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EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS Ejeermoesr| VERNIER CALLIPERS Ed sores It is used to measure length of objects, diam- eter of cylinders (both internal and external) and depth of cylindrical vessels, upto an accu- racy of 0.1mm, It consists of a main scale M graduated in centimetre and a vernier scale V which can slide along the length of main scale. In general 10 vernier scale divisions will have a length of 9mmon the main scale. Main scale has two fixed jaws Aand C (upper and lower) whereas vernier scale has two jaws B and D ( upper and lower) movable by na- ture. Jaws A and B are used to determine external diameter ofa cylindrical vessel whereas C and Dare used to determine internal diameter. Inan error free vernier calipers, the zero of | vernier coincides with the zero of main scale when the jaws A and B are made to touch each other. Ifit is not so, the instrument has zero error which may be positive or negative. Ifzero of vernier scale lies to the right of zero of main scale, when the jaws A and B are made in contact with each other, the error is said to be positive and the correction will be nega- tive. Ifzero of vernier scale lies to the left of zero of | ‘main scale, then the error is said to be negative and the correction will be positive. » Vernier constant = 1 MSD —1VSD = value of one main scale division - value of ‘one vernier scale division Example When 10 vernier scale divisions =9 main scale divisions then 9 IMSD = 1mm ; WSD=">mm 9 0.1mm = 0.01lem After keeping the object between the jaws A and B tightly, then the value of main scale coin- ciding with the zero of vernier scale is noted as main scale reading (MSR). > The division of vernier scale that coincides ex- actly with any other main scale division is noted as vernier coincidence (VC) Then total reading = MSR +(VC x LC) where LC = least count = 0.0lem A metallic strip connected to the back of ver- nier scale is used to measure the depth of a cylindrical vessel. Movable Fixed ppeiaw Upperiay, KIS /1@ serw Mainscale peal § ¢.7,8,3 touts ry ult Protecting Im rod » Vernier Seale B Movable rinesY werjew lowerjuw Zero Error and Zero Corrections TS vid Positive zero Error and Negative Corrections "5 vid Negative zero Error and Positive Zero Corrections WEL. A student constructa vernier calipers as shown. he used two identical inclines, and try to measure the length of line PQ. For this instrument =H a) Determine the least count b) Find the length of line PQ. Solution a) Here the inclined side of the wedge will act as main scale and plane base of the wedge will act as secondary scale which we can ‘compare with vernier. The smallest division of main scale is while smallest division on secondary cos scale is | : pe Least count of the instruement LC= MSD - 1Secondary SD __1___I(1-cos8) ~ cos cosO b) Length of line PQ =8x MSD+7xLC 81_, 7xI(I-cosd) ~ cos cos -(cro-7}! cos WE-2. Ina vernier caliper each centimeter on main scale is isions, then vernier constant of the calliper is m A)nmem B) Tem O2am — pyem ) m ) mn Sol. 1MSD=+cm m IVSD = 2-1 usp | MSD: n-n+1 n The edge of a cube is measured by vernier calipers (10VSD=9M.S.D and 1M.S.D=Imm). The main scale reads 10mm and first divison of vernier scale coincides with the main scale. Mass of the cube is 2.736g. Then the density of the material of the cube in appropriate significant figures (in g/ c.c) is Hint:- Least count of vernier calipers =1MSD-1VSD -(1-3)nm =0.lmm Measured value of edge of cube =10+1x0.1=10.1mm V =(1.01)' cm’ =1.03cm* Density 2.736 = 2.6563gm | cc=2.66gm /ce G cug i The zero error in a Vernier callipers is said to be positive when 1) zero of vernier scale is towards the right of the zero of main scale 2) zero of main scale zero of vernier scale is towards the left of the zero of main scale 4) the vernier scale is not visible clearly. Depth ofa cylindrical vessel can be mea- sured by using Vernier Callipers by the help of 1) thin metallic strip projecting at the back 2) the lower pair of jaws 3) the upper pair of jaws 4) both lower and upper pairs of jaws Using upper pair of jaws of Vernier Calli- pers, we can measure 1) the depth of a cylindrical vessel 2) the outer diameter ofa vessel 3) the inner diameter of a vessel 4) the thickness of a thin wire 3) : as : 1. zero of vernier scale coincides with the 2) 3) The Vernier constant of a Vernier Callipers is 1) the difference between one main scale division and one Vernier scale division 2) the sum of one main scale division and one Vernier scale division 3) _ theratio of one main scale division to one Vernier scale division 4) the product of one main scale division and one vernier scale division The zero error in a Vernier Callipers is said to be negative when 1) zero of Vernier Scale is towards right of the zero of main scale 2) zero of Vernier scale coincides with the zero of main scale. 