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Fitbit “Smart RING”

Marketing & IMC Campaign

Name Roll Number

Hassan Ali Tayyab 22110053
Ali Raheel 22110303
Hamza Manazir 22110295
Shahbaz Asif 22110198
Hassan Mohsin 21110089
Muhammad Moaz Tariq 22020433
Fit Bit Smart Ring with the Price Tag of $300 or PKR 55,000

Target Audience
Millennials and Gen Z living in metropolitan cities of Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad
belonging to Upper and Upper middle-class income segments.

Fit Bit Smart ring is the next step in the evolution of smartwatches and so it will be positioned
as the first of its kind health device which you can wear 24/7 with seamless integration with
all your devices and is also stylish. Thus, by product differentiation based on features and
leveraging the existing brand name of Fit bit company, we will target the innovators and early
adopters of the target audience so they can stand out from the crowd.

IMC Campaign Timeline

Campaign will collectively run for a period of six months divided into three stages:

First Stage: A 15-day teaser campaign will be launched on all platforms to build curiosity and
hype around the product launch
Second Stage: ATL campaigns to create product awareness and knowledge about the product
using appropriate appeals for consumers who are in the cognitive and affective stage of the
response hierarchy. These campaigns will run for a period of 3 months.
Third Stage: BTL campaigns along with ATL campaigns focused on inducing product trial
for consumers in the conative stage and creating a consumer base in innovators and early
adopters’ category. This will be the last phase of campaign which will also run for a period of
almost 3 months.

Create product awareness by informing and educating the target audience of different life-
saving features of Fit Bit ring along with its fashion appeal to initiate product trial.

Current users of Fit Bit products and smartwatches. Millennials and Gen Z residing in the
metropolitan cities of Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad belonging to the upper and upper-
middle-class segment specifically residing in DHA, Cantt and Gulberg in Lahore, DHA and
Clifton in Karachi and F-5-F-11 Sectors along with DHA and Bahria Town in Islamabad.

Timed to coincide with the promotional effort and goal and stage of promotional effort.
Primetime slotting only to reach the maximum amount of audience on the preferred mediums.

Creative Strategy
Wear Style, Wear Technology will be the central theme of the campaign.
We decided on going with this because it highlights the two major appeals we will be using to
differentiate and get potential customers. Fit Bit ring will appeal to the technology enthusiasts
and “geniuses” using Apple family products to use it since this product is the next step in the
evolution of health-based products and apps, such as smartwatches of countless different
brands along with health and fitness apps. This ring is a one-step shop for the seamless
integration of technology with style. Gen Z and Millenials spend a lot of their disposable
income on standing out in terms of fashion and new gadgets and Fit Bit ring’s campaign will
capitalize on that by targeting both those aspects and the campaign theme of Wear Style,
Wear Technology will ensure brand recall and clarity in minds of potential customers that,
who this product is for i-e health, fashion and technology-oriented millennials and Gen Z. The
creative campaign will be tailored according to that as well i-e fitness magazines or channels
will focus on health appeal, lifestyle magazines or channels will depict the fashion appeals of
the product along with the product attributes that make it unique which will be common in all
the communications i-e leveraging fit bit brand and focusing on technology and seamless
integration with all devices on cloud basically “smart ring for smart people”. To utilize the
recency, effect the campaign theme will be aired towards the end of the advertisement to be
more effective and ensure recall.

Slogans: 1. Wear Style, Wear Technology

2. Smart Ring for Smart People
3. One ring to rule them all

The first and second slogan will be used more extensively while the third slogan will only be
used in the last month of the product trial initiation phase so that humour appeal and wordplay
is used, and the audience does not get confused from the main message which the first two
slogans will cement in their minds during the first 5 months of the campaign.
Media Strategy
Television: Television penetration was almost 90% at one time in Pakistan even though most
of Gen Z has a low interest in Television we will be using some specific TV channels to run
the teaser campaigns followed by the first stage of product awareness campaigns and second
stage of inducing product trial to cater to the millennials. We will be less reliant on traditional
TV and radio campaigns due to the low interest of one segment of the target audience i-e Gen
Z who will be targeted using the digital mediums and social media campaigns. We will be
focusing on sports channels such as PTV Sports and Ten Sports during the cricket season
such as PSL and incoming T20 world cup and our campaign such as teaser followed by
product awareness and product trial will be aired during the most-watched and hyped matches
to reach maximum audience and ensure a sense of premium-ness in the audience. Along with
that to target the style aspect of our campaign we will also be airing the ads during premium
fashion and lifestyle shows (Lux Style awards etc) shown on channels such as Hum TV and
Hum Sitaray.

