GeoVES - V1 VES Software

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Instructions on how to use GeoVES 1.

1) Enter your data in the Data Worksheet.

There are 12 pieces of data that you can enter in the information box
and you can change them as required. For instance you could rename 'Project' to 'Client'.
The title of the data sheet will be automatically generated from the two data
on the top right of the information box. You can enter your own title, if required.

2) Note that you need to enter the AB/2 and MN distances and the recorded ΔV/I.
You can only enter data in the green cells. All other cells are protected.

3) The K factor for each MN spacing and the apparent resistivities will be calculated automatically
as you enter the data. Do a manual check to satisfy yourself that the results are correct.

4) Press the '1. Plot data to chart' button.

This sends a copy of the calculated data to the yellow box on the right which is linked
to the chart below. Look at the chart and check if any bad data points are due to typing errors.

5) Press the '2. Send data to GeoVES' button.

This sends a copy of the calculated data to the Model sheet.
The model sheet is linked to all the charts that display the data.

6) The GeoVES sheet will automatically open, and you can start modelling.
Note that resistivities above 9999 are regarded as infinite, and are rejected by the model.
Try to model the data with as few layers as possible. Bad data points can be removed
from the calculations by deleting the '1's in the green box of the Model sheet.

7) Press the 'Sensitivity Analysis' button.

This increases and decreases each of the model parametes by 1% until the model error is 10%
greater than that of the initial model. The error bars are shown as dotted lines on the chart.
If your model error is very large, the error bars will be wide. Reduce the model error by deleting
some bad data points in the Model sheet and rerun the sensitivity analysis.
You can remove the error bars by pressing the 'Remove Error Bars' button.

Disclaimer : Note that this workbook is provided as is,

and that it is your responsibility to check your work
and any conclusions that you draw from the data.

If you suspect or discover any errors in this workbook,

or want to suggest ideas on how it can be improved
please contact Andreas on

To check for updates of this workbook or download

other hydrogeological & geophysical software visit:
and click on Resources.
A Community - A Sounding Number
Client : A Client Community : A Community
Project : A Project Sounding Number : A Sounding Number
District : A District Coordinates East : E 00° 00' 00.0"
Date : 00/00/00 Coordinates North : N 00° 00' 00.0"
Field Operator : A Field Operator GPS Datum : GPS datum
Interpreted by : An Interpreter Azimuth : 000°

Schlumberger Array VES Field Data

AB/2 MN(m) MN(m) MN(m) ΔV ΔV ΔV ρ ρ ρ

(m) 1.0 10 30 I I I (ohm-m) (ohm-m) (ohm-m)
(MN-1) (MN-2) (MN-3) (MN-1) (MN-2) (MN-3) (MN-1) (MN-2) (MN-3)
2.0 11.8 131.2000 1545.7
4.0 49.5 20.7000 1024.2
6.0 112.3 6.7500 758.1
8.0 200.3 2.8400 568.8
10.0 313.4 1.6000 501.4
15.0 706 1.1360 802.1
20.0 1,256 0.7320 919.3
10.0 313 0.5220 163.6
15.0 706 63 0.3110 3.1100 219.6 195.4
20.0 1,256 118 0.2190 2.1200 275.0 249.8
25.0 1,963 188 0.1685 1.6020 330.7 302.0
30.0 275 1.3040 358.5
35.0 377 1.0740 404.9
40.0 495 0.9180 454.2
50.0 778 0.6850 532.6
60.0 1,123 0.5460 613.2
70.0 1,532 0.4480 686.1
80.0 2,003 647 0.3820 1.2140 765.1 785.0
100.0 3,134 1,024 0.2690 0.8490 843.0 869.1
125.0 4,901 1,613 0.1923 0.6010 942.4 969.2
150.0 2,333 0.4590 1070.7
175.0 3,183 0.3680 1171.5
200.0 4,165 0.3040 1266.2


MS Excel based m
in the Schlumb


MN (m)



0 50 100 150 200 250

Client : A Client Community : A Community
Project : A Project Sounding Number : A Sounding Number A Community - A Sounding Number
District : A District Coordinates East : E 00° 00' 00.0"
Date : 00/00/00 Coordinates North : N 00° 00' 00.0"
Field Operator : A Field Operator GPS Datum : GPS datum GeoVES 1.3
Interpreted by : An Interpreter Azimuth : 000° MS Excel based modelling of Vertical Electrical Soundings
in the Schlumberger Array using Gosh linear filters
Geoelectrical Model RMS Error : 18

Layer Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Resistvity (Ohm-m) 350 90 1800

Thickness (m) 1.1 6.0 Geoelectrical Model

Depth (m) 1.1 7.1

10 100 1,000 10,000

10,000 0.1
Apparent Resistivity (Ohm-m)

1,000 1.0

100 10.0

10 100.0
1 10 100 1000
AB/2 (m) 'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/636523751.xlsx'#$GeoVES
Client : A Client Community : A Community
Project : A Project Sounding Number : A Sounding Number
A Community - A Sounding Number
District : A District Coordinates East : E 00° 00' 00.0"
Date : 00/00/00 Coordinates North : N 00° 00' 00.0"
Field Operator : A Field Operator GPS Datum : GPS datum
GeoVES 1.3
MS Excel based modelling of Vertical Electrical Soundings
Interpreted by : An Interpreter Azimuth : 000° in the Schlumberger Array using Gosh linear filters

Data Model

Measured Modelled
Included in
Apparent Apparent
AB/2 (m) Model Error Model
Resistivity Resistivity
(Ohm-m) (Ohm-m)

1.0 309.1 #NAME? #NAME? 1

Apparent Resistivity (Ohm-m)

2.0 243.9 #NAME? #NAME? 1
3.0 185.6 #NAME? #NAME? 1 1,000
4.0 140.5 #NAME? #NAME? 1
5.0 124.4 #NAME? #NAME? 1
6.0 127.6 #NAME? #NAME? 1 1
8.0 146.6 #NAME? #NAME? 1
10.0 163.6 #NAME? #NAME? 1
15.0 219.6 #NAME? #NAME? 1
20.0 275.0 #NAME? #NAME? 1
25.0 330.7 #NAME? #NAME? 1 100
15.0 195.4 #NAME? #NAME? 1
20.0 249.8 #NAME? #NAME? 1
25.0 302.0 #NAME? #NAME? 1
30.0 358.5 #NAME? #NAME? 1
35.0 404.9 #NAME? #NAME? 1
40.0 454.2 #NAME? #NAME? 1
50.0 532.6 #NAME? #NAME? 1
60.0 613.2 #NAME? #NAME? 1
70.0 686.1 #NAME? #NAME? 1 10
80.0 765.1 #NAME? #NAME? 1 1 10 100 1000
100.0 843.0 #NAME? #NAME? 1 AB/2 (m)
125.0 942.4 #NAME? #NAME? 1
80.0 785.0 #NAME? #NAME? 1 Model Parameters
100.0 869.1 #NAME? #NAME? 1 Model Resistivity Resistivity Thickness Thickness Depth Depth
125.0 969.2 #NAME? #NAME? 1 Layer (Ohm-m) Range (m) Range (m) Range
150.0 1070.7 #NAME? #NAME? 1 1 350 311.5 395.5 1.1 0.902 1.265 1.1 0.902 1.265
175.0 1171.5 #NAME? #NAME? 1 2 90 89.1 96.3 6 5.64 6.12 7.1 6.74 7.22
200.0 1266.2 #NAME? #NAME? 1 3 1800 1764 1962

Root Mean Squared Error: 18 'file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/636523751.xlsx'#$Model

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