CH 3 Forced Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom System

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Mechanical Vibration (MEng 4209) 2019/20



Adama Science & Technology University

Mechanical Vibration (MEng 4209) Chapter 3: FORCED VIBRATION OF SDoF SYSTEMS

3.1 Introduction to Harmonically Excited Vibration

 A mechanical or structural system is said to undergo forced vibration whenever

external energy is supplied to the system during vibration.
 External energy can be supplied through either an applied force or an imposed
displacement excitation.
How to classify forced vibration based on the type of external excitation?

• Forced Vibration can be classified based on the condition of Excitation.

 Harmonic (Periodic)
 Non-periodic (Aperiodic): Transient & Steady State Vibration
 Random.
• In this section, the dynamic response of a SDoF system under harmonic
excitations is included.

shall be considered, where F0 is the amplitude,  is the frequency and  is the phase
angle of the excitation.
…… cont’d
The external applied to vibratory system is considered to be
harmonic, i.e. the response of a linear system subjected to
harmonic excitation is also become harmonic.
 The response amplitude depends on the ratio of the
excitation frequency to the natural frequency.
 Some “common” harmonic forcing functions are:

 Vehicle travelling on pavement corrugations or sinusoidal

 Structures excited by regular (very narrow banded)
ocean/ water waves
3.2 Equation of Motion
 When a force F(t) is applied to a viscously damped SDoF system as shown in the
figure below, the equation of motion from Newton's second law is:

mx  cx  kx  F  t   non homogeneous differential eqn.

…… cont’d
Governing equation of when damped

 The general solution to a non-homogeneous DE is the sum of the homogeneous

solution xh(t) and the particular solution xp(t).

x(t) = xh(t) + xp(t)

 The homogeneous solution represents the solution to the free vibration of SDoF
system which is known to decay over time for all conditions (underdamped,
critically damped and overdamped).
 The general solution therefore reduces to the particular solution xp(t) which
represents the steady-state vibration (that exists as long as the forcing
function is applied).
…… cont’d

Homogenous solution:
decaying vibration @ natural

Particular solution: steady-

state vibration @ excitation

Complete solution
3.2.1 Undamped Harmonically Excited (Forced) SDoF Vibration
.. .
m x  c x  kx  F  t  Equation of motion
F  t  is a harmonic force. It may takes one of the following forms:
F  t   Fo sin t
F  t   Fo cos t Fo is the amplitude of force
F  t   Fo eit  is the frequency of force
 Let the forcing function acting on the mass of an undamped SDoF system be:

F( t )  F0 cos( t )

 The equation of motion reduces to: mx  kx  F0 cos( t )

 The homogeneous solution is:
𝑿𝒉 (𝒕) = 𝑨𝟏 𝒄𝒐𝒔(𝝎𝒏 𝒕) + 𝑨𝟐 𝒔𝒊𝒏(𝝎𝒏 𝒕). . . . 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆𝝎𝒏 =
…… cont’d
 As the excitation is harmonic, the particular solution is also harmonic with the
same frequency:
where B is a constant that denotes the maximum amplitude of xp(t).

x p ( t )  B cos( t )

 Substituting xp(t) in the equation of motion and solving for B gives:

 The complete solution becomes

x( t )  xh ( t )  x p ( t )  A1 cos( nt )  A2 sin( nt )  cos( t )
k  m 2
…… cont’d

 Applying the initial conditions x( t  0 )  x0 and x( t  0 )  x0

F0 x
A1  x0  and A2  0
k  m 2 n

 The complete solution becomes:

 F0   x0  F0
x( t )   x0  2
cos( n t )    sin( n t )  cos( t )
 k  m   n k  m 2

 The maximum amplitude of xp(t) can be written as:

