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Academic Year: 2021/2022 TERM: II CLASS/FORM: 4 SUBJECT: Principles of Business
Teacher: Ms. P. Jaggan-Martin
Proposed Unit Topic/Lesson Topic Specific Objectives - Students will be able to: Teaching/ Resources Evaluation/ Comment
Cycle/ Learning Activities Assessment
03/01- Revision – Review of previous 1. Recognize the importance of reviewing the Explaining Lesson Notes Formative &
07/01 Term’s work contents previously taught. Questioning Word documents Summative
2. Reorient himself/herself with subject matter Guiding Power point
that was taught during the previous terms. Analyzing presentations
Making corrections
10/01 – SECTION 2: INTERNAL 1. Describe the functions of management. Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
14/01 ORGANIZATIONAL 2. Outline the responsibilities of management. Explaining Power point Exercises
ENVIRONMENT Questioning presentations Home-Work
Functions of management: Analyzing Discussion Exercises
a. Planning (to create short Giving examples Reference
term and long term goals Textbooks
to achieve the goals of a
business and sourcing the
necessary resources to
accomplish these goals)
b. Organizing
c. Directing
d. Controlling
e. Coordinating
f. Delegating
g. Motivating
Management responsibilities to:
a. Owners and shareholders
(by maximizing
efficiency and creating
b. Employees (for example,
providing adequate
working conditions,
training, maintaining
good communication and
human relations)
c. Society
d. Customers
e. Government

17/01- SECTION 2: INTERNAL 1. Construct simple organizational charts. Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
21/01 ORGANIZATIONAL 2. Interpret simple organizational charts. Explaining Power point Exercises
ENVIRONMENT Questioning presentations Home-Work
The construction of simple Analyzing Discussion Exercises
organizational charts ensuring Giving examples Reference
students understand and outline Textbooks
the components or
characteristics of a simple chart.
a. Line
b. Line and staff
c. Functional
Interpretation of simple
organizational charts.
a. Chain of command
b. Span of control

24/01- SECTION 2: INTERNAL 1. Outline the essential characteristics of a Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
28/01 ORGANIZATIONAL good leader. Explaining Power point Exercises
ENVIRONMENT 2. Discuss the different leadership styles. Questioning presentations Home-Work
Characteristics of a good leader: Analyzing Discussion Exercises
Honesty, flexibility, focus, Giving examples Reference
trustworthiness, and ability to Textbooks
make intelligent decisions.
Advantages and disadvantages
of different leadership styles:
- Autocratic
- Democratic
- Laissez-faire

31/01- SECTION 2: INTERNAL 1. Identify potential sources of conflict within Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
04/02 ORGANIZATIONAL an organization. Explaining Power point Exercises
ENVIRONMENT 2. Outline strategies used by employers and Questioning presentations Home-Work
Internal sources of conflict, for employees to gain an upper hand during Analyzing Discussion Exercises
example, poor working periods of conflict. Giving examples Reference
conditions. Textbooks
Employer strategies, for
example, lock out and use of
scab labour; employee strategies,
for example, strike action and
work to rule.
07/02- SECTION 2: INTERNAL 1. Describe strategies for the resolution of Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
11/02 ORGANIZATIONAL conflict within an organization. Explaining Power point Exercises
ENVIRONMENT 2. Establish guidelines for the conduct of good Questioning presentations Home-Work
Strategies such as mediation, management and staff relations in the Analyzing Discussion Exercises
arbitration, and the value of trade workplace. Giving examples Reference
union representation. 3. Identify strategies for motivating employees Textbooks
Grievance procedure. in a business.
Guidelines for establishing good
relations between managers and
a. Good communication
with workers
b. Improve working
c. Motivating workers
d. Practice good leadership
e. Financial methods
f. Non-financial methods

14/02- SECTION 2: INTERNAL 1. Evaluate the role of teamwork within an Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
18/02 ORGANIZATIONAL organization. Explaining Power point Exercises
ENVIRONMENT 2. Outline strategies for effective Questioning presentations Home-Work
The value of teamwork within an communication within an organization. Analyzing Discussion Exercises
organization: Giving examples Reference
a. Definition Textbooks
b. Advantages
c. Disadvantages
The communication process and
strategies for effective
communication within an

