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Component C

Genetically Modified

1. Definition of Genetically Modified Food - can be defined as organisms in which the genetic
material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating or natural
2. Five genetically modified foods are :
a) Cornstarch
b) corn syrup
c) corn oil
d) soybean oil
e) canola oil
3. Advantages of Genetically Modified Food:
a) More nutritious food.
b) Tastier food.
c) Disease- and drought-resistant plants that require fewer environmental resources (such
as water and fertilizer)
d) Less use of pesticides.
e) Increased supply of food with reduced cost and longer shelf life.
f) Faster growing plants and animals
4. Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Food:
a) They might contribute to a rise in allergic reactions.
b) Genetic food can prompt allergic reactions from different foods.
c) GMOs may contribute to antibiotic resistance.
d) Some research has linked GMOs to cancer.
e) Very few companies are in charge of all the GMO seed market.
5. Six pictures of Genetically Modified Food:
a) Modified Popo fruit
b) Modified – Cornflower and Carrot

c) Modified- Chicken

d) Modified – Cow
e) Modified – Pig

f) Modified – Soya beans

g) Modified – Corn syrup

h) Modified – Pineapple

I) Modified – Hen

j) Modified – Maize cob

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