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Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of

Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics

Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job

Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of
Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of
Career Pathways Characteristics

A project Report

Submitted by:

Raja Muhammad Ahsan Zaid (3408)

Submitted to:

Ma’am Sobia Raja

In partial fulfillment for Spring 2022 Semester



Semester Spring 2022


Abasyn University Islamabad Campus

Department of Management Sciences
May 2022

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Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of
Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics


I hereby declare that the project entitled “ Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job
Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of Individual Career Management Factors
And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics” submitted for the BBA Spring 2022
Semester Project is my original work.

Name of Students: Registration no Signature of the Students

Raja Muhammad Ahsan Zaid 3408 _____________________

Place: Abasyn University Islamabad

Date: May 26, 2022.

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Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of
Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics


This is to certify that the project entitled “ Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job
Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of Individual Career Management Factors
And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics ” is the bona fide work carried out by Raja
Muhammad Ahsan Zaid (3408) Student of BBA Spring 2022 Semester during the year 2022 in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the BBA degree.

Signature of the Teacher


Place: Abasyn University Islamabad Campus

Date: May 26, 2022.

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Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of
Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics


Executive Summary………………………………….…………….....……………………………….……6



 1.1-Problem Statement........................................................................................8
 1.2-Research Question........................................................................................8
 1.3-Research Objectives......................................................................................8
 1.4 - Gap Analysis…………………………………………………………………9

2-Literature Review.....................................................................................................................................10

 2.1-Career Pathways..........................................................................................10
 2.2-Career Planning..............................................................................................10
 2.3-Career Management.....................................................................................11
 2.4-Job Satisfaction............................................................................................11
 2.5-Career Development………….………….....................................................11
 2.6-Concetual Framework..................................................................................12
 2.7-Research Hypothesis....................................................................................12

3-Research Methodology…………….………………………………………………................................13

 3.1-Population and Sampling......................................................................................13

 3.2-Data Collection.....................................................................................................13
 3.3-Measure.................................................................................................................13
 3.4-Research Design....................................................................................................13

Future Suggestions.......................................................................................................................................15


Research Questionnaire................................................................................................................................18

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Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of
Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics


First, thanks to the most merciful, powerful, and most beneficial ALLAH Almighty, who bestowed me
with the skills, knowledge, and infinite effort in me to reach here and achieve my research goal.

Also, I would like to thank all those who have allowed me to complete this report. Special I would thank
my respected teacher Ma’am Sobia Raja, who had been instrumental in encouraging the proposals and
promoting and helping me in writing this report.

In addition, I would like to thank my colleagues and friends who helped me to establish this report and
gave me a suggestion for work. I should appreciate the guidance provided by my respected teacher,
especially in the launch of my project which improved my presentation skills thanks to your comments
and advice.

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Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of
Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics

The research is to determine how Career Planning, Career Management and Job Satisfaction affect the
Success of Career Development. Career planning is viewed as an initiative where an individual exerts
personal control over their career and engages in informed choices as to his occupation, organization, job
assignment and self development. Career management is an ongoing process of preparing, developing,
implementing and monitoring career plans and strategies undertaken by the individual alone or in concert
with the organization’s career system. Job satisfaction is a form of attitude towards work related
conditions, facets or aspects observe that such an attitude, either in the form of liking, or disliking a job, is
a universal and an essential aspect of career development.

The notion of empowering human capital to onset creativity and innovation through planning the careers
of institutional members using HRM policies and practices to develop different mindsets, skills and
competencies with the ultimate aim to provide a range of innovative products and services is attracting
attention. This paper explores the link between career planning, career management and Job satisfaction
as Independent Variable, Career Development as Dependent Variable, Individual Career Management as
Mediator and Career Pathways Characteristics as Moderator.
Keywords: Career Development, Career Planning, Career Management and Job Satisfaction.

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Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of
Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics


In the globalised world of business, changes are constantly being witnessed on daily basis leading to
restructuring and downsizing processes, mergers and acquisitions technological advancements and other
measures to cope with the dynamic pressures of globalization (Greenhaus, Callanan & Godshalk 2000,
Appelbaum, Ayre & Shapiro 2002, Baruch 2004).

These constant changes at the organizational level have elevated the importance of managing people at
work, and in particular, the planning and managing of their careers (Baruch 2004. Hence, career
management requires initiative from both organizations as well as individuals in order to provide
maximum benefit for both. Career development is about the development of employees that is beneficial
to both the individual and organization, and is a complex process.

