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Lesson Plans 1st year

Abdesalam ZOUITA
Ready Made Lesson Plan Series
Based on Gateway 1

Mohamed V High School

Laayoune 2006-2007

Though this unfinished booklet is

dated back to a decade, it is a response to
numerous devoted colleagues and
interested educators who have asked if
there are other series to come.
In fact, due to my change of teaching
population from high school level to post-
baccalaureate one, it has been kept on the
shelf, unpublished and unfinished. I hope,
you would accept it as a support to the ELT

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam ZOUITA
Ready Made Lesson Plan Series
Unit one

Gateway 1
First Year Baccalaureate

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam ZOUITA
Level First year baccalaureate
Unit One
Lesson plan Speaking
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

 GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students will be able to

Introduce the main theme
Talk about their local context and exchange information related to the theme.
Paving the ways to the other unit by setting up a path to follow
Prepare the students psychologically and mentally to deal with the theme of the unit.
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
Opening The lesson
 To break the ice and Post card: Lâayoune of Nomads, Blue-men,
create fruitful learning Tureg The Socratic
opportunities Questions: Weather, who is in the Post Card method of
What are they wearing? Drâa, Ltham, Garg…. 5 mn teaching can be
Culture/ traditions/ customs… used to trigger
more information
 To make use of their Look at the picture and map to talk about them
background knowledge and the place they live in: Lâayoune/ south/
traditions: clothes, food, language…
Let’s discover the other names and their places!

Naming the other sights and their places:

Hercules cave: Tangiers
 Historical monuments and architecture:
Historical monuments: Volubilis; Hassan
tower; Hassan II Mosque
Architecture: Mechoir square- Kasbahs;
Fishing-port; JAMÂA LAFNA square; Hercules
 Food Clothing and customs
 Exploring the pictures Food: Mint tea; Oranges; Tagine; Fish;
Tangia, milk; utensils, date, laklila, aich,
lamriss, lahsa, znibir (chikpea + karcha),
Clothing; Sari; Jewelry; DRÂA, JÂALABA;
LETHEM; HAYEK; mlahfa, nagcha, nila, kniba,
rustom, gashtat,
customs AHWASH; fantasia; marriage;
folklore; Story telling;
 Arts and Craft
Craft Carpet making; pottery; Jewelry;
Arts Fishing; Horse-riding
 Geography and landscape
Oasis; plane; lake; sea/ oceans; cave;
mountain; desert; garden; valley; beach
Oral Evaluation Using questions
What are people like in Lâayoune?
What do they practically wear?
What are some of the local dishes? 5 mn
Where can you go to spend your free time?
Follow up  Students will write one paragraph essay If there is more
about their region’s tradition, clothes, food, time, students
5 mn will write two-
different sightseeing.

line introduction

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam ZOUITA
Level First year baccalaureate
Lesson plan Listening and speaking
Unit One
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, CDRM, VCD, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students should be able predict the content of
the text, listen to details and infer meaning.
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
Opening The lesson
 To break the ice and get the What do we call a cafe with computers 5 mn
attention of the students on which customers can use the
Internet, send electronic mail, etc.?
Cyber-cafe/ Computer-generated
A. Pre-listening:
1. Why do you use the internet?
Exchange information
 Make friends
 The students answer the  Get married
questions in their textbook  Shopping
 Courses online 12 mn
 Guessing the ‘CHAT’ might  Communicate with families
be about  Get an employment
 For pleasure/ Fun (entertainment)
Health problems (getting medicines, cure

2. Do you connect or go to a
3. Who do you chat with?
4. Language use

B. Pre-listening:

What is the chat going to be about?

More than the point mentioned above
 Information
 Studies
 Cultural and customs
 Medicines 12 mn
 Business

C. While listening:
Taking notes

D. Post- listening:
The chat between Amine and Helen
1-false; first visit
 Ticking True or false and 2- True, that’s why he suggests it for Helen
providing justifications 3- False, they ‘re introducing themselves 12 mn
4- False, they are taking.
5- True, she wants to visit Morocco
6- False, he is a high school student
7- True, next s holidays “Next Christmas”

 Follow up Homework:
13 mn
Students write a summary of the main
ideas dealt with in a small paragraph

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam ZOUITA
Level First year baccalaureate
Lesson plan Communication: Beliefs and opinion
Unit One
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, CDRM, VCD, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students should be able predict the content of the text, listen to details
and infer meaning.

Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations

Opening The lesson
 To break the ice and get What is something that you can catch, but you 5 mn
the attention of the students cannot throw? (Cold)
A. 1 What are the expressions that we can
use to ask for opinions and beliefs?
 What do you think..............................?
 What is your opinion..........................?
 The student’s expressions  Don’t you think that..............................?
orally  As far as you are concerned, what, where,
 What are your views about…………………?.....?
10 mn
 Do you believe in/ that.......................?
 What’s your opinion on....................?
 Do you have any opinion on.................?
 I’d like to know your reaction to……………….

A. 2. What are the expressions that we can
use to answer opinions and beliefs?
 As far as I am concerned………………………….
 As I see it……………………………………………………
 I believe that…………………………………………….
 The student’s expressions  I believe/ think that …………………………………
orally  I feel strongly that……………………………………
 I have never thought of ………………………….
 I must say that…………………………………………. 10 mn
 I suppose………………………………………………….
 I think that………………………………………………….
 I would say that……………………………………….
 In my opinion……………………………………………….
 It seems to me that……………………………….
 Personally………………………………………………….
 To my mind for me…………………………………….
 I’d rather not comment………………………………….
 It all depends on …………………………………………….

B, C Communication Activities:
 Communication activities Activity 1: and two: Students come up with constructive
ways asking and responding to beliefs and opinion.
Activity 3: Recognizing the places and mentioning their 15 mn
D Possible question for writing
 Expression their opinions  It is a tourist place
 The weather is fantastic and warm
and beliefs  Its people are friendly and honest
 Talk about local and  It has an attractive beach
national cultural heritage  It is the biggest city in the North/ south
from their own  There is a variety of sightseeing mn
perspectives  It is rich historically and culturally
 There some historical monuments
 Diversity of the geographic setting
Write a paragraph about their local area and the attraction
 Follow up it provides.

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam ZOUITA
Abdesalam LESSON
Level First year Baccalaureate
Lesson plan Speaking and writing
Unit One
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Brainstorming, Discussion, cooperative learning

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Discuss the places, food, clothes… related to the area
 Justify their choices
 Know the culture and the traditions of their area

Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations

Opening The lesson
 To break the ice and get the Visual aids: 5 mn
attention of the students Do you know the cities in the picture?

1. Mekness 6. Rabat
 Use their 2. Casablanca 7. Essaouira
background knowledge 3.Lâayoune 8. Tafouat
4.Eljadida 9. Tangiers 10 mn
 Give Reasons for their
choice 5.Marrakech
 Student could be asked if they have visited those places
Do tourists visit your area?
What can they do?
Students try to answer the question in page 13
in pairs
Why do tourists come to your area?
Reasons to visit Lâayoune:
 Places to visit:
 Lamsayid: Palm trees, Nomad people,
artificial waterfall, Exhibition
 Nâayla: birds’ protectorate, Hunting,
 Open discussion Some animals… 35 mn
 Fam Eluoad: green places
 Foss-Boukrâa
 Desert, Oasis,
 Creative thinking  Food: Tea, Gofio, ZRIG, KANDRA,
 Full participation BADDAZ, ÂICH, LAMRISS, MAROU,
 Drawing on S knowledge TICHTARIN, TBIKHA
and experience  Clothes: DARÂA, LETHEM, GARG, MLAHFA,
 Weather:
 warm, not cold/hot- people wear soft
 Sunset/ sunrise near the beach or in
 Traditions and customs:
 Tea-making
 Marriage
 Newborn babies
 Welcoming guests
 Funeral occasions
 Social customs: leaving the door open,
camel meat
 Hassani Poetry in parties: GIFANS
 Games:
Students will write a summary of what In the classroom
 Follow up they have learned or at home.

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON
Level First year baccalaureate
Lesson plan Listening and speaking
Unit One
Estimated Time 55 minutes
Material Students’ book, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Brainstorming, Discussion, cooperative learning
GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to
 Use the simple past
 Learn more irregular verbs
 Use of Yes/No questions
 Use time of adverbials
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
Opening The lesson

 To break the ice and get Visual aids:

5 mn
the attention of the students  Two different postcards past and present
 Shift to Grammar: regular / irregular verbs
 How many paragraphs does this text contain?

 A- Students read and match the headings

 skim a text for global 10 mn
understanding 1 2 3 4 5
c e d b a

 B- Identify the verbs

To be 2 Regular 16 Irregular 4
 Scan text for specific Resist Succeed
information Establish Rule Take 10 mn
Was Expand Follow Break
were Govern Gain Become
Invade Remain Begin
Mark Capture
Convert End
Found Attack

 C- Adding the infinitive

 Learn more irregular
verbs infinitive Simple past infinitive Simple past
1- go a. went 1- mean 1- meant
2- find b. found 2- bind 2- bound 10 mn
3- write c. wrote 3- get 3- got
4- speak d. spoke 4- ride 4- rode
5- see e. saw 5- give 5- gave
6- fly f. flew 6- draw 6- drew
7- think g. thought 7- fight 7- fought
8- read h. read 8- set 8- set
9- lead i. led 9- send 9- sent
10- meet j. met 10- hide 10- hid

 D- Write sentences using verbs and time

 recognize time adverbial
 Yesterday, I had a terrible nightmare. 10 mn
 They meet to prepare for the festival, last weekend
 Last weekend, they meet to prepare for the festival.
 We were on holidays, two month ago.
 When they were ten, they learnt the Koran.
 They learnt the Koran, when they were ten.
E- Yes/no questions
 Ss ask their partner, and Students will write a summary of what 10 mn
then report their answers. Did you…? Yes… / No, …
Word search: In the
Follow up Made- broke- swam / built- felt- shown- / taught- classroom or at
chose- grew- put home.

