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SPE-183805-MS: Well Test Simulation for Dual Porosity-Dual Permeability

Using Orthogonal Collocation

Conference Paper · March 2017


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1 author:

Ali Al-Muftah
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


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Well Test Simulation for Dual Porosity-Dual Permeability Using

Orthogonal Collocation
Ali AL-Muftah, Tatweer Petroleum

Copyright 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference held in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, 6—9 March 2017.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s).
Contents of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not
necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this
paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

This paper presents a new way to numerically simulate flow in Dual Porosity - Dual Permeability system which is solved
rigorously with wellbore storage and skin. This paper shows that the use of Orthogonal Collocation method is feasible and
that, in many cases, it results in solutions that are more realistic than those resulted from numerical inversion of Laplace
transform. There are, however, certain disadvantages. For example, oscillation of the pressure derivative which can be
overcome by using Orthogonal Collocation on Finite Element (OCFE) in which programming effort are usually in excess
of that required by a finite- difference or numerical Laplace inversion scheme. Even so, it is felt that the potential of the
technique is sufficient justification for this work and for a continuing effort to apply it to well test simulation problems.

Dual Porosity – Dual Permeability well testing problem is described by a complex set of nonlinear partial differential
equations. Their solution is normally achieved analytically using Laplace transform or numerically through the use of
numerical inverting methods of the Laplcace transform like Stehfest and Crump. This paper is an extension to the paper
SPE 120668 that introduced the method for the basic well test problem.

The primary objective of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of using Orthogonal Collocation on well test in Dual
Porosity - Dual Permeability system. Since this work was primarily concerned with the feasibility of Orthogonal
Collocation simulation, no attempt was made to study a wide spectrum of cases of well test problems. However, a few
typical applications are presented and some of the results are compared with those derived from analytical and numerical

1. Introduction

Welltesting is a flow of slightly compressible fluids in a porous media which is characterized by a set of nonlinear partial
differential equations. Their solution is normally achieved analytically using Laplace transform or numerically through the
use of numerical inverting methods of the Laplcace transform like Stehfest and Crump. Not all well test problems, however,
are readily amenable to such treatment and an alternate approach like Method of weighted residual, Orthogonal Collocation
and Galerkin’s methods are efficient and can be easily employed. Until now, the application of these techniques has been

The pressure diffusivity equation in well test is well known partial differential equation and its solution is very mature in
the literature. Well test problem with wellbore storage and skin was studied by Agrawal et al. (1970)1 and Wattenbarger
and Ramey (1970) 2. This class of well test problem has been established with analytical solution for various problem
setups. The solution is normally achieved analytically using Laplace transform since its Laplace has well known solution
as discussed in detail by Agrawal et al. (1970)1. Numerical solution using inversion of Laplace transform can be used
instead if Laplace transform has no analytical inversion. Stehfest3 and Crump4 algorithms are widely used in welltesting
for numerical Laplace inversion to dual porosity dual permeability and multilayer well test problems. ALMuftah (2009)
2 SPE-183805-MS

solved well test equation with wellbore storage and skin using the method of Orthogonal Collocation.

The mathematical model describing the flow of a slightly compressible fluid through a dual-porosity and dual-permeability
was studied in the literature and analytical solution was obtained by Warren and Root in 1963 using an approximations of
the inversion of Laplace trnasformations. This solution has become the foundation of well test analysis for naturally
fractured reservoirs in absence of wellbore storage and skin.

The same model equations were solved analytically by the method of separation of variables by Chen and Jiang (1980).
Where the solution was for a typical case of a single well producing at a specified rate located at the center of a circular
dminage area with no-flow outer boundary. The same system of equation including wellbore storage and skin effect for an
infinite reservoir was solved by Bourdet (1958) using the numerical inversion of the Laplace space solution. Lir and Chen
(1987) rigourously solved the system analytically for a centered well producing at a constant rate in a reservoir with no-
flow or constant-pressure outer boundary, including wellbore storage and skin effect.

In this paper, the well test sytem of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) with their boundary conditions of dual-porosity
and dual permeability sytem will be solved numerically in time domain using Orthogonal Collocation as an extension of
the method introduced for solving a homogenous single porosity reservoir in ALMuftah (2009).

This study presents a new way to numerically simulate flow of slightly compressible fluid which is solved rigorously with
wellbore storage and skin for a dual porosity, dual permeability and multi-layered reservoirs. This paper shows that the use
of Orthogonal Collocation method is feasible and expandable to solve a more complex well test problem, it results in
solutions that are more realistic than those resulted from numerical inversion of Laplace transform.

