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Gulmohar Board selection Commision (GBSC)

TIME =2hr MAX = 400

(Negative = ¼)

Q1. The roots of the equation |x|^2+|x|-6=0 are

(A)only one real number
(b)real and sum =1
(c)real and sum =0
(d)real and product =0

Q2. If a,b are roots of the equation x^2+qx+1=0and c,d are roots of x^2+px+1=0, then the value of
(a)q^2-p^2 (b)p^2-q^2
(c)-p^2-q^2 (d)p^2+q^2

Q3. The number of solutions of the equation 2 sin(e^2)=5^x + 5^-x is

(a) 0
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) Oo
Q4. The Quadratic equation having roots @+1,B+1 is
(a)x^2 – x+2=0
(b)x^2 -x -2=0
(c)x^2 +x+2=0
(d)x^2 +x-2=0

Q.5. Sum of the series l+ 3+ 7 + 15 + 31+ .... to n terms is-

(B) 2^(n+1)+2+n
(D) None of these

Q.6. The number of terms in the sequence 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, .... , 5050 is-
(A) 50 (B) 100 (C) 101 (D) 105

Q7. The geometric mean of three numbers was computed as 6. It was subsequently found that, in
this computation, a number 8 was wrongly read as 12. What is the correct geometric mean? (
(A) 4
(B) 2 cube root of 18
(C) cube root of 5
(D) None of these
Directions (Q. Nos. 8-10) : For the next three (03) items that follow : Let f(x) = ax2 + bx + c such that
f(l) = f(-1) and a. b, c are in Arithmetic Progression.
Q.8 What is the value of b ? (A)-1
(C) 1
(D) Cannot be determined due to insufficient data
Q.9 f' (a), f' (b), f' (c) are (A)A.P.
(D) Arithmetico-geometric progression
Q.10 f" (a), f" (b), f" (c) are
(A) in A.P. only
(B) in G.P. only
(C) in both A.I'. and G.P.
(D) neither in A.pI'. nor in  gp

Q11.If logx 4=1/4 then x is equal to:

(a) 16
(b) 64
(c) 12
(d) 256
 Q 12.If logx(0.1) =1/3,then the value of x is:
(a) 10
(b) 100
(c) 1000
(d) 1/1000

Q13.The value of log 2root3 (1728) is:

(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 9

Q14. If A = (1,2) B = (1,3) the (A xB) (B x A) is equal to

(a) {(I.3).{2.3).(3.1).(3.2).(l. l).(2.1).(l.2)}
(b) {(I,3),(3. 1) (3.2) (2.3)}
(c) {(1.3),(2.3).(3.1),(3.2).(1 1)}
(d) None of these

Q15. Let S be the set of all real numbers. Then, the realtion R={(a,b):1+ab>0} on S is
(a) Reflexive and symmetric but no1 transitive
(b) Rcflcxivcandtransi1ivcbu1no1 symmetric
(c) Symmetric, transitive but not reflexive
(d) Reflexive. transitive and symmetric

Q16. lfR {(x,y): x is exactly 7cmtaller than y).then R is

(a) non symmetric
(b) reflexive
(c) symmetric bu.t not transitive
(d) an equilvalence relation

Q17. Let R be the relation in the set (1, 2,3, 41 given by R={(l,2).(2.2),(1. 1),(4.4),(1,3),(3, 3). (3,2)}
(a) R is reflexive and symmetric but not transitive
(b) R is reflexive and transitive but not symmetric
(c) R is symmetric and transitive but not reflexive
(d) R is equivalance realation

Q18 . The sum of three positive numbers constituting an arithmetic progression is 15. If we add
1,4,19 to those numbers respectively. We get a geometric progression, then the numbers are-
(A) 2, 5, 8
(B) 8, 5, 2
(C) 5, 8, 2
(D) All of these

Q19. The A.M. of two numbers is 34 and GM is rn, the numbers are-
(A) 2 and 64
(B) 64 and 3
(C) 64 and 4
(D) None of these

