Pediatric Septic Shock

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Emergency Medicine Practice Evidence-Based Education • Practical Application

• Which vasoactive agents are
preferred first-line choices for
pediatric patients with septic shock?

• Which patients require additional

blood products?
• What are potential consequences of
placing an invasive airway?

Ara Festekjian, MD, MS
Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Children’s
Hospital Los Angeles, Division of Emergency
Medicine and Transport, Los Angeles, CA

Julia Glavinic, MD
Emergency Department, Riverside, CA

Peer Reviewers
Julia K. Lloyd, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Nationwide
Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH Pediatric Septic Shock:
Louis A. Spina, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency
Recognition and Management
Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
New York, NY
in the Emergency Department
n Abstract
Prior to beginning this activity, see the
“CME Information” on page 2. Sepsis is a leading cause of mor­bidity and mortality in chil-
dren. Early recognition and timely initiation of empiric broad-
spectrum antibiotics and crystalloid fluid administration have
been as­sociated with better outcomes. Although evidence for
diagnosis and treatment of septic shock was first generated in
adult studies, it is clear that pediatric studies are needed for
management of septic shock in children. This issue provides
guidance for managing septic shock in children, with a focus on
early recognition and appropriate resuscitation.

For online For mobile

access: app access:

This issue is eligible for 4 CME credits. See page 2. EBMEDICINE.NET

CME Information
Date of Original Release: November 1, 2022. Date of most recent review: October 1, 2022. Termination date: November 1, 2025.
Accreditation: EB Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing
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ACEP Accreditation: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice is approved by the American College of Emergency Physicians for 48 hours of ACEP Category
I credit per annual subscription.
AAP Accreditation: This continuing medical education activity has been reviewed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and is acceptable for a maximum
of 48 AAP credits. These credits can be applied toward the AAP CME/CPD Award available to Fellows and Candidate Members of the American Academy
of Pediatrics.
AOA Accreditation: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice is eligible for up to 48 American Osteopathic Association Category 2-A or 2-B credit hours per year.
Needs Assessment: The need for this educational activity was determined by a practice gap analysis; a survey of medical staff, including the editorial board of
this publication; review of morbidity and mortality data from the CDC, AHA, NCHS, and ACEP; and evaluation responses from prior educational activities for
emergency physicians.
Target Audience: This enduring material is designed for emergency medicine physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and residents.
Goals: Upon completion of this activity, you should be able to: (1) identify areas in practice that require modification to be consistent with current evidence
in order to improve competence and performance; (2) develop strategies to accurately diagnose and treat both common and critical ED presentations; and
(3) demonstrate informed medical decision-making based on the strongest clinical evidence.
CME Objectives: Upon completion of this activity, you should be able to: (1) recognize features of pediatric septic shock; (2) adhere to sepsis bundles in
the treatment of septic shock; (3) recognize the importance of bundle compliance in light of the clinical response seen in a patient; and (4) maximize use of
inotropes to improve treatment outcomes.
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• Ilene Claudius, MD (Editor-in-Chief): Nothing to Disclose
• Tim Horeczko, MD (Editor-in-Chief): Nothing to Disclose
• Ara Festekjian, MD, MS (Author): Nothing to Disclose
• Julia Glavinic, MD (Author): Nothing to Disclose
• Louis A. Spina, MD (Peer Reviewer): Nothing to Disclose
• Julia K. Lloyd, MD (Peer Reviewer): Nothing to Disclose
• Aimee Mishler, PharmD (Pharmacology Editor): Nothing to Disclose
• Brian Skrainka, MD (CME Question Editor): Nothing to Disclose
• Cheryl Belton, PhD, ELS (Content Editor): Nothing to Disclose
• Dorothy Whisenhunt, MS (Content Editor): Nothing to Disclose
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NOVEMBER 2022 • 2 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

Case Presentations
An 8-year-old boy is brought in by his parents for fever, redness to his left shin, vomiting, and diarrhea...
• The boy’s parents tell you he scraped his shin 5 days earlier while playing at a park. His shin became
progressively red and hot. He has had fever with vomiting and diarrhea for 3 days. He started to seem

unusually tired, prompting their visit to the ED.

• On examination, the boy is lethargic, with shallow respirations. His vital signs are: temperature, 38.9°C;
heart rate, 176 beats/min; respiratory rate, 35 breaths/min; and blood pressure, 80/57 mm Hg. After an
initial response to bag-valve mask ventilation, the patient's mental status again deteriorated.
• If the patent needs an advanced airway, what medications should you choose to secure his airway?
What are the possible consequences of initiating rapid sequence induction?

A 2-year-old boy with a history of short-bowel syndrome presents with fever and fatigue for 1 day…
• The boy’s short-bowel syndrome is secondary to necrotizing enterocolitis, and he has total parenteral
nutrition dependence. He was well 1 day prior and started to have loose stools on the day of presenta-
tion. His temperature at home was 38.7°C axillary, and he received a 15 mg/kg dose of acetaminophen

en route to the ED.

• The boy’s presenting vital signs are: temperature, 37.8°C; heart rate, 176 beats/min; respiratory rate, 28
breaths/min; blood pressure, 97/42 mm Hg; and oxygen saturation, 95% on his home 0.5 L/min oxy-
gen. He seems tired and is noted to have bounding radial pulses.
• You immediately suspect septic shock based on his fever, fatigue, central line, tachycardia, tachypnea,
and bounding pulses. Which antibiotics would be best for this patient? If vasoactive support is needed,
which agents should be used first?

A 16-year-old girl with a diagnosis of leukemia presents after a syncopal episode...

• The girl recently completed induction chemotherapy. She was at her routine hospital discharge follow-
up visit and had a syncopal episode while walking to the restroom. She has normal mental status,
denies fever or vomiting, and reports still feeling dizzy when walking, despite drinking several bottles of

water prior to the ED visit.

• The laboratory values obtained from her portacath during her clinical visit do not reveal neutropenia,
and her hemoglobin is 10.2 g/dL, with normal electrolytes and a negative pregnancy test. Her vital
signs are as follows: temperature, 37.6° C; heart rate, 110 beats/min; respiratory rate, 22 breaths/min;
blood pressure, 110/72 mm Hg; and oxygen saturation, 99% on room air.
• What is the cause of her syncope? Why does she remain dizzy?

sepsis and septic shock include rapid identification,

n Introduction appropriate and timely antibiotic administration,
Sepsis continues to be a leading cause of morbidity fluid resuscitation, frequent reassessment of volume
and mortality in children, especially those with pre- status, and early vasoactive hemodynamic support if
existing conditions.1-10 Mortality in children depends indicated.8-16 Identification and early goal-directed
on patient variables such as underlying comorbidities therapy utilizing sepsis bundles have been shown to
and environmental factors, including differences be- reduce in-hospital mortality among pediatric patients
tween high- and low- to middle-income countries.1-11 with sepsis and septic shock.4,8-20 This issue of Pedi-
Mortality in high-income countries is estimated to be atric Emergency Medicine Practice reviews pediatric
up to 4%, whereas in low-income countries (eg, sub- septic shock management, reinforcing the importance
Saharan Africa), it can be up to 50%1-11 Established of early recognition and rapid resuscitation. It also
protocols and early goal-directed therapy (starting underscores the need for frequent reassessments and
from emergency department [ED] triage) have been appropriate modifications to the treatment approach,
shown to improve outcomes in pediatric septic shock, depending on individual patient response.
hence reinforcing the need to have a system in place
regardless of the clinical setting.6,11-16 In 2020, the
Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) published n Critical Appraisal of the Literature
new guidelines for managing pediatric septic shock PubMed was searched in both a vertical manner
and sepsis-associated organ dysfunction.11 Funda- (seminal articles) and a horizontal manner with the
mental components of optimizing care for pediatric following search terms: pediatric sepsis, septic shock,

NOVEMBER 2022 • 3 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

hypotension, fluid resuscitation, shock in immuno- malities are associated with a greater risk of mortality
compromised patients, and sepsis algorithms and than with sepsis alone.”11,16 These updated defini-
guidelines. There is growing literature on pediatric tions, once applied to pediatric septic shock, will
septic shock, including work represented by the provide greater consistency for epidemiologic studies
Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC), which was formed and clinical trials.30
in 2001 by the SCCM, European Society of Intensive Other common terms in use are compensated
Care Medicine, and the International Sepsis Forum. shock and uncompensated shock, referring to a
The goal of the SSC was to develop evidenced-based child's ability to maintain mean arterial pressure by
guidelines and recommendations for the treatment of a robust increase in systemic vascular resistance.
septic shock. The work was published initially in 2004 Compensated shock refers to sepsis without hypoten-
and updated every 4 years thereafter. In 2016, sepa- sion, whereas uncompensated shock is sepsis with
rate task forces were created for children and adults. hypotension (septic shock) that requires vasopressors
In accordance with the SSC, septic shock bundles to maintain blood pressure. In the absence of hypo-
and algorithms were developed that have resulted tension, the danger is 2-fold. First, late recognition:
in improvements in care for pediatric septic shock. persistent tachycardia is often the first sign of shock
There has been a focus on improving recognition and in children. Second, if not addressed early, there may
adherence to sepsis bundles.20-24 be a precipitous decompensation, resulting in hypo-
Evidence for pediatric septic shock manage- tension, which requires vasopressor therapy and is
ment was first generated in adult studies, with recent associated with greater mortality.
awareness that pediatric-dedicated studies are The sepsis bundle consists of intravenous (IV) crys-
needed, due to important differences in pediatric and talloid fluid resuscitation and parenteral antibiotic ad-
adult physiology.11,16 There have been specific stud- ministration after blood cultures are obtained.11,14,15
ies focusing on differences in adult and pediatric sep- The timeliness of antibiotic administration and
tic shock treatment approaches such as: intravenous crystalloid fluid resuscitation seems to be particularly
immunoglobulin (IVIG), corticosteroids, recombinant crucial for patients in uncompensated shock. Sepsis
protein C, and the type of fluids used in resuscitation bundle creation and implementation have resulted in
(buffered solution vs 0.9% saline).25-28 improvements in mortality and have demonstrated
A review of the website revealed decreased hospital length of stay and decreased rates
several noteworthy studies to mention: GRACE, of kidney injury resulting from sepsis.17-20
and SEPTICUS. In the Australian and New Zealand
Clinical Trials Registry, the following study is notewor- n Etiology and Pathophysiology
thy: RESPOND ED. Thus, new evidence may emerge A large proportion of patients admitted with pediat-
paving the way for potential management changes in ric septic shock are children with a chronic illness.4-8
treating pediatric septic shock. Compared to children who are previously healthy,
outcomes are also worse for children with a chronic
disease, with in-hospital mortality suggested to be as
n Definitions much as 5 times greater.7-9
For this issue, pediatric septic shock will be defined Many pathogens have been identified as causes
according to the definition in the Surviving Sepsis of septic shock, hence the importance of administer-
Campaign International Guidelines for the Manage- ing empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics. However, in
ment of Septic Shock in Children 2016: pediatric certain circumstances, it is prudent to consider certain
septic shock is a “severe infection leading to cardio- pathogens first. Group B Streptococcus (GBS) causes
vascular dysfunction including hypotension, need severe sepsis in neonates.11 Staphylococcus aureus
for vasoactive medication, or impaired perfusion.”16 is a common cause of sepsis in children with central
Sepsis-associated organ dysfunction is defined as lines and in those with cerebrospinal fluid ventriculo-
“severe infection leading to cardiovascular and/or peritoneal shunts.31 Streptococcus pneumoniae is the
non-cardiovascular organ dysfunction.”11,16 Sepsis-3 most common organism in children with asplenia.31
definitions and criteria that have been implemented Highly resistant pathogens must also be considered,
in adults have not yet been implemented in children.3 particularly in the immunocompromised child. Resis-
With Sepsis-3, adult sepsis is defined as “life-threat- tant gram-negative examples include Pseudomonas
ening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated aeruginosa and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase–
host response to infection.”3,11 This definition also producing Escherichia coli. Resistant gram-positive
utilizes the Sequential [Sepsis-related] Organ Failure examples include methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
Assessment (SOFA) score as part of the algorithm aureus (MRSA) and Enterococcus species resistant to
in identifying patients with sepsis.29 Septic shock is ampicillin and vancomycin.31
defined as “a subset of sepsis in which particularly
profound circulatory, cellular, and metabolic abnor-

