Shas'o Dragonfly's Independent Codex Tau Empire

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Shaso Dragonflys Independent Codex: Tau Empire

Tau Empire Special Rules

Crisis Reaction Force If your army list includes a Shaso in a XV8 Crisis battlesuit then you may choose to use a different Force Organization Chart arrangement than a normal Tau Empire army list. In this alternate arrangement, XV 8 Crisis Battlesuit Teams are available as a Troops selection; Fire Warrior Teams, Human Auxiliaries Teams, and Pathfinder Teams become Elites choices; and XV9 Hazard Battlesuit Teams are not available at all. This rule is exclusive with the Hazard Reaction Force rule and other FOC-changing rules, you may use one or the other, but not both. Death on the Wing A unit with this special rule may fire Assault weapons in the same turn in which it has run and it only rolls a single D6 if it scatters when Deep Striking. Death to Traitors! Units of the Imperium (Imperial Guard, Space Marines, etc.) always hit models of a Human Auxiliaries Team on a 3+ in close combat, regardless of relative Weapon Skill. Fieldcraft A unit with this special rule moving through Difficult Terrain do not have to roll to see how far they can move, they may always move up to 6. Any enemy unit claiming a Cover Save against the effects of shooting from a unit with this rule has its Cover Save reduced by one (i.e. a 4+ Cover Save becomes a 5+, and so forth). Also, a unit with this rule is so good at finding cover in even the barest terrain that they have at least a 6+ Cover Save at all times, even standing completely in open terrain (however a Cover Save gained this way is not affected by the Stealth universal special rule). For the Greater Good! Whenever an Ethereal with a Fire Warrior Honor Guard loses a wound roll a D6. On a result of 4 or higher remove one of the Honor Guard as a casualty instead and the Ethereal does not lose a wound. Hazard Reaction Force - If your army list includes a Shaso in a XV9 Hazard battlesuit then you may choose to use a different Force Organization Chart arrangement than a normal Tau Empire army list. In this alternate arrangement, XV 9 Hazard Battlesuit Teams are available as a Troops selection; Fire Warrior Teams, Human Auxiliaries Teams, and Pathfinder Teams become Elites choices; and XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Teams are not available at all. This rule is exclusive with the Crisis Reaction Force rule and other FOC-changing rules, you may use one or the other, but not both. Infantry (jetpack) Units of this type follow all of the rules for the Jump Infantry (jet pack) Unit Type, except that they may only make a single move each turn, either in the Movement phase, or the Assault phase, but not both. If done in the Movement phase, the movement may use the rules for jumping or walking, if done in the Assault phase the jumping rules must be used. Inspiring Presence The Ethereal and all Tau units (not Humans, Kroot, Vespid, or drones) with a line of sight to him may re-roll any and all Morale checks, even successful ones. In addition all friendly units with line of sight to the Ethereal gain the Stubborn universal special rule. Line of sight, for purposes of this rule only, is not affected by Night-Fighting conditions. However, all other LOS- limiting rules apply. Marker Beacon The unit with this rule is equipped with an array of sensor beacons designed to guide Deep Striking units to their deployment areas. Tau units deploying by means of the Deep Strike rule to a point visible to a model in this unit scatter only half as far as would otherwise be indicated, rounding odd numbers down. Note that the unit must already be on the table at the start of the turn for the Marker Beacon rule to be used.

Price of Failure If a friendly Ethereal is killed then every unit of Tau on the table (not Humans, Kroot, Vespid, or drones) must take a Morale check at the start of their next turn if they are not in close combat or falling back. In addition, every Tau unit that takes this test, regardless of success or failure, will add +1 to their Ballistic Skill until the end of the game. Redeployment Drill A unit with this rule, if it fired only Pulse Pistols, Pulse Rifles, or Pulse Carbines during its Shooting phase, may move D6 inches during the following Assault phase. If it does so, the unit may not launch an assault or take any other actions during its Assault phase. Additionally, on a turn in which the unit disembarks from a transport; its disembarkation move does not count as movement for purposes of firing Rapid Fire or Heavy weapons. Independent Characters that join the unit gain the benefit of this rule also. Drones that join the unit may benefit from this rule as well, as long as they have the (jet pack) unit sub-type, regardless of what weapons they fire in the Shooting phase. Skilled Flyers A unit with this special rule may re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests. Survivors to the Last A unit with this rule may always attempt to regroup, regardless of any conditions that would otherwise prevent it from doing so.

Battlesuit Armory
Barrage Pod Range 24, Str 6, AP3, Heavy 4, No Cover Saves Blacksun System A model with this system doubles the amount rolled on the dice to see how far his unit can see in Night-Fighting conditions. The unit only gains this benefit as long as the model with the Blacksun System is alive. Blockade Shield Generator A model with this system gains a 3+ Invulnerable Save. Burst Cannon Range 18, Str 5, AP 5, Assault 3, Rending Command and Control Node All friendly units with a model within 12 may use the bearers Leadership as their own. Drone Controller A model with a Drone Controller must take one or two Gun, Marker, or Shield Drones, in any combination, from their options list. Some units have access to more specialized drone than these 3 basic types. Flamer Range Template, Str 4, AP 5, Assault 1, No Cover Saves Flechette Dischargers When a model with this system is assaulted, every model in the enemy unit will automatically be wounded on a 4+, Armor Saves applying as normal, before resolving any attacks. If four or more models in a unit have this system then roll twice to wound every model in the enemy unit. Fusion Blaster Range 12, Str 8, AP 1, Assault 1, Melta Fusion Cascade Range 12, Str 6, AP 1, Assault D3, Melta Heavy Flamer Range Template, Str 5, AP 4, Assault 1, No Cover Saves

