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SESSION – 2022-23







6 THEORY 8-10




This is to certify that Sarnendu Chattopadhyay, a student of

class XII-A has successfully completed the research on the
mentioned project under the guidance of Mr. Arindam Ghosh
during the year 2022-23 in the partial fulfilment of Chemistry
practical examination conducted by AISSCE, New Delhi.


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher

Mr. Arindam Ghosh as well as our principal Mrs. Keya Chakraborty
who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on
the topic “To determine the percentage purity of Iron wire”, which
also helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know about so
many new things I am really thankful to them.

Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who

helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.


I hereby declare that the project work entitled “To determine the
percentage purity of Iron wire “submitted to the “Department of
Chemistry” is a project work done by me under the guidance of
Mr. Arindam Ghosh, Chemistry teacher and this project work is submitted
in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for CBSE. The results
embodied in this thesis have not been submitted to any other school.


Preparation of Ferrous Sulphate from Sulphuric acid and

Titration of Potassium Permanganate with Oxalic acid to
obtain the Percentage of Iron present in Iron Wire


What is Iron?
Iron is a metal, an element of group VIII of the periodic table. It is a lustrous,
ductile, malleable, silver-grey in colour. It is the tenth most abundant element
in the universe. It is found in a major amount at the core of the Earth in a
molten form.

The element iron (Fe), for example, can be made into a nail. If you cut the iron
nail in half, it is still the element iron. If you continue to cut the nail until it is
so small that you can barely see it, you are still going to be holding the
element iron.

Melting Point of Iron (Fe)

The melting point of iron (Fe) at the outer (liquid) core-inner (solid) core (330
GPa) pressures at a depth of 5150 km in the Earth was suggested to provide
an absolute temperature limit. Initial research on the melting ties in system Fe-
Ni-O-S below 20 GPa indicated that geochemically plausible iron alloys
significantly reduced the Fe solidus from 2200 to 1150K.

Alloy add-ons also suppress the melting range (lower). Pure iron (Fe) has a
fixed melting point of 1535 ° C, chromium (Cr) of 1890 ° C and nickel (Ni) of
1453 ° C compared to 1400-1450 ° C for stainless steel of type 304.

Iron – Heavy Metal
Iron is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Fe and
atomic number 26. Iron is a group 6 and period 4 metal. Iron is notable for
being the final element produced by stellar nucleosynthesis, and thus the
heaviest element which does not require a supernova or similarly cataclysmic
event for its formation. It is, therefore, the most abundant heavy metal in the

Iron is the most abundant metal on Earth and is believed to be the tenth most
abundant element in the universe. Iron is also the most abundant element
making up the Earth; the concentration of iron in the various layers of the
Earth ranges from high at the inner core to about 5% in the outer crust, it is
possible the Earth’s inner core consists of a single iron crystal although it is
more likely to be a mixture of iron and nickel; a large amount of iron in the
Earth is thought to contribute to its magnetic field. Iron is a metal extracted to
its magnetic field. Iron is a metal extracted from iron ore and is hardly ever
found in the free state.
Iron is used in the production of steel which is not an element but an alloy, a
solution of different metals and some non-metals particularly carbon.

Uses of Iron
• It is used to manufacture steel and also used in civil engineering like
reinforced concrete, girders etc.

• Iron is used to make alloy steels like carbon steels with additives such
as nickel, chromium, vanadium, tungsten, and manganese.
• These are used to make bridges, electricity pylons, bicycle chains,
cutting tools and rifle barrels.
• Cast iron contains 3–5% carbon. It is used for pipes, valves, and pumps.
• Iron catalysts are used in the Haber process for producing ammonia.
• Magnets can be made of this metal and its alloys and compounds.

Physical Properties of Iron

• It rusts in damp air, but not in the dry air.
• It dissolves readily in dilute acids.
• At room temperature, this metal is in the form of ferrite or α-form.
• At 910°C, it changes to γ-iron, which is much softer in nature.
• It melts at 1536°C and boils at 2861°C.
• Being a metal is magnetic in nature.

Why is Iron different from Other Elements?

The difference is the number of protons found in the nucleus of the atoms.
The number of protons makes each element unique, so they are organized by
these numbers on the periodic table. The number of protons that are found in
an atom of an element is called the atomic number.
On the periodic table, this number is found above the element symbol. Iron
has twenty-six protons, so its atomic number is 26. The fact that iron has
twenty-six protons in its nucleus is what makes it iron. If one proton were
added to the nucleus of an iron giving it twenty-seven protons it would be an
entirely different element. Adding another proton would create the atom of
the element cobalt.
Taking away one of iron’s protons results in man manganese (Mn), which has
twenty-five protons in its nucleus. Changing the number of protons creates an
entirely different element.

Certain Facts About Iron

• An average human body contains about 4 grams of this iron in the form
of haemoglobin, in the blood.
• It is the 6th most common element in the universe.
• There are four known allotropic forms of iron.


Volumetric analysis is a mode of determining the quantity of a substance

present in given solution by allowing a definite amount of it to react
quantitatively with a solution of another substance of known concentration.
The main process of this analysis is called titration.

Some definitions are:

o End Point: The point in the titration at which the reaction involved in it is
just complete.
o Indicator: Substance used in titration to mark the completion of the reaction
by distinct colours.
o Titrand: The solution which is to be titrated.
o Titrant: The solution of known strength.
o Strength of Solution: The amount of a substance present in definite volume
of the solution.
o Molarity: Number of moles of solute present, per litre of the solution is
called its molarity.