 X/st is the ratio of the dynamic to the static amplitude and is known as the
amplification (magnification) factor or amplitude ratio. It depends on the
frequency ratio r = /n.
…… cont’d
• Case 1: When /n < 1 the denominator of
the steady-state amplitude is positive and
the amplification factor increases as 
approaches the natural frequency n. The
response is in-phase with the excitation
tomorrow .
…… cont’d
Case 2: When /n > 1 the denominator
of the steady-state amplitude is negative
and the amplification factor is redefined
B 1

 st   2
  1
 n
and the steady  state response becomes :
x p ( t )   B cos( t )
which shows that the response is out-of-phase
with the excitation and decreases ( zero ) as
 increases ( )
…… cont’d
Note: that the complete solution

 F0   x0  F0
x( t )   x0  2
cos(  n t )    sin(  n t )  cos( t )
can be written as:  k  m   n k  m 2

 st 
X(t)  Acos( nt   )  cos( t )... for 1
1(  2 n
n )
 st 
X(t)  Acos( nt   )  cos( t )... for 1
1  (  2 n
 )

Where A and 𝜙 are functions of xo and ẋo.

• The complete solution is a sum of two cosines with frequencies corresponding to

the natural frequency and forcing (excitation) frequencies.
…… cont’d
…… cont’d
 Case 3: When /n = 1 the denominator of
the steady-state amplitude is zero and the
response becomes infinitely large. This is
the condition when  = n and is known as

 Applying L’Hospital’s rule, to evaluate the

response of the system when  = n, the
following is obtained.

 Observing the last term of the above equation it can be seen that x(t) increases
indefinitely and the amplitude of the response increases linearly with time.
3.2.2 Damped Harmonically Excited (Forced) SDoF Vibration
• Consider a harmonic forcing function of the form:
.. .
m x  c x  kx  F  t  Equation of motion
F  t  is a harmonic force. It may takes one of the following forms:
F  t   Fo sin t
F  t   Fo cos t Fo is the amplitude of force
F  t   Fo eit  is the frequency of force

F( t )  F0 cos( t )
• The equation of motion of a SDOF system with viscous damping is:

mx  cx  kx  F0 cos( t )
• The steady-state response is given by the particular
solution which is also expected to be harmonic:
x p ( t )  B cos( t   )
…… cont’d
• Substituting xp into the steady-state (governing ) equation of motion yields:

B[( k  m 2 )cos( t   )  c Sint   )  F cos t

• Applying the trigonometric relationships:-

• Equating the coefficients of Cos t and Sin t on both sides of resulting

B[( k  m 2 )cos( t   )  Sin( t   )  F cos t
B 1
[( k  m )  c  ]
2 2 2 2 2

1 c
For the particular solution
  tan ( )
k  m 2
x p ( t )  B cos( t   )
…… cont’d

• Alternatively, the amplitude and phase can be written in terms of the frequency
ratio r = /n and the damping ratio :

B 1 1
 
 st 1 1
 2 2 2 2  2 2 2 2
      1  r

   
2 r
  1      
   
2  
   n    n 
 
  
 2 
 n   2 r 
  a tan  2
 a tan  2
  
1    1 r
   
  n 

• The ratio B/st is known as magnification factor M. Plots of the

magnification factor M and phase angle  against the frequency ratio r
= /n are shown below for various values of damping ratio .
…… cont’d
X 1  2 r 
   a tan  
 st 1
 1  r2 
 2 2 2 2
 1  r    2 r  
 
…… cont’d

• The magnification ratio at all frequencies is

reduced with increased damping.

• The effect of damping on the magnification

ratio is greatest at or near resonance.

• The magnification ratio approaches 1 as the

frequency ratio approaches 0 (known as
degenerate case of a constant force)

• The magnification ratio approaches 0 as the

frequency ratio approaches 
…… cont’d

• For 0 <  < 1/2 the maximum magnification

ratio occurs (Mmax) at r = (1 - 22); that is
 = n (1 - 22) which is lower than both the
undamped natural frequency n and the
damped natural frequency d =  n (1 - 2).
Mmax is given by:
Mmax= 1/[2 (1 - 2)]
Therefore, if Mmax can be measured, the
damping ratio  can be determined from the
above equation.