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON
Level First year baccalaureate
Lesson plan Grammar and Reading
Unit One
Estimated Time 55 minutes
Material Students’ book, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Discussion, cooperative learning
GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to
 Review the use of definite and indefinite articles
 consolidate the use of definite and indefinite articles
 Read for specific information
 Transfer information
 Take notes to exchange information

Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations

Opening The lesson
 To break the ice and Use the suitable article: a/ an? (Arabic/ French)
8 mn
get the attention of the
 Ahmed is student in university. He is
students honest person. He wants to be engineer.
 student would like to have union which is
interested in honest individual who wants to
make entity of brotherhood.
 Spelling: Vowel/ consonant
 Pronunciation “U” a semi vowel/ silent “H”.
 What is the difference between A, An and the?
Definite/ indefinite articles.

 Students choose the 1- An 7- The

suitable answer 2- The 8- An
3- A 9- A/ the 12 mn
 Justify their answers
4- The 10- The
5- A 11- The
6- The

1- , The, The, .
2- , A, A, The, The, 12 mn
 Use “a”, “an”, “the”, or 
3- An, The/A, 
4- The, , The, The.
5- , An.

“A” answer “B” answers

1- Katmandu 1- Machu Picchu
2- Nepal 2- Peru 13 mn
 Students read to take 3- Religious 3- Incan Civilization
notes 4- Centuries 4- 15th Centuries
5- Unique living heritage 5- Over 300 000
tourists visited it.
6- Volubilis/ Hercules 6- Volubilis/ Hercules
cave/ Casabas/ cave/ Casabas/
Castles… Castles…

 Each student will fill in the Students will complete their chart, using the same
questions. 10 mn
missing column with the
necessary information.

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON
Level First year baccalaureate
Lesson plan Writing
Unit One
Estimated Time 80 minutes Two meeting hours
Material Students’ book, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement cooperative learning
GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to
 identify punctuation mark
 Use capitalization
 Edit an email
 Vocabulary about cultural Heritage
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
Opening The lesson
 To break the ice and get the Symbols Punctuation Mark
1- , Comma
attention of the students
2- . Full stop (period/ dot) 3- Question mark
3- ? Exclamation mark
4- ! Apostrophe
5- ‘ Colon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 mn
6- : Semi colon
h e g f b d c a 7- ; Inverted commas ( quotes)
8- “....”
 Students write the uses of
capital letters on their lesson Names of people- languages- Nationalities, countries
part and cities- Feasts and public holidays- Months- Days-
Beginning of a sentence- First person singular- Planets
and stars- titles- Names of places-
Dear Amine,
Thanks a lot for the information you provided me
with. The other day, it was a great pleasure getting to know you
and chatting with you. I was very impressed with your English.
You seem to be using very correct English. Your pronunciation
was also excellent.
 Editing an email
Your pieces of information were very useful and
gave good reason to be optimistic and feel I am going to spend a
good holiday in morocco next winter.
What do you think of another audio chat next 20 mn
Sunday at 6:00 p.m.?
Bye for now,
All the best,

 Write an email to answer  Each Student will write his/ her own 10 mn
Helen. response.
Check list
1. Indentation 
2. Punctuation Pu
 Make acquaintance with 3. Capital letter Cl
the checking list 4. Small Letter Sl 10 mn
5. Grammar Gr
6. Tenses T
7. Spelling Sp
8. Wrong word WW
9. Better word BW
10. Missing 
11. What’s this? ?
12. French Fr
13. Arabic Ar
14. awkward 
Answers on page 38 SB
 There should be two The class may be divided into two or four
groups and a referee 20 mn
groups to have more participation

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON
Level First year baccalaureate
Lesson plan Speaking, Writing
Unit One
Estimated Time 55 minutes
Material Students’ book, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement cooperative learning

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Vocabulary about cultural Heritage
 Learn how to manage time (effective and practices)
 Prepare a portfolio about national heritage
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations

 More vocabulary related There will be a game

10 mn
to cultural heritage Page 19

 There should be two Answers on page 38 SB

groups and a referee
The class may be divided into two or four
groups to have more participation

 Lack of organization
 Trivial things devour time
 Social/ economic problems
 Students will answer the  Bad friends/ company

 Setting a timetable 20 mn
 Open discussion  Avoid troublesome students.
 Find immediate solution to all problems
 Revise away from all pollutants (Noise)
 Solutions: GOLDEN  Pay attention in the classroom
RULES  Prepare before coming to the classroom
 Not to wait only for the exam
 Have clear objectives
 Have regular physical education

 Students are going to Optimal production is expected from students.

make their own project Students will expand their learning outside the
work (PORTFOLIO) classroom.

Creative work is highly recommended and


Each group is going to work on

one world Cultural Heritage

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Ready Made Lesson Plan Series
Unit two

Gateway 1
First Year Baccalaureate

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Two: Education
Lesson plan Speaking
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Talk about education and exam preparation
 Ask and answer about education matters
 Introduce the theme
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
Opening The lesson
 To break the ice and create 1- Pictures:
fruitful learning opportunities 1. swimming
2. football 10 mn
3. reading
4. music
5. theater
6. multimedia room
Thousand words’ Activities:
A- Naming B- Groups Auditorium: General
 Review and expand  Boarding school: School meeting room
their vocabulary A Dormitory building Civic: related to
repertoire  School yard (Attendants) citizenship
 Classroom:
 History and geography
 Categorize B  Scientific experience School
vocabulary according  Physical education subjects
to rubric  Exhibition School
C  Field trips activities 10 mn
 Reading room
 Internet connection Teaching and
D  Library learning
 Multimedia room materials
A- 1- life at school, different activities,
buildings, and materials
2- Both Extra curriculum activities and
intra School activities
3- All of them with my teacher’s help
B- (see the above chart)
 Setting into groups C- Things and activities in Our School:
A. School building
B. School subjects
 Ticking the things and 10 mn
C. School activities
activities in their school D. Teaching and learning materials

D-The one thing or activities you do not

have in your school.
 Students write for 5 mn Multimedia room students will write
o Language practice two to three
o Change in sitting arrangement 10 mn sentences
o Virtual experience
o Authentic situations
o Well-equipped classroom
o Equal opportunities among students
o Lead to more improvement
o There is more motivation
Write a paragraph about the importance of two

 Follow up activities in your school: one that you have and

another one that you do not have 10 mn

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Two: Education
Lesson plan Listening
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Listen for general idea
 Listen details
 Talk about education and exams
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
 Use their Oral presentation- lecture- talk- Expose
background knowledge 1- Giving oral presentation
2- Some Sources of information 10 mn
a. Library f. Journal/ Dairy/ memoir
b. Internet g. magazines newspapers
c. Encyclopedia h. Everyday life
d. Books i. Personal experience
e. Articles j. Interviews/ questionnaires
 Listen and answer the Vocabulary: compulsory- Studies- This sounds
questions Part 1 B.
1. Amine is (preparing for the oral exam)
2.It’s about the British education
10 mn
system 3.Helen is (providing Amine with
1 2 3 4
 Choose the right c b b b
answer 1- Children start school at the age of 2 or 3
2- In Britain, education is compulsory up the age of 16 10 mn
3- 71% of students in Britain continue their studies after
the age of 16
4- Each key stage covers a numbers of school years.
Part 2 D.
1- False, independent schools are funded by fees
paid by parents.
2- True, Nine out of 10 children, in England, 10 mn
 Answer True/ false between the ages of 5 and 16 are entitled to a
question free place in a state school.
3- True, they may continue or take a higher level or
4- True, A-Levels are required for university
entrance in the UK

Years School
3-5 Pre-school
6-11 Primary school May leave school
 complete the chart 12-16 Secondary Continue studies

Examinations Leave secondary 10 mn
GCSE Continue studies
Go to university
A-Level exams
Years Schooling
Moroccan School
2-3 Nursery
 Follow up 4-5 Kid garden/ Koran School Primary school Preparatory
 Discuss 6- 12 Qualifying school University/ High school
different school 13-15

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Two: Education
Lesson plan Communication skills
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Give advice
 Seeking advice
 Talk about problems
 Engage in conversation with others
Tasks Steps / procedures Timing Observations
Visual aids: sick person
 Getting the What can you say to him?
students’ attention a. A doctor is visiting us next week.
b. IF I were you, I should see a doctor 5 mn
c. Look a doctor! He is over there
Why did you choose that answer?
 Discuss the 4. take it easy/ Think of it deeply/ ask for advice/
questions keep silent/ look for help/
 Lead question is 5. Advice/ assistance/ help/ suggestion/ Guidance
5 mn
provided Recommendation/ counsel/ Assistance/ proposal/
help/ Recommend…
 Choose the right Samira wants to see her teacher because she
answer needs some resources for her project
 Fill in the diagram C.
Samira’s She needs some resources for 10 mn
problem her project
Teacher’s 1. You ought to go to the library
piece of 2. How about the Municipal Library?
advice 3. Why don’t you use the internet?
 Match the sentences D. 1 2 3 4
and situations c d a b 10 mn
Expressions of Advice:
N.B: there should be a situation
 Add the Expression 10 mn
 I advise you to
to their lesson part  Well, it might be a good idea to
 You could consider
 My advice is
Declining to give advice
 I don’t know what to advise you, I’m afraid.
 I wish I could suggest something, but I can’t.
 I wish I could help you
 I’m afraid I can’t really help you. I’m fed up
with my affaire, too.

