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21/3/2022 Choose an
Month March Date Day
Class Time Attendance

Core Value Love Context Oneself Topic Health is Wealth

Skills Listening and speaking
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and
speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate
understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and nonprint
materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.
1.1.3 Able to speak confidently on related topics.
Learning Standard
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from: (b) non-linear texts
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Knowledge: Explain the importance of being physically fit for mental and emotional health.
Objectives Socioemotional: Embrace self-love by practising a healthy lifestyle for the well-being of
Action: A Exercise to maintain physical fitness for mental and emotional health.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Explain at least 2 the importance of being physically fit for mental and emotional
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Inquisitive Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21 Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Teacher distributes a circle map.
2. Pupils to write the different forms of exercises they know.
3. Pupils share their views with their shoulder partners.
4. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the connection with the topic.
5. Pupils study Alice’s and Nazhira’s routines.
Activity 1
6. Pupils answer the questions.
7. Teacher provides emoji (like and dislike) and pictures.
Activity 2 8. Pupils express their feelings and explain their likes and dislikes based on
the given pictures.
9. Teacher instructs pupils to stand up and sing the following version of “If
Activity 3 You’re Happy and You Know It” and do the actions.
10. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Remarks Choose an item.
21/3/2022 Choose an
Month April Date Day
Class Time Attendance

Give Peace A
Core Value Mutual respect Context Global Topic
Skills Listening and speaking
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and
speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard
4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate
rhymes, poems and songs.
1.1.2 Able to listen to and respond confidently to a given stimulus by using appropriate
words, phrases and expressions with the correct stress and intonation
Learning Standard
4.1.2 Able to sing songs and recite jazz chants and poems with correct stress,
pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Knowledge: State ways to ensure global peace and harmony.
Objectives Socioemotional: Appreciate national and global peace through various ways.
Action: Forge relationships with friends from other countries through letters or social
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria
1. State ways to ensure global peace and harmony.
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Inquisitive Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Teacher displays the chart and elicits response.
2. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the connection with the topic.
3. Teacher shows the “Children´s and Young People´s Rights” video clip.
4. Teacher asks pupils to create a body outline and write their rights
Activity 1
around it.
5. They then explain children’s rights to their shoulder.
6. Pupils carry out Gallery Walk activity.
7. Teacher provides statements in the speech bubbles.
8. In groups, pupils come up with responses to the given statements and
Activity 2 place sticky notes around the speech bubbles based on the questions:
 What are your rights in order to achieve the given situations?
 How do you feel when you have these rights?
9. Teacher provides the following pictures and a paper to each group.
10. Pupils create a poster and write the responsible actions that they would
Activity 3
take if they were in such situations.
11. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Reflection Choose an item.

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21/3/2022 Choose an
Month May Date Day
Class Time Attendance

Core Value Love Context Family Topic Care for One Another
Skills Listening and speaking
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and
speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard
1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to understand and
respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.
1.1.3 Able to speak confidently on related topics.
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:
(a) asking and answering questions
Learning Standard
(b) giving main ideas and supporting details
(c) stating cause and effect
(d) drawing conclusions
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Objectives Knowledge: Explain the rights of the child.
Socioemotional: Express pride when the rights of the child are protected.
Action: Be responsible in protecting children’s basic rights
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria
1. Explain the rights of the child
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Inquisitive Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21 Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Teacher displays the chart and elicits response.
2. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the connection with the topic.
3. Teacher shows the “Children´s and Young People´s Rights” video clip.
4. Teacher asks pupils to create a body outline and write their rights
Activity 1
around it.
5. They then explain children’s rights to their shoulder.
6. Pupils carry out Gallery Walk activity.
7. Teacher provides statements in the speech bubbles.
8. In groups, pupils come up with responses to the given statements and
Activity 2 place sticky notes around the speech bubbles based on the questions:
 What are your rights in order to achieve the given situations?
 How do you feel when you have these rights?
9. Teacher provides the following pictures and a paper to each group.
10. Pupils create a poster and write the responsible actions that they would
Activity 3
take if they were in such situations.
11. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet
Choose an item.
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Remarks Choose an item.


21/3/2022 Choose an
Month June Date Day
Class Time Attendance

Core Value Love Context School Topic Best Friends Forever

Skills Listening and speaking
1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to listen and respond
appropriately in formal and informal situations for a variety of purposes.
Content Standard
1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to understand and
respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.
1.2.4 Able to participate in conversations with peers
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:
(a) asking and answering questions
Learning Standard
(b) giving main ideas and supporting details
(c) stating cause and effect
(d) drawing conclusions
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Objectives Knowledge: State the importance of understanding one another.
Socioemotional: Appreciate friends of different races and ethnicities.
Action: Take the initiative to interact with friends from various races and ethnicities.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria
1.State the importance of understanding one another.
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Inquisitive Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21 Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils carry out brainstorming activity.
 Is Malaysia a multiracial country?
Pre-Lesson  Name the various races and ethnicities in Malaysia.
 Name a few festivals celebrated by the various races
2. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the connection with the topic.
3. Pupils watch a video clip of Hakim trying to fast during Ramadan.
4. Pupils discuss with their shoulder partners based on the questions given
Activity 1  What did Hakim’s friends do?
 How would you feel if you were Hakim?
 Do you have friends from a different race? Give examples of how
you can be considerate to the needs of your friends.
5. Teacher provides a situation for the pupils to brainstorm ideas.
Activity 2  Situation: You are going to have a birthday party.
 What should you consider when planning the party?
Activity 3 6. Teacher gives the class two options.
7. Pupils take the initiative to make friends with someone from a different
race or ethnicity and take a photo with them.
8. Pupils post it on VLE Frog as homework.
9. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Remarks Choose an item.
21/3/2022 Choose an
Month July Date Day
Class Time Attendance