3) zero of Vernier scale is towards left of the zero of main scale 4) the Vernier scale is not visible clearly. The vernier constants of two vernier cal- lipers A and B are 0.01em and 0.01 mm respectively. The one which can measure the length of a small cylinder more accu- rately is DA 2B 3) Both A and B with same accuracy 4) accuracy does not depend on vernier con- stant Each division on the main scale of a ver- jier callipers is Imm. Out of the follow- ing, the vernier scale which has vernier constant 0.01mm is 1) 99 mm divided into 100 divisions 2) 9 mm divided into 10 divisions 3) 90 mm divided into 100 divisions 4) 9 mm divided into 100 divisions C.U.Q - KEY 7 1),1 .2)1),3)3.,.4)1 5)3\0)2.: De C.U.Q - HINTS al Zero error is positive when zero of vernier scale is towards right of the zero of main scale Using thin metallic strip projecting at back, lower and upper pair of jaws ‘The inner diameter of the vessel 4) 5) 6) Is the difference between one main scale and one vernier division Zero error is negative when zero of vernier scale is towards left of the zero of main scale More least count has more accuracy LEVELI A vernier callipers has 20 divisions on the vernier scale which coincides with 19mm on the main scale. Its least count is 1) 0.5mm 2) Imm 3) 0.05mm 4) ¢mm Least count of a vernier callipers is 0.01cm. Using this, the diameter of a sphere is measured as 1.95cm. Radius of the sphere to the correct significant fig- ure will be 1) 0.98em 2) 0.975 cm 3) 1.0cm 4) lem The main scale of vernier callipers is di- vided into 0.5mm and its least count 0.005cm. Then the number of divisions on vernier scale is 1)10 2)20 3)30 The vernier scale of a travell scope has 50 divisions which coincide with 49 main scale divisions. If each main scale division is 0.5mm, the minimum inaccu- racy in the measurement of distance is 1) 0.1mm 2) 0.001 mm 3) 0.01mm 4) Imm ‘The vernier constant of a vernier callipers is 0.1mm and it has a positive zero error of 0.04cm. While measuring diameter of arod, the main scale reading is 1.2 cm and 5" vernier division is coinciding with any 4) 40 g micro- scale division. The correct diameter of the rod is 1) 1.21em 2) 1.21 mm 3) 1.29mm. 4) 1.29 em When the two jaws of a vernier callipers are in touch, zero of vernier scale lies to 10. the right of zero of main scale and coincid- ing with vernier division 3. If vernier con- stant is 0.1mm, the zero correction is 1) -0.03cm 2) +0.03cm 3) -0.03mm 4) +0.03mm You are given two different vernier callipers and B haiving 10 divisions on vernier scale that coincide with 9 divisions on the main scale each. If 1 cm of main scale A is di- vided into 10 parts and that of B in 20 parts, then least count of Aand B are 1) 0.001 emand 0.005 cm 2) 0.01 cmand 0.05em 3) 0.01 cmand 0.005em 4)0.01 emand 0.001em For measuring depth of a beaker using ver- nier callipers. observed readings are given SNO MSR (cm) vsD 1 0.5 8 2 0.5 4 3 0.5 6 If zero error is - 0.03cm, then mean cor- rected depth is 1)0.56em 2) 0.59em 3) 0.53em4) 0.52em 1cm on the main scale of a vernier calli- pers divided into 10 equal parts. If 10 di- visions of vernier coincide with 8 small divisions of main scale. then the least count of the vernier __callipers is? 1) 0.01 cm 2)0.02em 3) 0.05em 4) 0.005em A student measured the length ofa rod and wrote it as 3.50 em. which instrument did he use to measure it? 1) A screw gauge having 100 divisions in the circular scale and pitch as | mm, 2) A screw gauge having 50 divisions in the circular scale and pitch as 1 mm. 3) Ametre scale 4) A vernier callipers where the 10 divisions in vernier scale matches with 9 divisions in main scale and main scale has 10 divisions in lem, 3) 4) 5) 6) 8) %» LEVEL-I - KEY 13 2)1 3)1 4)3 5)1 8)2 9)2 10)4 LEVEL-I - HINTS 6)1 73 = 0.98 cm (after rounding the figure) - Imain scale division number of vernier scale divisions minimum inaccuracy = Vernier constant 1 = 35 (05)mm diameter = 1.2+[5(0.01)-0.04] =1.2lem Error is positive «, zero correction is negative For Aand B onlyM.S.D. is different. 