Newspaper and Magazines: The selection of newspapers and magazines is based on the
campaign theme of “wear style and wear technology” also where we will be taking out space
in the sports and health section of English newspapers such as Dawn and Express Tribune
along with magazines such as Herald and lifestyle magazines such as Sunday Fashion
Magazine1, E Buzz and Niche Lifestyle. To create synergies partnerships will be formed with
these newspapers and magazines to simultaneously run campaigns on their digital channels
such as Facebook and Instagram as well which will be explained in digital marketing as well.

Radio: We will not be using Radio campaigns this is because the penetration of Radio within
our target segment is extremely low and instead of Radio which will increase the costs of our
total campaign, digital campaigns will be focused more due to the rise in social media usage.

Billboards and Guerrilla Marketing: 3D Billboards will be placed in selective locations of the
three major metropolitan cities such as Walton Bridge which is in between Cantt, Gulberg,
Model Town and DHA, 3 Tilwaar in Karachi and Centaurus in Islamabad. This will serve a
dual purpose. Firstly, this ensures that our core target audience will be able to see these
billboards and secondly by incorporating the 3D billboards and just displaying a 3D ring on
the board with the message “One ring to rule them all” will use humorous appeal but this will
be done in the trial inducing phase of campaign so central idea of our campaign is not lost.

Finally, we will be using guerrilla marketing by wrapping one significant bridge in each city
such as Sherpao Bridge in Lahore, Nagan Chworangi and Ghizri Flyover in Karachi and
Peshwar Mor Flyover in rings such as displayed in Exhibit 1, so cars have to pass through the
ring. This will also increase product awareness and shock the audience to ensure recall.

Exhibit 1

Digital Marketing


For the digital marketing objectives, the campaign will again be divided into three distinct
stages, each of which has its own specific objectives. According to the Global Digital Insights
report, Pakistan’s internet penetration rate stands at 36.5% of the total population in 2022. As
of January 2022, there are 83 million internet users in Pakistan, which is a 35.9% increase
from 2021. Given that the penetration rate for digital media is significantly increasing, we
have decided to come up with elaborate strategies to target the digital domain. The following
are the objectives for the three different stages of the campaign:

First Stage: Since this stage is about creating hype around the product, the objectives are to
gain the attention of consumers at the cognitive stage of the response hierarchy model. Using
the AIDA method, the first stage will involve digital media teaser campaigns across all
internet platforms to gather the attention of the consumers.

Second Stage: The second stage will tackle the consumers at the affective stage of the
response hierarchy model. Through the AIDA method, we aim to garner interest and desire
for the product. Hence, the digital media objectives will be to create mass awareness
regarding the product, and to create brand value for the target audience through ATL
marketing. Creating brand value increases customer trust and will successfully garner their
interest and desire in the Fitbit ring. Within this stage, strategies such as influencer marketing,
celebrity endorsements, SOE marketing, and pay per click advertisements will be launched.

Third Stage: The last stage will tackle consumers at the behavioural/conative stage of the
response hierarchy model. According to the AIDA model, this stage is to propel the
consumers to take action, and to allow them to purchase or try the product. Hence, using BTL
marketing techniques, we will allow consumers to initiate trial. Within this stage, offers such
as 10% discount through website purchase or 5% signup discount will be used. The main
objective will be to increase sales, and to increase the online brand conversion to sales ratio
along with increasing brand engagement.