 Follow up Problems:
React to the people’s 1. Ali: English 10 mn
situations 2. Said: Institute to study in
3.Leila: spending spring holidays
4. Rania: bad habit of eating too much at night
5. Janet: Time at home or office

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Two: Education
Lesson plan Reading
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Read for the main idea
 Distinguish main and secondary idea
 Scan the text for specific information
 Locate reference
Tasks Steps / procedures Timing Observations
:Proverb “‫ أعهدت شعبا طيب العراق‬،‫”أالم مدرسة إذا أعدتها‬
 Getting the Can you translate this proverb into English?
students’ attention  The mother is a school, if you Take care
(educate) of her, you educate a culturist nation 5 mn
 Try to compare it to the saying on page 28
 Discuss the 6. What do you understand from the saying?
questions Boy= man/ Man
 Preparing for the Girl= Generation
10 mn
content 7. They are giving importance to girl/ women’s
 Vocabulary education: Commendation, compliment,
praise, pay tribute to
8. illiterate, illiteracy, schooling, illiterate,
sanitation, income
 Students answer the 1. Thought, 65% as boys and girls are given the
questions same opportunities to go to school, a rate of
girls in many countryside are unable to attend
school. Even, some boys are unable to a 5 mn
2.a. Women b. countryside
3. -Set several areas to teach old people how to
read and write
- encourage schooling in rural areas
- Made school compulsory till the age of 15.
 Choose text main idea C.
 Difference main idea /
subordinate one. Main idea Subordinate ideas 10 mn
3 1, 2, and 4
Subordinate, secondary
 Comprehension D.
questions 1. Because parents think that boys are likely to find 10 mn
work and continue working than girls
2. No,2/3 of women are educated- Work opportunities
are equal regardless sex
Yes, more girls are not lucky to study at school/
Illiteracy is still of great rate in the countryside
3. Educated women tend to get married at a later age
and have fewer and healthier children.
4. Educated women are informed about health care and
know when consult the doctor and health clinics.
 Women and education
 Giving a title  Women’s education 5 mn
 Literate women
 The importance of women’ education

 Follow up 6.father’s education
React to the people’s 7.that health 5 mn
situations 8.those lives

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Two: Education
Lesson plan Writing
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Practice the past continuous
 Contrast simple past and past continuous
 Practice “used to”
 Habit in the past
 True situations in the past
Tasks Steps / procedures Timing Observations
 She visited the girl’s residence in the evening
 Read the passage to Reason: Doing their homework/ dining room/
answer the question getting dinner ready/
5 mn
 Answer the 1. When the social worker arrived, some girls
questions were doing their homework and others were
watching TV.
10 mn
2. Three women were getting dinner ready.
3.When the girls saw the social worker, they
came to meet her.
C/ D
 Students answer the Simple past Past continuous
questions Arrived was Were doing
Saw came were sitting
seemed were getting 10 mn
 Last Wednesday, at 03p.m, I was studying English
when the light went out. 10 mn
 Yesterday morning at 10.15, I was doing my
 Students write their
homework while my small sister was playing with her
 This evening at 11.00, I was visiting my friend when I
met the last year English teacher.
 Yesterday evening at 7.00, I was having a bath when
water supply was cut.
 Write the verbs in F.
the correct form 1. was having lunch/ rang 10 mn
2. was doing/was watching
3. was walking/ saw/ was waiting/ didn’t see/ was
4. was sleeping/ heard/ got/ switched/ went/
happened/ was/ was playing
 Answer the two 1. He spoke one language.
questions 2. He speaks three languages. 5 mn
 Look for the use of When do we use “used to”?
Read the grammatical summary for an answer:
“used to”
 A habit in the past
 True situation in the past, but it is not in the present.
 Make more o Basso used to speak only Tamazight.
examples from the o He used to live in a village. 5 mn
picture o He didn’t use to have electricity.
o He didn’t use to have a library.
o He used to have very few books.
o He used to accompany fewer teachers.
o He used to go to school on foot.
o He used to wear traditional clothes.
o He used to have a hard life.
o Basso didn’t use to watch TV.
o He used to listen to the radio.

 Answer the two C.

questions Students write their own examples

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Two: Education
Lesson plan Learning training
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Learn good techniques to better prepare for the exam.
 Learn vocabulary related exams and tests as semantic field
 Review vocabulary of unit 2
Tasks Steps / procedures Timing Observations
 She visited the girl’s residence in the
 Read the passage to evening
answer the question Reason: Doing their homework/ dining room/
5 mn
getting dinner ready/
 Vocabulary and gap filling pass the exam/ test
5.marks/ grades/
6.sit/ enter/take for the exam/test
10 mn
 Students tick the tips that  Most of them are suitable
they may follow  There will be a general discussion for 10 mn
the tips

1) a-Take your identification papers
 Students answer the 2) b- Spend a reasonable time on it then get 10 mn
questions in the quiz. back to it later.
3) c- Read the directions and questions carefully.
4) a- review it

 Write the verbs in the correct D.

form 5. True 10 mn
6. True
7. false
8. True

1 2 3
4 5
P 7 W
 Review some vocabulary item O S U
from unit 2 U



Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam Academic year:

Review Unit 1 & 2

Tasks Correction Timing Observations

1. didn’t answer, were
 Tenses 2. finished, went 10 mn
3. ate
4. wrote, went
5. spent
6. were, phoned
 Tenses  fell, was reading
SIMPLE PRESENT  Was having, heard, ran, happened, 10 mn
was, bumped, was driving, lost.
 were doing, went
1. I used to live in a big house with my
family, but now I live in a small
2. Leila used to read short stories, but
10 mn
 Used to now she reads novels.
3. Leila used to go to cinema every
weekend, but now she rarely goes to
4. Leila used to be a secretary, but now
she is a social worker.
5. I used to live to go to school on foot,
but now I go to school by bus.
5) Ø, a, a
 Articles 10 mn
6) a, Ø, Ø/ a
7) the, the,
8) a/ the, a, Ø, Ø.

Dear Amina,
I was glad to get your letter today. I
really wanted to write to you this week,
but I was so busy. We had some German
guests at home and my mom needed help
in the kitchen. We spent a wonderful time
 Punctuation together.
I’m happy to know that your sister 15 mn
got married last week. How about the
wedding ceremony? Did you enjoy it? I
can see from the pictures you attached to
your last e-mail that the ceremony was
really interesting. I like your Caftan. You
looked like a real princess in it. I wish you
could bring one to me when you come to
France, next summer. I will pay you back.
Please, give my regards to your

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Ready Made Lesson Plan Series
Unit three

Gateway 1
First Year Baccalaureate

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit THREE: Media
Lesson plan Speaking/ vocabulary
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Talk about the main theme of the unit
 Review and expansion of vocabulary
 Acquire vocabulary through visual clues
 Categorize vocabulary according to rubrics

Tasks and Steps / procedures Timing Observations

Opening The lesson
 To break the ice Post card: Media 10 mn
and create fruitful Students will try to interpret the pictures
(think critically about the picture)
People, places, weather…
1. Getting information: Television; internet, encyclopedia,
journal, newspapers, magazines, interviews, questionnaires…
 Answer the 2.
a b c d
1 3
4 2
 Categorize 3. * less used: Cinema
vocabulary - It is expensive
-Too old means of entertainment
according to - Old film
pictures -Time and place are restricted
10 mn
- change in term in technology
- there are better opportunities to get amusement
* More used: internet
-less cheap
 Less and more - Interactive and alive
-provide audio, visual and tactile
used means
-written and spoken access
- easy and fast to use
- provides virtual communication
director headlines headlines surfing
actor director issue e-mail
cameraman cameraman editor webpage
audience correspondent correspondent blogging
script weather forecast weather forecast surfer
 Categorize sitcom sitcom article FrontPage
talk show editorial column
vocabulary journalist
journalist search engine
1. documentary
2. headlines
 filling blanks 3. e-mails
4. viewers

5. correspondent

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit THREE: Media
Lesson plan Listening
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Listen for details
 Listen for specific information
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
Opening The lesson
 To break the ice and Post card: Television 5 mn
create fruitful learning What are the other names for it?
opportunities small screen Box Tube

 Enjoying watching T.V:
 Answer the - to relax
questions - does not necessitate much effort
- Variety of channel types and genres
- New are available alive
- Does not need a lot of space at home
 Categorize
vocabulary Not enjoying watching T.V:
according to pictures - Passive
- There is no direct interaction
10 mn
- Reduce creativity and critical thinking skills

 Programs
 Less and more used Documentary, news, entertainment.
 Reality T.V
1 the true situation and the problems that actually
exist in life, in contrast to how you would like life to
be 2 a thing that is actually experienced or seen, in
contrast to what people might imagine

Words Yes No
a.Hoaxes √
 Students check the b.Audience √
words c. Editorial √
d.Unscripted situations √
e.Funny surprises √
f. Headlines √
g.Professional artists √
h.director √
C. Missing words:
6. celebrity reality
 filling blanks 7. hidden camera
8. games show

Types of reality T.V Moroccan T.V programs

1. Celebrity reality
 Examples 2. Professional activities
3. Game show
4. Talk Show

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit THREE: Media
Lesson plan Communication Skills
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Pair work, cooperative learning,
GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to
 Listen for details
 Listen for specific information
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
 When someone comes to say that you have
won the first prize in your school, your
 To break the ice and effort was not that great, what is your
create fruitful learning reaction?
opportunities  Impossible!
 Unbelievable! 10 mn
 Strange!
 I’m really surprised!
 Incredible
 Really!
 Amazing
 What do these expressions mean to you?
 Answer the 1. False, Najat studied business and finance
10 mn
questions in London
2. False, Angela is the manager of an
import British firm based in Liverpool
1. Najat works in a company in Tangier;
2. She feels surprised/ astonished/ delighted/
 Students check their 3.
answers Hey…wait!
Wow! 10 mn
Well, for goodness sake!
It is a wonderful surprise
Dear me!
Angela’s visit to Tangier
She won’t to stay a long time in the airport
Najat won’t see Angela
The chart will be written on the lesson part 10 mn
- Oh no!
- Really, impossible
Students will react to the expressions using the given
10 mn
 Practice - Oh! Are you in Lâayoune?
- Hey…! Is that Anwar?
- Wow! Is Said there?
- For goodness sake! You have succeeded to do it!
- Fancy meeting again! What a wonderful surprise!
- Dear me! You have not finished yet!

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit THREE: Media
Lesson plan Reading and writing
Estimated Time 55 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Pair work, cooperative learning,
GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to
 Listen for details
 Listen for specific information
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
Opening The lesson
 What do you notice concerning the photos?
 Different generations
 To break the ice and  Hair color/ portrait
create fruitful learning  Different cultures 5 mn
opportunities  What are your expectations?
 Diversity in opinions
 Contradictions

1. I’m interested in reading newspapers
because I can read them the moment I like. I can 10 mn
 Quick writing keep them in an archive as resource for future use
and reference. They are available all the time.

1. T.V has always been a means of
 Main ideas of each 2. to get the world news and learn about different 20 mn
text subject, using the internet is sufficient.
3. the newspapers remain as equally important
as the other means of information.

 Compare your ideas o Students try to compare their ideas
with the main ideas o Then compare the Laura, Tom and Yasmina
10 mn
 How can you associate the ideas with the age?
 Is there any reason for the girl and the boy’s choice?
 Whose text is long? Why is it so long?

