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Metamorphic Petrology (Geo2055) METAMORPHIC TEXTURES


The development of textures in a
Attributes of metamorphic minerals metamorphic rock is mainly related to the
dynamic and kinetic phenomena of the physical
and rocks
metamorphic processes. Study of the textures of
The fundamental building unit of any metamorphic rocks has the following
rock is the individual mineral. Like any rock, petrographic and petrogenetic importance.
metamorphic rocks are made of aggregate of
1. They provide a means for classifying
single mineral species or a combination of two metamorphic rocks, and hence for their
or mineral species. nomenclature.
Minerals of a metamorphic rock can be 2. They may help identify the original rock
either modified older mineral grains (inherited type prior to metamorphism.
from the parent rock/ protolith) or new mineral 3. They help identify which minerals may
grains (uncommon in other rock types) have formed with each other (in
generated through chemical reactions during equilibrium?) and which minerals are
metamorphism. Metamorphism also imparts definitely out of equilibrium, and hence
new fabric (distinct internal re-arrangement of help establish the order of crystallization
and paragenetic sequences which are
the constituent grains) to the rocks, due to the
essential in understanding the P-T
physical conditions imposed on them. These history of the sample.
typical features provide useful information
4. They help identify metamorphic
(criteria) to characterize the conditions of reactions that may have taken place
metamorphism and protolith of a metamorphic during the rock's history, and are
rock. therefore essential for deriving the P-T
Therefore, proper identification of paths of such rocks.
common metamorphic minerals, and 5. They help identify the relationship
characterization of the textural attributes of between deformation and mineral
mineral grains and rocks in the field/hand growth, which is essential for any
tectonic interpretations.
specimen/thinsection is the fundamental aspect
of metamorphic petrology. 6. They are critical for determining the
number of deformational and/or
Common metamorphic minerals metamorphic events affecting an area.
Examinations of most common rocks on Texture is a term that describes the size,
Earth indicate the occurrence of about 85 rock- shape and orientation of the grains constituting a
forming minerals, which are formed through a rock, as well as the relationship between these
variety of processes in the mantle, crust and grains. Main features of these terms are detailed
surface of the Earth. Among these the most below.
common metamorphic minerals are listed in Grain Size:
table 1. The list comprises index minerals
characterizing certain metamorphic P-T This usually defines the mean or
conditions and minerals that are diagnostic of maximum diameter of a mineral grain in
other rock types. millimeters. The size of individual grains is
commonly used to classify rocks as fine,
Physical attributes of metamorphic rocks medium, coarse and very coarse grained. The
Interpretation of the history of a size ranges of these divisions vary slightly from
metamorphic rock requires a practical one author to the other (See table 3). So far there
knowledge about the physical attribute of its is no internationally standardized scheme
constituent mineral grains and their physical demarcating the size boundaries between the
relations to each other, in the outcrop/sample or major divisions. Therefore one can adopt
under the petrographic microscope. This in other consistent size ranges that suite his observation
words emphasizes the importance of proper to classify rocks as fine, medium or coarse
identification and description of the texture of grained and indicate the preferred/chosen size
individual grains, their distribution and range marks in parenthesis.
orientation within the rock (bulk fabric). Some
of the diagnostic textural elements and adopted
nomenclatures are briefly summarized below
with convenient illustrations.

