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Discovery of Gravitational Force

 In 1665, Issac Newton performed brilliant

theoretical and experimental tasks in
and optics.
 In this year, he focused his attention on the
motion of the moon about the earth.
While doing so, he had a question that what
is the force that makes moon to revolve.

He had data that moon revolves round the
earth in 27.3 days.
Its distance from earth is R = 3.85x10(5)km.

The acceleration of moon is ,therefore,

α= [2π/T]2× R  ( velocity = disp. )
T time= 4π2×(3.85 ×10(5)km)/ (27.3 days)
= 0.0027 m/s
 Displacement and time were converted into SI
He had a belief that earth is making the moon
to revolve.
Apple falling Incindent
Newton was sitting under an apple tree
when an apple fell down from the tree on the
This sparked the idea that the earth attracts
all bodies towards its centre.
He declared that the laws of nature are
same for earthly and celestial bodies.

Fun facts about Gravity

 The first reliable measurement of G was made by Henry Cavendish in
1798! He calculated that G was equal to 6.754 10-11 newton-square
meter per square kilogram (compared to today's calculation of
 Some theories suggest that G is changing over time and that G varies
somewhat in different regions of space!
 No matter how great the distance between an object and the Earth, the
Earth's gravitational force does not drop to 0. The gravitational
influence of every object is exerted through all space.
 Earth is round because of Gravity. Earth attracted itself together before
it became solid.
 There is gravitational attraction between two marbles, but we don't
notice it because the force between each of the marbles and the Earth is
so much greater.
 A person who weighs 100 pounds on the Earth would weigh only 17
pounds standing on the same scale on the moon.
 According to Albert Einstein, there is no difference between the
acceleration of Gravity and any other acceleration. If you were in a
rocket accelerating at 32.2 ft/sec2, it would feel just like gravity on the
 There are no known anti-gravity devices (ah shucks)! But the effects of
Gravity can be canceled by free-fall or by placing objects in orbit.

In 1679, Robert Hooke wrote to Isaac Newton

of his hypothesis concerning orbital motion,
which partly depends on an inverse-
square force.[46][m] In 1684, both Hooke and
Newton told Edmond Halley that they had
proven the inverse-square law of planetary
motion, in January and August, respectively.
 While Hooke refused to produce his proofs,
Newton was prompted to compose De motu
corporum in gyrum ('On the motion of bodies
in an orbit'), in which he mathematically
derives Kepler's laws of planetary motion.[48] In
1687, with Halley's support (and to Hooke's
dismay), Newton published Philosophiæ
Naturalis Principia
Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of
Natural Philosophy), which hypothesizes the
inverse-square law of universal gravitation.
 In his own words:
I deduced that the forces which keep the
planets in their orbs must be reciprocally as
the squares of their distances from the
centres about which they revolve; and thereby
compared the force requisite to keep the
moon in her orb with the force of gravity at the
surface of the earth; and found them to
answer pretty nearly.
Newton's original formula was:

Calculation used by Newton

The acceleration of a body falling near the earth’s surface is
about 9.8 m/s2 and moon’s acceleration is 0.0027m/s2.Thus,

apple/moon=9.8 m/s2/0.0027 m/s2

distance of the moon from the earth/distance of the apple from
the earth.

3.85x10(5)km/6400 km
= 3600. ....(i)a

= 60 ….(ii)
 By comparing (i)&(ii)

Newton guessed that,acceleration a


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