifico

(Whatever is unknown is taken for marvelous)
-Cornelius Tacitus, AD 56- 120

EFFECT: A mentalist asks two volunteers to join him on stage to assist him. Each selects and memorizes a card.
Once done, the mentalist asks for another volunteer who remains seated. The mentalist hands her a deck of cards
with the instruction to riffle through it and to stop at a card, remove it from the deck and hide it on her person. The
mentalist concentrates and reveals the cards of the two spectators on stage with him. At that, the mentalist turns to
the third volunteer who has been silent and remained in her seat throughout the effect and has chosen her selection
in complete privacy. After some by-play, the mentalist correctly identifies her card. She appears shocked and blurts
out, "How did you know?!" She quickly goes through each card to find the gimmick used but finds none. The deck
may be examined.

METHOD: If it's too good to be believed, there has to be a confederate involved ... as it is in this case. The first two
cards are "legitimately" forced on the two spectators who join you on stage. Use whatever method with which you
are most comfortable. The third, seated spectator is your confederate. She and you have already prearranged which
card she will choose. To be successful in this effect you need to:

I) be fearless in your presentation;

2) pick a confederate who is a consummate actor;
3) choose someone who is trusted by a large enough group of people within the audience as someone who is not
going to lie as a matter of course;
4) rely on the honest and open reactions of the people immediately around the third volunteer;
5) and last, but absolutely not least, you need to perform this effect after several other outstanding and mind-
numbing mentalist effects. The buildup to this particular effect should be a long time in coming.

Admittedly, this is a difficult effect to pull off but the patter the mentalist directs towards his third volunteer (i.e., the
confederate) is essential for the success ofthis effect.

TIPS: I cannot offer better advice to you for this effect than what Martin Luther once told his congregation: "Sin and
sin boldly!" The reason I call this effect "Braggadocio" is because it will require all of your acting skills and those of
your confederate. You are not a magician playing the part of a psychic, to paraphrase Robert Houdin: you ARE a
psychic. You have to believe this for the duration of this effect. If you believe it, your audience will as well.

PATTE:R: "I want you to clear your mind, close your eyes. There is a quiet place inside you to which you can retreat.
It is a pool of stillness amidst the roaring winds around you. You are alone right now. There is no one else. Remove
all distractions. Concentrate on my voice. In a moment I want you to open the pack of cards in your hand. I want
you to riffle through them quickly and allow one card to enter into your mind. Stop there and remove the card and
hold it to yourself so that no one else can sec it."

"Room Service" - Revisited

Conjuring is full of beauty and implications_

- Edmund Wilson

EFFECT: Jonathan Neal Brown's original effect is as follows: The mentalist tells his audience of a recent mishap he
had had with not returning a key to the concierge at a hotel in which he stayed a short time earlier. He introduces the
key on a hotel-style keychain and places it into a wineglass in clear sight of everyone and stands away from it. The
mentalist asks a volunteer to choose three numbers to represent the hotel room in which the mentalist had stayed.
After some by-play, the mentalist removes the key and shows that the keychain has the thought of number.

METHOD: I think that "Room Service" is as stunning as any mentalist effect can get but I think that my minor
changes can contribute to a smoother flowing and more believable effect because: 1) three volunteers are harder to
accuse of conspiring with the mentalist than is a single volunteer and 2) the room number is printed in sharp clear
numbers as opposed to roughly written by hand.

You will need to procure the "Room Service" effect in )rder to perform this trick. I've include nine-sheets of
possible room numbers. Please examine the numbered sheets included with this effect. As you'll note, the digits I
through 9 can only be used once, markedly limiting the number of possible "room numbers."

I) With a laser printer, print out the numbers from I through 9, each on a separate sheet of paper. Use a large font
size (say 400) so that your assistant can easily spy the newly formed number. It's best to print the number on
both sides to ensure that your volunteers don't inadvertently, or intentionally, hide the number from you and
your assistant;
2) Photocopy the following nine pages onto full-page sticker sheets for laser printers and have them ready for the
3) Ask for three volunteers and give them the nine numbered cards. Have them each choose one and then
rearrange themselves in any order they wish (e.g., the chosen numbers 1-2-3 can be rearranged as 1-2-3, 2-3-1,
3-2-1, 2-1-3, 1-3-2 or 3-1-2);
4) As the three-digit number forms, your off-stage assistant quickly finds the sheet that has the freely-selected
number on it;
5) He cuts out the number and with a quick swipe of stick glue, pastes it onto the black metallic disk that comes
with the effect. This in tum is slipped into a secret holder at the bottom of a white pad of paper, also included in
the "Room Service" effect.
6) The me~talist asks for a pad of paper and a pen in order to write the newly formed number. The prepared pad,
along w1th the cardboard holder, 1s then openly passed to the mentalist on stage.
7) Th.e performer w~ites down the newly formed number and gives the paper to one of the volunteers. At that
pomt, the me~tahst palms off the prepared metal disk (complete with the room number) and walks to the
wmeglass wh.1ch h~lds the room key shown earlier. The mentalist picks up the glass openly and pours the key
and 1ts cham mto h1s hand. The magnet engages the metallic disk and yet another miracle is performed.

PATTER: Precognition, Intuition

123 124 125 126 127
128 129 132 134 135
136 137 138 139 142
143 145 146 147 148
149 152 153 154 156
157 158 159 162 163
164 165 167 168 169
172 173 174 175 176
178 179 182 183 184
185 186 187 189 192
194 195 196 197 198

213 214 215 216 217
218 219 231 234 235
236 237 238 239 241
243 245 246 247 248
249 251 253 254 256
257 258 259 261 263
264 265 267 268 269
271 273 274 275 276
278 279 281 283 284
285 286 287 289 291
294 295 296 297 298

312 314 315 316 317
318 319 321 324 325
326 327 328 329 341
342 345 346 347 348
349 351 352 354 356
357 358 359 361 362
364 365 367 368 369
371 372 374 375 376
378 379 381 382 384
385 386 387 389 391
392 394 395 396 397

412 413 415 416 417
418 419 421 423 425
426 427 428 429 431
432 435 436 437 438
439 451 452 453 456
457 458 459 461 462
463 465 467 468 469
471 472 473 475 476
478 479 481 482 483
485 486 487 489 491
492 495 496 497 498

512 513 514 516 517
518 519 521 523 524
526 527 528 529 531
532 534 536 537 538
539 541 542 543 546
547 548 549 561 562
563 564 567 568 569
571 573 574 576 578
579 581 582 583 584
586 587 589 591 592
593 594 596 597 598

612 613 614 615 617
618 619 621 623 624
625 627 628 629 631
632 634 635 637 638
639 641 642 643 645
647 648 649 651 652
653 654 657 658 659
671 672 673 674 675
678 679 681 682 683
684 685 687 689 691
692 694 695 697 698

712 713 714 715 716
718 719 721 723 724
725 726 728 729 731
732 734 735 736 738
739 741 742 743 745
746 748 749 751 752
753 754 756 758 759
761 762 763 764 765
768 769 781 782 783
784 785 786 789 791
792 794 795 796 798
812 813 814 815 816
817 819 821 823 824
825 826 827 829 831
832 834 835 836 837
839 841 842 843 845
846 847 849 851 852
853 854 856 857 859
861 862 863 864 865
867 869 871 872 873
874 875 876 879 891
892 894 895 896 897

912 913 914 915 916
917 918 921 923 924
925 926 927 928 931
932 934 935 936 937
938 941 942 943 945
946 947 948 951 952
953 954 956 957 958
961 962 963 964 965
967 968 971 972 973
974 975 976 978 981
982 983 984 985 986

Chapter psi•o•ni•cist n : a person who purportedly
exhibits any of the skills usually associated
4 with extra-sensory or psychic phenomena.
The term was originally coined in 1950 by
John Campbell.


• t <>+
All great art is the work of the whole living
creature, body and soul and chiefly of the soul.
- John Ruskin
EFFECT: The mentalist borrows a deck and gives three spectators a free choice of a card each. Each spectator in
tum, shows her card to the audience. The mentalist concentrates and correctly divines the identity of each card.

METHOD: This is a foolproof coded routine. The three spectators are selected fairly. Your confederate is hidden in
plain view in the audience. He or she simply positions themselves to see each card as it is shown. The suit is given
through a simple set of blinking codes. The card's value is given through a simple set of leg and foot codes. Because
of the nature of this particular code, I would recommend that your confederate sits in the front row. Photos
accompany the drawings below.


CLUB: blink once SPADE: blink three times
HEARTS: blink twice DIAMOND: stare steadily without blinking


Let your feet do the talking! Your assistant's feet and legs, and their placement, reveal the identity of the chosen
card. The following table gives one possible set of foot/leg codes. The photos on the next page show a slightly
different set.


7 Overlap your feet, one over the other
8 Lean forward in your seat
9 Touch the ground only with your toes
10 Place your feet toe-to-heel
5 One foot flat on the floor, place only your Jack Stretch legs out in front of you and cross
toes of the other foot on the und them
6 Spread your knees & rest one toot on the Queen Place feet tightly together
other King Cross legs

TIP: Divine only three cards, as a great deal of jittering and fussing about looks suspicious. Alternatively. you can
employ two or more confederates.

ALTERNATIVE EJ.'FECT: This code easily lends itselfto other eltccts. If you wish. you can easily assign different \alues
fr>r any or all of these codes to represent something other than cards.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP

A 8

2 9

3 10

4 J

5 Q

6 K

Telephonic Telepath

The more gross the fraud, the more glibly will it go down
and the more greedily will it be swallowed, since folly will
always find faith wherever imposters will find impudence.
- Christian Nestell Bovee

EFFECT: A spectator is given the opportunity to select a card freely. The mentalist immediately calls a medium friend
of his and without saying a word passes the telephone to the spectator. The medium then divines the identity of the
selected card.

METHOD: This is a classic telephone mentalism effect with a new twist. Your confederate will need to pick up the
telephone immediately when you call. Caller 10 is the key to making the trick flow better, as soon as the
confederate/medium picks up the telephone he or she recites the following list:

"Clubs ... Hearts ... Spades ... Diamonds"

The mentalist surreptitiously presses any key on the phone's pad the second the medium mentions the spectator's
selected card thereby interrupting the medium. He or she then realizes the suit of the selected card. At this point, the
medium then says:

"Ace ... two ... three ... four ... five ... six ... seven ... eight. .. nine ... ten ... Jack ... Queen ... King."

The mentalist presses any key on the pad to interrupt the confederate again thereby letting him or her know the value of
the card. At that point the mentalist simply hands the telephone to the spectator without having uttered a word, allowing
the confederate to correctly identify the selected card. This method minimizes the amount of time that the mentalist is
on the telephone with the medium and waylays suspicion that he is passing on codes. The entire process shouldn't take
more then a few seconds; well within the entertainment's time parameters.

The advantage to this effect is that some of your audience members might be familiar with the older style of verbally
interrupting the medium as he or she recites the above litanies. In the event that the keypad is not located on the handset
you can improvise by secretly scraping your fingernail across the mouthpiece.

This effect is most convincing with the use of cellular telephones and telephones with the keypad on the handset. It is
simply too risky to do it with a deskset.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP


() -·~· No man is happy without a delu.~ion of some kind.

Delusions are a.~ necessary to our happiness as rea/itie.~.
-Christian Nestell Bovee

EFFECT: The mentalist writes down a medium's name and telephone number and leaves the paper in full view. Three
spectators arc asked to volunteer for an experiment in telepathy. The first is asked to write down her mother's maiden
name. The second is asked to think of a four-digit number and the third is asked to think of any English word. The
medium is telephoned and each secret is divined.

METHOI>: This is one of the most diabolical, devious, fiendish, underhanded. insidious, guileful and all around
thoroughly enjoyable mentalist effects I've come across in a long time. It's one of those tricks that I wish I had
invented. It would please me to no end to be able to say that I crafted it. .. but I can't.
1r you are perlonning this effect in a home at some type of gathering, us_e ~our cellular ph?ne to call to your "medium"
friend and prepare her tor the etTect, hanging up afterwards. Afler a suft1c1ent amount of t1me has passed and you are
ready to pertonn the effect. take the phone and surreptitiously press the REDIAL button. When your.confe.deratc
answers. she will hear what transpires as you question your spectators. When everyone has made the1r cho1ces, s1mply
disconnect the line and allow someone to dial her again. She will then be able to repeat your spectators' choices.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP

Electronic Ps chometr

When people are bewildered they tend to become credulou.'i.

- Calvin Coolidge

EFFECT: Ten cards are laid out in a circle on a table. The mentalist asks his audience to agree upon a single card and
then steps out of the room. Once the mentalist returns, he places his hand over each card and immediately identifies the
selected one. The trick can be repeated.

!\IETHOD: A similar effect is on the market but it is prohibitively expensive. Unless you're planning on selling your
mentalism act for big bucks you might want to consider this alternative. It should be a relatively easy procedure to find
an electronics expert who can produce one of these little miracles for you. Either buy or procure a simple vibrating
mechanism similar to the one found inside a common beeper. Your local electronics expert at your local university's
electronic engineering department will be able to procure a remote control device to activate the mechanism. I paid
about fifty-dollars for both pieces.

As you place your hand over each card in tum, your confederate can alert you to the audience's chosen card by
actiYating the mechanism. As to your confederate, find someone who is a consummate actor. Get someone who can pull
off the part of being an untrained assistant.

AL TERI\'ATI\'E EFFECT: If you arrange the tour cards spread out far apart from each other on a tabletop and set your
cellular phone for vibrate, your confederate can surreptitiously alert you when you are close to chosen card.

AL TERI\'A TIVE EFFECT: Of course any type or number of items can be used for this effect. Another possibility would
be toask for personal items from different people. You simply need a confederate with an excellent memory to quickly
1dent1fy t~e owner of each obJect. To make the job easier for him, remove each item as you correctly identify it. Offer a
cold readmg to the owner as you identify each piece.

PATTER: Psychometry, Aura Reading

You believe easily that which you hope for earnestly.

EFFECT: A spectator is asked to think of any card. The mentalist then supplies her with a telephone number of a
medium who is a very accomplished telepath. When the medium answers the call. she correctly identifies the
spectator's card.

METHOD: This is a standard effect that every beginner's book on magic describes but it still fools people and that is all
that really matters. Allen Bamert's effect "Phoney" was unnecessarily complicated and used 52 different (and
unrealistic) spellings of the girl's name "Cheryl."

In this version, each card in the deck is assigned a different name. Depending on what card is chosen. you consult a
small telephone book or digital assistant and read out the number of your medium friend (i.e., confederate.) This is
obviously the same number you would give out in any case. The code is the first name given to the volunteer. (For the
surname I suggest you usc an innocuous one like Johnson or Abrams.) Use the appropriate list if your accomrlice is a
man or woman. Your accomplice will instantly know which suit the card is by listening to the name the spectator gives
him or her. Names assigned to clubs all begin with the letter 'C.' Names assigned to hearts all begin \\ ith the letter 'H.'
Names assigned to spades all begin with the letter'S.' Names assigned to diamonds all begin with the letter 'D.' If the
spectator calls and asks for Heidi Johnson, your accomplice will know the spectator has selected the 5 •. You'll note
that the names are in alphabetical order for the most part to help your assistant more quickly identify the chosen card.

TIP: Tell your confederate the approximate time you will need his or her sen ices. If your "medium" has Caller I D all
the better for your performance. Perfom1 this effect only once; you'll never get away with it twice. Once is a miracle:
twice is rather suspicious.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Mass Mind



prog•nos•ti•ca•tor n: one who foretells from

5 signs or symptoms - prog•nos•ti•ca•tion n -


() t +
The little foolery that wise men have makes a great show.
- William Shakespeare, As You Like It, act I, sc. ii, I. 97

EFFECT: A blindfolded mentalist stands alone on the stage. A medium/assistant walks amongst the audience and stops
every now and again to ask those in attendance questions about their job, their personal life, their name, birthday,
religion, Zodiac sign, things found in their wallets, pockets or pocketbooks and the people around them. The mentalist,
well outside of hearing, correctly divines the correct responses.

METHOD: The following code is largely based on American Sign Language fingerspelling. Several of the letters had to
be augmented as they were either too obvious or too difficult to produce if the mentalist is holding something in his
hand. If a mentalist were simply to hold his hand out in front of him and quickly fingerspell entire sentences to his
partner, even those completely unfamiliar with ASL would quickly reason that is what he is in fact doing. Extreme
subtlety is called for in this type of coding. Holding an object in your hand will distract your audience's attention from
the fact that your fingers are convoluting.

Keeping a wand in your hand is too pretentious and not in keeping with the persona of a mentalist. A clipboard, on the
other hand is an excellent prop that conveys professionalism and doesn't seem out of place. Holding a pen in your hand
as you signal with ASL fingerspelling will allow your signals to be clear but not overly suspicious. Remember to
gesture with the pen at non-performance moments; it will further desensitize your audience. Using the old magic
principle of the large movement masks the small movement; you should strive to move your arms and hands to call for
silence or to attract people's attention. In this way, you can send your signals to your partner unnoticed. Turning and
pacing as you address your audience is another good way to keep your signals inconspicuous.

As you'll note, the one-letter and letter fingerspelling codes are largely intuitive. For example, a spectator's name is
asked for and your assistant gives you the signal "J" and "0." I'd venture to guess that almost everyone would
immediately think of the name John. Though "Joshua" similarly starts with both a "J" and an "0" It is, however, a
largely uncommon name and not one likely to be encountered certainly. You'll note in the case of"Joshua" that the two
principal sounds in that name are "J" and "S." It makes more sense to create a connection between those two letters
with the name "Joshua" than any other name.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Mass Mind

Arguing Eating Grinning Smoking
Blushing Drinking Holding hands Talking
Chewing gum Flirting Leaning back

Aunt Daughter-in-Law Lover Son-in-Law
AcQuaintance FatheR Mother sTranger
BOyfriend Father-in-Law Mother-in-Law Uncle
BRother *Fiance/Fiancee *Nephew/Niece Wife
Child Friend Relative
CoLleague Girlfriend Sister
COusin *GRandfather/mother *Sister-in-Law
Daughter Husband Son

NB: The responses with asterisks can be determined with an additional clue from your assistant/confederate. If she
signs the letter "G" and says, "What is this woman's relationship to the person seated next to her?" You'll know the
correct response is "grandmother." The same goes for Niece/Nephew, Sister/Son-in Law and Fiance/Fiancee. If she
singles out a man, you will likewise know which response to give.

PAITER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Mass Mind

There are too many professions to comfortably list here but you can limit the medium's mental search by transmitting
information about the general field first:

Art Import/Export Medical ResearcherR

Computers inTernet militarY Sales
COnstruction Law Enforcement Politics SCience
Education Legal pUblishing Wholesaler
enGineer marKeting REcreation

CapTain CoLonel Sargent General
Lieutenant Ensign cOrporal Admiral

TodaY Day After
Next Week Last Year
TomorroW TomorroW Last Week
Day Before Next Year
In a few days Last Month
Yesterday a Few days ago Next Month

_ _..,;.;M~O=NTHS
April February JuNe November
AUgust January March October
December JuLy MaY September

;.,._., __ ~ :: ( ,. ·I. -'·;: :· ..

1-dollar bill A Chewing Gun HandkerchieF Pin
5-dollar bill 8 CHocolate Id Pocket Knife
10-dollar bill c Cigarettes KerchieF Pocket Watch
20-dollar bill 0 COmpact Keys Quarter
50-dollar bill E CondoM LEtters Rattle
100-dollar bill F Cough Drops LiFesavers Safety Pin
Address Book CreaM Lighter ScrewDriver
ADvertisements Cuticle Remover Lucky Coin SEashell
BackpacK Dental Floss MEdicine SNack
BAll DiCe Mirror STamp
BanDana Dime MT A train/bus pass StrinG
Bills Driver's License Money THread
BraceleT EArring Nail File TicKet
Breath Mints Emory Board Nail Polish Tic-Tacs
BooK ERaser NEedle Tissues
BookLet Feminine Product Notebook ToothpicK
BRochure Foreign Money PalmtoP Computer TOy
Brooch GLasses Paper Clip TWeezers
Bubble Gum GloVes PEn Unsent Mail
Business Cards Golden Dollar PenciL WalleT
BUtton Hair eXtension PennY WatcH
CAndy Hair Spray Perfume WhistlE
CHange Half-Dollar PHotos Writing Paper
ChecK Hand Lotion PiLls

A 1-dollar bill- make a circling motion with your index finger
5-dollar bill- tap your signaling hand once against your thigh
c 10-dollar bill- tap your signaling hand once against your thigh twice
20-dollar bill- tap your fingers against your thigh as if impatient
E 50-dollar bill- tap your fingers against your thigh as if impatient twice
F I 00-dollar bill- ball your signaling hand into a fist

Eight Nine siX THree
FiVe One Ten Zero
FOur seVen TWo

Friday sAturday tHursday Wednesday
Monday Sunday Tuesday

Agnostic* Episcopalian Mormon Seventh-day
Anglican Greek Orthodox MOslem AdVentist
Atheist** Hindu Orthodox SHinto
Baptist Jewish Protestant Wicca
BUddhist Lutheran Roman Catholic

• A simple shrug can be assigned the meaning "agnostic."

•• Don't make any sign at all and agree with your partner that "no sign" means "atheist."