Table1. Common metamorphic minerals (Simplified formula of mineral end members)
Oxide proportions
Mineral group End member Formula
K2O Na2O CaO MgO FeO Al2O3 SiO2 H2O
Forsterite Mg2SiO4 - - -  2 - -  1 -
Fayalite Fe2SiO4  - - -  - 2 -  1 -
Sphene (titanite) CaTiSiO5                 
Almandine Fe3Al2Si3O12  - - -  - 3 1  3 -
Pyrope Mg3Al2Si3O12  - - -  3 - 1  3 -
Garnet Grossular Ca3Al2Si3O12  - - 3  - - 1  3 -
Spessartine Mn3Al2Si3O12                 
Andradite Ca3Fe 2Si3O12 
Vesuvianite (idocrase) Ca19Mg3Al10Si18O68(OH)10 - - 19  3 - 5  18 5
Al-silicates Al2SiO5 -  - - -  - 1 1  -
Staurolite Fe-staurolite Fe2Al9Si4O22(OH)  - - -  - 2 4.5  4 0.5
Chloritoid Fe-chloritoid FeAl2SiO5(OH)2  - - -  - 1 1  1 1
Zoisite Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH)  - - 2  - - 1.5  3 0.5
Clinozoisite Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH)  - - 2  - - 1.5  3 0.5
Epidote (Pistacite) Ca2Fe Al2Si3O12(OH) 
Lawsonite - Ca Al2Si2O7(OH)2.H2O  - - 1  - - 1  2 2
Mg-cordierite Mg2Al4Si5O18  - - -  2 - 2  5 -
Fe-cordierite Fe2Al4Si5O18  - - -  - 2 2  5 -
Enstatite Mg2Si2O6  - - -  2 - -  2 -
Ferrosilite Fe2Si2O6  - - -  - 2 -  2 -
Diopside CaMgSi2O6  - - 1  1 - -  2 -
Pyroxene Hedenbergite CaFeSi2O6  - - 1  - 1 -  2 -
Jadeite NaAlSi2O6  - 0.5 -  - - 0.5  2 -
Aegirine NaFe Si2O6 
Wollastonite CaSiO3  - - 1  - - -  1 -
"4:4:2" Mg4Al8Si2O20  - - -  4 - 4  2 -
"7:9:3" Mg3.5Al9Si1.5O20  - - -  3.5 - 4.5  1.5 -
Amphibole Anthophyllite Mg7Si8O22(OH)2  - - -  7 - -  8 1
(Ca-poor) Cummingtonite Mg7Si8O22(OH)2  - - -  7 - -  8 1
Tremolite Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2  - - 2  5 - -  8 1
Ferro-actinolite Ca2Fe5Si8O22(OH)2  - - 2  - 5 -  8 1
Amphibole Tschermakite Ca2[Mg3Al2][Al2Si6]O22(OH)2  - - 2  3 - 2  6 1
(hornblende) Edenite NaCa2Mg5[AlSi7]O22(OH)2  - 0.5 2  5 - 0.5  7 1
Pargasite - 0.5 2  4 - 1.5  6 1
Amphibole Glaucophane Na2Mg3Al2Si8O22(OH)2  - 1 -  3 - 1  8 1
(sodic) Riebeckite Na2Fe3Fe 2Si8O22(OH)2 

Table 1. Common metamorphic minerals (Simplified formula of mineral end members)
Oxide proportions
Mineral group End member Formula
K2O Na2O CaO MgO FeO Al2O3 SiO2 H2O
Muscovite KAl2[AlSi3]O10(OH)2  0.5 - -  - - 1.5  3 1
Paragonite NaAl2[AlSi3]O10(OH)2  - 0.5 -  - - 1.5  3 1
Mica Margarite CaAl2[Al2Si2]O10(OH)2  - - 1  - - 2  2 1
Phlogopite KMg3[AlSi3]O10(OH)2  0.5 - -  3 - 0.5  3 1
Annite (Fe-Bt) KFe3[AlSi3]O10(OH)2  0.5 - -  - 3 0.5  3 1
Prehnite - Ca2Al2Si3O10(OH)2  - - 2  - - 1  3 1
Feldspar Microcline/
KAlSi3O8  0.5 - -  - - 0.5  3 -
(potassium orthoclase
feldspar/plagioclase Albite NaAlSi3O8  - 0.5 -  - - 0.5  3 -
) Anorthite CaAl2Si2O8  - - 1  - - 1  2 -
Meionite 3CaAl2Si2O8.CaCO3                 
Marialite 3NaAlSi3O8.NaCl                 
Ilmenite  - FeTiO3                 
(Mg-)Spinel MgAl2O4  - - -  1 - 1  - -
Spinel  Hercynite FeAl2O4  - - -  - 1 1  - -
Magnetite FeFe 2O4 
Brucite  - Mg(OH)2  - - -  1 - -  - 1
Diaspore  - AlO(OH)  - - -  - - 0.5  - 0.5
Calcite/ Aragonite  CaCO3                 
Dolomite  CaMg(CO3)2                 
Magnesite  - MgCO3                 
Apatite  - Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl)                 

Index minerals:
Minerals which can only form under a restricted range of (P) pressure and (T) temperature are
named index minerals. These minerals are important in determining the limits to which pressure and
temperature were reached during metamorphism. Some of the most commonly known are, Kyanite,
Sillimanite and Andalusite. All three have identical chemical compositions (Al2SiO5), but exhibit
different crystal structures.
If Andalusite is found in a rock, this indicates that the temperature and pressure were relatively
low. Andalusite is often found in contact metamorphosed shales.
Kyanite is regarded as an indicator of high pressure, although it must be noted that the higher the
temperature of the rock, the greater the pressure needed for kyanite to form.
Sillimanite is an indicator of high temperature and can be found in some contact metamorphic
rocks adjacent to very hot intrusions as well as in regionally metamorphosed schists and gneiss that
formed at considerable depths.
All three could occur within the same rock, and could be said to be mutually stable; it could be
inferred that temperature was close to 500°C and pressure almost 4 kbars during metamorphism.