NOVEMBER 2022 • 4 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

n Differential Diagnosis for the development of a gallop, crackles, or increas-
General categories of shock include cardiogenic, ob- ing oxygen requirement. In this context, strict adher-
structive, hypovolemic, and distributive. See Table 1 ence to sepsis bundles recommending large amounts
for a list of shock types and subtypes. Pediatric septic of volume may have to be modified with an earlier
shock may be the result of a multifactorial presentation start to inotropes, since volume overload would wors-
including hypovolemia and cardiac dysfunction.32 Early en the outcomes.11 Patients with cancer who have re-
recognition and rapid initiation of resuscitation remain ceived chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy
crucial steps, regardless of shock etiology.11,19 may present with cytokine release syndrome, which
Given sepsis physiology surrounding compen- may clinically mimic septic shock with tachycardia,
sated shock, it is crucial to consider sepsis even when hypotension, capillary leak syndrome, and multiorgan
there is no hypotension.11 For any child presenting failure.38-40 Prolonged use of a tampon or wound or
with a febrile illness, even those without hypotension, nasal packing may be clues for toxic shock syndrome,
consider the possibility of sepsis. Hypotension is a for which broad-spectrum antibiotics, volume resusci-
late and dire finding, and fluid resuscitation should tation, and vasopressor administration are key aspects
not be withheld until hypotension develops, as delay of treatment, similar to septic shock.41,42
of appropriate resuscitation has been shown to be
associated with poorer outcomes.33 With septic
shock, there can be cardiac dysfunction, making it n Prehospital Care
challenging to recognize concurrent cardiogenic The goals for emergency medical services (EMS)
shock. Judicious use of IV crystalloid fluids and titra- in treating pediatric septic shock are to recognize
tion of vasoactive agents with frequent reassessments symptoms of sepsis in children; provide basic support
are required when the underlying primary etiology of airway, breathing, and circulation; and transport
is not certain.11,34,35 In this pandemic environment, the patient expeditiously to an appropriate ED. Given
another important entity a clinician needs to be the complexities in managing pediatric septic shock,
familiar with is multisystem inflammatory syndrome in there is very little evidence regarding the impact of
children (MIS-C).36,37 MIS-C can mimic septic shock in prehospital care in pediatric sepsis outcomes. How-
clinical presentation and initial resuscitation manage- ever, there is evidence that patients with septic shock
ment but diverges in terms of therapy to address arriving via EMS are more likely to be admitted to a
underlying MIS-C–specific cardiac abnormalities. critical care setting than those who arrive via other
Allergen exposure may be a clue for anaphylaxis, modes.43 It is surmised that the more severe clinical
which presents as a distributive shock, with peripheral presentations of septic shock arrive via EMS.43
vasodilation. This same peripheral vasodilation may
be seen in sepsis. For immunocompromised patients,
or patients with technological dependence or central n Emergency Department Evaluation
line dependence, always consider pediatric septic History
shock.8,11 A cardiac history or exposure to cardio- Given the time-sensitive nature and the potentially
toxic medications as part of a chemotherapy regimen fatal consequences of pediatric septic shock, informa-
should serve as clues to the possibility of cardiogenic tion should be gathered concurrently with initiation of
shock. Frequent reassessments are needed to monitor workup and resuscitation, particularly in the acutely
ill-appearing child. For the well-appearing febrile
child, there may be historical clues that could indicate
Table 1. Shock Types and Subtypes sepsis; specific examples include confusion; rapid,
shallow breathing; sweating; fatigue; unexplained
Type of Shock Subtypes of Shock
agitation; syncope; chills/shaking; lethargy; tempera-
Distributive • Septic shock ture instability; and poor urine output. These types
shock • Anaphylactic shock of symptoms should make the emergency clinician
• Neurogenic shock
consider sepsis even in the absence of fever prior to
Cardiogenic • Heart failure
presentation. Any type of extremity injury preced-
shock • Dilated cardiomyopathy
• Kawasaki disease
ing the illness, especially if redness or warmth has
• Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children developed at the injury site, may provide additional
clues. Parents may also report limping in a child with
Obstructive • Cardiac tamponade
shock • Constrictive pericarditis
hematogenous osteomyelitis or septic arthritis. The
• Pulmonary embolism variability and nonspecific nature of these historical
• Tension pneumothorax findings underscore the difficulty in recognizing sepsis
Hypovolemic • Blood loss: hemorrhagic shock and the need to consider it as a possibility.
shock • Fluid loss: vomiting/diarrhea For chronically ill children with special healthcare
needs, a history of immunocompromised status, indwelling central lines or other catheters (eg, dialy-

NOVEMBER 2022 • 5 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

sis), technological dependence (eg, feeding tubes), possibly located in an overlooked area such as the
and stage in therapy of their underlying illness (eg, perineum. Perineal infections may serve as the nidus
chemotherapy cycle if being treated for leukemia) are for septic shock, particularly in febrile neutropenic can-
important when considering sepsis.8 For example, cer patients. For a severely neutropenic patient with
perineal pain may be reported by a neutropenic can- typhlitis, perineal tenderness coupled with persistent
cer patient with perineal abscess. A history of persis- abdominal tenderness may be an ominous finding
tent abdominal pain in the setting of neutropenia may suggestive of perforation. For the highly irritable infant,
indicate typhlitis, with a report of acutely worsening sepsis should be considered as a potential diagnosis.
pain being ominous for potential perforation. A histo- A crucial aspect to consider is that all of these findings
ry of pus or redness at a central line site may provide may be present to varying degrees and can occur in
additional clues to the presence of line sepsis. compensated shock without hypotension, highlighting
A patient’s medication and allergy history may the importance of early recognition and treatment.11
also provide insight. For example, patients on pro-
phylactic antibiotic therapy for recurrent urinary tract Septic Shock with Concurrent Cardiogenic Shock
infections may have sepsis caused by extended-spec- When treating septic shock, one must anticipate the
trum beta-lactamase–producing E coli. Knowledge development of concurrent cardiogenic shock. A pa-
of previous chemotherapy agents for the treatment tient may present with a gallop and possibly jugular
of leukemia or other malignancies (eg, immunosup- venous distention or they may develop these findings
pressants), immune-modulating agents for organ during resuscitation, emphasizing the importance of
transplantation, or chronic systemic corticosteroid use frequent reassessments and allowing for modifica-
may play a role in guiding septic shock management tions to the treatment approach. In another example,
beyond antibiotic choice. Allergy history may become a widened pulse pressure may be present at the
relevant in the antibiotics chosen for treating sepsis, beginning when treating septic shock.45 As pediatric
with cephalosporin-allergic patients receiving cipro- septic shock evolves, a patient may begin to exhibit a
floxacin and clindamycin instead. narrowed pulse pressure, a gallop, and cool extremi-
Because of the variability of presentations of pe- ties. This continuum is reflected in the multimodal
diatric sepsis, further research into the development features of septic shock with potentially both distribu-
of automatic and electronic sepsis recognition tools tive and cardiogenic shock physiology.45
will improve management of children with special
healthcare needs.19-24,44 Warm and Cold Shock
The designations of “warm” and “cold” shock have
Physical Examination historically guided therapy. Warm shock is differenti-
Physical examination findings in sepsis and septic ated from cold shock based on extremity tempera-
shock are variable and nonspecific. Vital signs may ture, capillary refill, pulse strength, and widened
be abnormal, with tachycardia and hypotension, but versus narrowed pulse pressure.11,45
hypotension is not always present initially. A patient Patients with warm shock typically present with
may be hypothermic, normothermic, or hyperther- fever, tachycardia, bounding pulses, and hypoten-
mic. A neonate may have apneic episodes, while an sion. Warm shock is treated with fluid resuscitation
older child may have tachypnea and shallow respira- and norepinephrine, reflecting the presence of low
tions. The combination of temperature extremes and systemic vascular resistance and high cardiac index.
tachycardia in an ill-appearing child would be highly Crystalloid IV fluid resuscitation and norepinephrine
concerning. Unexplained tachycardia, particularly aid in increasing the vascular tone and improving
when persistent, may serve as a clue to the presence organ perfusion. Early and aggressive resuscitation,
of sepsis. Persistent tachycardia may serve as a clue with early initiation of norepinephrine is recommend-
to the presence of shock physiology prior to the de- ed and is associated with improved outcomes.11,45,46
velopment of hypotension. Patients with central lines are more likely to present
Some clinically obvious findings potentially sug- with warm shock.
gestive of severe septic shock include altered mental In contrast to patients with warm shock, patients
status, inability to walk, confusion, pallor, easy bruising with cold shock have cooler extremities and high
and petechiae (reflecting associated thrombocytope- systemic vascular resistance. In cold shock, a low
nia), oozing from IV sites (reflecting associated dissemi- cardiac index predominates, in contrast to the high
nated intravascular coagulation [DIC]), and markedly cardiac index and decreased vascular tone of warm
delayed capillary refill time. An erythematous site on shock.11,45 The goal of treatment of cold shock with
an extremity combined with fever and tachycardia (or fluid-refractory hypotension is to increase cardiac
tachycardia alone) may serve as a clue to the presence output by administering epinephrine.11,45,46
of sepsis. Pain out of proportion to the extent of red- Most children with sepsis present with cold shock,
ness or crepitus may suggest septic shock or evolving unlike adult patients with sepsis, of which the major-
necrotizing fasciitis. Skin findings may be subtle and ity present with warm distributive shock. An example

