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Mackensey Beale Journal update #3

The past week has been very successful and exciting for me. I had my first meeting with the 8-
year girl who I am mentoring who has IBD. I have met her a couple times due to having first
meets to have permission from my parents as well as mine to be able to have these meetings
since I am under 18. This zoom call was extremely successful. She was a bit shy at the start, but
we played lots of different games which definitely got her more comfortable and to open to up.
During the call I asked her a couple questions to ask how she's feeling to let her know she is not
alone and has me as someone else closer to her age who gets it. That same week I had my first
training session with WCK. I was a lot more nervous for this one since I was working with
people knew what they were doing and this my first every experience doing this. In the end, I
had lots of fun and I got many chances to interact with the children and was very excited for my
next session. We did similar things I did with the 8 year old girl like playing games and talking
about how we are feeling.

For over the winter break, I will be doing more zoom calls and hopefully be able to complete
the rest of my hours that I need for the capstone. (I am half way their) This includes finishing
the last training session and then start my own zoom hangouts for WCK as well as doing more
peer mentoring with the 8 year old girl. I am hopping I can get a good amount of more hours
done and go through the other games and activities that I came up with the research I did while
I was waiting to hear from other people. With enough hours during winter break I will be able
to start the final presentation. (PowerPoint) This is also something I would like to get a good
base done before returning back to school. By having enough experience I’ll get a sense of how
things went and be able to report it with my final PowerPoint. I am not exactly sure how many
zoom calls I will be able to do during everyone's crazy schedule during the holiday, but I will try
my best.

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