Table 3. Common nomenclature defining grain
and "cellular" are expressions of this
size data. incompleteness. For nonspecific classification of
such conditions Hibbard (1995) introduced the
Nomenclature Size range Size range general term integrity. Complete crystals have
(Author A) (Author B)
>50mm > 10 mm
high integrity, whereas a completely cellular
Very coarse
grained crystal has low integrity. Such a scaling is not
Coarse grained >5 to <50mm 5 to 10mm intended to be sensitive to the presence or
Medium grained >1 to <5mm 1 to 5 mm absence of crystal faces.
Fine grained >0.1 to <1mm 0.1 to1mm A crystal that has inclusions of other
Very fine grained >0.01 to <0.1mm <0.1 mm grains is not a complete crystal either, and it too
(10-100) has a reduced integrity. A crystal that has a few
Glass/Sub Glass to cells, a few inclusions, or simply an irregular
Microscopic 0.001mm (<10)
materials surface represents intermediate integrity.
Incomplete noncrystalline grains or grains
Variable grain size distribution in a rock composed of submicroscopic material can also
is described in relative terms by establishing be scaled according to integrity. For example, a
statistically definable size groups such as within pumice fragment is a glass grain with very low
the limits of the major size ranges shown in integrity.
table 3 or another. The common nomenclatures
defining the presence of irregular size Crystal Zoning
distribution within grain aggregates of a rock are Crystal zoning (CZ) chiefly reflects
given in table 4 and illustrated in figure 1. changes in composition and crystal structure as
Table 4. Nomenclature describing variable grain the crystal grows.
size distribution in a rock.
Minerals that are members of a solid
Nomenclature Characteristic features solution series, such as plagioclase feldspar ,
Equigranular Uniform grain size distribution olivine, clinopyroxenes and amphiboles
Seriate Non uniform grain size, size typically develop growth zoning, recording not
inequigranular groups with two different size only the chemical-structural changes but also the
ranges shape of the crystal as it enlarges. Thus, crystal
Bimodal Non uniform grain size, size
zoning is a record of crystal morphology prior to
inequigranular groups having two different
remarkable size ranges final growth, and this is petrogenetically
Trimodal Non uniform grain size, size significant.
inequigranular groups having three different For example, a plagioclase crystal may
remarkable size ranges grow in magma by enlargement parallel to
crystal faces, but finial growth of the crystal
Grain Morphology (Shape)
may compete with adjacent crystals for space
and finish with an irregular non-rational surface.
The shape of grains (i.e., grain If classification of grain morphology is based on
morphology, GM) can be expressed by this final growth morphology alone, the major
reference to three-dimensional axes describing record of ’euhedral’ growth has been ignored.
either euhedral (idioblastic), subhedral Expression of zoning is seen as
(subidioblastic), anhedral (xenomorphic), differences in (1) extinction position, (2)
equant, tabular, platy, or prismatic solids. pleochroism, and/or (3) birefrigence Zoning may
A different nomenclature for describing also be expressed by former differences in
grain morphology is recently adopted by composition that later are the locations of
Hibbard (1995) and these are: eustructural, for exsolved phases. This expression is typical in
shapes reflecting crystal structure, astructural, alkali feldspars in slow-cooling magmatic
for shapes not reflecting crystal structure, and systems. Another well known 'secondary"
substructural, for intermediate shapes (Figure expression of zoning is the sericitic alteration of
2). Crystal surfaces may be crystal faces, planar more calcic zones of plagioclase.
surfaces that are irrational with respect to crystal Zoning related chiefly to differences in
Structure (such as polygonal mosaics), or extinction position includes morphological
nonplanar surfaces that are curving or irregular. changes, such as the change from non-fibrous
Some crystals are incomplete. Terms quartz to the fibrous variety chalcedony. Zonal
such as ‘skeletal,’ "dendritic," "spheruhtic," arrangement of cellular and noncelluar portions

