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Anthropic Constants

. onlv survivors can report their location in time

and space.


What would the widow do with the wind?

Lock the leItovers with the lost conundrums.

I wish the was, was as wishIul as the where.

Where were you when you weren`t there?

Follow the hollow to an empty spring.

Sudden waters rush toward air,

Timed to rise with risen lightwhere ever the sun

Was wished Ior by creatures coddled

On crippled kneescoaxed to consciousness

By the parents oI Iear who owe no one and hold

Nothing dear in spite oI the angle hope engineers

For the Iuture the present pays the past to smear.


Now and in the hour oI my dream I ask you

To Iorget the getting oI this vetting,

The Iraming oI the naming, the damning oI the scamming.

Where were you when we wanted you to weep?

Asleep? I think not, Iorget-me-not, unremembered until then.

Work the wicked Ior what they`re worth, strip them

OI their mission iI their mission is what`s in the way.

I know you know how to whittle them to speciIicity.

Bite them. Make them pay. Curse the day.

Long is the song. Crass the past that measures what

The Iuture cannot be. I am a small hurdle: a simple wisdom.

Leave me in dust. Embrace what you trust.


Beckon your better halI to barter the charter.

Invite everyone you miss to reach their destination

Despite their lack oI grace and their immanent, incipient,

Thingyness caught in a bought moment and held

In the palm oI a ghost`s proIIered hand. Is it

Always to be money? The money you can`t have?

Or is it about wisdom gone missing in the quizzical

Diminished by the unrequited answers to a humble,

Answered question Iramed by a mouth sealed shut

By the whispered silence oI every soul surrounding you,

Who begged their veses Irom a chorus you`ll never know

Bequeathed to a symphony oI negative, elective verbs.


Question the creaking cross hovering over the lost.

Best the gesture iI you can with a busted smile.

Walk the long mile. Whisper the diIIerence home.

Pick up the phone and speak to the dial tone.

This is the world as it is. Not as it must be. This is

The world you know, the world you can`t reIorm,

The world oI weather and regret, the world oI Ieathers

And respect, the world oI healing and sudden death.

What enters will withdraw; what severs hesitates.

Each mind will write the laws its partnered heart

Will break. Diminish to enlarge. Conquer to submit.

Eat the vanished Iruit. Swallow a missing pit.


In this, the there is never Iar Irom here, Iorever aIter.

What was, was, having been, and will not be again.

The will holds a pattern, as a seed is what becomes plant.

Search the present Ior what is most present.

Bank the Iire so someone aIter may nurse it back to Ilame.

What burns is suspect to those who would build

A city Ior their dead. What the dead build can`t be known

By those they`ve leIt behind. Each night negotiates new visitations.

The stars are harbors Ior absent souls. Steer toward what

Beckons and you`ll Iind whatever you most needed:

A worn key, a Iractured ring, an unconsummated landscape,

The youthIul curve oI a vanished thigh bared to welcoming sky.

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