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Sustainable development goals the victims of unsustainability

(Words: 814)
Environmental unsustainability is caused by structural features of industrial capitalism
and population growth. Sustainability literature criticizes the power hegemonies of
corporate and political leaders who want to keep economic growth going. These
hegemonies are also seen as too strong for citizen-consumers to fight against them. All
of the above contribute to more ecological products and technologies. Human beings
are the most crucial entity in the universe, so we need Anthropocentrism.
The information I have learned after reading the article helps me understand the
topic this week. I've learned a few critical things to know how the development came
about. The idea of development is the first thing I have learned. This concept started out
as a simple idea and has been developed. Back in the early twentieth century, this was
not considered a thing. Significant changes were made in the policies, and economic
development was only brought up. The idea of development is the first thing I have
learned after learning about financial and sustainable development. The concept started
out as a simple idea and has been developed. The idea of development is the first thing
that I have learned, and it states that producing goods and services in an economically
sustainable system is a must to avoid different issues that might come about in
industrial or agricultural production. The concept started as a simple idea and has
evolved into an environmentally sustainable system. Equity and social services are
addressed in the third aspect. The presented idea could still be applied to the world
even though these elements are not perfect. I've learned that the neoclassical economic
theory shows how sustainable it is. Human welfare is linked to consumption in this
perspective. Several factors that might affect certain areas are included in the financial
analysis. Specific issues might pop up if this approach is used, so there is some
uncertainty about it.
I still don't understand a few things after reading this article. Regarding genetic
diversity, I'm confused. Even though I know this is a way for the system to recover from
destruction, it's still unclear how we could use this with people like us. The analogy is
different from how humans see things. Second, it's still unclear to me if the adverse
effects of development can stop the product we want to achieve. It is essential to tackle
these issues to become aware of what needs to be done. I'm wondering if the two
issues written about were the only significant issues that could hinder the development
process or if there are more minor issues we should also look at. The discount rate is a
problem in the reductionist approach, and I am confused about it. Even though it was
talked about why it might be hard to set up next year, I still don't understand why, so I'm
still a bit confused by the idea.
I didn't know about the topic before I read it because I was not really aware of it
back then. I used to think that development was a simple topic. This is something that I
don't have to pay attention to because these are very easy to understand. I was proven

wrong after reading the article. I did not think that there were so many things we had to
do to say that we had achieved sustainable development. I felt that learning about these
was not necessary. The details that are essential for understanding the different
perspectives and approaches that are crucial for development were never understood
by me. This shows that I didn't know much about these before. I don't think that some
elements are related to one another or that they are connected. I assumed separate
parts needed to achieve development, but I was wrong. We could go through the
development process if all the principles are considered. We should take into account
all the directions presented to achieve these goals.
After reading the article. Is the model still applicable to this day as years go by?
Will they still be useful now or next time? Can it still change? Second, I wanted to know
if all the information was helpful for development. I am unsure if this could still be
applied; some areas could cause issues or uncertainties with the approach. The
principles of sustainable development may change if a new model is needed in this
century. Will we see a few changes, or will there be a significant change?
In conclusion, sustainable development is essential for people to get what they
need and for the future generation to bring their own needs. Sustainable development's
economic, social, and environmental aspects come with this. The approach to
sustainable development has different points of view. These are important because they
talk about another way to think about how we can improve sustainability. These have
sound effects but do not guarantee that we will not have issues.


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