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Population and it’s changes

(Words: 438)

The Earth is getting warmer because more and more people are living on it. People use

things like oil and coal to power their homes and cars, and this releases a gas called

carbon dioxide into the air. This gas makes the Earth's atmosphere trap more heat from

the sun, making the Earth warmer overall. The sea levels are rising because the oceans

are getting warmer. The warmer water causes the ice to melt and the sea level to rise.

The Earth is going through a lot of changes and one of them is longer and more intense

droughts. This means that there will not be as much water for crops, wildlife, and

people. From polar bears in the Arctic to marine turtles off the coast of Africa, species

around the world are at risk from the changing climate. Climate change is a threat to the

environment and WWF works to protect it. We need to stop polluting the air with carbon

and we need to start preparing for the consequences of global warming.

. As the world's population grows, so does the amount of greenhouse gases

being released into the atmosphere. This is causing problems for ecosystems all over

the world. The IPCC has identified population growth as an immediate driver of

Because the population is growing, we are using more fossil fuels and causing more

pollution. We need to stop using so much fossil fuel and also help people adapt to a

changing climate. To do this, we need to support policies that will quickly reduce

emissions and help people be more resilient.

They have a program called the Global Population and Environment Program,

which studies how population growth and consumption patterns affect the environment.

Climate change and slow population growth are the main challenges facing our global

civilization, according to the Worldwatch Institute. The article is about how important it is

to protect forests and animals. It says that if we are successful in doing this, it will make

other challenges like reversing deforestation and stabilizing water tables much more

manageable. The Earth's climate is changing and if we can't stop it, we won't be able to

save any of the Earth's ecosystems.

In conclusion, The Earth is getting warmer because more and more people are

living on it. People use things like oil and coal to power their homes and cars, and this

releases a gas called carbon dioxide into the air. This gas makes the Earth's

atmosphere trap more heat from the sun, making the Earth warmer overall. We need to

stop using fossil fuel and help people adapt to a changing climate.


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