In the 1990s, the research focus will more on the practices of career development across a wide range of
career issues, settings and populations and, according to Herr (2001), in the emerging world of the present
and the future, the practices of career development are being challenged to find new paradigms and new
scientific bases. Herr (2001) argued that this phenomenon will necessarily occurring as the inherent
dynamism in the complex global business environment will increasingly affecting individual career

Moreover, Herr highlighted that in recent years there will a consolidation on the works of career behavior
with discussion on how it can be used to guide planned programmers of career interventions and,
ultimately, to impact on organizational effectiveness. Naturally, with proper career planning and career
management, an individual expects to reap the result of such investment by attaining career development.
According to McDaniels and Gysbers (1992), career development is the total constellation of
psychological, sociological, educational, physical, economic, and chance factors that combine to shape
the career of any given individual over the life span.

Hall and Associates (1986) define career development as the outcomes emanating from the interaction of
individual career planning and institutional career management processes. A well designed career
development system enables organizations to tap their wealth of in-house talent for staffing and
promotion by matching the skills, experience, and aspirations of individuals to the needs of the

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Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of
Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics

In addition, it enables them to make informed decisions around compensation and succession planning to
attract, retain and motivate the employees, resulting in a more engaged and productive workforce (Thite
2001, Kapel & Shepherd 2004, Kaye 2005). Furthermore, career development must be an ongoing system
linked with the organization’s human resource (HR) structures and not a onetime event (Leibowitz, et
al.1988). These arguments concerning nexus between the organization and the individual in defining and
maintaining a sustainable career development process call for theorizing and testing the antecedents and
outcomes of career development practices across different contexts .

1.1-Statement Of The Problem:

This research explores the influence of career planning and career management on career development
and the subsequent effect on job satisfaction. This integrated perspective assumes that career development
can increase job satisfaction and career management.

1.2-Research Questions:

The present study intends to find answers to these questions:

Research Question 1

What is the relationship between Career Planing, Management, Job Satisfaction and Career

Research Question 2

Does Individual Career Management mediate the relationship between Career Planing, Management, Job
Satisfaction and Career Development?

Research Question 3

Does Career Pathway Characteristics moderate the relationship between Career Planing, Management,
Job Satisfaction and Career Development?

1.3-Research Objectives:

The overall goal of this study is to evaluate an integrative model to investigate the relationship between
Career Planing, Management, Job Satisfaction and Career Development via the mediator Career
Management. It will also investigate how Career Pathway Characteristics, as a moderating variable,
influences the link between workplace bullying and affective commitment.

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Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of
Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics

This study intends to consider the following objectives:

I. To investigate the relationship between Career Planing, Management, Job Satisfaction and
Career Development.
II. To find out the relationship between Career Management mediate the relationship between
Career Planing, Management, Job Satisfaction and Career Development.
III. To reveal the moderating effect of Career Pathway Characteristics between Career Planing,
Management, Job Satisfaction and Career Development.

1.4 - Gap Analysis:

In previous research researcher use different variables i.e. career planning, career management,
career development, organizational factors and use job satisfaction to create a theoretical model
and to do the research on it but there are some gaps in this research to identify the gap, the
researcher analyze the future directions of the base model. The researcher use Career
development as dependent variable and individual career management as mediator also use job
satisfaction, career management and career planning as independent variable to identify the
relationship between them. The researcher use career pathway characteristics as a moderator to
moderate the relationship between individual career management and career development.

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Impact Of Career Planning, Career Management And Job Satisfaction On Career Development With Mediating Role Of
Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics


2.1-Career Pathways:

The concept of career pathways has existed for many years, historically referring to workplace career
progression managed by the organization (Walker, 1980). During the last several years, career pathways
have become increasingly popular in the discussion of the broader context of workforce and economic
development (Sheely, 2014). This recent popularity is a result of the government’s advocacy and funding
in response to the US economic downturn a decade ago.

For example, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 funded a series of
initiatives, including a number of US Department of Labor ventures. Many of these initiatives will
directed at investing in community college efforts to design career pathways frameworks requiring
collaboration between the colleges, local employers, and publicly supported systems such as Workforce
Development Boards to create tailored education and training programs (Jenkins, 2006; US Department
of Labor, 2016).