• When  = 1/2, dM/dr = 0 at r = 0.

• When  > 1/2, M decreases monotonically

with increasing frequency.
…… cont’d

• For undamped systems ( = 0) the phase

angle is 0o (response in-phase with
excitation) for r<1 and 180o (response out-
of-phase with excitation) for r>1.

• For damped systems ( > 0) when r < 1 the

phase angle is less than 90o and response
lags the excitation and when r >1 the
phase angle is greater than 90o and the
response leads the excitation (approaches
180o for large frequency ratios.

• For damped systems ( > 0) when r =1 the

phase lag is always 90o.
…… cont’d

Complete Solution

• The complete solution is the sum of the homogeneous solution xh(t) and the
particular solution xp(t):
…… cont’d
Quality Factor & Bandwidth
• When damping is small ( < 0.05) the peak magnification ratio corresponds with
resonance ( =n). The value of the magnification ratio at resonance is known as
Quality factor (or Q factor). It is given by:
 X  1 1
Q   
  st  n  2
2  2
     
2 2
 
  1      
   
  n  
  n 
 
• The points where the magnification ratio falls
below Q/2, are called the half power points R1
and R2. (Power absorbed by the damper is
proportional to the amplitude squared; i.e.
Power = Fv = cv2 = c(dx/dt)2
• The Quality factor Q can be used to estimate
the equivalent viscous damping of systems.
• The difference between the half power
frequencies is called the bandwidth.
…… cont’d
• The values of the half power frequencies are determined as follows:
…… cont’d
3.3 Response of a Damped System under (Reading Assignment)
Complex notation.
• Recall that a harmonic function may be expressed as follows:
F( t )  F0 cos( t   )  F0 sin( t   )  F0 eit  
• If the harmonic forcing function is expressed in complex form:
F  F0 eit
• The equation of motion for a damped SDOF system becomes:
mx  cx  kx  F0 e
• The actual excitation function is real and is represented by the real part of the
complex function. Consequently, the steady-state response is also real and is
represented by the real part of the complex particular solution which takes the form:
x p ( t )  Beit
Therefore :
x p ( t )  i Beit and x p ( t )   Beit
• Substituting in the eqn. of motion gives:
 m 2 Beit  ic Beit  kBeit  F0 eit
3.3 Response of a Damped System under (contd.)
• The response amplitude becomes:
B  B / F0 is called the RECEPTANCE ( Dynamic compliance )

 k  m 2  ic 
  

multiplying the numerator & deno min ator on the RHS by k  m 2  ic 
and separating real and imaginary components :
 
 k  m 2
c 
B  F0   i 

 k  m
2 2
c 
2 2
 k  m 
2 2
c  
2 2

 y
applying the complex relationships : x  iy  Aei where A  x 2  y 2 and   a tan  
The magnitude of the response can be written as :
F0 i  c 
B e where   a tan  
 k  m 2 

k  m  2 2
 c 
2 2 2
 

And the steady  state solution becomes :
F0 i( t  )
xp( t )  1

 

2 2 2 2
 k  m c  

3.3 Response of a Damped System under (contd.)
• As before the response amplitude:
 
 k  m 2  ic 
 
can be written in terms of the frequency ratio r and the damping ratio  :
kB 1
  H( i )  Complex Frequency Re sponse Function ( FRF )
F0 1  r 2  i2 r
The magnitude of H( i ) is given by :
kB 1
H( i )   which is the same as the magnification ratio M :
1  r 
2 2
  2 r 

It can be shown that the complex FRF and its magnitude are related by :
 2 r 
H( i )  H( i ) e i where ei  cos   i sin  and   a tan  
 1  r2 
The steady  state response can therefore beexp ressed as :
x p ( t )  0 H( i ) ei( t  )
• Measurements of the magnitude FRF can be used to experimentally determine the
values of m, c and k.
3.3 Response of a Damped System under (contd.)

