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Opening paragraph

 Some people seem to think that….

 Some people believe/maintain/claim/agree that…
 It is generally believed that…
 Many people agree that…
 It is common knowledge/view that…
 It is hard to deny that…
 It seems clear…
 It is certainly true that…
 There is no doubt that…
 There is denying that…
 Nobody can deny that…
 It is often claimed that…

Giving examples
 For example, ….
 For instance, ….
 Such as…
 In particular, … (w szczególności, zwłaszcza)

Results of something
 As a result of it, …
 As a consequence, …
 Therefore, … (dlatego też, więc)
 Thus, … (tym samym, tak oto, dlatego też)
 Consequently, … (a co za tym idzie, w rezultacie)
Introducing another argument for or against the solution
 What is more, …
 Moreover, …
 Furthermore, …
 In addition to this, …
 Additionally, …
 Besides this, …
 I should also be remembered that…
 Similarly, …

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