1 For A: Least count = 757 = 0.0lem For B : Least count = a 0.5) mm = 0.005 cm 10 Mean corrected depth = 0.58+0.54+0.56 +0.03 = 0.59em 1 VSD = 0.8 MSD Now LC = 1 MSD -1 VSD =1 MSD - 0.8 MSD =0.2 MSD =02xcL em = 0.02cm. 10) Least count of vernier calipers is nm 10 0.1mm. .01 cm. _ LEVEL The side of a cube is measured by a ver- nier callipers (10 divisions of vernier scale coincide with 9 divisions of main scale, where 1 division of main scale is Imm). The main scale reads 10mm and first di- vision of —_vernier scale coincides with the main scale, Mass of the cube is 2.736g. The density of the cube is (with appropri- ate significant figures) 1) 1.33gem”? 2) 2.66gem" 3) 2.667 gem* 4) 2.5gcm* 2. A) Vernier callipers with 20 divisions on sliding scale, coinciding with 19 main scale divisions Ascrew gauge of pitch Imm and 100 divisions on the circular scale An optical instrument that can mea- sure length to within a wavelength of light Out of A, B and C the most precise device for measuring length is 1) Aonly 2) B only 3) C only 4) All are equally accurate 3. The yy‘ division of main scale coincides B) oO with (2 +1)" division of vernier scale. Given one main scale division is equal to ‘a' units. The least count of vernier is yp » a? a+l 5 ee 4. The main scale of a vernier calipers reads in millimetre and its vernier is di ed into 10 divisions which coincide with 9 sions of the main scale. When there nothing between the jaws of the vernier callipers, the 7th division of vernier scale coinsides with ‘0° di jon of main scale and in this case zero of vernier scale is ly- ing on right side of the zero of main scale. When a cylinder is tightly placed along its length between the jaws, the zero of the ver= nier scale is slightly left to be 3.1em and 4th VSD coincides with a scale division. The length of the cylinder is 1)3.2cm 2)3.07em 3)3.2lem 4)2.99em Ina vernier calipers, smallest division on the main scale is Imm, while the vernier scale have 20 divisions, When fixed jaw touches with movable jaw, Zero of vernier scale lies on the right of the zero of the main scale and 15th division of vernier scale coincides with any division of main scale. What is the type of zero error and its value? 1) positive, 0.75mm 2) negative, 0.75mm 3) positive, 0.15mm 4) negative, 0.15mm In a vernier callipers, N divisions of the main scale coincide with N+m divisions of the vernier scale, What is the value of m for which the instrument has minimum least count? pI 2)N y af ) ) di 5 The vernier constant of a travelling microscope is 0.001 cm. If 49 main scale ions coincides with 50 vernier scale ions, then the value of 1 main scale division is 1) 0.1mm 2) 0.5mm 3) 0.4mm 4) Imm 1 cm of main scale of a vernier callipers is ided into 10 divisions. The least count of the callipers is 0.05 cm, then the varnier scale must have 1) 10 divisions 2) 20 divisions 3) 25 divisions 4) 50 divisions A spectrometer gives the following read- ing when used to measure the angle of a prism. main scale reading :58.5 degree, vernier scale reading : O9divisions Given that 1 division on main scale corresponds to 0.5 degree. Total divisions on the vernier scale is 30 and match with 29 divisions of the main scale. The angle of the prism from the above data. 1) 58.59° 2) 58.77° 3) 58.65" 4) 50” ) 3) 4) 1. . A varnier callipers has 1 mm marks on the main scale. It has 20 equal divisions on the vernier scale, which match with 16 main scale division. For this vernier callipers, the least count is 1) 0.02 mm 2) 0.05 mm 3) 0.1 mm 4)0.2mm The least count of vernier callipers is 0.1mm. The main scale reading before the zero of the vernier scale is 10 and the zeroeth division of the vernier scale coii cides with the m: that each main scale division is 1 mm. The measured value should be expressed as I 1em 2)2em 3) 0.5 em 4) 0.1 em LEVELAII “KEY 1)2 2)3 3)2 42 5)1 8)2 9)3 104 11)1 LEVEL-I - HINTS LC =1MSD -1VSD = 0.1mm side of the cube =10mm-+1(0.1) =10.1mm =1.01cm 61 12 mass _ 2.736 =2.66g /em? volume (1.01) LC of ‘A’ = 0.005 cm LC of ‘B’0.001 cm Wavelength of light = 10cm =0.00001cem (N+1)VSD =(N) MSD 1VSD = 5 ;) MSD LC=1MSD-1 VSD =1MSD - (o ;) Msp isa N+ Nar MSD=a) Least count = 0,01em : Zero error = + 0.07 cm ; Correction =- 0.07 em Reading = (3.1 + 4x 0.01) — 0.07 = 3.07 em Least count= 482 = 1 VSD 20 Zero error = + 15 x 0.05 = + 0.75 mm (N+ m)VSD =(N) MSD “.1VSD = (4) MSD Nt+m LC=1MSD-1 VSD .05 mm =l so-so N+m (ck MsD 14N/m For minimum value of least count m should be minimum or 1. 