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Surg Radiol Anat (1986) 8 : 209-215 Surgical 2

9 Springer-Verlag 1986

Anatomical bases of medical, radiological and surgical techniques

The anatomic basis of the fascio-cutaneous flap

of the posterior interosseous artery

CV Penteado 1, AC Masquelet 2 and JP Chevrel 3

1 Anatomy Department, Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas, S. Paulo, Brazil (Study grant FAPESP No. 85/0667-3)
2 H6pital Trousseau, Service d'Orthopddie Pddiatrique, 26, av. Dr Aruold-Netter, 75571 Paris Cedex 12, France
3 Laboratoire d'Anatomie et Chirurgie Exp6rimentale, Facult6 de M6decine, Paris XIII, 74, rue Marcel-Cachin, 93000 Bobigny, France

Summary. The authors present a study of the surgical 70 cas, pour 6tablir les bases anatomiques d'un nouveau
anatomy of the posterior interosseous artery (PIA) in lambeau septo-cutan6 de l'avant-bras : le lambeau inter-
70 cases to establish the anatomic basis of a new osseux post6rieur mis au point par l'un des auteurs (AC
forearm fascio-cutaneous flap, the posterior interosseous Masquelet). L ' A I P a 6t6 constat6e dans tousles cas. Son
flap which has been described by one of the authors (AC trajet peut ~tre figur6 par une ligne qui va de l'6pi-
Masquelet). The PIA was verified in every case. Its condyle latdral (epicondylus lateralis) 5 la tate de l'ulna
course corresponds to a line drawn from the lateral (caput ulnae) et qui correspond au septum entre les
epicondyle of the humerus to the head of the ulna, i.e. to muscles extenseur ulnaire du carpe (extensor carpi
the septum between the extensor carpi ulnaris and ulnaris) et extenseur du petit doigt (extensor digiti
extensor digiti minimi proprius muscles. The artery, minimi). L'art~re, qui a un calibre moyen de 1,6 ram,
whose average caliber is 1.7 ram, gives off 7 to 14 d61ivre, dans son trajet, de 7 fi 14 branches cutan6es. Le
cutaneous branches in its course. The point of emer- point d'dmergence de l'art6re dans ]a face post6rieure de
gence of the artery in the posterior aspect of the forearm l'avant-bras correspond au point d'union entre le tiers
corresponds to the junction between the upper and supdrieur et le tiers moyen de la distance 6picondyle
middle thirds of the line from the epicondyle and the latdral-tate de l'ulna. L ' A I P s'anastomose avec l'art6re
ulnar head. The PIA anastomoses with the anterior interosseuse antdrieure (a. interossea anterior) et le
interosseous artery and the dorsal carpal network in rdseau dorsal du carpe (rete carpi dorsale) dans 98,57 %
98.6 % of cases. The artery remains closely related to des cas. L ' A I P maintient des rapports tr6s 6troits avec la
the deep branch of the radial nerve and is crossed by the branche profonde (ramus profundus) du neff radial (n.
branches of this nerve to the extensor carpi ulnaris radialis) et est croisde par la branche que ce nerf fournit
muscle. The cutaneous distribution of the PIA extends au muscle extenseur ulnaire du carpe. Le territoire
from elbow to wrist, centered on the epicondylarulnar cutan6 de I'AIP va du coude jusqu'au poignet, avec une
line, with an average breadth of 5 cm. Twelve opera- largeur moyenne de 5 cm, centr6e sur la ligne
tions have already been performed using the posterior 6picondyle lat6ral/t~te de l'ulna. Douze cas cliniques ont
interosseous flap, 2 with a direct pedicle and 10 with a 6t6 ddjfi r6alis6s en utilisant le lambeau interosseux
retrograde pedicle, and all survived completely. postdrieur, 2 fi p6dicule direct et 10 ~ pddicule
r6trograde. T o u s l e s lambeaux ont surv6cu en totalit6.
Les bases anatomiques du lambeau septo-cutan6
de l'art~re interosseuse post6rieure
Summary. Les auteurs font une 6tude anatomo-chirur- Key words : Gross anatomy - Posterior interosseous
gicale de l'art6re interosseuse postdrieure (AIP) sur artery - Forearm flap - Pedicled flap - Fascio-cutaneous

