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When we finish high school, we have to start thinking about our future path in life. Today,
the world and career paths are so diverse that really anyone with a bit of ambition can do an
interesting job or run their own business. However, you should be aware that after high school you
don't have to immediately look for a job or create your own small businesses. If you have far-
reaching plans or need time to think about the future while developing yourself further, it is worth
choosing studies that give you an easier start into the future and thanks to them you will broaden
your horizons.
when we look at the list of students of many popular universities, we will see many
foreigners. This is due to several factors, including the financial situation of the family. In many
countries, education, especially after the primary level, is paid, and the amounts are really
staggering. Such a picture of reality often forces students to go to study in a country where studying
is not paid, and the family pays only for housing and food to minimize the costs.
on the other hand, students do not leave for financial reasons, but higher education
institutions in their country are at a weaker level and going abroad gives them great opportunities to
gain experience or specialization in a given field. thanks to this, students also gain experience with
living independently in another country and broaden their horizons with companions and in a given
field of science.
thanks to many programs dealing with organizing student exchanges or trips to another
country in high schools or colleges, many people got the opportunity to explore the world, develop
their scientific careers, learn about culture, meet new friends or participate in lectures by
international stars in all fields of science.
To sum up, risk going to study in another country, even for an academic year, because it gives
huge advantages in scientific and mental development, but you have to do it with your head because
it is easy to fall victim to fraud or crime as a new person in a new country. Remember to read a lot
about where you are going before deciding who you are going with and taking care of all the smallest
formalities and try to have a person whom you trust and can help each other in a crisis situation.

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