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No. Name of the x
Experiment Page Date of Date of
No. Experiment Submission
0M o 0bUwA Remarks
sh: Vanuahon.o1-5
o ivn aeno
|with vanyiy uunmuntNalana
and drau-V Cunast_ardid
-lame Am aph
0lo contNutt a pokmhal 6-9
dividan uth the holp a
NhanAtak and a battiny
and un it o eniy ohmo

03 lo ird she valus da glven 10-13

unnhru by y a makra

D4o tyac dha Unoea on 4-12

n ada dus to_a ba
mapho placaod in sho mgprohk
midian_w sh hoth_
pele pointi horsh anol
In d e x
S. Page Date of Date of
Name of the Experiment Remarks
No. No. Experiment Submission

05 Toaca tha Unun of farea18-2

on cnt. end sa /ven kac
mapnt, placad in vhe
maAnhc mAlclan_wsh
ih aouth pele polnhi
h a r mask_ h e
ouhon nutNalpoint.|
06 o dobtamina ulthve idn 2.23
mattrlal af.a plam
Mab by pn mohod
o dekenmina argle o
minimum_ closíahon for a gveh 2-A
im by plotipe a Naph
behueantha arela inldnta
and sha angla doNiahon
ano talculak vhe_reprahue
inda hu aknlal de



Expt. No.011 Page No. 0 1

Aim o she enpunumuntlo obnu sth vaniahlm of potenha

(ID anodnaw VCun aroinol tha Valu oaven
NUAam NO Haph
Apbanahun a n maknialn NeauiNud-
atteny ünmn ,volhmatn, NLLaaneA , theAlat, ky
tnechirg i and Aanal paupun
he o
Dhm2 lous Atal_Sha sha.emptahoe tamaining-
Lonsan th_unnum(I) louuing though LMduch
CA prLo porhmal o tha voltgeV achosa it hus»

o V= IR
bhens RK calle the NLamncs e conducnr.

S I ploterl alora X-ana andi Valong Yama ha

oraph hdulslbe AtaighE ins paire_hogh he
0igin.Th Mabeof sh taph macung ha
NeLanneL CR)) ok h Landuchr

4 )Gruie diqanam a dnausn Ahown in h a

(2) h hant coum and en annon o heammelen

and she Vlmettn ananúed.

Teacher's Signature
K Rh

W W W M -

6a) Cirwt diapram

Expt. No. 01
Page No. 02

(3)h ends o tha jainina wu ane clannd anol he

u U anA Colek The Vanlou Chnponami o he wE
OAn CmnLckeckas Ahoun in 6gtb).7he ammaen
LAOmectt In Aunts h
|LonLcktc vh Nubuaonc uth ii pmih
knminal _dowandn the bouiue the butteny /Emakn
A LmnLctelpanallel o R Auch hat Cunnant emkrs
a i AALh fenminal

) koy inunkd and the Aaontat u adjuskel fnr

Amall unnunti_cunnenk t nu incauased by
AmallAtps (0,2 amp Aay y aduntin rhaohka
kor Dch Valus Vhu wnnasnt volemakn_ladiptn
raken hve Duch NLadinn_ anafakum

b) ha pnoum i_Naptakcd om hs laat uadivg ihe lhemanu

b unnem= by eApal eps,a uaD elons in Lans of
innument.hu_ mian he_huo cAMneApANding MadinpA
volkmeHr_for inuanie DY olenaanpy urnLnt_ia colerula Rel

Exmanta dta.'

Ammten als =0m A

Volkmaken Aals = 0.2

Ammatun= 0 _ A
Voltmahn= 0 V
Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. 01 Date

Page No. Z

No. dr Ammuk Nadin

VoLmak Mindie (vol)
obh. (aumb)
nCnun Aan
0.290A 2.6
2 2.6V 2.6v
.280A 2.4 2.yV
3 0.140A 2.4V
0. 110A
1.4V 1.4V 1.4V
0.8V 0.8V 0.3V
5 0.035A 0.6V 0. 6V 0.6V