Offprint requests : CV Penteado

210 CV Penteado et al. : Fascio-cutaneousflap of the posterior interosseous artery

For a number of years two types of cutaneous blood- Injection of colored latex followed by dissection:
supply were recognized. The first or so-called axial type 50 cases. The injection was made into the brachial
consists of vessels, rather few in number, which traverse artery at the middle third of the upper arm after
the subcutaneous tissue over long distances, parallel to dissection and catheterization of the artery, using 15 to
the skin surface, and are often accompanied by venae 20 ml according to the size of subject. In the 10 last
comitantes. This type of supply constitutes the anatomic cases we also injected the venae comitantes. The
basis of several skin flaps (Taylor and Daniel 1975). dissection was done 24 hours at least after the latex
The second or musculocutaneous type of supply consists injection, following a definite routine.
of intramuscular subaponeurotic arteries which perforate
Selective injection of the posterior interosseous
the aponeurosis and supply a very limited skin area.
artery; I8 cases. After dissection and catheterization of
Anastomoses between adjacent arteries are numerous.
the PIA and ligature of the anterior interosseous artery at
This type of perforating musculocutaneous artery
its origin, we performed: injection of 5 ml of a 5%
constitutes the anatomic basis of musculocutaneous flaps
solution of methylene blue: 10 cases; injection of 5 ml
(McCraw et al 1977a, McCraw et al 1977b, McCraw
of latex colored with indian ink, followed by removal
and Vasconez 1980).
and diaphanization of the skin of the dorsal aspect of the
Recent studies (Ponten 1981, Haertsch 1981, Ruyao
forearm: 2 cases; injection of latex and lead oxide (5 ml)
Song et al 1982, Gr6co et coll 1983, Cormack and
followed after 48 hours by removal and radiography of
Lamberty 1984a) have demonstrated the existence of
the skin of the dorsal aspect of the forearm: 6 cases.
skin supply by fascio-cutaneous arteries. These arteries
arise from the deep vessels, traverse the intermuscular Injection of the brachial artery with latex and lead
septa and form an abundant network at the level of the oxide (18 ml) followed by radiography of the forearm in
apone.urosis from which branches are given off to supply frontal, lateral and oblique views: 2 cases.
the skin. Systematic exploration of the intermuscular
septa has disclosed several regions where such arteries
exist and has opened the way to a description of a new Results
type of flap, the fascio-cutaneous flap (Ponten 1981,
Gr6co et coll 1983, Cormack and Lamberty 1984b). The The posterior interosseous artery was located in all the
studies of Ponten (1981) and Haertsch (1981) have 70 cases studied, and its origin was determined in every
demonstrated the importance of the aponeurosis in the case. In 63 cases (90%) the artery originated from the
vascularization of the skin. Following the demonstration common interosseous artery and in 7 cases (10%) from
of this type of blood-supply, numerous fascio-cutaneous the ulnar artery.
flaps have been described for both the upper and lower After its origin the artery passes between the chorda
limbs. obliqua and the interosseous membrane and enters the
Among the forearm flaps, the "Chinese flap" des- posterior compartment of the forearm by passing
cribed by Yang Guofeng et al (1981) and popularized in between the supinator and abductor pollicis longus
the west by Ruyao Song et al (1982) has been studied muscles. It then continues between the superficial and
and employed by numerous workers (M~hlbauer et al deep muscle planes of the part.
1982, Soutar et al 1983, Biermer and Stock 1983, After emerging on the posterior aspect of the
Foucher et al 1984, Masquelet 1984, Groenevelt and forearm, the artery divides into two branches: an
Schoorl 1985, Kevorkian et al 1985, Schools et al ascending branch running towards the elbow and giving
1985). Following the reports of the Chinese flap, other off several muscular and cutaneous branches, and a
forearm fascio-cutaneous flaps have been described descending branch, the interosseous artery properly
(Lamberty and Cormack 1983). so-called, travelling between the extensor carpi ulnaris
In the present study we investigated the surgical and the extensor digiti minimi muscles. The course of
anatomy of the posterior interosseous artery to establish the artery corresponds to a line drawn from the lateral
the anatomic basis of a new forearm fascio-cutaneous humeral epicondyle to the head of the ulna (Fig. la), a
flap, the posterior interosseous flap (Masquelet and line corresponding to the septum between these two
Penteado 1986). muscles (Fig. lb). As this septum is oriented almost
frontally in its proximal half and sagitally in its distal
Material and methods
half, the artery is situated beneath the extensor digiti
minimi in its upper course and between the two muscles
Our study was conducted on 35 nonembalmed subjects more distally.
of both sexes, aged from 62 to 98 years, dissected on The average distance between the lateral epicondyle
both sides (a total of 70 specimens) in the following and the point of emergence of the artery in the posterior
manner : part of the forearm, measured in 70 cases, was 83 mm
CV Penteado et al. : Fascio-cutaneous flap of the posterior interosseous artery 211