 Recognize some Introducing phrases:
introducing phrases  It is interesting to know that
5 mn
 It is surprising/ surprised to know that
 It is taken for granted

Write one to two sentences paragraphs

5 mn
 Follow up It is interesting to know that reading the
newspapers remain as equally important as the
other means of information.
 It is surprising/ surprised to know that

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit THREE: Media
Lesson plan Grammar
Estimated Time 55 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,
GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to
 Present perfect simple
 Present perfect continuous
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
Opening The lesson
 Which tense is used in these sentences?
 I am playing football
 To break the ice and  She doesn’t want to spend the holidays in Paris.
 They won the match against the novice team.
create fruitful learning  While I was playing video games, my friend phoned.
10 mn
opportunities  I have studied English for two years.
 You have been studying English for two years.
1. have
2. have
10 mn
 Quick writing 3. has not
4. have you
5. Did
6. Do
 See the summary B. Grammatical summary 5 mn
 Already
 Yet 5 mn
 Write the adverbs
 Just
 Appropriate adverb 1. just, already; yet 5 mn
2. yet
Infinitive Simple past Past participle
1. see 1. saw 1. seen
2. talk 2. talked 2. talked
3. find 3. found 3. found
4. write 4. wrote 4. written 10 mn
 Missing forms 5. speak 5. spoke 5. spoken
6. do 6. did 6. done
7. buy 7. bought 7. bought
8. be 8. was/ were 8. been
9. lose 9. lost 9. lost
10. want 10. wanted 10. wanted
1. I have just had.
2. I have no finished yet
 unscrambled words 3. He has just arrived 5 mn
4. have already meet
1. I have bought a new car.
2. I have seen three movies this week. 5 mn
3. Mary has failed her exam again.
 Blank filling 4. Have you seen today?
5. They have gone to Spain.
A/B: Matching
Present perfect continuous 1 2 3 4 5 mn
c a b d
1. I’ve broken (time is not mentioned)
2. I‘ve been waiting/ have been doing (duration of time)
3. have you been living (still going on)? 5 mn
4. has been writing (repeated action)
5. has been working (effect in the present)

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Three: Media
Lesson plan Writing
Estimated Time 55 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,
GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to
 Present perfect simple
 Present perfect continuous
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
Opening The lesson
 To break the ice and  How many types of letters do you know?
create fruitful learning  Personal letter
opportunities  Business letter
 Complaining 5 mn
 Thank you
 Request
 Application
 Which one is this one? Personal letter

 Discovering a 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 mn
letter’s parts c f a e d b
What she wants N° Para
 Which paragraph 1. Wants to know Jane’s reaction 5 5 mn
2. Apology for not being able to write in time 1
3. talk about the problem of computer 2
addiction in morocco
4. Give advice to Jane 4
5. Talk about herself 3
C. Writing:
I am Ahmed TANDOURI. I am twenty-six years
old. I am an engineer. I am married and have two
My problem is that I spend quite a longtime in
the internet working, chatting or discussing problems
 Write a related to my work. I never have a particular free time.
answering the I am always busy. There is less time to spend with the
questions on page children. 30 mn
I have made tried many strategies to cut down
this habit. I have had a ridged program, including spots
in my weekly routines. I had special day reserved for
the family like visiting families or organizing certain
trips around the outskirt of the city.
My family has changed a lot. The children have
become happy and relaxed. They feel that there is
someone to care for them and realize their dreams.

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Level First year letters and science math
Unit THREE: Media
Lesson plan Learner Trainer
Estimated Time 55 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Recognize the importance of a dictionary regularly
 Learn how to use a dictionary
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
Opening The lesson
 To break the ice and  How can you categorize a dictionary?
create fruitful learning  Give examples for each group
Language size theme Types
5 mn
Monolingual Mini Botanic Digital General
Bilingual Pocket Law Graphic special
Trilingual Thick Medicine Visual
Multilingual small astronomy Auditory

 Quick write = Dictionary 10 mn

Arranging words in alphabetic order

 Arrange the words Jogging Cycling Detail

Light healthy Universal
Meaning Sociology Window
Cycling Meaning
Detail Sociology
healthy Universal 10 mn
Jogging Window

Arranging words in alphabetic order

Dad decide Damp

Direct Deem Dance
dean Delay Dash
Doubt denial deck

 Arrange the words 1. Dad 7. deck

2. Damp 8. Deem 10 mn
3. Dance 9. Delay
4. Dash 10. denial
5. dean 11. Direct
6. decide 12. Doubt

Arranging words in alphabetic order

glass glance glacier

Glide Glib Glad
Gloss Gloom Glaze

 Arrange the words 1. glacier 6. Glib

2. Glad 7. Glide
3. Glance 8. Gloom
4. glass 9. Gloss
5. Glaze

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam ZOUITA LESSON 8 Academic year: 2006/2007
Level First year letters and science math
Unit THREE: Media
Lesson plan Project work
Estimated Time 55 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Read and present data graphic format
 Review some vocabulary items from unit 3
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
 To break the ice and  What are the kinds of graphics that you know?
create fruitful learning
opportunities 1. HISTOGRAM 8. RADAR


 What are they  Quick and direct 10 mn
 Highlight the most important fact
used for?  Can be easily remembered
 Facilitate understanding of presented information
 Can convince the audience

C. Reading a graph:
1. histogram
2. consumer preferences by Media attribute
 Read a graph 3. Television 10 mn
4. radio
5. There are no two similar things are mentioned
Make a classroom survey and present in a graph Page 51
 Class survey
 Watching T.V
 Internet
 Reading the newspapers

 Relaxing activity 10 mn

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Ready Made Lesson Plan Series
Unit four

Gateway 1
First Year Baccalaureate

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Four: Leisure and entertainment
Lesson plan Speaking
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Use their background knowledge and the pictures to talk about the main theme
 Acquire new vocabulary through visual clues
 Review and expand vocabulary related to the topic
 Categorize vocabulary according to rubrics
 Distinguish adjectives with –ed and –ing
Tasks and Steps / procedures Timing Observation
Objectives s
A. Opening The lesson Describing
 To break the ice 1- Pictures: each picture
and create fruitful 1. swimming: swim time, place,
learning people,
2. football: play weather
opportunities 5 mn
3. Reading: books, stories...
4. music: songs
5. theater: plays
6. Internet: multimedia room
2- *The most interesting one is the internet because it represents the
modern developed technology. It is a titanic source of information.
It is easy and practical.
*The most boring one is football. It is much ado about nothing. It
is use as a discouragement for many people to do their activities,
 Review and despite its sportive importance.
expand their *They are all enjoyable. They may good means to spend one’s
vocabulary spare time. They are sources o get more energy and refresh one’s
repertoire life. They are against routine.
*No one of them may be boring.
3- Internet is the most practiced in my area because of the spread of 10 mn
cybercafés everywhere. It is cheap and easy to use.
4- Sport, namely jogging, and martial art. I am keen on these
Activities In Out Both
Gardening √
Cooking √ 10 mn
Using the internet √
Watching T.V √
Listening to music √
 Which Playing football √
activity is it? Jogging √
Going to cinema √ √
Playing chess
Chatting on the net √
Weightlifting √
Shotgun √
Hunting √
cycling √
 Sentence 1. exhausting to the
2. surprised opposite
3. bored
4. fascinating

5. interesting

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Four: Leisure and entertainment
Lesson plan Listening
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Listen for the main idea
 Listen for specific information
 Guess meaning from context
Tasks and Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
1- There are not enough opportunities to practice sports
at school. Time is very limited. It is too short.
 To break the Students do not take this activity seriously. Also,
ice and some teachers do not care. They are just there to
create spend their time. 10 mn
fruitful 2- Our neighborhood is quite small. Buildings are
learning occupying the area enormously. Modern life is
opportunities devouring all social activities. Studies take most of
the time.
3- -Time constraints
-Studies and assignments
-Too many subjects

1.Pin Pong 7. Basketball
 Pictures: 2.Swimming 8. Music
Activities 3.Soccer 9. Video games 10 mn
4.Volleyball 10. picnic
5.Watching T.V 11. Rope Skipping
6.Tennis 12. Hide and seek
1. False, there is a lack of swimming pools in most schools.
2. False, parents do not allow their children to watch during
10 mn
 Which school days and let them on weekends.
activity is 3. False, only girls are keen on rope Skipping.
4. True, they entertain themselves by playing Hide and Seek
or swimming in rivers
Expressions of emotions
1. Keen on 6. worried
 Expressions 2. Eager 7. indifferent
10 mn
3. disappointing 8. worried
4. found of 9. disappointing
5. worried 10. bored
F. What do Moroccan children at home?
Using poppet or plastic gadgets
Utensils for girls
 Culture Using modern clay
awareness Block building
Cartoon games: puzzles 10 mn
Chess, cards, scrabble games
Video games
Chatting on the net
Hide and Seek
War and bottle games

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Four: Leisure and entertainment
Lesson plan Communication Skills
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Expressing feelings
 Expressing emotions
Tasks and Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
 Who are in the picture?
- Two friends/ tourist/ passenger, farmers, businessman
- Two brothers
- Father and son
- Teacher and student
 Where are they?
- Forest 10 mn
- Garden
- Desert
 To break the  What is the weather like?
ice - It is sunny. Perhaps it is a summer day. They are under the
shadow of a tree or tent? this year= a lot of rain
- Clothes: t-shirt, jeans, watch
- Colors= symbols of peace and bloodshed, lively/ blue: calm/
green: prosperity, good harvest….
 What are their feelings?
- Enthusiastic - Relaxed
- Satisfied - Motivated
- attracted - Amused
 Pictures: 1. He wants to know if there is a big park in the neighborhood.
2. In the forest 10 mn
3. Tom’s father
types adjectives
Feelings Amused Motivated
and Relaxed bored 10 mn
 Which emotions Embarrassed
activity is Activities Big Fascinating
it? and Attractive interesting
places Useful
 Expressions  Adjectives ending in “ed” express feelings and emotions. 10 mn
 Adjectives ending in “ing” express activities and places.
 Culture (-) (+)
awareness Disappointed Worried Motivated Satisfied 10 mn
Disgusted Annoyed Amused Attracted
Embarrassed Shocked Fascinated relaxed
1. We feel motivated and amused in the geography class because
we find it very interesting.
2. I feel motivated and relaxed in the exam because of my result
is charming
 Feelings 3. She feels worried and disappointed about her outcome because
and reasons the grade is embarrassing.
4. He feels disgusted to see that accident because of the boring
5. She feels shocked in the exam because the exercises are
6. She feels attracted and satisfied about the news because they

are very useful

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Four: Leisure and entertainment
Lesson plan Reading/ Grammar
Estimated Time 55 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Distinguish between the use of too and enough
 Practice how to use too and enough
 Distinguish between “to be going to” and “will”
 Practice “to be going to” and “will”
Tasks and Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
 Youssef is ten years old he wants to get married. 5 mn
 To break the ice
 Youssef is.................small; he cannot get married, now.
 Youssef is not get married, now.
 Ali is in his thirties. He is get married.
A- too and enough
 While listening 1. The answer: Twenty girls and boys
Why did Jeremy invite his friends? 10 mn
It is his birthday party/ After an exam result/ One of his
family members’ success, wedding party/ recovering from
illness, coming from pilgrimage…
Another word for “anniversary”: birthday
1. He felt embarrassed because his flat was too small for
his guests. / His guests were too many.
2. Yes, he has spent most of the money on the cakes and 5 mn
 Post reading
3. No, there were not enough drinks for everybody. He has
only one litter of juice and another one of Coca Cola.