Markerlight Range 36, Str n/a, AP n/a, Heavy 1. Each time you hit a target unit with a Markerlight, put a counter by that unit. The counters remain until the end of the current Tau Shooting phase or until they are used. Counters may be expended by subsequently fire Tau (and Human and Vespid units, so long as the Guevesaui or Strain Leader is alive) firing at the marked unit. Every counter expended grants the firing unit one of the following effects, which may be combined: To allow a volley of Seeker Missiles or Submunitions Missiles to be fired at the marked unit. At least one missile must be fired, but no more than 6, and no more than are actually mounted on the vehicles in your army. Seeker missiles fired this way hit automatically. For Submunitions Missiles, roll 2 scatter dice and 2 normal dice, taking the most favorable result from each set. To allow a unit which fires at the target to do so at +1 to its Ballistic Skill. If the firing unit fires any weapons with blast markers, the model firing the blast weapon does so at +2 to its Ballistic Skill. This effect may be stacked, allowing a Ballistic Skill up to a maximum of 5 (or 6 for models firing blast weapons). To allow the firing unit to ignore the effects of the Night Fighting rule or enemy Stealth Field Generators when shooting at the marked unit. To impose a -1 Leadership penalty on the marked unit until the end of the Tau Shooting phase. Multiple counters may be expended to impose a cumulative modifier. To deny any Cover Saves the marked unit may have from the effects of the firing units shooting. To deny the benefits of being Obscured to any marked vehicle. To subtract 1 inch from the marked units movement in either its next Movement or Assault phase. Which phase is to be affected must be declared when the counter is expended. Multiple counters may be expended to impose a cumulative penalty or to affect movement in both phases. To call in a heavy missile barrage from a nearby Manta or an orbital strike from overhead Korvattra (Air Caste space fleet) assets. Expend 3 marker counters and the target unit is struck by a Str 8, AP 3, Large Blast attack, roll for scatter as if fired by a BS 4 unit. In any case, the use of a counter must always be declared before to-hit rolls are made by the firing unit, and the counter is only removed after rolls to-hit have been made. So if the firing unit cannot see the target unit because of the Night-Fighting rule (or any other reason) the counter is not removed. Additionally, Markerlights do not benefit from the effects of other Markerlights. Missile Pod Range 36, Str 7, AP 4, Assault 2 Multi-tracker A model with this system may fire up to two weapon systems in the same turn. Networked Markerlight Functions exactly as a Markerlight, except that the operators own unit may benefit from it. Resolve the fire of any Networked Markerlights before the units other shooting. Phased Ion Blaster Range 18, Str 3, AP 4, Assault 4, Rending Phased Ion Gun Range 18, Str 4, AP 4, Assault 4, Rending Plasma Rifle Range 24, Str 6, AP 2, Rapid Fire Positional Relay From the second turn onward, as long as the bearer of this system is on the table at the beginning of the turn, a single unit that is being held in Reserve may be deployed on a D6 roll of a 2+, though no other units in Reserve may be deployed this turn.

Pulse Submunitions Gun Range 18, Str 4, AP 5, Assault 1, Large Blast, No Cover Saves Pulse Submunitions Rifle Range 24, Str 5, AP 5, Assault 1, Large Blast, No Cover Saves Riposte Drone Controller Drones controlled by this system are fitted before battle with special programming and flechette dischargers. This system functions exactly as a normal Drone Controller with a few additional abilities. If the unit that the drones controller is in withdraws from an assault using the Hit and Run universal special rule the following occurs: the assault withdrawal is automatically successful, all drones controlled by this system are removed as casualties, and every model in the enemy unit being withdrawn from is automatically wounded on a 4+ (Armor Saves apply as normal). Shield Generator A model with this system gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save. Smart Missile Pods Range 24, Str 5, AP 5, Heavy 4, No Cover Saves Targeting Array A model with this system gains +1 to its Ballistic Skill. Target Lock A model with this system may target a separate enemy unit to that engaged by the rest of its own unit. All firing in the unit must be declared before any to-hit rolls are made. Targeting Matrix A model with this system can grant any one model in its unit (including itself) the ability to fire all of its weapons as if twin-linked. The model to benefit from this must be declared each Shooting phase before any to-hit rolls are made. A unit may benefit from only one Targeting Matrix at a time and Markerlights may not benefit from this system. Vectored Retro-Thrusters A model with this system benefits from the Hit and Run universal special rule. If one model in a team has this system, then all models in the team must be similarly equipped, and if one model makes use of the system, all must do so. The unit may still take drones.

Battlesuit Wargear
Bonding Knife A model with this item grants the unit it is in the ability to regroup even if below half strength. Ejection System When a model with this system loses its last wound to a shooting attack that does not cause Instant Death, replace it with a single model representing the pilot. This model has the following profile: WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv * * 3 3 1 2 * * 5+ Pilot The models WS and Ld are the same as before it ejected, its BS and A are one less than before, and it is equipped with a Pulse Pistol only. Grav Stabilizers A model equipped with this system may choose to use the Slow and Purposeful universal special rule for the duration of its Movement phase, though if it does so it may not make an additional jetpack move in the Assault phase. If one model in a team has this system, then all models in the team must be similarly equipped, and if one model makes use of the system, all must do so. The unit may still take drones. Hard-Wired Systems The same rules apply to a system whether it is hard-wired or not and they do not count towards the number of systems a battlesuit character can take. Only characters with access to wargear may choose Hard-Wired Systems.

Iridium Armor Plates The models Armor Save is increased to 2+, but the additional 6 move in the Assault phase is reduced to D6. If any model in a unit has Iridium Armor Plates, the entire unit suffers the Assault move reduction. Photon Casters A model with this system counts as having defensive grenades. Stealth Field Generator A model with this system gains a 4+ Cover Save against any shooting attacks fired from more than 12 distant. Any drones controlled by a model with this system will also be shielded at no further cost. Stimulant Injector A model with this system gains the benefit of the Feel No Pain universal special rule.

Tau Armory
EMP Grenades These are used when assaulting enemy vehicles, hitting in the same way as grenades. When determining damage, roll a D6. On a 4 or 5 they inflict a glancing hit, on a 6 they inflict a penetrating hit. Frag grenades Models with these count as having assault grenades. Honor Blade This counts as a pair of Rending close combat weapons. In additional, attacks made with an Honor Blade add +2 to the wielders Strength. Kroot Gun Range 48, Str 7, AP 4, Rapid Fire. Kroot Rifle Range 24, Str 4, AP 6, Rapid Fire. Also counts as an additional close combat weapon, so a model equipped with a Kroot Rifle counts as having two close combat weapons. Neutron Disruptor Range Template, Str 5, AP 3, Assault 1, No Cover Saves Pulse Blaster Range 24, Str 4, AP 4, Assault 3 Pulse Carbine Range 18, Str 5, AP 5, Assault 2. In addition, any unit that suffers a casualty from a Pulse Carbine will make all of its moves in its next turn as if in Difficult Terrain. Pulse Pistol Range 12, Str 5, AP 5, Pistol Pulse Rifle Range 30, Str 5, AP 5, Heavy 2. In addition, the following alternate ammo types may be available to a Pulse Rifle equipped unit: Heavy Pulse Rounds Range 24, Str 6, AP 6, Heavy 1 Shaped Pulse Rounds Range 30, Str 4, AP 4, Heavy 2 Plasma Core Rounds Range 24, Str 4, AP 3, Heavy 2 Photon Grenades Models with these count as having defensive grenades. Rods of Faith and Unity These count as a pair of Rending close combat weapons. Vespid Neutron Blaster Range 12, Str 5, AP 3, Assault 2