50 VSD = 49 MSD 49 = MsD I MSD=55 LC=1MSD- 1 VSD 49 = - — MSD 1 MSD 50 1 Lc= 55 MSD 1 MSD = 50 (LC) = 50(0.001)em =0.05cm=0.5mm, Let Vernier scale has N divisions. Then: (N) VSD = (10) MSD 10 ={—|MsD 1vsD ( ) LC =1MSD-1VSD - (1-2) aso N 10 \( lem ea (0.02sen)=(1-2)( 2") Solving we get, N=20. na 2 1 vernier scale division =39 main scale di- vision aa > wsp-% 05° -(2) 30 60 -. The least count = IMSD - | VSD : yy (2 ° 2) \60) (60 so, reading = main scale reading + vernier scale reading =MSR+NXLC =s85019x( 5 1 60 = 58.65: Least count of vernier calipers LC=1 MSD =- 1 VSD Smallest division on main scale Number of divisions on vernier scale 20 divisions of vernier scale = 16 divisions of main scale 1VSD = 16 san = 0.8mm . 20 LC MSD -1 VSD Imm - 0.8 mm 2mm. Given, least count (LC) = 0.1mm main scale reading = 0 vernier scale reading = 10 Length measured with the vernier callipers = read ing before the zero of vernier scale + num- ber of vamnier divisions coinciding with any main division X least count =10mm X 0 X 0.1mm =10mm =lem ‘An experiment is performed to find the refratcive index of glass slab using a trav- elling microscope. In this experiment, dis- tances are measured by 1) A vernier scale provided on the micro- scope 2) Astandard laboratory scale a 3) Ameter scale provided on the microscope 4) A screw gauge provided on the micro- scope Vernier callipers has 20 divisions on its vernier scale which coincide with 19 di- visions on the main scale, Least count of the instrument is 0.1mm. The main scale division is 1) 0.5mm 2) Imm 3) 2mm 4) 0.25mm The main scale of vernier callipers reads in a millimeter and its one division is equal to one millimeter. Its vernier is di- vided into 10 divisions, which coincide with 7 divisions of main scale. Further more when a cylinder is tightly placed along its length between two jaws, it is observed that the zero vernier scale lies just right to 37th division of main scale and seventh division of vernier scale co- incide with the main scale. Then the mea- sured value is 1) 3.7lem 2)3.77em 3) 3.91em 4) 3.67cm The diameter of a cylinder is measured using a vernier calipers with no zero error. It is found that the zero of the vernier scale lies between 5.10cm and 5.15cm of the main scale. The vernier scale has 50 divisions equivalent to 2.45cm. The 24th division of the vernier scale exactly coincides with one of the main scale divisions. The diameter of the cylinder is 1) 5.112cm 2) 5.124em 3) 5.136cm 4) 5.148cem In avernier callipers there is no zero error and IMSD=Imm. When jaws are closed 7th division of main scale coincides with 10th division of vernier scale. Now a rod of length /is kept between the callipers, it is found that 10th division of main scale is slightly to the right of zero of vernier and 4th division of the vernier scale coincides with 12th division of main scale. The value of Jis 1) 9.2mm 2)10.4mm 3) 9.4mm 4) 9.8mm 6. The vernier scale of a vernier callipers is divided into 10 divisions which coincide with 9 divisions of the main scale, each main scale division being 0.5mm. When the two jaws of the instrument are in contact with each other, the 4th division of the vernier scale coincides with a main scale division and the zero of the vernier lies to the right of the zero of the main scale. When a sphere is inserted between the jaws, the zero of vernier scale lies slightly to the right of 1.8cm and the sixth vernier division coincides with a main division the diameter of sphere will be 1) 1.85em 2)1.81em 3) 1.75em 4)1.71cm Ina vernier callipers 1 main scale division is Imm and there are 10 ions on vernier scale which match with 9 divisions on main scale. When there is no object between the jaws (when they are in contact) the zero mark of the vernier scale is to the left of zeroth mark of main scale and 8th division of vernier scale coincided with one of the main scale divisions. When a plate is kept between the jaws 0th mark of vernier scale crossed 12mm mark on the main scale and verinier coincidence is 3. The correct thickness of the plate is (in mm) The side of a cube is measured by vernier calipers (20 ions of vernier scale coincide with 19 divisions of main scale, where 1 division of main scale is 1mm). The main scale reads 10mm and first division of vernier scale coincides with a main scale division. The side is (in mm) LEVEL-III - KEY 1)1 2)3 3)1 4)25)1 7)12.5 8) 10.05 LEVEL-III - HINTS Conceptual 6)2 (main scale) Least count = N 1(main scale) 20 0.Lmm 1 main scale division = 2mm 3. 