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Varn Z. Onos BoMe N BK 2 ASSESSMENT No. 3 C STEAM QUALITY) PART 2 4. the steam at prescure of 5-5 bar, is pasted to the tank filled with £0kg of Rater ot Ube. The tank ie made H Gpper, i Why in mass and has a wpeeifc hes Of C400) Kg. Alor steam has Condensed and mica with ater, ibs tempersture feackes 4m ord the mass of mixture bwemes $2.0 ky. Dormne the diynics gmction of team. Kee buckek Gaborimeter Formala- GWEN: WoLuTion : Ps 55 bar OP +55 bar = 0-68 fa, ty = ID kg bat < i6e aye Crapper = 0-406 B/ bg K Nha § 2047. Od Aeg-k fhe = 80 ky Sete : AAT b/ kg k Golving for Dryness Frached OD : ‘ “a0 [ Cm x Sete) + Cray Grote) x Chat) | tat-ta) Cpe “19 (- a x tna er , sy eee 2970 Hg 2 ln on exferment, a wmple of Wut steam is passed thangh ceparoting calorimuter - ak come vastant, the mass of water collected m he vegarator Was 0-2 Wy, MITE fhe amount of steam wadunced was found fo bv g¢ kg: Determmne the alyness fchon’ of steam ontorig the calarimetor, We, Separectng Grlacdimeter formulas cwen + WOLUT WN + Mr ashy a LBS ky me On ky akgt 2.€ by X77 3+ te on dhrvtting calorimeter, fhe gheam wo ddwited at lo bar, HG qarHtld te atwnphunc prsgure and We. debermne the dryness fiochon of vem Adame the xeeifie heat! of suporkuated Ulam as 2-2 by lege. ie tuottling wlenmeder formula GWEN * Vy = We Bar Atter dhrelting ‘= Ul: 928 Pn = O-1 MPa, Tre Note CO + 22 U/ey-k SOLUTION ak Ve lovers 1 Mpw Mis 160.81 W/byk hey, = 2016.3 Wyk at ot MPa and [10°G he 216.9 Fi /tg «k eae ec # oF GP Chops -by) “hy, hey, = (Rome ct 22 Cus 94°03.) big .g 4k wmbing veparating and thnitlidg calorimeter was wed to determine the dryness frachon of team fining thr agh a team maid at 9 preature of bar: Tre pressure ond Hemper ature of team after tnefing were (Eber and ve ru pectwhy. the mass of cteam condensed after Hewttling was 2.2 by atd Dad of water celled in te Gyarator Was 0-20 Yo. find the diy ress fo dd ot team in tte mat, Veo ombine Glenmeter foramala> GWEN * Po 1 bar = 04 MPa, Pe * b2sber + 012 inPa Me 22 ky m= 02 ky SOUT ION + at Ps 0-0 MPa ath = ad MPe, The iste r hy + 42. 99 Shy ok lo wad Uc-No 2643 hhh > 2091-1 Bifeyek hs h Tasha Lia -to03 lv U3 he 2703.25 W/o 1 M «tt + 6.49 Ye O-ut22 Tholtley Gl XL. Ye Woe eee = O4b7 YO 4og2 hos hob ty yoke aac Does aT] Wp Xr 0 UeZ

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