Consequences of Mdma Skit

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Consequence OF MDMA

Scene 1
Railway station compound Karen and Eran sitting
with luggage’s

Eran :Karen, do you have the thing?

Karen: I don’t have it Eran .
Eran : No ,no I know you’re lying . I saw you buy it
from Kristof today morning . Just give it to me .
Karen : No Eran I only have enough for me , you
know how costly this is right I sold my earrings to
buy this . I gave you some last day did you finish it
by now it was hell of a 30 gram man.
Eran : karen you know I cant do anything without
getting it right . Just give me some ill give it back
later I promise . Please give it to me now I cant even
think properly without it just give me 1 gram ill pay
you later .
Karen : I told you Eran I only have enough for me
just listen you can buy it when we get to Banglore .
John : sir , is there a problem why are you both
fighting .
Eran : who the hell are you , do you have drugs just
give me some just a little I cant , I cant without it .
Karen : what you have drugs ? give me give me too .
Jack : hello police station , what’s your emergency .
John : hello there’s a guy and a girl fighting here in
the metro station ,seems like drug addicts ,can you
please come and handle this situation please .
Jack : sure sir, we will take care of the situation. We
appreciate the information .
Jack : Hey Mathew start the car ,we need to go to
metro station ,there is an information about a fight
there .
Mathew : sure sir .

Scene 2
Jack : what seems to be the problem , sir what is
your name ?
Eran: name ?....... what’s my name . tell my name
Karen .
Jack : what , you don’t know you’re name? Mam do
you know this man ? can you tell us you’re names
please .
Eran: we are living together mister .
Jack : ooh do your families know about this .
Karen : Eran……… tell you’re name it’s the police .
Eran : oh wow what a brain now were doing
business in police uniform ……….here its 18000
ruppes give me the stuff .
Jack : what the hell , why are you not answering our
questions . Mathew , Sarah take them to the station .

Scene 3
Mathew : sir ,I think these are MDMA packets.
I think they are drug dealers .
Jack : why do you have packets of MDMA are you
sellers ? who were you going to sell these to?
Sarah: answer the question mam .
Karen : no, we were not gonna sell it . its for us we
need it . without it we cant process . its our fuel .
Sarah : where did you get it from .
Karen : banglore . we bought it from banglore .
Erans rations dint come trough last day so we were
going to banglore to buy some .
Eran : Sir give it to me give it to me ! without it I
will die now . Give it to me !
Jack : put him in the cell Mathew .
(eran running out of the police station )
(police running after him)
(police catching eran )
Jack : why the hell did you run man ?
Eran: ran, who ran ? you’re the one who ran not
me .
Jack: what ?
Eran : where is the ladder to heaven its here I know
show it to me .
Jack : take them to the hospital mathew.
Mathew : sure sir .
Scene 4
Albert : sir both of them are heavy drug
addicts , the girl has got into this recently I
think we can help her with counselling and
rehab. But the boy. I think he is beyond help
. we could still try .
Jack: we must . we might have a chance .
Mathew : sir the girls parents have come .
Jack : yes , ill be there in a minute .
Martha : sir , what happened to my
sweetheart where is she .
Jack: mam were you aware that your child
has been doing drugs ? that too MDMA. Do
you know what a harmful and poisonous
substance it is.
Martha : my girl ! ha mister you have the
wrong person my girl would never do
anything like that .
Jack : did you at least know your girl is in a
relationship with a guy called Eran.
Martha : yes I know that sweet boy .
Jack : well that sweet boy and your girl has
been caught with drugs from metro station
today morning .
Martha: I cant believe this . My child doing
drugs what. No
Sarah : mam , you must understand the
seriousness of this situation if we press
charges both of them will go to prison for
possession of drugs .
Martha : don’t officer don’t my child is
hoping to go to Canada for higher studies
don’t ruin her future please I beg you .
Sarah : mam we will try our best .
To help your daughter as we can .
Martha : can I , can I talk to her .
Sarah : yes but make it quick she’s violent .
Martha : my darling what is all this .
Karen : mom I tried , I tried but I couldn’t
break off the use of this . When I use it, it
feels like I am in heaven .and when I stop
using it I fell like im dying hard so I keep on
using it .
Sarah: how did you first came into using this
Karen: it was Eren who gave me a chocolate
first and he told me it was a special
chocolate he bought for me .The next day he
gave e the same chocolate and then it
continued for a week . And then when I
asked him more he said he dint have any and
I had to give money if I wanted more .
I tried to forget it but when I had it
everything was wonderful . so I paid and
paid and when the price kept increasing I
stared to sell my jewelry and all. And when I
couldn’t afford it anymore they said if I
wanted more I should give the chocolate to
someone else and make them buy the stuff.
but I couldn’t bring myself to do it . I
Eran : I am sorry Karen I got you into this
like you I couldn’t stop myself from
distributing this and get the drugs that’s why
I gave you the chocolate . I am sorry Karen.
I am
Jack : mam can we talk .
Martha : yes sir .
Jack : mam we are not pressing any charges
for now as this has not gone public . If it had
we could do nothing .
As of now we can try to rehabilitate and de-
addict them .lets hope for the best .
Don’t do drugs . There is so much life has to
offer and choosing drugs over life is the
biggest mistake we can make .

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