CRSC 1 - Lab 1

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Republic of the Philippines


Don Severino de las Alas Campus
Indang, Cavite

College of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Natural Resources

Department of Crop Science

Name: Martin Jacob T. Camacho

Year & Section: BSA 1-2
Date: 19/10/2022

Principles of Crop Production
Laboratory Exercise No. 1

Identifying Current Technology Trends/ Methods in Crop Production


At the end of the exercise, the students must be able to:
1. to identify current technological trends/ methods in Crop Production

The students will be tasked to search for at least five (5) articles that showcase latest
technological trends/methods in crop production. From the collected articles, they will choose
one topic and be asked to write their own essay and guide questions will be answered. Follow
the format below and include your references (APA format).

Times New Roman, 12, 1.15 spacing, Justified, Normal Margin, Minimum of 400 words
Attached Journal/article

 Linly Ku (September 15, 2022). New Agricultural Technology in Modern Farming

 Mina Mesbahi (January 18, 2021). The Future of Agriculture: Adopting More Advanced
Robots for Next-Gen Farming

 Singh, V. K., Singh, A. L., Chand, R., & Kushwaha, C. (2011). Role of Bioinformatics in
Agriculture and Sustainable Development. International Journal of Bioinformatics
Research 3(2); 221-226. Available from:

 Shimonti Paul (February 26, 2018). How GIS is enabling the Agricultural sector.
Agricultura Mapping

 Ryan M. Lefers, Mark Tester, Kyle J. Laursen (2020) Emerging Technologies to Enable
Sustainable Controlled Environment Agriculture in the Extreme Environments of Middle
East-North Africa Coastal Regions:

 In today’s generation, scientist are rooting for artificial intelligence in all aspects. If you are
wondering why, because as we all know, robots can lessen human labors. It is actually
present in some countries, now in terms of farming, it is a work that is required to be checked
every day, and it is very repetitive and tedious. Not everyone enjoys farming, especially with
people today, they would choose opportunities that are less hassle, dirty, easy to accomplish,
and etc. With agricultural robots, it would be a helping hand for farmers to focus on their
overall fields, it can be planting of seeds, collecting of crops, soil analyzing, watering system,
and weed control. The importance of agricultural robots or automation in general, is that it
can help such labor to be lessened for human activities. Advantages of this topic, is that can
help the production of a specific crop, maintain its healthy structure, avoid contagious
diseased plants, help monitor the land or its crops.


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