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and Analysis
Egypt-Japan University of
Science and Technology
Technology Management Department Publication
Integrated laboratory
techniques for better results
Table of Contents
-Materials Characterization
-Definition of materials characterization
-Methods and equipment used in materials Characterization
-Choosing the best technique and equipment for your characterization
-Materials Analysis
-Definition of materials analysis
-Methods and equipment used in materials analysis
-Choosing the best technique and equipment for your Analysis
-Contacting us to make use of our Services for out of EJUST Academia and Industry
Technology Management Department , introducing this very simplified and easy -to-understand Materials Characterization and
Analysis Publication , for those who are not specialists in that broad field of science . Actually , this booklet is made due to the
need of all E-JUST students , researchers , and our industry partners to draw them the right track for analyzing or characteri zing
any substance or material used in their scientific researches . Honestly , we tried very hard to collect the whole techniques and
methods of characteriz atio n and analysis in ONE coherent , homogeneous , and well -organiz ed publication .
Definition of Materials Characterization
Materials Characterization ; refers to the broad and general process by which a material's structure and properties are probed
and measured. It is a fundamental process in the field of materials science, without which no scientific understanding of
materials could be ascertained. The scope of the term often is very wide ; here , we will accept the broad definition of materials
characterization which contains Microscopic Characterization , Spectroscopic Characterization , and Macroscopic
Characterization ( Mechanical and Thermal properties ) . The scale of the structures observed in materials characterization
ranges from angstroms, such as in the imaging of individual atoms and chemical bonds, up to centimeters, such as in the
imaging of coarse grain structures in metals. While many characterization techniques have been practiced for centuries, such as
basic optical microscopy, new techniques and methodologies are constantly emerging. In particular the advent of the Electron
Microscope and X-Ray Characterization in the 20th century has revolutionized the field, allowing the imaging and
characterizing of structures and compositions on much smaller scales than was previously possible, that lead to a huge increase
in the level of understanding why different materials show different properties and behaviors .
Microscopic Characterization of Materials

Microscopy is a category of characterization techniques which probe and map the surface and sub -surface structure of a
material. These techniques can use photons , electrons , ions or physical cantilever probes to gather data about a sample's
s t r u c t u r e o n a r a n g e o f l e n g t h s c a l e s . S o m e c o m m o n E -J U S T m i c r o s c o p y i n s t r u m e n t s i n c l u d e ;
Watching the Nanoworld in close
Providing value in our analysis and
characterization services
Optical Microscopy

Laser microscopy is the primary mean for students , and academia & industry researchers to examine the microstructure of
materials. Laser microscopy has been widely used by academia and industry researchers to dig into the sub-macroscopic level
of materials . This basic technique is not only used for examining metals, but also are used for examining ceramics and
polymers etc. Also , laser microscopy is introduced as a basic tool for the 3D microstructural examination of materials . EJUST
is so proud to have one of most advanced laser microscopy labs in Egypt which includes ;

Keyence VK-X100 Keyence VHX-1000 Keyence VW-900E

3D Laser Scanning Microscope : This Di gi t a l M i c rosc ope : R e a l t i m e 2 D / 3 D High Speed Microscope/Camera : High -
microscope combines the capabilities of microscope for automotive/metal , material/ Speed imaging for slow motion analysis of
Opt ic al M ic ro sc ope wi th S ca nn in g chemical , and semiconductor/electronics extremely fast phenomena such as Spark-
Electron Microscope and roughness applications . Initiation up to 230,000 frame per second
gauge at 200x—24,000x magnification .
Scanning Electron Microscopy

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) is the most widely used type of electron
microscopes .
Examining microscopic structure by scanning the surface of materials, similar to scanning
confocal microscopes but with much higher resolution and much greater depth of field.

