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find the roller employed.

``They used to role their barley grounde

uncommon. The kings of Spain had obtained from the popes

Odysseus. The contest between Ajax and Odysseus for his arms

on the fruits of the untilled earth, suffered from no bodily

We are not told, however, that Etana had the impious desire

in 490, fourteen years before his first visit to Sicily.

Spanish army. Increasing numbers of Creoles came home for

and affords abundant pasturage, is well watered by the rivers

body from heaven or had one made for him by the Word. Some

by the king's or queen's advocate-general, and that of the

to Udine), railway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,615

the previous holder to occupy (precario alter ab altero.)

twelve months after the last admission or institution to the

AB, the fifth month of the ecclesiastical and the

Collectivism, especially in communes taking the lead, and that

which Birmingham is the centre) is primarily red haematite

1882). These prices are per imperial quarter,---that is, 480

Cabbage, kohl-rabi and rape . . . . 225,315

French. Native courts decide suits between Mahommedans.

La poesie philosophique au XIXe. siecle (vol. i., Mme.

Delaware Co., Pennsylvania; Haywood Co., North Carolina; Deer

104). In 422 they expelled the Delians (Thuc. v. 1). At the

Improvement Society are conducted on much the same lines as

be condensed to a liquid which boils at -6 deg. C. It has a strong

square. The principle underlying this expression is probably

rival, whom his Grand Vizier Baltaji Mahommed Pasha succeeded

M.Inst.C.E. Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers.

Crete only), but nothing of more perishable nature, such as skin,

in 1793, unless the admission was made that his sovereign was
where, chiefly through his family connexions in Havana and

mineral deposits around volcanic vents and of the structure of

region by the Dorian invaders of the Peloponnese. Another

(see Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America,

See A. de Calonne, Histoire de la ville d'Amiens

botanist, Richard Spruce, who resided many years in South

was collected by two brothers of the name of Vassan, students

to Damascus be limited to the city, as in the Arabic

infancy becoming resident in the country where the parent

severe test in the preservation of harmony between the two

22nd of January 1793, the day after the death of Louis XVI,

against the Swedes on the Danube, and at the defence of Landshut

livings in the north of Ireland he was made bishop of Derry

fly-flap (April 30, 1827). Thereupon the port of Algiers was

In Biebrich on the Rhine, in 1482, a wine-falsifier was

say that, at any rate as regards contracts made in partibus

inducing the Anazeh Bedouins to become fellahin; but river

of Albacete; 35 m. E.S.E. of Albacete, on the Madrid-Alicante

1896, which was of a provisional character, was replaced by

of a higher order'' is derived; there is yet a residual

unimportant. The two buildings cited above, two human faces,

(1732, first ed., 1882, illustrated ed., 1902); and H. E.

mechanical disturbance. Various analogies of this sort are

for their special purpose the securing beyond question of the

to the various county councils of England and Wales

ADVENT (Lat. Adventus, sc. Redemptoris, ``the coming

autumn. The universal custom of sleeping on the house-top

stages may have existed in the past, and the modern refutation

London, which afforded sanctuary (q.v.) to debtors and

readily volatilizes in steam. When heated with monobasic

gut, corresponding to not more than two or three somites of the

(1780); Lives of John Selden and Archbishop Usher (1812)

civitatis, burgi, castelli, hundredi sive wapentachii, &c.

independently of the International Association, and the

Byzantine Turk and a native of Shiraz in Persia. The pietra

churches being allowed to choose defensores from the body

forty, sought to bury himself with his woes out of sight.

leguminous plants, turnips, sugar beet, mangels, potatoes and

of the many preparations of the suprarenal gland extract.

for craft drawing 18 in. of water, but the remaining 9 m.

quality but enormous size (up to 3 in. in diameter) are

the hooded and all others---has its own special determinant.

quarried at Rubislaw, Peterhead and Kemnay. Serpentine and

the area of his mark, did much for the spread of Christianity

Orients (Wien, 1877), vol. ii. pp. 372 ff. (G. W. T.)

It is interesting to note that, whereas zinc methyl and ethyl

between it and the Life of Aesop by Maximus Planudes (ch.

The German Togoland settlements occupy a narrow strip of

(1557) uses the variant algeber, while John Dee (1527-1608)

to the poet when a boy, asleep in his father's vineyard, and

translation), ii. p. 129 foll. (Cambridge, 1832); Becker,

which does not represent an Indo-European ei, but arises by

was launched on Victoria Nyanza 1896 by a British mercantile

A discussion of the interesting question relating to

producers of cereals, little is known of their husbandry.

Christ. Melanchthon, powerless against the enthusiasts

united action has been taken by the powers of Europe in the

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