First and foremost, for the teaser campaigns, a short 30 second teaser video will be created,
which will create hype around the product. This teaser campaign will be launched across all
social media platforms such as: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. Since our target
audience, Millennials and Gen X mainly use these social media platforms, the teaser
campaign will be launched on them. Secondly, the teaser video will also be launched on the
Fitbit website.
To create hype, the hashtag #Fitbitring and #OneRingToRuleThemAll will be used in the
teaser videos. A sponsored short 15 second version will also be created for platforms such as
Instagram, where it will be launched as an Instagram story and propelled into the feed of the
target audience. We aim to create product awareness through this initial digital media
Following the first stage, a more elaborative digital media strategy will be created for the
second stage of the digital marketing campaign. This stage will involve influencer
endorsements as well as celebrity endorsements. Upon research, we found out that the
Instagram influencer Shanzar (who is a fitness professional) is highly popular amongst
millennials and Generation X. Similarly, the cricketing professional Babar Azam is also
famous amongst the same cohort of generations. Since we want a high celebrity/influencer to
product congruence, these individuals fit highly within our strategy. Shanzar will be given a
free Fitbit ring, which he will then advertise on his own Instagram account. For the celebrity
endorsement, an advertisement with Babar Azam using the Fitbit ring as a product of style
and technology will be created, showing him doing different sporting activities to track his
health. This advertisement will be launched on all social media platforms including
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. Posters with Shanzar and Babar Azam wearing
the ring will be put across all digital media platforms and on the Fitbit website.
The technique used to propel our products through social media will be insightfully using
social media analytics. Hence, through sponsored campaigns, through which each social
media website allows us to set the target audience and the region, the campaigns will be
launched. For example, Instagram allows to set the age, location, budget, and schedule for the
sponsored ad. If we want too, for example, propel our advertisements to people aged 24-40 in
Islamabad 7 days a week from 7-9pm, we can use social media analytics to target our ads.
Using such insights, we can use social media analytics to propel the ads only to our target
audience, garnering attention, and desire from only the people interested in our product.
Furthermore, Search Engine Optimization marketing and Pay Per Click advertisements will
be launched. For SEO marketing, certain keywords such as: Fitness, Health, Style, Fitbit will
be used to create Google Advertisements. If any of the target audience search the following
keywords, the Fitbit ring advertisement will be displayed on Google to them. Furthermore,
PPC advertisements will be launched on Google and YouTube. Through these, the product
will be further propelled into the minds of the target audience.
For the last stage of the digital media campaign, we will use all social media platforms to
promote discounts to initiate trial from consumers. Hence, short videos and posters that propel
the message “10% discount on purchase from website” and “5% discount on signup on
website” will be launched across all social media. One goal of this campaign is to increase the
sales/conversion ratio. Hence, through sponsored posts which will direct people from social
media to our website, we can increase the sales/conversion ratio through the discounts.
Furthermore, if any users leave reviews for our product, we will launch Instagram stories or
put those user reviews on website to increase brand engagement.

Sales Promotion


Complementing other IMC elements with a strong focus on encouraging trials for the FitBit
ring. Having emphasized awareness in the first two phases of our campaign, we move
towards Sales promotion to drive product sales.
Primary objective involves targeting the customer purchase journey to incentivize product
trial hence improving customer acquisition. These promotional activities are to generate a
spike in short-term sales by speeding up the sales cycle.

Current users in the FitBit ecosystem.

Gen Z and Millennials of the upper and upper-middle class in Metropolitan cities with a
digital presence.
People visiting Airlink stores and Malls including Dolmen, Safa Gold Mall, Mall of Lahore,
Packages, Centaurus, and Lucky One Mall


Channels of Distribution

We make use of exclusive distribution, given that this is a new product category, we would
want greater control over our product distribution.
The FitBit ring will be available across Airlink stores in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad.
There are currently 15 stores in Karachi, 9 in Lahore, and 3 in Islamabad giving us a good
reach with our target audience. In addition to this, Airlink stores are not only perceived as
reliable but also of a higher quality so that works to our advantage.
Company-operated kiosks used for demonstrations will drive some of our sales in the initial
Another Channel of Distribution would be e-commerce where we will be using the Fitbit
website for the DTC approach.
To cater to our target audience, we make use of our strong social media presence to improve
customer engagement through user generated content around fitness practices under the
#FitBitChallenge which would be then followed by promotional discount vouchers.
These vouchers will be promoted as Early bird discounts to appeal to early adopters and
Orders through the website would get a 10% discount and another 5% signup discount for
new customers. We aim on providing assistance to customers to carry out their initial
purchases fueling the bandwagon effect while also adding them to the FitBit ecosystem.
Given that this is a new product category, we will focus on product demonstrations through
kiosks placed in malls. The ring-shaped kiosks will be in line with our brand image and would
allow users to get a feel of the FitBit ring and encourage conversions through early bird
Direct Marketing