of plagioclase crystals is rather common in Progressive extinction is one expression
volcanic rocks. This is a morphological zoning, of a strained crystal lattice. Besides the
but it is also typically compositional since the progressive nature of extinction, deformation of
cellular plagioclase is typically different in a crystal lattice may be detected simply by the
composition from the noncellular portion. distorted ("bent") shape of the crystal and/or by
Variations in triclinicity of K-feldspar may be the presence of arcuate twin lamellae with
observed as abrupt or gradual differences in tapered terminations.
extinction position. Zoning may also be
Subgrains look like shadowy crystals
expressed by the preferred location of
within crystals. The orientation of subgrains (or
impurities, such as inclusions of other mineral
subcrystals) deviates only slightly from the
phases, and by the preferred location of fluid
orientation of the host crystal. If there is more
deviation of lattice, the sub-grains are
Zoning may develop as a progressive considered to be new crystals. "Ribbon
change in composition and/or crystal structure, structure" applies mainly to extremely elongated
or it may occur abruptly. Progressive zoning quartz crystals occurring in some quartzofelds-
records a continuous change in composition and pathic metamorphic rocks.
accompanying crystal structure. The classic Crystal Twinning
example of progressive zoning is "normal
zoning" in magmatic plagioclase, resulting from The crystallographic properties of twins
a gradual decrease in the anorthite content from have an extensive literature, but 1itt~ is known
core to rim of the crystal. Optically this is about the occurrence and petrogenetic
expressed by a progressive change in extinction significance of twinned crystals. It is known,
position "Normal" indicates that crystallization however, that complexly twinned plagioclase
takes place in response to falling temperature, as (albite-pericline-Carlsbad) is common in
it does in magmatic and hydrothermal systems. magmatic rocks and rare (absence?) in rocks
formed by recrystallization processes. It is
Step zoning applies to abrupt changes in known that alkali feldspar Baveno twins are
composition that partition crystals into areas of common in certain granites, but it is not known
distinct optical character. Oscillatory zoning is what special circumstances are required. The
a fine-scale repetitive version of step zoning same can be said for Manebach twins,
and/or progressive zoning. Each oscillation in an chessboard plagioclase, and twinned birefracting
oscillatory zoned plagioclase typically begins garnet.
with a step to higher anorthite content followed
by a progressive return to the original or a lower The petrogenetic significance of
anorthite content. Combinations of these zoning microcline twinning seems to be the best
types in single crystals are rather common. understood. Microcline (triclinic) cannot grow
twinned. It has been demonstrated that twinned
If zoning conforms to the general shape microcline must have had a monoclinic alkali
of a crystal it is continuous zoning. If it is lo- feldspar predecessor, such as orthoclase. The
calized at certain crystallographic regions, it is transformation is evidently facilitated by the
sector zoning. If the zoning is localized in sev- presence of an aqueous phase and/or by
eral areas in the crystal, with little or no shearing, underscoring the petrogenetic value of
preference for certain structural positions, it is this type of twinning.
known as patchy zoning (See Figure 3).
Repetitive rhombohedral twinning of
Grain Discontinuities
calcite is another example of twinning indicating
Inaddition to twinning and zoning, there something special about environment. In this
are several other intracrystalline attributes of case, the twins are secondary, forming
crystals that have optical expression. They mechanically in a dynamic environment. In
include optical imperfections relating to the sharp contrast, cementing sparry calcite in
nature and location of dislocations, including carbonate rocks is typically untwinned.
progressive extinction ("wavy" or "undulatory"
Some twins are so common that their
extinction), deformation lamellae, kinkbands,
absence is the indicator of special conditions.
subgrains, and deformation 'bands." Both
For example, the lack of albite-twinned
crystal grains and unit grains may have micro
plagioclase is characteristic of some
fractures and micro faults, both being non-
metamorphic rocks in which the plagioclase
distributive grain discontinuities (Figure 4).
occurs in polygonal mosaics with quartz.