1.1. Orthogonal Collocation Method

The orthogonal collocation method was developed originally as a stable, predictable, and simple to implement pseudo-
spectral technique. Because of its reliability, it has become a standard method for solving boundary-value problems by
polynomial trial function expansions (Lin et al., 19996, Finalyson, 19809, Villadsen & Michelsen, 19785). The interior
formulation of this method (Villadsen and Stewart, 196710) is based on choosing a set of trial functions from an orthogonal
polynomial sequence, with the discretization points computed as the roots of the polynomial next in the sequence. In most
applications, this approximates the Galerkin procedure, because the residual is forced to have as its primary component the
polynomial used to determine the collocation points. However, for some linear problems where the residual can be
expressed exactly in terms of the chosen set of trial functions, the two methods give identical results. The mixed collocation
formulation is commonly used for problems with nonhomogeneous and nonlinear boundary conditions, and for BVPs
defined by a set of differential equations with different boundary conditions (Adomaitis and Lin, 199811 ; Adomaitis and
Lin, 200012).

In the original orthogonal collocation reference (Villadsen and Stewart, 196710), the authors had illustrated three example
tables for collocation point locations, quadrature weights, and first and second discrete derivative arrays. Collocation-based
on Orthogonal Polynomials such as Jacobi and Legendre polynomials as the truncated trial function expansion using only
even powers of x and these trial functions satisfy the boundary condition at x = 0; the factor (1-x2) forces the trial functions
to also satisfy the boundary condition at x = 1. The polynomials are constructed as the normalized Jacobi polynomials
defined by a sequence of 2nd order polynomials orthonormal with respect to weighted inner product.

1.2. Orthogonal Collocation on Finite Element (OCFE )

The OCFE technique, first developed by Carey and Finlayson (1975) 13 has been employed successfully where the global
orthogonal collocation, GOC, technique failed. The basic idea of the OCFE technique as its name implies, is introduction
of fixed elements or junction points within two ends or outlet boundaries, thus forming subdomains. Collocation is then
applied to each subdomain instead of fixing the position of junction point that positions of the elements to be dependent on
time such that discretization grid of the space variable is maintained with respect to the position of the moving front.

However, for problem that has steep gradient in radial coordinate, the solution is more advantageous to use trial functions
that are defined only over part of the region. If the domain is divided into NE elements, in each element the orthogonal
collocation method can be applied. This result of N internal collocation points was chosen in each element. A numerically
stiff problem has been discussed in collocation literature (Villadsen and Michelsen, 19785, Finalyson, 19809, Lin et al.,
19996) as a test case for evaluating different collocation procedures. Attempts at computing a solution in the slab geometry
by a global collocation method were shown to fail (Villadsen and Michelsen, 19785, Rice and Do, 199514) for discretizations
performed using a moderate number of collocation points. An orthogonal collocation on finite element (OCFE), however,
was shown to produce convergent results, measured in terms of the convergence of the effectiveness factor.
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2. Mathematical Model

The problem to be considered is flow of a slightly compressible fluid of constant viscosity in finite circular homogeneous
naturally fractured reservoir. That is, flow is perfectly radial to a well of radius rw producing at a constant rate, when both
wellbore storage and skin effect are considered. The initial condition is taken as constant matrix and fracture pressure,
p1i,and p2i for radii grater than or equal to rw.

Warren and Root (1963) presented the partial differential equations for fluid flow in a dual porosity system. The model
was extended by Mavor and Cinco-Ley (1979) to include wellbore storage and skin effect. Giovanni (1981) studied the
behavior of the dimensionless flowrate for a well producing at a constant inner pressure from either a finite or an infinite
two-porosity system.

The governing model equations for fluid flow in dimensionless form are:

p D1   2 p D1 1 p D1 
Matrix: 1     1         p D 2  p D1  (1)
t D  r 2 r r 
 D D D 
p D2   2 p D 2 1 p D2 
Fracture:         p D1  p D 2  (2)
t D  r 2 r r 
 D D D 

The initial conditions are

pD1 rD ,0  pD2 rD ,0  0 (3)

With the inner boundary conditions are

dp  p p 
C D w D   1    D1   D 2  1 (4)
dt D  rD rD  r 1

 p 
p wD t D    p Di  S i Di  for i=1,2 (5)
 rD  r 1

Infinite or constant pressure outer boundary conditions:

p D1 reD , t D   p D 2 reD , t D   0 (6a)