Q20. Two numbers are in the ratio 1 : 1. If their AM exceeds their GM by 2, then the numbers arc
(A) 4, 1
(C) 12, 3
(B) 16, 4
(D) None of these






Q26. Which of the following was not favoured by Nehru but not favoured by Gandhiji.
a.) Truth
b.) Non-violence
c.) Untouchability
d.) Heavy industrialization

Q27. The climate in india is mainly tropical because:

a.) Of the location of himalyas in its north
b.) Major part of india lies within the tropics
c.) Of the overpowering influence of Indian ocean
d.) Of the seasonal influence of jet streams

Q28. Duncan Passage is situated between:

a.) Minicoy and Amindiv
b.) Minicoy and Maldives
c.) Little Andaman and Car Nicobar
d.) South Andaman and Little Andaman

Q29. Dyer was _____ by the government of Britain:

a.) Sentenced for life
b.) Sentenced to death
c.) Rewarded with honour
d.) Relieve of his service

Q30. The revolt of 1857 in Awadh and Lucknow was led by:
a.) Wajid Ali Shah
b.) Begum Hazrat Mahal
c.) Asaf-Ud-Daula
d.) Begum Zeenath Mahal

Q31. Among the following Union Terretories of India, which one has the largest size?
a.) Pondicherry
b.) Lakshadweep
c.) Daman and Diu
d.) Chandigarh

Q32. Match the following:

List-1 List-2
a. Moplah 1. Education
b. Akali movement 2. Turkey
c. Kashi Vidhya Peeth 3. Punjab
d. Khilafat Movement 4. Malabar

Q33. The two volcanic islands in the Indian Territory are:

a.) Kavaratti and New Moor
b.) Bitra and Kavaratti
c.) Pampan and Barren
d.) Narcondam and Barren

Q34. Ten Degree Channel is between:

a.) Dover and Calaris
b.) Alaska and Russia
c.) Little Andaman and Car Nicobar
d.) North Korea and South Korea

Q35. The freedom fighter who died in jail due to hunger strike was:
a.) Bhagat singh
b.) Bipin Chandra pal
c.) Jatin Das
d.) Shubhas Chandra Bose
Q36. Who founded Asiatic Society of Bengal:
a.) William jones
b.) Drinkwater Bethune
c.) David Hane
d.) Lord Ripon

Q37. Which one of the following states shares boundaries with the maximum of other states of
a.) Madhya Pradesh
b.) Maharashtra
c.) Assam
d.) Bihar

Q38. When a river originates from a hill and flows in all directions, the drainage pattern is known
a.) Dendritic
b.) Trellis
c.) Radial
d.) Centripetal
e.) N.O.T.

Q39. Out of the following rivers which is not the tributary of river Sutlej?
a.) Baspa
b.) Spiti
c.) Ravi
d.) None of the above

Q40. Out of the following which is the oldest mt. range:

a.) Himalyas
b.) Aravalli
c.) Satpura
d.) Eastern ghats
Q41. What is the total distance from East to West ends of Indian boundary:
a.) 3789 kms.
b.) 3000 kms.
c.) 2933 kms.
d.) 2950 kms.
Q42. Lowest point of India which is also known as Rice bowl of Kerela.
a.) Adimali
b.) Munnar
c.) Kuttanad
d.) Kattappana

Q43. The distribution of power between the centes and the states in the Indian Constitution is
based on the sceme provided in the
a.) Marley-minto Reforms 1909
b.) Montagu-Chelmsford 1919
c.) Govt. of india act 1935
d.) Indian Independence Act 1947

Q44. What will follow if a Money Bill is substantially amended by the Rajya Sabha:
a.) The Lok Sabha cannot consider the Bill further
b.) The Lok Sabha may send the bill to the Rajya Sabha for reconsideration
c.) The President may call a joint sitting for passing the Bill
d.) The Lok Sabha may still proceed with the bill, accepting or not accepting the
recommendation of the Rajya sabha