SEM image is formed by a focused electron beam that scans over the surface area of a
specimen .
Specs & Options

Resolution : High Vacuum mode: 4nm (20kV), 8nm (3kV), 15nm (1kV) , Low Vacuum mode: 5nm (20kV) BSE
Accelerating Voltage : 500V to 20kV
Magnification : x5 to x300,000 (printed as a 128mm x 96mm micrograph)
LV Detector : Multi-segment BSED
LV Pressure : 10 to 100 Pa
Maximum specimen size Observation: 125mm diameter, Loadable: 152mm, Height: 50mm
Scanning Probe Microscopy
Shimadzu SPM-9700

Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) is a technique to examine materials with a solid

probe for scanning the surfaces.
SPM is relatively new for materials characterization compared with laser and
electron microscopy.
Examining surface features whose dimensions range from atomic spacing to a
tenth of a millimeter.
Specs & Options

Observation Modes: Standard , Contact, Dynamic Phase, Lateral Force (LFM), Force Modulation .

Resolution : X, Y 0.2 nm, Z 0.01 nm .

Max. scanning range (X, Y, Z): 30 µm x 30 µm x 5 µm (standard) .

Environment Controlled Chamber

Temperature & humidity control unit

Transmission Electron Microscopy

Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) is the most advanced technique in

Electron Microscopy in which a beam of electrons is transmitted through a
specimen to form an image .
Specimen is most often an ultrathin section less than 100 nm thick or a
suspension on a grid .
Image is being magnified and focused onto an imaging device , such as a
fluorescent screen , a layer of photographic film , or a sensor such as a charge-
coupled device .
We have the most advanced TEM in the whole region with very special Field
Emission unit .
Specs & Options
Resolution : Lattice Image: 0.1 nm (Ultra High Resolution)
Point Image : 0.19 nm (Ultra High Resolution)
Accelerating voltage : 80 to 200 kV
Magnification : x2,000 to 1,500,000 (Mag Mode (30)
Ion Slicer : EM-0900IS
Spectroscopic Characterization of Materials

This group of techniques use a range of principles to reveal the chemical composition, composition variation, crystal structure
and photoelectric properties of materials. Some E-JUST common instruments and techniques used in the Spectroscopic
Characterization of materials include :
X-Ray Diffractometry
Shimadzu XRD-6100

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the most effective method for determining the crystal
structure of materials .
Diffraction methods can identify chemical compounds from their crystalline
structure, not from their compositions of chemical elements. So , different
compounds (or phases) that have the same composition can be identified .
X-Ray Diffraction by crystals was discovered in 1912, and since then , it has been
the most extensively studied and used technique for materials characterization.

We have one of the most advanced XRD matching libraries delivered by ICDD to
identify and compare among 400,000 different materials .
Specs & Options
X-Ray Tube : Max. Output 3kW with Copper source
X-Ray Generator : Max.Tube Voltage 60 kV
Goniometer : Vertical Type (Scanning Radius 185 mm)
Min. Step Angle : 0.002°(2θ), 0.001°(θ) , Detector : NaI Scintillation Counter
X-Ray Fluorescence
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is the emission of characteristic
"secondary" (or fluorescent) X-rays from a material that has
been excited by bombarding with high -energy X-rays
or gamma rays.
This phenomenon is widely used for elemental
analysis and chemical analysis, particularly in the
investigation of metals, glass, ceramics and building
materials, and for research in geochemistry, forensic
science, archaeology and art objects such as paintings
and murals .

Specs & Options

Cartesian geometry energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence for trace element

analysis up to Thorium & Uranium in the periodic table at lower ppb level ,
Transmissive Film FP Module Ultra Carry , Polarized 50W X-ray source and
SOD detector , He gas purge unit , Up to 15 - Position Sample Tray , FP
and scattering FP for powders, pellets, liquids, fusions and metals
Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectrometer
Bruker Vertex 70
FTIR is an infrared spectroscopy in which the Fourier transform method is used to obtain an infrared spectrum in a whole rang e of wave
numbers simultaneously.

FTIR is the most widely used spectroscopic technique for characterization of the whole range of organic materials in its sol id or liquid
forms .