10V =78,V =0.78 So, 7V =4.9S x+W =5S > x=5s—4.9s =0.0lem So, measured value =3.7+0.01=3.7lem 4. Leat count=value of IMSD-value of VSD =005cm 75cm =0105-0.089 =0.0010m Diameter =5.10cm+24x0.001em =5.124em 9 1o oll 12 . 4 1=9(MSD)+x for x we can write (12-9) MSD =x+4(VSD) => x=0.2mm>1=9.2mm 6. vernier constant=1MSD-1VSD -(-2 msd = 0.005em 10 zero error = 4x0,005 So, diameter =(1.8+6%0.005—4x0.005)cm =1.81em 7. 10VSD=9MSD=9mm Least count=IMSD-1VSD=0.1mm Zero error=-0.1x(10-8)=-0.2mm Thickness =Main scale reading +L.CxV.C+error i.e, thickness = 12+0.1x3+0.2=12.5mm. 8. Least count = IMSD-1VSD =1- 2-4 mm -p0s *" 39° 207"~0.0>mm Reading = 10.05mm ee EE rene SCREW GAUGE > SYNOPSIS It is used to measure thickness / diameter ofa thin sheet ora thin wire. It works on the principle of a micrometer screw It consists of a pitch scale marked in millimetre and a circular scale or head scale ‘on which 100 divisions are marked. When the head scale completes one rotation (ie., by 100 divisions) then the screw moves by Imm. Least count vitch of thescrew (LO raf vsionsonthe circular scale Pitch of the screw (PS) distance travelled by the screw number of rotations made lmm Least count (ZC) “0 =0.0lmm or (PS)= 0.001em Screw gauge is more accurate than vernier calipers. When the zero of circular scale coincides with the reference line perfectly when the screw is completely rotated, then the screw gauge is said to have no error (error free instrument) When the zero of circular scale advances beyond the reference line, the instrument is said to have negative error and the correc tion is positive When the zero of circular scale is left behind the reference line, then the instrument is said to bave Positive error and the correction is nega- ive Some times the screw does not move forward or backward for a little distance even though the head is rotated. This error is called back- lash error. To avoid backlash error in a screw gauge, the screw is well greased and is always turned in the same direction while taking an observation. After inserting a thin wire (or) a metal sheet ‘between the jaws, rotating the screw - until it is held tightly without any pressure. Then pitch scale reading and head scale reading are to be noted. Thickness (or) diameter =(pitch scalereading) + (corrected head sealereading ) x LC = d=(PSR) + (corrected HSR)(LC)] Object Reference Circular line 4g seale Ratchet U-shaped frame of stainless steel » ERROR CORRECTION Circular scale Reference line (A) Positive zero error Circular scale Reference line (B) Negative zero error WE-1, The citcular divisions of Screw guage are 50. It moves 0.5 mm on main scale in one rotation. The diameter of the ball is When Nothing When ball is present there between the studs between the studs A) 2.25 mm B)2.20mm ©) 1.20 mm D) 1.25 mm Sol. Least count of the instrument is, : pitch ‘Number of divisions oncircular scale Diameter of a ball, d= pitch scale reading + (No. of circular scale division lying above reference line) x LC - Zero error zero error, Z =5x0.01=0.05mm d =(2x0.5)mm+25x0.01-0.05 =140.20=1.20mm WE-2. The pitch of a screw guage is 0.5 mm and there are 50 divisions on the circular scale. In measuring the thickness of a metal plate, there are five divisions on the pitch scale (or main scale) and thirty fourth division of circular scale coincides with the reference line, Calculate the thickness of the metal plate. A) 1.84 mm ©) 0.34 mm B) 2.84 mm D) 2.5 mm Sol. Pitch, p = 0.5 mm No.of circular scale divisions = 50 -. Least count, C 0.01mm 50 Main scale reading = (0.5) = 2.5 mm Circular scale reading = 34(0.01) = 0.34 mm ¢. Total reading = 2.5 + 0.34= 2.84 mm . Consider a screw guage without any zero error. What will be the final reading corresponding to the final state as shown? It Sol. is given that the circular head translates P msd in N rotations, One msd is equal to | mmand there are 100 divisions on circular scale. Circular scale con fas fo] The circular scale has 100 divisions olBles ofl) (2+) nm © “\ * 00 (2+ 2m Dd *T00"W c-—"_msp Nx100 Line of Reference 3 m P =——mm 100N P i =| 2+45 Reading of scale ( #a5x: 100N im 45 *) =| 2+——x— |mm ( 100 N WE-4. A screw guage has some zero error but its value is unknown. We have two identical rods. When the first rod is inserted in the screw, the state of the instrument is shown, by diagram (1). When both the rods are inserted together in series then the state is shown by the diagram (II) What is the zero error of the instrument? 