• When the excitation function is described by: F( t )  F0 cos( t )

• The steady-state response is given by the real part of the solution:
F0 F0
xp( t )  1
ei( t  )  1
cos( t   )

 
2 2 2 2 2 
  
2 2
 k  m  c    k  m 2
 c 2 2 
 
F 
 Re  0 H( i )eit 
k 
F 
 Re  0 H( i ) ei( t  ) 
k 
• Conversely, when the excitation function is described by: F( t )  F0 sin( t )
• The steady-state response is given by the imaginary part of the solution:
F0 F0
xp( t )  1
ei( t  )  1
sin( t   )

 
2 2 2 2 2 
  
2 2
 k  m  c    k  m 2
 c 2 2 
 
F 
 Im  0 H( i )eit 
k 
F 
 Im  0 H( i ) ei( t  ) 
k 
3.3 Response of a Damped System under (contd.)

• Harmonic excitation and response can be represented in the complex plane

Steady  state displacement :
x p ( t )  0 H( i ) ei(  t  )
Steady  state velocity :
x p ( t )  i 0 H( i ) ei(  t  )  i x p ( t )
Steady  state acceleration :
2 F
x p ( t )   i  0 H( i ) ei(  t  )   2 x p ( t )
Since i and  1 respectively can be written as :

    i
i  cos    i sin    e 2 and  1  cos    i sin    ei
2 2
• It can be seen that:
 The velocity leads the displacement by 90o and is multiplied by .
 The acceleration leads the displacement by 180o and is multiplied by 2.
3.3 Response of a Damped System under (contd.)
• Complex Vector Notation of Harmonic Motion:

xp( t )  H( i ) ei(  t  ) x p ( t )  i x p ( t ) x p ( t )   2 x p ( t )
3.4 Response of a Damped System under the Harmonic Motion of the Base
• In this case, the excitation is provided by the imposed harmonic motion of the
supporting base.
• The displacement of the base about a neutral position is denoted by y(t) and the
response of the mass from its static equilibrium position by x(t).
• At any time, the deformation of the spring is x – y and the relative velocity between
. .
the two ends of the damper is x y
k( x  y )
• The equation of motion is:
mx  c( x  y )  k( x  y )  0
If y( t )  Y sin( t ) the eqn.of motion becomes :
mx  cx  kx  cy  ky c( x  y )
 cY cos( t )  kY sin( t )
 A sin( t   ) y( t )  Y sin( t )
where A  Y k 2  ( c )2 and   a tan   
 k 
• The applied displacement has the same effect of applying a harmonic force of
amplitude A and frequency  to the mass.
3.4 Response of a Damped System under the Harmonic Motion of the Base (contd.)
• The steady-state response of the mass is given by the particular solution xp(t):

Y k 2  ( c )2
xp( t )  1
sin( t  1   )

 k  m 2 2

 c 2 2 2
 

c  c 
where   a tan    and 1  a tan  
 k   k  m 2 
The solution can be simplified to :
x p ( t )  X sin( t   )
1 1
  2   2
X  k 2  ( c )2  1  ( 2 r ) 2
     Displacement Transmissibility
2 2 2
 k m  2 2
 c  
 
 1  r2 2
 ( 2 r ) 

   
 mc 3
 2 r 3
  a tan  a tan  2
  
 k k  m 2  ( c )2 
  1  ( 4  1 )r 
3.4 Response of a Damped System under the Harmonic Motion of the Base (contd.)
3.4 Response of a Damped System under the Harmonic Motion of the Base (contd.)

Characteristics of the displacement transmissibility:

• The transmissibility is 1 when r = 0

(Degenerate Case of a constant force) and
close to 1 when r is small.

