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Questions 1
1. Determine the cointegrating vector from the table of Brent and WTI oil prices.
The cointegrating vector at 5% significance level is r=0, r ≤ 1, r ≤ 2, r ≤ 3.

2. Any differences in the trace and maximum eigenvalue of Johansen and Juselius (1990)

Yes. In terms of the trace and the greatest eigenvalue, there is a difference between Johansen and
Juselius' conclusions. When the significance level is 5%, there are 4 cointegrating vectors for the
trace test, but there are only 3 cointegrating vectors when the significance level is the highest.
Eigenvalue analysis When compared to the trace test, the result for the greatest eigenvalue is
equally modest.

3. From no 2 answers – which one to choose? Trace or Maximum Eigenvalue as to

determined the cointegrating relationship.

Trace test is to be chosen to determine the cointegrating relationship.

4. How many variables actually involved for the estimation?

2 variables involved which are the Brent and WTI oil prices

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