Elements quantity
tables 1
chairs 4
guests 25 5 mn
 Chart filling cakes 1
juice 1
coke 1
sandwiches some
1. Jeremy’s friends were too many for the cakes.
-There were not enough cakes for Jeremy’s friends.
2. There were not enough chairs and tables for all guests.
 Making
- All the guests didn’t have enough chairs and tables. 10 mn
sentences 3. There was not enough food to put in glasses and plates
-The glasses and plates were too many for the food.
-There was too little food for the glasses and plates.
4. The neighbors were too angry because Jeremy’s friends were
making a lot of noise.
Too = 1- 5
Enough = 2- 3- 4 5 mn
A. Future tense: To be going to / will
sentences 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 mn
rules a d c e b f c
1. I am going to get
2. I am going to travel
 Blank filling I am going to take 5 mn
3. will show
4. are going to bang

5. will visit

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Four: Leisure and entertainment
Lesson plan Reading
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,
GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to
 Explore a visual aid
 Recognize the main idea in the text
 Scan for specific information
 Show general understanding of the text
 Infer meaning from context

Tasks and Objectives

Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
 Visual exploitation
o Who is in the pictures? Male/ female/ origin
 To break the ice o What is he wearing? Fashion tight clothes/ color
o What is he doing?
o What are the kinds of music you know? Rock, jazz, rap, reggae, 10 mn
slow, country, classical, soft, hip-hop,
o Time: night/ projector
o Place: Cinema, theater, open air,
o Instruments: flute, piano, trumpet, saxophone, guitar, drum…

 Pre-reading 1. It depends on the students
2. “empty Orchestra”: music/ film/ poem 10 mn
3. karaoke noun (From Japanese) a type of entertainment in which
a machine plays only the music of popular songs so that people
can sing the words themselves
4. It depends on the students.
 Which Para is it? 1234
cdab 5 mn
1. False, in recent years, there has been a boom in karaoke
rooms in Japan.
2. False, they go to enjoy singing. 10 mn
3. True, you can go there with friends or family to enjoy
 True/ false
4. False, the karaoke box consists of a lot of isolated rooms.

5. It stands for empty orchestra; or an orchestra without a
 Making 6. to enjoy singing, seek relief or have fun
5 mn
sentences 7. “Karaoke box” is Japanese and you don’t sing in front of
unfamiliar people; whereas “karaoke bar” is more American
and you can sing in front of people.
You can You cannot
 etiquettes 1.Sing with friends 1. Misbehave
5 mn
2.Dance 2. Smoke
3.Sing alone 3. Look into other rooms

 reference 1 2 3 4 5 mn
sing-along gender relief patrol

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math
Unit Four: Leisure and entertainment
Lesson plan Grammar and writing
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,
GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to
 Review different preposition of time and place
 Practice different preposition of time and place
 Distinguishing the different uses of “in” and “at” for time and place
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
GRAMMAR  Visual exploitation
o Bachir: Where are you man? 5 mn
o Jamal: I am at school.
 To break the ice o Bachir: Are you at school or in school?
 Appropriate 5. on 9. on
prepositions 6. in 10. at 5 mn
7. in 11. in
8. at/ by/ in
B. 1. There is a label on the boxes. 2. What’s in the box?
3. On 4. Off 5. on
 Blank filling C. 1. on 2. next to 3. between 4. on 5. near 15 mn

D. 1 over- 2 between front of 4. on 5. near

A. 1. Yes/ No
WRITING 2. Yes/ No
3 difference between an email writing and traditional letter writing
Traditional letter Snail mail
1. Expensive 1. Cheap
2. Time consuming 2. Quick
3. Needs other means 3. Computer and
 What is the (human postman, connection 10 mn
difference transport (plane, car, 4. Skills
bus… 5. No movement
4. Money (stamp/ envelop/ 6. Effective
papers/ pen 7. very personal
5. Extra effort moving
6. ineffectual/ it may get lost
7. It may be disclosed

Column A Column B
1. 08:12:55 GMT 1.h. time when the email was sent
2. Cc 2.a. carbon copy
3. Bcc 3.f. blind carbon 5 mn
 Elements to
4. 4.c. receiver’s email address
5. 5.g. writer’s email address
6. Keiko2005 6.d. name or pseudo name
7. 7.b. email service provider
8. Entertainment in Japan 8. i. message title
9. @ 9. e. at
 I am surprised to know that …
 It is interesting to read that …
 Reactions Japanese are hardworking people.
Keen on karaoke. 10 mn
Read comics magazine
Old people want to enjoy themselves

Email Students write an email to answer keiko’s questions Class


Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam ZOUITA Academic year: 2006/2007

Review Unit 1 & 2

Tasks Correction Timing Observations

TENSES 1. have not gone- went
2. have been living
3. met
4. has lost
5. was
 Yet 1. yet
 Just 2. just
 Already 5 mn
3. already- already
4. already
1. for
2. since 5 mn
 SINCE 3. for
 FOR 4. since
5. since
1. has been snowing
 PRESENT PERFECT 2. have not eaten 10 mn
Simple or continuous 3. has been playing/ has played
4. has stolen
5. have been playing
 TO BE GOING TO 1. are going to
 WILL 2. will 10 mn
3. will we have
4. will help
5. is going to
1. boring
 CORRECT ADJECTIVES 2. interested
3. exhausted 10 mn
4. disgusting
5. excited
6. entertaining
2. at- on 10 mn
3. in- at
4. at
5. on- in- at- on
6. to- for

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Ready Made Lesson Plan Series
Unit five

Gateway 1
First Year Baccalaureate

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math 1/5
Lesson plan Speaking
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Use their background knowledge and the pictures to talk about the main theme
 Acquire new vocabulary through visual clues
 Review and expand vocabulary related to the topic
 Categorize vocabulary according to rubrics
Tasks and Objectives Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
Slaughtering feast, birthday, welcoming guests… Aid Al
2 Fireworks, New year
 To break the ice 3 Uprising, revolution, uprising, rebellion, insurrection, civil
and create fruitful disobedience, insurrection, unrest, upheaval, mutiny… 15 mn
learning Labor Day
opportunities 4 Green March
5 Roses festival (KALAATE MAGOUNA)
6 Royal visit to Lâayoune/ Throne day
7 MOLAY IDRISS ZARHOUNE/ The Birth of The Prophet
8 Halloween
9 Birthday
10 Speech of Mohamed V in Tangiers/ independent day
11 Christmas
12 Imilchil festival
 expand Write about
vocabulary *The most interesting celebration At home
repertoire * The most enjoyable celebration
Celebrations examples
Religious 4. Ashoura 8. The Birth of The
9. Aid Al Adha Prophet
Chart filling
Local 3. Imilchil 11. Festival of Roses 15 mn
12. Assila’s 13. Wax Lantern Procession
National 2. Green March 5. Independence Day
10. Throne Day
foreign 1. New Year 6. Halloween
7. Thanksgiving 14. Christmas
1. November 18th h Independent Day 10
 Which 2. May (the first week) d Festival Of Roses 5
celebration is it? 3. July 31
g Throne Day 6
4. October 21
a Halloween 8
10 mn
5. Rabii Al Awal 12
e The Birth of The Prophet 7 Lunar month/
6. December 31
i New Year 2 Solar month
7. November 6
b Green March 4
8. Dou-Alhijja 10
c Aid Al Adha 1
9. May 1
f Labor Day 3
10. December 25
j Christmas 11

 Sentence 6. Write about your best celebration: date, area, special

completion clothes, special food, activities practiced…
10 mn
7. What celebration do most people want to know

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math 2/5
Lesson plan Listening
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,

GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to

 Listen for the main idea
 Listen for specific information
 Guess the topic of listening text
Tasks and
Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
1. How many countries does African contain?
About: a- 45 b- 50 c- 52
2. How many English-speaking courtiers do you know?
a- 20 b- 16 c- 18
3. Do you know their capital cities? Adjectives? Currency?
Country Capital city adjective Currency
Botswana Maputo Botswana Portuguese
 To break the ice 10 mn
Ghana Banjul The Gambian
and create Kenya Accra Ghana
fruitful learning Lesotho Nairobi Kenyan
opportunities Liberia Maseru Sesotho
Malawi Monrovia Liberian
Namibia Brazzaville Malawian
Nigeria Windhoek Nigerian
Sierra Leone Freetown Namibian
South Africa Cop town Sierra Leonean
Swaziland Mbabane South African
Tanzania Dar Salam Swazilandian
The Gambia Mbabane Tanzanian
Uganda Kampala Ugandan
Zimbabwe Harare Zimbabwean

A, B.
1. Colonized, drought, illness, civil war, political troubles,
 Discussion
questions robbed of its richness.
country Capital city adjectives
10 mn
Egypt Cairo Egyptian
Ghana Accra
Ivory coast Abidjan Ivorian

3. Egypt, Ghana, Ivory coast

4. students’ expectations

speakers countries festivals Period of the festival
 Chart-filling 1 Kofi Ghana Homowo August/ September 10 mn
2 Drogba Ivory Coast Masks November
3 Jamal Egypt Abu Sambal Feb 22nd
and Oct.22 nd