1 msd = 100 csd = Imm @ A) -0.16mm_ — B) +0.16mm C) +0.14mm —D) -0.14mm Sol. Let zero error is e, then in accordance with first case, d=(2+12xLC)MSD-e From 2nd situation, 2d =(4+10x LC) MSD-e where IMSD = Imm and LC = mm 1 1 2| 2+12x—— |-2e =| 4+10x—— = 2(2+120;5)-26 (41108, =e=4 014mm 100 WE-5 The pitch of a screw gauge is ‘I.m.m’ and there are ‘100 divisons’ on the circular seale while measuring the diameter of the wire the linear seale reads ‘1m.m’ and ‘47 th’ divison on the circular scale coincides with the reference line . Length of the wire is ‘5.6cm’. Find the curved surface area of the wire (in cm’) Hint:- Screw gauge reading Imm = 1mm +47 = mm 4] x— 147mm Curved surface area = 2rr] =2.586cm? cu | In a screw gauge, keeping pitch of the screw constant, if we increase the num- ber of head scale divisions, then its accu- racy of measurement 1) increases 2) decreases 3) does not change 4) cannot be predicted Out of the following three devices, the one which is more accurate to measure length is (i) a meter rod (ii) a vernier callipers with least count 0.01em a screw gauge with a pitch 0.5mm having number of divisions on the circu- lar scale as 100 DO 2) 3) Git 4) all the three are equally accurate. 3. Without changing the number of divisions on the circular scale, if the pitch of the screw gauge is halved, then its accuracy of measurement 1) decreases 2) increases 3) remains unaffected 4) increases or decreases depending on the weight 4. Ifin a screw gauge, zero mark of the cir- cular scale remains on above of reference line and does not cross it and 2nd circular scale comes on reference line. then zero correction is 1) +0.02 mm 2) -0.02 mm 3)+0.002 mm 4) -0.002 mm Fe C.U.Q» KEY 11 2)3 3)2 4)2 CU.Q = HINTS Accuracy depends on least count 2. Accuracy depends on least count 3. Accuracy depends on least count 4. Zero error=+0.02mm *, Zero correction = -0.02 mm. ee LEVELI In a screw gauge, the main scale has llimetre and circular scale has ions. The least count of screw gauge is 1)2 microns 2) 5 microns 3) 20 microns 4) 50 microns 2. The diameter of a wire is measured with a screw gauge having least count 0.01mm. Out of the following the one which cor- rectly expresses its diameter is 1) 2.00 mm 2) 0.2 mm 3) 0.02 em 4) 0.002mm 3. A.screw gauge has 1.0mm pitch and 200 divisions on the circular scale. The least Le count of the instrument is 1) 5x10? mm 2) 5x10“ mm 3) 5x10? mm 4) 5x10 mm Pitch of the screw gauge is 0.5mm. Its head scale contains 50 divisions, The least count of it is 1) 0.01mm 2) 0.1mm 3) 0.25mm 4) 0.02mm The least count of a screw gauge is 0.005mm and it has 100 equal divisions on its head scale. Then the distance be- tween two consecutive threads on its screw is 1) 0.5mm. 2) 0.05mm. 3) 0.01mm 4) 0.1mm The diameter of a wire is measured by us- ing a screw gauge having least count 0.01mm. If the diameter is found to be 0.20mm, then the error in the cross-section of the wire will be 1)5% 2) 10% 3) 1% 4) 2.5% 1 The least count of a serew gauge is 75” and the pitch of the screw is Imm. The maximum percentage error of the instru- ment is 15% —2)2% —-3)1% ~—4) 10% The radius of a ball bearing measured by a screw gauge is 3.75mm. The pitch of the screw is Imm and it has 100 divisions on its head scale. The percentage error in the volume of the ball bearing which is per- fectly spherical by shape is : 1)2% — 2)1.5% —3)0.8% 4) 1% The length, breadth and thickness ofa small uniform rectangular glass strip are 4.25em, 6.25mm and 2.75mm. Its length is mea- sured by vernier callipers of least count 0.01cm and breadth and thickness were measured by screw gauge having least count 0.01mm. The percentage error in the measurement of volume of the strip is 10. i. 13. 14. 1) 0.76% 2) 1.36% 3) 2.13% 4) 1.76% Length of a thin cylinder as measured by vernier callipers having least count 0.01cm is 3.25em and its radius of cross- section is measured by a screw gauge hav- ing least count 0.01mm as 2.75mm. The percentage error in the measurement of volume of the cylinder will be 12% —2)3% = -3)1% =~ 4) 1S When circular scale of a screw gauge car- rying 100 divisions is given four complete rotations, the head of the screw moves through 2mm. The pitch and least count of screw gauge are respectively. 