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Mam Hafsa Ali
In this task we collected the data from different people to know about their opinion towards general
elections. For this purpose we created a google form which consists of some questions from which
know know about them what they thought about genenral election and which party they are going to
support and why they are going to support them.

Total responses
we collected the data of 23 person.Most of them are young generation.Their age lie between 18-30.
Expection from elections
here are some point which we get from our survey that what people expect from general elecions
• Nothing
• No expectation . I just wanna leave Pakistan
• I have no interest
• I hope Pti will win
• Expecting to make a fair election and people can select their leader but unfortunately its not
• One sided
• My expectation is election is very bad because not apply democracy
• Imran khan wil win
• huge turnover for Imran khan
• It will bring employment for the educated people on merit base, and it will invest high on
improving education system.
• no expectations
• Great expectations.It will bring stability in pakistan
• nothing
• It is good for our country
• Pmln in power
• Good
• Nothing
Vote deciding factor
• almost 61 % people deciding their vote on the basis of education of their leader.
• Approx. 9 % people deciding their vote on the basis of their family.
• 5% people deciding their vote on the basis of gender.
• 5% people decided that they will not participate in voting.
Party they are going to supporting
• Almost 70 % people decide to support PTI .
• 17.4 percent people decide to support PMLN.
• almost 5 % people decide to support PPP.

Here are some points that says why they are going to support their party.
• Because PTI is the original and Authentic party
• They are good thieves than PTI and PPP.
• Because i love the slogan that "shair, shair ay"
• Better than others party leader 😂
• Its a youth party
• The reason behind supporting is that all other parties were corrupted and ruined the country
from past many years but although PTI is much better then all other parties
• because imran khan is doing great job for Pakistan and whole Muslim nation
• PTI is mature Party
• I didn't support any party
• Imran khan isTrue leader
• I love PTI
• PTI is more capable and educated
• The programs started for students and fresh graduates were excellent such as Ehsaas scholarship
for BS students, also the health facilities were better than the previous governments, and PTI
issued the Health Cards for the needy ones.
• because the PTI will support pakistani nation nicely and work hardly to cgange its fate
• PTI to eliminate curruption from Pakistan
• I hope in future he will do something better than PMLN
• Because Imran Khan can improve our country and students to be respected
• I'm totally against parliamentery system
• I think pti better than other party
• Because Imran khan is great leader in from present political leaders
• Pakistan's economy will be stable as pmln is one of the mature and working party for Pakistan
• Because i think PTI is better then others

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