Q45. Which one of the following is the largest committee of the Parliament
a.) The committee on public accounts
b.) The committee on estimates
c.) The committee on Public undertakings
d.) The committee on Petitions
Q46. The power to increase the number of judges in the Supreme court of India is vested in:
a.) The President of India
b.) The Parliament
c.) The chief justice of india
d.) The law Commission
Q47. Which of the articles of the constitution of India safeguard one’s right to marry the person of
one’s choice:
a.) Article 19
b.) Article 25
c.) Article 21
d.) Article 29
Q48. Which of the schedule deals with the allocation of the seats in Rajya sabha:
a.) 5th Schedule
b.) 3rd Schedule
c.) 4th schedule
d.) 6th schedule

Q49. A writ issued to secure the release of a person found to be detained illegally is:
a.) Prohibition
b.) Certiorari
c.) Habeas Corpus
d.) Mandamus

Q50. According to the provision of the Constitution of India which one of the following is not a
fundamental duty?
a.) To respect the National Flag
b.) To defend the country
c.) To provide education to one’s child
d.) To promote village and cottage industries

Q51. Which one of the following is the correct electronic configuration of chlorine?
a) 2,7,8 b) 2,8,7
c) 2,8,8, d) 7,8,9
Q52. The penetrating power of X rays can be increased by
a) Increasing the current in the filament
b) Decreasing the potential difference between the cathode and the anode
c) Decreasing the current in the filament
d) increasing the potential difference between the cathode and anode

Q53. the process of the nuclear fusion in the sun requires

a)very high temperature and very high pressure
b) low temperature and high pressure
c) high temperature and low pressure
D) very high temperature and no pressure

Q54. two atoms are said to be isotopes if

a) they have same atomic number but different mass number
b) they have same number of neutrons but different mass number
c) the sum of the number of protons and neutrons is same but number of protons are
d) they have same number of neutrons but different modes of radioactive decay

Q55. consider the following statements in reference to the structure of atom

i) isotopes are the atoms of the same element having same atomic number but different
mass numbers
ii) isobars are atoms of the different elements having different atomic numbers but same
mass numbers
iii) isotopes are atoms of different elements having same number of neutrons
a) i only
b) ii only
c) ii and iii
d) all of the above
Q56. a sample of carbon dioxide that the undergoes transformation of solid to liquid and then to
gas would undergo
a) a change in mass b) a change in density
c) a change in composition d) no change in physical properties

Q57. heating of a substance results in

a) a physical change b) a chemical change
c) a physical or a chemical change d) none of these

Q58. which of the following is always during a chemical change

a)evolution of light
b)evolution of heat only
c)evolution or absorption of heat
d)no absorption and no evolution of heat
Q59. which of the following process is related to chemical change
i) movement of free electrons in copper wire
ii) electricity current passes through copper wire
iii)electric current passes through NACL aqueous solution
a) i and ii b) ii and iii
c) i , ii, and iii d) iii

Q60. statement 1- conversion of blue copper sulphate to black cupric oxide on heating is a
physical change
Statement 2 – a change in which chemical composition does not change is called physical
a) both statements are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of the statement 1
b) both statements are true but statement 2 is not the correct explanation of the statement 1
c) statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false
d) statement 1 and statement 2 are true


61. Neither India nor pakistan/are /a long way/ to walk / no error

62. Raman was/ one of those great sons of india /who has earned everlasting fame/ for scientific
researches /no error
63. Each girl /was given /a bunch of flowers /which pleased them very much /no error
64. To give any programme/ before/such a throng of sincere listeners/ is important /no error
65. On almost /every page there were announcements/ for cigrette and tobacco/no error
66. Loyal /to ones country /is the duty /of a citizen/ no error
67. I am working /at my president job /since the day/ a son was born to my brother/ no error
68. As he divided from the spring board/ he was terrified to see /that the water was drained from
the pool the previous night/ no error
69. I found this ring as i dig in the garden/ it looks very old/ i wonder whom it belongs to/no error
70. He hoped to finish /the work in the last week/ but infact/ he could not/no error