• For undamped systems ( = 0), Td   at

resonance (r = 1)

• For all damping values , Td < 1 for r >2

and Td = 1 for r = 2

• For r <2 Td is inversely proportional to 

• For r >2 Td is proportional to 

3.4 Response of a Damped System under the Harmonic Motion of the Base (contd.)
Transmitted Force
• The force transmitted to the base/support is caused by the reaction of the spring and
F  k( x  y )  c( x  y )  mx
Since the steady  state ( particular ) solution is x p ( t )  X sin( t   ) ,F can be written as :
F  m 2 X sin( t   )  FT sin( t   )
• Where FT is the amplitude of the
transmitted force and is given by:
k( x  y )

c( x  y )
• Note that the transmitted force is
always in–phase with the motion of y( t )  Y sin( t )
the mass x(t):
3.4 Response of a Damped System under the Harmonic Motion of the Base (contd.)

FT  1  ( 2 r ) 2  2
 r2  2
kY  ( 1  r 2
)  ( 2 r ) 
3.5 Response of a Damped System under Rotating Unbalance (Reading

Unbalance in rotating machinery is one

of the main causes of vibration. A
simplified model of such a machine is
shown in Figure. The total mass of the
machine is M, and there are two
eccentric masses m/2 rotating in
opposite directions with a constant
angular velocity w The centrifugal force
(mew2)/2 due to each mass will cause
excitation of the mass M. We consider
two equal masses m/2 rotating in
opposite directions in order to have the
horizontal components of excitation of
the two masses cancel each other.
However, the vertical components of
excitation add together and act along the
axis of symmetry A-A
3.5 Response of a Damped System under Rotating Unbalance

• With the horizontal components cancelled the vertical component of the excitation is:

F( t )  me 2 sin(  t )
The eqn. of motion is :
Mx  cx  kx  me 2 sin(  t )
and the steady  state solution becomes :
 me   2 
 
x p ( t )  X sin(  t   )  Im    H( i ) e i( t ) 
M 
  n  
The response amplitude and phase are given by :
me 2 me    MX r2
X     H( i ) or   r 2 H( i )
1 M  n  me 1

 
2 2 2 
 
2 2 2
2 2
 k  M    c    1  r   2 r  

 c   2 r 
  a tan    a tan  
 k  M 2   1  r2 
3.5 Response of a Damped System under Rotating Unbalance (contd.)

MX r2
 1

 1  r 
2 2 2 2
  2 r  

 r 2 H( i )
 2 r 
  a tan  
 1  r2 
3.6 Response of a Forced Vibration with Coulomb Damping
• The equation of motion for a SDOF with Coulomb damping subjected to a harmonic
force is:
Mx  kx   N  F0 sin(  t )
• If N is large compared to F0, motion of mass m is discontinuous
• If N << F0 motion of mass m will approximate harmonic motion
• When N << F0 an approximate solution to the eqn. of motion may be used by
finding equivalent viscous damping ratio.
• This is achieved by equating dissipated energy for both cases.
• For Coulomb damping, the energy dissipated during a cycle of amplitude X is:

W  4 (  NX )  4 quarter cycles
• For viscous damping, the energy dissipated during a cycle of amplitude X is:
2 /  2 /  2 2
ceq   dt   ceq X 2 cos 2 ( t ) d( t )
W   Fv dt    dt 
t 0 t 0 t 0
  ceq X 2
3.6 Response of a Forced Vibration with Coulomb Damping (contd.)

• Equating the dissipated energies:

4 N
ceq 
 X 2
• And the equivalent damping ratio is defined as:
ceq ceq 4 N 2 N
 eq    
cc 2mn 2mn X  mn X
• The amplitude X and the phase  of the response becomes:
 2
  
  4 N    4 N 
 1  1 
F0    F0   
 F

X   a tan  0 
k  2 2   2 
1 2
 1       
 1  4  N   
   n       F   
       0   

• These approximations are only valid for  N  F0

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