Baseball Football RUnning SWimming
basKetball Golf SKiing Tennis
Cricket RuGby SOccer Wrestling

Horoscope Readin

() t +
Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what
each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.
- Demosthenes, Third Olynthiac, sec. 19

Using the following twelve zodiac synopses, you can produce a realistic-sounding reading. I've also included a note
as to each of the supposed bodily regions over which each zodiac sign has influence. You can use them to your
advantage. Should you surreptitiously find out that a particular spectator is, in fact, Aquarius, you can ask if she is
still having problems with her ankles. The chance of someone honestly reporting that they had never had problems
with their ankles is astronomical (please forgive the pun.) Having a grasp of common sociological statistics for your
geographical area will greatly enhance your performance:

ARIES- Adventurous & energetic, leaders LIBRA- Balance, harmony, sensitive

AQUARIUS- Idealistic & unconventional PISCES -Changeable & popular
CANCER-· Hard exterior & devoted SAGITTARIUS- Happy-go-lucky & idealistic
CAPRICORN- Independent & cautious SCORPIO- Intense & emotional
GEMINI- Two-sided personality TAURUS- Stubbornly peaceful
LEO- Born leader & extroverted VIRGO- Common sensical & strong inner emotions

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Mass Mind

aRies CapricorN Libra SCorpio
aQuarius Gemini Pisces Taurus
CanceR Leo Sagittarius Virgo

~ ARIEs MARcH 21 TO APRIL 20 1
P_QSITIVE: masculine, adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic, energy, open to new ideas, strong leader, impatient, liable to be
VIolent, rude & rough, loves freedom, welcomes challenges, frank, direct, positive, intellectual, objective, outgoing, fearless, bold
NEGATfVE: choleric, unoriginal, rigid, extremist, rash, impulsive, manipulating
/1QQ[ f./JB.Xli.: head, brain


POSITIVE: .slow but sure, earthy, clumsy/awkward but dignified, good looking, physically strong, strong personality, faithful and
generous friend, gentle, even tempered, loves comforts & luxuries isn't always comfortable with change sold practical straight
loyal, stable, affectionate, modest ' ' ' ' '

NEGATIVE: can be melancholic, when finally angry can be violent and furious, stubborn

/1QQ[ f./JB.Xli.: throat, neck, diet

~n• GEMINI MAY 22 TO JUNE 22 ][

POS/TlVE: ambivalence, elusive, very intelligent, humane, well-disposed, very judicious, complex, lively, contradictory, versatile,
attractive, happy, imaginative, affectionate, courteous, kind, generous, thoughtful, adaptable, ingenious, clever, logical

N£GAWE: egocentric, restless, unconscientious, unscrupulous, dishonest, self-interested, pessimistic, sullen, irritable

/1QQ[ l?.tJB.Xli.: blood, nerves, shoulders, lungs


PQSITfVE: loyal, devoted, can be badly wounded when experiencing disloyalty, home-loving, likes to social and solitary, interest in the
occult, sensitive, conservative, energetic, intuitive, wise, inspired, sympathetic, imaginative, romantic, inventive, original

N£GAWE: very easily hurt, withdrawing, obstinate, apparently unemotional, sentimental, cold towards outsiders, phlegmatic,

BODY f48.1Ji.: stomach, digestion, reproductive organs

~~ LEO JULY 24 TO AUGUST 23 61

POSfUVE: conunanding personality, stands out in a crowd, personal magnetism, a natural leader, social, an extrovert, outgoing,
ambitious, courageous, strong-willed, positive, independent, self-confident, uncomplicated, humane

NEGAWE: arrogant, autocratic, hasty, ill-tempered, suspicious, jealous, cunning, self-centered, boastful, bombastic, irritating

f1QQ[ e.tJB.XJi.: heart, upper back, eyes, blood, lungs


POSfUVE: conunon sensical, practical, intelligent, perfectionist, refined, cleanliness & order, observant, patient, sensible, ingenious,
studious, witty, well-spoken, discreet, charming, eye for detail, hard-working, conscientious, through, judicious

NEG.477VE: shrewd, fastidious, critically inclined, unsophisticated, indecisive, unstable, fickle-minded, frequently melancholic, worrier

lW.L21: f!.4B.Xli.: abdomen, intestines, spleen, diaphragm

POSJrrVE: balaneed, ham1ony, sensitive towards others, even tempered, insatiably curious, even-tempered, well principled,
atTectionale, gentle, good eritical faculty, impartial judgment, artistic, good perception, elegant, channing, good taste, sociable

NEGdUlE: easily influenced. tendency towards extremes, intolerant, impatient, greedy for approval, frivolous, shallow, changeable,


POSJrrVE: intense, magnetic attraction, dignified, reserved in conversation, easily hurt, quick to detect insult, easily moved by
emotions, disciplined, tenacious, passionate, sensitive, constructive, loyal, honest, intuitive, analytical, rational,

NEG.:JU!'E: '~olent. irrational. quick to anger. impatient. rigid, unloving, intolerant, secretive, abrupt, unforgiving, extremism,
brooding. brutal, arrogant, n,Jatile


POSJUVE: happy-go-lucky. entetprise, energy. versatile. exploring, idealistic, needs to feel free, generous, honorable, trustworthy,
hc,nest. truthful. generous. sincere. just. acti,'e. bold, intrepid. loyal, independent, modest, religious, moral, outspoken, open,

NEC,JU!E: unrealized potential, cardessness. quick to anger, impatient, rigid, unlo\'ing, intolerant, domineering, frivolous

liODr PdRTS: hips. thighs. rhelUnatism

POS!rr!E: predictable. steady. stable. serious. independent, cautiously, confident, strong-Y.illed, collected, mtty, hardworking, love
autlwrity. set high standards. subtle.

iYEGdU! E: suppress emotions. hypochondria, slow. stubborn, lUt~ielding, tough, changeable, melancholic, power-hungry, mercurial,


POSJrrVE: idealistic & unconventional. loves freedom, strong eonvictions, open-minded good disposition kind h 1 t
tur · di d 1 · . . • , , umane, c ose o
?a e, lUlpreJU _ce , to erant. !Tank. gerual, refined. ethereal. idealistic, practical, quick, active, reasonable. moderate concise 1 'cal
tmagtnabve. antwbve · ' ' ogt ,

NEGArrVE: do not make friends easily. perceived as cold. unforgiving. fanatical, eccentric, excessively detached
BODY PARTS: legs, ankles


~GAUVE: limited will power, limited ambition, weak concentration easil di d · · · ·
meffecbve, peevish, intellectually dishonest ' Y verte • unrelrable, tdle, careless, tmpracfJcal,

() t +
Yet still we hug the dear deceit.
- Nathaniel Cotton

EFFECT: A blindfolded mentalist stands alone on the stage while his assistant walks into the audience with a small
blackboard and a piece of chalk. She approaches an individual and asks him to write his name on the board. As he
finishes, the mentalist reveals the spectator's name.

METHOD: It actually takes a bit of time for a person to write his name in large letters with chalk. Within the first two or
three letters, the assistant should have a fair approximation for the audience member's name. Using fingerspelling she is
able to transmit the information.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging

AL EdWard JuaN Richard
AleX ELliot JUlian RoBert
AndreW ERnest Keith RogeR
ArChie Eugene KeNneth RoN
Arthur Foster KenT RosS
AUstin FranK Larry RUss
BarneY FreD LEe Sam
Bart GaBriel LeonarD SCott
BenJamin GeralD LOuis SeBastian
Bernard GeorGe LuKe SYlvester
BerT GLen Manny SPencer
BOris GranT MarK STanley
BRuce GregorY MaX SteVe
CalVin Gus MichaeL TaNner
Carl Hal NathaN TaYlor
CEcil HarolD Ned TeD
CHarles HaRry NeLson THomas
ChristopheR HenrY NiCholas Tim
ClauDe HerBert OLiver ToBias
HoWard Oscar Tony
HUgh OttO Vernon
IRving ParkeR ViCtor
ISaac PatricK VIncent
IVan Paul Walter
JacK PeTer WilliaM
JacoB PHillip WilSon
JaMes RaLph Zac
Earl John RandY
EdMond JosePh ReG

AGatha EdiTh IriS PHyllis
AgNes EDna Jane POlly
AleX ELaine JEanne RacheL
ALice EleanoR JOsephine REbecca
AMelia EliSa JUlia ReGina
AngelA EllA JuNe ReNee
AngeliCa EMma KaTherine RHoda
Anita ESter KathLeen RoBerta
ANn EtHel Kay ROse
AnToinette EvA KittY Rose Ann
BarBara EVe Lilly RUth
Belle FAith LouiSe SaDie
BEth Fannie LucY SaLly
BettY FLorence MaBel SaRah
BeVerly FRances MaDeline ShirleY
BilLie GaY MargareT SOphie
BlanChe GeralDine MarGery SUe
CaMille GerTrude MariLyn TheLma
CharLotte GladYs MaRtha Theresa
ChlOe GLoria MarY TOni
CHristine GraCe MauDe Uma
CLara GReta MEredith Vera
ConStance HarrieT Mildred VioleT
CorinnE HaZel MilliCent VirginiA
CYnthia HeatheR MUriel Wanda
Daphne HeleN Nell Winona
DaRleen Hilda NOra YolanDa
DeBorah HOpe NorMa Yvette
DoNna Ida Olive YvoNne
DoriS ILene Patricia
DorothY IRene PEg

,· ' .-. + .. : •,' ·.-~. . 'f' : ' ::.•='·.':. ·i

ESP S mbols
t ~ ()
It is in the very trickery that it pleases me, but show me
how the trick is done and I have lost my interest therein
- Seneca, letter to Lucillius

OneQ tWo+ tHree ~~~

EFFECT: A sheet of paper is introduced with the five Rhine ESP symbols drawn in a circle. Before leaving the
room, the mentalist asks his audience to choose a single symbol and to concentrate on it. The mentalist returns and
immediately identifies the selected symbol. He repeats this effect two more times.

METHOD: It would be too obvious simply to sign the actual number symbol for each of the ESP symbols (i.e., I, 2,
3, 4, 5). Instead, I've assigned a letter code to each of the symbols. You'll note that any of these symbols (i.e., 0,
W, H, F or V) are naturally inconspicuous. They all look as if someone was naturally and inconsequentially resting
his or her hand.

TIP: The advantage to stepping into another room is that when you return, your confederate can flash the
appropriate code to you as you approach the group. Your relative distance allows you to remain unfocused on your
confederate thereby waylaying your audience's suspicions.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Mass Mind

S mbolo
t ~ ()
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes.
-Proverbs, 12:15

EFFECT: A sheet of paper is introduced with the five Rhine ESP symbols drawn in a circle. Five bottle caps or
opaque mugs are overturned, one on each ESP symbol and a mystical-looking token is then introduced. Instructions
are given to the audience to hide the token under one of the caps or mugs while the mentalist's back is turned. The
mentalist turns back to the audience and concentrates. Immediately he identifies the token's hiding place. He
repeats this experiment two more times.

METHOD: Your confederate crosses his arms the entire time you are performing this effect but in such a v.ay as to
expose the fingers of his right hand below his left elbow; in essence, he rests his right fingers on the side of his
body, immediately above his waist. The code used is simple: one through five fingers designates the normally
accepted code for the ESP symbols. Please refer to the following list:

2 3 4 5

0 + D *
If your confederate is trying to let you know that the square was selected. he simply lets four lingers be seen under
his elbow (as his arms arc crossed.)

TIP: You might consider using a blackboard with chalk-drawn symbols.

ALTERNATIVE EFFECT: You can perform the same etTect with Roger Monaco's "Killer Red Caps."

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Mass Mind

Mass H pnosis

~· Example has more followers than reason. We unconsciowily imitate

what pleases us and approximate to the characters we most admire.
-Christian Nestell Bovee

EFFECT: The mentalist prepares a prediction and places it in full sight of the audience. Two volunteers are led
through a series of breathing and thinking exercises and then to name a vegetable. The mentalist reveals his
prediction which is found to be correct.

METHOD: This is a classic example of a psychological force. The authentic volunteer might not give the answer
you want but I would say this is in the minority of responses as I've performed this effect with a great deal of
success for many years. Arrange for your confederate to say "carrot" when you ask him to name a vegetable.
Should the authentic volunteer say a different vegetable, your reputation will be partially saved by your
confederate's response.

Before the actual effect, ask your spectators to seek the quiet place inside her and to concentrate on her breathing.
Ask her to take a few. slow deep breaths and to hold and then to release them. When she is centered and
concentrating on your voice, ask the following questions one at a time in a calm, full, mesmeric voice:

"What is I+ I?"
"What is I + 2'>"
"What is 2 + 2°"
"What is 2 + 3?"

Then. without pause, ask the following questions:

"What is 3 + 2°"
"What is 2 + 2?"
"What is 2 +I?"
"What is I+ I?"

Again. ~·ithout pause. say, "Name a vegetable." The majority of spectators who take this experiment seriously will
answer 'carrot."

You must ~ppear ser.ious when leading your spectator though these questions. If the spectator giggles or otherwise
becomes d1stracted, JUSt calmly ask them to compose themselves and start again.

TIP: This effect ':"orks only on native English-speakers. If you wish to try this effect on native speakers of other
languages, expenment first and take note of the responses that they give before attempt" t d. · h ·
responses Also th h ld b d. · mg a pre 1ctmg t e1r
. . ere sou e no Jstractwns whatsoever as the result will be wildly unpredictable. H h
person focus on your VOice and on your face durmg this effect. ave t e

PATTER: Hypnotism, Mass Hypnotism, Precognition

Hand Codes

Hand Codes with Clipboard


u X

v y

What's M Line?

() t +
When I consider life, 'tis all a cheat;
Yet,fool'd with hope, men favor the deceit;
Trust on and think tomorrow will repay.
Tomorrow'sfalser than the former day.
- John Dryden

EFFECT: A blindfolded mentalist stands alone on the stage. A medium/assistant walks amongst the audience and
stops every now and again to ask those in attendance questions about their jobs. The mentalist, well outside of
hearing, correctly divines the spectator's responses.

METHOD: This effect is similar to the previous one except that this effect is meant to be presented as an example of
mindreading or ESP, whereas the previous one is presented as clairvoyance or "Second Sight." Hold a pen in your
hand as you signal with ASL fingerspelling; your signals will remain clear but not overly suspicious.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Mass Mind

ACcountant Dental Hygienist Librarian Police Officer
AcTor DeNtist Magician PrinciPal
ADministrator DeSigner MAid PRinter
AdVertising DetectiVe MaiL carrier ReCeptionist
ARtist Dietician MaNager RepairMan
AUthor DOctor ManicurisT ReporteR
Auto Mechanic DRaftsman ManuFacturer ROofer
Baker - DriVer MarinE SailoR
Bank Teller Dry Cleaner MaSon Salesman
Electrician MechaniC SeamstresS
ENgineer MessenGer SecretarY
EnterTainer MilitarY Singer
Factory Worker Miner SOldier
FArmer MOrtician STudent
FireMan MotorMan SurGeon
Bus Driver
FLorist MUsician TailoR
FUrrier NOtary Public TaXi driver
Gardner NUrse Teacher
GRocer NurserYman Ticket Agent
IMporter OPerator Truck Driver
InsPector OpticiaN TYpist
Insurance Salesman ORganist Undertaker
Computer Programmer
OSteopath UPholster
ConDuctor Janitor
Painter Veterinarian
CoNtractor JeWeler
PHotographer Waiter/Waitress
CooK JOurnalist
PiloT WElder
DancEr LAborer
PLumber X-ray Technician
DecoraTor LaWyer

() ... t + What is the secret of the trick?
-Ogden Nash

EFFECT: Before the mentalist leaves the room. he asks a spectator to shuffle the Major Arcana cards of a Ta~ot
deck and then to lay them out in a semi-circle. The group is to decide on a single card and to concentrate on 1t. The
mentalist returns and immediately knows the identity of the selected card.

METHOD: The method is basically the same as the previous one.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Mass Mind

Chariot Hanged Man Lovers TemPerance
Death HErmit Magician Tower
DeVil Hlerophant MOon Wheel of Fortune
EmperoR High Priestess STars WOrld
EmpresS JuDgement StrengtH
Fool Justice Sun

Second Si ht II

() t +
A sight to dream of, not to tell!
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

EFFECT: A blindfolded mentalist stands alone on the stage as his assistant walks amongst the audience and stops
every now and again to ask the mentalist about certain key facts about the audience member ' s appearance . Despite
the blindfold, the magician correctly answers each question.

METHOD: The method is basically the same as the previous one.

TIP: As in the aforementioned effects, hold a pen in your hand as you signal with ASL fingerspelling ; your signals
will remain clear but not overly suspiciou s. Be clear but not obvious.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP. Imaging, Mass Mind

Amethyst Gold pLatinum Silver
Diamond Imitation Quartz White Gold
Emerald Opal Ruby
GAmet PEarl SApphire

Cloth Leather silK Wood
cOtton Metal Steel WooL
Glass Plastic Tweed
Iron Rubber waX

BLouse French cuffs ParKa sWeater
Boxer Briefs Hat ScarF sUit
BoXers Jacket ShirT Tie
BRiefs Kerchief SHoes TRousers
Commando Overcoat SKirt
Dickey Pants SOcks

balD dYed Platinum blonde tHinning
bLonde Gray Redhead White
Brunette Gray Temples Salt & pepper

TIP: As an interesting twist in your "Second Sight" performance, after you are asked to identify a person's hair color. ha\·e
your assistant keep her hand on the same person's head and ask you the question again . At that, say '' But you'\e touched
that person ' s hair already . . : :.

Color ESP

() t +
Make no little plans; they have
no magic to stir men's blood.
- Daniel Hudson Burnham

EFFORT: Several cards, each with a different color, are laid out on a table . A single person or the entire audience selects
one. The mentalist, after some by-play, announces the correct color.

METHOD: Procure 4 to 16 of the following colors. Cut them all out on the same size paper. Your confederate is hidden in
the audience . He broadcasts the information as to the chosen color to you by using the lingerspelling codes mentiont.:d
below :

TIP: lfyou use full size sheets of paper of the colors listed , you can perform this trick as a platform cfl'cct

PATTt:R: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging


BlacK Green PlaiD SilVer

BLue Ivory PurPle Various/mixed
BrowN Orange Red White
GraY Pink SalMon Yellow


() t +
I know a trick worth two of thaL
-William Shakespeare, King Henry the Fourth, Part I, act II, sc. i, I. 40

EFFECT: Ten or more volunteers are selected to come up to the stage. The mentalist introduces the concept and
rules of the "Clue" board game . Each volunteer is given a placard he or she wears around his or her neck. The
mentalist leaves the general vicinity while the volunteers decide amongst themselves who will be the "murderer."
The person hides a toy gun somewhere on their person. The mentalist returns and after some by-play, deduces the
killer through "deductive reasoning" patter and some cold reading.

METHOD: Your confederate secretly informs you of the murder's identity. Hand out nametags or placards each
with one of the following names in large letters. I would suggest using a laser printer and having a single name
printed on each full size sheet of paper:

I. Colonel Mustard 5. Miss Pinkstone 9. Mr. L'Orange 13 . Judge Teal

2. Ms . Greene 6. Fr. White 10. Dr. GolDstein 14. Officer BricK
3. Dean Blackman 7. Mrs. SilVerman II. Prof. Canary
4. Admiral Rose 8. Captain GraY 12. Senator BrowNe

If possible, try to match the name with the appropriate colored paper. Attach them to a long string so that the placards
can be hung from people's necks. After each person has chosen a name, have the group decide who amongst them
will be the "murderer." Have that person secret a toy gun somewhere on his or her persons.

TIP: Don 't feel the need to use all of these names. Use as many as you think necessary and entertaining.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Mass Mind, Psychometry, Aura Reading

What is called a sincere work is one that is endowed
with enough strength to give reality to an illusion.
-Max Jacob

EFFECT: An atlas is given to a group of spectators with the instructions that they look through each map and decide
upo~ one, and then one country hsted on that map. Ask the volunteers to choose a country with which they are
fam1har. Tell them to choose a country to which they feel some connection. They then write the name of the coun
on a separate sheet of paper. After some by-play, the mentalist reveals the name of the chosen country. try

METHOD: Let the confederate whisper hi s intention to the others around h. d th · · d

· f db d Th . - · 1m an en wnte 1t own on a separate
p1ece o car oar . IS WI 11 g1ve your assistant time to fingerspell the infonnation to you .

TIP: You and your partner should practice the names of the more popular countries. At first you might want to give
your audience selected maps rather than the entire atlas. To limit their choices further simply use the following patter:
"Consider the map in front of you. Choose one country towards which you feel an affinity."

ALTERNATIVE VERSION: You can use the fingerspell codes to relate travel plans, ethnicity, nationalities, countries of
origin and any other information that involve the names of countries. There are two hundred countries in the world
currently and dozens of protectorates. Nearly two dozen countries were created during the 1990s alone. This makes a
compkte up-to-date list of nations difficult to assemble but, frankly, depending upon where you are performing, the
possibilities aren't infinite. lfyou perform this effect in Kansas, the chances of you finding an Omani or Bhutanese
citizen are slim to none. And, personally, I've never met a resident of Greenland. Considering the real possibilities of
ethnicities available to you in an average mentalist show you might want to study only the most popular ones.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Mass Mind, Psychometry, Aura Reading. Divination

Mass Mind

() t "-+
Magic sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.

EFFECT: The mentalist leaves the room after asking the audience to mentally select a card. The mentalist returns to
the room and asks everyone to concentrate on it. He immediately reveals the chosen card.

METHOD: One of your audience members is a confederate. He fingerspells a two-letter code to you as you return to
the room. The codes are listed in the table below. If your confederate signs '"1-1" and '"G," he is signifying the 7• ("'G"
being the seventh letter in the English language).

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Mass Mind


clair•voy•ant adj [F, fr. clair clear + voyant

6 seeing] 1 : unusually perceptive 2 : having the
power of discerning objects not present to the
senses - clair•voy•ance \ n

X-ra Vision
() t ~
Therefore trust to thy heart, and
to what the world calls illusions.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

EFFECT: Four different coins are borrowed and displayed along with an empty coffee cup or mug. Before leaving the
room, the mentalist instructs his audience to agree upon one of the coins and to place it under the overturned cup in
the middle of the table. Upon returning, he immediately ascertains the identity of the coin under the cup.

METHOD: This classic effect is one of the first coded transmission effects I ever did. It appears in every beginner's
magic book. The code to transmit the information as to the identity of the coin under the cup is as follows:

© @ @ @
Quarter Dime Nickel Penny

Of course, any small object can be used instead of coins.

TIP: Make sure your confederate doesn't overly align the cup's handle. Placing the cup somewhat haphazardly will
make the effect stronger. Also, make sure the cup is aligned properly in his hand BEFORE placing it on top of the
coin; it will look suspicious if the cup is placed down first and mucked about \\ith.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Psychometry

Clairaudience I

() t ~·· Let every man he fully persuaded in hi.~ own mind.

-The Epistle or St. Paul the Apostle to the Romans, 14:5

EFFECT: Before leaving the room. the mentalist explains the concept of clairaudience and asks e\ eryone to agree
upon a number or object. The mentalist returns after a short bit and immediately reveals the group's ch01ce.

METIIOD: Ideally, a two-way radio would work for this effect but in lieu of that. your conlcderah: should keep his
cellular telephone on to allow you to eavesdrop on the ensuing conversation. Call him on your own cellular tckphonc
in anticipation of this ef"fect and keep the line open.

PAri •.u: Clairaud icncc

· · n e II

() t + Ifyou cant spot the .<tucker in the game in

the first ten minutes, then it must be you.
- Poker proverb

EFFECT Before leaving the room the mentalist explains the concept of clairaudience and asks everyone t~ ag~e~
upon a n.umber between 1 and 10. 'The mentalist returns after a short bit and immediately reveals the groups c mce.