Heavy Weapons Systems

Barrage Pod Range 24, Str 6, AP3, Heavy 4, No Cover Saves Fusion Cannon Range 24, Str 8, AP 1, Heavy 1, Blast, Melta Heavy Burst Cannon Range 24, Str 6, AP 4, Assault 3, Rending Ion Cannon Range 60, Str 7, AP 3, Heavy 4 Multi-Missile Pods Range 36, Str 7, AP 4, Heavy 6 Plasma Cannon Range 36, Str 7, AP 2, Heavy 2, Blast Railgun Range 72, Str 10, AP 1, Heavy 1. Vehicular versions usually have access to Submunitions Rounds with the following profile: Range 72, Str 6, AP 4, Heavy 1, Large Blast, No Cover Saves. Rail Rifle Range 36, Str 6, AP 3, Heavy 1, Pinning, Rending Smart Missile Pods Range 24, Str 5, AP 5, Heavy 4, No Cover Saves

Vehicle Wargear
Advanced Targeting Matrix Skimmers cannot claim the Cover Save gained due to moving flat-out against shots fired by a model with this system. Similarly, bikes cannot claim the Cover Save gained due to turbo-boosting against shots fired by a model with this system. Barrage Targeter A model with this system counts as having +2 to its Ballistic Skill only for the purpose of determining the distance scattered by any blast weapons it fires. Blacksun Filter A vehicle with this system doubles the amount rolled on the dice to determine how far it can see in Night-Fighting conditions. Disruption Pod A vehicle with this system counts as being Obscured against any shooting attacks fired from more than 12 distant. Drone Stowage Rack Units embarking on a transport vehicle with this system do not count up to 6 attached drones against the vehicles transport capacity. Does not work for all-drone units. Flechette Discharger Any model assaulting a vehicle with this system will automatically be wounded on a 4+, Armor Saves applying as normal, before resolving any attacks. Fusion Missile Range unlimited, Str 8, AP 1, Heavy 1, single use only. Vehicles may only be equipped with a maximum of 2 Fusion Missiles each (except for the Sky Ray tank) and they may not fire their own Fusion Missiles unless equipped with a Networked Markerlight. The missiles do not need a line of sight from the vehicle they are mounted on to the target. The missile is assumed to move in a straight line between the model carrying it and the target for the purposes of deciding whether the shot strikes the front, side, or rear of a vehicle target. A vehicle may only be equipped with one type of missile from the vehicle wargear list.

Gun Drones A vehicle may be equipped with 2 Gun Drones. The drones will move with the vehicle, safely contained in specially-designed recesses. During any Tau Movement phase, the drones may disengage in the same way as infantry dismount from a transport and form an independent unit. From then on, the drones function as an independent Gun Drone Squadron. The drones may not rejoin the vehicle during a game, never count as a scoring unit, and do not give up a Kill Point if destroyed. While attached to the vehicle, the Gun Drones may always fire (regardless of how fast the vehicle has moved or how many other weapons it has fired), using their own BS. The drones are treated as passengers if the vehicle is damaged. Landing Gear In any turn in which a vehicle with this system does not move, it may choose to no longer count as a Skimmer until it moves again. This benefit does not apply on the first turn of the game. Multi-tracker A vehicle with this system may fire as if it were a fast vehicle. Seeker Missile Range unlimited, Str 8, AP 3, Heavy 1, single use only. Vehicles may only be equipped with a maximum of 2 Seeker Missiles each (except for the Sky Ray tank) and they may not fire their own Seeker Missiles unless equipped with a Networked Markerlight. The missiles do not need a line of sight from the vehicle they are mounted on to the target. The missile is assumed to move in a straight line between the model carrying it and the target for the purposes of deciding whether the shot strikes the front, side, or rear of a vehicle target. A vehicle may only be equipped with one type of missile from the vehicle wargear list. Sensor Spines A skimmer vehicle with this system may opt to enter terrain instead of floating above it, therefore gaining the benefit of being Obscured. In addition, the Sensor Spines allow the vehicle to avoid the effects of difficult and dangerous terrain. Submunitions Missile Range unlimited, Str 6, AP 4, Heavy 1, No Cover Saves, single use only. Vehicles may only be equipped with a maximum of 2 Submunitions Missiles each (except for the Sky Ray tank) and they may not fire their own Submunitions Missiles unless equipped with a Networked Markerlight. The missiles do not need a line of sight from the vehicle they are mounted on to the target. The missile is assumed to move in a straight line between the model carrying it and the target for the purposes of deciding whether the shot strikes the front, side, or rear of a vehicle target. A vehicle may only be equipped with one type of missile from the vehicle wargear list. Target Lock Each weapon on a vehicle with this system may fire at a separate target if so desired, subject to normal line of sight restrictions. Vector Matrix A vehicle with this system may always fire one more weapon than would normally be permitted.

Drones Drones under the command of a Drone Controller are counted when assessing if the unit they are with should take a Morale check for having taken 25% casualties. They are similarly counted when determining if the unit is over half strength for any purpose. In all other respects treat controlled Drones as a normal member of the controllers unit. Drones must maintain coherency with the unit their controller is in. If he is an Independent Character, then the Drones and character form a unit, but the character and Drones may still join another unit. If the model with the Drone Controller is killed then all of his Drones are removed at the end of the Shooting or Assault Phase in which he died. Shield Drone WS BS 2 2 Unit Type: As controller Wargear: Shield Generator Special Rules: Close Protection: Shield Drones always have the same Toughness and Armor Save values as Phalanx Shield Drone WS BS 2 2 Unit Type: As controller

S 3

T *

W 1

I A Ld Sv 4 1 n/a * the individual controlling them. If the unit that a Shield Drones controller is in withdraws from an assault using the Hit and Run universal special rule, the assault withdrawal is automatically successful and all Shield Drones in the unit are removed as casualties. Invulnerable Save: The Shield Drone is equipped with a Shield Generator. It has a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

S 3

T *

W 1

Wargear: Phalanx Shield Generator Special Rules: Phalanx Protection System: Phalanx Shield Drones always have the same Toughness as the individual controlling them. The drones Armor Save is 3+, or one better than its controller, whichever is better. In addition, the drone grants Gun Drone WS BS 2 2 Unit Type: See below

I A Ld Sv 4 1 n/a * the controllers unit (including itself) a 4+ Cover Save against weapons fired at the unit from more than 12 away, as long as the drone is alive. If the unit that a Phalanx Shield Drones controller is in withdraws from an assault using the Hit and Run universal special rule, the assault withdrawal is automatically successful and one Phalanx Shield Drone in the unit is removed as a casualty. Invulnerable Save The Phalanx Shield Drone is equipped with a Blockade Shield Generator. It has a 3+ Invulnerable Save.