NOVEMBER 2022 • 6 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

is the child with community-acquired pneumonia Table 2 lists basic laboratory variables obtained
who presents in cold shock, with cool extremities and in the evaluation of patients with sepsis or those at
diminished pulses.11,45 It is important to note that risk for developing sepsis. Table 2 also demonstrates
patients may present with a continuum of findings, the multitude of systems affected by sepsis and helps
and frequent reassessments are needed to modify the highlight the importance of sepsis bundles and treat-
treatment regimen based on patient response. ment algorithms that address the potential conse-
There is scant evidence for these warm and cold quences resulting from sepsis.11 The value in obtain-
shock recommendations, and these differentiations ing hematologic parameters lies beyond the predic-
based on subjective examination findings do not tive value of severe neutropenia. For example, if he-
accurately identify cardiac dysfunction.46 However, moglobin levels are below 7 g/dL, sepsis algorithms
in the absence of invasive hemodynamic monitoring, suggest packed red blood cell transfusion for septic
clinical signs of increased systemic vascular resistance shock.11,16 Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) transfusion may
(cold shock) or bounding pulses (warm shock) have to be needed to address DIC. Electrolyte abnormalities
suffice at the bedside during the initial resuscitation. need to be corrected aggressively to prevent worsen-
This serves as another reminder of the importance of ing outcomes.11,16 Concurrent pancreatitis revealed
early recognition and aggressive IV crystalloid fluid with an elevated lipase portends a poor outcome.49
resuscitation, with frequent clinical assessments, for Kidney injury in the setting of sepsis is also associ-
success in restoring organ perfusion.46 ated with poorer outcomes.18 A normal serum lactate
level does not exclude sepsis, but persistently high
Evolving Physical Examination Findings levels require aggressive IV fluid resuscitation and are
While treating septic shock, physical examination find- associated with greater mortality.47,48 Similarly, mixed
ings may change over time. Petechiae may coalesce venous saturation from a centrally placed line may
and form purpura. Erythema, fluctuance, and tender-
ness over a shin may develop into hemorrhagic bullae
and necrosis in necrotizing fasciitis. A patient may
Table 2. Laboratory Studies for Sepsis
initially have crackles on lung examination and later
develop a gallop with cardiac dysfunction resulting Category Laboratory Study
from cardiogenic shock or worsening septic shock. If Hematologic • Complete blood cell count with differentiala
mechanical ventilation is needed, be prepared for the • Disseminated intravascular coagulation
subsequent development of poorer lung compliance, panel11
decreased vascular return due to increased intratho- • Type and cross-match

racic pressures, hemodynamic instability, and cardio- Comprehensive • Serum transaminase levels
metabolic panel • Serum albumin level
vascular collapse, regardless of preceding resuscita-
• Serum lipase
tion efforts.11 Ultimately, the spectrum of physical • Serum bilirubin
examination findings from patient to patient and the
Infectious disease • Fluid cultures
evolution of findings over time in the same patient lAerobic/anaerobic blood culture (some
emphasize the importance of earlier recognition, ap- centers do both)
propriate management, and frequent reassessment. It lUrine culture/urinalysis (urosepsis)
is crucial to maintain an openness to adjusting man- lSputum (tracheostomy patients)
agement as the patient's condition changes. lCerebrospinal fluid (meningitis)
• Inflammatory markers (nonspecific elevation)
lErythrocyte sedimentation rate

n Diagnostic Studies C-reactive protein


Laboratory Studies Blood gas b
• Serum lactate47,48
Laboratory studies are a critical part of the manage- • Serum pH
ment approach to sepsis and septic shock. Both aca- • Mixed venous saturation (if sample from a
demic and community settings have developed sep- central line)
sis recognition tools to facilitate earlier recognition of Chemistry • Electrolytes
sepsis and prompt initiation of the sepsis bundle.14,15 lGlucose level
Calcium level
Septic shock treatment, by design, is initiated based

lPotassium level
on the history and physical examination, without hav- lSodium level
ing immediate laboratory values available for evalu- • Renal function (blood urea nitrogen/
ation. Aside from obtaining blood cultures, there are creatinine)c
other laboratory studies that are utilized after initiat-
ing therapies for suspected sepsis. In compensated b
Severe neutropenia if absolute neutrophil count <500 cells/mcL.
Bedside blood gas helpful in quickly assessing for electrolyte
shock, when sepsis has not yet been identified as the
potential diagnosis, there are values that may provide c
Acute kidney injury associated with sepsis.
clues to the presence of sepsis.

NOVEMBER 2022 • 7 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

aid in optimizing therapy with regard to IV crystalloid Medications
fluid resuscitation and vasoactive medication use.50 Table 3 lists suggested empiric broad-spectrum
antibiotic choices for treating sepsis.53 Each hospital
Imaging Studies setting needs to pay close attention to locally specific
In contrast to laboratory studies for sepsis, imaging bacterial trends and susceptibility profiles for targeted
studies are not algorithm- or bundle-based, and are antimicrobial delivery.11
tailored to the individual patient presentation. A chest Epinephrine and norepinephrine are the preferred
radiograph may assess for pulmonary edema, pneu- starting medications, instead of dopamine, according
monia, and cardiomegaly, or it may be necessary to to a best-practice statement with low quality of evi-
confirm advanced airway and central line placement. dence.11,54 In settings in which epinephrine and nor-
A computed tomography (CT) scan of the brain may epinephrine may not be readily available, dopamine
be needed to assess for hemorrhagic complications, may be the starting agent.11,16 If using dopamine,
given the presence of concurrent DIC and altered one must be aware of its greater association with
mental status or prior to a lumbar puncture, if indicat- potentially fatal dysrhythmias. In a meta-analysis of 13
ed. Abdominal CT scan with contrast may be needed separate randomized trials compiling data from 3146
to identify typhlitis in the severely neutropenic patient patients, dopamine use led to a higher incidence of
receiving chemotherapy for a malignancy. arrhythmias than norepinephrine (odds ratio [OR],
Echocardiography may be needed to assess for 2.69; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.08 to 3.47).54
cardiac dysfunction, particularly for patients who do Table 4, page 9 lists the most common vasoactive
not respond to the treatment regimen. This may also medications and their respective starting doses.11,55,56
aid in treating sepsis in patients with underlying con- Peripheral IV and IO access is also utilized for admin-
genital heart disease. Point-of-care ultrasonography istering vasoactive medications.57
(POCUS) use has increased in recent years in some
centers; however, there is no current recommendation Airway Management
or standard for its use in managing pediatric septic Another important aspect to consider while manag-
shock, though there may be a theoretical benefit in ing pediatric septic shock is the potential need for an
managing volume resuscitation.11,16,51 Other imaging advanced airway. Medications used concurrently for
modalities will depend on individual patient char- induction and positive-pressure ventilation may result
acteristics, such as osteomyelitis requiring magnetic in drop in preload with decreased venous return
resonance imaging. and decreased cardiac output, potentially triggering

n Treatment
Table 3. Empiric (Initial) Antibiotic Choices
The key aspects of therapy for sepsis are recognition
and prompt initiation of broad-spectrum antibiotics
for Treating Pediatric Sepsis53
(after obtaining blood cultures), fluid resuscitation, Type of Sepsis/ Medication Recommendations
vasoactive support (if needed), and frequent reas- Infection
sessments in a highly monitored setting.11,16,18,19 The Community-acquired • Third-generation cephalosporin:
2017 American College of Critical Care Medicine sepsis ceftriaxone 50 mg/kg IV, IO, or IM
(max, 2 g)
(ACCM) clinical practice parameters for hemodynamic
• If methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
support of pediatric and neonatal septic shock pro- aureus is prevalent, add vancomycin 15
vide algorithms outlining best practices in pediatric mg/kg IV (max, 500 mg)
septic shock management.16 (See the algorithms on Neonatal sepsis • Include coverage for Listeria: ampicillin
pages 19 and 20.) 50 mg/kg IV (max, 2 g)
An important aspect to consider is the establish- • Consider coverage for herpes simplex
ment of intraosseous (IO) or IV access very early in virus: acyclovir 10 mg/kg IV (max, 800
the resuscitation.11,16 One of the main best-practice
statements from the SSC was the utilization of IV or Sepsis in • Antipseudomonal cephalosporin:
immunocompromised cefepime 50 mg/kg IV (max, 2 g)
IO access for adherence to bundle elements.11,17,52 patients
The algorithm recommends individual 20-mL/kg
Toxic shock syndrome • Include medications limiting toxin
crystalloid IV fluid boluses up to 60 mL/kg, with production: clindamycin 10 mg/kg IV
frequent monitoring for the development of crack- (max, 1200 mg) or lincomycin 10 mg/kg
les, hepatomegaly, and cardiac dysfunction. (See IV (max, 1 g)
the algorithm on page 19.) Additional peripheral Intra-abdominal • Include coverage for anaerobic bacteria:
IV lines may be needed in the presence of a central infections third-generation cephalosporin with
line when more products need to be administered or metronidazole 10 mg/kg IV (max, 500
mg) or piperacillin/tazobactam 80 mg of
there is difficulty in accessing a pediatric central line
piperacillin/kg IV (max, 3.375 g)
(eg, a portacath).11,16