Different from the dispersive method that entails creating a spectrum by collecting signals at each wave number separately
We have very advanced IR spectra library to facilitate the job of identifying any unknown material , especially , raw materia ls of very wide
range of industries .
Specs & Options

Spectral Range : 8,000 to 350 cm-1 with KBr beam splitter

Resolution : 0.16 cm-1

High Resolution Scanner

Narrow Band MCT Detector, Liquid N2 Cooled

Diamond ATR Probe for organic intermediates detection

UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
Hitachi U-3900

Ultraviolet-Visible spectrophotometry (UV-Vis ) refers to

absorption spectroscopy or reflectance spectroscopy in the
ultraviolet-visible spectral region.

Absorption or reflectance in the visible range directly affects the

perceived color of the chemicals involved. In this region of the
electromagnetic spectrum, molecules undergo electronic
This technique is ideal for colored materials . Unlike the colorless
materials , that , could not be characterized by this way of
spectroscopic characterization .
Specs & Options

Double-beam single-monochromator system .

Wavelength range : 190 to 900 nm .

Band pass : Variable 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 5 nm , Detector: Single Photomultiplier . .

Raman Spectrometer
Lambda Solutions Dimension- P2 Raman Systems

Raman spectroscopy is based on the Raman scattering phenomenon of electromagnetic

radiation by molecules.
Light scattered by molecules both elastically and in-elastically .

Elastic scattering is called Rayleigh scattering while inelastic scattering is called Raman
scattering .
Specs & Options

Raman Resolution : up to 4cm-1

Wave-numbers Coverage: : 140-3000 cm-1

Detector : Pelletier-TE-cooled CCD

Excitation Laser : 785 nm (up to 700 mW)

Laser Fiber
Fluorescence Lifetime Measuring System
Horiba FluoroCube 3000U-EYM1

Excited state dynamics and Characterizing Organic dyes and Fluorescent

molecules .
Specs & Options

Photon counting lifetime measuring system with TSPC and MSC modes

Emission monochromator : Seya-Namioka type, featuring motorized wavelength drive (200

nm to 800 nm), integral safety shutters, and synchronized manually adjustable slits (1 nm
to 32 nm)

TBX-04 (185 - 650 nm) picosecond photon-detection module

NanoLED pulsed diode controller module

Pursuing responsible and deeper
understanding of materials
Supporting progress in this rapidly
growing field by keeping ourselves updated
Fluorescence Spectrometer
Hitachi F-2700

A fluorometer or fluorimeter is a device used to measure parameters of fluorescence:

its intensity and wavelength distribution of emission spectrum after excitation by a
certain spectrum of light . These parameters are used to identify the presence and
the amount of specific molecules in a medium. Modern fluorometers are capable of
detecting fluorescent molecule concentrations as low as 1 part per trillion.

Fluorescence analysis can be orders of magnitude more sensitive than other

techniques. Applications include chemistry
biochemistry, medicine, environmental monitoring. For instance, they are used to
measure chlorophyll fluorescence to investigate plant physiology.

Specs & Options

Light source : 150W Xenon lamp (self-deozonating lamp house) .

Sensitivity : 800 or more (RMS) (bandpass 5nm, response time 2S) .

Bandpass : 2.5, 5, 10, 20 nm (both Ex and Em) .

Macroscopic Characterization of Materials
Thermal and Mechanical Properties

The first step in any characterisation of a material or an object made of a material is often a macroscopic
observation. This is simply looking at the material with the naked eye. This simple process can yield a large amount
of information about the material such as the colour of the material, its luster (does it display a metallic luster), its
shape (whether it displays a regular, crystalline form), its composition (is it made up of different phases), its
structural features (does it contain porosity) etc. Often, this investigation yields clues as to what other tests could
be performed to fully identify the material or to solve a problem that has been experienced in use.
Universal Testing Machine
Shimadzu AG-X plus

Mechanical testing , including tensile, compressive, torsional, creep, fatigue,

toughness and hardness testing .

