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EXERCISE 1: Vocabulary Practice – Antonyms

Supply the opposite meanings:

1. to heat – cool
2. a.c. – alternating current – d.c. direct curent
3. conductors – nonconductors
4. pracitical – impractical
5. created -
6. accurate – inaccurate
7. superior – inferior
8. desirable – undesirable

EXERCISE 2: Nuisance Pairs – Miscellaneous

Explain the difference in meaning:

1. the metal being heated: the metal to be heated (that is) that should
2. the amount of heat created by eddy currents: the amount of heat creating eddy currents
3. The stirring action keeps the slag agitated: The stirring action keeps the slag agitated, providing (pod
uslovom da)openings in the slag layer are already formed
4. to further refine cupola iron: to refine cupola iron farther forms this furnace
5. raising of the temperature: rising of the temperature phenomena
6. phenomenon: phenomena sg i pl.
7. these resistance losses: this resistance loses
8. resistance resulting from: resistance resulting in
9. Alternating current is passed : Alternating current, it is passed...
10. ...where hot gases heat its contents: ...where hot gases heat melts its contents
11. the contents of a furnace: the content of an article/letter)

EXERCISE 3: Grammatical Categories

Fill in the missing forms of nouns, verbs and adjectives:
Noun Verb Adjective

loss To lose lost

heat To heat Heated/hot

cause To cause caused

place To place placed

proportion Proportion Proportional

resistance To resist resistant

movement To move Movable

combination To combine Combined

desire To desire Desireable

srenght To strenghted Strong

addition Add Added/additional

melting To melt Melted/molten

EX. 4:

Explain why the underlined forms in the following sentences function as gerunds and not participles.
Observe the form of the gerund phrases and their context.

1. The electric furnace is usually built to tilt to make loading and unloading easy.

2. The impure slag is removed by tilting the furnace.

3. One of the oldest methods of refining steel is the crucible furnace.

4. This pig iron cannot be used directly but requires additional processing and refining.

5. Cast iron is usually made by remelting pig iron and scrap.

6. By accurately controlling its frequency it is possible to accurately control the temperature of the metal
being heated.

7. It is manufactured in a puddling furnace: (Be careful!)

8. Induction heating is defined as the raising of the temperature of a material by means of electrical
generation of heat within the material and not by any other heating method.

Ex. 5: Written Exercise – Paraphrasing- The Idea of Reason

Paraphrase the following sentences expressing the idea of reason in the following ways:


The reason it is ideal for ornamental work is, that it is rust resisting. 

a) It is ideal for ornamental work BECAUSE/SINCE/AS it is rust resisting.

b) BECAUSE/SINCE/AS it is rust resisting, it is ideal for ornamental work.

1. The rason this pig iron requires additional refining is, that it contains some impurities and a relatively
large amount of carbon.
2. The reason it is called „pig iron“ is, that it was formerly cast into bars called „pigs“.

3. The reason wrought iron can be bent into almost any shape without fracture is, that it is tough.

4. The reason cast iron is very popular material for casting is, that it is easier to melt than steel.

5. The reason the cupola is considerably smaller than a blast furnace of the same output is, that it is only
concerned with the melting of metal.

6. The reason the practice of remelting pig iron became very popular was, that it was found that the
quality of pig iron was improved by remelting.

7. The reason the use of oxygen is growing in popularity is, that more steel can be made in a given time.

EX. 6 : Subject IT – Comorehension

First find out wheter the subject IT in the following sentences replaces a previously mentioned noun
phrase and therefore MUST be translated or functions as an „artifical“ subject (i.e. an expletive subject)
and therefore MUST NOT be translated to our language. After that, state the mechanism of recognizing
the one and the other type of IT and translate the following sentences.

1. It is manufactured in a puddling furnace.

2. It is possible to control the temperature of the metal being heated.

3. It is determined that the steel in the steel-making furnace contains the desired amounts of carbon
and other elements.

4. It also has desirable machining characteristics.

5. It is gradually removed in the form of gas.

6. It is exceedingly difficult to free any electrons in these materials.

7. It is defined as the greatest unit stress a material can withstand without rupture.

8. It was found that in a stiff but elastic material such as steel, a given stress produces a relatively small
unit deformation.

9. It makes control of the chemical properties more difficult.

10. It is often given two meanings.

EXERCISE 7: Translation
Translate into English:

1. Da li je materijal koji se zagrijava uključen u zatvoreno električno kolo?

2. Osim toga, male kružne struje u materijalu stvaraju otpor.
3. Prema tome, preciznu kontrolu sadržaja indukcione peći treba vršiti selekcijom sirovina, a ne
hemijskim metodama jer su one nepraktične zbog velike brzine topljenja šarže.
4. Toplota se proizvodi u metalnoj šarži pomoću vrtložnih struja koje indukuju visokofrekventno polje
koje okružuje kalem.

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