NOVEMBER 2022 • 8 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

hemodynamic collapse.11 In the presence of sep- septic shock.58-61 However, the SSC suggests not us-
tic shock, a component of cardiac dysfunction may ing etomidate “when intubating children with septic
already exist, and this added stress may contribute shock or other sepsis-associated organ dysfunction”
to worsening pulmonary edema, resulting in rapid (weak recommendation, low quality of evidence).11
deterioration and desaturation during intubation.11,16 Although etomidate offers hemodynamic neutrality as
Thus, there is the best-practice recommendation to a sedative agent, ketamine remains the drug of choice
administer IV crystalloid fluids and vasoactive medica- in pediatric septic shock. Unlike etomidate, ketamine
tion prior to induction for intubation.11,16 has no effect on the adrenal axis and supports cardiac
There are certainly circumstances in which suf- output with its adrenergic properties.11,16,62,63
ficient fluid administration cannot occur prior to
medications for intubation induction. For example,
a patient in septic shock may present in extremis n Special Populations
(cardiorespiratory failure) and immediately require an Patients With Febrile Neutropenia and
airway. Alternatively, a newborn may require intuba- Septic Shock
tion for apnea related to sepsis. Adjunctive airway For febrile cancer patients at risk for neutropenia,
measures such as oxygen via nasal cannula, facial there are nationally accepted best-practice algorithms
mask (simple vs nonrebreather), and heated high-flow calling for rapid initiation of empiric broad-spectrum
nasal cannula (HHFNC) may be utilized as a means to antibiotics covering gram-negative bacteria (door-to-
bridge the gap to intubation, providing time for fluid antibiotic time [after obtaining blood cultures], <60
administration prior to intubation induction medica- minutes).11,64 Table 3, page 8 describes the antibiot-
tions. Preliminary trials are underway in adults for ics utilized in treating septic shock in immunocom-
evaluation of HHFNC in severe sepsis (OPTISEPSIS). promised patients. Beyond treating for septic shock,
Equivalent studies in children are lacking. There is a one must be aware of the greater mortality associated
role for instituting the use of mechanical ventilation with pancreatitis complicating septic shock in the on-
as part of management of pediatric septic shock, as it cology patient.49 Furthermore, persistent abdominal
can result in improved oxygenation and organ perfu- pain or physical examination findings suggestive of
sion by minimizing the work of breathing and cardiac an acute abdomen should prompt appropriate imag-
stress in sepsis-induced cardiac dysfunction.11,16 ing and surgical consultation for typhlitis occurring in
With regard to induction agents, ketamine is the the severely neutropenic patient.65,66 The presence of
medication of choice. Etomidate has been commonly perforation in septic shock is an ominous finding and
used for rapid sequence intubation for its rapid onset, a predictor of greater mortality.66
short duration, and minimal hemodynamic effects, Blood products are an important treatment as-
and emergency medicine-based literature suggests pect to consider in pediatric septic shock, particularly
that a 1-time induction dose of etomidate given in in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and in
the ED is not associated with worse outcomes in organ transplant recipients receiving immunocom-
promising medications. The current best-practice
recommendation is transfusion of red blood cells to
Table 4. Vasoactive Agents for Septic maintain blood hemoglobin >7 g/dL in hemodynami-
Shock11,55,56 cally responsive patients.11 In the TRIPICU study,
children with septic shock who did not need esca-
Type of Medication Dosage lating vasoactive medications were randomized to
maintain hemoglobin >7 g/dL (restrictive group) or
Vasopressors Epinephrinea Starting rate: 0.05 mcg/kg/min >9.5 g/dL (liberal group).67 The groups demonstrated
Range: 0.02-1 mcg/kg/min
no differences in mortality and subsequent progres-
Norepinephrinea Starting rate: 0.05 mcg/kg/min sion to worsening organ failure. This provided the
Range: 0.01-2 mcg/kg/min basis for the best-practice recommendation, though
Starting rate: 5 mcg/kg/min
with low quality of evidence. The SSC did not make a
Range: 2.5-20 mcg/kg/min recommendation about transfusions in the setting of
unstable pediatric septic shock, as there is no pedi-
Inotropes Dobutamine Starting rate: 0.5 mcg/kg/min atric study in this patient population.11 However, in
Range: 0.5-20 mcg/kg/min
an adult study on hemoglobin thresholds for blood
Milrinone Loading dose (optional): 50 mcg/kg transfusion in septic shock with hypotension (TRISS
IVP clinical trial), patients assigned to a lower hemoglo-
Range: 0.25-0.75 mcg/kg/min bin threshold (7 g/dL) had similar 90-day mortality,
life support use, and ischemic event rates compared
Preferred starting agents: best-practice recommendation.
b to patients assigned to a higher hemoglobin thresh-
Caution regarding greater incidence of arrhythmias.
Abbreviation: IVP, intravenous push. old (9.5 g/dL), potentially suggesting the use of the same recommendation for unstable pediatric septic

NOVEMBER 2022 • 9 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

shock.68 In the context of active bleeding or place- mon cause of neonatal early-onset sepsis (occurring
ment on extracorporeal life support, prophylactic on days 1-6 of life) and an important cause of late-
transfusion is recommended (red blood cells to a onset sepsis (occurring on day 7 of life to 3 months
higher threshold, FFP to correct coagulation abnor- of age [rarely older]).74,75 Mortality from early-onset
malities, or platelets to correct thrombocytopenia), GBS disease in preterm and term infants is 19.2% and
though with low quality of evidence.11 2.1%, respectively.74,75 Mortality from late-onset GBS
Leukemia patients who have suffered a relapse disease in preterm and term infants is 3.4% and 7.8%,
may have received CAR-T cell therapy, and they respectively.74,75 Antibiotic administration at the time
may present with cytokine release syndrome.38-40 of delivery for women who have screened positive
Though cytokine release syndrome mimics septic for GBS remains an effective therapy for early-onset
shock, excessive IV fluid administration will worsen GBS disease.70 Such a preventive treatment strategy
the outcome.38-40 Febrile CAR-T cell patients should does not exist for late-onset sepsis. A characteristic
receive a total of 10 mL/kg of IV crystalloid fluid, and of GBS infection in both early- and late-onset disease
inotropes should be started early in the resuscita- is the presence of cerebrospinal fluid culture-positive
tion, with admission to a critical care setting. Patients meningitis in the absence of bacteremia.75 Delayed
who are 3 to 4 weeks post allogeneic or autogeneic recognition and treatment of GBS bacteremia and
bone marrow transplant are at risk for veno-occlusive meningitis has devastating consequences.75 Hence,
disease, which can mimic sepsis.69 Fluid overload is a a highly conservative approach is warranted when
risk factor in this population as well, requiring minimi- evaluating newborns for early- or late-onset GBS
zation of fluid administration and earlier initiation of disease.
vasoactive medications.69

Newborns With Septic Shock n Controversies and Cutting Edge

The cardiopulmonary circulation of newborns Volume of Fluid Resuscitation
continues the transformation triggered by the birthing Despite overwhelming evidence demonstrating
process. In utero, the right ventricle is pumping improved outcomes with bundle implementation and
blood primarily to the placenta via the patent ductus adherence, there are specific aspects in the treat-
arteriosus (PDA) and largely avoiding sending blood ment of septic shock that remain without conclusive
to the lungs. Following birth, vascular resistance evidence.11,14,16-19,52 Historically, children with septic
decreases in the pulmonary artery, blood volume shock have required relatively greater fluid resuscita-
to the lungs is increased, and the PDA begins to tion compared to adults.76,77 For children with septic
close. Newborns with septic shock develop acidosis
resulting in increased shunting through the PDA
and elevation of pulmonary pressures (persistent Table 5. Newborn Sepsis Physical
pulmonary hypertension of the newborn), placing Examination Findings
a greater burden on the right ventricle.11,16 Thus,
Examination Findings
newborns with septic shock benefit from early
Vital signs • Temperature instability
transfer to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
• Bradycardia
where dedicated echocardiography will guide • Apnea
management for left-sided ventricular dysfunction • Differences in preductal and postductal
and right-sided ventricular dysfunction. As seen saturations
in the Algorithm on page 20, this distinction Cardiopulmonary • Right- and left-sided dysfunction
between right-sided versus left-sided heart failure • Holosystolic murmur of patent ductus
will dictate the choice of vasoactive medications. In arteriosus
the presence of persistent pulmonary hypertension Abdominal • Blood in stool
of the newborn, inhaled nitric oxide becomes part of • Development of necrotizing enterocolitis
the approach, a treatment not seen in the algorithm Neurologic • Irritability
for older children.16,70,71 (See the algorithm on page • Difficult arousal
• Decreased tone
20.) Milrinone also plays a greater role in treating
• Bulging fontanelle
newborns with septic shock, further emphasizing • Seizure
the importance of earlier transfer to an appropriate
Extremity • Weaker pulses
clinical setting.72,73 • Markedly delayed capillary refill time
Newborns with septic shock may also have physi-
Skin • More mottling
cal examination findings that may be different from • Vesicles/bullae (in context of herpes simplex
older children with septic shock. Table 5 lists findings virus)
seen more commonly in newborns with septic shock. • Jaundice
GBS infection is also crucial to consider in new-
borns. GBS infection continues to be the most com-

NOVEMBER 2022 • 10 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

shock and abnormal perfusion, the SSC recommenda- currently underway to address this question. Similar
tion is to administer 40 to 60 mL/kg of IV crystalloid randomized controlled trials in adults have dem-
fluid in the first hour of resuscitation while assessing onstrated the benefit of balanced fluids in treating
markers of cardiac output and discontinuing fluid septic shock.82
administration when there is fluid overload.11,17-19,76,77
The SSC provides a weak recommendation for this Time to Antibiotic Administration
approach, given that there are no high-quality ran- Another topic of discussion in septic shock is the time
domized controlled trials addressing the exact total to antibiotic administration. In children with septic
volume needed in a short amount of time.11 However, shock, the SSC recommendations are to start antimi-
several observational studies have demonstrated crobial therapy as soon as possible, within 1 hour of
improved outcomes with up to 60 mL/kg of IV crystal- sepsis recognition (strong recommendation, very low
loid fluid administered within the first hour of resus- quality of evidence).11 However, in children with sep-
citation.11,17-19,76-78 The key aspect to consider is the sis but not shock, SSC recommendations are to start
combined features of septic shock and the greater antimicrobial therapy as soon as possible after appro-
dependence on cardiac output for pediatric patients. priate evaluation, within 3 hours of recognition (weak
Most children will tolerate 60 mL/kg of IV crystalloid recommendation, very low quality of evidence).11 This
fluid resuscitation without development of cardiac aspect is crucial when issues related to overcrowd-
dysfunction. However, vasoactive support must ing and lack of sufficient bed space are considered.
not be delayed when there has not been sufficient Most quality improvement programs will err on the
improvement in perfusion or for the development of side of administering antimicrobials within 1 hour,
fluid-refractory shock.11,44,47,76-78 Maintenance fluids similar to the recommendations for cancer patients
are an important aspect to consider, particularly in with febrile neutropenia.64,83,84 In severe sepsis and
low-resource settings. Following the initial resuscita- septic shock, convincing evidence exists that delay-
tion period, patients will require sugar-containing ing antimicrobial therapy is associated with worsened
maintenance fluids for continued baseline fluid losses outcomes.52,76-78,83,84 Nonetheless, the benefit of anti-
and for maintaining perfusion to the kidneys in the microbials given within 1 hour of recognition for the
context of likely nephrotoxic medications. In contrast patient without severe sepsis or septic shock has not
to the recommendation for aggressive fluid resuscita- yet been proven conclusively.
tion in high-resource settings, the FEAST randomized
control trial in Africa (considered a low-resource set-
ting) demonstrated lower mortality in children receiv-
ing maintenance fluids only (no bolus fluids) versus
5 Recommendations
those receiving bolus fluids.79 To Apply in Practice