For the Fitbit Smart Ring, we have deduced that a direct marketing strategy can be effective
in targeting our identified consumer market: consumers from the upper and upper-middle
class income bracket invested in physical fitness (as established earlier). The objective of this
kind of marketing is to minimize costs associated with using mass marketing techniques
exclusively and consequently boost profitability, while at the same time creating a viable and
effective marketing channel for eligible consumers. This will help us establish a balance in
our marketing budget and generate maximum outreach. For a new product like the Fitbit
Smart Ring, it is imperative that we create a channel wherein we can capture immediate
feedback from our prospective consumers and improve our product offering accordingly.


It is important to note that direct marketing is centred around the consumer, with a special
focus on consumer preferences and needs. Carrying this forward, we have deduced ways in
which we can directly market our product to our identified consumer cohort:

1. Targeted Online Advertisements: We intend to use online algorithms on popular

social networking websites such as Instagram and Facebook to send out targeted ads
towards prospective consumers. These consumers will be identified by analysing their
online behaviour and patterns. For example, these targeted ads would work best for a
prospective consumer who follows or engages with fitness blogs and pages, thereby
highlighting their interest in fitness and their propensity to invest in fitness gadgets.
We pick this medium for marketing our products as it is a highly popular format
among our identified cohort of Gen Z and Millennial consumers from an upper or
upper-middle income bracket (Munsch, 2021). Consumers within this cohort are also
highly receptive to new gadgets and technology, thereby allowing us to maximise our
outreach (ibid).

2. Strategic Promotional Displays: To target our specific consumer bracket, we propose

investing in promotional displays strategically placed within gyms or fitness
equipment retail shops and sports goods brands in the form of posters or standees.
This will require a mutually beneficial partnership with already established
organisations such as high-profile gyms and retails stores catering to the needs of our
identified cohort. We have identified the following retailers that we can possibly enter
a partnership with: Nike, Adidas, and Reebok. Strategically placing advertisements
within gyms will allow us to reach a large number of consumers within our identified
bracket and help us boost consumer engagement. Through market research and
observation, we have identified the following to be leading gym service providers
catering to our identified consumer cohort in the three major cities the campaign is
curated to target:
1. Lahore
a. Shapes
b. Structure Health and Fitness
2. Islamabad
a. GritFit
b. Metafitnosis
3. Karachi
a. Pulse Fitness
b. MY GYM by Bikku

3. Insert Media: Insert media is another form of partnered marketing by using already
established brands’ image and advertisement placement to push our product forward.
Once again relying on mutually beneficial partnerships, we aim to insert media
advertisements in brochures associated with gym service providers we have chosen as
partners. We can also engage with branded sport equipment shops such as Nike,
Adidas, and Reebok. This will help us maximise our outreach and improve our brand
image through associated advertisements with brands popular among the high-income
segment we are targeting.

Personal Selling
The primary objective of our personal selling strategy is to boost consumer engagement for
our product. Salespersons will be placed in strategic locations in order to approach the
maximum number of prospective consumers from within our identified cohort. These
salespersons will serve to increase brand awareness and dispense useful information about our
product to prospective consumers while at the same time attempt to conduct on ground sale
transactions. Moreover, the sales staff will be trained to engage the prospective customers in
conversation to extract insights regarding their opinion of the product. Insights gathered in
this manner will serve as the basis for refining our knowledge of the targeted cohort and will
be fed back into the marketing campaign over the coming weeks and months.