Some apparatus used are:

o Measuring Flask: It is flat-bottomed flask with a long narrow neck and
fitted with an airtight glass stopper in its mouth.

o Burette: It is used for delivering definite volume of a solution into the
titration flask. It is a long graduated cylindrical glass tube with a uniform

o Pipette: It is used for accurate measurements of a definite volume of

solution. It is a narrow glass tube with a bulb in the middle and a jet at its
lower end.

Standard Solution
A substance can be taken as primary standard if it possesses the following
1. Should be easily available in a state of high purity.
2. Should not be deliquescent.
3. Should not be readily soluble in water.
4. Its solution should be stable during storage.

Redox Reaction
A reaction involving simultaneous oxidation and reduction reaction is termed
as a redox reaction. Electrons are transferred from the substance getting
oxidised to the substance getting reduced.

Here Fe3+ is reduced to Fe2+ and Sn2+ is oxidised to Sn4+.
In titration, the reducing agent is titrated against a standard oxidising agent or
vice or versa.

The loss of one or more electrons by an atom or an ion is termed as oxidation.
e.g.; change of oxalate ion to CO2;

The gain of one or more electrons by an atom or an ion is termed as Reduction

Here, permanganate ion gains 5 electrons and changes to manganous ions.

Equivalent mass of an Oxidising agent

It is the ratio of molecular mass of the substance to the total number of
electrons gained by 1 mole of substance during the reaction.
Equivalent mass of KMnO4:
(In acidic medium) = 158/5 = 31.6 gm

Equivalent mass of a Reducing agent

It is the ratio of the molecular mass of the Substance to the total number of
electrons lost by 1 mole of substance during the reaction.
e.g., Equivalent mass of an oxalate ion is 88/2g = 44gm.


1. Preparation of standard solution of oxalic acid containing gm. of

oxalic acid:

a) 0.126gm of oxalic acid was weighed in a beam balance and transferred into
a 100ml measuring cylinder using a funnel. Oxalic acid sticking to the sides of
funnel was washed with distilled water and then solution was made to 100
b) Measuring cylinder was shaken well and oxalic acid solution of 0.01M was

2. Preparation of 1M sulphuric acid solution from 18M sulphuric acid
a) A little amount was distilled water was taken in a 250ml measuring
cylinder.13.9ml of 18M H2SO4 was poured into measuring cylinder drop by
drop and allowed it to cool for some time before resuming with addition of
distilled water.
b) After all the sulphuric acid has been added to the solution it was made up
to the 250ml mark by adding distilled water. A sulphuric acid solution of
approx. 1M was obtained.

3. Preparation of ferrous sulphate solution:

a) Dissolved in conc. H2SO4 as it weighed approx. 3.10 gm.
b) After sometime iron nail was weighed again and was found to be 2.51 gm.
c) Then it was dissolved in 1M H2SO4 solution to make FeSO4 solution in a
separate flask.

4. Filtration of impurities from ferrous sulphate solution and dilution

of filtrate:

a) The above solution was filtered into a 250 ml measuring cylinder using
funnel on which a filter paper was kept to hold the impurities.
b) The 150 ml filtrate was then diluted to 250 ml volume by adding distilled
water through funnel.

5. Preparation of 0.026M potassium permanganate solution:

a) 0.316 gm of potassium permanganate was weighed in a beam balance and

transferred into a 100ml measuring cylinder using a funnel. Distilled water
was then added till the level of solution reached 100ml mark.
b) A potassium permanganate solution of approx. 0.02M was obtained.

6. Titration for standardisation of KMnO4 solution:

The KMnO4 solution was standardised using 0.01M oxalic acid solution and
exact molarity of KMnO4 was determined.

7. Determination of percentage purity of iron wire:
a) 10 ml of ferrous sulphate solution was pipetted out in a flask already rinsed
with the solution and titrated against standard KMnO4 solution till
concordant readings were obtained.
b) The percentage of iron was then calculated using the above information.


Iron, a metallic chemical element is one of the transition elements with chemical
symbol Fe and atomic number 26. Iron is the most used and cheapest metal, the
second most abundant metal and fourth most abundant element in Earth’s crust.
It occurs rarely as a free metal, occasionally in natural alloys (especially
in meteorites), and in hundreds of minerals and ores, including hematite,
magnetite, limonite, and siderite. The human body contains about one-sixth of
an ounce (4.5 g) of iron, mostly in haemoglobin and its precursors; iron in the
diet is essential to health. Iron is ferromagnetic (see ferromagnetism) at ordinary
temperatures and is the only metal that can be tempered (see tempering). Its uses
in steels of various types, as well as in cast and wrought iron (collectively,
“ferrous metals”), are numerous. Alteration of its properties by impurities,
especially carbon, is the basis of steelmaking. Iron in compounds usually has
valence 2 (ferrous) or 3 (ferric). Ferrous and ferric oxides (FeO and Fe2O3,
respectively) are used as pigments and the latter as jewellers’ rouge. Rust is
ferric oxide containing water; ferric oxide is widely used as a magnetic recording
material in computer data-storage devices and magnetic tapes. Ferrous and
ferric sulphates and chlorides are all of industrial importance as mordants,
reducing agents, flocculating agents, or raw materials and in inks and fertilizers.






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