S 3

T 3

W 1

Wargear: Twin-linked Pulse Carbine

I A Ld Sv 4 1 n/a 4+ Special Rules Relentless Unit Type: As controller, or Jump Infantry (jet pack) if independent. All Gun Drones in a vehicle squadron must disembark at the same time, counting as a single unit.

Interdiction Swarm WS BS 2 0 Unit Type: Jump Infantry (jet pack) Wargear: none Weapon Drone WS BS 2 2[3] Unit Type: Jump Infantry (jet pack) Wargear: Burst Cannon Targeting Array Special Rules: Relentless Sniper Drone WS BS 2 2[3] Unit Type: Infantry (jet pack) Wargear: Stealth Field Generator Rail Rifle Marker Drone WS BS 2 2[3] Unit Type: As controller

S 3

T 4

W 3

I 3 Special Rules: Deep Strike Fleet Fearless Swarms

A 1

Ld n/a

Sv 4+

S 3

T 4

W 1

I A Ld Sv 4 1 n/a 4+ Options: All Weapon Drones controlled by a single model must be armed with the same weapon. The Weapon Drone(s) may replace their Burst Cannon with the following: o Flamer, Fusion Blaster, Missile Pod, or Plasma Rifle.

S 3

T 3

W 1

I A 4 1 Targeting Array Target Lock

Ld n/a

Sv 4+

Special Rules: Relentless

S 3

T 3

W 1

I A 4 1 Wargear: Networked Markerlight Targeting Array

Ld n/a

Sv 4+

Army List
Crisis Battlesuit Commander (Tau: Shaso or Shasel) Senior Commander (Shaso) Commander (Shasel) WS 4 3 3 BS 6 5 4 S 5 5 5 T 5 5 5 W 4 3 2 I 3 3 3 A 3 2 2 65 points 50 points Ld 10 9 9 Sv 3+ 3+ 3+

Shaso Shasel Shasvre

Unit Composition: 1 Commander Wargear: XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (Statline modifications included above) Photon Casters Unit Type: Jump Infantry (jet pack) Special Rules: Independent Character Crisis Reaction Force Acute Senses Deep Strike Relentless Options: May add up to 2 Veteran Bodyguards (Shasvre). +30 pts per model Each member of the unit (commander and bodyguards) must choose 3 items from the following list. No item may be chosen twice, and twin-linked weapons systems count as two choices: o Pulse Submunitions Gun +25 pts o Phased Ion Blaster +20 pts o Smart Missile Pods +20 pts o Burst Cannon +14 pts o Flamer free o Fusion Blaster +14 pts o Missile Pod +14 pts o Plasma Rifle +20 pts

o Twin-linked Burst Cannon +18 pts o Twin-linked Flamer +2 pts o Twin-linked Fusion Blaster +18 pts o Twin-linked Missile Pod +18 pts o Twin-linked Plasma Rifle +26 pts o Blacksun System +10 pts o Command & Control Node +10 pts o Drone Controller free o Flechette Dischargers +10 pts o Multi-tracker +5 pts o Markerlight +12 pts o Shield Generator +20 pts o Blockade Shield Generator +30 pts o Target Lock +5 pts o Targeting Array +2 pts o Targeting Matrix +15 pts o Vectored Retro-thrusters +10 pts May also choose up to one each of the following: o Bonding Knife +5 pts o Ejection System +10 pts o Iridium Armor Plates +15 pts o Stimulant Injector +10 pts o Hard-wired Blacksun System +10 pts o Hard-wired Drone Controller free o Hard-wired Multi-tracker +5 pts o Hard-wired Target Lock +5 pts Any models in the unit with a Drone Controller must choose at least one, but no more than two, from the following: o Gun Drone +10 pts o Marker Drone +20 pts o Shield Drone +15 pts o Phalanx Shield Drone +25 pts

Hazard Battlesuit Commander (Tau: Shaso or Shasel) Senior Commander (Shaso) Commander (Shasel) WS 4 3 3 BS 6 5 4 S 5 5 5 T 5 5 5 W 4 3 2 I 4 4 4 A 3 2 2 90 points 75 points Ld 10 9 9 Sv 3+ 3+ 3+

Shaso Shasel Shasvre

Unit Composition: 1 Commander Wargear: XV9 Hazard Battlesuit (Statline modifications included above.) Vectored Retro-thrusters Multi-tracker Photon Casters Unit Type: Jump Infantry (jet pack) Special Rules: Independent Character Hazard Reaction Force Acute Senses Deep Strike Relentless Survivors to the Last Options: May add up to 2 Veteran Bodyguards (Shasvre). +65 pts per model

Each member of the unit must carry two of the advanced weapons systems listed below (either one or two of any particular system, but no more than 2 weapons systems total): o Twin-linked Burst Cannon +18 pts o Phased Ion Gun +14 pts o Fusion Cascade +20 pts o Pulse Submunitions Rifle +25 pts o Barrage Pod +20 pts o Heavy Flamer +15 pts o Blockade Shield Generator +25 pts Each member of the unit must choose one of the following additional systems: o Blacksun System +10 pts o Riposte Drone Controller +10 pts o Flechette Dischargers +10 pts o Target Lock +5 pts o Shield Generator +25 pts Any models in the unit with a Drone Controller must choose at least one, but no more than two, from the following: o Gun Drone +10 pts o Marker Drone +20 pts o Shield Drone +15 pts o Phalanx Shield Drone +25 pts

Ethereal (Tau: Aun) WS 4 2 2 BS 3 4 4 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 2 1 1 I 4 2 2 A 3 1 1

