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EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 80 Equisetum stem 1.30 g of newral aluminium oxide (60-210 wen). Elute with a aixture of equal volumes of methavol Rand water R. Collect about 9 mL of the eluate, add 0.5 mL of phosphoric acid R and dilute fo 10.0 mL with a mixture of equal volumes of ‘meidianol Rand water Reference solution (a). Dissalve 10 mg of ephedrine Iydrochloride CRS in methavol R and dilute to 100.0 ra. with the same solvent. Dilute 2.0 ra. of the solution to 250 ml with the mobile phase Reference solution (2). Dissolve 1 mg of ephedrine Iydrachloride CRS and 1 mg of terbutaline sulfate CRS in ‘merharol Rand dilute to 10 mL with the same solvent. Dilute 2m of the solution to 25 mL with the mobile phase Cole: = sise:1=0.25 m, O= 4.6mm: = stationary phase: octadecylsiyl silica gel for ‘chromatography R (Sym). Mobile phase: acetonitrile RI, 0.1 per cent V/V solution of phosphoric acid R (15385 VV. Flow rare: 2.0 mimi, Detection: spectrophotometer at 207 nin Injection: 1 yl. ‘Run time: 3 times the retention time of ephedrine. ‘Syston suitability: reference solution (b). ~ resolution: minimum 3.5 between the peaks due to terbutaline and ephedrine, Calculate the percentage content of ephedrine using the following expression Ar xm xp x 165.2 Apres x5 x 2017 A= ares ofthe peak du to ephedrine in the chromatogram obtained with the tes solution ‘A, = atea ofthe peak due to ephedeine in the ‘iromatogram obtained with reference solution (2); ‘mas of the herbal drug to be examined used to prepare the test solution in grams: ‘mass of ephedrine hyrtrocloride CRS used to prepare relerence solution (a, in grams; . percentage content of ephedrine hydrochloride in ephedrine hydrochloride CRS, 4201211825 EQUISETUM STEM. Equiseti herba DEFINITION Whole or cut, dried sterile aerial parts of Equisetum arvenseL Content: minimum 0:3 per cent of total avonoids, expressed asisoquereitroside (Cyl1,Ons M, 464) (dried drug) IDENTIFICATION A. Itconsists of fragments of grooved main stems, branches swith longitudinal sharp ridges and leaves in whorls, united atthe base into a sheath light green or groenish grey. The fragments are rough to the touch, brittle and crunchy when crushed. The main stems are about I-4.5 mm in diameter, hollow jointed a the nodes, which occur at intervals of about 15-45 em; distinct vertical grooves are present on the intemodes, ranging in number from 4t0 14 or more. ‘The central bolow is less than 50 per cent but more than 25 per cent ofthe diameter of the main stem. Vertcils of ‘widely spaced and erect branches, usualy simple, each about 1'mm thick with 3-5 longitudinal, sharp ridges, ‘occur atthe nodes: atthe end of each ridge is a protruding, sistnetcollenchymatic bundle under the epidermis. The ‘branches are not hollow. The leaves are sal, inear, vertvillate at each node, concrescent st the base; they form. 3 oothed sheath around the stem with the numberof teeth Corresponding tothe namiber of groaves on the ser. Each tooth, often brown, i lanceolate-triangular. Te loves internode ofeach branch is longer than the sheath ofthe stein to which it belongs BB, Microscopic examination (28.23). The powder is ‘reenish-grey. Examine under a microscope using csloral iarate solution R. The powder shows the following ‘agnostic characters (Fgure 1825.-1): fragments ofthe ‘epidermis in surface view [B, C] composed of rectangular xls with wary walls and paracytic stomata (28.3) in 3-4 rows, the 2 subsidiary cells ave inthe same plane asthe ‘epidermis, cover the guard eels and show radial ridges: nal silica pilulae ae sattered on the surface ofthe subsidiary cells and appear more frequent at the margin forming a distinct ring srrounding the subsiiary cells (©); 2celled papillae on the ridges, less distinct on the ‘main stem [8] but large and rectangular on the branches, ‘oriented longitudinally [Fin surface view, the epiermis ‘of the main stems consists of elongated cells (G], the ‘epidermis ofthe secondary branches shows the 2-elled papillae which resemble pales of small cells separated by @ Farger cel [D]; fragments of large-celled parenchyma [E] an! geoups of long unlignified fibres with narrow lumens: sal vessels with spiral or annular thickening [E. Figure 1825.-1. ~ Mlustraton for identification test B of powdered herbal drug ofequisetum stom CC. Examine the chromatograms obtained in the test for Equisetum palustre. Results: see below the sequence of zones present inthe ‘chromatograms obtained with reference solution (b) and the test solution, Furthermore, other weak Huorescent zones may be present inthe chromatogram obtained with the test solution, ‘General Notices (1) apply to all monographs and other texts a7 Eucalyptus leaf EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 80 "Topol the plate rad Raorsent anes alee aca gosatsh-e tran ane 2 promis Hue Maorecent zones An orange fuorscnt ane pero: an range Nurscot 2 presi ue Buresent zones tin an ange furesent one Reference elton ) Test alton ‘TESTS Foreign matter (2.8.2): maximam 5 per cent. Equisetum palustre. Thia-layer chromatography (22.27) ‘Test solution, To 1.0 g of the powdered herbal drug (335) (29,12) add 10 mL of methanol R, Heat in a water-bath at {60°C for 10min with occasional shaking. Allow to cool, Fler. Reference solution (a). To 100.0 mg of Equisetum palustre HRS acd I ml. of methanol R. Heat ina water-bath af 60 °C for 10 min with occastonal shaking, Allow to cool, Filter. Reference solution (b). Dissolve 1.0 mg of caffeic acid R, 25 mg, ‘of hyporoside Rand 2.5 mg of ruin Rin 20 ml. of methanol Plate: TLC silica gel plat R (2-10 ur). Mobile phase: anlydrous formic acid R, glacial acetic ac R, water R ethyl actate R (7-57 51867 VIVIVIV), Application: 5 ui as bands of 8 mm. Development: over a path of 6

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