D, E.
1. False, Homowo festival ridicules hanger.
 True/ false 2. False, “to pay homage to the forest spirits. 10 mn
3. True, it is one of the most spectacular sights in the world.
 Follow up Which of the three festivals you find most interesting?
10 mn
Quick write

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math 3/5
Lesson plan Communication skills: P 71
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,
GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to
 Listen for the main idea
 Listen for specific information
 Guess the topic of listening text
Tasks and Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
What do parents do to encourage their children do well in their studies?
 Give them presents/ gift
 Promise to buy them something
 Show their interest in their achievement.
Semantic field
 Swear; assure; undertake; guarantee; agree; give your word pledge; secure;
promise; promise
 To break the ice  to make / keep / break a promise 10
and create  to extract / win a promise from sb mn
fruitful learning
opportunities  I can promise you; you'll have a wonderful time.
 If you don't take my advice, you'll regret it, I promise you.
 Politicians promise the earth before an election, but things are different
 Her work shows great promise.
 He failed to fulfill his early promise.
 Their future was full of promise.
A- The mother promise to take her daughter to the zoo

 Discussion B-
I promise not to disturb you
I’ll take you to the zoo, if you keep quiet 10
I’ll be quiet as a mouse mn

Your teacher You
1. I promise I’ll do my best to help you 1. I promise to speak English as much 10
improve your English as possible. mn
 Guessing 2. I promise to give you feed back in a 2. I promise to do my assignment
very short time. regularly.
3. I’ll bring more activities. 3. I will work seriously.
4. I’ll check all your copybooks. 4. We will organize them perfectly.
1. I will set electric for every single home.
2. I will provide work and adequate pay for the community. 10
3. I will try to solve all local problems to have more opportunities to
 Local election manage our resources.
4. I will welcome anyone to find together solutions to their sufferance.
5. I will not accept any law violation
6. All houses should be provided with water continuously.
7. Electric power will not be cut haphazardly.
 Follow up Imagine certain situations in which you promise your family:
Working hard 10

Not to waste time in fiddlestick affairs
Stay up late watching horrible film

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam LESSON Academic year:
Level First year letters and science math 4/5
Lesson plan Reading skills: P 72
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,
GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to
 Read for specific information
 Understand vocabulary from context
 Vocabulary Expansion
Tasks and Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
What are the sorts of entertaining activities do the authorities organize?
 Folklore Festivals
 Fantasia Festivals
 Exposition Festivals
 To break the  Rallies competitions
ice and
create What are the roles of these festivals?
fruitful  To maintain the oral heritage
learning  To get more tourist recourses 10 mn
opportunities  Looking for foreign currency to be used in economy
 Getting to know other cultures
State some examples of these festivals?
 Local ones: Each city has its own local festivals
 National ones: independence, Green March, the throne
 International ones: Mother’s Day, handicapped,
A/B *Student answer the question in a quick write activity
 Discussion *Discuss it in pair, then collective correction in the classroom. 10 mn
questions *Take notes for future use
 Guessing  3 Describe how the people of Ait Hadidou tribe get 5 mn
8. False, they come for business, as well.
 T/F 9. True, men and women enjoy equal status. 10 mn
questions 10. False, there is a rounded spangled headdress for single and a
pointed one for divorced or widowed ones.
11. An official driver in from outside to register the newly marriage.

 Textual 1. It is organized in Ait Hadidou tribe in The Atlas Mountains towards
the ends of September. 10 mn
2. It lasts for three days.
3. The recently married couples go to their villages.
4. The text is mainly written for foreign readers. The writer explains
the word Moussem for foreign readers and things that are evident
for Moroccans, but foreigners are not familiar with.

Words Word from the text
1. Very far 1. Remote
 Synonyms 2. Very large 2. Vast
5 mn
3. Moving 3. Wondering
4. Very big 4. Huge
5. A woman whose 5. widowed
husband is dead

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Instructor: ZOUITA Abdesalam Academic year 2006/2007

Abdesalam ZOUITA LESSON Five Academic year: 2006/2007

Level First year letters and science math 5/5
Lesson plan Grammar: P 73
Estimated Time 50 minutes
Material Students’ book, Post cards, visual aids, chalkboard
Source Gateway
Seating Arrangement Pair work, cooperative learning,
GLOBAL OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson students should be able to
 Use relative pronouns
 Practice using relative pronouns
Tasks and Steps / procedures Timing Observations
A. Opening The lesson
Mach each statement with the suitable job

1. cleans pencil traces a. Writer

2. Cuts hair b. Ruler
 To break the
3. Fixes light and bulbs c. Rubber
ice and
4. makes and repairs chairs and tables, etc d. Hairdresser
5. measures distances e. Electrician
fruitful 10 mn
6. Open bottles f. Carpenter
7. Sells meat g. Butcher
8. Writes books h. Bottle opener

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
c d e f b h g a
1. A writer is someone writes books.
2. A ruler is something measures distances.
3. Achraf mother works in the office above is my friend.
 Matching 1.A lawyer is a person who helps people with legal problems. 10 mn
2.A mosque is a place where Muslim people pray.
3.A vacuum cleaner is a machine which we use for cleaning carpets.

 Guessing He spent his holidays in Napoli in Italy. 10 mn

Relative Their uses ‘N’ 10 mn
Pronouns reference ‘NN’
1 Which Photos Object pronoun ‘NN’
 Relative
2 Where Hotel Object pronoun ‘NN’
3 Which Balcony Object pronoun N
4 Whose Boy possessive pronoun N
5 Who Girl Object pronoun ‘NN’
6 who She (the girl) Subject pronoun N

Not Necessary D. What are the pronouns which are not necessary to use.

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

1. Did I tell you about the woman who lives next door?
2. This is the bank which was robbed last week.
 Practice 3. That’s the boy whose sister is in my class.
4. The man who is standing there is my uncle.
5. The restaurant where we ate last night was quite expensive.

1. Brahim whose brother immigrated to France is my cousin.
2.The place where you have been staying is forbidden for the public.
3.The president which you bring me is very expensive.
4.The English teacher who won the first prize is from the South.

Level: First year letters and science math

Unit Title: Celebrations
Lesson plan: Grammar: Passive voice. Unit 5
Estimated time: 50 minutes Lesson 6
Materials: Student’s books, visual aids, chalkboard
Setting Arrangement: Pair work, cooperative learning

Global objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
o Use passive voice adequately
o Practice passive voice perfectly
o Students make their own examples.
Objectives Steps of the lesson Time Observations
 Irregular Simple present Simple past Past participle
verb Speak Spoken Spoken
Build Built Built
Make Made Made
Do Did Done
Grow Grew Grown 10 mn
Write Wrote Written
Steal Stole Stolen
See Saw Seen
Break Broke Broken
 Famous 1. Ibn Khaldun 4. Isaac NEWTON
people 2. Leonardo DAVINCI 5. Naguib MAHFOUZ 5 mn
3. Thomas EDISON 6. Louis PASTEUR

1. Almokaddima was written by Ibn Khaldun
2. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo DAVINCI
 Sentences 3.The light bulb was invented by Thomas ADISON. 10 mn
completion 4.The Law gravity is discovered by Isaac NEWTON
5.The 1988 Nobel prize in literature was received by Naguib MAHFOUZ
6.vaccination was invented by Louis PASTEUR
Active form
1. Somebody built this mosque in 1850.
2. We must do something to help this poor man.
3. We make cheese from milk.
4. They invited me to the party.
5. They are building a new hospital in our neighborhood.
6. She left the door open
 Passive or 5 mn
Passive form

1. This mosque was built in 1850.

2. Something must do to help this poor man.

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

3. Cheese is made from milk.
4. I was invited to the party.
5. A new hospital is being built in our neighborhood.
6. the door was left open
1. Brahim buys a book from the library, every week.
2. Soufien sent an email.
3. Hanna has read some stories.
4. They are playing football in the stadium.
 Transformation 5. You were visiting Agadir.

1. A book is bought by Brahim from the library every week.

10 mn
2. An email was sent by Soufien.
3. Some stories have been read by Hanna.
4. Football is being played in the stadium.
5. Agadir was being visited.

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam Academic year
Level: First year letters and science math
Unit Title: Celebrations
Lesson plan: Writing skills Unit 5
Estimated time: 50 minutes Lesson 7
Materials: Student’s books, visual aids, chalkboard
Setting Arrangement: Pair work, cooperative learning

Global objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
o Write an article following an outline.
o Edit a first draft using a check list
o Use other resource for more information
Objectives Steps of the lesson Time Observations

A. Introduction /

 Aid Eladha: Religious celebration.

 10th Dul Hijja of lunar mouth.
 It is a story of Abraham and his son as a sacrifice.
 Dreaming to slaughter his son.
 Brain storming  The angel Jabrail bringing a sheep from paradise. 15 mn

 All over the Islamic and Arab world.

 New, traditional, and local garments, jewelry.
 Prayers in an open-air area or mosques
 Exchange of visits and phone call.
 Relatives and friend meeting.
 The poor are given 1/3 of the slaughtered sheep.
 All sort of dishes and meals are made from meat.

