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exactly as in Deville's chloride method, and it was claimed

eaten, and wine and beer were drunk. Vessels for culinary,

of these rooms, offered in exchange a portion of the National

not be shown that the vessel was defective, or that the crew

Tre Sassi Pass (Cortina to St Cassian), foot path. . . . . . . . . . . . .7,215

Clinton cut off the city from relief, and after a brief

the times of their occurrence. It is a moot question whether

the independence and integrity of Afghanistan, to secure

peninsula, as well as southern Euboea and the islands of Hydra,

war (Strabo xi. p. 503). It is said that their right breast

for the six years 1900-1905 are summarized in Table XXVI.

two of his letters. The earlier poems up to 1029 are of the

Thrasydaeus was expelled after an unsuccessful war with Hiero

enough to seek Artemis and Hera in marriage, and that Artemis

island. A skirmish, fought the next day, opposite the west

revenue of his see to the duke of Lennox. For the rest

by such suturing as the circumstances may suggest, the interior

/CO\ /CO\

period. As Stein's explorations show, both alphabets

smattering of mathematics, raised him in the estimation of the

tributaries. None of the rivers is navigable. The climate

with the exception of the United States. It is unnecessary

as a son and allowed to live quietly on his estates and marry

any clerk or registrar; then more particularly the secretary

with the corn-growers, to face the brunt of foreign competition.

favour. He afterwards resided at Naples, Corfu and Monopoli,

Helmund and the plateau of Ghazni), Dadicae (suggested

confused. When the physicist limits the term ``knowledge',

in many of the coals of New Zealand; retinite occurs in

received the oak-leaves of the order pour le merite,

Europe, amongst other collections of natural objects they

philosophy and theology at the university of Paris and enjoyed

unhealthy atmosphere; and exemption from military service is

Admiralty was given jurisdiction throughout British dominions

die. By some it is supposed that a mysterious hermit named

Buhler assigns this alphabet (see Stins's Preliminary

the most considerable literary work done in America up to that

province. Having early gained a great reputation for pulpit

Idioms Romauntschs d'Engiadina ota e bassa, &c. (1895); A.

Amphioxus,'' Arch. f. Entwick. Mech. vii. (1898), p. 1;

to induce those unions to a direct struggle against capital,

in which he is said to have been born. Other illustrious

by the choir during the administration of the Holy Communion,

which involved, among other things, the withdrawal of the

had been married to the Spaniard Don Gasparo de Procida,

beasts he could graze on it. After the havoc of the Black

United States with his father in 1846; graduated at Harvard

and the tide-land or Sitka spruce. The last is not confined

1906 50,631,619 179,056,144 52,102,847 321,802,571

preparatory to an alliance with France, which, however, was

Wildspitze (Oetzthal). . . . . 12,382 Hochwildspitze . . . . . . . . . 11,418

of fields and lanes. In order that these images may add to

of Guarda and formerly included in the province of Beira;

Xasirabad. Ajmere was founded about the year 145 A.p. by

from Lacombe and Wetaskiwin, branch lines to complete the

by the work it has produced, holds the first place in

he made alliances with Polycrates of Samos and Croesus of

Barbate, in the province of Cadiz, has a thriving trade in

have erred gravely in taking what are known in the trade as

Primitive People (2 vols., 1878); H. von Barth, Aus den

Church the term ``ambo'' is used of the semicircular steps

Mr F. W. Thomas, librarian of the India Office, for help in

III General Features of Aegean Civalization.--The

The expression ``flashlight'' means and includes any light used

statesman, was born at Duffryn, Aberdare, Glamorganshire, on

illegitimate, current rumour representing him as the son of

neighbourhood of Laudi Kotal the boundary is carried to the

the deposit of red clay north of Aberdeen. At a later date

however, led to the despatch of two expeditions against the

the Byzantine empire; northern Albania from Scutari to Berat

C4H6N4O2, whilst with hydriodic acid it yields urea and hydantoin

the life and soul of the Academy of the palace, and we have

expenses incidental to the birth, or the funeral expenses,

by these rival expeditions may, however, best be considered in

mosques. Little local trade is carried on, but the great fair

belonged to the Franks, and Charlemagne thought it necessary

the king's marriage with Elizabeth Farnese of Parma. The

effect of the motion of the aether on the velocity of light.

divided, sometimes into two, sometimes, as here, into three

Caspian Sea 12 m. lower down. Amol is not walled and is now

the king of Italy, the president of the Swiss Confederation

Total other Articles 5,881 432 7.3

(363), when he got possession of the place and transported

Those who profess it--they are chiefly ``intellectuals''--soon

were several, the first took this appellation, and the others

affected her mental and bodily health. Hallucinations,

and performed the ceremony of the coronation of Charles I.

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