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Ways to

Quit Smoking

An Ebook By QuitSure
Smoking is dangerous for our health.
This is something we all have heard on a daily
basis. How? You already know the answer. So we
won't delve into the details about it. We also
won't be telling you about the negative effects of
This is your quick guide on how to quit smoking -
which methods are out there, and how you can
incorporate the best techniques in your quit

Is it Difficult to Quit Smoking?
An average smoker makes 30 quitting attempts.
Between 2012-2018, around 16 million smokers
in the USA tried to quit smoking. Billions of
dollars were spent by the Government in various
quitting methods including doctor’s advice,
quitlines, nicotine replacement therapy, etc. Only
around 1 million of them (6%) succeeded. Why is
smoking so difficult to quit?
Let’s compare different methods of quitting.

Cold Turkey Telephonic NRT Medicines In Person

(Willpower) (Quit Line) (Gums, (e.g. Varenicline, Therapy
Patches, etc) etc) QuitSure

Success Rate 4% 5% 6-8% 7-15% 30% 95%

Time Required 0 8 8-12 8-12 12 1-2

to Quit (weeks) Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks

Effort High High Moderate Moderate High Low

Required Cravings Cravings Cravings Side-Effects Cravings Cravings

(approx) 0 0 $150 $400 $1000 $20-40

It is quite evident that most of the quitting

methods are largely ineffective. But why is it so? It
is not because there is something wrong with a
smoker. The methods are ineffective because
they only deal with one part of the problem -
chemical addiction to nicotine. A small chunk of
the truth pie! 3
Understanding your Addiction
Chemical Addiction:
The nature of nicotine addiction is that the brain
becomes dependent on nicotine instantly. After a
smoke, as the time passes, the levels of nicotine
in the brain falls. This creates an uncomfortable
feeling of urge. This urge is nothing but the NEED
to restore the nicotine levels. So we have to
smoke again. And then again. And the cycle

I am such a loser!
I Just cannot quit smoking. I’Ve Hey! We know it is not your
tried and tried, yet something fault. Such is the game of
Keeps pulling me back... addiction. Take a breath!
We are here for you!

How? What Are you going to do Proceed, Read and Find the
differently that I have not answer that you seek! I will be
tried yet? right here - to answer your
queries and quell your worries.

What is worse is that over the years, we need to
increase our smoking. That is again the nature of
any chemical addiction. Have you noticed your
smoking increasing over time? In the earlier
years, we were happy with one or two cigarettes
a day. But later, even 10 cigarettes don’t give the
satisfaction. That is the trap of chemical
It is not your fault. There is nothing wrong with you.
That is how any addiction works.
Most quitting methods only deal with the
chemical addiction. Nicotine is a highly addictive
substance. Nicotine stimulates the brain's
pleasure centres and is proven to be as addictive
as cocaine or even more than that.
Mental Addiction:
For the people who
smoke, cigarettes
make up a major
part of their daily
routine. Right from
when they start
their day, people
integrate cigarettes into their daily life - To get out
of bed, with their morning coffee, to feel awake,
to go to the loo, to handle the work stress, while
having a chat with a colleague, to cope with their
breakup, to enjoy with their friends, etc.
Cigarettes become their inseparable confidante.
Smokers have hundreds of reasons to smoke.
Whenever someone asked you why you smoke,
what was your response? It wasn’t that you
needed to consume nicotine because your brain
is chemically addicted to it. Whatever your
response was, that is your psychological
connection with smoking.

For example, most smokers believe that it helps

relieve stress. So whenever they are stressed,
they are naturally triggered to smoke.
We all have many such mental associations with
smoking. All these reasons or mental
associations with smoking become the mental
dependence or mental addiction.
Since smokers develop such deep emotional and
psychological connections with these sticks, letting
them go becomes all the more difficult.

So then, How to Quit Smoking?
To quit smoking, you have to remove both the
chemical and mental addiction.
Chemical addiction is easy to remove. You can
just cut the supply of nicotine and your body
will detoxify for a week or so. And then you
won’t feel the need for nicotine.
But to remove the mental addiction, you need
to change your mindset and thought patterns.
Without changing these, you will always feel
cravings for smoke, even months after quitting.
Once you deal with the mental addiction, the
desire to smoke will go away completely. This
will make quitting easy, without cravings.


Thoughts Habit Behavior No Cravings No Smoking Freedom

Quit Smoking Success Rates

95% 6% 5% 4% 2%
National Toll Doctor’s
Replacement Cold-Turkey
Free Quitline Advice

How to Remove Mental Addiction?
Programs like NLP, Hypnosis, CBT, psychological
consultations and other brain reprogramming
courses deal with the mental addiction. So these
are helpful. However, these can cost anywhere
from $100 to $250.
These work on the mental addiction and help the
person to change their mindset regarding
QuitSure has incorporated the science of these
methods and created a Do-it-yourself program
which is very cost efficient and you can do it from
your smartphone at your own pace. You also get
support and guidance from the expert psychologists
of the QuitSure team.

Cost Efficient

Self Paced

Get Guidance from

Coaches in-app

You are not Alone
While most people around you will tell you,
“smoking is bad, just quit” or "You only need
determination and willpower to quit smoking", it
is natural that we feel lonely in our quitting
attempts. The reality is that people around us
have no idea how to quit smoking because they
haven't quit themselves! So it becomes important
that we connect with like-minded people to help
us in our journey. We should learn from those
who have already quit smoking.

We all need that someone that

gets you like no one, right
through the highs and the lows.
I need support.
We all need a soul to rely on, a
How do I go about with this?
shoulder to cry on! This
I am not gonna make it alone.
community can be that for you.

Quitting requires regular motivation also. So take
the first step towards your quit journey and join
our fastest-growing quit smoking group on the
internet (20K+ members). You don’t have to quit

All you need is to take the first step. Join the Community today:

Unintentionally, the group has become the best

support group for people trying to quit smoking.
Our clients are generous with their knowledge
and very encouraging towards new people
starting their journey. So if you are a new user,
feel free to join the group. Whereas other support
groups charge you around $80 a month, our
support group is free of charge!
If you already feel highly motivated and want to
quit smoking in the next couple of days, then we
recommend using our 6 day quit smoking plan.

Join Now
How QuitSure Works:
QuitSure app provides a 6-day plan to quit
Daily videos, thinking exercises, and
mindfulness techniques to eliminate mental
Get a specialist coach to support your
Continue smoking during the program. Quit
when you are ready.
Provides you with a support network and
tools to manage your triggers.

Why QuitSure Works:

QuitSure removes your mental addiction and
changes your relationship with smoking by
using psychological techniques
QuitSure trains your mind by using positive
psychology, not fear or guilt
Educates you about the reasons behind your
triggers and cravings
Using behavioural science and
neuroplasticity to remove your cravings

If you are still deciding whether you want to quit
smoking or not, then we recommend joining
our Facebook group and taking an informed
decision based on the experiences of thousands
of ex-smokers. You can always ask questions to
fellow quitters.

Download QuitSure
If you have already made up your mind to make
the most refreshing change of your life, you can
click the relevant button to be directed to the
QuitSure page on your app/play store.

ht ps:/ ap s.ap /quitsure-quit-smoking-easily/id15239 2725 ht ps:/ play.go s/details?id=org.instaquit.ap &hl=en_IN&gl=US
If none of these buttons take you to the page,
you can also just search for “QuitSure” on your
app/play store.

So what would be your
first step today?

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