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national 5

January 3-9, 2022 l

Overcoming hardships by
A rebound in trade and
domestic production is
expected to continue driv-
ing the Vietnamese econ-
omy in the new year, after
it reaped positive growth
in 2021, with an expected
top position in ASEAN in
boosting trade and production
economic performance for
2022. Khoi Nguyen reports. Economic growth forecasted for 2022 and 2023 in ASEAN
Unit: per cent

xperts and the govern-
7 7.3
ment highlighted many 6.5 6.9
encouraging outcomes 6.3 5.9 6.3
reaped in the macroeco- 5.3 5.2 5.6 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.4
nomic picture in 2021 last week, 5.1
when they assessed the economic
situation for the year. 4.1
“Thanks to the government’s 3 3.3
flexible policies on controlling
COVID-19 and ensuring social 2.4 2.1
security, and the great consensus
and solidarity of all units, agencies,
and localities, as well as the shar-
ing and support of enterprises and
all people from all walks of life,
economic activities in Q4 and the
whole 2021 have been bouncing
back,” said Nguyen Thi Huong,
general director of the General Sta-
tistics Office (GSO).
According to the GSO, the
economy is estimated to grow 5.22
per cent on-year in Q4, higher than Source: FocusEconomics
the on-year 4.61-per-cent rise in
the corresponding period last year. 6-6.5 per cent as expected by the ucts, such as LG, Canon, and Intel, ics told VIR in a statement that combined with a robust external
The growth rate for the whole National Assembly. have exported these products with production, especially in industrial sector, should boost activity in
of 2021 is estimated to be 2.58 per In October, the total export-im- a total turnover of over $51 billion and processing activities, has been 2022. Our panellists expect GDP
cent – with the rate of 4.72 per cent port turnover hit $55 billion, up in 2021, up 14.4 per cent as com- strongly increasing since October to expand 7.3 per cent in 2022, and
for Q1, 6.73 per cent for Q2, and 2.4 per cent over September, with pared to that in 2020. when the government began to ease 6.9 per cent in 2023.”
-6.02 per cent for Q3 due to serious a trade surplus of $2.74 billion. “The socioeconomic situation social distancing. The Asian Development Bank
resurgence of COVID-19, which In November, the figure reached in Vietnam has steadily recovered, In 2021, Vietnam’s added value has assumed that if the pandemic is
made heavy dents in all sectors of $59.7 billion, with a trade surplus and witnessed encouraging prog- for industrial production increased brought under control and full vac-
the economy and forced many key of $100 million, and in Decem- ress over the past months, as the 4.82 per cent on-year, up from the cination cover 70 per cent of the
economic hubs in the nation to halt ber, the respective figures stood at pandemic is fundamentally under on-year climb of 3.36 per cent in population by the second quarter of
production and business activities. $66.5 billion and $2.54 billion. All control and the economy is gradu- 2020. In which, that of the man- 2022, the growth forecast for 2022
In 2021, the growth rate was 2.9 these figures are over those in the ally reopened,” stated Prime Min- ufacturing and processing sector will be 6.5 per cent.
per cent for the agro-forestry-fish- same period last year. ister Pham Minh Chinh. “The con- creating 80 per cent of industri- The World Bank also released
ery sector – responsible for 13.97 The export-import turnover for fidence of investors and enterprises al growth climbed 6.37 per cent its prediction on Vietnam’s eco-
per cent of economic growth, 4.05 the whole of 2021 hit $668.5 bil- are also increasing.” on-year, higher than the on-year nomic outlook, saying that the
per cent for the industrial and con- lion, up 22.6 per cent on-year. In In 2021, total registered FDI expansion of 5.82 per cent in the economy could expand by 6.5-7
struction sector – creating 63.8 per which the export and import val- hit $31.15 billion, representing an same period last year. Electricity per cent from 2022 onwards.
cent of economic growth, and 1.22 ues totalled $336.25 billion and on-year rise of 9.2 per cent, and production and distribution rose This new projection assumes