71. Six times two ………….. twelve.

a. is b. are
c. was d. were
72. slow and study …………. The race.
a. win b. wins
73. the magistrate and the collector ……………..present in the meeting.
a. was b. were
74. the council …………….chosen its president.
a. has b. have
75. Her wages…………… rs. 5000 a month.
a. is b.are


76. ………… next to………….
a. clean b. godly
77. There is …………….in old mans ………..
a. wise b. wisdom
78. Kindness: Kind:: Beauty: ………..
a. beautiness b. beautiful
79. a ………….of sailors.
80. a …………. of musician.


81. Alexander ………………. INDIA two thousand years ago. (invade)

82. a young beautiful girl ………… the train while it…………. (jump/run)
83. The director had come out of the office before I ……………. (arrived/arive)
84. the student …………….the teacher came. (had stood up/ stood up)
85. sweta has been studying in Patna womens college …………. Last year.(since/for)

Q86. In case of a compound microscope which of the following statements are correct:
(a) the focal length of the eyepiece is larger than the focal length of the objective
(b) the focal length of the eyepiece is smaller thn the focal length of the objective
(c) the image produce in a normal optical microscope is real
(d) the image produce in a normal optical microscope is a vertule
Q87. A ray of light when refracted suffer change in velocity in this context, which among the
following is correct:
(a) velocity increases as the ray passes from the rarer to a denser medium.
(b) velocity decreases as the ray passes from the denser to rarer medium.
(c) velocity decreases as the ray passes from the rarer to a denser medium.
(d) change of the velocity does not depend on the nature of medium.
Q88. an object is placed 10cm in front of the convex lens of focal length of 15 cm . the image
produce will be:
a. real and magnified b. virtual and magnified
c. virtual and reduced in size d. real and reduce in size
Q89. deviation = 180 – 2i what is the i ?
a. angle of reflection b. angle of deviation
c. reflection and deviation d. none
Q90. Relation between I, A and D ?
a. I<A<D^2 b. 1/I<A<D^2
C. BOTH A and B d. none
Q91. when mirror moves towards the stationery object with speed u the image will be move with
speed in same direction as that of the mirror.
a. u b. 2u
c. -2u d. both B and C
Q92. Optical fibre though bent in any manner allows light too pass through what is the inference
that one can draw from it ?
a. the concept that light travels in straight path is wrong
b. light can flow through the optical fibres
c. light can travel through the fibres because of their ductility
d. light can travel through the fibres due to multiple total internal reflection.
Q93. Polio vaccine was first prepared by
a. J salk b. L Pasteur
b. G j mendel d. Watson

Q94. Consider the following pairs

1.Syphilis sexually transmitted disease
2. tuberculosis BGC vaccine
3. typhoid widal test
4. gonorrhea viral disease
Q95. Which of these are correctly matched
a. 1 2 and 4 b. 1 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4 d. 2 only
Q96. Match the column 1 with the column 2 and choose the correct answer
1. colour blindness a. RBCs of patient became sickle- shaped
2. Hypertrichosis b. inability to produce melanine pigment
3. Albinism c. also known as daltonism
4.sickle cell anemia d. excessive hairs on ear pianna
a) 2 3 4 1 b) 2 3 1 4
c) 3 1 2 4 d) 3 1 4 2

Q97. the immunisation of diphtheria is done with which vaccine?

a. DPC b. CPT
c. ATS d. GTP
Q98. from which in this pneumonia transmits ?
a. oxygen b. droplet
c. vapour d. moisture
Q99. Taeniasis is treated by which method
a. Helmothick drugs b. treponema
c. Hellminithick drugs d. Haemophilis drugs
Q100. Ringworm is caused by which of these:
a. Helminthic worm b. Anthrax
b. micosporum d. dicosporum
Q101. what is the another name of Kala Azar
a. palpalis b. amoebasis
c. Escherichia coli d. leishmaniasis

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