Specs & Options

The system with full options enables us carrying out complete mechanical test

under following conditions not only for metal samples but also polymers and fibers.

Capacity : up to 100 kN .

Testing speed range : 0.0 to 300 mm/min .

Temperature range: -70 °C to 300 °C .

Hardness Testing Machine
Shimadzu HMV-2

In recent years , instruments have been increasingly used by inexperienced

operators . At the same time , reliable measurements are essential in order to
ensure quality , so instruments are needed that can be used easily by anyone ,
with no risk of human measurement error . Our Micro Hardness Tester ,
featuring automatic measurement , has been standardized as a response to
such demands .

Specs & Options

Reading Resolution : Manual reading 0.25 µm (×40 objective lens),

Automatic reading 0.125 µm (×40 objective lens)

Effective measuring range : Approx. 100 × 140 µm (V × H) (×40 objective lens)

Min. readable length : 13 µm(×40 objective lens)

Thermal Analysis System
Linseis Thermal Analysis Systems

Thermal Testing , Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) ,

Dielectric Thermal Analysis , Thermo-gravimetric Analysis
(TGA) , and Impulse Excitation Technique (IET) .
Specs & Options

Differential Scanning Calorimeter (Linseis STA PT1600/1000/LT)

Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer (Linseis STA PT1600/1000/LT)

Thermo Mechanical Analyzer (Linseis TMA PT-1000)

The above system with full options enables us carrying out complete ther-
mo mechanical analysis (expansion, tension, compression and penetration)
up to 1400 oC, and differential scanning calorimetry and thermal gravi-
metric analysis from -150 to 1400 oC.
Choosing the best technique and equipment
for your materials characterization
After referring to the a pre-mentioned Characterization techniques and equipment you can now , easily , choose your most
suitable and convenient way of characterization . We recommend using not less than ONE technique or equipment to reach
satisfying results for your tests and experiments and to get precise Characterization of your samples . In case , you could not
select or pick yo ur ideal technique , please , contact our qualified engineers and chemist to get more help .
An established name that people trust
Our services are synonymous
with success and precision
Definition of Materials Analysis

Materials Analysis means the quantitative methods and equipment used to provide us with “Numerical Information” about
the components and constituents of any material . In materials analysis we are using two main techniques ; the
Chromatography Technique (A Separation Technique) and Elemental Analysis Technique . We will mention some details
relating these two ways of analysis in the coming few pages .
Materials Analysis by a separation Method

Chromatography encompasses a diverse and important group of methods that allow the separation, identification, and
determination of closely related components of complex mixtures; many of these separations are impossible by other means.' In
all chromatographic separations the sample is dissolved in a mobile phase, which may be a gas, a liquid, or a super critical
fluid .This mobile phase is then forced through an immiscible stationary phase, which is fixed in place in a column or on a s olid
surface. The two phases are chosen so that the components of the sample distribute themselves between the mobile and
stationary phases to varying degrees. Those components strongly retained by the stationary phase move only slowly with the
flow of mobile phase. In contrast, components that are weakly held by the stationary phase travel rapidly. As a consequence o f
these differences in migration rates, sample components separate into discrete bands, or zones, that can be analyzed
quantitatively. .
Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 Ultra

Gas Chromatograph combined with mass spectrometry (GCMS) .

Applications of this sort of analysis include ; drug detection , fire
investigation , environmental analysis , explosives investigation ,
and identification of unknown samples
Specs & Options

Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

Ion Source: EI
Mass Range: m/z 1.5 to 1090
Mass Resolution: 2M(FWHM)
Sensitivity: EI (Scan Mode) 1 pg octafluoronaphthalene 272 S/N ≧ 500
Scan Rate: up to 20,000 amu/sec
Column: Capillary Column
Vacuum System: Turbo-Molecular Pump + Rotary Pump , Autosampler
Gas Chromatography
Shimadzu GC-2014B

Gas Chromatograph (GC) can do a quantitative Analysis of various chemicals that

can be vaporized without decomposition .
Specs & Options

Column : Capillary and Packed Column .