 First draft B students write their draft

C There is a self-correction
 correction Collection correction
Model E.
writing  Teacher’s remedial activities
 Final draft Eid ul-Adha occurs on the tenth day of the Islamic month of Dhul Hijja. It
is one of two festivals that Muslims celebrate. Eid ul-Adha is celebrated by Muslims
worldwide as a commemoration of Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son
for God.
Muslims believe that God revealed in a dream to Ibrahim (Prophet
Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ismail. Ibrahim and Ismail set off to Mina for the
sacrifice. As they went, the devil attempted to persuade Ibrahim to disobey God
and not to sacrifice his beloved son. But Ibrahim stayed true to God and drove the
devil away. As Ibrahim prepared to sacrifice his son, God stopped him and gave
him a sheep to sacrifice instead.
The story is also a part of the other Abraham religions. It is celebrated on
the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hijja of the lunar Islamic calendar, after Hajj,
the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. This happens to be approximately
days after the end of the month of Ramadan. While Eid ul-Fitr is considered to be
three days, Eid ul-Adha is supposed to be four days. The first day is the primary
holiday, on which men, women, and children are expected to dress in their finest
clothing and perform prayer (Salah) in a large congregation. Muslims who can
afford to do so sacrifice domestic animals, usually sheep, as a symbol of Ibrahim's
sacrifice; this sacrifice is called "Qurban."
The meat is distributed amongst their neighbors, relatives, and the poor
and hungry. The charitable instincts of the Muslim community are demonstrated
during Eid ul-Adha by the concerted effort to see that no impoverished Muslim is
left without sacrificial food during this day. Coming immediately after the Day of
Arafat (when Muhammad pronounced the final seal on the religion of Islam), Eid
ul-Adha gives concrete realization to what the Muslim community ethic means in


Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Abdesalam Academic year
Level: First year letters and science math
Unit Title: Celebrations
Lesson plan: Learner Training: Dictionary use & project work Unit 5
Estimated time: 50 minutes Lesson 8
Materials: Student’s books, visual aids, chalkboard
Setting Arrangement: Pair work, cooperative learning

Global objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
o Learn how to specify syllables in a word.
o Identify the stressed syllables (s) in a word;
o Identify silent letters in some letters in some words.
o Explore their learning beyond the classroom
o Practicing using the pre-taught vocabulary both orally and writing
o Enhance both collaborative and cooperative work.
Objectives Steps of the lesson Time Observations
 Can you put these parts together?
 Setting a DE FO RE STRA TION
motivated 5 mn
atmosphere  What are these divisions?
 What is a syllable?
It is part of a word which contain one vowel plus one or more consonant (s); The
word is divided by using dots or vertical lines.
Words Divided words Undivided words
neighbour neigh. bour ****
classroom class. room **** 5 mn
right **** right
 Making syllables young **** young
marriage ****
international ****
festival fes.ti.val ****
groom **** groom
celebration ce.le.bra. tion ****
 Words with Words Its meaning
different Highlighted Emphasized
meanings Miserable Depressing 10 mn
Feelings Emotions
Well A hole in the ground
Decent Acceptable
Words Silent letter (s) Words Silent letter (s)
Walk L Psychology P
Sword w Pseudo U
Half L Island S
Sign G Knowledge K
 Silent letter (s) Write w Receipt P 10 mn
Honour H castle T
1. The poster advertises Andalusian music festival in Casablanca.
2. It is going to be held in 1, 2, and 3 December 2005
3. The organizers are Casablanca Wilaya and Association of Moroccan Andalousian
 Project skills Music of Amateurs. 10 mn
4. It is a free festival.
5. Restaurant,
6. Yes, there are some evening performances
7. Yes, exchange office in Eljadida road.

 The class should be divided in small groups of four to five Students.

10 mn
 Tasks  Shake-up their own project by applying the information on page 78.
 Collective correction
 Final draft to be posted in the Yahoo Group.

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Ready Made Lesson Plan Series
Unit six

Gateway 1
First Year Baccalaureate

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

ZOUITA Academic year
Level: First year letters and science math
Unit Title: Health and Welfare
Lesson plan: A picture is worth a thousand words Unit: 6
Estimated time: 50 minutes Lesson: 1
Materials: Student’s books, visual aids, chalkboard
Setting Arrangement: Pair work, cooperative learning
Global objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
o Use their background knowledge and pictures to talk about the main theme of the unit
o Review and acquire new vocabulary through visual clues.
o Categorize vocabulary according to given rubrics (collocations)
o Vocabulary building
Objectives Steps of the lesson Time Observa
 Setting an easy and Body corpse cadaver dead body
motivated atmosphere
Stiff deceased remains organization 5 mn
A. Parts of the body
Body Part Letter Body Part Letter
1. neck m 11. arm o
2. chest 12. wrist f
3. ear d 13. leg g
4. throat l 14. stomach e
 Which is which? 5. heel c 15. waist s
6. shoulder t 16. elbow q
7. head n 17. knee h
8. back a 18. toes k
9. hip p 19. foot j 10 mn
10. eye r 20. thigh i
I’ve got (a) … sore I’ve got (a) … ache I’ve got a pain in my
o throat o toes o ear o neck o waist
o feet o leg o head o shoulder o foot
 illness relationship
o eye o elbow o back o hip o chest 10 mn
o arm o heel o stomach o tight
o knee o tooth

Actions expressing emotions Often parts of the body are closely linked to
particular verbs. The combination of the verb and part of the body expresses
an emotion or attitude.
action part of body you feel...
bite lips nervous
clench fist angry, aggressive
click fingers you're trying to remember sth
click tongue annoyed
drum/tap fingers impatient
hang head ashamed
lick lips anticipating sth good, nervous
nod head agreement 10 mn
purse lips disapproval, dislike
raise eyebrows inquiring, surprised
scratch head puzzled
shake head disagreement
shrug shoulders doubt, indifferent
stamp foot angry
wrinkle nose dislike, distaste
wrinkle forehead puzzled
D. Open discussion: best ways to cure headaches
 Visiting a doctor for a medical treatment
 Discussion
 Taking medicines/ pills: aspirin, doliprane, rhenomiscine…
 Sleep for some moments
 Have a shower, ablution, then pray and supplicate to cure you 15 mn
 Read or listen to the Koran/ Have special diet
 Use alternative medicines
 Drinking tea or coffee / Do sports
 Use exorcism, hex, incantation or invocation “Put your right hand Say in the

name of Allah three times. Then say ” ‫”أحاذره و أجده ما شر من بك أعود قدرتك و بعزتك ا لهم‬
 Use some cloth to tie slices of potatoes or onion to your head for some time.

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

ZOUITA Academic year
Level: First year letters and science math
Unit Title: Health and welfare
Lesson plan: Listening: health and eating habits Unit: 6
Estimated time: 50 minutes Lesson: 2
Materials: Student’s books, visual aids, chalkboard
Setting Arrangement: Pair work, cooperative learning
Global objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
o Talk about health and healthy habits
o Expressing ideas and opinions about health and welfare
o Listen for main idea/ specific information
o Listen and take notes
Objectives Steps of the lesson Time Observations
Visual exploration:
1. Picture One
o A luxurious room equipped with most modern furniture
o It is a sitting-room, T.V, decoder, video, table full of various kinds of stuff
o Mattress, pillow, cupboard, bedroom
o The boy seems to be fatty. He appears to have more than enough food. He
is well fed
o He is eating cake, sweet, chocolate, in an abnormal sitting position
 Setting an o It seems to be summer; the boy is just wearing a blue t-shirt and shorts;
easy and outside, there seem to be green trees through the window. 15 mn
atmosphere 2. Picture Two
o It is an open-air market or shopping center.
o There is a salesperson of ice-cream, glace, sweets… and a row of small
o They are queuing to get their needs
o The salesperson has a cartwheel dragged by a bike
o The cart carries all his goods and merchandise
o He has many plastic containers, frying pan,
o His merchandise is at risk of salt, dirt, flies and all sorts of insects
o Kids’ s health is endangered by these products
o They may be poisonous
3. Picture Three
o It is a factory in an industrial area.
o Fumes and gas are getting out its funnels
o They are either near an ocean surrounded by verdure or seaweed. 10 mn
o Air, water, terrestrial pollution
1. A mother is 2. Parents 3. The inhabitants
1. “ My son is eating a lot 1. “kids do not eat enough 1. ”We cannot breathe
 Complaining between meals” food at home” healthy air anymore”
2. “My son is suffering 2. kids prefer ice-creams 2. Our drinking water is
from obesity” and cakes from streets” too salty.
3. “He is getting too fat” 3. Kids consume too much 3. We grow nom more
4. “He does not have canned and bottled flowers in the place”
regular meals” products” 4. “smell around us is
4. “snacks are very disgusting”
repeatedly taken by
B. health officials and educators should implement sensitizing programs at
 Eating habits schools and on T.V 5 mn

Parents should instill their kids a new eating culture which help them become
A healthy diet should be low in fat and rich in fruit and vegetables. It should

 Healthy diet
also include moderate amounts for milk and dairy products, meat and fish. 10 mn

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

ZOUITA Academic year

Level: First year letters and science math

Unit Title: Health and welfare
Estimated time: 50 minutes Lesson: 3
Materials: Student’s books, visual aids, chalkboard
Setting Arrangement: Pair work, cooperative learning

Global objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
o Expressing complaints
o Responding to complaints
o Put them into practice
Objectives Steps of the lesson Time Observations
 Places 1. Restaurants, café, plane, an office…
2. Restaurants, café, plane, an office… 10 mn
3. restaurant, shopping place, ticket-office
4. hotel,
5. car repairing garage
6. neighbor

5 a.I am sorry sir. The part has been ordered and they have not come in yet
 Reaction
6 b.Oh dear, I am terribly sorry, madam. I promise this won’t happen again. 10 mn
3 c. I am sorry sir, but you have to check with the account department.
2 d.We do apologize, sir. I’ll make sure that you are served as soon as
4 e. I am sorry, madam. I’ll send someone up to ask him to stop that noise.
1 f. I’m sorry for the mistake, Sir. I’ll get you the baked potatoes.

Husband: “I am sorry to say that we are eating too late at night.”