METHOD: Your confederate transmits the information to you using a specific code:

The success to this effect is the nonchalant use of a pen. Each of the actions listed signifies a different meaning.
Consider developing and expanding the code for your own use. I've left space_ for you to add your o:vn notes sho~ld
you want to use this coding system to signify other information. Photocopy thts hst as small as posstble and aflix tt to
a pen or clipboard for the confederate's use.

PATTER: Clairaudience

The Garden of Good & Evil

Cannot bear very much reality
- T. S. Elliot, Murder in the Cathedral

EFFECT: Two medallions, one representing "good" and the other "evil," are introduced to the audience. Five
spectators are chosen to assist in the experiment in aura reading. The mentalist leaves the room and the five spectators
must decide, amongst themselves, who will keep the good medallion and who will keep the evil one. The mentalist
returns and after examining each of their auras, correctly identifies who holds which medallion.

METHOD: One ofthe five volunteers is your confederate. He remembers who retains the two tokens and conveys that
information to you using the same method described in the previous effect. Decide between you before hand which
medallion will be signaled first, say for example, the good one. To build up suspense in this effect, ask the spectators
holding the medallions to concentrate on some aspect of good or evil, as the case may be.

PATTER: Emanations, Aura reading, Scrying

Clairaudience Ill
() t +
My mind is the key that sets me free.
- Harry Houdini

EFFECT: Before leaving the room, the mentalist explains the concept of clairaudience and asks everyone to agree
upon a number between I and I 0. The mentalist returns after a short bit and immediately reveals the group's choice.

METHOD: Your confederate transmits the information to you using a specific code. It might seem difficult but as you
read it will become increasingly intuitive.

If your confederate crosses his arms and holds his pen as if he was writing, his thumb will be far down towards the
pen's tip. This will signify the number I.
Placing the thumb halfway up the pen will signify the number 2
Placing the thumb at the non-writing end will signify the number 3

If your confederate puts his hands at his hips and holds his pen as if he was writing, his thumb will be far done
towards its tip. This will signify the number 4.
Placing the thumb halfway up the pen will signify the number 5
Placing the thumb at the non-writing end will signify the number 6

If your confederate allows his arms to relax and holds his pen as if he was writing, his thumb will be far done towards
the pen's tip. This will signify the number 7.
Placing the thumb halfway up the pen will signify the number 8
Placing the thumb at the non-writing end will signify the number 9

EXPLANATION: I've designed this code to be a three-by-three matrix:

1-2-3 - three placements at the chest (when your confederate crosses his .__1_-_2_-3-----JI \

4-5-6- three placements at the waist (when your confederate has his
hands at his hips)
4 - 5 - 6
7-8-9- three placements at the elbow (when your confederate crosses his
7 - 8 - 9
Your confederate can signify the number I 0 by placing his pen in his

The success to this effect is the nonchalant use of a pen. Consider using a pen during other parts of your pcrfom1ancc
so that it doesn't seem as if you "need" to hold it during this particular effect.

TIP: Of course, this code can be made to fit almost any information you would like to transmit. Experiment and sec
what you come up with.

PATrER: Clairaudience
All- ur ose Ph sical Code

() t + A trick may be very good fbutf the

magician mu.~t be bener than the trick.
- Rene Lavand

EFFECT: The mentalist correctly divines the nature, identity or location of any hidden object or secret information.

METHOD: Imagine being able to transmit any information you specifically need when you need it? I've assembled
more than thirty nonchalant physical actions in the accompanying list. They all fall within the parameters of normal
motions and activities of a performer on stage and can pass the careful scrutiny of the average audience.

This blank value code list is meant to augment your already established mentalism act. This list is hardly exhaustive;
feel free to add or subtract from this list. Use them carefully and sparingly. You don't want to appear as if you were
suffering from a nervous disorder while on stage.

PATTER: Telepathy. Intuition. ESP. Imaging. Mass Mind, Psychometry, Aura Reading

Puffupchecks ___________________________________________________
Bite upper lip-------------------------------------------------
Bite lower lip--------------------------------------------------
Wink left eye
Take off glasses
Point with index f;;i_n_g_e_r---------------------------------------------
Point with thumb {right h a n d ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
At assistant.________________________________________________
At audience

At one's own hand

At the back of the r.:-::o:-::o:-::m=---------------------------------------
Point with thumb {left h a n d ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
At assistant
At audience-----------------------------------------------
At spectator

Look away while speaking

Look directly at partners ---------------------------------------
Look towards back of the theatre
Wave to the back of the theatre ·-----------------------------------
Look directly at the ceiling light;s-----------------------------------
Hands to side
Hand to lips - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hand on hips~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stroke cheek _
Laughing out l o u d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sleight giggle
Eyesclosedw~h~ile~s~p~e~a~k~in_g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

Cough into hand

Scratch face

Ciear one's throat (2x)

Punctuating each word;-:w-:-:-;:it-=-h-a~j=-a-=-b-o--:f;-:t::-h-e-=t=-in_g_e_r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Hand clipboard to a spectator
Holding a clipboard/pad
Gesturing with a clapboard/pad-------------------
Gesturing with a p e n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ultimate Scr in

It is a double pleasure to deceive the deceiver.

- Jean de La Fontaine

EFFECT: A mentalist offers a psychic reading to a volunteer. He proceeds to reveal pertinent, specific and exacting
information about the volunteer's personality and past. He then reveals the person's future.

METHOD: Most people don't realize how much of their personal information is readily available on the Internet.
Some people are absolute exhibitionists when it comes to the Internet. You can tell a great deal of information from
the photos that people post about themselves including: friends, family, addresses, living situations, relationships,
marital status, age, hobbies, vacation plans, profession and economic status to name but a few. Homepages, chat
rooms and personal profiles are all excellent sources of the information people routinely broadcast without concern as
to who is viewing it. More frequently than not, these people have no recollection that they had ever posted the data in
the first place. Other sources to find information on people can be the yellow or white pages,, (which looks for peoples' telephone numbers and addresses for a fee) and The latter
site provides a list ofpeople from each graduating high school class of every school around the country. The only
thing is that the person being investigated would have to be signed up with the site.

Explore all links that present themselves. Even if they aren't to personal sites, people usually include links to other
sites only if the site's topic or theme interests them or somehow represents their ideas, beliefs or preferences. Be
prepared beforehand with the garnered information. If you are perfonning this etTect on the telephone. use a second
telephone line or a wireless connection to the Net to allow quick searches.

Even incomplete information can be turned into a psychic reading. Be as vague as possible. Especially when it comes
to information gleaned from posted photographs. Should you come across a wedding photo that depicts twelve
bridesmaids all dressed outlandishly in sea-foam green don't simply blurt out this little tidbit. Tease the person with
"flashes and glimpses of visions." Say instead: "You had a beautiful wedding. So as not to cause dissension between
family and friends you had a large number of people in your wedding party. You're very proud of your tastes and
many people have complemented you, though not everyone did. You arc a creative person sensitive to color. shape
and form."

The following is a blow-by-blow account of a very successful execution of this trick performed over the Internet by
several mentalist friends of mine:

Bill and I created user names and profiles so that we would become members of
Yahoo. Yahoo is the most used search engine, but it also provides e-mail, web
space, classifieds and chat rooms. It provides any service you could possibly need
on the Internet. After we created our user names. we connected with each other
over the Internet through MSN Instant Messenger and used the voice chat feature
so that we could remain in contact (NB: We didn't have cell phones at the time.)

While still in communication with each other, Bill entered a chat room. He got a
feel for the people there by chatting with them socially. After a while Bill revealed
that he could read Tarot cards and that he had visions. At this point, I entered the
chat room but Bill and I remained in phone contact. As he continued to socialize, I
started looking up the profiles of the other people in the chat room in order to
gather information on people participating in the chat. Since we were in a Yahoo
chat room, each member listed a profile on Yahoo.

Bill started "reading" me telling me about things he actually knew about me and,
of course, I told him he was right every time. This reading was used as a teaser to
entice the other people in the chat room. Our plan worked as expected; everyone
wanted a reading. I found the person who had the most information in their profile
and I conveyed the name to Bill via our voice connection. He asked this particular
woman if he could read her first and she anxiously agreed. She had a great deal of
information on the Internet including her real name, her state and town, age,
marital status, gender, family, relationships, occupation, hobbies, favorite books,
favorite quotes, links and many of the current events in her life. This woman, as
with many of the others for whom I found information, was a housewife in her
mid-forties. She had a strong interest in the Renaissance and this was reflected on
her hornepage which had links for sites dealing with this topic. Her wedding had a
Renaissance theme and she posted photos of her and her family and gave a lot of
details about the wedding, which we used to our advantage.

We carne upon another person that desperately wanted a reading, but there was
very little information on her. Again, she was a mid-forties housewife. The only
thing we could do was provide a completely cold reading so Bill offered very
general statements. For example. he told her that she had a problem in her family.
This was clearly a safe bet as every family has at least one problem. Then he told
her the problem involved a female in the family. Part lucky guess, part deduction,
since women tend to share problems more readily than men.

After awhile. Bill felt he had exhausted the possibilities available to him so he told
the woman that the problem would work out eventually. All together, she was very
pleased with her "psychic" reading.

TIP: The longer you talk about insignificant things and as many tangents upon which you can go off on the better.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Precognition, Aura Reading

You cannot depend on your eyes

when your imagination is out offocus.
-Mark Twain

~FFECT: A crystal ball is handed out for examination to several audience members alon with a fo
IS asked to dra~e the foulard over his outstretched and cupped hands. The crystal ball is ~ I dulard. ~ v~lu~teer
The volunteer IS asked to stare into the ball and to clear his mind After a fe d ~n p acef onto t e ou ard.
appears in the crystal. · w secon s, an Image o the selected card

METHOD: The confederate hides a miniature card in his aim or in h ·

consummate actor to pull this one off He has to beh l~k t e croo.k of his elbow. Your stooge has to be a
· ave I e anyone would 1f something miraculously appeared in his

or her own hands. That is, your confederate should behave as if he is too frightened to hold the crystal and should
quickly hand it back to you.

ALTERNATIV~ VERSION: Some critics might argue that as long as the volunteer is your confederate, why not simply
agree. as to wh1c~ card would be used and not use the miniature card at all. The advantage to the original version as
descnbed above IS that those seated around the confederate will be able to catch, if for only a few seconds a glimpse
of the card's image inside the ball. '

TIP: .A real crysta~ ball of any reasonable dimensions (4-inches/1 0 em) would be prohibitively expensive. You might
consider a synthetic crystal ball. One of perfect clarity are available for a fraction of the cost of a natural crystal ball.

TIP: Cover the miniature card with clear contact paper to make more durable.

PATTER: Scrying, Crystalmancy, Subliminal Suggestion

Mood Disks

It is respectable to have no illusions,

and safe and profitable and dulL
- Joseph Conrad

EFFECT: The mentalist explains the concept of"mood rings." In the 1970's, rings were sold set with a plastic gem
which changed colors according to the emotion of the wearer. The mentalist produces two plastic disks that are sealed
together. He explains the plastic is actually the same material from which the original mood rings were made. He asks
for three volunteers to come on stage. One is given the set of sealed disks and covers them with a foulard. Another
volunteer is asked to select a card which is then shown to the audience but not to the mentalist or the other two
volunteers. The third volunteer is given a small blackboard and a piece of chalk and is told simply to open his mind
and to write down the identity of the card as the thought is projected to him. The audience is then instructed to think
of the previously selected card and to project the thought to the volunteers on stage. After a suitable amount of time,
the volunteer uncovers the handkerchief to find that a miniature version of the card is sealed in between the disks.
The volunteer with the blackboard is requested to reveal what he wrote and it is shown to be the same as the selected

METHOD: Ask for two volunteers (one is a confederate) and have them stand at least 10-feet (3-meters) apart. Your
confederate has a set ofidentical disks with the force card sealed inside ofthem. You openly display the set of clear,
sealed plastic disks and hand them to your confederate and direct him to hold them at his fingertips. He is then to
cover his hand and the outstretched disks with a small foulard. Under cover of the foulard, he is to switch the empty
set of disks with the prepared disks you gave him before the performance.

Approach your legitimate spectator and force a card on her, the copy of which is sealed between the plastic disks your
confederate is holding. Make sure the audience sees the card but, for the effect's sake, avoid letting your confederate
see it. After a bit of concentration, ask the confederate to reveal the disks in his hands.

I. silk handkerchief
2. four clear plastic (acrylic) disks approximately 2" (5 em) in diameter by about 0.25" (0.6 em)
3. a deck of miniature cards
4. a regular-sized deck of cards
5. blackboard and chalk

PREPARATION: You will need to secure a miniature card in between two acrylic disks. Usc clear tape on the outside
of the disks to make access in to the card difficult. Tape two other disks together but do not include a miniature card.

TIP: You might consider "hypnotizing" your third volunteer, (i.e., your confederate) in preparation for his role as
"telepathic receptor."

PATTER: Empathy, ESP, Thought Projection, Hypnosis, Telepathy, Apportation

Scr in Mirror

We overlook what we do not wi.<;h to see.

- Sigmund Freud

EFFECT: A volunteer is asked to come to the stage, select a card and then show it the audience. The card is returned
to the deck which is then placed aside. At that, the mentalist hands a small mirror to the spectator and asks him to
stare into it. After a few seconds, a bright flash is seen emanating from the mirror. The spectator is stunned but
recovers and admits that he saw his card in that flash. He examines the mirror to find no contrivances.

METHOD: This effect is simply a prearranged card force. The flash is accomplished with a FISM Flash)\. It is the
most basic of confederate-style mentalism magic. The use of the mirror simply adds a bit of mystery. This is ' ue in
all confederate-style effects and no less true in the simplest illusions: the confederate has to be a consummate actor.
He has to act like any lay person would if a merely thought of card was revealed to them with a brilliant flash of light
in a simple hand mirror. That is. he would look shocked, maybe even a little shaken. He would definitely react
vocally and examine the mirror thoroughly. He would also immediately look up to the ceiling as if hoping to find an
explanation for the mysterious appearance there.

PATTER: Telepathy. Intuition, ESP. Scrying. Psychometry, Aura Reading

Shi s in the Ni ht

Ships that pass in the night and speak each other in passing,
On(l' a signal shown and a distant voice in the darkness;
So on the ocean of life we pa.u and speak one another,
Only a look and a voice; then darkness again and a silence.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

EFFECT: While o~tdoors, the m~ntalist aii~\\S a volunteer to choose a card. Instead of revealing it, he asks a passing
stranger to Identity the spectator s card. A Iter some consideration, the correct answer is given.

~1ETHOD: U.nles~,you ca~ cl~~m di\ inity on your resum~, you '11 need a confederate to perform this effect. Simply
Ioree a card and kt your confederate know about It. She II have to have excellent timing as she casually and
nonchalantly approaches you and your spectator on the street.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition. ESP

0 Mary, at thy window he!

It is the wi.~h 'd, the trysted hour.
- Robert Burns

EFFECT: The mentalist allows a volunteer to choose a card. The , r . .. . .

fails both times. At that, he directs his spectator's attention to th m~.:nta Is't ma~es t~o attempts at Ide~titym~ It but
affixed to the window. e \~tndow behmd him. The spectators card IS seen

METHOD: Have your confederate affix the force card to the outside of the window some time before you start the

ALTERNATIVE VERSION: You might consider performing this effect while on the telephone. You of course, need to
arrange with your confederate to place the soon-to-be-selected card in the telephoned spectator's window.

PATTER: Intuition, Apportation, Unexplained Phenomena

C ber-Ma ic

It is sweet to let the mind unbend on occasion.

- Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus,) Odes

EFFECT: The mentalist allows a spectator a completely free selection of any card. But instead of immediately
revealing its identity, the mentalist gives his business card to the spectator and asks her to write down the present time
and the e-mail address of a friend of the mentalist. When the spectator returns home, she will find an e-mail from the
mentalist's friend that includes a photo of her selected card. When she checks the e-mail's delivery time, she will note
that the e-mail was sent to her before the mentalist performed the effect.

METHOD: Have your confederate scan the force card and e-mail the spectator prior to the performance. If you cannot
procure the spectator's e-mail address, create a temporary e-mail box using any of the myriad of free e-mail services
on the Net. Make sure you give her the newly created account's password. It is important that your confederate send
the e-mail at approximately the same time that you perform the effect. You can use cellular phones to communicate
the exact time.

TIP: Make sure that the spectator takes note of the time and date at the head of the e-mail. Use the Fan Force to make
sure the spectator gets the right card; it looks the cleanest. When the spectator returns the card to the deck, have her
shuffle it thoroughly so as to waylay suspicion.

PATTER: Intuition, Precognition, Clairvoyance

S nchronicit

This whole creation is essentially subjective

-Carl Gustav Jung

EFFECT: The mentalist hands a volunteer a small pad and then asks several personal questions. The mentalist
concentrates and correctly identifies each of the spectator's choices.

METHOD: Agree with your confederate as to what your list will be like. Consider using the following questions and

Q: What is your favorite fruit? Q: What is your favorite color?

A: Strawberries A: Blue

Q: Choose a number between I and a I 00. Q: What is your favorite flower?

A: 56 A: Bird-of-Paradise

(): What is your favorite television show? Q: Choose a letter of the English alphabet
A: Star Trek A. [)
TIP: Do NOT attempt to put on airs during this effect. Appear slightly amazed that you are correct each time your
confederate acknowledges her answers.

PAlTER: Luck, Synchronicity, Laws of Probability, Psychic Influences, Telepathy, ESP, Serendipity


7 seer n : a person who foresees or predicts


Pocket Chan e Divination

$ t +3€
But this rough magic I here abjure.
-William Shakespeare, The Tempest, act V, sc. i, I. 50

EFFECT: The mentalist leads a spectator through a mentalism experiment and divines the amount of change in the
spectator's pocket as well as the person's age. At that, the mentalist turns to another spectator and asks him to count
the money in his pocket. The mentalist explains that the mathematics was necessary to put the spectator into a
receptive psychic state but that it is possible to repeat the effect without the use of mathematics. At that. a second
volunteer is selected. He is asked to count his pocket change. After a series of sequence of relaxation exercises, the
mentalist concentrates and writes down a number and hands it to a nearby person. The mentalist wakes up the
spectator and asks him to announce his age and the amount of change in his pocket.

METHOD: A version of this effect appeared in Bob Longe's The Magical Math Book. It was entitled "Birthday
Change." After you choose a volunteer, run through the following steps with them:

I) Write down your age

2) Multiply by 2
3) Add 5
4) Multiply by 50
5) Add the amount of change you have in your pocket (this has to be less than a dollar's worth)

The mentalist then asks for the answer. Subtract 250 from the number the spectator announces and a four-digit will
ensue. The first two digits will be the spectator's age. The last two digits will be the amount of change the spectator
has in his pocket.

The effect is automatic and offers a surprising revelation but the second half or this routine will be more
outstanding. The second spectator is obviously the plant. The second half of the effect is accomplished through
prior agreement.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition, ESP, Imaging, Second Sight

'J I
It.~ mystery is its life. We mu.~t not let in daylight upon magic.
-Walter Bagehot

EFFECT: A mentalist gives a legal size pad to a volunteer who is asked to draw any simple picture he wishes.
Depending on the situation, the mentalist may turn around to give the person some privacy or the person might be
invited to leave the stage or building to create his picture. Upon returning, and after some by-play, the mentalist
correctly identities the secret drawing.

METHOD: The pad should be sufficiently large to allow a large drawing. The larger the drawing, the easier it is for
confederates to identify. Make sure you use an extra-thick magic marker to preclude the possibility of the spectator
inadvertently drawing a picture too small to spy. Your success will depend on whether or not your confederate can
see the drawing. Generally. this shouldn't be a problem but, to better assure a successful outcome, try to plant
several confederates around the room. You want to be able to consider all possible angles. Should a spectator
decide to take you up on the option of leaving the building, make sure you have a confederate or two strategically
stationed. With the use of several hidden assistants each equipped with cellular telephones and high-powered
binoculars, you can create a truly stunning miracle.

Atler the drawing is correctly identified. an assistant can either pass you the information lightly written on an
otherwise blank pad. through the use of hand signals or by means of a radio transmitter.

This is clearly a difficult effect to arrange and not meant to be performed out-of-hand. But with excellent assistants
and careful planning you can create an excellent reputation for yourself that might out live you. An apocryphal
story attributed to Harry Houdini involves a similar effect performed for Sir Author Conan Doyle.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition. ESP. Imaging, Mass Mind, Psychometry, Aura Reading

Hand Ps chomet
() ~
A pleasant illusion is better than a harsh reality.
-Christian Nestell Bovee

EFFECT: The st~nds before several selected ~e~bers of the audience while blindfolded and is randomly
handed a personal obJect from each one. He correctly divmes the owner of each of them with 100% accuracy.

METH?D: The following ta~le explains the ~odes used .. Depending on the manner in which your stooge places the
obJect .mto your hand you will know Immediately to which person It belongs. 1 refers to the first person on the left-
hand side of the performer. 2 refers to the second and so on.

1 Drop quickly into hand
2 Hold wrist
3 Push down into hand
4 Brush fingertips
4 Trace object across palm
5 Hold hand steady
6 Say "Here it is"
PATTER: Mass Mind, Psychometry, Aura Reading


The most beautiful thing we can experience i.~ the mysteriou.\.

- Albert Einstein

EFFECT: The mentalist asks his audience to examine a light bulb. When it is returned to him, he gives it to a
volunteer. The mentalist asks him to put on a pair of safety goggles and to place the light bulb in a clear plastic bag.
He is to hold the bag away from him and anyone around him. The mentalist steps away and concentrates. Seconds
later, the light bulb shatters. The light bulb is ungimmicked and the shards can be carefully examined.

METHOD: The volunteer is a confederate armed with a light bulb shattering gimmick commonly sold under many
names. It is a spring-loaded device that shatters light bulbs and wineglasses while held in the hand. This effect is
made stronger by having the bulb shatter in a volunteer's hand. When holding the light bulb in its plastic bag. your
confederate should hold both the top and bottom of the bag tautly. This will hide your confederate's hands as he
manipulates the gimmick.

WARMNG: Please be careful as you attempt this effect for your sake and the sake of those around you. l strongly
urge everyone involved with this effect to wear sunglasses or safety goggles and a clear face shield. Use a thick-
walled plastic bag.

