Commitment Letter - Rasya

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Mexico city, as of January 1st 2023

Subject: Letter of intent in favor of UTEL.

Scala Higher Education, S.C.

Operator of UTEL University Present.

The undersigned Rasya Islami Dwi Julitha of the academic program Bachelor of Science in Organizational Psychology, I
declare to know that in order to be officially registered before the Educational Authorities with an agreement of
Recognition of Official Validity of Studies (RVOE) or Official Program Accreditation (OPA), and to have the right, to have
my grades certified and with official validity, it is necessary that my student file in UTEL contain the original or certified
copy of my Certificate of studies / Diplomas / Transcripts / Academic Records / Academic Degrees / High School or upper
secondary diploma, bachelors, graduate or postgraduate level, as appropriate. I also understand that I must deliver the
additional documents and meet the requirements of the educational authority as well as those requested by Utel in case
my admission is by means of equivalency or revalidation of studies.

Also, in terms of the 286 Agreement and its modification on the 04/02/17 that is my desire to register for the program of
Bachelor of Science in Organizational Psychology, exclusively for academic purposes only. I declare under protest of
telling the truth that the identity and academic documentation that I have provided in digital and /or physical format
are authentic in form and content.

If once I have started the academic program to which reference has been made, I do not submit and deliver such
documents within a period of four months from the date of enrollment, I understand and agree that UTEL may take the
necessary measures in accordance with the University´s Institutional Policies and Regulations and that I may rescind the
right to receive certificates, grades or other official documents that validate my studies.

I am aware that it is necessary to take the onboarding course called “Explore UTEL”, where I will be given the necessary
tools to learn about UTEL’s online study model and learn about the services offered by the institution.

Despite not having completed all documents required in my student file registered at UTEL with the original documents
or certified copies mentioned above, I hereby freely and voluntarily request that UTEL allow me to acquire knowledge
via access to its online platform, and I understand that this academic activity will not have official validity until I fulfill my
obligations stated in this letter and thus complete my UTEL student file, for which reason I fully release UTEL (Scala
Higher Education, S.C.) from all responsibility related thereto.


Signature: ________________________________

Name: Rasya Islami Dwi Julitha

Enrollment No./ Student ID: 480000434


DATE: 01/01/2023
Student’s Name: Rasya Islami Dwi Julitha
Enrollment No./ Student ID: 480000434
Program of study: Bachelor of Science in Organizational Psychology
Modality: Online
Start date: 30/01/2023
For Bachelor's Degree, Track: Intensive Track
Scholarship received: 50%
Direct debit: NO
Benefits offered: 1. Tuition Fee
2. Application Fee
3. 1 Coursera Program
4. Certificate of Academic Progress
5. Student Assistance
6. Degree Fee
7. Apostille (Certificate of Authenticity)
Quarterly cost of registration with the SEP Rp 747,500.00
Month 1 cost: Rp757,500
Month 2 cost: Rp858,500
Month 3 cost: Rp1,010,000
Month 4 cost: Rp1,010,000
Month 5 cost: Rp1,010,000
Month 6 cost: Rp1,010,000
Month 7 cost onwards: Rp1,010,000
Cash Payment: Number of terms:
Cash Value: Not applicable

Signature of student

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