3labla ar Vauahm foknhal dop uch unnumt

|Plottirg o gtaph A praphh plottel byaking S.
diuions alonpX-anla= 0.1 amp anol 50 dvions
alorg -ania 1 vott
AAAnaight ind panng Yhouph the oxpun u ohaind
A ADint Ph_ak1m _m ths taph. lbs coomlinatm ane[0lE, 1.4)-

)-VCutANe La thaghr Imples Yhak She Lunnen

anM hi conduchnr and thuus znabluhs hmn kaus

) h Nobnancu o h Lmduth0r

- 8.23.0

Teacher's Signature.
Expt. N o . 0 1

Page No. 0 4

4 LonnLthons Ahoula btght
T h ammahn Mald b
csonAchek_in nun and he
vollhnuhn n_ paallul in tiuuiE Vha

) Ponihve tnminals a h ammakn ansd yha Vpltmekrn

hould b_tsnhicttd th poAtict 0of Vhe batteny
h) lha Nange 0 ha VoLEmata hold bs ange han h
em og hL bottuy

5) h plya Ahnuldbt inunkel mly whil_faking

ebrenwaham Avaid LnnicMany kah in h

6) Th unknnwn uwtane Moulolmre bih Valuus n_

Lnfanusan do She inknnal tuiaamci th coll nso

Sounus o ennor

(L) Th NMLamel moy thanR du so bmaA CLunun

dhtDugh it,
(2 AL um kh0Dn Nattmss_may b dMo Lnuw

(3 Rhaonat ma haare gh tarAatanco

Teacher's Signature.
Expt. No. 0L
Page No. 05

L)h inntmuMint AUneun may be Loons

Teacher's Signature

Page No. 06
Expt. No. 2

Aim o
Shu C.xpuiment
cliuielen. uuth
the halp a
and uns i t do Uiby
a thevaar anol battny

matnlal nesuud
Appanahs and
a m m e t u , v o l m e h e _ a n d

Rhuosat_a pnemhial divisdn diu'den,
A Hhaodta cam be wLsl
ows a pokmthal i n e A t D
whenib enminals A and 8 an
pokmhlal i s L e n n a d
in ciguiE uhan tha
anom aminal Aunol B, unnen
hum olapend
enhrtl_onpth he uu a
pmihionb lidipp Lsntact [S) amy
dosio pokntal diteneml tam

L d u s o r and
he CLnnun Llouuing through

u atnoM Auo_Lnds, Shen_ccomi

he pokenbal Ulenana
do ohm au=
0r V= RI
NnLatanci of heLmeluc»?
uhan R _ a csnntant,calluek
_s plottrd bshuten Vand I i tÁould he a
Dhtaipht line.

Teacher's Signature.


Expt. No. 02
Page No. 0 t

Th iruit diaeam n dnouusn _n aho uon n

FeB and tha
apbanahus u annange clIuun knmnals vhe buttny u n
LSOneckd do Tha ixedd knmihals
tha ehuotat On
eno thu_ ennal g r u l t
cnheckel do tna nlidiy
Cmac tnminal , whlu iboShun Lhd a wmnicked m_
a kixecl ttnminal_o dha nhanAkat
h e ammlmetn_ta
Lmhickelin unLs_ui th Vha2
tistames uuhm i panitive taminal ousands the paiki
0shbatteys Qnd h voltmeten tmiskelin panall
Uuth h Nugusame uch thah uunnemk emtnaAi6
pomihirt minal. Thu2nn ennar in ammekn and volknka
i n noked..

Play ky kin inmLnedl and Vha NhonAat_ta adjuntes

Do h a unnene LouusthHeugh ihe NAiatamce. Kaadngs
th volEnekn und ammmahun ane Nordd

3)yadjunkig Vhedidipg LOntac o Vhe themaE

unenE_p incnLousl dm ammaken uoLPmaku Hadings ane
4)BemA obAunnahns ana takm_Amlanty yInCnAau
Th CurAem shtOuph_ha Nexan
LanE cOwnt 6h ammekn10mA
AOat cOunE d Volbnctn=0.2V
Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. 0 2
PageNo. O3

Zno Annor og ammatun, e 0 A

nD Un ok Nolmetn, e, 0 V

Tab for amman and voltapa. Maadi'nn

VolkmatUn NaadsreV) Ammaun uodinp CA)