50 points Ld 10 7 8 Sv 5+ 4+ 4+

Aun Shasla Shasui

Unit Composition: 1 Ethereal Wargear (Ethereal): Rods of Faith and Unity Shield Generator Photon Grenades Wargear (Honor Guard): Pulse Pistol Pulse Rifle Photon & EMP grenades Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules (Ethereal): Inspiring Presence Price of Failure Special Rules (Honor Guard): Fearless (as long as the Ethereal is alive) For the Greater Good! Redeploy! Options (Ethereal): Add a unit of 6 Honor Guard, including a Shasui Team Leader +65 pts May exchange his Rods of Faith and Unity for an Honor Blade +10 pts May upgrade his Shield Generator to a Blockade Shield Generator +10 pts May also have up to one each of the following: o Bonding Knife +5 pts o Hard-wired Blacksun System +6 pts

o Hard-wired Drone Controller free If the Ethereal has a Drone Controller he must choose at least one, but no more than two, from the following: o Gun Drone +10 pts o Shield Drone +15 pts o Phalanx Shield Drone +20 pts

Options (Honor Guard): Add up to 6 additional Honor Guard +10 pts per model The entire Honor Guard may replace their Pulse Rifles with Pulse Carbines for free (every model in the unit must be armed with the same weapon). A Pulse Rifle equipped Honor Guard may take any of the following alternate ammunition types: o Heavy Pulse Rounds +1 pts per model o Shaped Pulse Rounds +2 pts per model o Plasma Core Rounds +3 pts per model The units Shasui Team Leader may choose up to one each of the following: o Bonding Knife +5pts o Markerlight +10 pts o Hard-wired Blacksun System +6 pts o Hard-wired Drone Controller free o Hard-wired Multi-tracker +5 pts o Hard-wired Target Lock +5 pts Any models in the unit with a Drone Controller must choose at least one, but no more than two, from the following: o Gun Drone +10 pts o Weapon Drone +20 pts o Marker Drone +20 pts o Shield Drone +15 pts

XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team (Tau: Shasui) WS 2 3 BS 4 4 S 5 5 T 5 5 W 2 2 I 2 3 A 2 2 25 points Ld 8 8 Sv 3+ 3+

Shasui Shasvre

Unit Composition 1 Crisis Shasui Team Leader Wargear: XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (Statline modifications included above) Photon Casters Unit Type: Jump Infantry (jet pack) Special Rules: Acute Senses Deep Strike Relentless Options: May add up to 2 Crisis Shasui +25 pts per model A Shasui Team Leader may be upgraded to a Shasvre, giving the model the enhanced statline above and greater wargear access. +5 pts Each member of the unit must choose 3 items from the following list. No item may be chosen twice, and twin-linked weapons systems count as two choices: o Burst Cannon +12 pts o Flamer free o Fusion Blaster +12 pts o Missile Pod +12 pts o Plasma Rifle +20 pts o Twin-linked Burst Cannon +16 pts o Twin-linked Flamer +2 pts o Twin-linked Fusion Blaster +16 pts o Twin-linked Missile Pod +16 pts o Twin-linked Plasma Rifle +26 pts o Blacksun System +8 pts

o Drone Controller free o Flechette Dischargers +10 pts o Multi-tracker +5 pts o Markerlight +10 pts o Shield Generator +20 pts o Target Lock +5 pts o Targeting Array +5 pts A Shasui Team Leader (or Shasvre) may choose up to one each of the following: o Bonding Knife +5 pts o Hard-wired Blacksun System +8 pts o Hard-wired Drone Controller free o Hard-wired Multi-tracker +5 pts o Hard-wired Target Lock +5 pts A Shasvre Team Leader may choose from among the following for his 3 required systems, again choosing no more than one of each, as well as from the first list above: o Pulse Submunitions Gun +20 pts o Phased Ion Blaster +15 pts o Smart Missile Pods +15 pts o Command & Control Node +5 pts o Blockade Shield Generator +30 pts o Targeting Matrix +12 pts o Vectored Retro-thrusters +8 pts A Shasvre Team Leader may choose up to one each of the following: o Ejection System +10 pts o Iridium Armor Plates +15 pts o Stimulant Injector +10 pts Any models in the unit with a Drone Controller must choose at least one, but no more than two, from the following: o Gun Drone +10 pts o Marker Drone +20 pts o Shield Drone +15 pts

XV25 Stealth Battlesuit Team (Tau: Shasui) WS 2 3 BS 4 4 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 1 1 I 2 3 A 2 2

90 points Ld 8 8 Sv 3+ 3+

Shasui Shasvre

Unit Composition: 1 Stealth Shasui Team Leader 2 Stealth Shasui Wargear: XV25 Stealth Battlesuit (Statline modifications included above) Integrated Stealth Field Generator Photon Casters Burst Cannon Unit Type: Jump Infantry (jet pack) Special Rules: Acute Senses Deep Strike Relentless Infiltrate Options: May add up to 3 Stealth Shasui +30 pts per model The Shasui Team Leader may be upgraded to a Shasvre, giving the model the enhanced statline above. +5 pts Each team member may be equipped with one of the following battlesuit support systems. If this

option is taken, all members must do so, though each may select a different system: o Blacksun System +8 pts o Drone Controller free o Flechette Dischargers +10 pts o Multi-tracker +5 pts o Shield Generator +15 pts o Target Lock +5 pts o Targeting Array +5 pts If the unit consists of 3 or more models, one model may replace his Burst Cannon with a Fusion Blaster. free If the unit consists of 6 models, one more model may replace his Burst Cannon with a Fusion Blaster. free A Shasui Team Leader (or Shasvre) may choose up to one each of the following: o Bonding Knife +5 pts o Markerlight +10 pts o Hard-wired Blacksun System +8 pts o Hard-wired Drone Controller free o Hard-wired Multi-tracker +5 pts o Hard-wired Target Lock +5 pts Any models in the unit with a Drone Controller must choose at least one, but no more than two, from the following: o Gun Drone +10 pts o Marker Drone +20 pts o Shield Drone +15 pts

1+ Fire Warrior Team (Tau: Shasla) WS 2 2 BS 4 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 2 2 A 1 1 65 points Ld 7 8 Sv 4+ 4+

Shasla Shasui

Unit Composition: 1 Shasui Team Leader 5 Shasla Wargear: Pulse Pistol Pulse Rifle Photon & EMP grenades Unit Type: Infantry Dedicated Transport: May select a Devilfish, as long as the squad (including drones) numbers 12 models or less. Special Rules Redeployment Drill Options: May add up to 6 additional Shasla +10 pts per model