per cent for the service sector – $332.25 billion, up 19 and 26.5 per disbursed capital touched $19.74, 5.24 per cent on-year, also higher that the current outbreak will grad-
holding 22.23 per cent of economic cent on-year, respectively. The to- down 1.2 per cent on-year. than the on-year ascension of 3.92 ually be brought under control,
growth. tal trade surplus stood at $4 billion. In Q4, the number of newly es- per cent in 2020. allowing the economy to bounce
“[Vietnam’s] economic condi- The key contributor to the trade tablished businesses reached more “Looking ahead, industrial pro- back.
tions continued to improve. Both surplus in 2021 is foreign-invested than 31.400 registered at over $18 duction is projected to accelerate According to the World Bank’s
industrial production and retail enterprises. Their total export-im- billion, employing 205,100 new la- in 2022 from this year’s estimated fresh bulletin, the policy of living
sales registered a third month of port turnover was $465.72 billion, bourers. These are up 70.4 per cent level, as the pandemic abates and with COVID-19 will involve con-
growth,” said the World Bank in including $247.54 billion in export in the number of enterprises, 64.1 associated restrictions are eased,” tinued vigilance and fast action by
its December bulletin on Viet- turnover (including crude oil ex- per cent in capital, and 24.7 per stated FocusEconomics. “More- the authorities, both in vaccination
nam’s economic situation. “Mer- ports) – up 21.1 per cent over the cent in labourers, all on-year. over, the underlying strength of and in social distancing, testing,
chandise exports hit a record high same period last year, and $218.18 “Thus, just two months of im- Vietnam’s industrial sector remains and quarantining.
of $34.5 billion in December, billion in import turnover – up 29.1 plementing the government’s Res- intact: Vietnam is an attractive low- “There is also a clear need for
helping maintain a third consecu- per cent on-year. These compa- olution No.128/NQ-CP dated Oc- cost base for manufacturing firms, fiscal policy support to boost pri-
tive month of trade surplus while nies’ 2021 trade surplus hit $29.36 tober 11 on provisional guidelines including those looking to relocate vate demand and help the domestic
foreign direct investment (FDI) billion. on safe adaptation to the pandemic, from China due to the US-China economy recover. Providing finan-
commitment recovered after a According to the GSO, the enterprises’ registrations in the re- trade tensions.” cial assistance to impacted workers
brief dip in October.” biggest driver of Vietnam’s export maining months of the year have FocusEconomics estimates that and households would be an essen-
turnover is the shipment of mobile flourished,” said Huong of the industrial output will grow 9.2 tial avenue to achieve this objec-
Trade bouncing back phones and their spare parts, which GSO. per cent in 2022, and 9.4 per cent tive,” said the bulletin.
Figures from the GSO showed fetched $57.54 billion, up 12.4 per “The current hardships are in 2023. “Given the available fiscal
that after six months of consecu- cent on-year. In Vietnam, Samsung just temporary and the Vietnam- space, and difficulties registered in
tive trade deficit, Vietnam’s trade accounts for over 90 per cent of the ese economy, with its solid mac- Rosy projections implementing the budget in 2021,
balance returned to a trade sur- export turnover of these products. roeconomic foundation and stable FocusEconomics said, “The another policy option for consider-
plus, beginning from October. The group has invested over $17.7 major balances, is still capable of economy is estimated to grow ation is a reduction in value-added
This is quite a positive signal for billion in Vietnam. offering vast potential, advantages, at the fastest rate in the region in tax for 2022 to support private con-
the economy’s gradual recovery Samsung and many other man- and drivers for future growth,” PM 2022, following 2021’s projected sumption. Continued close moni-
which will help the economy to ufacturers of computers, laptops, Chinh stressed. solid expansion. Higher growth toring of the financial sector is also
reach higher growth in 2022, at and many other electronic prod- Global analysts FocusEconom- in consumer and capital spending, warranted.”n

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