(range 66 to 100 mm).This distance corresponds to Table 2. Statistical analysis. Correlations

35.3% (range 30.6 to 40.8%) of the distance between
the lateral epicondyle and the head of the ulna. Thus, the Correlations r n t p
point of emergence of the artery in the posterior
compartment of the forearm corresponds approximately Age • external caliber 0.17 50 1.20 0.05
Age • total no. of branches 0.02 50 0.14 0.05
to the junction between the upper and middle thirds of Caliber x total branches 0.16 50 1.12 0.05
the distance between lateral epicondyle and head of ulna Skin br. x muscular br. 0.05 50 0.35 0.05
(Fig. 2).
The PIA gives off between seven of fourteen
cutaneous branches. These perforate the deep fascia of centered on the line between lateral epicondyle and head
the posterior compartment of the forearm along the of ulna and with an average breadth of 5 cm (Fig. 6).
septum between the extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor
digiti minimi muscles (Fig. 3) and ramify in the skin of Relations of the posterior interosseous artery
the posterior aspect of the forearm (Fig. 4). There and the deep branch of the radial nerve
normally exist two or three cutaneous branches arising The deep branch of the radial nerve and its continuation
from the ascending branch and travelling partly in the as the deep branch of the radial nerve is situated on the
muscle masses around the elbow, but these are of no lateral side of the posterior interosseous artery. The
surgical interest. In 41 cases out of 50 we found a nerve and its branches pass beneath the lateral branches
large-sized cutaneous branch at an average distance of given off by the artery to the superficial regional
85 mm (range 51 to 114 ram) from the epicondyle, at a muscles (Fig. 7 ab). However, the branch of the radial
point adjacent to that where the artery emerges in the nerve to the extensor carpi ulnaris crosses the interos-
back of the forearm. seous artery and becomes very closely related to it.
The anastomoses between the PIA, the anterior When the branch of the nerve to the extensor carpi
interosseous artery and the dorsal carpal network were ulnaris arises at a higher level, before the emergence of
located in 69 cases (98.6%). The anastomosis between the artery on the back of the forearm, it crosses the
the two interosseous vessels is effected by a short branch ascending branch of the artery.
situated beneath the tendon of the extensor indicis In 4 cases out of 70 (5.7%) the artery, after its
proprius at the level of the head of the ulna, a emergence in the back of the forearm, gives off a large
well-known anastomosis described by the classic authors number of branches in a radial direction and rapidly runs
(Fig. 5). The PIA gives off between 13 and 22 branches out. In these cases we found that a large branch arising
to the muscles of the posterior compartment of the from the anterior interosseous artery at the middle third
forearm. It also gives off inconstant periosteal branches of the forearm perforated the interosseous membrane,
solely to the head and neck of the ulna (Table 1). emerged in the back of the forearm and constituted the
After its emergence in the back of the forearm the distal half of the PIA. In 11 cases out of 50 (22%) we
PIA has an average external caliber of 1.6 mm (range noted the absence of the ascending branch; in 36 cases
0.9 to 2.7 ram), while the anastomotic branch to the (6%) there were two ascending branches.
anterior interosseous artery has a caliber of 0.7 mm Radiography of the forearm indicated that the lateral
(range 0.2 to 1.2 ram). The general arrangement of the view is best for visualization of the P1A. As the image
satellite veins of the PIA is very variable. In 3 cases we of the Ulna is partly superimposed on that of the artery in
found a solitary satellite vein; in 2 cases there were this view, it is useful to eliminate the bone by
2 satellite veins throughout the course of the artery and subtraction films (Fig. 8). Statistical analysis did not
in 5 cases we found 2 veins in the proximal portion of show any valid correlations between the various quanti-
the artery and only one in its distal part. The selective tative data of our study (Table 2).
injections with methylene blue showed that the skin
distribution of the PIA extends from elbow to wrist,
Table 1. Number of periostal branches to the ulna. 50 cases
The anatomic study of the posterior interosseous artery
has stimulated the proposal of a new fascio-cutaneous
Branches No. of cases
flap raised on the posterolateral aspect of the forearm.
Head only l1 Before proceeding to the clinical applications however,
Neck only 6 several aspects of the anatomic study must be discussed.
Head and neck 14 The origin, course and general arrangement of the
Total branches to head 25 PIA have given rise to descriptions analogous to our
Total branches to neck 20
own in previous accounts. Testut (1890), Dujarier
212 CV Penteado et al. : Fascio-cutaneous flap of the posterior interosseous artery
CV Penteado et al. : Fascio-cutaneou~ flap of the posterior interosseous artery 213