The entire team may replace their Pulse Rifles with Pulse Carbines for free (every model in the unit must be armed with the same weapon). A Pulse Rifle equipped team may take one of the following alternate ammunition types: o Heavy Pulse Rounds +1 pts per model o Shaped Pulse Rounds +2 pts per model o Plasma Core Rounds +3 pts per model The Shasui Team Leader may choose up to one each of the following: o Bonding Knife +5 pts o Markerlight +10 pts o Hard-wired Blacksun System +8 pts o Hard-wired Drone Controller free o Hard-wired Multi-tracker +5 pts o Hard-wired Target Lock +5 pts Any models in the unit with a Drone Controller must choose at least one, but no more than two, from the following: o Gun Drone +10 pts o Weapon Drone +20 pts o Marker Drone +20 pts o Shield Drone +15 pts

XV12 Jeopardy Battlesuit Team 65 points You may have up to one Jeopardy Battlesuit Team for each Fire Warrior Team in your army list. WS 2 2 BS 4 4 S 3 3 T 4 4 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 8 Sv 3+ 3+

Shasui Shasui Team Leader Unit Composition: 1 Shasui Team Leader 3 Shasui

Wargear XV12 Jeopardy battlesuit modifications included above) Pulse Blaster Photon & EMP Grenades Unit Type: Infantry (jet pack) Special Rules: Acute Senses Relentless


Dedicated Transport: May select a Devilfish, though each XV12-equipped model counts as two models for purposes of transport capacity.

Options: Add up to 4 Shasui +15 pts per model For every four models in the team, one model may replace its Pulse Blaster with one of the following: o Twin-linked Flamer +2 pts o Burst Cannon +12 pts o Fusion Blaster +12 pts o Plasma Rifle +18 pts The Shasui Team Leader may choose up to one each of the following: o Bonding Knife +5 pts o Markerlight +10 pts o Hard-wired Blacksun System +8 pts o Hard-wired Drone Controller free o Hard-wired Multi-tracker +5 pts o Hard-wired Target Lock +5 pts Any models in the unit with a Drone Controller must choose at least one, but no more than two, from the following: o Gun Drone +10 pts o Marker Drone +20 pts o Shield Drone +15 pts 35 points

Human Auxiliary Team (Tau: Guevesa) WS 3 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 2

Guevesala Guevesaui Unit Composition: 1 Guevesaui 5 Guevesala

Ld 7 8

Sv 5+ 5+

Wargear: Lasgun Photon grenades Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules: Death to Traitors!

Options: May add up to 6 additional Guevesala +5 pts per model The entire team may be given EMP grenades +1 pt per model The Guevesaui may be equipped with a Markerlight +10 pts Up to 2 models may replace their lasgun with one of the following: o Pulse Rifle or Pulse Carbine +3 pts o Grenade Launcher or Flamer +5 pts

Kroot Carnivore Squad WS 4 4 4 BS 3 3 0 S 4 4 4 T 3 3 3 W 1 2 1 Special Rules: Fieldcraft Infiltrate Stealth I 3 4 5 A 1 2 2

66 points Ld 7 8 7 Sv 6+ 6+ 6+

Kroot Shaper Kroot Hound Unit Composition: 1 Shaper 9 Kroot

Wargear (Kroot & Shaper): Kroot Rifle Frag grenades Unit Type: Infantry

Options: May add up to 10 Kroot +6 pts per model May add up to 12 Kroot Hounds +6 pts per model The Shaper and all Kroot in the unit (but not Kroot Hounds) may be given EMP grenades +1 pt per model

Krootox Rider Squad 30 points You may have up to one Krootox Rider Squad for each Kroot Carnivore Squad in your army list. Krootox Rider Squads do not count against FOC limitations and they never count as a scoring unit. WS 4 BS 3 S 6 T 3[5] W 3 Special Rules: Fieldcraft Infiltrate Stealth Options: May add up to 2 additional Krootox Riders +30 pts per model I 3 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 6+

Krootox Rider Unit Composition: 1 Krootox Rider Wargear: Kroot Gun Unit Type: Infantry

Gun Drone Squadron (Tau: Korvesa) 48 points Gun Drone Squadrons are a 0-3 choice for a Tau Empire army. However, these squadrons do not count against Force Organization Chart unit limitations, and they never count as a scoring unit. WS 2 BS 2 S 3 T 3 W 1 Fleet Stubborn I 4 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 4+

Gun Drone Unit Composition: 4 Gun Drones

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (jet pack) Wargear: Twin-linked Pulse Carbine Special Rules: Deep Strike

Dedicated Transport: May select a Devilfish transport. However, if a Devilfish transport is selected, the unit loses the ability to deploy by Deep Strike. Options:

May add up to 4 additional Gun Drones +12 pts per model

Interdiction Swarm (Tau: Calvesa) 40 points Interdiction Swarms count against the same 0-3 limit as Gun Drone Squadrons, so your army list may only contain a total of 0-3 units between the two types. These units do not count against Force Organization Chart unit limitations, and they never count as a scoring unit. WS 2 BS 0 S 3 T 4 W 3 Special Rules: Deep Strike Fleet Fearless Swarms Options: I 3 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 4+

Interdiction Swarm

Unit Composition: 2 Interdiction Swarms Unit Type: Jump Infantry (jet pack) Wargear: none

May add up to 4 additional Interdiction Swarms +20 pts per base

Dedicated Transports
Devilfish Armor Sides 12 55 points

Devilfish Composition: 1 Devilfish Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) Wargear: Heavy Burst Cannon Blacksun Filter Drone Stowage Rack Landing Gear Transport Capacity: Twelve models

BS 4

Front 12

Rear 10

Options: Must choose one of the following: o Pair of Gun Drones +10 pts o Smart Missile Pods +10 pts May take any of the following: o Sensor Spines +10 pts o Multi-tracker +10 pts o Target Lock +5 pts o Flechette Discharger +10 pts o Disruption Pod +15 pts o Fusion Missile +8 pts each o Seeker Missile +5 pts each o Submunitions Missile +10 pts each

Fast Attack
Weapon Drone Squadron (Tau: Nankor) 60 points Up to 3 Weapon Drone Squadrons may be taken as a single Fast Attack choice, but only one such choice may be made per army. In addition, the squadron never counts as a scoring unit. WS 2 BS 2[3] S 3 T 4 W 1 Relentless Stubborn I 4 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 4+

Weapon Drone Unit Composition: 3 Weapon Drones

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (jet pack) Wargear: Burst cannon Targeting Array Special Rules: Deep Strike