21/02- SECTION 3: ESTABLISHING 1. Define the term ‘entrepreneur’. Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
25/02 A BUSINESS 2. Outline reasons why an individual may Explaining Power point Exercises
Reasons why an individual may want to establish a business. Questioning presentations Home-Work
want to establish a business: 3. Explain the functions of an entrepreneur. Analyzing Discussion Exercises
a. Desire for financial 4. Identify the characteristics of the typical Giving examples Reference
independence entrepreneur. Textbooks
b. Self-fulfilment 5. Outline the role of the entrepreneur in
c. Self-actualization economic development.
d. Increased income
e. Increased control of
working life
Role of the entrepreneur in
economic development:
a. Collaborating
b. Providing goods and
services to satisfy
c. Creating jobs
d. Contributing to nation
The concept of entrepreneurship.
Conceptualizing, planning,
accessing funds, organizing,
operating and evaluating the
performance of a business.
Attention to be paid to the
bearing of risks and the
entitlement to the profits and
losses of the business.
Personal traits and leadership
a. Creative
b. Innovative
c. Flexible
d. Goal-oriented
e. Persistent
f. Persevering
g. Propensity to take
calculated risks

28/02- SECTION 3: ESTABLISHING 1. Describe the role of the entrepreneur in the Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
04/03 A BUSINESS decision-making process. Explaining Power point Exercises
Importance of entrepreneurial 2. Outline the essential steps that should be Questioning presentations Home-Work
organizational skills; taken in establishing a business. Analyzing Discussion Exercises
Examples: Giving examples Reference
a. Conceptualizing Textbooks
b. Planning
c. Accessing financing
d. Organizing the factors of
e. Operating the business
f. Evaluating
g. Risk bearing
Steps for establishing a business:
a. Conceptualization
b. Research (market probe)
c. Identification of
resources (financial,
human, material)
d. Creation of a business
e. Acquisition of funds
f. Operation of the business

07/03- SECTION 3: ESTABLISHING 1. Identify the reasons for preparing a business Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
11/03 A BUSINESS plan. Explaining Power point Exercises
Reasons for preparing a Questioning presentations Home-Work
business plan: Analyzing Discussion Exercises
a. To ensure that careful Giving examples Reference
research is conducted Textbooks
into the feasibility of the
b. To attract potential
c. To source financing
d. To guide the operations
of the business when
making decisions

14/03- SECTION 3: ESTABLISHING 1. Describe the elements of a business plan. Presentation Lesson notes In-Class
18/03 A BUSINESS Explaining Power point Exercises
Description of the basic elements Questioning presentations Home-Work
of a business plan: Analyzing Discussion Exercises
a. Executive summary – an Giving examples Reference
overview of the business Textbooks
b. Operational plan – the
business and its
objectives: name,
address, legal structure,
aims and objectives.
Personnel, suppliers,
equipment necessary
c. The business opportunity
– a description of the
product or service
d. The marketing plan – a
description of the
potential customers and
nature of competition
e. Financial forecast –
sources of finance, sales,
cash flow, profit and loss

21/03- Revision in preparation for End 1. Understand the concepts/content taught Presentation Whiteboard Oral questions
25/03 of Term Examinations previously and during this term. Explaining Lesson notes Worksheet
2. Analyze questions and respond to questions Questioning
using concepts/content previously taught. Analyzing
Giving examples
28/03- End of Term Examinations 1. Apply concepts/content taught to respond to Giving instructions Printed Scripts Online
01/04 questions on the examination paper. to students for Papers I and II Submission
completion of End Written
of Term Submission
Examination Papers
Expected Coursework Assessments:
Structured questions and multiple-choice items on the following topics:
1. Section 2: Internal Organizational Environment
2. Section 3: Establishing a Business

Expected End of Term Examination (s):

Paper I Duration: 75 mins
Paper II Duration: 2 hrs.
Final Evaluation:
Coursework Mark (100%) - 25% weighting Number of Students In class: 30
End of Term Examination Mark (100%) - 75% weighting
TOTAL -100%

Respectfully submitted: …………Pratibha Jaggan-Martin…………………………………………….. Dated: 18 January, 2022.

Teacher’s Signature

Received by: …………………………………………………………………… Dated:

HOD’s Signature
Reviewed by: …………………………………………………………………… Dated:
Principal/Vice Principal’s Signature

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