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Consideration when choosing a database management system:

 Usability and Visualization: user friendly, different levels of permission, intuitive

working methodology and visual analysis, understandable result display for anyone.
 Security: safety of sensitive info, secure from intentional corruption (hacking, theft) and
unintentional corruption (human error, system error).
 Functionality and Development: more functional modules, quick and easy access for
data usability, upgrading tools so it can be compatible with future tech.
 Integration and scalability: integration with softwares at multiple level, system capacity
to grow with data.
 Hosting and updates: original location of data existence physically, frequent changes
and automation to data, sync functionality of data to other softwares.

 A row, or record, is also known as a tuple. The columns in a table is a field and is also
referred to as an attribute.
 An entity in DBMS (Database management System) is a real-world thing or a real-world
object which is distinguishable from other objects in the real world. For example, a car is
an entity. An attribute of an entity gives us information about the characteristic features
of an entity.

 C.R.U.D Application: create, read, update and delete.
 Model classes created are known as POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) classes. CLR is the
programming (Virtual Machine component) that manages the execution of programs
written in any language that uses the .NET Framework.

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