Options: Add up to 3 Weapon Drones +20 pts per model The entire unit may replace their Burst Cannon with one of the following (every model in the unit must be armed with the same weapon): o Flamer, Fusion Blaster, or Missile Pod free o Plasma Rifle +5 pts per model

Sniper Drone Squadron (Tau: Ormonkor) 75 points Up to 3 Sniper Drone Squadrons may be taken as a single Fast Attack choice, but only one such choice may be made per army. In addition, the squadron never counts as a scoring unit. WS 2 BS 2[3] S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 4+

Weapon Drone Unit Composition: 3 Sniper Drones Unit Type: Infantry (jet pack)

Wargear: Rail Rifle Stealth Field Generator Targeting Array Special Rules: Relentless Stubborn

Pathfinder Team (Tau: Shasla) WS 2 2 BS 4 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 2 2 A 1 1

63 points Ld 7 8 Sv 4+ 4+

Shasla Shasui

Unit Composition: 1 Shasui Team Leader 3 Shasla Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Pulse Carbine Markerlight Photon & EMP grenades Special Rules: Redeployment Drill Scouts Infiltrate Marker Beacon

Dedicated Transport: May select a Devilfish, as long as the team numbers 12 models or less. Options: Add up to 4 Shasla +14 pts per model Up to 4 models may replace their Pulse Carbine and Markerlight with a Rail Rifle and Target Lock. +5 pts per model The Shasui Team Leader may choose up to one each of the following: o Bonding Knife +5 pts o Hard-wired Blacksun System +8 pts o Hard-wired Drone Controller free o Hard-wired Multi-tracker +5 pts o Hard-wired Target Lock +5 pts Any models in the unit with a Drone Controller must choose at least one, but no more than two, from the following: o Gun Drone +10 pts o Marker Drone +20 pts o Shield Drone +15 pts

Piranha Light Skimmer Team Armor Sides 10

50 points per model

Piranha Composition: 1 5 Piranhas Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer) Wargear: Blacksun Filter Heavy Burst Cannon

BS 4

Front 11

Rear 10

Options: Each Piranha must choose one of the following: o Pair of Gun Drones +10 pts o Smart Missile Pods +10 pts May take any of the following: o Sensor Spines +10 pts o Multi-tracker +10 pts o Target Lock +5 pts o Flechette Discharger +10 pts o Disruption Pod +15 pts o Fusion Missile +8 pts each o Seeker Missile +5 pts each o Submunitions Missile +10 pts each 65 points per model S 5 T 5 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 3+

Hazard Battlesuit Team (Tau: Shasvre) WS 3 BS 4


Unit Composition: 1 3 Hazard Shasvre Unit Type: Jump Infantry (jet pack) Wargear: XV9 Hazard Battlesuit (Statline modifications included above.) Vectored Retro-thrusters Multi-tracker Photon Casters Special Rules: Acute Senses Deep Strike Relentless Survivors to the Last Options: Each model must have two of the weapons systems listed below. Each model may take

either one or two of each weapon, but no more than 2 weapons systems total: o Twin-linked Burst Cannon +16 pts o Phased Ion Gun +12 pts o Fusion Cascade +18 pts o Pulse Submunitions Rifle +20 pts o Barrage Pod +18 pts o Heavy Flamer +15 pts o Blockade Shield Generator +25 pts Each member of the unit must choose one of the following additional systems: o Blacksun System +10 pts o Riposte Drone Controller +10 pts o Flechette Dischargers +10 pts o Target Lock +5 pts o Shield Generator +25 pts Any models in the unit with a Drone Controller must choose at least one, but no more than two, from the following: o Gun Drone +10 pts o Marker Drone +20 pts o Shield Drone +15 pts o Phalanx Shield Drone +25 pts

Vespid Stingwings Strain (Tau: Malkor) WS 3 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 4 4 W 1 1 I 5 5 A 1 1

70 points Ld 6 9 Sv 4+ 4+

Stingwing Strain Leader Unit Composition: 1 Strain Leader 3 Stingwings

Special Rules: Death on the Wing Skilled Flyers Options: Add up to 6 Stingwings +16 pts per model The Strain Leader may upgrade his Vespid Neutron Blaster to a Neutron Disruptor. +10 pts

Wargear: Vespid Neutron Blaster Unit Type: Jump Infantry

Mako Tactical Dropship 120 points Up to 3 Mako Tactical Dropships may be taken as a single Fast Attack choice, but only one such choice may be made per army. They do not form a squadron, and may not count as a scoring unit unless a scoring Troops selection is embarked. Armor BS Front Sides Rear 4 12 12 10 Mako Composition: 1 Mako Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer) Wargear: Blacksun Filter Drone Stowage Rack Nose-mounted Ion Cannon 2 wing-mounted, twin-linked Heavy Burst Cannon Target Lock Landing Gear Special Rules: Deep Strike Tactical Drop Transport Capacity: Up to 12 Fire Warriors, or Up to 6 XV12 or XV25 battlesuits, or Up to 3 XV8 battlesuits. Options: May replace the wing-mounted Heavy Burst Cannon with one of the following: o 2 twin-linked Plasma Cannon +20 pts o 2 Multi-Missile Pods or 2 twin-linked Fusion Cannon +10 pts o 2 Barrage Pods, 2 Plasma Rifles or 2 Missile Pods free May exchange the nose-mounted Ion Cannon for one of the following: o Railgun with Submunition Rounds +30 pts o Twin-linked Plasma Cannon +10 pts o Twin-linked Heavy Burst Cannon, twinlinked Fusion Cannon, Barrage Pod, or Multi-Missile Pod free May take any of the following: o Barrage Targeter +10 pts o Sensor Spines +10 pts o Multi-tracker +10 pts o Flechette Discharger +10 pts o Disruption Pod +15 pts o Vector Matrix +15 pts o Fusion Missile +8 pts each o Seeker Missile +5 pts each o Submunitions Missile +10 pts each

Heavy Support
XV88 Broadside Battlesuit Team (Tau: Shasui) WS 2 3 BS 4 4 S 5 5 T 5 5 W 2 2 I 3 3 A 2 2 75 points Ld 8 9 Sv 2+ 2+