Not all twins are easily identified by in the context of grain size, as well as granular
routine optical investigation. Plagioclase twins in the context of grain relations.
may be easily misidentified. For example, ala A
Transecting-Texture. A transecting
and ala B twins are very similar to albite twins,
relationship between grains includes glass,
and Carlsbad twins are very similar to albite-
submicroscopic material, or crystals in
Carlsbad twins. Sketches of some of the more
microveins (and 'mesoveins" of hand specimens)
common twin types are presented in Figure 5.
that have a transecting relationship with grains
Grain Relations or nongrained rock material. Typically, the veins
Even the casual observer has to be result from precipitations and reactive replace-
impressed by some of the intricate patterns of ments in fractures and faults (originally grain
grain interrelation generated by rock-forming discontinulties host.
processes. Grain relations (GR) are grouped as Including Texture. Including grain
follows: granular, intergranular, transecting, relationships do not necessarily mean that a pre-
including, and mantling. Some glassy rocks and existing grain was included by a later-forming
some rocks with submicroscopic material will grain. There are seven subtypes of including
have no grain relations, since either there are no relations whose names are given here in a way
grains or grains are isolated in these matrix that avoids genetic connotation.
materials and do not contact each other. The
One including relation applies to a
grains of some rocks have only granular (side by
relatively large host grain containing other
side) relationships. However, most rocks with
grains that are orders of magnitude smaller. The
grains have a dominant granular texture and
composite grain is here termed a poikigrain.
other grain relations as well. An illustrated
This relationship is common in metamorphic
classification of grain relations is shown in
rocks in which porphyrograins are pokiloblasts.
Figures 6, 7 and 8.
Garnet and staurolite porphyroblastic
Granular Texture. A granular relation consists poikiloblasts typically contain many small
of grains in contact with each other, in a more- grains of quartz.
or-less side-by-side relationship. The size and
Poikigrains of magmatic rocks are
shape of the participating grains are variable,
commonly phenocrysts. Certain hybrid granitic
and their interface may be simply planar or
magmatic rocks have poikigrains consisting of
curved, or complexly sutured or scalloped.
randomly oriented grains of plagioclase and
Apparent inclusion of one grain in another may
biotite in a much larger K-feldspar host. Alkali
result from direction of sectioning of a non-
feldspar phenocrysts in two-feldspar granites
planar interface, yet the real relationship is side
and granodiorites commonly contain small
by side.
plagioclase crystals that commonly have
Granular grain relations dominate preferred crystallographic orientation with
crystalline rocks such as granites, schists, and respect to the host crystal. Small, more-or-less
crystalline limestones. Rocks dominated by the round grains of quartz in plagioclase or K-
presence of clastic, cataclastic, or pyroclastic feldspar of some inequigranular granitic
grains, such as arenites, cat-aclasites, and ash magmatic rocks is an including texture. The
flow tuffs, are also characterized by granular quartz is commonly restricted to the outermost
texture. portion of the host crystal defining a localized
Intergranular-Texture. An intergranular zone of inclusions. Magmatic poikigrains,
relation can be described as the occurrence of including phenocrysts, have poikilitic texture.
any relatively small volume rock-forming Another including relation consists of
material located between and confined by included and partially included grains that are
grains. For example, the sodic plagioclase much larger in relation to the host grains than
located between larger grains of alkali feldspar those inclusions of poikigrains. The volume of
is an intergranular relation, as is the quartz the host crystal typically is less than the
located between plagioclase crystals. aggregate volume of the inclusions. The
‘Intergranular’ has also been used for the oc- composite grain is defined here as an oikigrain.
currence of relatively small pyroxene crystals Oikocrysts with a pyroxene host are common in
located between larger plagioclase laths, typical some cumulate rocks, and ophitic texture,
of some basaltic and diabasic rocks. This consisting of plagioclase laths in pyroxenes
relation is viewed in the present classification as (amphiboles and biotite as well), is considered
senate inequigranular or bimodal inequigranular