No flow outer boundary condition:

 p D1   p 
    D 2  0 (6b)
 rD  rD reD  rD  rD reD

Where, rD = r / rw and the wellbore unloading or storage constant, CD, is defined by the following equation:

CD  (7)
2 (1c1   2 c 2 ) rw 2

Dimensionless Pressures in Matrix and Fracture

2 k1h1  k 2 h2 
p Di   p o  pi  for i=1,2
k1h1  k 2 h1
Dimensionless time: tD  t
(1c1h1  2 c2 h1 )rw 2
 2 c 2 h1
Storatvity ratio: 
1c1h1   2 c 2 h1
k 2 h2
Interporosity flow parameter:    .rw2
k1h1  k 2 h2
k 2 h2
Permeability ratio to the total: 
k1h1  k 2 h2
4 SPE-183805-MS

C represents the volume of wellbore fluid unloading or stored.

The dimensionless flow rate into wellbore is given by the following equation:
 p 
q D t D    D  (8)
 rw  rD 1
Governing mathematical model in Dimensionless form

The above model can be normalized into the following form, by introducing the following dimensionless variables and

Where, rD = r / rw
r r
  D Dw where rDw = 1 (9)
reD  rDw

Transforming the diffusivity equation using the dimensionless variable  resulted in the following equations:

 p D1 
1    p D1  1    1  2 p D1

1 1
   p D 2  p D1  (10)
t D  reD  rDw 
 2
reD  rDw  rDw  reD  rDw    

p D 2   2 pD2 p D 2 
   p D1  p D 2 
1 1 1
    (11)
t D  r  r 2  2
 eD Dw reD  rDw  rDw  reD  rDw    

with the following initial and boundary conditions

I.C.1 : at tD = 0, pD1(rD, 0)= pD2(rD, 0)=0 (12)

B.C.2 : Constant pressure at reD = 0, pD1(=1, tD)= pD2(=1, tD)=0 (13a)

1  p D1  1  p D 2 
B.C.2 : No flow outer condition at reD = 0,       0 (13b)
reD  rDw     1 reD  rDw     1

Inner boundary conditions:

  p   p  
1    D1 
dp wD 1
CD  1    D 2   (14)
dt D reD  rDw        0    0 
Si  p Di 
p wD  p Di  0    for i=1,2 (15)
reD  rDw      0

3. Numerical Solution

The system of coupled partial differential equations with their boundary conditions given by equations (10) through (15)
has been solved by the method of orthogonal collocation. This can be solved by choosing appropriate collocation
polynomial based on the symmetry and boundary conditions. Semi-Legendre polynomials with M collocation points have
been chosen for the interior nodes in the radial direction . The solution can be represented by truncated trial function
expression, wellbore dimensionless pressure, pwD and dimensionless radial pressure pD1 and pD2 in the following trial

   
pD1 ( , t D )   b j t D  1     j     b j t D  j   (16)
j 1 j 1

where,  and  are positive integers, and  and  are test and trial functions respectively. The vector of trial functions is
defined as
     
    1    1    2   .. ..  M     (17)

with amplitude coefficient b(tD), by using only even power of dependent variable, the trial function  satisfy the boundary
SPE-183805-MS 5

condition at  = 0, the factor (1 - 2 ) forces the trial functions to also satisfy the second boundary condition at  = 1. The
polynomials  are constructed as the normalized Jacobi polynomials (with  = 1 and  = 2) defined with respect to weighted
inner product with weight function w = (1 –  2). Semi-Legendre polynomial (with  = 0,  = 1) are constructed with w =
1, and they are a function of  only. The trial function can be written as
M 2
p D1  , t D   p D1 xi    d j xi for i = 1,2, ....., M+2 (18)
j 1
Discretizating equations (10) to (15) by orthogonal collocation yield the following set of coupled Differential-Algebraic-
I.C.1: at tD = 0, pD1(, 0) = pD2(, 0) =0 (19)

DE.1: at  = 0,
dpwD 1  1  M 2
 1    A1 p
M 2  
dt D
 
C D  reD  rDw  
 1, j D1, j  1, j D2, j   1
  A2 p (18)
 j 1 j 1  

B.C.1: at i =1 at tD
M 2
p D1,1  p wD t D  
reD  rDw  
A11, j p D1, j (19)
j 1
M 2
p D 2,1  p wD t D  
reD  rDw  
A21, j p D 2, j
j 1