Core Value Love Context Country Topic National Principles

Skills Listening and Speaking
1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to listen and respond
appropriately in formal and informal situations for a variety of purposes.
Content Standard 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate
understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print
materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.
1.2.4 Able to participate in conversations with peers.
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from:
Learning Standard
(a) linear texts
(b) non-linear texts
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Knowledge: Explain the National Principles in maintaining national sovereignty.
Objectives Socioemotional: Express pride in practising the National Principles for the prosperity of the
Action: Practise the National Principles in life.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria
1. Explain the National Principles in maintaining national sovereignty.
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Inquisitive Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21 Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. In groups, pupils rearrange strips of jumbled up National Principles.
2. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the connection with the topic.
3. Teacher shows a video clip to the pupils.
Activity 1 4. Teacher asks pupils to fill in the blanks with the correct National
5. Teacher reads out the following statements. Pupils stand in a row and
Activity 2 take a step forward if they perform the following actions.
6. Pupils congratulate one another at the end of the game.
7. Teacher distributes a piece of paper to each pupil.
8. Pupils trace their hands on the paper and write down the National
Principles on each finger.
Activity 3
9. Teacher appoints a pupil to stand in front of the class to lead the
10. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Remarks Choose an item.


21/3/2022 Choose an
Month August Date Day
Class Time Attendance

Core Value Love Context Community Topic Respect Everyone

Skills Listening
1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to listen and respond
Content Standard
appropriately in formal and informal situations for a variety of purposes.
1.2.4 Able to participate in conversations with peers.
Learning Standard
1.2.5 Able to talk on topics of interest in formal situations with guidance.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Knowledge: Explain the importance of providing facilities for the well-being of people with
Objectives special needs.
Socioemotional: Show concern for people with special needs.
Action: Respect the rights of people with special needs.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Explain the importance of providing facilities for the well-being of people with special
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Inquisitive Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Pupils state the facilities that should be provided to people with special
Pre-Lesson needs.
2. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the connection with the topic.
3. Teacher prepares a stack of word cards on facilities for people with
special needs (e.g. lifts, parking).
Activity 1
4. Pupils get into groups of five. Pupils take turns to respond to the word
cards they have. Pupils discuss the following questions.
Activity 2 5. Teacher gives three situations.
6. In groups, pupils discuss how they can show concern for people with
special needs.
 Simulation 1
You are standing in a crowded train. You notice someone using a
walking stick standing. The priority seating is full. What would you do?
 Simulation 2
You see a car without a valid OKU sticker parked in a disabled parking
spot. What would you do?
 Simulation 3
You are queuing to use the toilet but the queue is very long. Your friend
suggests using the accessible toilet. What would you do?
7. Teacher displays or writes a pledge on the whiteboard for pupils to read
Activity 3 aloud as a class.
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Remarks Choose an item.


Month September Date 21/3/2022 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

Core Value Love Context Oneself Topic Gadget Savvy

Skills Listening
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and
speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard
1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to listen and respond
appropriately in formal and informal situations for a variety of purposes.
1.1.4 Able to speak on related topics with guidance.
Learning Standard
1.2.4 Able to participate in conversations with peers.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Objectives Knowledge: Explain the importance of using gadgets wisely.
Socioemotional: Express pride in using gadgets wisely.
Action: Use gadgets wisely.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria
1. Explain the importance of using gadgets wisely.
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Inquisitive Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Teacher shows various gadgets and pupils name them.
2. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the connection with the topic.
3. Pupils are given pictures of gadgets.
Activity 1 4. Teacher poses questions and pupils discuss with their shoulder partners.
5. Pupils present their views.
Activity 2 6. Two pupils role-play the sample dialogue given below.
 Simulation
Mother : Son, you have been sitting here with your tablet for two hours.
Don’t you have any homework ?
Son : Yes, Mum. I’ll do it in a while. Please let me finish the game.
(Son is still playing with his tablet)
Mother : I want you to put it aside NOW and start on your homework.
7. Teacher elicits response from the pupils.
 Have you been in the same situation?
 If you were the son, what would your response be?
8. Teacher appoints a pupil to stand in front of the class. The pupil is asked
Activity 3 to lead the pledge.
9. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.