Type of Resuscitation Fluid 5 Things That Will
Normal saline and balanced fluids such as lactated
5 Recommendations
Ringer's solution have been shown to be effective in
Change To
Your Practice
Apply in Practice
reversing shock in pediatric sepsis. The current SSC 1. Automatic electronic tools for early recogni-
recommendation is to administer balanced fluids tion and bundle adherence are associated
rather than 0.9% (normal) saline, but this is consid- 5
with improved Recommendations
ered a weak recommendation with a very low quality To Apply in Practice
of evidence.11 This recommendation stems from 2 2. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are pre-
large observational studies in children with sepsis.80,81 ferred first-line vasoactive agents in pediatric
Though observational in nature, they included a septic shock. Dopamine is associated with a
total of 30,532 children with sepsis, and it was shown greater incidence of fatal arrhythmias.
that patients receiving balanced fluids compared to
3. When approaching fluid volume that is close
normal saline had lower mortality (OR, 0.79; 95% CI,
to 40 to 60 mL/kg, consider beginning a va-
0.65–0.95).80,81 Compared to normal saline, bal-
soactive medication to avoid fluid overload.
anced fluids such as lactated Ringer's solution have
a chloride concentration that is lower and closer to 4. Corticosteroid use can be avoided in children
the physiologic amount found in serum. The higher who have responded to fluid resuscitation
chloride concentration in normal saline has been and vasopressor therapy.
postulated to result in greater kidney dysfunction in
septic shock, potentially resulting in greater long- 5. For patients stabilized with fluid administra-
term kidney dysfunction and morbidity. Thus, the use tion who no longer require vasoactive medica-
of balanced fluids is considered a weak recommenda- tion escalation, additional blood products are
tion until definitive evidence may be obtained from a not needed unless hemoglobin is <7 g/dL.
large well-controlled trial. The PRoMPT BOLUS trial is

NOVEMBER 2022 • 11 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

Case Conclusions
For the 8-year-old boy who was brought in by his parents for fever, redness to his left shin, vomiting,
and diarrhea...
The boy presented in uncompensated septic shock. After receiving bag-valve mask ventilation and fluid
administration, his lethargy and blood pressure improved. He received broad-spectrum antibiotics within 24

minutes of arrival. Though his blood pressure and mental status initially improved, he developed hypoten-
sion again following IV ceftriaxone administration. He was started on an epinephrine infusion of 0.2 mcg/
kg/min and a decision was made to secure his airway. He was given IV ketamine and an IV paralytic agent.
He developed poor lung compliance, and fluid was seen returning into the endotracheal tube. With per-
sistent hypotension, a norepinephrine infusion was started at 0.15 mcg/kg/min along with blood products,
including packed red blood cells and FFP for DIC. He was transferred to a critical care setting where he
later succumbed to his illness. Blood cultures grew Staphylococcal aureus.

For the 2-year-old boy with short-bowel syndrome and parenteral nutrition dependence who pre-
sented with fever and fatigue…
The boy was started on the sepsis bundle, with IV antibiotics (ceftriaxone and vancomycin) and 60 mL/kg

of IV crystalloid fluid resuscitation. A norepinephrine infusion was started that quickly escalated up to 0.2
mcg/kg/min, and he was also started on an epinephrine infusion at 0.1 mcg/kg/min. The boy developed
DIC, diffuse pulmonary edema, and signs of renal failure. He required multiple blood products, an invasive
airway, and later succumbed to his illness while in the critical care unit. Five hours after arrival, his blood
cultures were positive for MRSA.

For the 16-year-old girl with leukemia who presented after a syncopal episode…
You observed and monitored the girl in the ED. At her 1-hour reassessment, she complained of continued
dizziness and fatigue, and her vital signs were as follows: temperature, 40°C axillary; heart rate, 137 beats/

min; and blood pressure, 87/45 mm Hg. After blood cultures were obtained, she was immediately started
on IV antibiotics (meropenem and vancomycin), and she was given 60 mL/kg of IV crystalloid fluid. Within
the first hour of resuscitation, she was started on an epinephrine drip to 0.1 mcg/kg/min. With improve-
ment in her perfusion and reversal of her shock state, she was able to ambulate without syncope, and her
dizziness and fatigue resolved. On her third hospital day, she was walking without syncope. She was later
discharged from the medical-surgical unit, neurologically intact.

Corticosteroid Use
Inconclusive recommendations remain for corticoste- possible in a routine medical-surgical unit.11 Patients
roid use in patients without previous chronic cortico- with stable hemodynamics, documented improve-
steroid exposure, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or ment in their perfusion, mental status, and reversal of
known hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis disorders. shock findings may be admitted to a non–critical care
Outside of this population, the SSC recommends, monitored setting.
with low quality of evidence, against using corticoste-
roids (specifically IV hydrocortisone) in children with
septic shock who have responded to fluid resuscita- n Summary
tion and vasoactive medications.11 Pediatric septic shock remains a significant burden in
both low-resource and high-resource settings, and it
continues to be a leading cause of morbidity and mor-
n Disposition tality. Patient factors associated with greater mortality
Patients with septic shock require hospital admission, from septic shock include age <1 year, immunocom-
most likely to a critical care setting, with some centers promised status, underlying congenital heart disease,
needing to arrange for early transfer to the appropri- persistently elevated lactate when receiving resuscita-
ate setting. Critical care admission criteria include tion, need for mechanical ventilation, and acute kidney
need for vasoactive medications and central venous injury. The cornerstone of therapy for septic shock
access, advanced airway management, and frequent is early recognition, rapid initiation of sepsis bundle
bedside assessments (such as need for blood pres- elements, and meticulous attention to volume status
sure monitoring with an arterial line) not typically and clinical response. Bundle elements include empiric

NOVEMBER 2022 • 12 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

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4. Watson RS, Carcillo JA, Linde-Zwirble WT, et al. The epide-
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17.* Lane RD, Funai T, Reeder R, et al. High reliability pediatric clinician identification. Ann Emerg Med. 2017;70(6):759-768.
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emergency department. Pediatrics. 2011;127(3):e758-e766. 26. Alejandria MM, Lansang MA, Dans LF, et al. Intravenous im-
(Prospective cohort study; 167 patients) munoglobulin for treating sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock.
21. Sepanski RJ, Godambe SA, Mangum CD, et al. Designing a Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;2013(9):CD001090. (System-
pediatric severe sepsis screening tool. Front Pediatr. 2014;2:56. atic review; 43 randomized controlled trials, 19,252 patients)
(Retrospective cohort study; 7402 patients) 27. Annane D, Bellissant E, Bollaert PE, et al. Corticosteroids for
22. Balamuth F, Alpern ER, Abbadessa MK, et al. Improving recog- treating sepsis in children and adults. Cochrane Database Syst
nition of pediatric severe sepsis in the emergency department: Rev. 2019;12(12):CD002243. (Systematic review; 61 trials,
contributions of a vital sign-based electronic alert and bedside 12,192 participants)

Risk Management Pitfalls in Pediatric

Patients With Septic Shock

1. “The patient had a pulse oximetry reading of 4. “My patient deteriorated right when I was
94%, so I weaned his oxygen to room air.” about to secure an advanced airway.” For
During septic shock, perfusion is limited by poor patients with septic shock, cardiovascular collapse
cardiac output and decreased carrying capacity must be anticipated when using induction or
in blood, particularly for patients who are anemic paralytic agents. If possible, the SSC recommends
while receiving chemotherapy for leukemia. Oxy- fluid administration and vasoactive medications
gen supplementation serves to increase carrying prior to intubation, if the clinical situation allows.
capacity and improve perfusion of vital organs, Ketamine is the induction agent of choice, given
and it should not be stopped in this setting. its adrenergic properties.

2. “My patient's blood pressure was normal. I did 5. “The patient did not have hypoxemia, so I
not consider septic shock.” Most patients with stopped checking for crackles.” When treating
septic shock present with compensated shock septic shock, concurrent cardiac dysfunction may
without hypotension, but they still have shock be present and will manifest only when under the
physiology. Hypotension is a later finding in pedi- stress of volume resuscitation. Frequent cardio-
atric septic shock, and tools are in place that can vascular examinations are needed to monitor for
trigger recognition of shock without concurrent development of a gallop or pulmonary edema,
hypotension. Unexplained tachycardia, changes which would result in modifying the bundle ap-
in mental status, and poor capillary refill may be proach to treating septic shock and initiation of
present prior to the development of hypotension. vasoactive medications without necessarily reach-
A key aspect in quality improvement programs is ing the 60 mL/kg fluid resuscitation threshold.
addressing this gap in recognition that exists in
pediatric septic shock across multiple settings. 6. “I thought it was better to treat a patient with
septic shock who is in DIC with fresh frozen
3. “I wanted to wait for the results from labora- plasma rather than packed red blood cells.”
tory analysis prior to starting broad-spectrum Packed red blood cell transfusion should be given
antibiotics.” When treating septic shock, broad- for hemoglobin levels <7 g/dL in a patient with
spectrum antibiotics need to be given in a timely septic shock (best-practice recommendation in
manner. Delay in antibiotic administration is the setting of septic shock stabilized on catechol-
associated with increased in-hospital risk-adjusted amines). Of note, there is no current recommen-
mortality. If no IV access is available, antibiotics dation in the setting of septic shock that has not
may also be administered via an IO line. been stabilized.

NOVEMBER 2022 • 14 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

28. Martí-Carvajal AJ, Solà I, Gluud C, et al. Human recombi- delivery in the outcome of meningococcal disease in chil-
nant protein C for severe sepsis and septic shock in adult dren: case-control study of fatal and non-fatal cases. BMJ.
and paediatric patients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005;330(7506):1475. (Case-control study)
2012;12(12):CD004388. (Systematic review; 6 randomized 34. McCrindle BW, Rowley AH, Newburger JW, et al. Diagnosis,
clinical trials, 6781 participants) treatment, and long-term management of Kawasaki disease: a
29. Matics TJ, Sanchez-Pinto LN. Adaptation and validation of a scientific statement for health professionals from the American
pediatric sequential organ failure assessment score and evalu- Heart Association. Circulation. 2017;135(17):e927-e999. (Sys-
ation of the Sepsis-3 definitions in critically ill children. JAMA tematic review)
Pediatr. 2017;171(10):e172352. (Retrospective observational 35. Zheng Z, Huang Y, Wang Z, et al. Clinical features in children
cohort study; 6303 patients) with Kawasaki disease shock syndrome: a systematic review and
30. Li S, Liu J, Chen F, et al. A risk score based on pediatric meta-analysis. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021;8:736352. (System-
sequential organ failure assessment predicts 90-day mortality atic review and meta-analysis)
in children with Klebsiella pneumoniae bloodstream infection. 36. Whittaker E, Bamford A, Kenny J, et al. Clinical characteris-
BMC Infect Dis. 2020;20(1):916. (Retrospective cohort study; tics of 58 children with a pediatric inflammatory multisystem
146 patients) syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2. JAMA.
31. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Dis- 2020;324(3):259-269. (Retrospective case series; 58 patients)
eases. Red Book (2018): Report of the Committee on Infectious 37. Davies P, du Pré P, Lillie J, et al. One-year outcomes of criti-
Diseases. American Academy of Pediatrics; 2018. (Textbook) cal care patients post-COVID-19 multisystem inflammatory
32. Chan KH, Sanatani S, Potts JE, et al. The relative incidence of syndrome in children. JAMA Pediatr. 2021;175(12):1281-1283.
cardiogenic and septic shock in neonates. Paediatr Child Health. (Case series; 68 patients)
2020;25(6):372-377. (Retrospective review; 1641 patients) 38. Hill JA, Li D, Hay KA, et al. Infectious complications of CD19-
33. Ninis N, Phillips C, Bailey L, et al. The role of healthcare targeted chimeric antigen receptor-modified T-cell immunother-