PDE. 1:
p D1i M 2
1     1     D1i , j p D1, j    p D 2,i  p D1,i  i =2,3….,M+1 (20a)
t D j 1

p D 2 i M 2
    D 2 i , j p D 2, j    p D1,i  p D 2,i  i =2,3….,M+1
t D j 1
B.C.2 : Constant pressure at  = 1, rD = reD, where
pD1(=1, tD)= pD2(=1, tD)=0 p D1,M  2  p D 2 , M  2  0 (21a)
B.C.2 : No flow outer condition at  = 1, rD = reD,
M 2 M 2
1 1

reD  rDw  j 1
A1M  2, j p D1, j 
reD  rDw  
A2 M  2 , j p D 2 , j  0 (21b)
j 1

Where the pwD and pD1, pD2 are dimensionless wellbore and radial pressure in matrix and fractures dependent variables at
the collocation abscissa . The matrix element Di,j are found from the discretization matrices A and B for the first and
second derivatives respectively of the Semi-Legendre polynomial with M collocation points. The vector x, represent the
collocation points where chosen as the roots of these polynomials.

B1i , j 1 A1i , j
D1i , j   i =2,3,…,M+1 and j =1,2,…,M+2 (22)
(reD  rDw ) 2
reD  rDw  rDw  reD  rDw x1i 
B 2i, j 1 A2 i , j
D 2i , j   i =2,3,…,M+1 and j =1,2,…,M+2 (22)
(reD  rDw ) 2
reD  rDw  rDw  reD  rDw x2i 

M 2  2 p D1i M 2
p D1i
  A1i, j p D1, j and
 2
  B1i, j pD1, j (23)
j 1 j 1

The above discretized set of coupled Differential-Algebraic-Equations (DAE) can be solved numerically using DAE with
stiff integration algorithm by sparse Jacobian.

By defining a global vector y such that contains all M+3 variables

6 SPE-183805-MS

pwD = yj for j =1
pD1,j = yj+ 1 for j =1,2,…,M+2 (24)
pD2,j = yj+ M+3 for j =1,2,…,M+2

Writing the equations (17) to (21) in terms of global variable

I.C.1 : at tD = 0, yj=0 for j =1,2,…,2(M+2)+1

DE.1: at  = 0,
dy1 1  1  M 2
 1    A1 y  
M 2  
 
dt D C D  reD  rDw  
 1, j j 1  A21, j y j  M 3   1
 
 j 1 j 1  

B.C.1: at i =1 at tD
M 2
reD  rDw  
y 2  y1  A11, j y j 1 (26a)
j 1
M 2
reD  rDw  
y1 M 3  y1  A21, j y j  M 3 (26b)
j 1
PDE. 1:
y i 1 M  2
  Di , j y j 1 i =2,3….,M+1 (27a)
t D j 1

M 2
1    pi1  1     D1i, j y j 1    yi M 3  yi1  i =2,3….,M+1 (27b)
t D j 1

B.C.2 : Constant pressure at  = 1, rD = reD, where

pD1(=1, tD)= pD2(=1, tD)=0 y M  3  y 2 ( M  2 ) 1  0 (21a)

B.C.2 : No flow outer condition at  = 1, rD = reD,

M 2 M 2
1 1
reD  rDw   reD  rDw  
A1 y
M  2, j j 1  A2 M  2 , j y j  M  3  0 (21b)
j 1 j 1

The solutions to converge and stabilize, eigenvalues of Jacobian matrix have to be all negative when it is estimated at initial
conditions. The sign of the term 1/ is to be interchanged to obtain negative eigenvalues for Jacobian matrix when
eigenvalue(s) has positive real value. This is to ensure stable and converge numerical formulation when it is integrated by
stiff ordinary differential-algebric-equation solvers.
The above discretized set of coupled Differential-Algebraic-Equations (DAE) can be solved numerically using DAE with
stiff integration algorithm by sparse Jacobian.

4. Results and Discussions:

The well test resulted Partial Differential Equations have been written and normalized for pwD, pD1, pD2 and qD. The
normalized PDEs are then solved using orthogonal collocation method (6,7, 9, 10). The numbers of collocation points have
been chosen to give satisfactory convergence. Numerical simulation was performed to analyze the effect of wellbore
storage, CD, skin, S and reservoir outer radius reD / rw on pressure response. Number of internal collocation points were
chosen in the radial direction such that accuracy and tolerance are obtained at given reservoir radius reD .

