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Teacher: Abderrazzak HASSAR Class level: Common Core

Textbook: Outlook Class size: 42

Unit 8: Keep Our Environment Clean Lesson type : Conversation
Title: Asking for & Responding to Permission School : EL Ijtihad
Class period : 55 minutes Date : 15/04/2016
Anticipated Problems: No textbook, SS may not understand the work they are required to do; the pair / group
work may allow some noise making.
 General Objective (s): Students will be able to ask for and give/respond to
 Student’s Performance Objectives (SPO): By the end of the lesson, SS should be
able to:
 Recognize expressions of asking for permission and responding to it; and
 Use these expressions via doing a role play in the production stage.
- Material (s): Data-show, SS textbook, hand-outs, cue cards and the BB.

Time Procedures Techniques

2 Warm-up
mint -T greets SS.
- T: Welcome to my class. Greeting
-T asks one of the SS to write the date on the BB.
20 Presentation:
mint - T plays a video and asks SS to watch & listen carefully. Setting the
Exchange (random sample) scene
Ali: …may I borrow your phone?
Tom: Sure, go ahead.
-T asks SS to see & listen again and then answer the following questions: Video
-T: What is Ali asking for? (date-show)
-SS: Asking to use Tom’s phone.
-T: Good, how do you know? Which expression does he use?
-SS: “” May I…..?”
-T: What is Tom’s response?
-SS: “Sure, go ahead” Q/A
-T: Is it positive or negative answer? T=>SS
-T draws a chart on the BB.
Asking for Permission Responding
Positively Negatively
- May I……………..? - Yes, you may. - No, please don’t.
- Can I…………? - Yes, you can. - I’d rather you didn’t.
- Is it OK if…………..? - Sure, go ahead. - I’m afraid no. Chart
- I’d like to………… - Definitely, why not. - Of course, not.
- Is it all right if ……………..? - Yeah, alright/OK. - Better not.
- I wonder if ………………….? - That goes without - I don’t think it’s a good
- Is it fine if ……………..? saying, OK. idea to do that.
-T asks SS to give other expressions they know to fill in the chart.
- SS provide their potential answers.
-T elicits answers from SS and fills in the chart. Eliciting
Checking comprehension
-T reads out an exchange between X and Y and sees whether SS will notice something
X: Can I use your laptop, please?
Y: Thank you. Negative
-T: What do you think? checking
=> SS: Y needs to respond, not to say “thank you”.
-T: Good. So what can you say?
=> SS: Yes, it’s OK.../ No, I’m sorry but you can’t.
8 Practice: Completion
mint -T asks SS to complete the dialogue on page 93, act. 4. Drills
- Correction on the BB. SS => T
-T provides situations and asks SS to use expressions of asking for & giving permission.
25 - Each cue card explains what the pair should do to make a conversation. Cue cards
mint Situation 1: The clean Air campaign. Situation 2: Smart phone. Situation 3: Water to
drink. Situation 4: Sneaker/trainers. Situation 5: Copybook. Situation 6: Video games. SS => SS
Situation 7: Pen. Situation 9: Textbook. Situation 10: Joggers…and so forth.
-SS come to the BB and present their dialogues/exchanges. Role play
-T asks SS to copy the lesson.
-T distributes handouts and asks SS to do the given task.
- T corrects with SS.
- SS write their appropriate answers on the BB.

Feedback/ Strengths Weaknesses


Prepared by: HASSAR Abderrazzak

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