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How to speak so that pe…


Julian Treasure is the chair of the Sound Agency, a

firm that advises worldwide businesses – offices,

retailers, hotels on how to use sound.


Sometimes you talk and get the feeling that noone

is listening. Julian starts by listing the ‘7 deadly sins’

of conversation – basically people don’t want to

listen if you are doing this

1. Gossip (speaking about people who aren’t

present, and probably saying nasty things

about the listener later)

2. Judging (judging the person you are speaking

to, and finding them wanting)

3. Negativity (negative outlook)

4. Complaining (achieves nothing)

5. Excuses (passing problems of the world on to

everyone else)

6. Lying

7. Dogmatism (mixing up facts and opinion)

However there are 4 positive, powerful ways to

improve your conversation style – summarised as


Honesty – be true and clear with what you


Authenticity – be yourself, stand in your own


Integrity – do what you say, be trustworthy

Love – wish people well

You can also look at how you say it – tools in your

speech patterns to enhance your speech.

Register – a deeper voice from the chest

speaks with more power and authority.

Timbre – how the voice feels or sounds –

distinct from tone or loudness.

prosody – the sing-song or up and down of

the movement – opposite of montonous.

Some problems are an upward inflection at

the end of every sentence to make

everything a question?

Pace- a rapid pace, then slowing down for

emphasis. Or just pausing occasionally can

be very powerful.

Pitch – a higher pitch can make you sound

more excited

Volume – quiet to make people lean in and

pay attention, louder can also show

excitement. Don’t broadcast loudly all the


Finally he discusses 6 vocal warmup exercises – to

get you ready before you need to talk. This includes

breathing, making noises with lips, ‘rapberries’,

lalala on tongue, practising a rolled ‘r’, and moving

through the whole range of pitch.

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4 thoughts on “Julian Treasure: How to speak so that

people want to listen”

BoogieStik says:
February 2, 2016 at 2:46 pm

An additional reason people don’t want to listen:

Narcissism (talking about yourself, or about topics
that involve or interest yourself only)

The more you talk about things others are

interested in, multiplied by the value you bring to
those topics, the more others will want to listen.


Pingback: How To Use Your Presentation Skills To Be A

Great Leader

razib says:
October 29, 2017 at 12:40 am

sumarry please


Pingback: Why You Need To Equip Your Vocal Toolbox -

Noomii Career Blog

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