Detector : FID and TCD .

Gas Sampling Unit .

Ion Chromatography
Shimadzu LC-20AD sp

Ion Chromatograph (IC) has the ability to detect and separate almost any kind
of charged molecule including large proteins , small nucleotides and amino
acids .

Specs & Options

Solvent Delivery Unit LC-20AD

Photo-diode Array detector SPD-M20A

Differential Refractive Index Detector RID-10A

On-line Degassing Unit DGU-20A3

Column Oven CTO-20A

Auto-Sampler SIL-20AHT

System Controller CBM-20Alite

Rich culture of innovation and creativity
Measuring our performance
at every single step
Liquid Chromatography
Mass Spectrometry
Shimadzu LCMS-2020
Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (LCMS) has
Separation capabilities of
liquid chromatography with mass analysis function for
separation and general identification

of chemicals present in even very complex mixtures .

Specs & Options

Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

UV-VIS detector , Vacuum System: Turbo-Molecular Pump

+ Rotary Pump Ion Source : ESI, APCI , Mass Range : m/z 10 to 2000

Sensitivity : ESI Reserpine 1pg S/N(RMS)>100, APCI Reserpine 1pg S/N

(RMS)>100 , Scan Rate: up to 15,000 amu/sec , Autosampler

Elemental Analysis
Elemental Analysis is the technique for determining the elemental composition of an analyte by its electromagnetic or mass
spectrum. Several analytical techniques are available, including Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICPMS) , Atomic
Absorption (AA) , Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOC) , and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF) . Selecting the most
appropriate one is the key to achieving accurate, reliable, real-world results. Proper selection requires a basic understanding of
each technique since each has its individual strengths and limitations. It also requires a clear understanding of your labora tory’s
analytical requirements. The following lines will give you a basic overview of the most commonly used techniques and provide
th e i n f or m at i o n n e ce s sa r y t o h e l p y o u s el e c t t h e o ne t ha t b e s t s u it s y o u r s p ec i fi c ne e ds a nd a pp l ic a t io n s .
Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
Agilent 7700x ICP-MS
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), the
Argon ICP generates singly charged ions from the elemental
sp ec ie s w it hi n a s am pl e th a t ar e di r ec te d in t o a ma s s
spectrometer and separated according to their mass-to-charge
ratio. Ions of the selected mass -to-charge ratio are then
directed to a detector that determines the number of ions
present . It is also one of the few analytical techniques that
allows the quantification of elemental isotopic concentrations
and ratios . This equipment has an Ultra high-sensitivity mass
spectrometry capable of detecting metals at concentrations as
low as one part in Billion (Part Per Billion ppb) and lower till
reaching the Part Per Quadrillion ppq .
Specs & Options

7000x ICP-MS Main Unit , Agilent Mass Hunter Workstation for 7700 Integrated
Autosampler , Reaction Cell : Temperature-controlled octopole collision/reaction
system , Detector : Electron multiplier detector with 9 orders dynamic range
Atomic Absorption
Shimadzu AA-7000

Atomic Absorption (AA) occurs when a ground state atom absorbs

energy in the form of light of a specific wavelength and is elevated
to an excited state. The amount of light energy absorbed at this
wavelength will increase as the number of atoms of the selected
element in the light path increases. The relationship between the
amount of light absorbed and the concentration of analytes present
in known standards can be used to determine unknown sample
concentrations by measuring the amount of light they absorb. This
device has many applications in pharmacology , environmental
studies , biophysics , and toxicology .
Specs & Options

Double-Beam optics and stable hardware achieve superior stability

Very low limits of detection
Very advanced safety technology
Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
Shimadzu TOC-L

Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOC) has the ability to analyze the Total
Carbon present in organics . This device is ideal for water quality analysis ,
pharmaceutical and petroleum industry .
Specs & Options