Obsnnrd rnecked Coruueedd
Vo V Vot(-e) To I Io +(-e,)
2.2 2.2 0.25 0.250
2 1.8 1.8 0.2 O.2
1.4 1.4 0.27 0.17
0.8 D.8 0.1 0.1
1.2 1.2 0.15 045
6 0.3 0.3 0.035 0.035

Kaul Xana
AAoaph_in_plotted bhuun llarodL, lhking Valono
amd alongYani The etaph_tsmen do be _aaktaigh
n cA AhDun_inigune

Sinu thu taph bthuum Vand 1 4a Ahtaigh Une
pottmhal ikAMLL qLnon_hL unduchor i buoparboral
co th unnnk (luLina sdhrouphiJE6 h Nakmnt
D OhmA l a w

Teacher's Signature.
Expt. No. 0 2
Page No. 09

0 lbnneehons dhoulel be thighE
RDThe ammaktn Nhoulod he umnachol in Mnies 0Lmd
hn volEma is panall in tha crult
fanibi ttnminals o th ammattn_and tha voltnen
MALdLba tnnichel m the poniiie tha batteny

ha Nang dYha valhmatn _phould b lanan Shan vhi

ern og dhi batteny

(5)Th pluA dhoulal ba inunkd only uhils king-

Dbehalahand o awoid uoneciAAan htatira in dhe u u .

(Tha unknoun MIAtamcs Moulsl hae high Wlu in

a L uhto
LAmbeLnm co dhu inknnal Natanee h a

Teacher's Signature,
Ept.No. 03

Him B sha. Page No. 40

by uinaexpinúmant: laind
merNL bHidge. tho. valut
oa. gi ven ruuhna
ApnAru ard matuual
agaluanömehut A mttNL buldga.
unknduun_ NUNLA Mn NLNhne bnxa ockay kclanth ull
tOnmethng ua anol Aand
uay ky
b a umknuin_NLanu
nmitN ONidg Whil a Xu Lonnitkel b ths ight Jap
knouon Niinbnid R onmukd
X= Workingomula-
tuhen L_tu the
beulanaipa urgth he mehre bda
)The druik iaptom. u_drauwn
And ha apmahus_tn
Aangd atcoydlin ANembly diapmam.
h ConnAchn uwNtn_arA cluanel ak vhA endu Lu h
aben h unknouon tuMaamte (X u connaekd o the Mna
g t h briclp A Nuumtanee box
Lou Hange
LOnnukel bihuun hand L huoLYh a cm uay ky
and _A-
oglAannmlttn n LOnniekd thatamDand haouky
3)SmNUNinanc uakan OupAOm hL HULatanu box-
And tha kuy K nanke h de,taoklon of,dhs galuanomttu
Teacher's Signature

00- C

Expt.N o . 0

Page No. 41

o k y sing d jockey ar Yhe.

. he cxhtme. dgh tha.
de{uth tn aN opaai , vha brudge.
onntchons o alrught.
4).The. ocky u alidtd
mtly alone tha. una frsm L
h galuanomika givh no lelechen. 7hn bolnt 4t toto rnigt
0ckey outhing Vhs tuinu ,h hulL polnt 8. Llhni he
) An ahbhiali Valu df R
he nulL
dhe nu point h
thanun_ Mom tha box thaE
uushin 45 h 5Scm tha buudge uune
The oAihen poink Buhokel
toknow length AB=l.
Fcu Auch
0bUnuah.an_ANL fakun ythanging
Rin th Akp t L thn. Vhe Valus oF

AL ObeNLahni_ANLMúLorela.

Tobl ON UnkhoLun_lun ameL

No. RuwhneL ambalaniry ungth Xinpth Unkrown

o dh NDataneA6 B(100-) NUNAtancL
ths.boxR (2) lcm) ltm) X=lno-R

R5 32.5 G5 X= 104
R+1 36.3 63.4 X= l0.5 1o.62
R+2 39.00 61.00 X=10.3
|4Rt3 42. 57.4 Xy j0. 7


Expt. No. 03
Page No. 12

Nea NtnanetsX =
Xt X2t XtXy 10.62
rLCauh ons

7h CeDLLhensAhnuld hghE ends dhe CuunL aand


kvminals t accenb.ONden Ahould be Nubbeo uth and fapen.