here to be an oikigrain variety characteristic of are well-known examples resulting from
some gabbroic and diabasic magmatic rocks. exsolution.
Graphic texture is primarily Superposed texture having an inclusion
represented by the occurrence of "graphic" configuration typically results from pseudo-
quartz in either K-feldspar or sodic plagioclase, morphic or partial pseudomorphic replacement
but other mineral pairs have the relationship. A of one material by another. For example, calcic
graphicgrain has the graphic texture. cores and zones of plagioclase commonly are
replaced by epidote, calcite, or sericite.
Vermicular texture is an including
Sericitization of andalusite may be partial or
relation characterized by "wormlike"
complete. Interpretation is required in cases
(vermicular) forms of a mineral phase in a
where the genetic history may not be clear.
larger host mineral. The composite is a
Transition of superposed-including to
vermiculargrain. The well-known variety of
transecting texture is one such situation.
this texture, myrmekite, consists of vermicular
quartz in a more dominant sodic plagioclase Mantle Texture. A mantle relationship
host. Some very fine examples of vermicular most commonly is characterized by the
texture involve sulfides, among them chalcocite- occurrence of one mineral phase rimming
bornite, krennerite-pyrrhotite, and oxide silicate (mantling) another. The mantling phase may be
pairs such as chromite in orthopyroxene. a single crystal or a cluster of crystals. There
Coexistence and gradation of graphic may be an epitaxial relation between mantle and
and vermic'liar texture characterize the rock host core phase, especially if there is crys-
granophyre. For example, quartz in K-feldspar tallographic similarity (feldspar on feldspar), or
and plagioclase may have both straight and there may be no crystallographic continuity if
curved interfaces. Granophyric texture is a crystal structures are very dissimilar (homblende
term that generalizes the coexistence of graphic on quartz). Epitaxial single-crystal mantles are
and vermicular morphologies. A symplectic the most common.
relationship refers to intergrowths of two Fabric
minerals without making morphological
Fabric is an expression of location and
distinctions. The term eutectoid refers
orientation of rock-forming materials in rocks
specifically to pairs that are known to have
(Figure 9). If there is no preferred location and
crystallized simultaneously at a eutectic.
no preferred orientation the fabric is
Cellular texture is an including relation nondirectional. If there is preferred orientation,
that applies to incomplete crystals resulting from preferred location, or some combination of the
cellular growth (both biotic and abiotic) or par- two, the rock has a directional fabric.
tial dissolution. Plagioclase may be either boxy
Rock-forming materials contributing to
cellular or spongy cellular Cellular olivine and
preferred location are of two general types; (1)
pyroxene are common in quenched volcanic
compositional and (2) physical. Preferred
rocks. Cells may also occur in non-crystal grains
location of hornblende with respect to feldspar
such as the chambers in corals and fusilinids . A
and quartz in a layered gneiss is a compositional
cell implies that space" enclosed by crystalline
feature. Color layering as controlled by trace
or noncrystalline wall material is subsequently
amounts of hematite in sandstones or magnetite
filled with crystalline or noncrystalline material
in obsidian is also a compositional preferred
such as glass, submicroscopic material such as
micrite, organic material, epitaxial crystals (K-
feldspar in plagioclase cells), and nontaxlal Physical preferred location includes
crystals (quartz in K-feldspar cells). Petrified bedding and laminations of sedimentary rock in
wood is a good example of floral cell filling. which grain size is the dominating control.
The definition of cellular-including cannot be There may also be differences in grain shape
purely descriptive be-cause recognition of the that have preferred location. Elongate minerals
cellular form as deriving via growth or such as amphiboles and platy minerals such as
resorption is an interpretative exercise. micas may locate preferentially apart from
Lamellar, lensoid, and rod textures apply to equidimensional minerals such as quartz and
mineral pairs resulting from exsolution in solids, feldspars, but this is also a compositional
simultaneous crystallization in liquids, and preferred location. Most examples of preferred
reactive replacement. Perthite and antiperthite location relate to differences in grain
composition and grain morphology.

Preferred orientation of rock-forming  spherulitic
materials relates to the orientation of inequant  variolitic
grains. Preferred dimensional orientation may
 pisolitic
or may not have preferred crystallographic
orientation. For example, quartz in some  oolitic
metamorphic tectonites may have preference for Typomorphic textures
crystallographic C to lie normal or subnormal to
a plane of flattening. Such quartz grains
typically also have grain dimension preferred I- TEXTURES OF THERMAL METAMORPHISM:
orientation with the shortest dimension of the
grain lying in the Plane of schistosity and the When thermal metamorphism is not
longest dimension defining a lineation associated with any deformation, the mineral
(stretching lineation). Mineral grains such as grains are randomly oriented, resulting in either
amphiboles and micas commonly have preferred granoblastic or hornfelsic textures. The
dimensional orientation in rocks, but since the following are some of the types of granoblastic
shape of these grains is a reflection of their textures:
crystal structure the preferred orientation is also 1- Granoblastic polygonal: where the
crystallographic. This orientation was not that of equidimensional grains may have well
the stretched and flattened quartz previously de- developed crystal faces resulting in straight
scribed. Dimensional orientation may also be grain boundaries, and where triple junctions are
defined by noncrystal grains such as rock common.
fragments in clastic sedimentary rocks and 2- Granoblastic interlobate: where the grain
pyroclastic rocks. boundaries are somewhat irregular
Preferred orientation and preferred 3- Granoblastic amoeboid: where all the grains
location of rock-forming materials have two have irregular outlines, and all the minerals are
fundamental structural expressions. Planar anhedral.
fabric derives from preferred locations and 4- Granoblastic decussate: where the
preferred orientations of platy or tabular interlocking randomly oriented crystals are
dimensional grains. Linear fabric derives from somewhat elongate, prismatic or subidioblastic.
preferred orientation of elongate grains. Tabular Usually applied to rocks with one or two mineral
grains (or triaxial ellipsoids) can contribute to species only. Triple junctions are common.
both planar and linear aspects of rock fabric. 5- Nodular: results from the growth of oval -
shaped porphyroblasts of such minerals as
Metamorphic textural terms cordierite or scapolite in association with other
randomly oriented minerals as Qz, ..etc.
Relict textures (palimpsest textures): are
textures inherited from the original rock type, II- TEXTURES OF DYNAMIC METAMORPHISM:
and which have survived metamorphism. 6- Porphyroclastic: A texture produced by the
Typomorphic textures: textures characteristic crushing or fragmentation of large grains,
of metamorphism resulting in two distinct grain size distributions
Superimposed textures: textures characteristic of the same mineral: coarser grained
of a post- metamorphic event, e.g. alteration, porphyroclasts and finer grained fragments.
weathering, ... etc. 7- Mortar: similar to porphyroclastic but in
Relict Textures which the smaller fragments are further crushed
to finer and finer sizes (close to becoming
There are several types of relict textures. powders), while some porphyroclasts still
Relict textures in metamorphic rocks are persist.
indicated by applying the prefix "blasto" to the 8- Protomylonitic: A more advanced stage of
original textural name. Relict textures are best cataclasis, where some minerals begin to deform
preserved in low-grade rocks. Examples of such in a ductile manner, giving rise to an incipient
textures include: foliation or preferred orientation.
9- Orthomylonitic (mylonitic): Where the rocks
 porphyritic
develop a well - defined foliation. In quartz rich
 ophitic rocks, an orthomylonitic fabric is often indicated
 intergranular by quartz crystals elongated like ribbons or
 intersertal flames (ribbon quartz).
 amygdaloidal

