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Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Professora: Ana Luisa Barbosa

Disciplina: Língua inglesa Nível A1
Aluno: _________________________________________________________________

Avaliação II

1) Assinale a alternativa correta de acordo com a sentença abaixo:

Have you seen those_____________dresses?

a) Ladies’
b) Of ladies’
c) Lady’s
d) Ladies

1) Para a sentença abaixo que gentivo está correto?

She bought the ___________food

a) Dog
b) Of dog
c) Of the dog
d) Dog’s

2) Que frase está correta?

a) The tree’s leaves

b) The leave’s tree
c) The leaves of the tree
d) The trees’s leaves

4) Na frase The girls’ clothes. É correto afirmar que:

a) Todas as garotas são donas da totalidade das peças.

b) Cada garota possui a sua própria peça de roupa.
c) É impossível identificar a posse.
d) Nenhuma das alternativas acima.

5) Quanto ao caso possessivo, há situações em que não adotamos ‘s, mas apenas o apóstrofo.
É o caso de:

a) Charles’ sofa.
b) The boy’s dogs
c) Charle’s books.
d) Nenhuma das alternativas acima.

6) Leia o texto abaixo e responda corretamente à questão a seguir:

A Teen’s View of Social Media

Instagram is by far my favorite. It is made up of all photos and videos, which is perfect for
visual people like me. There is the home page that showcases the posts from people you
follow, an explore tab which offers posts from accounts all over the world, and your own
page, with a notification tab to show who likes and comments on your posts.
It has some downsides though.  It is known to make many people feel insecure or down
about themselves because the platform showcases the highlights of everyone’s lives, while
rarely showing the negatives. This can make one feel like their life is not going as well as
others, contributing to the growing rates of anxiety or depression in many teens
today. There is an underlying desire for acceptance through the number of likes or followers
one has.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 out. 2021.
O termo “downsides” introduz a ideia de que o Instagram é responsável por

a) oferecer recursos de fotografia.

b) divulgar problemas dos usuários.
c) estimular aceitação dos seguidores.
d) provocar ansiedade nos adolescentes.

7) Em que frase a preposição está usada de forma errada?

a) At seven o clo’ck
b) Every morning
c) In Mondays
d) On the table

8) Leia o texto abaixo e selecione os verbos que estão na terceira pessoa do singular do
presente simples:

Every morning I make breakfast for my brother and me.I walk to school with my brother.
We see the same two girls. They always say 'hello'.I feel lonely sometimes, but I really like my
new school. The school has a very good library. My brother goes to primary school. He
always wears his old red coat. My mother goes to work early in the morning. She works very
hard. Thank you for the card. You write very good letters.
Write again soon!

Love, Bia. 

a) Make, walk, like,feel

b) Has, goes,wears,Works
c) Make, wears, Works
d) Write,walk, has

9) Complete the sentences with the correct auxiliary:

She ____________ go to school on Saturdays. She only ________________ on weekdays. And

you? ___________ you study on weekends?

a) is/studying/Do
b) doesn’t/studies/Do
c) don’t/studies/Does

10) Leia o texto abaixo e responda a seguir:

In the age-old battle between independence-seeking teenagers and worried parents, the older
generation is packing some new weapons. Caller ID tells parents who is calling their kids. Cell-
phone bills detail every local number the kid has called. New computer programs track just
about everything − every Web site visited, every e-mail sent − that a teenager does online.

Parental reconnaissance is going to get worse − or good, depending on your perspective.

(Wall Street Journal, Nov. 6, 2000)

Os verbos que estão no Simple Present, no texto, são

a) worried – has called – does

b) detail – track – get
c) worried – visited – sent
d) tells – detail – track

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