7. “We did not need to obtain chest radiographs 9. “Even though a gallop developed, I continued
for the patient being treated for septic shock to give IV crystalloid fluid boluses up to 60
since she had normal pulse oximetry read- mL/kg to adhere to elements of the sepsis
ings.” Cardiac dysfunction may be present early bundle.” For certain patient subsets, excessive
on in septic shock, and continued volume resus- volume resuscitation will lead to further cardiac
citation may aggravate this dysfunction. Thus, in dysfunction and worsen outcomes related to
the right setting, chest imaging or echocardiogra- septic shock. Patients with a history of leukemia
phy may aid in decision-making for some pa- who have received cardiotoxic medications as
tients, such as those who have received cardio- part of their chemotherapy regimen may need
toxic medications. earlier initiation of vasoactive medications to treat
septic shock. Thus, IV fluid administration should
8. “I did not think corticosteroids were part of be provided judiciously, with the patient’s clinical
the treatment algorithm for septic shock.” response dictating subsequent steps in therapy.
There are some instances in which corticosteroids Septic shock will still need to be treated aggres-
will be part of the treatment of septic shock. For sively, but with vasoactive medications rather
example, in an organ transplant recipient, predni- than additional IV fluid administration.
sone (sometimes high doses) is utilized to prevent
rejection and graft versus host disease. Resuscita- 10. “I thought I could ignore premature ventricular
tion in this setting may also require corticoste- contractions while treating septic shock with
roids, possibly preventing the need for vasoactive dopamine.” Higher dosages of dopamine (ie,
medications. In other circumstances, corticoste- >10 mcg/kg/min) are associated with the devel-
roids are utilized in fluid- and catecholamine- opment of arrhythmias in septic shock, and hence
refractory hypotension. part of the reason behind recent changes to best-
practice recommendations. Dopamine may still
be used in escalating doses, but with caution, as
it may trigger a potentially fatal arrhythmia.

NOVEMBER 2022 • 15 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

apy. Blood. 2018;131(1):121-130. (Prospective case cohort; pediatric fluid-refractory hypotensive septic shock. Pediatr Crit
133 patients) Care Med. 2016;17(11):e502-e512. (Randomized controlled
39. Hay KA. Cytokine release syndrome and neurotoxicity after trial; 60 patients)
CD19 chimeric antigen receptor-modified (CAR-) T cell therapy. 57. Patregnani JT, Sochet AA, Klugman D. Short-term peripheral
Br J Haematol. 2018;183(3):364-374. (Disease review) vasoactive infusions in pediatrics: where is the harm? Pediatr
40. Hay KA, Hanafi LA, Li D, et al. Kinetics and biomarkers of Crit Care Med. 2017;18(8):e378-e381. (Retrospective cohort
severe cytokine release syndrome after CD19 chimeric antigen study; 102 patients)
receptor-modified T-cell therapy. Blood. 2017;130(21):2295- 58. Upadhye S, Cyganik O. Is single-dose etomidate induction safe
2306. (Phase 1/2 clinical trial) in emergency intubation of critically ill patients? Ann Emerg Med.
41. Schmitz M, Roux X, Huttner B, et al. Streptococcal toxic shock 2016;67(3):399-400. (Systematic review; 7 studies, 772 patients)
syndrome in the intensive care unit. Ann Intensive Care. 59. Hunter BR, Kirschner J. In patients with severe sepsis, does
2018;8(1):88. (Consensus review) a single dose of etomidate to facilitate intubation increase
42. Berger S, Kunerl A, Wasmuth S, et al. Menstrual toxic shock mortality? Ann Emerg Med. 2013;61(5):571-572. (Systematic
syndrome: case report and systematic review of the literature. review; 5 studies, 865 patients)
Lancet Infect Dis. 2019;19(9):e313-e321. (Case report and 60. Guldner G, Schultz J, Sexton P, et al. Etomidate for rapid-
systematic review) sequence intubation in young children: hemodynamic effects
43. Smyth MA, Brace-McDonnell SJ, Perkins GD. Impact of prehos- and adverse events. Acad Emerg Med. 2003;10(2):134-139.
pital care on outcomes in sepsis: a systematic review. West J (Retrospective case series; 105 patients)
Emerg Med. 2016;17(4):427-437. (Systematic review) 61. Ehrman R, Wira C, Lomax A, et al. Etomidate use in severe sep-
44. Larsen GY, Mecham N, Greenberg R. An emergency depart- sis and septic shock patients does not contribute to mortality.
ment septic shock protocol and care guideline for children initi- Intern Emerg Med. 2011;6(3):253-257. (Retrospective cohort
ated at triage. Pediatrics. 2011;127(6):e1585-e1592. (Prospec- study; 230 patients)
tive cohort study; 345 patients) 62. Hildreth AN, Mejia VA, Maxwell RA, et al. Adrenal suppres-
45. Brierley J, Peters MJ. Distinct hemodynamic patterns of septic sion following a single dose of etomidate for rapid sequence
shock at presentation to pediatric intensive care. Pediatrics. induction: a prospective randomized study. J Trauma.
2008;122(4):752-759. (Prospective observational study; 30 2008;65(3):573-579. (Prospective randomized study; 30 pa-
patients) tients)
46. Cruz AT, Lane RD, Balamuth F, et al. Updates on pediatric sepsis. 63. den Brinker M, Joosten KF, Liem O, et al. Adrenal insufficiency
J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2020;1(5):981-993. (Review) in meningococcal sepsis: bioavailable cortisol levels and impact
of interleukin-6 levels and intubation with etomidate on adrenal
47. Scott HF, Brou L, Deakyne SJ, et al. Association between early
function and mortality. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90(9):5110-
lactate levels and 30-day mortality in clinically suspected sepsis
5117. (Retrospective cohort study; 60 children)
in children. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171(3):249-255. (Observational
cohort study; 1299 patients) 64. Lehrnbecher T, Robinson P, Fisher B, et al. Guideline for the
management of fever and neutropenia in children with cancer
48. Scott HF, Brou L, Deakyne SJ, et al. Lactate clearance and normal-
and hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation recipients: 2017
ization and prolonged organ dysfunction in pediatric sepsis. J Pe-
update. J Clin Oncol. 2017;35(18):2082-2094. (Consensus
diatr. 2016;170:149-155. (Prospective cohort study; 77 patients)
49. Wig JD, Kochhar R, Ray JD, et al. Endotoxemia pre-
65. Mullassery D, Bader A, Battersby AJ, et al. Diagnosis, in-
dicts outcome in acute pancreatitis. J Clin Gastroenterol.
cidence, and outcomes of suspected typhlitis in oncology
1998;26(2):121-124. (Retrospective case cohort; 14 patients)
patients--experience in a tertiary pediatric surgical center in the
50. Ospina-Tascón GA, Bautista-Rincón DF, Umaña M, et al. Persis- United Kingdom. J Pediatr Surg. 2009;44(2):381-385. (Retro-
tently high venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide differences during spective cohort study; 596 patients)
early resuscitation are associated with poor outcomes in septic
66. Moran H, Yaniv I, Ashkenazi S, et al. Risk factors for typhlitis
shock. Crit Care. 2013;17(6):R294. (Prospective observational
in pediatric patients with cancer. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol.
cohort; 85 patients)
2009;31(9):630-634. (Retrospective cohort study; 843 pa-
51. Arya B, Kerstein D, Leu CS, et al. Echocardiographic assess- tients)
ment of right atrial pressure in a pediatric and young adult
67. Karam O, Tucci M, Ducruet T, et al. Red blood cell transfusion
population. Pediatr Cardiol. 2016;37(3):558-567. (Observa-
thresholds in pediatric patients with sepsis. Pediatr Crit Care
tional cohort study; 50 patients)
Med. 2011;12(5):512-518. (Randomized controlled trial; 137
52. Weiss SL, Fitzgerald JC, Balamuth F, et al. Delayed antimicro- patients)
bial therapy increases mortality and organ dysfunction duration
68. Holst LB, Haase N, Wetterslev J, et al. Lower versus higher
in pediatric sepsis. Crit Care Med. 2014;42(11):2409-2417.
hemoglobin threshold for transfusion in septic shock. N Engl
(Retrospective observational study; 130 patients)
J Med. 2014;371(15):1381-1391. (Multicenter randomized
53. Bruns N, Dohna-Schwake C. Antibiotics in critically ill children- study; 998 patients)
a narrative review on different aspects of a rational approach.
69. Dalle JH, Giralt SA. Hepatic veno-occlusive disease after hema-
Pediatr Res. 2022;91(2):440-446. (Review)
topoietic stem cell transplantation: risk factors and stratification,
54. Nagendran M, Maruthappu M, Gordon AC, et al. Comparative prophylaxis, and treatment. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant.
safety and efficacy of vasopressors for mortality in septic shock: 2016;22(3):400-409. (Review)
a network meta-analysis. J Intensive Care Soc. 2016;17(2):136-
70. The Neonatal Inhaled Nitric Oxide Study Group. Inhaled nitric
145. (Meta-analysis; 13 trials, 3146 patients)
oxide in full-term and nearly full-term infants with hypoxic respi-
55. Ventura AM, Shieh HH, Bousso A, et al. Double-blind prospec- ratory failure. New Engl J Med. 1997;336(9):597-604. (Multi-
tive randomized controlled trial of dopamine versus epineph- center randomized study; 58 patients)
rine as first-line vasoactive drugs in pediatric septic shock. Crit
71. Barrington KJ, Finer N, Pennaforte T, et al. Nitric oxide for
Care Med. 2015;43(11):2292-2302. (Randomized controlled
respiratory failure in infants born at or near term. Cochrane
trial; 120 patients)
Database Syst Rev. 2017;1(1):CD000399. (Systematic review)
56. Ramaswamy KN, Singhi S, Jayashree M, et al. Double-blind ran-
72. McNamara PJ, Laique F, Muang-In S, et al. Milrinone improves
domized clinical trial comparing dopamine and epinephrine in