Our strategy to employ personal selling will entail using trained sales personnel with an
intimate knowledge of our product. These representatives will be strategically placed in
locations of interest to allow them to target our identified cohort in an effective and engaging
manner. We intend to place kiosks with salespersons whose primary aim will be to increase
brand and product awareness. These personnel will also be authorised to conduct on spot sale
transactions. We have scouted the following prime locations for our kiosks based on market
research and observation. The kiosks will be placed near sports goods stores like Nike,
Adidas, and Reebok. There is also the opportunity of engaging one of these brands to form a
partnership in the future. Most of these locations are popular malls that are often frequented
by Gen Z and Millennial populations from an upper or upper-middle income background:

1. Lahore
a. Packages Mall
b. Mall of Lahore
2. Islamabad
a. Centaurus Towers
b. Safa Gold Mall
3. Karachi
a. Dolmen Mall
b. Lucky One Mall

Public Relations (PR)

Objective of the PR campaign would be to educate the millennials and Gen Z social media
users about the FitBit smart ring through influencer posts and reviews. This would also be
used to inform people about the specifications about the product, all while also contributing to
maintaining the brand image within the target audience with digital presence. This would also
reinforce the advertising message of Wear Style, Wear Technology through reviews and
promotional posts of style and tech influencers.
➢ Millennials and Gen Z social media users living in metropolitan cities with good
digital presence.
➢ Tech and style social media influencers.

We make a strong social media presence to inform and educate our target audience that have
digital presence. This includes millennials and Gen Z social media users who follow social
media influencers. These influencers could post about the #fitbitchallenge and be a part of the
challenge, all while educating and informing the early adopters about the technology and style
of the product. We have shortlisted some of the influencers that we would reach out to, which

➢ Shanzar (Instagram @shanzarr) 80k followers

➢ Umar Khan (Instagram @ukhano) 517k followers
➢ Nusrat Hidayatullah (Instagram @nusrathidayatullah) 89.7k followers
➢ Zainab Raza (Instagram @zainabrj) 103k followers

When our product would be worn by influencers and celebrities to digital media and social
media shows like ‘TBH with Tabish Hashmi’ it would maintain the brand image of style and
technology. The fitness events sponsored by FitBit could be featured on social media and
print media which would contribute in our public relations.
Partnering with Adventure Tourists and Trips: We will partner with health-conscious and
technology savvy adventure tourists and hikers by identifying key opinion leaders in each trip
such as that of LUMS Adventure society and let them use the product in their hiking trip and
they can test the product under real life situations and through this we will be able to garner
testimonials, Word of mouth along with brand advocates.

Budget Breakdown

Charges (PKR) Total (PKR)

Lifestyle Channels TV ads (on-peak) 200,000 3,000,000
Lifestyle Channels TV ads (off-peak) 50,000 500,000
Sports Channels TV ads (Single band PTV Sports) 50,000 1,500,000
Lifestyle Magazines (Stick-on page cover) 75,000 250,000
Lifestyle Magazines (Starting pages) 30,000 250,000
1,320 (per col/cm)
Newspaper ads (Lahore) (Weekday Rates) 100,000

1,320 (per col/cm)

Newspaper ads (Islamabad) (Weekday Rates) 100,000

2,400 (per col/cm)

Newspaper ads (Karachi) (Weekday Rates) 100,000

Billboards 700,000 (Average) 4,000,000

Guerrilla Marketing 200,000 250,000
Facebook ads 1,260 1,000,000
Instagram ads 1,260 1,200,000
Influencer Endorsement 45,000 (Average) 200,000
Salespersons Salary 15,000/month 150,000
Kiosks Rent 10,000/day 1,000,000
Free samples 20 Smart Rings -
Misc. Expenses (Turning billboards to 3D etc) - 1,000,000
Total 14,500,000