The primary objective of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of using Orthogonal Collocation on well test in Dual
Porosity - Dual Permeability system. Since this work was primarily concerned with the feasibility of Orthogonal
Collocation simulation, no attempt was made to analyze well test response under different parameters. It is rather to prove
the well test type curves in figures 1,2,3, 4 and 5 can be generated with a the proposed method in a aquick and roubust

The hetrogenity of dual porosity and dual permeabity can be characterize by the three parameters , and  The
strotavity ratio , represent the fraction of the oil storage in fracture system. Figure-1 shows the effect of strotavity ratio
for dual porosity sytem where =1 and a negligible interporosity  = 0 for closed boundary. The
SPE-183805-MS 7

The fundamental response of the Warren and Root (PSS) dual porosity model depends on the heterogeneity parameters ω
and λ—the storage capacity ratio and the interporosity flow coefficient, respectively. A typical dimensionless response is
shown in figure 5, where pD is plotted against log tD for a specified ω value (0.001 and 0.999) and a range of λ values. The
pD function is characterized by a first straight line, a transition, and a final straight line having the same slope as the first.
The first straight line is usually of very short duration and represents the fracture system alone.

Figure 1 shows the solution for the dimensionless wellbore pressure with two values in ω and several values of λ. At
early times, the solution depends on tD and ω (neglecting the effect of wellbore storage and skin). For a given value of λ,
as time increases a period is reached wherein the pressure tries to stabilize due to flow from the matrix. After this
transition period, the solution becomes the same as that for a homogeneous system.
For ω = 1, for a homogeneous system. There is no λ dependence at small times, indicating that the fracture system does
not sense the presence of the primary porosity at smal1 times. For non-communicating matrix (λ = 0), the dependence of
dimensionless pressure will be on tD/ ω for all the times assuming wellbore storage ans skins are constant.

For a given value of λ and ω ≠ 1, after the infinite-acting period, the solution goes through a transition period to finally
meet the solution for a homogeneous system. Depending on the value of λ, two well-defined straight lines (pseudosteady-
state solutions) are observed.

4. Conclusions and Recommendations:

It is concluded the method of Orthogonal Collocation is found feasible for simulating welltest DPDP problems with
wellbore storage and skin. The following can be summarized:

1) A new way to numerically simulate well test diffusivity equation has been extended to for dual porosity dual
permeability (DPDP) using the method of Orthogonal Collocation. It has been solved rigorously with wellbore
storage and skin as a function of time domain instead of transforming the equation into Laplace s-domain.
2) The method has been tested and validated versus analytical solution and resulted in a quick and robust solution.
3) It showed advantages over numerical Laplace inversion as it is easily discretized using Orthogonal Collocation
for more complex well test problems. If it is compared to usual way of getting Laplace for the PDEs with their
boundary conditions which is usually solved for pressure as a function of s- variable that resulted in complex form
for Laplace numerical inversion.
4) The proposed method has advantages for pressure matching as the resulted Differential-Algebraic-Equations can
be easily incorporated in the optimization algorithm for parameter estimation.

Figure-1: log-log graph of dimensionless pressure pwD versus dimensionless time tD/CD for Skin=0.1
and reD =50,  = 0.001, 0.999;  =1 and  = 10-4 for for different values of for different  = 10-1, 10-2,10-3, 10-
8 SPE-183805-MS

Figure-2: log-log graph of dimensionless pressure pwD time derivative of t. dpwD/dt versus
dimensionless time with reD / rw = 1000, for different values of fracture storage capacity,  = 0.1, 0.01,
0.001, 0.0001 for  = 0,  =1 .

Figure 3: log-log graph of dimensionless pressure pwD time derivative of t. dpwD/dt versus
dimensionless time for with reD / rw = 1000, for different values of fracture storage capacity,  = 0.1,
0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 for  = 10-5,  =1 .
SPE-183805-MS 9

Figure-4: log-log graph of dimensionless pressure pwD time derivative of t. dpwD/dt versus
dimensionless time with reD / rw = 1000, for  = 0.1,  =1 for different  = 10-1, 10-2,10-3, 10-4,10-5.

Figure-5: log-log graph of dimensionless rate qwD time derivative of t. dpwD/dt versus dimensionless
time tD/CD for single layer radial reservoir for Skin=0,  = 0.001,  =1 and  = 10-4 for for different values
of reservoir radius reD =10, 20, 50, 100 and 200.
10 SPE-183805-MS


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