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l yes l l no l

2(.i) if yes why do you think so?

(ii) if no why do you think so?
3. Do you think advertising is essential?
l yes l
l no l

4. Do these advertisements influence your shopping trend?.

l yes l
l no l

5. which media gets your attention?

l print l l media l l television l l word of mouth l

6. What is the function of advertisement?

l proffer news l
l entertainment form l
l transfer belief and values to society l

7. How often do you go shopping?

l once a week l l twice a week l
l once a month l l others; pls specify __________________

8. when do you prefer to go shopping?

l during sales l l normal days l
l when needed l l others: pls specify _________________

9. How much will you spend on shopping in a month?

l RM 100 - RM 250 l l RM 300 - RM 450 l
l RM 500 and above l l others; pls specify ____________

10. Do you go branded when shopping?

(i ) l yes l l no l
(ii) why?______________________

Personal Experience

11. Have you purchased any products recently after coming across any advertisements?
l yes l l no l

12. What is the reason for your answer in Question no. 11


13. Which of these factors influence your purchasing?

l the advertisement was interesting l
l curious about the products l
l it was familiar products or brand l
l was already planning on the purchase of that particular product but not decided on the
14. Level of satisfaction regarding the purchase of the products
l very satisfied l l satisfied l neutral l l unsatisfied l very unsatisfied l


How often have you come across this product online?

● Very often
● Seldom
● Not at all

What is your favorite product within this industry?

Do you prefer to shop online or offline?

● Online
● Offline

Do social conversations influence your product choices?

● Yes
● No

How likely are you to buy a product recommended online?

● Very likely
● Somewhat likely
● Quite Unlikely
● Very Unlikely

How likely are you to recommend a product to your online community?

● Very likely
● Somewhat likely
● Quite Unlikely
● Very Unlikely

To what extent does a brand’s social media presence influence your purchasing

● To a large extent
● Seldom
● Never
What social media channels are you most active on? Choose as many as are

● Facebook
● Twitter
● LinkedIn
● Instagram
● Pinterest
● Reddit

How old are you?

● 18-25
● 25-40
● 40-60

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