Integration of Themes and Strategies

The central theme of our campaign as mentioned is Wear Style, Wear Technology as this
theme highlights the two major appeals we will be using to differentiate and get potential
customers. We will use a multitude of strategies to integrate this theme with our campaign
and instil it into our potential customers’ minds.
Starting off, we will generally use product differentiation to position our product which will
be based on the products features and we will leverage the existing brand name of Fit bit
company. We will also target the innovators and early adopters of the target audience so that
they can stand out from the crowd.
Advertising strategies that we will use will incorporate creating product awareness where we
will inform and educate the target audience of different life-saving features of Fit Bit ring
along with its fashion appeal, which we can classify as another sub theme of our product.
Primetime Slotting of the preferred mediums will be used to gain maximum reach and by
appealing to technology enthusiasts, “geniuses” and using the help of fitness and lifestyle
magazines we will ensure brand recall in our consumers’ minds and seamlessly integrate our
theme with these strategies. Furthermore, we will also be using 3 slogans:
1. Wear Style, Wear Technology
2. Smart Ring for Smart People
3. One ring to rule them all
where one supersedes the other in a seamless way and incorporates the different themes, we
are using to build a strong brand imagery and recall for our audience.
We will be running these themes also on premium fashion and lifestyle shows and sports
channels on Television, Sunday Fashion Magazine, Herald on Magazines, which will target
the style part of our theme and Dawn, Express Tribune on Newspapers and social media
platforms like Facebook and Instagram, where we will be catering the technology part of our
We will also hit the style part of our theme with guerrilla marketing by wrapping bridges as
already shown above in Exhibit 1 which will generate a spike in short term sales by speeding
up the sales cycle through brand recall.

In Direct Marketing we will use strategies such as Targeted Online Advertisements by using
online algorithms to target consumers using words such as style or technology. Secondly, we
will strategically place Promotional Displays in gyms and partner up with brands such as
Nike or Adidas which themselves through their name call out style. Thirdly, Insert Media
Advertisements in brochures associated with gyms would also do the same for us as it will
link up with style and lifestyle. Moreover, strategically placing sales personnel and kiosks in
malls that will have the perfect information about our product will ensure Personal Selling to
its fullest. Through this kind of campaign, we will ensure that our theme is instilled in the
customers mind and insights gathered in this manner will serve as the basis for refining our
knowledge of the targeted cohort and will be fed back into the marketing campaign over the
coming weeks and months.

Lastly, we will integrate our theme through PR. Millennials and Gen Z social media users will
be educated about the FitBit smart ring through influencer posts and reviews where they will
also reinforce the advertising message of Wear Style, Wear Technology through reviews and
promotional posts of style and technology influencers. These influencers could also post
about the #fitbitchallenge and urge their followers be a part of the challenge and because their
followers jump to almost everything they post about; increasing the chances of its success.
Measurement and Research Considerations

This is a very integral part of our campaign where we will be using Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) and Metrics which we will use to evaluate how effective our IMC campaign
We will firstly measure the Marketing ROI, which would help us understand if the resources
used yielded the most effective results. Here we will track the cost of setting up the campaign,
which will be brought forward from the budget breakdown. Then we will use a range of
metrics based on personal selling, direct marketing, and PR. One example is that here we
would measure the conversion rate, which will imply how many customers did we land on
through our billboards, how many customers did we land through our partnerships with gyms
and brands such as Nike or Adidas and similarly how many customers were converted
through our kiosks and personal selling efforts. We can also use a metric of repeat visits on
our kiosks which the salespersons would be identifying.
Furthermore, metrics for our social media presence would include things such as:

Reach where we can gauge Impressions (number of times our content appears on a screen,
whether clicked or not) and Confirmed Reach (Amount of people who have seen our post and
can be reached out to and confirmed.

Engagement where we can measure the likes, followers, comments, and shares

Lastly, we would also conduct a survey for product awareness 3 months down the road. This
will help us gauge whether in our representative target market, product awareness exists or

Word Count: 3980 words

Communication Plan Components & Marking Guide

Advertising objectives 5
Creative strategy 10
Media strategy 10
Digital Marketing 10
Direct marketing
DM objectives 5
DM strategy 5
Sales promotion
SP objectives 5
SP strategy 5
PR objectives 5
PR strategy 5
Personal Selling
PS objectives 5
PS strategy 5

Other communication tools (if applicable) 0

Budget breakdown 5
Integration of themes and strategies 5
Measurement and research considerations – must show how they will measure the 5
Report (style/format/spelling/grammar/references) 5
Word count 5
Total 100
(Note: If students have not used all possible forms of communication and justified the decision to focus on particular methods –
marks from the tools not used can be allocated to the tools used. In order for this to happen, students MUST give clear justification
rather than merely not mentioning other options)

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