1)Imm and 0.005 mm 2) 0.05 mm and 0.001 mm 3) 0.5mm and 0.005 mm 4) 0.00Smm and 0.005 mm Astudent measured the diameter of a wire using a screw gauge with least count 0.001cm and listed the measurement. The correct measurement is 1) 5.3m 2) §.32.em 3) 5.320 cm 4) 5.3200 cm Ascrew gauge having 100 equal divisions and a pitch of length Imm is used to measure the diameter of a wire of length 5.6m. The main scale reading is Imm and 47th circular division coincides with the main scale. The curved surface area of the wire to the approximate significant fig- ures is 1) 2.6em* 2) 2.587em* 3) 2.58cm* 4) 2.5872cm* Two full turns of the circular scale of a screw gauge cover a distance of Imm on its main scale. The total number of divi- sions on the circular scale is 50. Further it is found that the screw gauge has a zero error of —0.03mm. While measuring the diameter ofa thin wire, a student notes the main scale reading of 3mm and the num- ber of circular scale divisions in line with the main scale as 35. The diameter of the wire is 1)3.32mm 2)3.73 mm 3) 367mm 4)3.38mm The density of a solid ball is to be deter- mined in an experiment. The diameter of the ball is measured with a screw gauge, whose pitch is 0.5mm and there are 50 di- visions on the circular scale. The reading on the main scale is 2.5mm and that on the circular scale is 20 divisions. If the measured mass of the ball has a relative error of 2%, the relative percentage er- ror in the density is 1)0.9% 2)2.4% 3)3.1% 4)4.2% ._ A screw gauge gives the following reading 17. when used to measure the diameter of a wire. Main scale reading =Omm, circu- lar scale reading = 52 divisions. Given that Imm on main scale corresponds to 100 di- visions of the circular scale. The diameter of the wire from the above data is 1) 0.052em 2) 0.026em 3) 0.005em 4) 0.52cm The circular scale of a screw gauge has 200 divisions. When it is given 4 complete rotations, it moves through 2mm. The least count of the screw gauge is 10.25x10%cm 2) 0.25 103m 3) 0.001cm 4) 0.001mm . While measuring diameter of a wire using a screw gauge the main scale reading is 7mm and zero of circular scale is 35 divi- sions above the reference line. If the screw gauge has a zero error of —0,003cm, the correct diameter of the wire is (given least count =0.001em) 1) 0.735em 3) 0.738. em 2)0.732cm 4)7.38 cm . When a screw gauge is completely closed, zero of circular scale is 6 divisions below the reference line of graduation. If least 20. 2. 22. 23. count of screw gauge is 0.001em, the zero correction is 1) -0.006cm 2) +0.006cm 3) 0.006 mm 4) 40.006mm The pitch of a screw guage is 0.5 mm and there are 50 divisions on circular scale. When there is nothing between the two ends (studs) of screw guage, 45th division of circular scale is coincide with serew guage, and in this situation zero of main scale is not visible. When a wire is placed between the studs, the linear scale reads 2 divisions and 20th division of circular 4. scale coincides with reference line. For this situation mark the correct statement(s). 1) Least count of the instrument is 0.01mm. 2) Zero correction forthe instrument is +0.05 mm 3) Thickness of wire is 1.25 mm 4) Allofthe above Ina screw guage, the value of one division on the linear scale is 1mm, w! lar scale have 100 divisions. Without any object for measurement, while the screw touches the stud, the zero on circular scale advances 27 divisions beyond the reference line. What is the type and amount of zero error? 1) positive, 0.027mm 2) negative, 0.27mm 3) positive, 0.27mm 4) negative, 0.027mm When a screw guage is completely closed, zero of circular scale is 7 division above the reference line of graduation. If LC of screw guage is 10cm, the zero error is 1) -7x10° em 2) 47x10% cm 3) -0.007mm 4) +0.007mm A screw gauge gives the following read- ing when used to measure the diameter of a wire. Main scale reading: 0 mm Circular scale reading: 52 divisions Given that | mm on main scale corresponds to 100 divisions of the circular scale. The diameter of wire from the above data is: 1) 0.052. cm 2) 0.026 em 3)0.005 cm 4)0.52cm LEVEL-I- KEY 13 21 3)1 4)1 51 62 7)3 8)3 91 10)3 11)3 12)3 13) 1 14)4 15)3 16) 1 17)2 18)3 19) 1 20)4 21)2 22)1 23)1 LEVEL-I - HINTS : ae 307 0.02mm = 20 microns 2. Apply significant figure rule «107 5x19? mm 300 =0.01 mm 5. d=0.005X 100 =0.05 mm 6. M4 10022." 100 =2 “4 x10 A : d = 2.28! 