NOVEMBER 2022 • 16 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

oxygenation in neonates with severe persistent pulmonary
hypertension of the newborn. J Crit Care. 2006;21(2):217-222.
(Case series; 9 patients)
73. McNamara PJ, Shivananda SP, Sahni M, et al. Pharmacology
of milrinone in neonates with persistent pulmonary hyperten-
sion of the newborn and suboptimal response to inhaled nitric
oxide. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2013;14(1):74-84. (Prospective
case series; 11 patients)
74. Puopolo K, Lynfield R, Cummings J, et al. Management of
infants at risk for group B Streptococcal disease. Pediatrics.
1. Which of the following would suggest septic
2019;144(4). (Consensus guideline) shock?
75. Nanduri SA, Petit S, Smelser C, et al. Epidemiology of invasive a. Blood pressure of 79/36 mm Hg after IV crys-
early-onset and late-onset group B streptococcal disease in talloid fluid administration
the United States, 2006 to 2015: multistate laboratory and b. Hyperglycemia at 275 mg/dL
population-based surveillance. JAMA Pediatr. 2019;173(3):224- c. Serum sodium at 132 mEq/L
233. (Epidemiologic surveillance study; 2664 cases)
d. Leukocytosis of 19 × 109 cells/L
76. Carcillo JA, Davis AL, Zaritsky A. Role of early fluid resuscita-
tion in pediatric septic shock. JAMA. 1991;266(9):1242-1245.
(Observational cohort study; 34 patients) 2. Which of the following has been shown to
77. Han YY, Carcillo JA, Dragotta MA, et al. Early reversal of decrease mortality in patients with sepsis?
pediatric-neonatal septic shock by community physicians is as- a. Early administration of corticosteroids
sociated with improved outcome. Pediatrics. 2003;112(4):793- b. Positive pressure ventilation
799. (Retrospective cohort study; 90 patients) c. Blood cultures drawn from 2 separate sites
78. van Paridon BM, Sheppard C, Garcia GG, et al. Timing of anti- prior to antibiotic administration
biotics, volume, and vasoactive infusions in children with sepsis
d. Timely antibiotic administration after arrival to
admitted to intensive care. Crit Care. 2015;19(1):293. (Observa-
tional cohort study; 79 patients) the emergency department (ED)
79. Maitland K, Kiguli S, Opoka RO, et al. Mortality after fluid
bolus in African children with severe infection. N Engl J Med. 3. A 2-year-old boy with a history of relapsed
2011;364(26):2483-2495. (Prospective randomized study; acute lymphocytic leukemia is brought to the
3141 patients) ED for fever and lethargy. His vital signs are:
80. Weiss SL, Keele L, Balamuth F, et al. Crystalloid fluid choice temperature, 39.8ºC; heart rate, 178 beats/
and clinical outcomes in pediatric sepsis: a matched retrospec-
min; respiratory rate, 52 breaths/min; blood
tive cohort study. J Pediatr. 2017;182:304-310. (Retrospective
cohort study; 12,529 patients) pressure, 90/40 mm Hg; and oxygen satura-
81. Emrath ET, Fortenberry JD, Travers C, et al. Resuscitation with tion, 96% on room air. He has shallow respira-
balanced fluids is associated with improved survival in pediatric tions without crackles. Which of the following
severe sepsis. Crit Care Med. 2017;45(7):1177-1183. (Observa- management options should take priority?
tional cohort study; 18,003 patients) a. Securing an advanced airway
82. Self WH, Semler MW, Wanderer JP, et al. Balanced crystal- b. Administration of oxygen at 2 L/min via nasal
loids versus saline in noncritically ill adults. New Engl J Med.
2018;378(9):819-828. (Randomized controlled study; 13,347
patients) c. Administration of corticosteroids
83. Kumar A, Roberts D, Wood KE, et al. Duration of hypotension d. Administration of IV antibiotics and crystalloid
before initiation of effective antimicrobial therapy is the critical fluids
determinant of survival in human septic shock. Crit Care Med.
2006;34(6):1589-1596. (Retrospective cohort study; 2731 4. A 13-year-old boy is brought in for right knee
pain that started approximately 1 week ago
84. Ferrer R, Martin-Loeches I, Phillips G, et al. Empiric antibiotic
and has gotten worse. The boy is now unable
treatment reduces mortality in severe sepsis and septic shock
from the first hour: results from a guideline-based performance to ambulate due to severe pain. Vital signs are:
improvement program. Crit Care Med. 2014;42(8):1749-1755. temperature, 39.5°C; heart rate, 125 beats/min;
(Retrospective cohort study; 28,150 patients) respiratory rate, 28 breaths/min; blood pres-
sure, 121/83 mm Hg; and oxygen saturation,
n CME Questions 98% on room air. Arthrocentesis is performed
Current subscribers receive CME credit and found to be cloudy, with WBC of 100,000
absolutely free by completing the follow- cells/mcL, with mostly neutrophils. What would
ing test. Each issue includes 4 AMA PRA be the appropriate initial dose of IV crystalloid
Category 1 CreditsTM, 4 ACEP Category I fluid to use in resuscitation?
credits, 4 AAP Prescribed credits, or 4 a. 20 mL/kg IV 0.9% saline or lactated Ringer’s
AOA Category 2-A or 2-B credits. Online testing is b. 30 mL/kg IV 0.9% saline or lactated Ringer’s
available for current and archived issues. To receive c. 40 mL/kg IV 0.9% saline or lactated Ringer’s
your free CME credits for this issue, scan the QR d. 60 mL/kg IV 0.9% saline or lactated Ringer’s
code below with your smartphone or visit

NOVEMBER 2022 • 17 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

5. A 4-year-old girl with aplastic anemia comes 8. Which of the following medications should be
to the ED with fever and lethargy. She seems utilized for sedation and analgesia for intuba-
fatigued but answers questions and follows tion in pediatric patients with septic shock?
commands. Her capillary refill time is 4 sec- a. Etomidate and rocuronium
onds and her extremities are cool. Her vital b. Etomidate and succinylcholine
signs are: temperature, 39.5ºC; heart rate, c. Ketamine and rocuronium
175 beats/min; respiratory rate, 36 beats/min; d. Ketamine and midazolam
blood pressure, 72/36 mm Hg; and oxygen
saturation, 93% on room air. Which of the fol- 9. An 8-year-old boy with a history of severe
lowing should be done next? persistent asthma on chronic systemic cortico-
a. Administer 20 mL/kg of IV crystalloid fluids. steroid therapy presents with cough and fever
b. Infuse 2 units of packed red blood cells. for 5 days. His vital signs are: temperature,
c. Perform endotracheal intubation. 39.5°C oral; heart rate, 138 beats/min; respi-
d. Request formal echocardiography. ratory rate, 32 breaths/min; blood pressure,
77/40 mm Hg; and oxygen saturation, 90%
6. An 8-year-old boy with a history of leukemia on room air. He has received broad-spectrum
on chemotherapy is suspected of having septic antibiotics, 60 mL/kg of IV crystalloid fluid, an
shock. He received broad-spectrum antibiotics epinephrine infusion that has been titrated up
and 40 mL/kg IV crystalloid fluid resuscitation to 0.15 mcg/kg/min, and a norepinephrine drip
when crackles were auscultated. His vital signs titrated up to 0.1 mcg/kg/min. His repeat vital
are: temperature, 38.3°C; heart rate, 145 beats/ signs are: temperature, 38.5°C oral; heart rate,
min with bounding radial pulses; respiratory 148 beats/min; respiratory rate, 30 breaths/
rate, 32 breaths/min; blood pressure, 92/53 mm min; blood pressure 80/43 mm Hg; oxygen
Hg; and pulse oximetry, 94% on 2 L/min oxygen. saturation, 98% on 2 L/min oxygen via nasal
His perfusion remains poor. Which of the follow- cannula. What is the next management step?
ing is the correct next step in the management a. Increase oxygen to 5 L/min via face mask.
of his suspected septic shock? b. Administer dopamine at 10 mcg/kg/min.
a. Administer another 20-mL/kg IV fluid bolus to c. Give additional IV crystalloid fluid boluses.
a goal of 60 mL/kg total volume. d. Administer IV corticosteroids.
b. Increase oxygen delivery via nasal cannula to
3 L/min. 10. A 6-year-old boy who has a history of hypo-
c. Start a dopamine infusion at 15 mcg/kg/min. plastic left heart syndrome and is status post
d. Start a norepinephrine infusion at 0.1 mcg/ his corrective surgeries of Norwood, Glenn,
kg/min. and Fontan, is brought to the ED for fever,
headaches, and confusion that started last
7. A 5-year-old boy is brought in for a 1-week night. His vital signs are: temperature, 39.6°C;
history of cough, nasal congestion, and rhinor- heart rate, 122 beats/min; respiratory rate, 26
rhea that initially improved 3 days ago. Today breaths/min; blood pressure, 77/40 mm Hg;
he developed difficulty breathing and leth- and oxygen saturation, 90% on room air. The
argy. His vital signs are: temperature, 39.3°C; physical examination reveals neck stiffness,
heart rate, 155 beats/min; blood pressure, severe drowsiness, and an audible murmur for
80/44 mm Hg; respiratory rate, 38 breaths/ his shunt. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are given
min; oxygen saturation, 94% on room air. and resuscitation with a 20-mL/kg IV bolus of
Broad-spectrum antibiotics and rapid fluid crystalloid fluid is initiated. Repeat examina-
resuscitation are initiated. After receiving 60 tion shows diffuse rales in bilateral lung fields
mL/kg of IV crystalloid fluid, his vital signs are: and a repeat blood pressure of 80/36 mm Hg.
temperature, 39°C; heart rate, 145 beats/min; What is the appropriate next step in manage-
respiratory rate, 32 beats/min; blood pressure, ment?
83/38 mm Hg; and oxygen saturation, 93% on a. Administer an additional 20-mL/kg IV crystal-
room air. What is the appropriate next step in loid fluid bolus.
management? b. Stop fluids and initiate norepinephrine infu-
a. Administer an additional 20 mL/kg of IV crys- sion.
talloid fluids. c. Secure an advanced airway.
b. Initiate epinephrine infusion at 0.1 mcg/kg/ d. Provide oxygen at 5 L/min with a simple face
min. mask.
c. Administer inhaled beta agonists.
d. Initiate positive pressure ventilation.

NOVEMBER 2022 • 18 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

American College of Critical Care Medicine Algorithm for
Time-Sensitive, Goal-Directed Stepwise Management of
Hemodynamic Support in Infants and Children

Proceed to next step if shock persists. 1) First hour goals—restore and maintain heart rate thresholds, capillary refill ≤2 s, and normal blood pressure
in the first hour/emergency department. 2) Subsequent ICU goals—if shock not reversed proceed to restore and maintain normal perfusion pressure
(MAP – CVP) for age, ScvO2 > 70% (*except congenital heart patients with mixing lesions), and cardiac index >3.3 <6.0 L/min/m2 in PICU.
Reprinted from: Alan L. Davis, Joseph A. Carcillo, Rajesh K. Aneja, et al. American College of Critical Care Medicine clinical practice parameters for
hemodynamic support of pediatric and neonatal septic shock. Critical Care Medicine. Volume 45, Issue 6, Pages 1061-1093.
ccmjournal/pages/default.aspx with permission from the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Abbreviations: CI, cardiac index; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; FATD, femoral arterial thermodilution method; ICU, intensive care unit;
IM, intramuscular; IO, intraosseous; IV, intravenous; MAP-CVP, mean arterial pressure (MAP)-central venous pressure (CVP); PAC, pulmonary artery
catheter; PALS, Pediatric Advanced Life Support; PICCO, pulse index contour CO; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; ScvO2, central venous oxygen
saturation; SVRI, systemic vascular resistance index.