2.2-Career Planning:

Several researchers have evaluated how hospitality students from their perceptions of the hospitality
industry and their career choices. In one of the first studies, Sciarini et al. (1997) observed that that
experiences and family/friends had the strongest career influences and that freshmen students had
relatively low knowledge about the hospitality industry. In a recent update of the project, Cho et al. (2010)
found that students will more interested in working in private clubs, and fine dining and upscale
restaurants than in 1997, and that personal experience with a company as a consumer and word of mouth
from faculty, alumni, and fellow students will among the strongest influences on students’ employment

In further examination of how students conduct their career searches, Chang, Walker, and Cain-Bish
(2009) found that 53.6% of hospitality management students at one university relied on college advisors
and faculty departmental advisors for career help, while only 4.3% sought help from school career
centers, making faculty advising important in the career planning process (Chuang, 2011)

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Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics

2.3-Career Management:

Puah and Ananthram (2006) have identified career management as the two main antecedents of career
development. The integration of both employees’ career planning and organizational career management
practices result in effective career development (Hall, 1986). Nicoara (2009) has elaborated the role of
career planning and career management in career development. Harmony between ‘career planning and
career management’ and proper alignment of implementation of HR needs and individual career
planning leads to effective career development. Abaneh (2013) empirically examined career planning
and career management as the antecedents of career study significantly explains the variances of
employee career effectiveness.

2.4-Job Satisfaction:

Hoppock defined job satisfaction as any combination of psychological, physiological and environmental
circumstances that cause a person truthfully to say I am satisfied with my job (Hoppock, 1935).
According to this approach although job satisfaction is under the influence of many external factors, it
remains something internal that has to do with the way how the employee feels. That is job satisfaction
presents a set of factors that cause a feeling of satisfaction.

Vroom in his definition on job satisfaction focuses on the role of the employee in the workplace. Thus he
defines job satisfaction as affective orientations on the part of individuals toward work roles wich they are
presently occupying (Vroom, 1964).

2.5-Career Development:

The last few decades have been marked by great changes in the South African workforce, not only has
there been an influx of Black professionals but there has also been a notable inflow of women in
professional positions and a few more have occupied managerial roles (Van Klaveren&Tijens, 2009).
Grant Thornton Business Report revealed that in 2012 South Africa had 28% of women in top
management positions, a percent increase from the previous year’s survey (Grant Thornton, 2013).

This positioned South Africa just outside the top 10 countries when it comes to women in top managerial
positions, thus illustrating that South Africa has been making progress albeit limited. Advancement into
managerial roles can only happen through the process of career development. Career development refers
to a change or a series of changes that occur in an individual’s career (Brown, 2002).

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Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics

However, it should be noted that not all change is developmental or means progression. Career
development as operationalised in this study refers to systematic and successive changes in one’s
professional life that is indicative of progression (White, Cox & Cooper, 1992).

These changes are marked by the hierarchical climbing of the proverbial corporate ladder, increased
salary, greater freedom to pursue interests thus further developing one’s career and increased recognition
and respect from one’s peers (White, Cox & Cooper, 1992). In order to fully understand the concept of
career development, one should look at the factors required to have a successful career, which are
occupational space, the individual`s potential and non-work space (White, Cox & Cooper, 1992).

2.6-Conceptual Model:


Career Individual
Management Career

Career Pathway


H1: Career Planning, career management and job satisfaction has significant impact on career

H2: An individual career management mediates the relationship between Independent variables and
career development.

H3: Career pathways characteristics moderate the relationship between individual career management
factors and career development.

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Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics

This section of the research report on banking sector in which discusses all of the methodologies and
strategies used to determine the link between the variables. This is to demonstrate how various versions
impact each other procedurally. This also covers research design, data collecting explanation and method,
demographic, sample size, and instrument reliability analysis.

3.1-Population and Sample:

The targeted population of this study will be all managers at the middle level in Banking sector. A simple
random sampling will use to select the study's sample.

3.2-Data Collection:

Two sources of data collection will be used in this study:

Secondary data: Data will be collected from different sources such as journals, researches, thesis,
articles, books, and the internet that related to the study's topic. The different data and references will be

documented according to the American Psychological Association system (APA, 2010).