10- Polygonized/ recrystallized/ annealed Reaction textures
(ultramylonitic): The most advanced stages of
17- Epitaxial overgrowth: Epitaxial overgrowth
cataclastic metamorphism result in the
is characterized by optical continuity between
recrystallization of the highly strained crystals
the mineral and its overgrowth. Both the mineral
into smaller ones developing a granoblastic
and the overgrowth must belong to the same
polygonal texture. At the same time, a foliation
structural group, and may possibly be the same
defined by micaceous or prismatic minerals
mineral. This type of overgrowth is controlled
fully by the the matrix mineral.
III- CRYSTALLIZATION TEXTURES: 18- Topotactic replacement: One mineral
overgrows another of a similar structure (e.g.
11- Porphyroblastic: Where coarse - grained
Actinolite rims on glaucophane). Orientation of
metamorphic minerals (porphyroblasts) occur in
overgrowing mineral is controlled by that of the
a matrix of finer grained crystals.
overgrown one.
12- Poikiloblastic: Where coarse - grained
19- Kelyphitic texture (also a replacement
metamorphic minerals contain numerous
texture): A kelyphitic texture is a replacement of
inclusions of finer - grained crystals of other
one mineral along its rim by an intergrowth of
minerals. It is of different types:
two or more minerals, in a way that the new
a- Fish-net or skeletal texture: rapid
minerals almost completely surround the
mineral being replaced. The term is most
b- Sieve texture
commonly used when the replacing minerals
c- Rotational texture: where the
form during retrogression. Examples include
inclusions are oriented at an angle that suggests
kelyphitic rims of chlorite + Fe-oxides after
that the poikiloblast may have rotated during its
growth, thus indicating syndeformational or
20- Reaction-rim texture: when one mineral
syntectonic growth. An alternative interpretation
replaces another along its rims, suggesting a
of such texture is the rotation of the foliation
reaction between both phases. The contacts
during the growth of the poikiloblast, which still
between both phases are irregular.
makes the growth syndeformational.
21- Corona texture: several concentric layers of
d- Snowball: Similar to rotational
one or more minerals completely encircling an
texture, but where the inclusions define a spiral
older phase. The layers (which range from one
shaped trail, which may have developed from
to five in number) represent a sequence of
the "rolling over" of the poikiloblasts.
reactions that have taken place (none to
e- Helicitic: Where the poikiloblasts
completion) to replace the mineral in the core or
overgrow the pre-existing foliation. This texture
center of the corona. Coronas form during both
therefore indicates post-tectonic crystallization
prograde or retrograde metamorphism.
of the poikiloblasts.
22-Atoll texture: where the core of a mineral is
Replacement textures dissolved or replaced leaving behind a surviving
rim. Such textures usually form due to an
13- Mesh texture: develops in serpentinites,
original compositional zoning within the mineral
where the needle shaped serpentine minerals
with the replaced core.
occur in aggregates interwoven like a mesh.
14- Hour-glass texture: Also in serpentinites, Intergrowth texture
where the serpentine minerals replace the 23- Symplectites (also a reaction texture): Are
granular olivine crystals giving rise to hour-glass irregular fine-grained mineral intergrowths that
like appearances. form as a result of a certain reaction that did not
15- Bastite texture: A third texture that occurs in go to completion. These intergrowths are often
serpentinites, where Opx crystals were recognized by their wormy appearance and often
completely replaced by aggregates of serpentine occur along the boundaries of reacting minerals
minerals retaining the prismatic shape of the (or ones not in equilibrium).
original Opx. Examples of commonly intergrown mineral
16- Pseudomorphic replacement textures: pairs: Qz-Feldspar/ Amph-Spinel/ Plag-Mgt/ Gt-
(i) single-crystal Qz/ Plag-Cpx/ Bt-Qz/ Ep-Qz/ Amph-Plag. Note
(ii) multicrystal that a common type of symplectitic intergrowth
(iii) multi-phase, multi-crystal is the myrmekitic texture commonly observed in
granites, where wormy quartz occurs in
plagioclase crystals in contact with biotite.

