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The Microscope Quizz

1. A microscope helps us to see objects that

A are really big B are far away
C are too small to see with our naked eyes D none of the above

2.  Two types of microscopes are

A Light microscope and dark microscope B Electric microscope and electron microscope
C Light microscope and electron microscope D none of the above.

3.  A light microscope is called a light microscope because:

A it uses electricity to help us see objects B it uses light to help us see the object
C it uses light to cook the object D none of the above.

4. Which of the following gives the three levels of magnification of the objective lens, on a
typical light microscope?
A 4x, 2x, 10x B 4x, 10x, 400x C 4x, 100x, 400x D 4x, 10x, 40x

5. When carrying a microscope, it should always be held by the?

A Arm and Base B Base C Power cord D Stage

6. Specimens are normally placed on a thin piece of glass called a?

A Lens B Slide C Screen D beaker

7. The eyepiece lens usually magnifies how many times on a typical light microscope?
A 5x B 15x C100x D 10x

8. A typical light Microscope can magnify as much as ____ times.

A 100x B 200x C 10000x D 400x

9. When carrying the microscope. It should always be done with two hands.
True False

10. Stage clips help keep the slides in place.

True False

11. Never use the high-power object lens when using the course focus knob.
True False

12.  Always start with the lowest (shortest) objectives lens.

True False
Proper ways to use the microscope

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