Q) Thu blugs should bi k1pk clou
enly uhun the adina
hsing taken, 0hLzuAL unnLcessanyhsahing ulll_chang h

b h null point_Dhaulel aluayn be obtainel nuanth md

ubila maving to nd o , tha jochy Ahould hot huch

h uM AAughouk, buk ddould be

)ulindino hull peint, ha aliding Lontac Ahaud no

ba teMed doo hand.
NOut etNDT

A) The bruidge uu may no uniorm cxoN-mal

|Q4A thuoughou 6 Lomath

(tno LOLchcn Thi mial AbNips_hane DOma Nasintamt

tukich i nuluhd. Moneann h_Lndpalnta a Vhe uulNe
Ane sthoaL h DLal maynob coinlelsLDuu o thana
Acm NOND Ar aluuayn bNLrÁM ah vÁi Cndn hN budos
Teacher's Signature.
Page No. 1 3

Thac arne Called no vrarts Ard Vhe. co-Ubondiy truACha

an Callel_Und
A hnA anu jumchcms_t dimimílar majula in thetíruuik
thortmoem m be dontlobed, To eliminak dhu 48ec
obNnMb'oms AhDuld be _made alkn NVUal 4 Yh tunuA
Thin ia Non byusip aLmuamr Thua t o r ti

4Thnaay B AmL_eNLO du ho hen-oinidon.u

dhe indem nank, mel sha cohka poin thejukey..
Toelimiah hinabtnuohens a
sheMoMatunrL in duo gapr. lh th
nada 24kn ínkodagy
taAA the uuRr.kiy
X = R wuhene un balanuiy lungth,-

Ca The nuthinln Auitabla bniy hodnak NLaant,
for n high oUeny Lnus tesstamahs brldlga.becomus
Ntn_muLh_imEnuit ancd Yhu The NoLilA becomi
2 The NANulE Dbtainaclby thu method Aubjech_oernOX
elus to a)enol Nianet4 (b)non:winticdanu tvh end
point y thuusL e thon YA Antals and (c)
bud Aelaenin t h t u i n usthmaal Akrips

Teacher's Signature.

Expt. No. 04
Page No.24

Aim o dh exptrdmim .
T0 bxate heintn eLOnL on_en Ade de o a
ban mant, placad _in Vhe_magnehc. meniddian Luth i
nth pnle poinhrg hooth and nank hA poihom nauhreal

Appsnahn and maktnlal

Dan maanab, npam hudleAhae o: uthik eahin
drauin4 boand and bNau pins, ahanb pentil And pite

Amaunible intf faneu u a ure ihmpnthe
uch dhar a fangnk toit ak any paínk glyes she-
diLcon t h masnbe All Ak thar poiba
lhu dinachon c ihe auun ea l y puabendar maphahe
necll Ats shi dinechon-NALLtant{lelcl. { the AuLekessivr
ihons oh hudle dHL found_ut Mom m no t
a mapharb hs athn bnd a lina ta drauon_tuull

luhil bNa.cing th Unad e onu in a mgpnahe /elel du to

mggnet u om . acnam pointa uuhant vhe elel_duu t
moynot and the honinypnkalL intniy eanthl4 fitlel arza
nuurNalied by LAch_hen, Such poinaAng LallLs nLuhrol
point A_Lompanhudlu placucd a thiad point knda m
Mamainin_anydinthon in uuhyeh ih cakipt.
hor N pele. a_mapndh peinirg theLeaphítal hghy.
numalPolnt L on hepnpenaliulan biuukor ba iz lunylh.

Teacher's Signature
Expt. No. O4 Dato

Iha pabun ia ixel m
x A manahc Aubmnnvhe boand uslng bun pins oTick
Tha mapnat _Memaed blacud
ouun t b h hapn amd i NummthhiLally niur h
uting_ta daun
lhemaAns NimAne TheUmbau
dh ouuti'he and sthe bounol n Nomkd nluedle ea plarael tuithin
bu the enpth dhe
NLdlA Anol tha he auhlin an exachy panallne
DLCh Ohih Zhe boundary t the baand u now mankeel
uth Aplec t Choldk
e mapnat a blacud iain the 0unline ith nadfh
pele poinhrg uanda sha qoaphlal anata.7he maphtt
tn hou alona dhe maenath nunidan..

