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Building the Business

Talen Millerberg

Northern Utah Academy For Math, Engineering, and Science

September 2, 2022

Building the Business

Standing in my backyard, the blistering heat of the Utah summer bearing down on us, my

father was attempting to teach me how to operate the lawnmower and use it to mow the lawn. As

I was sweating while pushing this lawnmower, I realized something about working outdoors, it

was the first thing I genuinely enjoyed doing with my time. After I was done mowing I truly felt

like I had accomplished something with my day, the satisfaction of a job well done. This life

changing experience of mine was several years ago and that feeling had empowered me to start

my own business doing lawn care and landscaping and this company is still going strong today.

Furthermore, The business too as I began to grow as an individual along with it, as I

learned how to run and manage my company I learned more about life and more about myself. I

also acquired and am still improving many hard and soft skills that I have gained through

overseeing the growth of my own company. One example of this is that I have improved my

communication skills with others, being able to be more confident in what I am saying since I am

now an expert in the field. Also, interacting with new and different people on a weekly basis

allowed me to be more comfortable n interacting with strangers and vastly improve my people


Honestly, One of the more difficult problems I faced head on was keeping track of the

finances of my company. My poor bookkeeping allowed others to take advantage of my

vulnerable position and were able to get away with it due to lack of financial evidence. Though I

no longer do business with those individuals, Though I had only suffered a minor financial

setback to my goals, I knew I had to quickly learn on my feet to keep track of who owed me

what. Through trial and error I eventually found a great system that both works for me and my


Moreover, being able to have the opportunity to create and shape a business, learning

everything along the way, has allowed my knowledge to grow exponentially. I now have more

maturity and confidence in myself that I thought I would never be capable of having. I now

possess the skills to succeed not only in the world, but also academically.

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