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Calcium Paradox: concurrent calcium

deficiency (in bones) and calcium

excess (in the heart diseases)
Vitamin K 2 is the key to putting
calcium back in its place.

Bone mass in the skeleton increases

until the age of 30: peak bone mass
(90% ) is achieved by the age of 20.
Between age 30 and menopause,
women typically experience little
change in total bone mass, and old
bone is continuously removed and
replaced by new bone to maintain a
strong, healthy frame.

In the first few years after

menopause, women often experience
a rapid loss of bone tissue due to a
withdrawal of estrogens, with its
bone-protective effects.
Calcium+ vit D + vit k2
1. Calcium supplements must be
taken along vit D because vitamin D
specifically increases intestinal
absorption of calcium
However vit D governs calcium
absorption only in the intestine, it has
no means to also prevent its
subsequent runing wild in the blood
stream (This misconception is why
some asserted tha wonderful vitamin
D may potentially lead to cardiac
harm, but not because vit D toxicity in

2. Escorting calcium intake into the

bones actually is the specific of vit
K2. Without it, calcium will remain
trapped in the blood flow and
arteries, or could form gallstones in

Vit K2 (ménaquinone, in its 2 forms:

mk4-animal origin or mk7-
bacterial/synthetic origin) attracts
calcium in the bones by activating 2
o ostheocalcin ( BGP= bone gla
protein: bone, theeth), that lead
calcium to the bones
o matrix gla protein (GLA: , that
sweeps out calcium from soft tissues
like arteries and veins, where it is
unwanted and harmful.

When/if K2 is lacking, these 2

proteins remain inactive, and the
calcium paradox rear back into the
* these biological proteins are nor
alike the animal derived ones: they
are microscopic and made up of
Most reactions in human body
take.axe because of proteins:
enzymes are proteins.
Biological proteins need helpers,
called cofactors, in order to work.
Vitamins and minerals ate cofactors

vit K2 is cofactor for enzyme K-

dependent caeboxylase, which alters
structures of ostheocalcine and
Matrix gla protein (MGP) do for them
to bind calcium.

K2 impacts on Human health :

- bone and teeth density, large dental
arch uncrowded teeth (reduces
dental cavities)
- diabetes
- cancer (liver, prostate, breast)
- atherosclerosis (6 weeks
supplementation reduces 35%
arterial plaques)
- diabetes
- varicose veins
- Chron's disease
- kidney disease
- wrinkles
- adolescense

Daily dosage
Daily dosage of K2 varies according
to age and type of K2
mk4 has a shorter life cycle and
needs higher dosage: up to
mk7 needs lower daily dosages:
o 120mcg/d
o 240mcg/d or more for women in
menopausal or post menopausal age
Such dosage can be safely
increased, if need be.
o for patients under anticoagulant
medication: warfarin blocks k1 effects
but it somehow spills over onto k2
and inactivate ostheocalcin and MGP
too. This explains why those patients
rapidly experience a degradation in
osteoporosis and an increase in
atherosclerosis. It has been shown
that an intake of 50mcg/d of k2 allow
substantial improvements in
osteocalcin carboxilation, without
interfering with anticoagulants. On
the contrary they reduce fluctuations
in blood clotting!


1. Vit K2 has no known toxicity, isn't

stored in the body and cannot be
recycled nor produced in human
2. if K2 supplements, then in soft
gellules or oil-based suspension to
enhance bioavailability of this fat-
soluble vitamin

3. avoid supplements of or with K1

(phylloquinone). Vit K1 needs no
supplementation, is needed in low
quantity that comes from food and is
recycled in human body.

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