6 The ompam hudl blacnd nian h N=pela the

mapherlulhn hL n u d Cmua o NunEith felKen t
mantuc by tun alnta bu denll
Tha nudh u hen sAitkd o a ponlhon uch thak
ADuth bol utn m dh dlok errupitd by the noath poli.
Lnal hoath pela
ua pHLwiounly:DtHnpondineh he
hlu te A0Luth
anodhn dot i put Thih promh ribiakd
Y L maphik t NeaLhid.

CAuL he mankuA puini aN nouw jondel by dlrauuirg

an aunnau
h a n dCLAlla dinmthon_a
inditatrd by
Teacher's Signature.
Expt. No. 04

mank Page No.

HOmhoavh do
Duth.7hun na. n o fonu th mappd
shemapha htanhp9
in h üna 0 omon vanlounpotnti
pbe haly bha and plotue uun tho
Ld.A aucesa/Nel
A linenan
dinanc om the. dnaLon placinp she_ nLuslrg a (haun
maphaE Thu inh
odhe eanthm maAneiehtded. ONL

Au dua
bounded by foun nenthune u A Abars uhith
sthii cunvatuns beiny tu_nianly
hunhid: opponiky
Tha uponh the nuukral 6pink
OLLane AHAUOn_hian thia m aupimNone
l l hfOun
Cu2vil nnan uodni lakaal ulU_ b koN med onta
bu the
Unu of fOHULlulidhin sthin tha bundany the Lmpan
th nnuhnapolnthu nudl no ajfuekel by
elhen h Auo Aelda_hunu.
maLmhahenun onu bn_ane alele a han
the eniaph
mapher ulth i6 noth pale painhna OLUOLnd
-Lal hoath.Nuwhtal pnính A r s ouaked_m the pnpendi-
ulanbneehor o the luny th Vha mapnu

Teacher's Signature,

Expt. No. 0 Page No.

na Cauh ona
(1 The Dhould be no mapnahc maknal in vhe Vítnity 7 hi
mayna Onauungpins ahoulel b._made bMaA
( uhileblotting dhe inn fonu the poshen bemade
dNaLulhgb0aa 0 ha dhe hemapha Ahould
DHAA im_no lanL b diakunbld

Shs Unen _bnu ahould be inditakd.

6 Th dinachens t
luithin h e
A)Tlanu Unin D Mu Ahould be_auun
nuhnalboink ulon
phoulol inhrnecE a k anypn.
5)No huw lina fona
C)aanehe huelle t h e Lonpaum houlal he Compleky

Teacher's Signature.

Fpt. No. 0D5

Page No.

im dh expuime nt
To ta the inen tf ONLe MOnt erd
A nn
beur maAna, placed in vhe maphahc mnidan uulth i
Seuth pola, poinKrg hoth and mank_ the pauhn huukrtal
ppanahn and matuiala auNAA
aun matnik, pmpam nudla, Dhsak tf Lwhik babin,
drauing boandlAna bHam pins Ahanp
punull and piees gthe

AmaAhihk Linu tg eue_a a tunue in_mgphuhc 'elel

Auch shat a_anoent o ib ak anypainh ajven thg_ AUNICht
mqJhubie held at dhat þolnE.
Th dinuchon b dhe ata a realy unpeneluol mggnské
eiven the dinechon tulranpLidel. z Yh
DurcebsitpaniHons t h e nudluae found out dnan
On n b mapnt Aa th othurr and a ine e
Ukll natlne e h ONLin a may hihc
elel d do mapnuh uL LmL LenaMAAinta uuhene
h lel du ho msnut And he hosizontal inhensip
arh'n idel AML heubttalizuol by rach_ohe
Such point ane Calld huuheal pnint A Lmbam
neLele place. ab sÝhLne þvinta_knds fo temain inany
Aiuchom in uAhihiE _ukpr
luham dhe aouth peile t a myuhor_painti houwanada ie
aya phial noath dhe. huhtal poíntz ie m he anal ins

Teacher's Signature

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