Primary data: A questionnaire will be designed to collect primary data about all the study's variables and

demographic characteristics of the study's sample in Banking sector.


Three types of variables will measure. The first sought the demographic properties of gender and age. The
second assessed perceptual responses to career planning, career management, job satisfaction and career

3.4-Research Design:

All of the participating employees in the bank will receive a survey questionnaire with the assistance of
the Personnel Management Department. The administration of the survey instrument occurred in the bank
premises over a span of three days. With the employees assembled in groups, they will have a specific
given period in which to complete the questionnaire. An explanation for the key objective of the study
precedes the participants responding to the survey questions, with the voluntary nature and anonymity to

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Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics

participation emphasized. Respondents will assured that the information they provided would be treat
with confidentiality. The questionnaire will completed and returned during the same session.

3.4.1-Career Planning:

The respondents provided perceptual information about the existence of career planning, setting of career
goals and importance of career planning in the career development process. The questions will be used for
assess this variable will adapted from King (1999), Gould (1979), and Coachline‟s career development
needs survey (Available: A five point Likert scale that ranged from (1)
strongly disagree to (5) strongly agree will be used.

3.4.2-Career Management:

Career management practices will assessed by adapting measurement scales from Chen, Chang and Yeh
(2004), and Chay and Bruvold (2003). The measurements will about the importance and availability of
career management practices. A five point Likert scale will used (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly
agree). The measurements confirmed reasonable instrument validity with factor analysis.

3.4.3-Career Development:

The intervening variable assessed both the importance of career development to the respondents, and
whether career planning and career management will important elements to attain career development.
The questions will developed by adapting from Coachline‟s (available:
career development needs survey, with a five point Likert scale.

3.4.4-Job Satisfaction:

An adaptation of questions from the Job Diagnostic Survey, as developed by Hackman and Oldham
(1980), assessed job satisfaction. A five point Likert scale, with responses that ranged from (1) strongly
disagree to (5) strongly agree, will use. The five items produced an arithmetic mean of job satisfaction

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This study opens the doors for scholars across the globe to conduct further research. First, researchers are
encouraged to test empirically the conceptual model developed by this study across different industries in
different cultures.

Secondly, conducting in-depth interviews and focus group sessions with representative employees to
corroborate the findings and provide anecdotal evidence in support of the assessed significant linkages
would be useful in providing a better understanding of the results.

Lastly, scholars are encouraged to further research into the rationale behind career planning being more
important than career management to attain career development across different contexts.

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Individual Career Management Factors And Moderating Role Of Career Pathways Characteristics

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commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Social Behavior and Personality, 41, 1195-

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Noe, R. A., Hollen, B., John, R., Gerhrty, B., & Wright, P. M. (2012). Fundamentals of human resource
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citizenship behaviour. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 33(1), 68-85.

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organizational citizenship behavior. Personnel Psychology, 48(4), 775-802.

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 Section: 1

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1 2
Male Female


1 2 3
18-28 29-39 40-50


1 2 3
Bachelors Master M.Phil


1 2 3 4 5

1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 20-25

In the following questions (Section 2, 3, 4, and 5) please respond on a scale of 1-5 where;

1. Strongly Disagree=SD
2. Disagree=D
3. Neutral=N
4. Agree=A
5. Strongly Agree=SA


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1 I know my career goals and objectives.

2 I spend time reviewing my career plan.

3 I have identified areas where I need to improve my skill
and knowledge level.
4 I am able to analyze and assess my abilities, interests
and values to determine my career options.

5 I have a strategy for achieving my career goals.


1 I regularly engage in developmental activities related to
my profession/job
2 Besides my supervisor, I know who in the Bank has
formal responsibility for helping me with career and
development issues.
3 Having processes and programs in place will help to
assist me with my career development.
4 The Bank considers and plans the career paths of all
5 The Bank provides opportunities for job enrichment, job
rotation and job assignments.


1 I feel a great sense of personal satisfaction when I do my
job well.
2 I feel satisfied and happy when I discover that I have
performed well on this job.
3 Most of the things I do on this job are useful and
4 I feel my job has value to the community

5 I feel a sense of achievement in my career

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1 A formal process to attain career development is
important to me.
2  Career development is important to me
3 I understand the need for continuous career
4 Career planning tools are essential to support my career

5 Career management programs are essential to support

my career development.

*----------------------The End------------------------*

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