PATTER: Telekinesis


~· I don't think that there i.'i anything that is

really magical unles.~ it has a terrijj•ing quality.
- Andrew Wyeth

EFFECT: The mentalist leads a volunteer in a short experiment in hypnotic suggestion. She is asked to take a seal
on the stage facing the audience with the mentalist standing behind her. He leads her through a series or mcditati\ c
steps that culminate in her experiencing an unexpected and surprising shiver. When asked as to what she
experienced. she reports that she felt a chill go through her body.

METifOr>: The volunteer is obviously a stooge who has arranged with the mentalist to shiver at a certain point in
your perfonnance. Your patter should center on the theme or '\:old'' in order to he most cllel:live. The volunteer's
rcspons~: is heli~:vahle and unexpected. as the audience will have no idea where this cxpcnmcnt IS headed.

TIP: 1 use this effect as an introductory experiment to put the audience in the proper mood.

PATTER: Hypnotism, Subliminal Suggestion, Mass Hypnotism, Emanations, Aura Reading

White Ma ic

The world is governed more by

appearance.~ than by realities
-Daniel Webster

EFFECT: The mentalist invites four people to volunteer in an ESP experiment. When the mentalist leaves the room
the four volunteers are to decide on a single item in the room. The mentalist returns and each volunteer randomly
offers suggestions in the form of a question, "Is it this lamp?" "Is it this carpet?" etc. They are given the option to
suggest anything in the room but they must, sooner or later, suggest the chosen object. After a few attempts at
fooling the mentalist, he correctly identifies the selected item.

METHOD: This is a more credible version of the classic confederate mentalist effect "Black Magic." The original
effect required a single confederate to randomly suggest different objects in the room. The mentalist was to
consider the color of each mentioned item. As soon as the confederate mentioned a black-colored object, the
mentalist knew that the next object called out would be the chosen object. The advantage to this version is that
though the original effect's code was relatively impenetrable it was clearly obvious to most people that a code was,
in fact. being transmitted. This version deflects attention away from the possibility of the existence of a confederate
by allowing all of the volunteers to make suggestions making the effect altogether stronger. The chosen item will
be the second item mentioned by your confederate.

WARNING: Though this version allows for the possibility of a legitimate spectator asking the mentalist about the
actual decided up item, this can be countered by a subtle code on the part of your confederate. If one of your
legitimate spectators mentions the actual agreed upon item, your confederate should then simply fold his arms or
take a half-step forward or make some other subtle movement to notify you that the selected item is being

PATTER: ESP, Truth Detection

Lie Detector Pendulum

It is dangerous to let the public behind the scenes.

They are easily disillusioned and then they are
angry with you, for it was the illusion they loved.
- Somerset Maugham

EFFECT: The mentalist introduces the concept of divination with a pendulum. He allows a volunteer a free choice
of a card. He then asks the spe_ctator to choose three other indifferent cards. The four are shuffled and placed face-
up on the table and the mentalist uses a pendulum to identify the correct card The m t 1· t th 1
1 . . . · en a IS en se ects a new
vo ~nteer t? b~come the d1vmer. The mentalist allows the audience to agree upon a card. He then takes three
add1t10nal md1fferent cards and shuffles the four together and lays them out onto th t bl Th
. h h . e a e. e spectator-turn-
men ta I1st t en uses t e pendulum to d1scover the selected card.

METHOD: The original version of this effect is described by Ted Anne · h" p · ·
t d"t· d 1 · · mann m IS ractJcal Mentahsm By
ra 1 JOn, a pen u urn will swmg back and froth uninterrupted t · 1 · · ·
o s1gna a negat1ve response. It will supposedly form

a circle to signify a positive response. The first part of this effect is accomplished with a force. The second half of
this trick is even ea~ier. Simply place t~e newly selected card second from the right. When the confederate passes
the pendulum over It, he should allow It to swing in a circle over it.

PATTER: Truth Detection, Dowsing, Subconscious

Dial-a-Ps chic

Till their own dreams at length deceive 'em,

And oft repeating, they believe 'em.
- Matthew Prior

EFFECT: The mentalist allows a tree selection of a card. He then directs the volunteer to select any number from a
telephone directory. The volunteer punches the number into a cellular phone and then immediately hands it to her.
When the other party answers, the voice greets her and after some introductions the mystery person reveals the
selected item.

METHOD: This effect is based on Gary Wilson's "411," a trick I've enjoyed a great deal. I suggest using a cellular
phone. Call your confederate in advance, agree upon a forced item and keep him on the line. When your volunteer
has selected a random telephone number, punch in its area code and immediately hand the telephone to the
volunteer. Hold the telephone in such a way as to hide the view-screen. Explain that you want everyone to see what
you are doing to waylay any suspicion. Should the volunteer spy the numbers already punched in, tell her that it is
the code for your long distance dialing service.

It is important to use a telephone book from a different city in which you are perfonning. When you volunteer to
punch in the area code you are unconsciously giving an explanation as to why there is no dial tone when she picks
up the telephone. When one makes a nonnal telephone call, the dial tone disappears as soon as the first number is
punched in.

TIP: Stress the idea that the volunteer had a free selection of any card and of any telephone number. Allow her to
choose a different telephone number if she wishes.

PATTER: Mass Mind, Latent Telepathy, Empathy, Intuitive Flashes

Instant Cooperation

Nature never deceive.~ us; it is

always we who deceive ourselves.
-Jean Jacques Rousseau

EHECT: The mentalist asks for two volunteers; one to stand on either side of him. He fans the deck exposing the
faces toward one spectator, allowing her to see all of the cards. She is told to mentally select a card.The mentalist
shuffles the cards and then turns to the second volunteer and the same instructions are repeated to him. The two
volunteers write down their selections and, after some by-play, expose them. They arc found to be identical.

METHOI>: This is a classic confederate-style effect that requires a minimal amount or prior agreement. Give a
volunteer a free selection of any card and control it to the bottom of the deck. Tum to your confederate. reverse fan
the deck and expose the face-side to him. This will expose only a single card; your tirst spectator's selected card.
Your second volunteer pretends to examine each card and then writes down the only card that he can sec.

TIP: You can perform this trick using the second volunteer as an "impromptu" confederate. That is, when you
reverse fan towards the second and you're feeling lucky, wink and ask her to pick any card. Hopefully she will
cooperate and "choose" the card you want her to. Be sure to thank her for her cooperation afterwards.

PATTER: Mass Hypnosis, Planted Thoughts, Mind Control, Subliminal Suggestion

psy•chic n : a person apparently sensitive to
nonphysical forces or supernatural forces; also
8 : MEDIUM- psy•chi•cal•ly adv


't+* Vision: the art of seeing things invisible.

- Jonathan Swift

EFFECT: The mentalist explains the concept of "apportation" and proposes an experiment. A coin is borrowed and
signed or marked in some way to make it unique. It is wrapped in an opaque silk and held away at the fingertips by
a spectator. The mentalist stands twenty-feet away (six meters) with an open mesh net bag in his hands. The
spectator is then directed to drop the bag, but when he does so, only the silk slowly wafts down to the ground. A
few seconds later, a flash of light and a slight jolt shakes the mesh bag held by the mentalist. Another volunteer is
asked to put their hand into the bag and to retrieve whatever she finds. The coin bears the same signature and
markings as the coin that was originally volunteered.

METHOD: The flash is produced by a FISM Flashlll. Two spectators are required. Two coins are used, one
previously signed by the confederate. You keep one of the coins in a small plastic 35mm photographic film
container along with an ice cube. When you are ready to perform this effect, slip the coin into your sleeve and keep
it at your elbow. When you are ready to perform, allow the coin to fall into your hand. As you grasp the mesh bag,
hold the coin so that, when you release it, it will fall into the bag. After your confederate releases the silk, release
the flash, shake the bag and allow the hidden coin to fall into the bag. Allow a new spectator to remove the coin
and ask her to return it to the original audience member to check its identity.

PATTER: Apportation, Astral/Psychic Plane, Teleportation, "Poltergeist: the Movie"- scene where objects are
passed through from one dimension into another.


C>+ There is a moment of difficulty and danger at which

flattery and fal.~ehood can no longer deceive,
and simplicity itself can no longer be misled.

EFFECT: The mentalist is blindfolded and stands far into the stage. His assistant stands closer to the audience with
her back to the mentalist. Five volunteers are requested and each of them is given a large placard. a magic marker
and the instructions to choose any single digit. One by one. the mentalist correctly identifies each one of them.

Mr.THOO: You will need a blindfold that allows you to see through it in order to perform this effect. The
information can be gathered in many different ways. This "brilliant" etlect is explained in detail in Ted
Annemann's Practical Mentalism under the trick entitled "Moonlight Madness" by J. G. Thompson. He suggests
using a simple flashing device to transmit information to your medium. You can usc a D'Litc'H' as a signaling

device as along as you hide your sending hand appropriately with the use of a clipboard or by folding your arms in
such a way as to allow only your assistant to see the flashes.

As in the case of Morse code, this code is a series of dots (single ~ashes) and das?es (longer pulses.) Th~ nu:b~rs
1 through 4 are coded by the same number of single flashes. A 5 IS a longer .sustamed dash: 6 through 9 .IS a as
and then a few quick flashes. 10 is simply two sustained dashes. The followmg chart descnbes the code.

6 -0
1 0
7 .. 00
2 00
8 -000
3 000
0000 9 -0000
5 10

The disadvantage to this effect is that the assistant's back has to be within the .line of sight of the menta.list.
Furthermore, the audience has to be situated in such a way that they cannot ghmpse the flashes emanatmg from
behind the confederate.

ALTERNATIVE VERSION: Using the classic number code associated with ESP symbols (cf, pg. 67.) this effect can
easily be augmented so that you can transmit that information. Alternatively, you ca.n also transmit any number
between 1 and 99. If you assign different meanings to each of those numbers you will be able to expand the
information you can transmit.

PATTER: ESP, Rhine's Experiments, Telepathy

Fakir Control

~· Half the work that is done in this world is

to make things appear what they are noL
- Elias Root Beadle

EFFECT: Two volunteers are asked to assist the mentalist on stage. Each takes hold of one of the mentalist's wrists.
They are given an empty glass and pen. With a tap, they are to indicate each beat of the mentalist's pulse. The
mentalist closes his eyes and though initially, both volunteers report the same pulse rate on both wrists, they soon
start reporting different rates. Afterwards, each wrist will slow and come to a stop altogether. Another volunteer is
asked to come up and is similarly put into a hypnotic trance. Once under, her pulse can also be controlled through the
mentalist's will.

METHOD: This is based on an old effect. Pierce a hard rubber handball and string a cord through it and tie the ends
together making sure that the loop can fit over your shoulder comfortably. Once you have it around your ann and the
ball pushed into your armpit, you will note that, with only a slight movement, you can effectively control your pulse
by pressing your arm to your side. The same effect can be produced in your confederate by supplying her with
another ball on a rope and training her in this secret method. For a really startling climax, have the confederate
"swoon" at the end of the demonstration and fall into the arms of those around her.

PATTER: Fakirs, Mind over matter, Trance, Visions, Hypnosis


Keep on, then, with your magic spells and with your many
sorceries, which you have labored at since childhood.
Perhaps you will succeed, perhaps you will cau.<ie terror.
-Isaiah 47:12

EFFECT: The mentalist's assistant asks a spectator to write her name, birthplace, birthday and a question on a small
slip of paper which is folded into quarters and handed to an assistant. The spectator then randomly chooses several
cards from a shuffled Tarot deck. The mentalist arranges them on the table in front of him and proceeds to tell the
spectator intimate information about his past, present and future.

METHOD: For the most part, this trick is performed with a bit of bravado and braggadocio. A little bit of studying and
memorization of the traditional interpretations of the Tarot will reward you immeasurably in terms of your
performance. Look over the following descriptions, even if you make a couple of mistakes, it'll still sound good!

Card Interpretation Card Interpretation

Magician Creativity, Skill Strength Enei"gyy Coura_g_e, Conviction
Last Judgment Renewal, Promotion Wheel of Fortune Desti'!Y_, Fortune, Conclusion
Sun Success, Love, Happiness Hermit Prudence, Knowledge, Vigil
Moon Lies, Danger, Hidden Problem Justice Fairness, Balance, Harmony
Star Hope, Faith, Inspiration Chariot Adversi!Y, Trouble, Triumph
Tower Sudden Change, Disruption Lovers Love, Harmony, Confidence
Devil Downfall, Fai lure Hierophant Alliance, Kindness, Assistance
Temperance Moderation, Patience Ef1JP_eror Stability, Authority, Reason
Death Change, Loss, Corruption Empress Initiative, Action, Attainment
Hanged Man Transition, Change, Trial High Priestess Wisdom, Ju<!g_ment, M_ystery
Fool Folly, Indecision, Obsession

Your assistant will need to transmit the information gleaned from the forms filled out in the beginning of effect. Use
your favorite method. Be sure to also pump information from the spectator's friends, colleagues, relatives and
neighbors. Don't pass up any information you might come across; I refuse nothing. If you can divine a telephone
number, that will be acceptable also.

TIP: Ham it up; this trick might be the only opportunity you'll ever have to gain a reputation as a master mentalist.
After all, a card trick is seen by many people, lay and mentalist alike, as simply a clever use of your hands.
Mentalism can seem as close to real magic as one can get.

PATTER: Cartomancy, Premonition, Intuition, Precognition, Divination

Ps chic Release

~· Let every bond be loosed, every force fail, let all

iron be broken, every rope or every strap,
let every knot, every chain be opened and let no
one compel me, for I am "SAY YOUR NAME."
- A Prayer for Release from Bonds,
Greek Magical Papyrus, Fourth Century AD

EFFECT: A piece of rope is held out for examination and is tied around the mentalist's wrists. A historical account is
delivered, at the end of which the mentalist slowly turns his hands and immediately the rope falls offhis hands.

METHOD: The breakup of the friendship between Sir Author Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini can be attributed to
their disagreement as to how Harry would escape his constraints. This effect exploits their peculiar history. Be
mystical while performing this effect and recount the disagreements between the two. Sir Author claimed that
Houdini supposedly made his escapes by dematerializing. The recounting will add greatly to the effect.

This is the only actual escape effect I list here in this book. I'm unsure who invented this effect but I attribute it to
Ali Bongo who taught me. I came up with the idea of using it as a mentalist performance when he suggested
performing this in front of an audience, instead of squirreling away someplace and escaping away from their view.
Use a four-foot piece of soft magician's rope whose ends have been carefully whipped.

The first volunteer is a confederate. This is necessary to tie the rope correctly without having to bark orders at a
volunteer. The second time you escape, you can use a volunteer. The tying process is a relatively easy one but it
really needs to be seen once before a layperson can be trusted to do it with minimum amount of instruction on your
part. Here are the instructions:

I. Tie a loose overhand knot in a piece of rope:

1 Places your hands into the loop:
3. Keep your wrists as tight as possible. IF YOU RELEASE THE PRESSURE ON YOUR WRISTS YOU
4. The volunteer takes both ends of the rope and pulls them, effectively tightening them against your wrists
5. The end in his right h~nd goes through your arms and down and around your wrists. The other end of the rope
goes m the opposite direction. He can alternate which end is used but ultimately the entire rope will need to be
used up:
6. What remains of the ends are tied in at least two more overhand knots.

It is a veryvisual and even graceful escape if performed correctly. If tied correctly you barely have to struggle at all;
the ropes simply fall away from your wrists.

PATTER: Feud between Harry Houdini and Sir Author Conan Doyle over the nature of Harry's escapes Ha
Houdmi's quote "My mind is the key that sets me free." ' rry


~·· A plea.~ant illusion is better than a harsh reality.

-Christian Nestell Bovee

EFFECT: A mentalist shows his hands empty and in fact invites several vol t t ·
glass bowl of water is introduced. The mentalist faces th~ bowl concent t un ~er~ o ~x~mme them carefully. A
inches of the bowl. At that, sparks shoot from his two extended' fi rr· ra Aesfian hs ow y .owers hts hand to within
mge tps. ter t e surpnse wears off and the

audience is settled, volunteers are invited to examine the mentalist's hands again but no reasonable explanation is

METHOD: As you might have guessed, this effect is accomplished through the use of a Funken Ring, a small
mechanical device easily obtained through your local magic dealer that emits sparks. Through the use of a secret
assistant, the gimmick can be palmed off to the mentalist after his hands are inspected. The confederate simply
needs to be the last person to examine them.

TIPS: Stand with your back towards the audience, line up your shoulders with the bowl and thus take on the
shooter's pose. This will shield your palmed gimmick and adds to the dramatic effect. Keep the lights lower than
you would for the rest of your act for dramatic effect. Your confederate should run to you hastily to examine your
hands. This will give you the opportunity to palm off the Funken Ring and waylay suspicion on the part of the rest
of the audience.

ALTERNATIVE VERSIONS: You can substitute the bowl of water for a metallic object to act as a "conductor."

PATTER: Electrokinesis, Telekinesis

Photokinesis I

The one person who has more illusions

than the dreamer is the man of action.
- Oscar Wilde

EFFECT: A mentalist directs a volunteer to examine a small fluorescent bulb. The mentalist takes it back and the
stage lights are lowered. At that, the light bulb slowing starts to glow. The light bulb is handed once again to
volunteer who extends his hands. At that, the light bulb lights again under the mentalist's "ministrations." The light
bulb can be destroyed safely inside of a clear plastic bag to prove that it contained no gimmicks.

METHOD: This effect can easily be bought at any well-stocked magic store. It is sold under many names: a current
example is Guy Bavli's "High Voltage." The use of a confederate, similarly equipped with the same gimmick. is to
way lay suspicions that you are "wired."

TIP: Wearing a light shirt will greatly enhance the total effect of the light produced. Washing your shirt in a high
phosphate detergent before the show will increase its reflectivity.

PATTER: Electrokinesis, Photokinesis

Stasis I

The deceiving of the semes i.~

one of the p/ea.'iure.~ of the .~emes.
- Francis Bacon

A spectator with a dial watch is asked to note the time. Another person is given a pad and p~ncil The
volunteer with the watch is asked to hand it to the one with the pad. lie in turn notes the t11ne. wntcs 1t dm~·n and
places the note into a wineglass in li.JII view of the audience. Aller some by-play. the watch IS checked to lmd that
no time has passed since the effect started.

M•.THOU: The second spectator is a confederate. lie secretly places a powerful rare-earth magnet onto the \\atdl
thcrchy crtcctivcly stopping it~ hands ti·om moving. Rare-earth magnets arc availahk 111 most hardwan: o;lllrl'S. I he

confederate should make every effort to appear as if he or she had hardly touched the timepiece. Preferably, he
should casually plant the magnet and hold the watch by one of its straps.

TIP: You can use a clear plastic dome or a clear glass bowl over the watch to assure the audience that nothing will
tamper with it. Also, you should have another legitimately chosen spectator time your performance. You can then
compare the difference between the actual time and the new time displayed on the watch at the end of the

P ATIER: Time, Chronokinesis, Sense of Time

Chapter me•di•um n, pi mediums [L]
1 : something in a middle position;

9 2 : an individual held to be a channel of

communication between the earthly world
and a world of spirits.

Borrowed Chan e

~·· We all live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion.

-Iris Murdoch

EFFECT: A quarter is borrowed and placed in a volunteer's hand. Another volunteer is asked to hold the first
volunteer's wrist. The mentalist stands a respectable distance away from the two of them and motions slightly with
his hands. Instantly, the borrowed coin jumps up several inches and falls back into the spectator's hands.

METHOD: A magnetic quarter is used. Your confederate (the second spectator) has a PK-style magnet attached to
his wrist by means of an elastic bandage. You'll need to practice with your confederate in order to find the exact
optimal placement of the coin and the magnet in relation to the spectator's hand. Jittering around after the fact will
certainly arouse suspicion. Be prepared for the volunteer to shriek when the coin actually jumps and flips; this is a
truly shocking effect.

As to putting the magnetic coin into play, several options are available. Consider having the stooge offer the quarter.
Alternatively, the stooge can switch a proper quarter for a magnetic one.

TIP: Avoid using a magnetic half-dollar. Other than numismatists and our grandfathers, no one else actually carries
these coins with them.

TIP: If nothing happens when the confederate's hidden magnet approaches the coin, it is because the coin needs to
be flipped over to expose its other side.

PATTER: Telekinesis

Tibetan Pra er Tube

()~·· How little do they .~ee what i.'O, who frame

their hasty judgment.'i upon that which seem ....
-Robert Southey

EFH~CT: An assistant requests volunteers to write down questions to be answered by the mentalist. One by one. their
questions arc placed in an ornate silver tube, introduced as a Tibetan Prayer Tube. The mentalist is h~r~ded the
closed and scaled tube and despite not being to sec the written question. correctly drvmes each and oilers an answer
to each.

METHOD: The prayer tube is actually a metallic incense holder. It is cylindrical and encrusted with glass gems and
tiligree. A small chain attaches a cap to it. After a question is written down on a piece of paper and placed inside the
tube, the assistant screws on the cap so that markings on it are aligned with other markings on the tube itself. Each
contiguration signifies a different message.

It is imperative that your assistant/confederate specifically programs your spectator and limits his or her questions to
the four areas: family, love, money or work. Each type of question would be coded by a different configuration of
lid and tube. l suggest using this order as they are in alphabetical order and easier to memorize.

These incense holders can be bought in any store that deals with Tibetan art. The Tibetan word for them is poe
shong. Upon examination, you will note that it is a relatively easy thing to mark the lid with a single dot or scratch.
The opening of the tube where the lid comes into contact with it can similarly be marked with four similar markings.
The assistant secretly glimpses the question as she offers suggestions to the volunteer as to where and how to write
down the question. When she determines the nature of the question, she allows the spectator to fold the paper and
place it inside the tube. Have her keep the tube at arm's length to give a sense of propriety. When the
assistant/confederate seals the tube with the lid, she spins the lid to the appropriate code setting. The rest is simply a
matter of cold reading.

The four basic areas of concern for the larger percentage of people in modem society are: I) Family, 2) Health, 3)
Love and 4) Career/Money. Let your markings and their related codes reflect these four areas. You should always
include an '"emergency" setting that describes an unexpected question. On these rare occasions the mentalist's cold
reading skills will be stretched to their limit. Be prepared for such an eventuality.

TIP: Tibetan prayer tubes are available at Asian art stores relatively cheaply. You might wish to consider making
one for yourself after researching the topic in appropriate anthropological or Asian art texts.

TIP: Your confederate can also use the fingerspelling code to augment the information coded on the poe shong.