100 =10% 0.2 = 1 Percentag error =——x100=1% entag error =~ 1% 1 8. Least count= Ar = 75, =0.01mm AY y100=3.4% 1100 v ; 9. Volume V = Ibh. AY 100 = x100+ 82 100+ x10 7 I b h ar 100+ x100 AY 100=2 v r 0.5mm Least count = 0.005 mm 100 2. Apply significant figure rule 3. Value of IMSD = Imm =0.lem 1 Value of ICSD = Too 7 mm = 0.00 lem 20. diameter (d) = 1.47mm = 0.147cm and | = 5.6cm curved surface area A = (2r)/ . pitch = 0.5mm least count = 0.01mm zeroerror = —0.03mm => correction +0.03mm < diameter = 3.35 + 0.03 = 3.38mm 0.5 . Least count of screw gauge = “5 = 0.01mm diameter = 2.5 +20(0.01) = 2.7mm Relative error. ~—sin__— density ae .ait [42 p oM D relative error 42 100 = 2543) 901 * hioo= 3.11% p . Diameter 1 = MSR +(CSR)LC =0+—~(52 +(csr)Lc=0+-* (32) =0.52mm=0.052cm ie pitchof thescrew number of circular scale divisions 2 =——_=0.25x10° em 4(200) . diameter = 0.7 +(0.035 +0.003) =0.738em . Here zero error is positve => +0,006cm , Zero correction is —0.006cm Least count = 3 =0.01mm Zero error =- 0,05 mm Correction =+0.05 mm Thickness = 1.25 mm. 1 =— =0.01mm 21. Least count 100 Error = 27 x 0.01 = 0.27 mm 22. As zero of circular scale is above the reference line of graduation, zero correction is positive and zero error is negative. Zero error = ~7 x10 cm 23. Diameter of wire, d =MSR +CSRxLC =0+52x—- =0.52mm 100 =0.052cem LEVEL 1. The radius of a ball bearing measured by a screw gauge is 3.75mm. The pitch of the screw is Imm and it has 100 divisions on its circular scale. What is the percentage error in the measurement of volume of the ball bearings? 1)2% 2)1.5% 3) 0.8% 4) 1% 2. On measuring diameter of a wire with help of screw gauge, main scale reading is 1 mm and 6th division of circular scale lying over reference line. On measuring zero error, it is found that zero of circular scale has advanced from reference line by 3 divisions on circular scale, then corrected diameter is 1) 1.09 mm 3) 1.03 mm 2) 1.06 mm 4) 1.60 mm Boa LEVEL-II - HINTS 1 A x100=3x 42x10 v r 0.01 =3x—— =0.89 3.75 0.8% 2. Observed reading = 1 mm +6 X 0.01mm = 1.06mm Zero error = -0,03mm Zero correction =+0.03mm Corrected reading = 1.06+0.03 =1.09mm. LEVEL-II When the gap is closed without placing any object in the screw gauge whose least count is 0.005mm, the 5" division on its circular scale coincides with the reference line on main scale, and when a small sphere placed regarding on main scale advances by 4 divisions, where as circular reading advanced by five times to the corresponding reading when no object was placed. There are 200 divisions on the circular scale. The radius of the sphere is 1) 410mm, 2) 4.05mm 3) 2.10mm 4) 2.05mm The full turns of the circular scale of screw gauge cover a distance of Imm on its main scale. The total number of divisions on the circular scale is 50. Further, itis found that the screw gauge has a zero error of - 0.03mm. While measuring the diameter of wire, a student notes the main scale read- ing of 3mm and the number of circular scale division in line with the main scale as 35. The diameter of wire is 1)3.38mm. 2)3.32mm 3) 3.73mm. 4) 3.67mm Ascrew gauge with a pitch of 0.5mm and a circular scale with 50 divisions is used to measure the thickness of a thin sheet of Aluminium. Before starting the mea- surement, it is found that when the two jaws of the screw gauge are brought con- tact, the 45th division coincides with the main scale line and that the zero of main ness of the sheet if the main scale reading is 0.5mm and the 25th division coincides with the main scale line? 1)0.50mm 2)0.75mm 3) 0.80mm 4) 0.70mm A spring is placed between the jaws of screw gauge such that the spring is not all compressed. The mains scale reads 2 divisions and circular scale reads 28 divi sions. Now we turn the circular scale by 18° such that the spring is compressed. The circular scale has 200 divisions and the least count of the main scale 1mm. What is the force exerted (in mN) by the spring on the jaw if the spring constant is 100 N/ m. A screw gauge has pitch 1.5mm and there is no zero error. Linear s ing at MSD=1mm and there are 100 equal division of circular scale. When diameter of a sphere is measured with instrument, main scale is having 2mm mark visisble on linear scale, but 3mm dark is not vis- ible, 76th division of circular scale in line with linear scale. What is the diameter of sphere (in mm)? Fae ai ee 5)2.64 i _LEVEL-IN-HINTS IMSD=200x0.005=Imm 2r =4x1+25%0,005-5x0.005=4.1 5 1=2.05mm Pitch of screw= > = 0.5mm a a =0.01mm Least count = Measured diameter = 37m +35x0.01mm =(3+0.35mm) = corrected diameter= measured diameter - zero error (-0.03) = 3.38mm 35mm =3.35- 3. Zero error is negative and its value will be ZE =-5xle=—0.05mm mm LC= =0.0lmm 50 ‘True reading = 0.05 +(2.5x100)+0.05 = 0.80mm 4, 360° > 200aiv,15° > 200x 8 av 360

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