NOVEMBER 2022 • 19 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

American College of Critical Care Medicine Algorithm for
Time-Sensitive, Goal-Directed Stepwise Management of
Hemodynamic Support in Newborns

Proceed to next step if shock persists. 1) First-hour goals— restore and maintain heart rate thresholds, capillary refill ≤2 s, and normal blood pressure
in the (first hour). 2) Subsequent ICU goals—restore normal perfusion pressure (mean arterial pressure – central venous pressure), preductal and
postductal oxygen saturation difference <5%, and either ScvO2 >70% (*except congenital heart patients with mixing lesions), superior vena cava flow
>40 mL/kg/min, or cardiac index >3.3 L/min/m2 in NICU.
Reprinted from: Alan L. Davis, Joseph A. Carcillo, Rajesh K. Aneja, et al. American College of Critical Care Medicine clinical practice parameters for
hemodynamic support of pediatric and neonatal septic shock. Critical Care Medicine. Volume 45, Issue 6, Pages 1061-1093.
ccmjournal/pages/default.aspx with permission from the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Abbreviations: CI, cardiac index; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ICU, intensive care unit; IV, intravenous; LV, left ventricle; MAP-CVP,
mean arterial pressure (MAP)-central venous pressure (CVP); NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; NRP, Neonatal Resuscitation Program; PPHN,
persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn; PRA, patent ductus arteriosus; RDS, respiratory distress syndrome; RV, right ventricle; ScvO2,
central venous oxygen saturation; SVC, superior vena cava; VLBW, very low birth weight.

NOVEMBER 2022 • 20 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

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The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice Editorial Board
EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD, Melissa Langhan, MD, MHS Christopher Strother, MD
FACEP, FAAP, FAEMS Associate Professor of Pediatrics Associate Professor, Emergency
Ilene Claudius, MD Medical Director, Los Angeles and Emergency Medicine; Medicine, Pediatrics, and Medical
Associate Professor; Director, County EMS Agency; Professor of Fellowship Director, Director of Education; Director, Pediatric
Process & Quality Improvement Clinical Emergency Medicine and Education, Pediatric Emergency Emergency Medicine; Director,
Program, Harbor-UCLA Medical Pediatrics, David Geffen School Medicine, Yale University School of Simulation; Icahn School of
Center, Torrance, CA of Medicine at UCLA; Clinical Medicine, New Haven, CT Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
Faculty, Harbor-UCLA Medical York, NY
Tim Horeczko, MD, MSCR, Center, Department of Emergency Robert Luten, MD
FACEP, FAAP Medicine, Los Angeles, CA Professor, Pediatrics and Adam E. Vella, MD, FAAP
Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, University of Associate Professor of Emergency
Emergency Medicine, David Geffen Michael J. Gerardi, MD, FAAP, Florida, Jacksonville, FL Medicine and Pediatrics, Associate
School of Medicine, UCLA; Core FACEP, President Chief Quality Officer, New
Faculty and Senior Physician, Los Associate Professor of Emergency Garth Meckler, MD, MSHS York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell
Angeles County-Harbor-UCLA Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Medicine, New York, NY
Medical Center, Torrance, CA at Mount Sinai; Director, Pediatric University of British Columbia;
Emergency Medicine, Goryeb Division Head, Pediatric Emergency David M. Walker, MD, FACEP,
Children's Hospital, Morristown Medicine, BC Children's Hospital, FAAP
Medical Center, Morristown, NJ Vancouver, BC, Canada Chief, Pediatric Emergency Medicine,
Jeffrey R. Avner, MD, FAAP Joseph M. Sanzari Children's Hospital,
Chairman, Department of Hackensack University Medical Center;
Sandip Godambe, MD, PhD, MBA Joshua Nagler, MD, MHPEd
Pediatrics, Professor of Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics,
Chief Medical Officer, SVP Medical Associate Division Chief and
Pediatrics, Maimonides Children's Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine,
Affairs, Attending Physician, Fellowship Director, Division of
Hospital of Hackensack, NJ
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Boston
Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY
Children’s Health of California Children's Hospital; Associate Vincent J. Wang, MD, MHA
(CHOC) Children’s Hospital, Professor of Pediatrics and Professor of Pediatrics and
Steven Bin, MD
Orange, CA Emergency Medicine, Harvard Emergency Medicine; Division
Associate Clinical Professor, UCSF
Medical School, Boston MA Chief, Pediatric Emergency
School of Medicine; Medical
Ran D. Goldman, MD Medicine, UT Southwestern
Director, Pediatric Emergency
Professor, University of British Columbia, James Naprawa, MD Medical Center; Director of
Medicine, UCSF Benioff Children's Pediatric Emergency Physician, BC Attending Physician, Emergency Emergency Services, Children's
Hospital, San Francisco, CA Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada Department USCF Benioff Health, Dallas, TX
Children's Hospital, Oakland, CA
Richard M. Cantor, MD, FAAP, Alson S. Inaba, MD, FAAP INTERNATIONAL EDITOR
FACEP Pediatric Emergency Medicine Joshua Rocker, MD, FAAP, FACEP
Professor of Emergency Medicine Specialist, Kapiolani Medical Lara Zibners, MD, FAAP, FACEP,
Chief, Division of Pediatric
and Pediatrics; Section Chief, Center for Women & Children; MMEd
Emergency Medicine, Associate
Pediatric Emergency Medicine; Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Honorary Consultant, Paediatric
Professor of Pediatrics and
Medical Director, Upstate Poison University of Hawaii John A. Burns Emergency Medicine, St. Mary's
Emergency Medicine, Cohen
Control Center, Golisano Children's School of Medicine, Honolulu, HI Hospital Imperial College Trust,
Children's Medical Center of New
Hospital, Syracuse, NY London, UK; Nonclinical Instructor
York, New Hyde Park, NY
Madeline Matar Joseph, MD, of Emergency Medicine, Icahn
Steven Choi, MD, FAAP FACEP, FAAP School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
Steven Rogers, MD
Chief Quality Officer and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine New York, NY
Associate Professor, University of
Dean for Clinical Quality, Yale and Pediatrics, Associate Dean for Connecticut School of Medicine, PHARMACOLOGY EDITOR
Medicine/Yale School of Medicine; Inclusion and Equity, Emergency Attending Emergency Medicine
Vice President, Chief Quality Medicine Department, University Physician, Connecticut Children's Aimee Mishler, PharmD, BCPS
Officer, Yale New Haven Health of Florida College of Medicine- Medical Center, Hartford, CT Emergency Medicine Pharmacist,
System, New Haven, CT Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
Program Director – PGY2
Jennifer E. Sanders, MD, FAAP, Emergency Medicine Pharmacy
Ari Cohen, MD, FAAP Anupam Kharbanda, MD, MSc FACEP Residency, Valleywise Health
Chief of Pediatric Emergency Chief, Critical Care Services, Assistant Professor, Departments Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ
Medicine, Massachusetts General Children's Hospital Minnesota, of Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine,
Hospital; Instructor in Pediatrics, Minneapolis, MN and Education, Icahn School of
Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
MA Tommy Y. Kim, MD York, NY
Health Sciences Clinical Professor
Jay D. Fisher, MD, FAAP, FACEP of Pediatric Emergency Medicine,
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine; University of California Riverside
Program Director, Pediatric Emergency
School of Medicine, Riverside
Medicine Fellowship, Kirk Kerkorian School
of Medicine at UNLV; Medical Director,
Community Hospital, Department
Pediatric Emergency Services, UMC of Emergency Medicine, Riverside,
Children's Hospital, Las Vegas, NV

NOVEMBER 2022 • 23 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

Points & Pearls

Pediatric Septic Shock:

Recognition and Management
in the Emergency Department

• Consider sepsis in a patient with persistent, unex- Pearls
plained tachycardia.
l Prophylactic blood products above a
• Pediatric septic shock physiology can occur with- hemoglobin threshold are not required unless
out hypotension. treating active hemorrhage or the patient needs
• Perform frequent reassessments, and if there is extracorporeal support.11
fluid overload, stop bolus fluid administration and l For patients in septic shock, dopamine
initiate vasoactive medications.11 administration has greater association with fatal
• Recognition tools have been shown to improve arrhythmias.
outcomes by facilitating earlier adherence to
evidence-based treatment regimens.19-24,44
l Cytokine release syndrome mimics septic
• Be prepared to assess for and treat concurrent car- shock, and fluid administration >10 mL/kg is
diogenic shock. associated with poor outcomes.
• Consider disease processes outside of sepsis that l Delayed treatment of neonatal GBS bacteremia
mimic septic shock, such as Kawasaki disease and is associated with devastating consequences.
multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
(MIS-C). l Physical examination findings for septic shock
• Pediatric patients with comorbid conditions, par- may evolve over time, requiring frequent
ticularly immunocompromised status and central reassessments as a means to guide fluid and
line dependence, are more likely to develop sep- vasoactive medication management.
tic shock and suffer greater mortality risks.
• Consider toxic shock syndrome from tampon use
when an adolescent female presents with septic
shock.41,42 • Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation may be
• Sepsis can occur in neonates without fever, and used to try to avoid mechanical ventilation if the
they can present with apnea requiring intubation. patient’s clinical condition allows.
• When there is concern for chronic corticosteroid • Mechanical ventilation aids in the management of
use or in patients with underlying endocrinopa- pediatric septic shock with improved oxygenation
thies, administer hydrocortisone IV. and organ perfusion via minimization of the work
• With persistent hypotension, echocardiography is of breathing and cardiac stress in sepsis-induced
necessary in guiding fluid and vasoactive medica- cardiac dysfunction.11,16
tion management. • In newborns with septic shock, consider early trans-
• Delaying fluid resuscitation and broad-spectrum fer to a NICU.
antibiotics is associated with poor outcomes. • In newborns with septic shock, there is a greater
• Epinephrine or norepinephrine are the first-line role for milrinone in management.72,73
recommended vasoactive medications for pediat- • Group B Streptococcus (GBS) infection is the most
ric septic shock.41,42 common cause of neonatal early- and late-onset
• Vasoactive medications can be administered pe- sepsis.74,75
ripherally or with intraosseous needles until central • For patients who are responsive to fluid resuscita-
access can be achieved.57 tion and vasoactive medications, a hemoglobin
• When intubation is needed, be prepared for threshold of 7 g/dL may be maintained.11
hemodynamic collapse following administration of • For febrile neutropenic cancer patients, consider
medications for rapid sequence induction.11,16 typhlitis for persistent abdominal pain or when there
are even subtle changes found in the perineum.

NOVEMBER 2022 • 24 © 2022 EB MEDICINE

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