PATTER: ESP, Telepathy


All that is comes from the mind; it is based

on the mind, it is fashioned by the mind.
-The Pali Canon, Suttapitaka. Dhammapada, 1:1

~~FE~T: The mentalist demonstrate~ an example of personal levitation. Afterwards, he invites a volunteer to come
JOin him on stage. After a short a senes of meditations and breathing exercise, the spectator levitates off the d
also. groun

METHOD: The Balducci. Method strikes again. This version tries to bring the effect to a new he•'ght1
the pun y 0 t t . . . . ... p ease excuse
·. ~r spec a.~~ 1s a mag1c1an tramed m the "Balducci Self-Levitation Method." Michael Maxwell's "Th
Self-Levllatwn V1deo IS an excellent resource. e

T~P: Make sure that your confederate is wearing flair or loose fit trousers to facilitate the illusion y d'
Will be watchmg more closely the second time around. . our au lence

PATTER: Telekinesis, Telekinetic Flight

A Com lete Mindreadin Act

We must select the illusion which appeals to our temperament
and embrace it with passion, if we want to be happy.
- Cyril Connolly

EFFECT: The mentalist stands before his audience and throws out several ping-pong balls, one of which is marked
with a red X. He announces that whoever catches the marked ping-pong ball will be his assistant. This spectator is
then told to randomly select three other people. The volunteer then gives each of the three a completely free choice
of any card they wish. He then takes each card in tum and displays them for the rest of the audience and asks
everyone to concentrate on each card. After some by-play, the mentalist correctly announces each of the three cards.

METHOD: This is a streamlined version of Allen Bamert's effect "Phoney." The trick is easy to do as long as you
have a partner with a good memory. None of the ping-pong balls you throw out to the audience are marked but your
stooge sitting in the audience already has a ball marked with a red X palmed in his hand. He feigns catching a ball
and produces the palmed one.

No force is used but the stooge needs to note each of the cards in tum and remember the code for each card. The
code is based on simple symbols. Consider the shape of each of the suit symbols: the • has one point on its top. The
• has two lobes. The""' has three dots. The • has four points. The number of words in the associated phrase refers
directly to the number of point.>, dots or lobes of each of the suits.

The second table is also self-explanatory. The value of the card refers directly to a corresponding letter.

If, for example, the first card chosen is the A¥, the stooge will need to say. ""All right. Please think olyour card." If
the card is the 8•, your stooge will need to say, "Ready? Have a look at your card.·· And so on.

Table 1 Table 2
Card Letter Associated Phrase # Suit Associated Phrase
1 (Ace) A Please think of your card. I • Spades Ready? or OK"?
2 (Deuce) B Be ready to think of your card. 2• Hearts All Right.
3 (Trey) c Concentrate on your card. 3 ... Clubs All Right. Ready?
4 D Don't think of anything else. 4. Diamonds All Right. Ready now?
5 E Everyone think of this card.
6 F Form an image of the card in your mind.
7 G Get a picture of your card in your mind.
8 H Have a look at your card.
9 I I want you think of your card.
10 J Just think of your card.
Jack K Keep an image of the card in your mind.
Queen L Look at your card.
Kin!! M Make an image of the card in your mind.


Six of Spades: Ready? Form an image ofthc card in your mind. .

Jack of Clubs: All Right. Ready') Keep an image of the card in your mmd.
Queen of Hearts: All Right. Look at your card

TIP: For verisimilitude's sake, the mentalist should direct the volunteer/confederate to make sure ~he entire audience
sees and concentrates on each card. This will help waylay any suspicions as to way the volu~teer t~ takmg a
proactive role and speaking directly to the audience. Your confederate has to appear uncertam of htmself.

NB: 1f you are performing this effect for an audience of magicians/mentalists, you can ask them to volunteer their
own deck of cards.

PATTER: ESP, Telepathy, Second Sight

Dan erSense
() t + They followed hin. because he had amazed
them for a long time with his magic.
- Acts of the Apostles 8: 11

EFFECT: An ornate toy knife is given to a group of people with the instruction that each one is to hold the knife and
think about a violent or unfortunate situation. With the mentalist in a different room, the spectators are then to
decide which one of them should secrete the knife on their persons.

They stand in a circle and await the mentalist. When he arrives, he stands in the middle of the volunteers and
"psychically" examines each one. He might offer comments to one or two of the volunteers but otherwise easily
finds the "guilty" party.

METHOD: Your confederate's place in the circle of volunteers is important. During the effect, the confederate keeps
his arms folded and transmits information to the mentalist by means of his exposed fingers.

For example, if the volunteer with the knife is two people to the left of the confederate, the confederate will keep his
arms folded with his left-hand upper most and exposed. He should keep two fingers exposed. This will give the
direction and location of the volunteer who possesses the toy knife.

If the volunteer with the knife is immediately to the right of the confederate, he should keep his right-hand upper
most and expose only one finger as he crosses his arms.

TIP: Use no more than nine volunteers INCLUDING your confederate. Three is the absolute minimum. This will
allow the mentalist to locate the volunteer with the knife more easily. It's important to be slightly dramatic in this
effect. You can augment this effect through the use of cold reading. The confederate should position himself
somewhere in the middle of the line to facilitate transmitting the code.

PATTER: Premonition, Danger Sense, Intuition, Psychic Impression, Psychometry


When people are bewildered they tend to become credulous.

- Calvin Coolidge

EFFECT: The mentalist asks for ~ volu_nteer to come on stage and remain in full view throughout the effect. He is
gtven a small sealed envelope wtth a smgle_ ca~d in it. He is to place it in his pocket. Another volunteer is called
upon to name any card. The first spectator IS directed to open his envelope. The card matches exactly.

METHO~: Be~ore the performance, give your confederate four card indices (one suit each.) Each is
loaded With thirteen cards; all of the cards in a single suit. The envelope that is used during the
performance is empty to minimize confusion. It is the same kind of envelope used with all of the
other cards in the indices. He stores one in each trouser pocket and one each in each of his inside
jacket pockets.

TIP: A card index isn't difficult to make but you might find it easier to buy one from a magic store.
Simply stagger fourteen index cards or small sheets of acetate transparencies and tape them together
from behind. Have them overlap each other by one-inch (2.5 em.) as shown in the diagram. This will
create thirteen pockets into which a single card in an envelope can be placed. Your confederate
quickly locates the selected card by running his finger down the index and retrieves the card.

It is also important to direct the confederate to "hide" the envelope on his person. When the confederate turns his
back to the audience and the mentalist, no one will be certain as to where he has placed the "prediction."

PATTER: Precognition, Premonition


~· The world will never starve for want

of wonders, but for want of wonder.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton

EFFECT: A spectator with a dial watch is asked to note the time. Another volunteer is given a pad and pencil. The
volunteer with the watch is asked to hand it to the one with the pad. He, in tum notes the time, writes it down and
places the watch into a clear wineglass in full view of the audience. After some by-play, the watch is checked to find
that no time has passed since the experiment in chronokinesis started.

METHOD: The second "volunteer" is a confederate. As he handles the watch and the pad to ostensibly wrote down
the time shown, he gives the winding device a small spin. Do not overdo it. You want a maximum of five to ten-
minute differential.

ALTERNATIVE EFFECT: You can speed up the time indicated on the watch as long as you alter your patter

TtP: Perform the Fakir's Control effect found on pg. 98 before performing this effect.

PATTER: Time Manipulation, Chronokinesis, Fakirs who slow their aging process, Uncorruptibles

M sterio

All we know i.'l still infinitely less

than all that still remain.'! unknown.
-William Harvey

EFFECT: Four personal objects are borrowed, each from a different spectator, and laid out side-by-side onto a table.
The mentalist concentrates and easily identifies the owner of each item.

METHOD: One of your volunteers is a confederate. He has a powerful magnet strap?ed to his ankl~ w_ith an clastic
bandage. The mentalist has a shim attached to his forearm hidden by hts sleeve. Before the mentaltst tdcnttfics each
objed he tells the crowd around him which person's object he wtlltdcnttfy. Your confederate should keep~ keen
eye on which person donated which object. When the mcntaltst announces the_ first person whose_ personal Item ~c
will identify, the confederate places his foot immediately under the correct obJect. The magnet wtll attract the shtm
hidden in the mentalist's ann or sleeve.

TIP: Make sure to borrow non-ferrous items. You don't want the borrowed object to stick to the table.

PATTER: Psychometry

Come Hither

I shall be as secret as the grave.

Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote de Ia Mancha

EFFECT: A ring is supplied by a volunteer and placed on the table in front of the mentalist. He concentrates and
mentally moves the ring across the table's surface. The ring can be examined.

METHOD: Unsurprisingly. your volunteer is a confederate. The ring is made of hematite; a mineral that is an oxide
of iron. These rings are very common and shouldn't draw suspicion. They are usually highly polished and silver in
color. Because of their high iron content they are easily attracted to magnets. You will need to experiment to find
one with the highest-percentage of ferrous material. Most people are unaware of hematite's real nature and the color
of the stone is generally enough to waylay suspicion. Either you or your confederate has a powerful magnet strapped
to their ankle with an elastic bandage. The ring's movement can be controlled thusly.

TIP: Examine the ring carefully and run your finger along it. This disarms any suspicion. Move the ring slowly and
smoothly. Make sure the table has a smooth surface.

PATTER: Telekinesis

Comic Interlude

Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone
you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.
- Mark Twain

EFFECT: The mentalist chooses a spectator to help him with an experiment in telepathy. Another spectator is given a
free chotec of a card and after some by-play, the first spectator identifies it.

METHOD: This effect is based on coded word system popularized by Harry Lorayne. The first Jetter of each of the
code ~or?s represents the su_tt of the card. Another letter code inside each word gives you the value of the card. 1've
set thts tnck up as the oppostte of_A Complete Mindreading Act on page 105. In that trick, the confederate
se~retly gtves codes to the mentaltst. In t~ts ef~ect, the mentalist gives codes to the confederate/spectator. The
ongmal was a btt clumsy m that regard. I ve tned to streamline the effect in this version.

I've chosen common words, expressions and innocuous actions to relay information in this effect The code is
~cttvated when the n:.entahst gesttcu_lates. For example, when you want to relay the 'Ten of Club~" ou should
Please cut the card, and motiOn wtth your hands as you say the word "cut .. y 'II t h ' _Y say
. ou no e t at most mdex code

words use the same letter that starts the number word (ie, Ace, Four, Six, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, King). The
following number code words do not use the beginning letter. Instead, they use the indicated capitalized letters:
tWo, tHree, flve, seVen, qUeen.

TIP: Don't simply blurt out a code word. That won't help anyone. Sharpen your witty repartee with your partner.
A void directing all of your codes to your volunteer. Direct them instead to someone else in your audience. Be
comical; be light and engaging. The code words are innocuous only if used tongue-in-cheek.

PATTER: Telepathy, Intuition. ESP, Imaging, Mass Mind, Psychometry, Aura Reading

Crown How Saw Down

Cool! [Hah!] [Shh!] [D'oh!)
[Cough)* Half Safe Different
Can see ... Ci Hi [Sigh] Did
'Cos Has Help (SoS) Does
Cave Have Save Dive
Care He See Dead Duck

Can Hon(ey) Son Done?

Cut Hurt Sit Dot

Could you ... Would you ... Should you ... Did you ...

Quick Hurt Soon Do you see ...

Cake Hey Now! Seek Deck

* You should literally cough or at least clear your throat.

EXPLA~ATION: You should try to use the above list of words and expressions in as casuala wayas is humanly
poss1·bl e. Be light and entertaining. If you attempt at being mystical you will wind up lookmg nd1culous. Usc your
most vivacious style in executing this effect.


If this experiment doesn't work I'm a dead duck! 8 •
Here! You can hold the deck. K•
Don't cave in now! 7 ... --
Excuse me Hon, are you enjoying the show so far? 9•
Stand back! I don't want to hurt anyone!
Q• --

I ()1)
Chapter mind•rea•der n : a person who claims to be
able to read the thoughts of others.

Pure Ma ic

If A equals success, then the formula is A equals X plus Y and Z,

with X being work, Y play and Z keeping your mouth shut.
- Albert Einstein
EFFECT: The mentalist borro~s a deck of cards and allows three spectators to each make a free choice. Each card is
shown to the audience in turn. The mentalist concentrates and correctly identifies each person's selection.

METHOD: This is a foolproof coded routine. The identity of the card's suit is given through a simple set of eye
codes. The card's value is given through a simple set of arm codes. Photos accompany the drawings below:


Club Hearts Spade Diamond


Let your arms do the talking! Your arms represent a clock face. The position of your assistant's arms reveals the
value of the chosen card. Practice each one and you will see an intuitive pattern emerge:


Ace right hand on left shoulder 7 left hand on right wrist
2 right hand on left upper arm 8 left hand on right forearm
3 right hand on left elbow 9 left hand on right elbow
4 right hand on left forearm 10 left hand on right upper arm
5 right hand on left wrist Jack left hand on right shoulder
6 clasp both of your hands in front of you Queen cross your arms. neither hand visible
King place your arms at your side

PATIER: ESP, Telepathy

Ann Codes

A 8

2 9

3 10

4 J

5 Q

6 K

Classic ESP

() ... t 't>
The little foolery that wise men have makes a great show.
- William Shakespeare As You Like It, act I, sc. ii, I. 97

EFFECT: A mentalist lays out nine cards in a three-by-three matrix on a table. The audience is asked to agree upon a
single card while the mentalist steps out of the room. Once done, the mentalist returns, examines the matrix and
immediately reveals the selected card. The effect can be repeated several more times.

METHOD: This old war-horse of mentalism is an excellent effect. I have performed it for many years and the secret
was never found out. Don't disregard this effect. It might have been a trick that you did with a buddy when you were
in elementary school. I ascribe my success with this effect due to excellent choices in mentalism partners.

The effect is as it reads. The secret is the hidden confederate. He holds the remainder of the deck in his hand as the
audience selects a card. Ifthe crowd agrees on the card in the #I position (the upper-left-hand corner) the
confederate uses his thumb to point to that position relative to the card. Should the crowd agree upon the center card
ofthe matrix, the confederate should hold his thumb at the center position of the remainder of the cards in his hand.

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
TIP: You might want to invite a spectator to come out with you to make sure that you aren't sneaking a peak. I
normally do this trick up to three times for proper effect. You might consider using tarot cards for this effect.

FOLLOW-UP PERFORMANCE: Perform "Tarot Reading" (see page 76) immediately afterward to forestall any
suspicion. The advantage to this trick is that the cards aren't laid out in any particular order.

PATTER: ESP, Telepathy, Mass Mind

Unearth! Premonition

Nothing is more sad than the death of an illusion.

-Arthur Koestler

EFFECT: The mentalist hands a deck of cards to a volunteer. He then fans an imaginary deck of cards in his hand
and asks another audience member to select a card. The spectator announces the card she has chosen and alter a bit
of comic by-play, the mentalist directs the spectator to pick up the facedown card on the table to lind out it is the
exact card she just mentioned.

METUOO: Have the Q¥ face down on the table and slightly off to the side. Do not call undue attention to it. .
This trick works lcJr woman spectators with about 90% certainty. It's litly-lilty f()r men. It seems that most nati\'C
English-speaking women, when asked what their favorite card is. will inevitably choose the Q¥. Men \\Ill e1ther
pick the A• or the J•.

Should your volunteer choose a different card simply disregard the Q• on th~ ta~le. Your confeder~te should have
the presence of mind to quickly place the selected card at the top of the deck m h1s hand. He hands 1t to you and you
perform a !lip-over revelation to reveal the selected card.

PATTER: Premonition, Precognition

Newspaper Pro nostication

() t +#
Am I a god? I see so clearly!
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust

EFFECT: The mentalist, at the end of his performance, hands out signed and sealed envelopes with instructions not
to open them until noon the next day. Once opened, the recipients of the envelopes are surprised to find that the
mentalist had correctly prophesized the headlines of that city's major newspaper.

METHOD: Although this is kind of cheeky, if you can pull it off, you'll have some great publicity material! Call the
Editor's Desk of a major local newspaper and simply explain your situation and the importance of the effect to your
career. Nine times out often, an editor will be sympathetic to your cause. Explain to them that they can be assured
of at least I 00 other people buying their newspaper just to check the accuracy of your prediction. If nothing else,
hopefully "enlightened self-interest" will be enough to convince the editor to help you.

EQUJP'\IENT: Laptop, cellular telephone, laptop printer (a portable laser printer would be better).

TIPS: It wouldn't be a bad idea to visit the editor personally well before the performance. Don't expect him or her to
devote a great deal of time to you so be certain to be respectful and professional. Make sure to swear him or her to
secrecy. Please be sure to thank the editor appropriately. You most probably will require his or her assistance in the
future. This trick is too good to do once!

21'T CENTURY ALTERl'iATIVE: Alternatively, you can load the information onto a computer diskette. If you use this
method, engage the services of a graphic designer to create an attractive layout. The designer I employed created an
MPEG file that displays a short movie. As the CD begins, a small set of curtains opens up to reveal the headline
prediction. Don't forget to include your own contact information; the successful completion of this effect will be an
instant reputation-maker for you.

PA TIER: Premonition, Precognition

Impossible Card Apportation

They fool me to the top of my benL

- William Shakespeare, Hamlet, act III, sc. ii, I. 408

EFFECT: At th_e beginning o~ a performance, the mentalist allows someone to freely select a card, sign it and to tear
a comer from 1t: The comer 1s to be placed in the spectator's wallet or purse and he or she then take a seat. The
destroyed card IS placed back into the deck and i~ remains in clear sight of the audience throughout the show. As the
performance draws to a close, an announcement mterrupts the mentalist. A special delivery is brought to the
performance venue addressed to the volunteer who s1gned the tom card at the beginning of the show. The mentalist
s1gns for the packa_ge and, afte~ some by-play, the original volunteer opens it to reveal a brightly wrapped and
festooned, bo~. Ins1de th1s box IS a card frame held together with rubber bands. Held inside the frame is the
volunteer s s1gned card.

Mn_Hoo: You'll need at least two assistants for_this effect. It can't be done in every situation due to the particular
~h~s1cal ~ayo~t of your pe~ormance venue. For mstance, dropping the palmed card out of a twenty-store build in
1sn t a bnght 1dea. But a qUick hand-off to back stage assistant is eminently practical. y g

This effect will require you to closely examine the surroundings before actually attempting it. I performed this effect
once during a show at a ground-level cabaret which had a window immediately above where I kept my props. The
window was completely hidden by the proscenium curtain. Before the show started I had a friend wait for me on the
other side of the window to quickly snatch the card as I held it out to him.

For your performance, arrange for a professional courier to pick up and deliver the box at the same time; it will add
to the mystery. Discuss this thoroughly with the dispatcher and explain to him or her what it is you need him or her
to do so that no one is confused during your performance.

Once your assistant has gotten a hold of the tom card, have him prepare the card frame and place it in the package to
await the courier. The courier, in tum, simply accepts the package from your assistant away from the actual
performance site and then delivers it to your volunteer where you are actually performing.

PATTER: Apportation

Chapter va•ti•ci•na•tor n: one who foretells from
signs or symptoms; also : one held to give
divinely inspired answers or revelations;

Personal Readin /Telephone Number Revelation

Grammarian, rhetorician, geometrician, painter, trainer, soothsayer,

rope-dancer, physician, magician - he knows everything.
- Juvenal [Decimus Junius Juvenalis)

EFFECT: A spectator is asked if they have ever had their cards read. The mentalist directs the spectator through a
series of instructions on handling a deck of cards. At the end, seven cards are placed face-up on the table. After
some excruciating moments of concentration on the part of the spectator, she will finally realize that the seven face-
up cards represent the digits of her phone number.

METHOD: This is a classic trick that is made stronger through the use of a confederate. I'm unsure who invented it
but Bob McAllister of Wonderama fame taught it to me and Martin Gardner has discussed it in his columns/books.
The effect never fails to please if you do it for someone you know but inevitably someone will say. "But you already
knew my telephone number!"

The reason one needs a confederate for this effect is simple: you will need to have someone supply you with the
phone number of this, otherwise, perfect stranger. Secretaries, friends and colleagues are all good sources of such

You' II need to prepare a deck of cards as follows:

I. Choose one of the 7's in the deck and place it face up on the table.
2. Layout number cards corresponding to the person's telephone number face up on top of the 7. one card at a time.
3. Tum this packet over and place it face down at the bottom of the rest of the deck. The last digit of the spectator's
phone number should be the bottom card of the deck.


I. Have someone choose four cards- avoiding the bottom eight cards of the deck.
2. Lay them out face up on the table.
3. Tell the audience that court cards represent either zero or ten depending on the situation.
4. If any of the exposed cards are tens, court cards or can be made to add up to ten. point this out to the volunteer
and announce that the deck is indicating to you to usc "ten" as the "perfect number." Otherwise just state "ten" is
the "perfect number."
5. Place the remainder of the deck in the volunteer's hands.
o. Subtract the index of the first card from ten. "the prctcct number,'' and lay out that many cards facedown onto the
7. Repeat for each of the next three cards. .
8. When you are finished, scoop up these discarded cards and place them face down at the BOTTOM of the deck m
the volunteer's hands. Explain that the discarded cards are unimportant. The deck needed to be handled to
"absorb the spectator's aura" and to become acquainted with him.
9. Now, add the indices of the four original exposed cards.
I 0. Have the volunteer count out that many cards facedown onto the table.
II. Ask the volunteer what her lucky number is. If she says "seven," then have her tum the next card over. It will be
the "seven" you placed there when you stacked the deck. If she chooses a different number, ask her if she knows
what a mentalist's favorite number is. Inform her it is "seven" and then have her tum the card over.
12. Tell her that the cards are indicating that she should layout seven additional cards face-up, side-by-side onto the
13. The exposed cards will represent her telephone number but it probably won't be immediately obvious to her.
Prompt her by pointing out little sequences that appear in the exposed cards and other possible coincidences in
her own life.
14. If she STILL doesn't figure out that her telephone number is displayed, ask her for permission to call her this
evening. Mime the use of a telephone; this should be enough to prompt her.

TIP: Don't forget the use of the Internet as a source of telephone numbers. Also, consider having a confederate
supply a previously stacked deck at the actual performance.

ALTERNATIVE VERSION: Perform the effect as stated with your first volunteer. When finished, have the cards
shuffled and perform the effect once again for your confederate. No matter what seven cards appear at the end, your
confederate should agree that those numbers in fact represent his telephone number also.

ALTERNATIVE VERSION: You can display your volunteer's Social Security number instead of a telephone number
through but you will need to change a few things:

I. Add two Jokers to the deck.

2. Change the 7 card listed in Step I to a 9.
3. Lay out nine cards at the end instead of seven in Step 12.

PATTER: ESP, Premonition, Telekinesis, Probability, Luck

Transmo rification

All wonder is the effect of novelty on ignorance.