Shasui Shasvre

Unit Composition: 1 Shasui Team Leader Wargear: XV88 Broadside battlesuit (Statline modifications included above.) Twin-linked Ion Cannon Smart Missile Pods Grav Stabilizers Photon Casters Unit Type: Infantry Special Rules: Acute Senses Options: Add up to 2 additional XV88 Shasui +70 pts per model Each model may replace their twin-linked Ion Cannon with a twin-linked Railgun. +10 pts per model Each model may replace their Smart Missile Pods with one of the following: o Barrage Pod +10 pts per model o Twin-linked Plasma Rifle +5 pts per model The Shasui Team Leader may be upgraded to a Shasvre, granting the enhanced statline above and greater wargear access. +5 pts

Each model must choose one of the following support systems: o Blacksun System +8 pts o Drone Controller free o Multi-tracker +5 pts o Shield Generator +20 pts o Target Lock +5 pts o Targeting Array +5 pts A Shasvre Team Leader may choose one of the following advanced support systems instead of one from the list above: o Blockade Shield Generator +30 pts A Shasui Team Leader (or Shasvre) may choose up to one each of the following: o Bonding Knife +5 pts o Hard-wired Blacksun System +8 pts o Hard-wired Drone Controller free o Hard-wired Multi-tracker +5 pts o Hard-wired Target Lock +5 pts Any models in the unit with a Drone Controller must choose at least one, but no more than two, from the following: o Gun Drone +10 pts o Marker Drone +20 pts o Shield Drone +15 pts A Shasvre Team Leader with a Drone Controller may choose Phalanx Shield Drones as one or both of his drones instead of those listed above. +25 pts

Hammerhead Gunship Armor Sides 12

90 points

Hammerhead Composition: 1 Hammerhead Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) Wargear: Blacksun Filter Ion Cannon Landing Gear

BS 4

Front 13

Rear 10

Options: Must choose one of the following: o 2 Heavy Burst Cannon o Barrage Pod o Pair of Gun Drones o Smart Missile Pods Sky Ray Missile Gunship

+25 pts +15 pts +10 pts +10 pts

May exchange the Ion Cannon for one of the following: o Railgun with Submunition Rounds +30 pts o Twin-linked Plasma Cannon +10 pts o Twin-linked Heavy Burst Cannon, twinlinked Fusion Cannon, Barrage Pod, or Multi-Missile Pod free May take any of the following: o Barrage Targeter +10 pts o Sensor Spines +10 pts o Multi-tracker +10 pts o Target Lock +5 pts o Flechette Discharger +10 pts o Disruption Pod +15 pts o Fusion Missile +8 pts each o Seeker Missile +5 pts each o Submunitions Missile +10 pts each 115 points Armor Sides 12

Sky Ray Composition: 1 Sky Ray Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) Wargear: Blacksun Filter 2 Networked Markerlights 6 Seeker Missiles Target Lock Landing Gear

BS 4

Front 13

Rear 10

Options: Must choose one of the following: o 2 Heavy Burst Cannon

o Barrage Pod +15 pts o Pair of Gun Drones +10 pts o Smart Missile Pods +10 pts May exchange its Seeker Missiles for one of the following: o Fusion Missiles +10 pts o Submunitions Missiles +15 pts May take any of the following: o Advanced Targeting Matrix +10 pts o Barrage Targeter +10 pts o Sensor Spines +10 pts o Multi-tracker +10 pts o Flechette Discharger +10 pts o Disruption Pod +15 pts

+25 pts

Special Characters
Commander Dragonfly (Shaso Kais Savon Shasmalkor) WS 4 BS 6 S 5 T 5 W 4 I 4 220 points + bodyguards A 4 Ld 10 Sv 3+

Dragonfly Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (jet pack) Wargear: XV85 Battlesuit (Statline modifications included above) Fusion Missile Pod Advanced Plasma Rifle Glory of the Aun Shield Array Hard-wired Blacksun System Fusion Missile Pod Range 36, Str 7, AP 1, Assault 2 Advanced Plasma Rifle Range 36, Str 7, AP 2, Rapid Fire

Hard-wired Drone Controller Hard-wired Multi-tracker Hard-wired Target Lock 2 Phalanx Shield Drones 1 Command & Control Drone

Special Rules: Independent Character Acute Senses Bodyguard Deep Strike Relentless

Glory of the Aun Shield Array This system integrates a Blockade-class shield generator, a disruption pod, and an active counter-measures package. The shield generator grants a 3+ Invulnerable Save. The disruption pod confers a 4+ Cover Save against shooting attacks fired from more than 12 away to both Commander Dragonfly and any unit he joins. The active counter-measures package applies a -1 penalty to the Ballistic Skill of any unit making a shooting attack against Commander Dragonfly and any unit he joins. This last penalty is applied immediately after an enemy unit declares its targets for shooting, before to-hit rolls are made. Command and Control Drone Any Tau unit (or Human or Vespid unit, as long their Guevesaui or Strain Leader are alive, but not Kroot or drones) with a model within 18 of this drone may use Commander Dragonflys Ld characteristic as their own for any purpose as long as this drone is alive. Bodyguard Commander Dragonfly may take 02 Shasvre Veteran Bodyguards as normal for a Crisis Battlesuit Commander.

Commander Shadowsun (Shaso Shaserra) WS 4 3 BS 6 4 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 3 2 I 4 3

175 points + bodyguards A 4 2 Ld 10 9 Sv 3+ 3+

Shadowsun Bodyguard Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (jet pack) Wargear (Shadowsun): XV42 Battlesuit (Statline modifications included above) Variable Missile Pod Flechette Coilgun Multi-tracker Hard-wired Blacksun System Hard-wired Drone Controller Hard-wired Target Lock 2 Shield Drones Wargear (Bodyguards): XV42 Battlesuit (Statline modifications included above) Multi-tracker

Special Rules (Shadowsun): Independent Character Acute Senses Bodyguard Deep Strike Relentless Special Rules (Bodyguard): Acute Senses Deep Strike Relentless Options (Bodyguards): May add up to 2 XV42 Bodyguards +30 pts per model Each XV42 Bodyguard must take two different weapon systems from the following list: o Variable Missile Pod +20 pts o Flechette Coilgun +18 pts o Burst Cannon +14 pts o Micro-Fusion Gun +12 pts

Flechette Coilgun Range 24, Str 5, AP 4, Assault 2, Rending Micro-Fusion Gun Range 18, Str 4, AP 1, Assault D3 Variable Missile Pod Range 36, Str 7, AP 4, Assault 2 or Range 36, Str 4, AP 3, Assault 2 or Range 24, Str 5, AP 5, Assault 2, Blast, No Cover Saves Bodyguard Commander Shadowsun may take 02 XV42 Bodyguards.

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