680 °C combustion catalytic oxidation

Non-dispersive infrared detection (NDIR) method
Measured Items : TC, IC, TOC (= TC-IC), NPOC
Measurement Range : TC: 0 to 30,000 mg/L, IC: 0 to 3,000 mg/L
Detection Limit: TC : 50 μg/L, IC: 4 μg/L, TN: 20 μg/L , Autosampler
X-Ray Fluorescence

X-Rays Fluorescence (XRF) has a very important role in

Elemental Analysis , particularly in investigation of
metals , glass , ceramics , and building materials . For
more information relating this device you can return to
XRF in the characterization section , above . This
technique is also mentioned , here , in materials analysis
due to its huge ability to quantify very wide range of
elements and oxides present in solid and liquid samples .

Specs & Options

Cartesian geometry energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence for trace

element analysis up to Thorium & Uranium in the periodic table at
lower ppb level , Transmissive Film FP Module Ultra Carry , Polarized
50W X-ray source and SOD detector , He gas purge unit , Up to 15 -
Position Sample Tray , FP and scattering FP for powders, pellets, liquids,
fusions and metals
Additional Analysis Techniques
Particle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer
Malvern Zetasizer Nano Series

This device is used to measure the Particle Size of any

material that could be suspended in a solvent . The precision
reaches the limit of 20 nm . This Technique uses the
properties of the Laser Beam . Also , this device can measure
the potential of charged particles present in any medium

Specs & Options

Temperature control range from 0o C to 90o C Standard

laser 10mW , 633 nm , Min sample volume 12 micro-liter ,
Zeta Potential Range : +/- 500 mV
Surface Area Analyzer

This technique is using liquid Nitrogen to determine the surface area of any material .
Especially , the Nano-Catalysis substances . This technique is very important for many
research sectors .

Specs & Options

Up to 6 samples per run .

Nitrogen as adsorption gas .

400o C maximum pretreatment temperature .

0.01 m2/g and more as a measurable specific surface area range .

Choosing the best technique and equipment
for your materials Analysis

After referring to the a pre-mentioned analysis techniques and equipment you can now choose your most suitable and
convenient way of analysis . We recommend using not less than ONE technique or equipment to assure satisfying results for
your tests and experiments and to reach precise Analysis of your samples . In case , you could not select or pick your ideal
technique , please , contact o ur engineers and chemists to get more help. .
Empowering the future of science
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People who trusted us
List of companies and institutions , that , we delivered them our services
Egyptian Steel for Steel Production

MIDO Company for coatings and Paints

PHARCO Company for Pharmaceutical Industries

Serioplast International Company for Plastic Industries

Sarrdesign for water mixers

Rubex International Company for Plastic Industries

Egyptian Petrochemicals Company

Pharonia Company for Pharmaceutical Industries

Amriya Company for Pharmaceutical Industries

Egyptian Petrochemicals Holding Company
Egyptian Linear Alkyl Benzene Company
Egyptian-European Company

for Pharmaceutical Industries

Pharco B International for

Pharmaceutical Industries

Easy Company for Health and Beauty Care Products

SPIMACO MISR Company for Pharmaceutical Industries
Faculty of Science-Alex University
Faculty of Agriculture-Alex University

Faculty of Engineering-Alex University

Faculty of Pharmacy-Alex University Faculty of Dentistry-Alex University

Institute of Graduate Studies and Research-Alex University Medical Research Institute-Alex University

Pharos University in Alexandria

City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications Faculty of Science-Kaferelsheikh University

Faculty of Science-Mansoura University Faculty of Science-Fayoum University
Faculty of Science-Cairo University

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Offering wide range of services
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For any further inquiries , please , visit our website :

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We are providing our consultation services on same number . For getting

the maximum benefit Please , call us from 9 am to 10:30 am (Fridays-Saturdays-Off)

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P.O Box 179, New Borg El-Arab City, Postal Code 21934, Alexandria, Egypt

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