- Samuel Johnson

EFFECT: The mentalist introduces a caterpillar and explains its life cycle. He gently places it into a volunteer's hand
and asks her to cup her over hand over it. After some by-play, the spectator opens her hand and a live butterfly flies

METHOD: It is imperative that your confederate act as shocked as anyone else around her Aft 11 1· ·
has... t d" · ·d h . era , a 1vmg creature
JUS appeare. l~Sl e er own ~upped ha~ds; she should act accordingly. If the larva is small enough, your
confederate can h1de 1~ m a thumb t1p. Otherw1se, gently lay the insect on a small silk and lay another silk over it.
The butterfly or mot~ 1s ge?tly palmed and cupped over the siP's in his other hand. When the butterfl makes its
appearance no one will notice that the caterpillar is still hidden inside the silks. y

WARNING: Lepidoptera, the family of insects that contain butterflies and moths have very fl ·1 · 8
gentle when ~ou handle them. Please be sure to release both the caterpillar and the b tt rf1 rag• e wmghs. e very
performance 1s over. u e Y as soon as t e

PATTER: Time Manipulation, Chronokinesis, the Aging Process, Transmogrification

Personal Ma netism

A pleasant illusion is better than a har.'ih reality.

- Christian Nestell Bovee

EFFECT: At the end of any card effect, the mentalist shows both hands empty. He then places a single hand flat onto
the ta~le. One by one, he adds other cards until he has approximately twelve cards under his palm. At that he calls
attentiOn to the cards and lifts his hand about a foot off the table. The cards remain attached to his hand. Upon
command, the entire lot falls en mass to the table.

METHOD: A single piece of double-stick tape, no more than 1.5 inches ( 4 em) wide folded in the shape of a "T" is
attached to the back of a Joker. By clipping the short tape appendage between the knuckles of your index and middle
fingers, you will create a shelf upon which you can add up to twelve other cards. When you are ready to release the
cards, simply spread your fingers slightly.

The reason for the confederate is so that he can add the gimmicked Joker surreptitiously to the newly examined
deck. A good ploy is to have him "accidentally" drop a few cards. He can add the extra gimmicked card as he
reassembles the deck.

PATTER: Telekinesis, Electrokinesis, Anti-gravity, Levitation

levitatin Table

Only the impossible has any real charm.

-Clark Ashton Smith

EFFECT: Six to eight volunteers are asked to come up to the stage. Each is asked to place his or her right hand on a
table and to face the same direction. They are to touch the table lightly with their fingertips. The mentalist, standing
amidst the volunteers, similarly touches the table. After some by-play, the table, on its own accord, rattles and then
levitates a few inches off the ground

METHOD: The secret is that at least three of your assistants are confederates. They need to gently rest their fingertips
on the table surface but surreptitiously use their thumbs to pick up the table. It is imperative to hide the strain that
their thumbs will no doubt undergo. One good way to hide the strain is to have them periodically wiggle their
exposed fingers (not the thumb) as they rest gently on the tabletop. Also, try to use a relatively light table.

The following chart describes the best placement of you, your confederates and the other volunteers:
0 o.
The black circle represents the mentalist's position.
The white circles represent spectators
The gray circles represent confederates.
0 0
TIP: I personally use a poker table but almost any substantial table will do. Anything too light will not be
convincing. Also, as the table begins to levitate, have one confederate jerk back in shock allowing the table to crash
to the ground. Calm everyone down and start again. Time the drop to maximize the sound.

ALTERNATIVE VERSION: With time, patience and a great deal of arts & craft talent you can redesign the Teflon
wrist guards commonly used by skateboarders in this effect. Care has to be given to making them undetectable.
Outfit at least two of your confederates with your augmented lifting devices.

PATTER: Telekinesis

How many are your deeds,
Though hidden from sight.

EFFECT: A spectator is sent into a room alone and touches a single item but does not reveal its identity. The
mentalist comes into the room and, after concentrating, identifies the selected item.

METHOD: Welcome to the world of 21" century video surveillance! Install inexpensive video cameras boards
hidden throughout a room to transmit information to a small TV or a laptop computer. Camera boards are available
for as little as US$15.00 each. A small TV sells for as little as US$30.00. Camera boards are very small and can
easily be hidden on a bookshelf or along a molding ledge. The true espionage buffs amongst us might wish to
consider building a camera board into a two-way mirror. Alternatively, you can buy an image-capturing card for
$30.00 for your home computer and thus view the goings-on on your monitor. For less than $200 you can wire your
living room to delight wave after wave of houseguests.

PATTER: ESP. Telepathy, Second Sight


Magicians are the only ones who care about

secrets. Everyone else wants to be entertained.
- Regina Benedict Reynolds

EFFECT: Before leaving the room. the mentalist asks his volunteers to hide a glass of water. When he returns, he
uses a dowsing rod to locate the water.

METHOD: Annemann's original version of this effect 'Thoughts in the Air" is described in his book Practical
Mental Efrects. Only four signals are used. Each one represents a diflerent quarter of the room. Once the mentalist
has understood in which section of the room he should be looking. the confederate then gives him the next clue. The
mentalist moves there and then waits for the third clue. At that point he should be able to ascertain the hidden
object's location.

I. Bite lower lip
2. Bite upper lip
3. Point chin at mentalist
4. Point chin down

1 2
3 4
In the above example, where the black dot represents the hidden 1 0 f
following information to you· 4-1-2 A · g ass water, your confederate would relay the
· · s soon as you return to the room, your confederate would:

1. Point his chin down signifying that the glass of water was in th 1 · h
· e ower, ng t part of the room;

2. He would then bite his lower lip to indicate you should move to the upper left-hand quadrant of that section of
the room;
3. He would then bite his upper his lip to indicate you should move to the upper right-hand quadrant of the sub-
section to which you just moved;
4. At this point it should be an easy thing to find the actual glass of water.

TIP: Orient yourself and agree to a specific layout of the room otherwise you'll only confuse each other. For
example, agree that the door of the room is the "the front" (i.e., towards 1 and 2)- the opposite is "behind" you.

TIP: O~ce, whi~e perfo""?ing this_ effect, ~y volunteer decided to drink the water rather than hide it. My confederate
had a d1ffic~lt t1me rela~mg that ·~formatiOn to me. I might suggest that you create a code for unexpected situations
such as a qmck nod or s1mply stanng straight ahead.

ALTERNATIVE EFFECT: You can also dowse for gold (e.g., a necklace) or any other substance or object using this
method. The advantage to dowsing a glass of water is that there are far fewer places where one can be hidden
without spilling it.

PAlTER: ESP, Intuition

Mot Juste

The magician Merlin had a strange laugh and it was

heard when nobody else was laughing. ...
He laughed because he knew what was coming nexL
-Robertson Davies, World of Wonders

The following code is useful in passing on information about the subsequent questions in your performance. That is,
once you have successfully transmitted a bit of information using a different coding system, hand signaling, for
example, your assistant/confederate can attach a distinct word that would clue you as to what should be your next

MENTALIST: "The answer is ... blue."
ASSIST ANT: "Excellent Mr. X! Tell me how many people are seated at this table?"
MENTALIST: "There are three individuals."
ASSISTANT: "Very impressive' Now tell me what number this women has just written down!"
MENTA LIST: "The attractive women just written down the numberfive."
ASSIST ANT: "That is right! Excellent! Now tell me how many pieces of silverware this gentleman has.'"
MENTALIST: "The gentleman has chosen six utensils

The code I normally use is based upon the number of syllables in the words my assistant first uses to acknowledge
my correct answer. "Excellent" has three syllables. "Very impressive" has five syllables. The advantage of this code
is that it doesn't require a complex series of words each with their own distinct meaning.

You should agree upon a code word to signify "no clue/hint." That is, the use of the word "Excellent!" or "Thank
you!" in way of response would signify that it is NOT a hint to any further questions or at least to "suspend th1s hmt-
giving until a time when it can be restarted."

I've listed the most common, easy to remember and nonchalant expressions. This list is not meant to be exhaustive.
Please feel free to add your own code phrases.

PATil-:R: ESP, Telepathy

Great 1
Good 1
Riqht 1
Thanks 1
Thank you 2
Ok 2
Goon ... 2
Correct 2
That is riqht 3
Excellent 3
Very good 3
Excuse me 3
Fabulous 3
Marvelous 3
Uncanny 3
Wonderful 3
Let's move on 3
Outrageous 3
Wonderful 3
What's your name? 3
All riqht! Good 4
That is correct 4
OK. Thank you 4
OK, OK 4
OK, let's move on 5
Very impressive 5
Thank you very much 5
That is uncanny 5
That is riqht! Excellent 6
That is very impressive 7
Correct! Very 7
Very good. Excellent 8
Thank you
That is correct! Very 9
A round of applause for 10
our medium
Very good. Excellent 11
Thank you very much

te•le•path n : a person skilled in the apparent
communication from one mind to another by
extrasensory means- tele•path•ic adj-
tele•path•i•cal•ly adv

C akinesis

~· Into the eternal darkness, into fire and into ice.

- Dante Alighieri

EFFECT: A.volunteer is.asked to pour some hot water into a large, empty bowl. Steam rises to prove its temperature.
The me.ntahst rolls up his sleeve before approaching the bowl and dips his hand into it. Upon pulling out his hand,
the audience sees that he is holding a piece of ice.

METHOD: This is an updated version of a very old Chinese effect. Your stooge has a piece of roughly cut glass or
plastic hidden in his sleeve. He lets it slip into the bowl as he pours the water into the bowl. The water isn't actually
boiling. Instead it is just comfortable enough to place your hand into it but warm enough for it to produce steam for
the proper effect. Having an air conditioner on will help. You should choose a thick cut glass bowl that doesn't
allow the audience to actually see the fake ice.

PA TIER: Cryokinesis

Cool Thou hts

I will have nought to do with a man who

can blow hot and cold with the same breath.
- Aesop, The Man and the Satyr

EFFECT: A spectator volunteers a cigarette lighter after testing it. It is lighted and placed securely in the middle of
the performance table. The mentalist concentrates and, after a short bit, the flame grows notably shorter and then out
completely. The lighter can be handed out for examination.

METHOD: The lighter is donated by a confederate. Only a tiny bit of lighter fluid is actually used. Testing it while
the audience is watching is merely a ruse. The lighter can be examined if your confederate can perform a switch.
Bobo's Utility Switch is a possibility; use oftopit is another. The reason this trick is listed as a cryokinetic effect is
because fire requires heat to survive. A cryokinetic person will be able to control the temperature around the lighter
to put out the flame.

TtP: Safety should be your primary concern while performing this effect. You might consider sticking the lighter
into a lump of modeling clay so as to secure it safely. If the lighter is of the type that needs continual pressure
applied, ask your confederate to hold it during the performance. In this case, he can slowly and discreetly release the
pressure on the lighter's lever.

PATI"F:R: Cryokinesis

Fahrenheit 451

How great a matter a little fire lo.indleth!

- Epistle of Saint James, 3:5

EFFECT: The mentalist reminds his audience that paper burns at 451 °F as is borne out by Ray Bradbury's novel of
the same name. II is further explained that, as every firefighter knows, tire requires three things in order to continue
unabated: fueL air and heat. In order for a substance to bum it has to be heated to a sufficient temperature. A lit
candle is placed in the middle of the table and all present are requested to hold hands and to concentrate on cooling
the tlame. After a bit of by-play the candle clearly dims and finally goes out.

METHOD: Remove the wick completely from a candle. Cut one-quarter of an inch unburned section from the wick
and place it back into the candle along with a small piece of wax to stabilize it. Your confederate comes into play
when he retrieves the candle and hands it out for inspection. At this point. he switches the candle for an identical
ungimmicked one. Make sure that you have lit it and allowed it to bum sufficiently before the effect.

TIP: For a more dramatic effect, perform this trick in near darkness. Also, it will be easier for your confederate to
switch the candles.

WARI\I!'IiG: Keep fire safety in mind when dealing with fire and being in a dark, crowded room. It's best to use a
candle in a pan full of water.

PATTER: Pyrokinesis


~· The final cau.~e. then, produces motion through being loved.


EFFECT: A single square piece of aluminum foil is handed out to several audience members for examination. One of
them is asked to roll the foil into a small ball and place it on the table. The mentalist concentrates and the ball starts
to shake and then roll away from the mentalist.

METHOD: As your last volunteer (i.e .. your confederate) examines the square of aluminum foil, he casually drops a
steel BB ~nto the foil and rolls 1t mto a ball. The confederate also has a powerful magnet strapped to his ankle with
t_he a1d ot an Ace Bandage. It's best tor him to hide the 88 in the Thumb Palm position. A second ball of aluminum
toi11s prepared ahead of time to be switched tor examination. Use the Shuttle Pass or Bobo's Utility Switch.

PATTER: Telekinesis

It is a test of true theories not only to account for hut to predict phenomena.
- William Whewell

EFFECT: The mentalist mentions a specific current event in which the outcome is as of t d · ·
game orpolitical election.) A large, sealed and certified mailing envelope is displ~yed /hee -~~n~~~d~d (l.le .. a sphorts
his prediction was prepared well in advance as is evidenced by the postmark Th . d . a IS exp ams t at
altered the envelope or its contents in any way The cnvelo e is exam. d . e spectator a mtts that he has not
Apparently, the mentalist has seen into the fut~re and corre~tly. predic~~~ t,hopented and lftshcontents _are removed.
e ou come o t e event m quest10n.

METHOD: A few days prior to your performance, simply pay for the postage necessary to mail your envelope and
the~ ~sk the clerk ~t the post office to cancel the stamps immediately. Make sure you do not seal it. This might
sohc1t a few_ questions from the clerk but handle them as tactfully as you can while revealing as few secrets as you
can. Just be tore the performance, once you know the outcome of the contest you had "predicted" (i.e., a winner of a
~residential election, a Super Bowl or World Series) write down the correct information, seal the envelope and give
1t to your confederate.

TIP: This effect can be used to predict the number of inches of rain that will fall, the selling price of a particular
stock by close of the market, Oscar Award and Nobel Peace recipients or how many puppies 01' Blue will have. It is
limited only by your own imagination.

TIP: This may seem trivial but make sure you sign across the flap of the envelope after sealing it. Also, place clear
packaging tape across it. All of this adds to the impression that no one has tampered with the envelope.

PATIER: Premonition, Precognition

Latent Psionics

() t + My divine sign indicates the future to me.


EFFECT: Ten volunteers are requested to stand. The mentalist selects one to stand with him on the stage. This
volunteer is handed a clipboard upon which he writes down the names of the other volunteers. Before leaving the
room, the mentalist asks the other nine volunteers for a personal item. The volunteer on stage then writes down the
item next to its owner's name. The mentalist returns and, relying on the assistant's latent psionic abilities to
psychically transmit the information to him, correctly identifies the owner of each personal item.

METHOD: The volunteer standing with you on stage is your confederate. He transmits each item's owner's identity
by holding the clipboard in his hand in different ways corresponding to the spectator's actual placement in the
audience (see diagram.) Unbeknownst to the audience, the nine volunteers from a three-by-three matrix making
identification easier. This is, in essence, the same method of transmitting information as Classic ESP (cL page 113)
but, in my experience, a clipboard is by far more innocuous than a deck of playing cards. For example, three people
in the back row, three individuals in a middle row and three other volunteers closest to the stage.

TIP: When using this method, the confederate should avoid shifting her hands continually. "Nonchalant" means
exactly that; your confederate should be standing still. And, above all, the mentalist shouldn't be staring openly at
the clipboard or, for that matter, ANY source of secret information. Use your peripheral vision. Train your eidetic
memory; it will help you in any mentalist performance and this effect in particular.

NB: If the object in question belongs to the person seated in the "middle" ofthe audience (i.e .. #5 in the diagram
below.) simp~v have your confederate set aside the clipboard.

I 1 2 3
5 4 5 6
X -- ~-------------· 7 8 9

ALTERNATIVE VERSION: You can also relay any number from 1-99 in this manner simply by transmitting the first
number by the use of one hand and then switching the clipboard into your other hand to relay the second number.
The number 100 can be transmitted by simply holding the clipboard close to your chest or some other ag~eed upon,
nonchalant code. Furthermore, if you wish to expand on this effect, any of these numbers can then be as~1gned to an
object, a selected card or even a personal name. I've left extra space for notes in case you wish to use th1s code to
transmit other information.

PATTER: Psychometry, Aura Reading, Telepathy, Intuition, Thought Planting


There's a sucker born every minute.

- P. T. Barnum

EFFECT: The mentalist gives a deck of cards to a spectator to shuffle thoroughly. He receives them back and riffles
through them asking another volunteer to stop anywhere. All of the cards above the break are used in a short
experiment of psychic ability. Those cards are given to the spectator who immediately shuffles them. The mentalist
then leads the volunteer into discarding most of his cards until only three or four remain in his hand. After a moment
of concentration, the mentalist correctly identifies each of those remaining cards.

METHOD: You need to stack the deck in either the "Si Stebbins" or "Eight-Kings Method." Your confederate is the
first person you call upon. He should be skilled in performing several types of false shuffles, the rougher the better,
otherwise he will draw too much attention to himself.

When you riffle through the deck with your legitimate spectator, he should stop you at about the twelfth card or so.
Hand those top cards to the spectator and have him shuffle them without looking at them. The shuffling at this point
is imperative so that he will not notice that the cards are in order.

Ask the spectator to choose either BLACK or RED. Have him discard the color he does not wish to keep. Have him
choose one of the two remaining suits in his hand. Have him discard the suit he does not wish to keep. At this point,
you will know the suit of all of the cards in his hands. Review, in your mind, the mnemonic device that symbolizes
the order of the cards {e.g., eight kings threatened to save nine fair ladies for one sick knave) and remember only the
cards of the suit that remains in the spectator's hands. Once you know the first card, the rest are every forth on in the
mnemonic cycle. For example, let us say that the spectator has chosen to retain the hearts. You know that he will
only have the KING, SEVEN and FOUR OF HEARTS. Similarly, if the spectator chooses to retain the clubs, you will
know that he has the EIGHT, TWO, QUEEN lnd JACK. It is imperative to reveal the cards in the order that
corresponds to the mnemonic device. Reveal them one at a time and take special note of how many cards remain in
his hands.

NB: ~fter I developed this effect with Joe Michaud, my first mentalism partner, I came across a similar effect
published by Gary Kurtz. It would be unfair to not mention his work in this book but, it seems, that we came up with
similar tricks independent of each other.


8• 8• 8• 8t
K• K• Kt K•
3• 3t 3•
lOt 3•
2• 2• 2• 2t
7• 7• 7t 7•
9• 9t 9• 9•
5t 5• 5• 5•
Q• Q• Q• Qt
4• 4• 4t 4•
A• At A• A•
6+ 6• 6• 6•
J• J• J• Jt
EXPLANATION: The cards are in this order: 8- King- 3-10-2-7-9-5- Queens- 4- Ace_ 6 _Jack.
The mnemonic for it is: "Eight Kings Threatened To Save Nine Fair Ladies For One Sick Knave." As to
the suit, remember the following word: ChaSeD. This is the mnemonic for: Club- Hearts- Spades-

QUICK REFERENCE CHART: The first four cards of each suit will be as follows:

Clubs Hearts Spades Diamonds

2• 7• 3• lOt
8• 4• 9• 5t
J• K• A• 6t
Q• 8• K• 3t

PATTER: Psychometry, Telepathy, Intuition, ESP

Leapin Coin

Tit> magicke, magicke that hath ravished me

- Christopher Marlowe

EFFECT: A coin is borrowed from a volunteer. The mentalist places it in his outstretched hand and places his
other hand similarly open and outstretched nine-to-twelve inches above it. He closes his eyes and concentrates
for a second. At that, the coin levitates eerily upwards towards his waiting hand, which catches it.

The mentalist calls another spectator to the stage. The coin is placed squarely in the palm of the first volunteer.
His other hand is placed above the coin in imitation of the mentalist. The mentalist stands a fair distance away
and concentrates. At that, the coin again levitates and is caught in the second spectator's waiting hand.

METHOD: This effect is accomplished with a muscle pass. Your confederate must practice this very dinicult
manipulation until he can perform it effortlessly.

PATTER: Telekinesis

Grand Finale Apportation

With this he vanished out of sight and swiftly shrunk away,

And straight 1 called unto mind that it was Christmas Day.
- Robert Southwell

EFFECT: For the mentalist's grand finale, he discusses the concept of apportation and suggests one last
demonstration of psionic ability for the evening and dons a black, hooded robe. Two volunteers are asked to
come up on stage to assist in the experiment. They stand on either side of the mentalist and grab a hold of his
shoulders and forearms. At that, two assistants come out with a tall curtain and wrap it around the mentalist.
The two volunteers readjust their hold on him through the curtain. On the count of three, the curtain-wrapped
figure collapses onto the ground. At that instance, the mentalist rematerializes in the back of the theatre.

METHOD: Before you get the idea that this is an easy effect, you should be warned that this is one of the most
difficult illusions I have described in this book. I have performed this effect only twice as it is not appropriate for
every venue. But, after all, it's as close to a proper miracle as you're ever going to get. This illusion is
accomplished with Black Art. It is costly, requires split-second timing, two assistants and three dedicated, quick-
witted confederates and is one of the most satisfying mentalist stage illusions you'll ever come across.
Specifically, you will need approximately twelve-square yards of double or triple black velvet; the fabric of choice
among Black Art illusionists. I've listed the dimensions of each of the pieces below:



0 ~Audience
• Direction of Mentalist's egress

-Double/triple Velvet

.____ ___.I Regular Curtain

@ Mentalist's position

0 Volunteer/Confederate position

Relative positioning of Hangings and Backdrop

DIMENSIONS: The four hangings should be 30-inches (76 em) wide and at least seven-feet (2 m) long. The
background should be 50-inches (125 em) wide and the same length as the hangings.

You will also need a stiff and thick hooded cloak to conceal you. A slit down the back will allow quick egress.
The cloak should be long enough to trail a bit behind you. I use an augmented Japanese wedding kimono for
this effect. The two volunteers that hold the mentalist's robe are confederates who need to be consummate
actors. They are to act appropriately surprised (i.e., shocked) when the mentalist "dematerializes." They grasp
the cloak by the shoulders and the forearms pretending that they are, in fact, holding onto the mentalist
himself. As the two assistants hold up an oversized foulard to wrap around the mentalist, he slips out of the
back of the costume and through the gap in between the hangings and the backdrop at the rear of the stage. The
backdrop is made up of staggered strips of double or triple black velvet (see diagrams.) At this point, your fifth
and last confederate should stand up from his seat in the audience and photograph the proceedings on the
stage. The flash should be bright enough and distracting enough for the mentalist to slip past the hangings.
From there he will be able to get to the front of the theatre and make his reappearance.