Symplectitic intergrowths are more common in
high temperature rocks.
24- Crenulated cleavage/schistosity: Results
from the folding of a foliation.
25- S-C fabric: A more advanced stage of
crenulation, where one or more minerals are
orientated along the crenulated surfaces to
define a new foliation (S2) at an angle to the
older one (S1). This commonly involves some
form of "recrystallization".
Special textures and features
26- Pressure shadows: are ellipsoidal regions
adjacent to a rigid crystal where minerals grow
developing textures that differ from those
defined by the same minerals in the rest of the
sample. Growth in a pressure shadow is
therefore influenced by the crystal faces of the
rigid mineral which seem to "protect" the
minerals in its immediate vicinity from the
deformation affecting the same minerals in other
parts of the sample. Accordingly, the foliation
wraps around the rigid crystal and its shadow.
27- Kink bands (deformational bands): Are
bends and twists within some minerals as a
result of their deformation. Kink bands develop
in pre-tectonic minerals.
28- Zoning: Compositional change of a crystal,
often accompanied by a change in some of its
optical properties.
29- Twinning: Some twinning may be induced
by deformation.
30- Exsolution texture: results from the
incomplete miscibility between two components
(end-members) of a solid solution series. A
decrease in temperature may result in the
separation of these two phases, one in the other
commonly along cleavage planes. Common in
high grade rocks that cooled slowly.
30- Mica fish: Are lenticular porphyroblasts of
mica which commonly develop in a shear stress
environment and can be used to indicate the
sense of shear.

Metamorphic structures
Metamorphic rocks exhibit a variety of
planar and linear structures, which can range
from structures similar to the original protolith
at low grades of metamorphism to structures that
are purely produced by deviatoric stress acting
on the rock during metamorphism. The most
common structures are foliations and lineations.

It is defined as a pervasive planar

structure that result from the nearly parallel
alignment of sheet silicate minerals and/or
compositional and mineralogical layering in the
rock. Most foliation is caused by the preferred
orientation of phylosilicates, like clay minerals,
micas, and chlorite.
As metamorphism proceeds, the sheet
structure silicates (flat minerals with basal
cleavage) such as mica (biotite and muscovite)
and chlorite start to grow. The sheets orient
themselves perpendicular to the direction of
maximum stress. The new parallel mineral
flakes produce a planar texture called foliation.
(from the Latin folium - leaf). Foliation can be
subtle or pronounced depending on the degree of
There are three major types of foliation
structures that develop as temperature and
pressure increases, and are listed below.

Slaty cleavage - a pervasive, parallel

foliation (layering) of fine-grained platy
minerals (chlorite) in a direction
perpendicular to the direction of maximum
stress. Produces the rocks slate and phyllite.

Schistosity - the layering in a coarse grained,

crystalline rock due to the parallel
arrangement of platy mineral grains such as
muscovite and biotite. Other minerals
present are typically quartz and feldspar,
plus a variety of other minerals such as
garnet, staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite.

Mineral Banding (Gneiss) - The layering in a

rock in which bands or lenses of granular
minerals (quartz and feldspar) alternate with
bands or lenses in which platy (mica) or
elongate (amphibole) minerals predominate.


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