21/3/2022 Choose an
Month October Date Day
Class Time Attendance

Appreciate Our Past

Core Value Happiness Context School Topic
Skills Listening and speaking
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and
speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard
1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.
1.1.3 Able to listen to and respond to a given stimulus by using appropriate words, phrases
and expressions with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:
(a) asking and answering questions
Learning Standard
(b) giving main ideas
(c) giving supporting details
(d) sequencing
(e) predicting
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Objectives Knowledge: State the contributions of past leaders to the community.
Socioemotional: Appreciate the contributions of past leaders.
Action: Emulate the attitude and love shown by the past leaders for the country.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria
1. State the contributions of past leaders to the community.
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Inquisitive Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Teacher asks pupils to name the leaders shown in the pictures.
2. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the connection with the topic.
3. Pupils carry out group activity.
4. Teacher provides each group a stack of cards that consists of titles,
Activity 1
pictures of leaders and their contributions.
5. Pupils match the cards
Activity 2 6. Teacher asks pupils to show their appreciation to the Prime Minister for
his contribution.
7. Pupils are given a choice to createcards /posters /poems
8. Pupils carry out group activity.
9. Each group is given a few cards with character traits of a leader written
on them.
Activity 3
10. Pupils write the actions that show how these character traits are
practised in their daily lives.
11. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.


21/3/2022 Choose an
Month November Date Day
Class Time Attendance

Core Value Love Context Oneself Topic Health is Wealth

Skills Listening and speaking
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and
speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate
understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and nonprint
materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.
1.1.3 Able to speak confidently on related topics.
Learning Standard
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from: (b) non-linear texts
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Knowledge: Explain the importance of being physically fit for mental and emotional health.
Objectives Socioemotional: Embrace self-love by practising a healthy lifestyle for the well-being of
Action: A Exercise to maintain physical fitness for mental and emotional health.
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria
1. Explain the importance of being physically fit for mental and emotional health.
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Inquisitive Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Teacher distributes a circle map.
2. Pupils to write the different forms of exercises they know.
3. Pupils share their views with their shoulder partners.
4. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the connection with the topic.
5. Pupils study Alice’s and Nazira’s routines.
Activity 1
6. Pupils answer the questions.
7. Teacher provides emoji (like and dislike) and pictures.
Activity 2 8. Pupils express their feelings and explain their likes and dislikes based
on the given pictures.
9. Teacher instructs pupils to stand up and sing the following version of “If
Activity 3 You’re Happy and You Know It” and do the actions.
10. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Remarks Choose an item.


21/3/2022 Choose an
Month January Date Day
Class Time Attendance

Core Value Mutual respect Context Society Topic Road Safety

Skills Listening and speaking
1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to listen and respond
Content Standard
appropriately in formal and informal situations for a variety of purposes.
1.2.4 Able to participate in conversations with peers.
Learning Standard
1.2.5 Able to talk on topics of interest in formal situations with guidance.
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Knowledge: Describe the importance of abiding road traffic laws
Socioemotional: Be aware of road traffic laws
Action: Abide the traffic laws
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria 1. Describe the importance of abiding road traffic laws

Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Inquisitive Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Teacher elicits response from the pupils on the following road signs.
2. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the connection with the topic.
Activity 1 3. Pupils watch a video clip and answer questions posed by the teacher.
4. Pupils carry out group discussion.
Activity 2 5. Teacher gives each group a few questions and answer cards.
6. Pupils match each question card with the correct answer card.
7. Teacher asks pupils to role-play a traffic situation.
8. Pupils are given different roles to play. e.g. pedestrians, traffic
Activity 3 policemen, cyclists, motorists.
9. Pupils role-play by following the traffic signs.
10. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.


21/3/2022 Choose an
Month February Date Day
Class Time Attendance

Core Value Responsibility Context Oneself Topic I Have the Right

Skills Listening and speaking
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and
speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard
1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to understand and
respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.
1.1.3 Able to speak confidently on related topics.
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:
(a) asking and answering questions
Learning Standard
(b) giving main ideas and supporting details
(c) stating cause and effect
(d) drawing conclusions
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Knowledge: Explain the rights of the child.
Socioemotional: Express pride when the rights of the child are protected.
Action: Be responsible in protecting children’s basic rights
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria
1. Explain the rights of the child.
Teaching Aids Textbook, speaker, flashcards, worksheets

Higher Order Thinking

21st Century Skills Inquisitive Skills (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning Cross - Curricular Elements Language
21st Century Classroom Teaching and Learning Activities Lyrical Lessons

Learning Outlines Impact

1. Teacher displays the chart and elicits response.
2. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation and the connection with the topic.
Activity 1 3. Teacher shows the “Children´s and Young People´s Rights” video clip.
4. Teacher asks pupils to create a body outline and write their rights
around it.
5. They then explain children’s rights to their shoulder.
6. Pupils carry out Gallery Walk activity.
7. Teacher provides statements in the speech bubbles.
8. In groups, pupils come up with responses to the given statements and
Activity 2 place sticky notes around the speech bubbles based on the questions:
 What are your rights in order to achieve the given situations?
 How do you feel when you have these rights?
9. Pupils complete the exercises given by the teacher.
Activity 3
10. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion about the topic.
Follow-up Actions Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet Worksheet

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Remarks Choose an item.

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