You'll also require suitably low lighting to conceal the goings-on on the stage and to set the proper mood.
Consult a book on Black Art for the proper instructions. Due to the light-absorbing qualities of the black
velvet, the hanging panels will blend in seamlessly with the backdrop. Make sure the banners are weighted
down so as to minimize shaking as the mentalist passes through them.

TIP: I suggest this as a finale because it will be difficult to top this effect and your reappearance makes an
excellent way to end the show. A stunning addition to this effect would be to add a small speaker to the
costume that would allow you are voice to appear as if you were still inside the cloak. Be sure to muffie your
voice as if you were indeed still inside.

TIP: Dondrake sells an excellent triple black velvet cloth well suited for this effect. His website is:

PATTER: Apportation, Teleportation, Sir Author Conan Doyle's claim of Houdini's supposedly
dematerializing as he performed his escapes.

An Drawin . An time

Better a dish of illusion and a hearty appetite for life,

than a feast of reality and indigestion therewith.
- Harry A. Overstreet

EFFECT: A spectator is asked to draw a picture of anything she wishes. !he mentalist then supplies he~ with a
telephone number of a medium who is an accomplished telepath and clairvoyant. A cellular teleph_one I_s
produced along with a telephone number. When the telephone call is made, the medium correctly Identifies the
spectator's drawings.

METHOD: 1 have compiled a Jist of the most commonly drawn pictures and have a_ssigned them each to a first
name. One list is for a male accomplice, the other is for a female. Place the followmg c?de hsts on yo~r PDA
or in your paper address book. Give the appropriate list to your confederate and have him or her keep It near
his or her telephone in anticipation of your performance.

TIP: If this list doesn't fit your needs, feel free to augment it.

PATTER: Telepathy, ESP, Far Sight, Clairvoyance

Female Accomplice
Cynthia Dog Hannah Self-portrait
Carol Cat Harriet Animals
Carry House Hattie Jul'lgle
Cathy Airplane Heather Children
Cindy Cloud Heidi Pla_yg_round
Clara Circle Helen Cityscape
Claudia Star Henrietta Building
Colleen Sun Hillary Flower
Connie Boy Hillel Garden
Constance Girl Holly Floorplan
Cora Line Honey Grou~ of children
Courtney Horse Hope A dot
Crvstal Elephant Hosea Furniture

Daisy Moon Sally Book

Dana Group of people Samantha Clothi1'!.9_
Darlene Lovers Sandra Dinner Table
Dawn Family Sara Clock
Debbie Face Sharon Heart w/ an Arrow
Denise Television Sheila Balloons
Desiree Rocketship Sherry Treasure Chest
Diana Landscape Shirley Christmas Tree
Dolores Starscape Sonia Santa Claus
Donna Seascape Stacy Angel
Doreen Tree Ste~hanie Arrow
Doris Farm Susan Fire
Dorothy Squiggles S_ylvia Computer
Male Accomplice
Charlie Dog Hank Self-portrait
Chris Cat Harold Animals
Clark House Harry Jungle
Cliff Airplane Harvey Children
Clint Cloud Hector Playground
Cody Circle Henry Cityscape
Collin Star Herb Building
Conner Sun Herbert Flower
Conrad Boy Herman Garden
Cooper Girl Homer Floorplan
Corey Line Howard Group of children
Curtis Horse Hugh A dot
Craig El~hant Huao Furniture

Dam len Moon Sal Book

Daniel Group ofpeople Sam Clothing
Darren Lovers Scott Dinner Table
Darryl Family Sean Clock
Dave Face Sergio Heart w/ an Arrow
David Television Seth Balloons
Dean Rocket Ship Sheldon Treasure Chest
Dennis Landscape Sherman Christmas Tree
Derek Starscape Sidney Santa Claus
Dominic Seascape Simon Angel
Donald Tree Stan Arrow
Doug Farm Steve Fire
Drew Squiggles Stuart Computer

, , : , . ,< ~ · · ' ;, r 1,', ,~, ; 1 " ~~ ·• ",. • ' ' II'. : 1 , ,o 1<·: ' i•, • · I" I ",. '., ••., • " P r1 • ' '·'I ' •\, • I . 'IT" • ! I
',o:l< r •. · l·; •

Original poster appeared in a MUM article about Angelo Stagnaro's
unique magicians' e-zine, SMOKE & MIRRORS

About the Author
Angelo has been a mentalist/magician since the age of thirteen and has performed in over a dozen
countries in Asia, Africa and Europe. He has performed on stage, television and on street corners.

He publishes the highly successful and informative SMOKE & MIRRORS E-zine (electronic magazine.
Subscriptions are available through his website:

If you would like to contact the author you may do so at the following address:

Angelo Stagnaro
69-0SC 186 Lane, Suite 28
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365, USA

Al>QU<. Cl,;rvoy•nl- Diviner·· F<lrtir,..._~~' · Medium· Mentali<ot- Mindro-r- Oollele · Pr.,...ger - Progno~i<al"'- Proplntl- Poyc:tlic- Savant- Seer .. Soolh- · T<!lepaltl- VrtliUnator

Magic Societies
Magic Castle: The Academy of The Magic Circle
Magical Arts 13 Cedar Avenue
7001 Franklyn Avenue Brookmans Park
Los Angeles, CA 90028 Herts, AL9 7AH
http://www. magiccastle. comlflalt- England, Great Britain
index.htm http://www. themagiccircle. co. uk/

Society of American Magicians Fellowship of Christian Magicians

http://www. magicsam. orgl http://www. gaspe/com. netlfcml

The Magic Collectors Magic Youth International

P.O. Box 511 http://www. magicyouth. com
Glenwood, IL 60425
Society of Young Magicians
International Brotherhood of http://www. magicsym. com
P.O. Box 192090
St. Louis, MO 63119
http://www. magician. orgl
Glossary of Mentalist Patter Terms
animal psychic- n 1: a person apparently
empathetically sensitive to animals 2: Someone chronokinesis- n : the ability to manipulate
who claims to be able to communicate time with one's mind.
psychically with animals
clairaudience- adj [F clear hearing) having the
arcane- adj: SECRET, MYSTERIOUS power of hearing sounds otherwise not present to
the senses
TAROT clairambience- n : having the power of
sensing tastes otherwise not present to the
aport- n 1 : the sudden and mysterious senses
appearance of an object 2: TELEPORTATION-
apportation n clairsentience - n : [F clear knowing] the
general term for clairaudience, clairvoyance and
Astral or Psychic Plane- n : a plane of any other distant-sensing psychic phenomenon
existence said to contain the energies from
which paranormals and p~ionicists can the tap clairalience- n : having the power to smell
into in order to activate their abilities odors otherwise not present to the senses

astral projection- n : the psychic ability that clairvoyance- adj [F clear seeing) 1 : unusually
some claim to be able to navigate in the ASTRAL perceptive 2 : having the power of discerning
PLANE objects not present to the senses - clairvoyant
n (distinguished from TELEPATHY in that the
astrology- n : divination based on the clairvoyance is an individual act. Telepathy
supposed influence of the stars upon human involves at least two. )
events as opposed to astronomy - astrologer
n - astrological adj code- n 1 : a system of signals 2 : a system of
symbols (as in secret communication) with
astronomy- n : the science of objects and special meanings
matter beyond the earth's atmosphere as
opposed to astrology - astronomer n Cold Reading- n : a general means used by
professional mentalists, stage magicians and
aura - n: 1 : a distinctive atmosphere charlatans to ascertain ostensibly secret
surrounding a given source 2 : a luminous information to simulate psychic abilities such as
radiation supposedly perceived around people ESP, telepathy and precognition. They largely do
and inanimate objects. so by relaying on experiences common to
humanity in general. Also known as the P. T.
aura reading - n : the ability to sense auras Barnum Effect.
and interpret them
cryokinesis - n : the ability to freeze objects
bilocation - n : the psychic ability to be in two with one's mind.
places at one time
cryptogram - n : a communication in cipher or
cartomancy- n : divination using cards, usu. code
Tarot cards
cryptography - n : the coding and decoding of
charisma -- n : a personal quality of leadership secret messages - cryptographer n
arousing popular loyalty or enthusiasm
frequently seen as psychic or mental ability - cryptesthesia- A 19th century term for ESP
charismatic adj

crystalmancy- n : divination using a crystal Forer Effect- n 1 :seeP. T. Barnum Effect.
usually a crystal ball Psychologist Bertram Forer first studied the
"Barnum Effect" in 1949.
deja vu- n: [F, adj. , already seen]: the
feeling that one has seen or heard something fortune- n 1 : prosperity attained partly through
before luck; also : CHANCE, LUCK 2 : what happens to a
person: good or bad luck 3: FATE, DESTINY
divination- n 1 : the art or practice of using fortune-teller- n : a person who professes to
omens or magic powers to foretell the future 2 : tell future events - fortune-telling n or ad)
unusual insight or intuitive perception- diviner n
general extrasensory perception (GESP)- a
destiny- n, pi nies 1 : something to which a term coined Rhine that included both telepathy
person or thing is destined: FATE, FORTUNE 2: a and clairvoyance. The term psi was later
predetermined course of events designated to cover ESP and PK.

dowse- vb; to use a divining rod esp. to find green thumb - n : an unusual and possibly
water or other substances - dowser n psychic ability to make plants grow and flourish.

duende- n [Sp dial. , charm, fr. Sp, ghost, graphology- n : 1 : the practice of reading a
goblin, fr. duende casa] : the power to attract person's character or future by interpreting their
through personal magnetism and charm handwriting.

ecotoplasm- n: the stuff of which ghosts are handsel - n : a gift made as a token of good
made. luck

electrokinesis - n : the ability to manipulate hit- n : to make a correct guess in cold reading
electricity or electrical devices with one's mind.
horoscope- n [ME oruscope, fr. MF
empathy- n : the experiencing as one's own horoscope, fr. L horoscopus, fr. Gk hOroskopos,
of the feelings of another; also : the capacity for fr. hOra hour + skopos watcher] 1 : a diagram of
this- empathic ad)- empath n the relative positions of planets and signs of the
zodiac at a particular time for use by astrologers
equivocate- vb 1 : to use misleading
to foretell events of a person's life 2 : an
language 2 : to avoid giving a definite answer-
astrological forecast
equivocation n also equivoque
Horse Whisperer- n 1 : a person who claims
extrasensory perception (ESP)- n 1 :
to be able to telepathically communicate with
perception (as in telepathy) of events external to
racehorses usually for the purpose of imparting a
the self not gained through the senses and not
message of urgency to them
deducible from previous experience 2 : an act or
result of perceiving without the use of the normal
biological senses 3 : awareness of one's hypnosis- n, pi noses : an induced state that
resembles sleep and in which the spectator is
environment through nonphysical sensation
responsive to suggestions of the inducer
fakir- n [Ar faqi'r, lit. , poor man] 1 : a (hypnotist- hypnotism n - hypnotizable ad)
wandering Hindu ascetic said to possess - hypnotize vb
psychic and paranormal abilities due to years of
asceticism intuition - n 1 : quick and ready insight 2 : the
power or faculty of knowing things without
fey- ad) 1 chiefly Scot : fated to die; also : conscious reasoning - intuitive \ adj-
marked by a foreboding of death or calamity 2 : intuitively adv- to intuit v.
able to see into the future : VISIONARY 3 : marked
by an otherworldly air or attitude 4 : CRAZY, jinx- n 1 : one that brings bad luck 2 : to
TOUCHED foredoom to failure or misfortune vb

Kirlian photography-n: In 1939, the
technique known as Kirlian photography was medium - n : [L] 1 : something in a middle
developed in the exSoviet Union. It seemed to position; also : a middle position or degree 2 : an
offer scientific proof that this kind of life field individual held to be a channel of communication
really existed. The original photos were created between the earthly world and a world of spirits.
mentalism - n : that aspect of stage and close-
passing a mild electrical current through an up magic that seeks to simulate paranormal and
object a sit rested on a specially treated psychic powers of the mind.
photographic plate. Once developed, a clearly mentalist- n : a person who claims to be
formed halo, the Kirlian aura, surrounded the skilled in any of the skills usually associated with
object's image. If the spectator was emotionally extrasensory or psychic skills.
excited, their aura was significantly changed.
Different colors, intensity and shapes would minor arcana- n: one of a set of usu. 56 tarot
appear in the person's aura cards of the tarot deck using the four suits:
swords, cups, pentacles and cups. Used for
Kismet- n, often cap [Turk, fr. Ar qismah fortunetelling [cf, TAROT, MAJOR ARCANA)
portion, lot): FATE; DESTINY
miss - n : to make a mistake in cold reading
latent psionics - adj : quiescent paranormal or
psychic abilities that though present are neither muscle reading- n : the mentalist ability to
visible or active - latency n read and interpret minor physical movements in a
spectator's hand to reveal their secret thoughts
levitate - v : to rise or cause to rise in the air in
seeming defiance of gravitation - levitation n occult- adj 1 : not revealed : SECRET 2 :
ABSTRUSE, MYSTERIOUS 3: of or relating to
luck- n: 1 : CHANCE, FORTUNE 2 : good fortune supernatural agencies, their effects or knowledge of
3 : to prosper or succeed esp. through chance them - occultism n - occultist n
or good fortune 4 : to come upon something
desirable by chance oracle- n 1 : one held to give divinely inspired
answers or revelations 2 : an authoritative or wise
lucky charm- n [ME charme, fr. MF, fr. L utterance; also : a person of great authority or
carmen song, fr. canere to sing] 1 :a practice or wisdom - oracular adj
expression believed to affect the laws of
probability and good fortune in general 2 : a palmistry - n : the practice of reading a
small ornament worn or carried that purportedly person's character or future from the markings on
does the same the palms - palmist n

major arcana - n : one of a set of 22 tarot parapsychology - n : a field of study

cards each depicting an allegorical or concerned with investigating telepathy and
mythological figure used for fortunetelling [cf, related spectators - parapsychologist n
photokinesis - n : the ability to manipulate light
mascot- n [F mascotte, fr. Provenyal with one's mind. Including the ability to become
mascoto, fr. masco witch, fr. ML masca]: a invisible or causing other objects the become
person, animal or object believed to bring good invisible
mass hypnosis - n : an induced state that
plane- n: a level of existence, consciousness
resembles sleep and in which many spectators
can be made responsive to suggestions by the or development.
inducer. poltergeist n [G, fr. poltern to knock+ Geist
spirit]: a noisy usu. mischievous ghost held to be
mass mind - n : an induced state that allows
responsible for unexplained noises
open telepathy between three or more

possibility- adj 1 : being within the limits of past influence or action, by those sensitive to
such emanations and described as a feeling or
ability, capacity or realization 2 : being
sense and usually portrayed as a vague notion or
something that may or may not occur <-
dangers> -possibility n - possibly adv [cf, remembrance

precognition - n : [L praecognitio, lit., to know Psychic Plane- cf. ASTRAL PLANE

before] the ability to perceive the future.
psychometry- n : the ability to sense, through
presager- n : 1 : someone who tells of a tactile handling or physical approximation, the
future event. ownership and or history of events surrounding a
person, place or object
premonition - n : 1 : a warning of future
events. psychokinesis (PK) - n : cf. TELEKINESIS

preternatural - adj 1 : exceeding what is psychurgy- n : mental energy

natural 2 : inexplicable by ordinary means -
preternaturally adv P. T. Barnum Effect- n : cf. COLD READING

probability- n, pi ties 1 : the quality or state of pyrokinesis- n : the ability to start fires with
being probable 2 : something probable 3 : a one's mind
measure of how often a particular event will
occur if something (as tossing a coin) is done reading- n 1 : a particular psychic performance
repeatedly which results in any of a number of
possible events [cf. POSSIBILITY) Remote Viewing (RV)- n : the name of a
method of psychoenergetic perception. The
prognosticator- one who foresees from signs acquisition and description, by mental means, of
or symptoms - prognostication information blocked from ordinary perception by
distance, shielding or time." cf. claivoyance
prophet- 1 : one who utters divinely inspired
revelations 2 : one who foretells future events. relesthesia- n : an early scientific name for
clairvoyance or "seeing in the distance."
psi - n : the phenomena of the general skills
usually associated with extrasensory or psychic Rhine Cards - n : cards with basic distinct
phenomena; 2: a person with such abilities; 3 : symbols created by Dr. J. B. Rhine. The symbols
the 23d letter of the Greek alphabet - '¥ or "' used are: a cross, a star, three wavy lines, a
circle and a square. A full set of cards is
psionics - n : a general term indicating any or comprised of five sets of the five symbols
all of the skills usually associated with mentioned above. Also known as "ZENER" cards.
extrasensory or psychic phenomena. The term
was originally coined in 1950 by John Campbell. Rhine Experiments -In the classic Rhine
experiments on ESP, the spectator tries to guess
psionic- n : a person with any psionic ability or "call" the order of the five symbols when they
are randomly arranged in a deck of 25 ESP
psionicist- cf. PSIONIC cards. The likelihood of calling a card correctly by
chance is one in five. Therefore, it is possible to
psychic- n : 1: a person apparently sensitive calculate how often a particular score is likely to
to nonphysical forces or supernatural forces; occur by chance in a given number of calls. It
also : MEDIUM- psychically adv 2 : of or was Rhine's' argument that when his spectators
relating to the psyche 3 : lying outside the made high scores they displayed "extrachance"
sphere of physical science 4: sensitive to results or ESP.
nonphysical or supernatural forces -
psychically adv savant- n : 1: a learned person in esoteric arts
2: a scholar
psychic impression- n 1: the perception of a
characteristic trait or feature resulting from a scrying - divining the future by any means

occurrence of the number "seven" continuously
Second Sight- cf. , TELEPATHY for a week.

seance n [F) : a meeting meant to receive synesthesia - n : sensory hybridization; a

communications from spirits mixing of the senses. Recent neurological studies
suggest the possibility that the executive areas of
the human brain, primarily in the frontal lobes,
seer- n : a person who foresees or predicts manifest a high degree of sensory integration.
This integration is found apparantly throughout
the neocortex (Stein & Meredith 1993,
sentient- adj : 1 : capable of feeling 2 : having GoldmanRakic 1984.)
perception 3 : intelligent- sentience n
The level of integration within the associative
serendipity- n [fr. its possession by the areas of the brain is such that we can include the
heroes of the Persian fairy tale The Three probability of sensory hybridization, where the
Princes of Serendip] n: 1 : the gift of finding audition/vision systems share neurons. At the
valuable or agreeable things not sought for n: 2 : psychological level, there exists cases of mental
extremely improbable good luck- states that seem to resemble the joining of the
serendipitous adj senses. Synesthesia may be an example of
hybridization or an example of strongly linked, but
spiritualism - n : a belief that spirits of the seperate, sensory cues responding to a stimulus.
dead communicate with the living usu. through a There might be an emotional connecion to
medium -spiritualist n; often cap- synesthesia. There are examples of people who
spiritualistic adj can "see" music as being colorful and others who
can "taste" happiness (geneally it tastes ilke
soothsayer- n : one who foretells events - chicken.)
soothsaying n
tarot- n : one of a set of usu. 78 playing cards
spiritualism- n : a belief that spirits of the used esp. for fortunetelling
dead communicate with the living usu. through a
medium - spiritualist \-list\ n, often cap - telekinesis- n: the ability to move physical
spiritualistic objects with one's mind. Also known as
subliminal suggestion - 1 : a planted
suggestion existing or functioning below the telekinetic flight- n: 1 : an act or instance of
threshold of consciousness flying seemingly by thought alone

supernatural - adj : of or relating to telepathy- n : apparent communication from

phenomena beyond or outside of nature; esp : one mind to another by extrasensory means -
relating to or attributed to a divinity, ghost or telepathic adj- telepathically adv -telepath n
devil - supernaturally adv
teleportation - n : the instantaneous
synchronicity - 1 : to occur or cause to occur conveyance of a person or object from one place
at the same instant 2 : to represent, arrange or to another supposedly through psychic ability
tabulate according to dates or time 3 : to cause
to agree in time 4 : to make synchronous in touch telepathy - n : the ability to transmit
operation - synchronism n - telepathic messages only through physical
synchronization n - synchronizer n touching.

Carl Jung, a student of Sigmund Freud, trance- n [ME, fr. MF transe, fr. transir to pass
considered those moments in our lives when away, swoon, fr. L transire to pass. pass away, fr.
things, thoughts, people and/or events seem to trans across + ire to go]1 : a living state in which
synchronize. An example would be having a the vital bodily and mental activities slow down
dream about a friend you hadn't seen in a very greatly 2 : a sleeplike state (as of deep hypnosis)
along time and then accidentally bumping into
that person later in the day or seeing the

transmogrify- vb fied; tying : to change or unusual wisdom in foreseeing what is going to
alter physically - transmogrification n happen

transmute- vb transmuted; transmuting : to vaticinator - n : n one who foretells from signs

change or alter in form, appearance or nature or symptoms; also : one held to give divinely
syn transform, convert, transfigure, inspired answers or revelations; vatic adj :
metamorphose -transmutation n PROPHETIC ORACULAR
Uncorruptibles- n 1 : the corpse of a holy
person which defies normal putrefaction Zener Cards - cf. RHINE CARDS
process. Normally considered a sign of personal
holiness. zodiac- n [ME, fr. MF zodiaque, fr. L zodiacus,
fr. Gk zOidiakos, fr. zOidion carved figure, sign of
uncanny- adj 1 : GHOSTLY, MYSTERIOUS, EERIE the zodiac, fr. dim. of zOion living being, figure] 1
2 : suggesting superhuman or supernatural : an imaginary belt in the heavens that
powers syn spooky, unearthly, weird- encompasses the paths of most of the planets
uncannily adv and that is divided into 12 constellations or signs
2 : a figure representing the signs of the zodiac
vision - n 1 : something seen otherwise than and their symbols - zodiacal adj
by ordinary sight (as in a dream or trance) 2 : a
vivid picture created by the imagination 3 :

Art of Cold Reading, The. Robert A. Nelson. Hades Publication.
Classic Reading, The. Earle, Lee. Syzygy Press.
Completely Cold. Knepper, Kenton. Wonder Wizards.
Dynamite Mentalism. George B. Anderson.
Elusive Quarry: A Scientific Appraisal of Psychical Research, The. Ray Hyman.
Hellstromism. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
It Must be Mindreading. George B. Anderson.
Lecture Notebook. George B. Anderson.
Let the Audience Do the Show. George B. Anderson.
My Favorite Easy Mental <;ard Magic. George B. Anderson.
Overcoming Magic Hazards. George B. Anderson.
Practical Contact Mind Reading. Edward R. Schatz. Micky Hades Publications.
Sequel to the Art of Cold Reading. Robert A. Nelson.
Technique ofthe Private Reader. Robert Nelson. Micky Hades Publications.
You Too Can Read Minds. George B. Anderson.