Fig. 2 Fig. 8
The arrow indicates the point of emergence of the posterior Radiograph of the forearm after injection of brachial artery with latex
interosseous artery in the posterior compartment of the forearm. This and lead oxide to show the posterior interosseous artery u ulnar artery,
point approximately corresponds to the point of junction (+) between small arrow common interosseous artery large arrow anterior
the proximal and middle thirds of the distance between the lateral interosseous artery paired arrows posterior interosseous artery a
epicondyle (le) and the ulnar head (hu) anastomosis between the two interosseous arteries
La fl~che indique le point &Emergence de l'art~re interosseuse Radiographie de l'avant-bras apr6s injection de l'art6re brachiale an
postrrieure dans la face postrrieure de l'avant-bras. Ce point latex et oxyde de plomb pour montrer l'art6re interosseuse post6rieure
correspond, approximativement, au point d'union (+) entre le tiers u a. ulnaire petite fl~che a. interosseuse commune grandefl~che art6re
proximal et le tiers moyen de la distance entre l'rpicondyle latrral (le) interosseuse ant6rieure double fl~che art6re interosseuse postdrieure
et la t6te de l'ulna (hu) a anastomose entre les deux interosseuses

(1905) and Rouvi6re and Delmas (1984) state that the to the anatomic variations. The great majority of authors
artery regularly divides into two branches; an ascending are agreed on tile constancy of the PIA. However,
branch known as the interosseous recurrent artery, Kenesi and Honnart (1968) found the descending branch
which engages in anastomoses with the posterior branch in only 22 out of 30 dissections. Morin et al (1969)
of the profunda brachii, and a descending branch which affirm, though without giving figures, that dissection of
travels between the extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor the descending branch is difficult because of its small
digiti minimi muscles and anastomoses with the anterior size and rapid disappearance. Valdecasas-Huelin et al
interosseous artery and the dorsal carpal network. (1978) confirm the constant presence of the PIA and its
Different publications make different statements as two branches, but found its anastomosis with the


