What Would Happen If You Run The Dotnet Restore Command in The Root Folder

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 What would happen if you run the dotnet restore command in the root folder
of a .NET Core project?
It would restore all NuGet dependencies for the project.
 What happens when a terminal middleware is used in the request
It prevents further middleware components from processing the request.
 How would you deserialize incoming JSON data in the request body to
populate an action method parameter?
Apply the [FromBody] attribute to the action method parameter.
 What is an advantage being able to configure separate environments for
your application?
You can run the application with different settings that change its
behavior without code edits.
 What modifier associated with the Process method is required when
implementing your own Process method in a custom TagHelper?
 What is the command for defining a new user secret for an ASP.NET
Core project?
dotnet user-secrets set "<Key>" "<Value>"

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