13 Steps to Mentalism. AI Corinda. D. Robbins.
35 Weird and Psychic Effects. Musson, Charles. Charles C. Eastman.
75 Novel Ways to Use Your Clipboard. Machniak, John. Micky Hades Publications.
202 Methods of Forcing. Annemann, Theo. Magic, Inc.
A Magician Among the Spirits. Houdini, Harry. Kaufman & Co.
Additional Weird & Psychic Effects. Musson, Cletis. Micky Hades Publications.
Advanced Enigmatics for Mentalists. Wenger, C.J., Hades.
AI Koran's Legacy. Miller, Hugh, Repro Magic.
Amazing World of Mentalism, The. Hull, Burling. Micky Hades Publications.
Animated Miracles. Mesika, Yigal. Mesika Magic.
Annemann's Incorporated Strange Secrets. Annemann, Ted, D. Robbins.
Annemann's Mental Bargain Effects. Annemann, Ted.
Answers to Questions. DeLawrence, George. Micky Hades Publications.
Bernstein on Number Predictions. Bernstein, Bruce. Magic, Inc.
Best Tricks with Slates. Warlock, Peter.
Between Two Minds Too. Pharr, Walter & Ned Rutledge. H&R Magic Books.
Between Two Minds. Thompson, Rutledge.
Bold & Subtle Miracles of Dr. Faust. Hoy, David. Magic, Inc.
Book of Haunted Magick, The. Maue, Rick. Pittsburgh, Deceptions Unlimited.
Book ofThoth. Minch, Stephen. Micky Hades Publications.
Brain Control. Reilly, S.W. Magic, Inc.
Breakthrough Card System. Osterlind. Richard, Busby.
Calostro Mind Reading Act The. Read, Ralph. Magic, Inc.
Cashing in on the Psychic. Ruthchild, Myriam. Lee Jacobs Productions.
Castle Dracula Mentalism. Cameron, Charles. Martin Breese.
Celestial Agent. Maly, Charles J. Magic. Inc.

Center Tear Technique. Bernstein, Bruce. Magic, Inc.
Chan Canasta. A Remarkable Man. Britland, David. Martin Breese.
Christopher's Favorite Routines. Christopher, Maurine. Collector's Workshop.
Close Up Magician, The. Allerton, Bert & Bob Parrish. Magic, Inc.
Colostro Mind Reading Act. Read, Ralph. Lee Grey.
Comedy Mentalism Volumes 1-3. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Complete Fortune Teller. Riggs, John.
Complete Haunted House Book. The. Harkleroad, Tim. Moonlighting Publications.
Complete Invocation. Raven and ye Mage. Kaufinan and Company.
Complete One-Man Mental Psychic Routine. Annemann, Ted. Louis Tannen Publications.
Confessions of a Medium. Anonymous. Micky Hades Publications.
Conjurer's Psychological Secrets. Sharpe, S.H. Micky Hades Publications.
Conspiracy. Stagnaro, Angelo. H&R Books.
Contact Mind Reading Expanded. Fitzkee, Dariel. Magic, Ltd.
Craig Karges Connection, The. Karges, Craig. Lee Jacobs Productions.
Creating Material. Knepper & Zing. Wonder Wizards.
Crystal Gazing Then & Now. Myriam Ruthchild/Cietis Musson.
Doorway to Delusion. Siegel, Paul J. Micky Hades International.
Doorway to Delusion. Siegel, Paul.
Dr. Rhine Outdone. Trost. Nick. Micky Hades Publications.
Dunninger's Brain Busters., Atmore, Joseph. H&R Magic Books.
Dynamic Mysteries. Osterlind, Richard. Busby Magic.
Dynamite Mentalism. Anderson, George. Magic, Inc.
E. Raymond Carlyle Lecture Notes. Fowler, Ed. Carlyle Productions.
Early Vernon. Vernon, Dai. Magic, Inc.
Effective Answers to Questions. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Enchanted Evening, An. Knepper, Kenton. Wonder Wizards.
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism Volumes. 1-3. Hull, Burling. Micky Hades Publications.
ESP Session with Nick Trost. Trost, Nick. Micky Hades Publications.
ESP. Tong, Danny. Magic Art Studios.
Even Compleater Fortune Teller. Riggs, John. John Riggs.
Exclusive Weird & Psychic Effects. Musson, Cletis. Micky Hades Publications.
Extra Sensory Perfection. Baillie, Ron. George Armstrong.
Eyeless in Gaza. Minch, Stephen. Micky Hades Publications.
Fat-Free Mentalism. Riggs, John. John Riggs.
Further Weird & Psychic Effects. Musson, Cletis. Micky Hades Publications.
Gellerism Revealed. Harris, Ben. Micky Hades Publications.
Ghost Book of Dark Secrets. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Gold Medal Showmanship. Hull, Burling. Micky Hades Publications.
Golden Galaxy of Mentalism. Bridwell, Jack. Micky Hades Publications.
Grant's Fabulous Feats of Mental Magic. Don Tanner.
H.P. Lovecraft's at the Mountains of Madness. Hilford, Docc., Docc Co.
Heavy Mental. Riggs, John, John Riggs.
Houdini Exposes Margery the Medium. Houdini, Harry. Magic, Inc.
How to Book Your Attraction. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
How to Develop Mental Magic. Hadley, Paul. Dennison.
How to Read Sealed Messages. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Intercept. Berg, Harvey. Harvey Berg.
Invisible Secrets Revealed. Fields, Eddie & Mike Schwartz.
It Must Be Mindreading. Anderson, George. Magic, Inc.
Key Bending. Walker, Mark.
Killer Konceptions. Knepper, Kenton. Wonder Wizards.
Kolossal Killer. Knepper, Kenton. Wonder Wizards.
Magic Dungeon Mentalism. Wagner & Adams. Magic Ltd.
Magic Spell. Fetsch, Hen.
Magic with an ESP Deck. Dalal, Sam. Micky Hades Publications.
Magic with Himber Rings. Mentzer, Jerry. Mentzer.
Major Magic. Blake, George. Micky Hades Publications.

Making Contact: The Real Secrets of Contact Mind-Reading. H&R Magic Books.
Manual of Publicity and Exploitation. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Master Book of Blindfolds. Hull, Burling. Micky Hades Publications.
Master Code. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Master Magic. Blake, George. Micky Hades Publications.
Master Mentalist, The. Rightmire, Richard. Micky Hades Publications.
Mentalistrix. Maurice. Amazing, The. Calgary, Micky Hades.
Memory Book, The. Lorayne, Harry & Jerry Lucas. New York, Stein and Day.
Mental Connections. Tong, Danny. TDC Publishers.
Mental Magic of Basil Horowitz. Vol 1-4, Gill, Bob, Martin Breese.
Mental Magic with Cards, Jean Hugard. D. Robbins & Company, Inc.
Mentalism & Its Presentation. Nelson, Robert & Bergson, Syd. Micky Hades Publications.
Mentalism for Magicians). Becker, Larry. Larry Becker.
Mentalist's Manual. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Messiah Process. The, Riggs, John, John Riggs.
Mighty Silver Bulldog, Hayden. Allan, Hayden.
Mind and Matter. Minch, Stephen. Micky Hades Publications.
Mind FIX. Mayne, Andrew. Mayne Books.
Mind Magic., Altgelt, Frederick. Magic, Inc.
Mind Melds. Minch, Stephen. Micky Hades Publications.
Mind Novas. Stephen Minch.
Mind Over Matter. Nguyen.
Mind Readers: Masters of Deception, The. Rauscher, William V. Mystic Light Press.
Mind Warp. Mark, Richard Syzygy Press.
Mind, Myth & Magic. Waters, T.A. Hermetic Press.
Mindblowing Psychic Readings. Dewey, Herb.
Miracle Makers. Thompson, J.G. Magic Ltd.
Miracles in Mentalism. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Miracles with a Clip Board. Grant, U.F. Magic, Inc.
Miraculous Hindu Feats, Ovette, Joseph. Lloyd Jones.
More Effective Answers to Questions. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
More Master Magic. Blake, George. Micky Hades Publications.
More Miracles in Mentalism. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
More Weird & Psychic Effects. Musson, Cletis. Micky Hades Publications.
My Way to Mentalism. Binarelli, Tony, Camirand Academy.
No Skill Comedy Mind Reading. Reilly, S.W., Magic, Inc.
One-Man Mental Magic. Christopher Milbourne, Louis Tannen.
Original Magic. Blaisdell, Frank, Magic, Ltd.
Out of the Spook Cabinet. Weber, Herman, Lloyd Jones.
Pages from a Medium's Notebook. Anonymous. Micky Hades Publications.
Paramiracles. (trans. Bill Palmer and Oliver Erens) Lesley, Ted, Hermetic Press.
Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life. Sheehy, Hail. E.P. Dutton & Co.
Peek Performances. Busch, Richard. Magic Inspirations.
Phantini Revisited. Grant, Gene. Lee Jacobs Productions.
Phantini's Lost Book of Mental Secrets. Grant, Gene. Micky Hades Publications.
Phrenology for the Psychic Entertainer, Riggs, John. John Riggs.
Pieces of My Mind. Earle, Lee. Syzygy.
Practical Contact Mind Reading. Schatz, Edward. Micky Hades Publications.
Practical Mental Effects. Ted Annemann. Dover Publications.
Pre-Thoughts. Banachek & Steve Shaw. Banachek.
Private Medium's Secret Guide. RaMayne, Dr. Korda. Micky Hades Publications.
Psychic Agenda. Riggs, John. John Riggs.
Psychic Soirees. Riggs. John. John Riggs.
Psycho Gizmo. Garrett, Teral. Micky Hades Publications.
Psychokinetic Time. Banachek & Steve Shaw. Magic Inspirations.
Psychokinetic Touches. Banachek & Steve Shaw. Banachek.
Psychological Subtleties. Banachek & Steve Shaw. Magic Inspirations. .
Pure Effects: Direct Mindrcading and Magical Artistry. Brown, IJerrcn. H&R Mag1c Books.

PW, The Mentalist's Secret Weapon. Riggs, John. John Riggs.
Readings for the Magician. Knepper, Kenton. Wonder Wizards.
Real Mental Magic. McGill, Ormond. Micky Hades Publications.
Riggs, The Man with the $1.98 Hands. Riggs, John. Magic Methods.
Ron Wilson: Uncanny. Kaufman, Richard. Kaufman and Company.
Scalbert's Selected Secrets. Scalbert, Geoffrey. Supreme Magic Company.
Secret Methods of Private Readers. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Self-Working Mental Magic. Fulves, Karl. Dover Publications.
Sensational Answers. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Sensational Effects. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Sensational Mentalism 1-4. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Shhh, It's a Secret. Annemann, Ted. Lou Tannen Publications.
Simple Signals: Three Deceptive, Easy to Learn, Two-Person Card Codes. Elliott, Tate. Tate Elliott.
Six Hour Memorized Deck. Joyal, Martin, Hermetic Press.
Six, The Bizarre Magic of Alain Nu. Nu, Alain, BSM Books.
Spirit Bell. Carlyle, E. Raymond. Carlyle Productions.
Spirit is Willing, The. Auer, Jim. Magic, Inc.
Spirit Theatre. Burger, Eugene. Kaufman & Co.
Stage Mentalism, Bigbee, North, Magic, Inc.
Star Tradeshow Act, The. Hilford, Docc. Docc Co.
Still More Miracles in Mentalism, Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Strange Ceremonies: Bizarre Magick for the Modem Conjurer. Burger, Eugene. Kaufman & Company.
Strange Secrets Volume 1-2. The Addenda.
Stunners. Becker Larry. Larry Becker.
Stunners-Plus. Becker Larry. Larry Becker.
Suburban Charlatan, Riggs, John, John Riggs.
Super Prediction Tricks, Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Tarot Reader Pocket Manual, Dexter, Will. Micky Hades Publications.
Techniques of the Private Reader. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Theater of the Mind, Richardson, Barrie. Hermetic Press.
Tidbits and Touches. Tank, J.
Top Secrets. Rogers, Terry & Martin Breese.
Trans-Actions. Neale, Robert. Magic, Inc.
Twenty Effects for Psychic Entertainers, Bernstein, Bruce. Magic, Inc.
Twenty Stunners with a Nail Writer. Chapman, Frank, Lee Grey.
Uncanny Power. Dexter, Will. Micky Hades Publications.
Very Modem Mind Readers & Other Miracles, The. Osterlind, Richard. Richard Osterlind.
Weerd Enough. Knepper, Kenton. Wonder Wizards.
Wonder Words Workbook. Knepper, Kenton. Wonder Wizards.
World of Super Mentalism (Vols. I & II). Becker, Larry. Larry Becker.

Absolute Magic. Derren Brown, H & R Magic Books
Art of Magic. T. Nelson Downs, et al.
Holistic Approach to Magic, The. James Hope. Presto Books.
Houdini on Magic. Harry Houdini, et al.
Mind, Myth & Magic by TA Waters. Hermetic Press.
Magic by Misdirection. Dariel Fitzkee. Lee Jacobs Productions.
Magic: A Picture History. Milbourne Christopher.
Magic & Showmanship: A Handbook for Conjurers. Henning Nelms.
Maskelyne on the Performance of Magic. Nevil Maskelyne.
Psychology ?fDeception (Why Magic Works,) The. Randal, Jason, Ph.D. Top Secret Productions
Showmanship for Magicians. Dariel Fitzkee. A to Z Printing. ·
Secrets of Houdini, The. John Clucas Cannell.

25 Lessons in Hypnotism. Anon, Magic, Inc.
Complete Course in Stage Hypnotism. Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism. McGill, Ormond. Abbott Magic.
Hypnotic Prescriptions. Arnold Furst.
Master Course in Hypnotism, Nelson, Robert. Micky Hades Publications.
Practical Hypnotism. Ed Wolff.
Stage Hypnotism. Reilly, S.W. Magic, Inc.

Basic Palm Reading for Magicians Video. Perron & Skaggs. MagicSmith.
How to Tum Ordinary Tricks into Mind-Shaking Miracles. Docc Hilford
VideoMind, Vols 1-3, Max Maven. L&L Publishing.

Jinx, The, Ted Annemann, Robbins (various authors.)
Syzygy, Earle, Lee, Syzygy Press. (various authors.)

Adventures of a Parapsychologist, The. Blackmore, Susan. Prometheus Books.
Flim-Flam! Randi, James. Prometheus Books.
Parapsychology: Science or Magic? Alcock, James.
Parapsychological Techniques in Enhancing Human Performance, Part III. Druckman, Daniel & John A. Swets,
Psychology of the Psychic, The. Marks, David & Richard Kammann. Prometheus Books
Science and the Supernatural in Science. Price, George R.
Science and the Supernatural. Taylor, John. Dutton.
Search for Psychic Power: ESP & Parapsychology Revisited, The. Hansel, C.E.M. Prometheus Books.

What Are the Odds?: Chance in Everyday Life. Michael Orkin.

Any bibliography I can compile on psychology would be outdated as soon as I published this book so I will refrain
from wasting your time and energies. Instead, I would suggest approaching professional psychologists and
professors of psychology at a local university. They are most certain to be on top of developments in their field.


Cold _reading is very_ simple an~ is easily learned by most people. However, once learned, it does require
pr~ct1c~. The foll~wmg suggest~ons are taken from Ray Hyman's classic book, The Elusive Quarry: A
Sc1ent1fic Appraisal of Psychical Research. These are the techniques psychics have used to generate
"paranormal effects." Psychologists also refer to this phenomena as the "P.T. Barnum Effect."

1. Use a stock spiel. These should be a list of phrases that you can use immediately. You'll note that the
following statements are extremely broad and can fit a wide number of interpretations. They are truisms
that can apply to all of our lives. Use them wisely and sparingly. Once you get a positive response, follow
it as a tangent until you feel you can creatively offer nothing more. At this point, simply go back to this list
and explore other possibilities.


1. Exercise your insightfulness and don't believe everything that you hear.
2. Don't let severe disagreements simply lie unattended.
3. A past love affair of yours has been recently on your mind and you've been wondering what it
would have been like if you had treated it different.
4. Your pursuit of materialistic gain will definitely cloud your perceptions; avoid it.
5. You have needed to rely upon your friendships throughout your life and they have proven
themselves to be very important to you.
6. You're seeking a moral compass which proves that you are fundamentally a good person.
7. You are very distrustful of a particular person in your life and if it causing you consternation.
8. Be a center of calm amidst the chaos and you will win over your detractors.
9. You've made some bad decisions but don't lose your focus.
10. Don't be hard on yourself; give yourself a chance to heal.
11. Your current problems can all be ascribed to difficulties in communicating with others.
12. You can be an orderly and systematic person when it is required of you or when you think it's a
good idea.
13. You have needed to rely upon your friendships throughout your life and they have proven
themselves to be very important to you.
14. You sometimes believe that you do not receive as much credit as you deserve.
15. Rise above the crowd; the circle of people around you is not helping you in your present situation.
16. You'll need to start telling the truth or suffer the consequences.
17. You are worried that you lack in experience for a project you have in mind.
18. Don't rely on others for help at this point; accept their help at a later time when it is more
19. Don't get pulled into an argument with people you know.
20. Being pushy or overbearing won't help anyone and certainly not you in the long run.
21. Don't hesitate to calmly and intelligently express your opinions.
22. Don't vacillate; concentrate on the best course of action and you will make the right decision.
23. Remain ethical despite the actions of those around you.
24. Things won't be going your way in the short run but don't give up.
25. You're being given a chance to start again; you should take advantage of it.

2. Gain the client's cooperation in advance. Tell your spectator that you require his or her sincere
cooperation. Tell him or her that, due to difficulties in communication and language, you may not
always convey the exact meaning you intend.

3. Be confident. Act as if you believe what you are doing. If you hem and haw, you will appear as if
you are grasping.

4. Be creative. Use the latest statistical abstracts, polls and surveys to learn more about what certain
types of people are like. Come to a better understanding of your own motives and behavior.

5. Be humble. Profess modesty about your talents. Make no excessive claims.

6. Set the mood. Talk about what you can do. Talk about your past "accomplishments."

7. Use a gimmick. Crystal balls, tarot cards or palm reading are all fine. These accoutrements add
novelty but, more importantly, give you something to scrutinize deeply and dramatically for long
periods of time as you try to figure out what you're going to say next. Do some research; there are
more esoteric and exotic forms of divination that can be used including bowls of water, tealeaves and
rose petals.

8. Keep your eyes open. Shake their hand. Read body language. People frequently broadcast a great
deal of information about themselves including economic status, personal hygiene, religion, education
level, current emotional state, general health and marital status (i.e., presence/absence of wedding
ring.) Do they act nervous or calm? Are they gregarious or reserved? How's their grammar?

9. Go fish. Phrase each statement as a question. The spectator will help you out with his or her
responses. Ask the spectator to tell you a little bit about him or herself and then rephrase and repeat
these things back to him or her.

10. Be a good listener. Let the client talk as often and as much as he or she would like. In this way, they
do your work for you.

11. Dramatize the moment. Ham things up a little. Be dramatic. Make them sweat a little; then make
them swoon.

12. Be cryptic. Always give the impression that you know more than you are saying. Look at them
knowingly but be guarded. Tell them they may not be ready to hear the whole truth. This is an
extremely powerful plow. Use it sparingly

13. Flattery never fails to hit the mark. Flatter your subject at every opportunity.

14. The Golden Rule of Psychics: Tell the person exactly what they want to hear.

Humans have many more sense than the simple traditional five senses we all learned about as children.
Many of them are unconscious such those which sense the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the
blood. Mentalist patter might include references to these other ways in which humans can sense the
environment around them and how it affects their own bodies:

1. Sight (photoreceptors)
2. Hearing (mechanoreceptors)
3. Smell (chemoreceptors)
4. Taste (chemoreceptors)
5. Tactile/touch/pressure (mechanoreceptors)
6. Heat (thermoreceptors)
7. Humidity (mechanoreceptors)
8. Pain receptors (nociceptors)
9. ThirsUdehydration (mechanoreceptors)
10. Equilibrium (mechanoreceptors): In humans, the inner ear contains the sensory organs of hearing
and equilibrium. Equilibrium is the relationship of the body to the pull of gravity and is dependent on
the sensory hairs within the inner ear. The vestibular sense is the body's ability to balance itself.
11. Kinesthetic sense (mechanoreceptors) is the ability to feel motion and relative position through
receptors found in muscles, tendons and joints.
12. Arterial pressure (mechanoreceptors)
13. Osmolality (mechanoreceptors)
14. Blood C02 (chemoreceptors)
15. Blood Glucose, amino acids, fatty acids (chemoreceptors)
16. Arterial oxygen (chemoreceptors)
17. Deep Tissue Sensibilities (mechanoreceptors)
18. Air pressure (mechanoreceptors)
19. Proprioception (mechanoreceptors) knowing the position of our limbs and extremities
20. Passage of Time perception

Some animals have senses other than the ones we normally accept and understand. Honeybees for
example can sense magnetic polarity lines of the Earth. In insects, color sensitivity is extended into the
ultraviolet range. Snakes can sense infrared energy making it possible for them to locate warm-blooded
prey from a distance. Some fish have electro-receptors cells along their lateral line, which sense changes
in the electric field. They use them to locate other fish and food and to aid in navigation in otherwise dark
and murky waters. Many animals have a vomeronasal organ, which is an olfactory organ that generally
detects pheromones. There is a list of many other possible senses in the book, Textbook of Medical
Physiology, by Arthur C. Guyton.


Definitions used in this manuscript were taken from© 1995 Zane Publishing, Inc. The Merriam-Webster
Dictionary© 1994 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

Chapter heading graphics and the "eyes" graphic used on the front cover were created by Parin

I would like to thank Rob Murray, Doug MacKenzie and Jim Sikora for their invaluable assistance in the
creation and assembling of this collection.

Many thanks also to Stacie L. Goldsmith, Content Manager of Interactive Learning Network and Jocelyn
Williams for supplying the statistics used in this book.


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