Fig. 1, 3-7
la Line corresponding to course of posterior interosseous artery le lateral epicondyle, hu head of ulna lb septum between the two muscles 3 The
cutaneous branches of the posterior interosseous artery (arrowed) perforate the aponeurosis of the posterior aspect of the forearm along the septum
between the extensor carpi ulnaris (ecu) and extensor digiti minimi (edm) muscles 4 Diaphanization of the skin of the back of the forearm after
selective injection of the posterior interosseous artery with latex colored with indian ink to show the cutaneous branches anastomosing among
themselve LE lateral epicondyle, HU ulnar head 5 Anastomosis large (arrow) between the anterior (aia) and posterior (pia) interosseous arteries.
The anastomotic branches with the dorsal carpal network can be seen (small arrows) 6 Selective injection of the posterior interosseous artery with
methylene blue to show the skin territory it supplies le lateral epicondyle, hu ulnar head 7a The deep branches of the radial nerve (R) lies lateral to
the posterior interosseous artery (PIA) and beneath the branches (SB) given off by the artery to the superficial muscles of the region. The branch of
the nerve to the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle (arrowed) passes superficial to the artery 7b Diagram of the above (lettering as previsouly)
la Ligne qui correspond au trajet de l'art~re interosseuse postrrieure le 6picondyle latrral hu trte de l'ulna lb Le septum entre les denx muscles
3 Les branches cutanres de l'art~re interosseuse postrrieure perforent l'aponrvrose de la face postrrieure de l'avant-bras en suivant le septum entre
les muscles extenseur ulnaire du carpe (ecu) et extenseur du petit doigt (edm) 4 Diaphanisation de la peau de la face postrrieure de l'avant-bras,
apr~s injection srlective de l'art~re interosseuse postrrieure au latex color6 avec encre de Chine, pour montrer les branches cutanres qui
s'anastomosent entre elles le 6picondyle latfral hu trte de l'ulna 5 Anastomose (grosse flrche) entre les artrres interosseuses antrrieure (aia) et
postrrieure (pia). On peut voir les branches anastomotiques avec le rrseau dorsal du carpe (petites flbches) 6 Injection srlective de l'artrre
interosseuse postrrieure au bleu de mrthylrne pour montrer le territoire cutan6 d'irrigation le 6picondyle latrral hu t~te de l'ulna 7a la branche
profonde du neff radial (R) passe du crt6 latrral de l'artrre interosseuse postrrieure (PIA) et an-dessous des branches (B) que l'art~re foumit anx
muscles superficiels de ta rrgion. La hranche du nerf pour le muscle extenseur ulnaire du carpe (fl~ches) passe an-dessus de l'artrre 7b Schrma de
la photo (R, PIA, B et flrches comme en 7a)
214 CV Penteado et al. : Fascio-cutaneous flap of the posterior interosseous artery


Figs. 9-10
9 drawing of an interosseous flap with retrograde pedicle for covering
defects on the hand 10 drawing of a flap with direct pedicle for
covering defects at the elbow, le lateral epicondyle hu head of ulna Fig. 11
9 Sch6ma d'un lambeau ~t p6dicule rftrograde destin6 ~t couvrir les Posterior interosseous flap with retrograde pedicle a sequel of burn in
a child of 3 years: skin contracture on the dorsum of the wrist
pertes de substances de la main 10 Sch6ma d'un lambeau ?i p6dicule
previously treated by excision and fullthickness skin-graft b dissection
direct destin6 a couvrir les perte's de substance du coude, le 6picondyle
of posterior interosseous flap and covering of defect after excision of
lat6ral hu tdte de l'ulna
contracted skin e final results after healing
Lambeau interosseux postdrieur ~ p6dicule r6trograde a s6quelle de
bnalure chez un enfant de 3 ans. R6traction cutande de la face dorsale
du poignet ayant ddj~ fait l'objet d'une excision ant6rieure avec greffe
de peau totale b dissection du lambeau IOP et recouvrement de la perte
anterior interosseous artery in only 50% of their de substance apr6s r6section de la zone cutan6e r~tractile c r6sultat
dissections, nor do they report the existence of an final apr6s cicatrisation
anastomosis with the dorsal carpal plexus. In our o w n
study we found, in 5 out of 70 dissections, either the
disappearance of the descending branch at the middle
third of the forearm (4 cases) or absence altogether of
Moreover, in our series the ascending branch was found
anastomoses at the wrist (1 case).
to be absent in 11 cases out o f 50.
As for the cutaneous branches and the territory of the
PIA, we are in accord with the observations of S a l m o n
(1936) and M a n c h o t (1983). The skin territory occupies Clinical applications
a strip 5 c m wide extending from the lateral epicondyle
to the head of the ulna. The upper fourth of this zone is Thus, the cutaneous territory of the posterior interos-
not available in the design of a skin flap, as it depends seous artery can form the basis for the design of a
on the ascending branch of the PIA whose surgical pedicled skin flap. Such a flap m a y be used in two
dissection is made difficult b y its intramuscular course. ways:
CV Penteado et al. : Fascio-cutaneous flap of the posterior interosseous artery 215

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the length of pedicle allows an arc of rotation enabling 6. Greco JM, Simons G, Fangon H (1983) Une arme nouvelle en
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