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~ To determine the strength of a given copper sulphate solution with 10 Sodium Thiosulphate | (hypo) solution: paratus Required ~ Burette, pipette, conical flask etc. agent Required Zs Copper sulphate solution, 10% KI solution, Sodium thiosulphate ution (N/40) , starch indicator. jeory Copper sulphate is determined by iodometric method. When is added to CuSO, solution, cuprous iodide is precipitated and uivalent amount of Iodine get liberated. This free iodine is then rated against standard solution of hypo, using starch as an indi- . The blue colour of iodostarch complex will disappear till all berated iodine get changed to Nal. Due to formation of cu- us iodide the colour of precipitate in conical flask will be white. iis indicates the end point. _ 2CuSO, + 4KI -> 2 Cul + 2K,SO, +L, Na,S,O, + I, > Na,S,O, + 2Nal _ (Sod. Thio sulphate) (Sod. Tetrathionate) 2CuSO,.5H,0 = I, = 2Na,S,0, Ocedure (i) Take 10 ml of copper sulphate solution in conical flask with the ___ help of pipette. : Add about 5-6 ml of 10% KI solution to the conical flask and stirr the solution thoroughly. Fill the clean burette with hypo solution (N/40) and titrate the CuSO, solution in the conical flask until yellow colour becomes to decrease. : : iv) Add 2-3 drops of starch to it. Blue colour appears due to iodostarey complex. (v) Add again hypo solution to it, till blue colour disappears and white colour appears due to Cul. (vi) Repeat the titration for three or four times to get at least two concordant reading. 10 ml. CuSO, solution + 5-6 ml. KI Brown colour solution Titraté with hypo Pale yellow colour solution Acid starch (indicator) Blue-violet — colour solution Titrate with hypo White colour ppt End point CuSO, Solution +Ki Observations: Volume of CuSO,.5H,O = 10.0 ml ol meee Volumeofhypo [Differencel Concors | uSO, consumed dant (ml) Initial reading 1] 10 2} 10 3} 0 flo Gleulations ue used for calculation is- MENAV, where N, = Normality of Copper Sulphate solution V,, = Volume of Copper Sulphate taken (10 ml) N, = Normality of hypo (N/40) olume of hypo consumed Practical Engineering Chey, Mh) } x 249.5 ym/Itr. Result The strength of given Copper Sulphate solution is = Precautions (i) The clean glass apparatus is used for each solution, (ii) Fresh reagent solutions should be prepared. (ii) Exact volume of Copper Sulphate is t pipette. (iv) End point should be observed carefully, aken with the help Viva-Questions Q. 1. Why Cuso, solution in blue in colour? Pure CuSO, hydrated with H. 0 is in complex form, so it hay blue colour. Q. 2. Which type of titration is of CuSO, Vs Na,S,0,? Ans. _ Redox titration. Q. 3... What is Redox titration? Ans. — Those titration in which both oxidation and reduction cei simultaneously. Q. 4. What are iodine titration? Ans. The redox titration using iodine directly orindirectly asan oxidizifi| agent are called iodine titration. | Q. 5. How many types ot iodine titration are there? Ans. Two types - (i) lodomettic titrations (i) lodimetrig trains Q. 6. What is iodometric titrations? ic titrati d as those iodi Ans. — lodometric titration are define Las t to soltatio some oxidizing agent liberates iodine from so on (ies in which then liberated iodine is titrated against standard go ra tke KJ) an agent added from burette. of reducing | Q. 7. What is iodimetric titrations? a dine titrati dimetric titrations are those io Ons j Ans. Hae solution is used as an oxidant and joding whi icha st Mt. with reducing agent f titration is of CuSO, Vs ny. . 2 which type o! a Chrse Q. 8 8° Redox ti : S09 525 fodometrie :

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