Wife: Oh dear, I am terribly sorry, I will get dinner early”

Husband“ Excuse me, but I would like to say that we eat too much meat wife and fat”
wife: I am sorry, I will cut them down gradually”

Husband to his wife: “ I am sorry to say children are eating too much fried food”
 Eating habits wife: “ I apologize, I will substitute it with different healthy food”
You: “sorry to say that you are making too much noise”
Brother: “I am awfully sorry; I will reduce the computer volume”
20 mn
You: “Excuse me to say that we have too much homework to do”
Teacher: “I am sorry, I think the holiday is too long and you may do more practical exercises”

You: “ Excuse me, but I would like to say that we have too much washing up”
Mother: “ I am terribly sorry; we will make schedule for the washing up”
Students: “ We are sorry to say that we lack multimedia room”
Headmaster/ “I am dreadfully sorry; But I’ll ask for more computers from the delegation”

Students:” We are sorry to say that we study in very crowded classrooms”

Headmistress: “We are sorry, we will make the school structure more convenient next year”

Students: “We are sorry to say that we have no reference books in our library”
Headmaster: “Sorry for that, but we will buy more references, soon”

I am sorry to say this…

 Other I want to complain about…
expressions I’m afraid I have a complaint… 5 mn
I’m angry about...
I’m sorry to say this, but I can’t…
I’m sorry, but this will never occur 5 mn
 Responses I’m sorry, I promise never to … again

I’m sorry, I’ll do my best not to… you again

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

ZOUITA Academic year
Level: First year letters and science math
Unit Title: Health and welfare
Lesson plan: Reading: Unit: 6
Estimated time: 55 minutes Lesson: 4
Materials: Student’s books, visual aids, chalkboard
Setting Arrangement: Pair work, cooperative learning
Global objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
o Predict the main topics
o Read and check information
o Recall information from memory
o Write a summary to the text
Objectives Steps of the lesson Time Observations
Visual exploration:
Picture one:
 Too fat, hot, stressed, wet, too loose tight clothes,
 In a river, waterfall. It is raining cut and dogs/ storm
 Using trees as a shelter/ harbor
 Tries to reduce his headache by having a shower
 It is in very cool place

Picture Two:
 To Set a  Many black skin children scattered around l torn clothes
provoking  They may be in a refugee camp, hostel,
15 mn
environment  They seem not to have enough to eat
 They seem not to have satisfactory clothes to be dressed in.
 There is not adequate drinking water
 It seems to be early in the morning, getting up hungry from sleep
 They may be from a big family or tribe in a war state

Picture Three:
 It is a mixed-up picture or drawing
 There is a nurse giving a shot for a baby; it may be vaccination
 There is enough varied food including: oranges, cheese, lemon, meat, chicken,
oranges, yogurt, peach, almond
 There is a person behind in a skiing manner in a white snowy mountain

I think the text is about: Students’ suggestions to be written on the board.
 The text is  good eating habits
 reasonable diets to go after
 Physical education that should be a habit
 food and health
 War and famine
15 mn
 East and west nutrition
 Discussion  How to eat and what to do?
B- Suggestions’ discussion
C- Checking the availability of their suggestions
1. False, N.G.Os complains about the health of people, particularly children.
2. False, they are obese because of the absence of activity and unhealthy eating patterns.
 True/ false 3. True, it would cost only US $ 13 billion- what people of the United States and Europe 10 mn
union spend on perfume each year.
4. False, Parents and educators are important as well.
The problem mentioned in the text are:
 Health and welfare of people namely children are unsatisfactory
 Overweight: obesity
 hearth disease, cholesterol, diabetes,
 high blood pressure
 Absolute poverty
 One third of the world is underfed one third is starving
 Recalling back The causes of problem are:
 Lack of physical activity
 Social discrimination
15 mn
 Unhealthy eating patterns
How to solve the problems:
 Vaccinations
 Balanced nutrition
 Exercising
 Change bad eating habits
Follow up There have been recently many problems related to health and welfare. What are
some problems, their possible causes, and suggested solutions? Hearth disease, cholesterol, Class
diabetes, high blood pressure and Absolute poverty to name but a few are problems that people or

are suffering from, namely children. These may be caused by Lack of physical activity, social
 Summary discrimination and unhealthy eating patterns. Some of the solutions to be advocated are
vaccination, exercising and changing our bad eating habits.

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

ZOUITA Academic year
Level: First year letters and science math
Unit Title: Health and welfare
Lesson plan: grammar
Estimated time: 55 minutes
Unit: 6
Materials: Student’s books, visual aids, chalkboard Lesson: 5
Setting Arrangement: Pair work, cooperative learning
Global objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
o Learn conditional 0 and 1
o Practice conditional type zero and one

Objectives Steps of the lesson Time Observations

Warming up
 If the camel once gets his nose in a tent, his body will soon follow.
 To Set a
 If your house is made of glass, don’t throw people with stones
 If you are planning for one year, grow rice.
If you are planning for 20 years, grow trees.
If you are planning for centuries, grow men.
 If the secret sorrows of everyone could be read on their forehead, how
many who now because envy would suddenly become the objects of pity.
 If you have only two alternatives, then choose the third.
 If you want your dreams to come true, don't sleep. 10 mn

 While reading Chemistry
1. The teacher wants to know if they leave some water in the freezer of their
 Questions: fridge what will happen to it.
2. Yes, it is always true if you freeze water it becomes ice… solid
3.Yes, it is true if you heat the ice it turns into water.
4. These are scientific truth/ facts
C. 15 mn

Column A Column B
1. People get fat C. if they eat junk food
 While reading 2. if a person practices sport a. he or she always feels good.
s, do not get fat e. if you eat healthy food
4. If children do not get enough sleep at night d. they get tired all day;
5. Palms die b. if it does not rain.
1. If you stay long in the sun, you will get burnt/ get sick
2. If the sun rises high, there will be no more creatures on earth.
 True/ false 10 mn
3. If you lose your sight, you can’t see.
4. If you touch that hot iron, it burns your finger.
Conditional A.
Type 1 Jamal is interested in medicine.
If clause Main clause
1. If I get high exam grades 1. I’ll go for medicine.
2. If I got average mark 2. I won’t be able to take the medicine
 Blank filling: 3. if my father’s business is good entrance
4. I f my father insists 3. He will send me abroad to study there.
4. I will go.
If + simple present + simple future.
 RULE: Simple present + if + simple present.

 D.
1 2 3 4 5
b a e d c
1. eat; will put 3. will go; has
2. win; will be qualified 4. send; will receive

1. You will get 20 out of 20
2. if you do not invite them

3. you are free

4. I will finish it tomorrow

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

ZOUITA Academic year
Level: First year letters and science math
Unit Title: Health and welfare
Lesson plan: Grammar: Modals
Estimated time: 55 minutes
Unit: 6
Materials: Student’s books, visual aids, chalkboard Lesson: 6
Setting Arrangement: Pair work, cooperative learning

Global objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
o Learn conditional 0 and 1
o Practice conditional type zero and one
Objectives Steps of the lesson Time Observations
Warming up Modals: Can: could
May: might
Shall: should
 To Set a
Must: had to
Will: would
Need, have, dare to, ought to.

 While reading He spends his free time watching T.V or playing games or football with
friends. 10 mn
Possibility - You can’t go out
 Questions: Obligation - Are you allowed to …?
- -You may go…
Permission - You have to go to the study room
- You must be there
Prohibition - You may be punished if you don’t
C. Column A Column A 15 mn
1. Look, it’s snowing again. c the flight may be delayed.
2. This restaurant can’t be that e- can’t you see the people going in?
 While reading
3. The film must be d the queue is really long at the
interesting. 4.You can’t park ticket office.
here. f. I have already done it.
5. You don’t have to clean the house. a. It’s full of mistakes.
6. You must write your essay again.
1. Can you speak any foreign language?
2. Take an umbrella. It might rain later.
 True/ false 10 mn
3. You look tired. You should go to bed.
4. You needn’t do it. I’ve already done it.
5. I have a headache. Could you buy m some aspirin?
Activities 1
Put one of the following to fill in the blanks: can, must may, ought, shall, will …
1. He lives from his work. He to take a taxi every day.
2. You do your tasks before you go out. You do
them when you return back in the evening.
3. Fatima is a genius. She _ can do very complex math
operation easily in a very limited laps of time.
4. You to respect other if you want to be respected.
5. I am thirsty. I have something to drink from the fridge.
6. shall I help you to do the dishes or do extra activity before the
guests arrive, in a moment.
Activities 2
What is expressed in the following sentences?
a- possibility b- prohibition c- permission d- obligation

 Context 1. You must read the instructions before using the machine so as not to destroy it.
2. Children may play video games whenever they like as far as they do their

3. They may not use this entrance. It is reserved to the staff not clients.
4. Look that may be Redouan. His clothes and his walking manner are similar.

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Ready Made Lesson Plan Series
Unit seven

Gateway 1
First Year Baccalaureate

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

ZOUITA Abdesalam Academic year 2006/2007
Level: First year letters and science math
Unit Title: Ecology
Lesson plan: Listening: health and eating habits Unit: 7
Estimated time: 50 minutes Lesson: 2
Materials: Student’s books, visual aids, chalkboard
Setting Arrangement: Pair work, cooperative learning
Global objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
o Predict and listen for main idea
o Listen for specific information
o Listen for details
Objectives Steps of the lesson Time Observations
Visual exploration:
4. Picture One
o A luxurious room equipped with most modern furniture
o It is a sitting-room, T.V, decoder, video, table full of various kinds of stuff
o Mattress, pillow, cupboard, bedroom
o The boy seems to be fatty. He appears to have more than enough food. He
is well fed
o He is eating cake, sweet, chocolate, in an abnormal sitting position
 Setting an o It seems to be summer; the boy is just wearing a blue t-shirt and shorts;
easy and outside, there seem to be green trees through the window. 15 mn
atmosphere 5. Picture Two
o It is an open-air market or shopping center.
o There is a salesperson of ice-cream, glace, sweets… and a row of small
o They are queuing to get their needs
o The salesperson has a cartwheel dragged by a bike
o The cart carries all his goods and merchandise
o He has many plastic containers, frying pan,
o His merchandise is at risk of salt, dirt, flies and all sorts of insects
o Kids’ s health is endangered by these products
o They may be poisonous
6. Picture Three
o It is a factory in an industrial area.
o Fumes and gas are getting out its funnels
o They are either near an ocean surrounded by verdure or seaweed. 10 mn
o Air, water, terrestrial pollution
4. A mother is 5. Parents 6. The inhabitants
1. “ My son is eating a lot 5. “kids do not eat enough 5. ”We cannot breathe
 Complaining between meals” food at home” healthy air anymore”
2. “My son is suffering 6. kids prefer ice-creams 6. Our drinking water is
from obesity” and cakes from streets” too salty.
3. “He is getting too fat” 7. Kids consume too much 7. We grow nom more
4. “He does not have canned and bottled flowers in the place”
regular meals” products” 8. “smell around us is
8. “snacks are very disgusting”
repeatedly taken by
B. health officials and educators should implement sensitizing programs at
 Eating habits schools and on T.V 5 mn

Parents should instill their kids a new eating culture which help them become
 Healthy diet A healthy diet should be low in fat and rich in fruit and vegetables. It should
also include moderate amounts for milk and dairy products, meat and fish. 10 mn

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Sorry for the other Units, they
are not available.
I have lost their folders

Ready Made Lesson Plan Series

Unit eight

Gateway 1
First Year Baccalaureate

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Ready Made Lesson Plan Series
Unit nine

Gateway 1
First Year Baccalaureate

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

Ready Made Lesson Plan Series
Unit ten

Gateway 1
First Year Baccalaureate

Readymade Lesson Plans Based on First Year Bac Syllabus- Abdesalam

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